Ecological class hours at school. Class hour "Ecological fairy tale". Class hour on ecology on the topic

Environmental Symposium for Students primary classes“Take care of this land! Take care!

Target: contribute to the formation of a holistic perception of the world in children.
1. Contribute to expanding children's knowledge through literature.
2. Promote behavior correction - form a positive concept of behavior.
3. Contribute to the education of love and caring attitude towards nature.
4. Vocabulary work: ecology, habitat.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.
1.Introductory conversation.
Target: creating a positive emotional mood.
The topic of today's lesson is “Take care of this earth! Take care! What do you think will be discussed at our symposium? That's right, today we will talk to you about nature conservation, about how humans influence nature. But here is how nature influences a person, Krasnov wrote:
“Nothing develops a person so much, nothing elevates his soul so much as communication with nature and observation of its great laws.”
It turns out that nature elevates our soul. And how sometimes it becomes offensive and painful for those people who destroy nature in the most merciless way.
2. Introductory conversation.
Today in class we will talk about ecology. What is ecology?
Ecology is the science of life of all living organisms in their environment, on which the success of their survival and development depends.
Let's repeat it all together and after repeating, everyone will read to themselves what ecology is.
Ecology is the science of survival of living organisms. Thanks to ecology, we comprehend and understand the world.
What is the environment on which the successful survival of all life on earth depends?
Environment is the habitat of living organisms. There are 4 habitats: ground-air, water, underground or soil, and living organisms that serve as habitats for other organisms.
Repeat and reinforce the concept of ecology, environment.
3. Game “Name who lives where?”
I will read a description of a living organism, and you must guess where it lives.
Butterflies are wonderful travelers. They can cover a distance of 100 km per day. What is their habitat? (Meadow, ground-air).
The “shark” of fresh waters is the pike. The gluttony of these fish is surprising. One pike can eat 260 minnows per week. Hence the high growth rate (at 2 years 5 kg). Where is her house? (Rivers, water environment).
The mole exists perfectly without light. Its eyes, like its ears, are tightly closed with fur, its front paws are powerful, with their palms facing outward (like shovels). Everything is adapted to a certain habitat. Which? (Soil or underground).
Solve the crossword puzzle.

Target: consolidate the concept of habitat through a crossword puzzle.
1.Swift, helicopter-like insects often found on the banks of lakes and rivers? (Dragonfly).
2.What animals are called the kings of the steppes? (Rodents).
3. Accumulation of water in natural depressions and on land. (Lake).
4. Fish - an inhabitant of lakes, all so disheveled. (Ruff).
5. Is a shrub a tree that in nature is called “weeping”? (Willow).
5.Task: cultivate love and respect for nature; raise awareness of the plight of the forest.
There are a lot of robbers who spoil it without thinking about the future - they cut down the forests.

Carelessly stupidly generous
We are destroying nature around us, -
There are mammoths, cedars are falling,
From our own hands.
But only 1 hectare of forests gives us up to 20 million m3 of clean air throughout the year. During the war, about 20 million hectares of forest were cut down and severely damaged. And every time I want to shout, like the poet Plitchenko:
… People!
We have some time left -
And as far as possible
This world needs to be improved!
6. Physical education minute “Tree”.
Target: removal of muscle tone.
Instructions: We complete the task together with the teacher. We listen to the teacher’s speech: “A tree grew in the clearing, higher and higher. A hurricane wind blew around and began to shake the branches of the trees, but the tree survived. Rain is coming. The leaves drooped, but the tree branches still grew higher. A man came and cut down the tree, but new shoots appeared on the stump, from which a new tree would then grow.”
7.Target: Give children an idea about water pollution.
The next section of the symposium is “Rivers”.
How to solve the problem of clean water? Build purifiers, do not pollute water bodies. Every year numerous fertilizers Agriculture clog the water.
The Ob is polluted by industrial waste from the cities of Biysk, Rubtsovsk, Barnaul and even the city of Novosibirsk.
There's no living space left
There is no living water left
Ferrous salts
They are killing the water in the Ob.
It became stuffy in the river and musty
There's no way out
If only the fish could live until tomorrow -
I would live another 100 years.
It is worth mentioning oil pollution of water bodies. Every year 6–10 million tons of oil enter the water. An oil film covers vast areas of water, preventing the access of oxygen and sunlight to the water, which makes it impossible for the inhabitants of the water to breathe, and they die.
It's hard for something like this not to touch your soul,
Even if you are insensitive
For some reason they are thrown onto land
Lords of the sea are whales.
They hit the stones with their mighty chests,
Crashing like ships
And they resist good, worried people,
That they came to save the giants.
How many rivers dry up due to pollution?
Don’t let her, darling, die, -
You will have grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will be grateful
Believe me, the river will definitely become
Look into your eyes with gratitude.
8.Target: Using literary words, encourage children to protect and protect nature.
The beautifully published “Red Books” is an endlessly bitter story about the most helpless, insane and continuous extermination of animals and plants on earth. Protect them from extinction!
A hand raised above a branch
Over the nest where the bird is hiding,
Above the blade of grass, above living cell,
Hold her, don't let her go down
And let your voice guard
Everyone who passes by hears:
“Remember - nature is omnipotent
And endlessly vulnerable!”
“Our truth is in the land. Our roots are in the earth.
And strength in the shoulders from meadows and fields
The earth will clothe, the earth will feed
Just don’t feel sorry for yourself for her
In the fields and arable lands beautiful people
They have gained beauty from the earth,
But if you don’t love the earth with all your heart,
It is not you who is truly worthy of love.
9. Results of the lesson.
Target: consolidate the acquired knowledge.
- What is ecology?
- What is the environment?
- Tell me why the forest needs people?
- Tell me why rivers need help?
- Tell me how a person influences animal world.
- Tell me how nature influences people. I would like to end our lesson with an oath that obliges us to protect and preserve all natural resources.
"Nature, young mother,
Your May Garden is in smoke again.
Your high-rise building will be destroyed
I won't let anyone.
To you, Nature, I swear
Among forests, meadows, swamps
And with jealousy I promise
Take care of those who live in it.”
Well done! That's the end of our lesson. Thank you for your hard work and attention!

Department of Education and Science of the Tambov Region

TOGBOU SPO "Agricultural-Industrial College"

Methodological development

open class hour

Prepared by the class teacher

Group B-21 L.N. Salycheva

Reviewed and approved by

meeting of the methodological commission

class teachers

Protocol dated “___”___________2014 No. ____

Chairman of the Methodological Commission

E.T. Markina


Table of contents

Introduction........................................................ ...........................................

general characteristics Events...............................................

Goals and objectives of the class................................................................... ..............

Form of conduct................................................... ...........................

Methods and techniques.................................................. ............

Design and equipment................................................................... .............

Place and time, participants...................................................

Preparatory stage.....................................................................

Contents of the event........................................................ ...............


Organizing time................................................ .......


Progress of the event................................................... ......................

Conclusion................................................. .........................................

Bibliography................................................ ............................

Application (presentation, videos, drawings, essays, test).


Methodological development of the class hour “The Land Asks People for Protection” was written for secondary vocational students educational institutions, focused on the formation ecological culture.

The methodological development of the class examines environmental problems on planet Earth, as well as the environmental problems of our region, and discusses ways to solve them.

The preparation of the class hour was preceded by a lot of preparatory work: the students of the group, studying environmental problems, prepared drawings on relevant topics, the “Ecological Culture” test was carried out and its results were analyzed, and a multimedia presentation was created.

The methodological development reflects the results of an environmental raid in the city of Kirsanov.

The classroom methodology corresponds to new pedagogical technologies.

The methodological development of the class hour “The Earth Asks People for Protection” is designed to acquire knowledge of the basics of environmental protection.

1. Introduction

You were born on Earth

Isn't it the same

Your duty was determined long ago:

Protect her forests and lands,

Seas and rivers, sow the grain!

M. Dudin

Why is life possible on planet Earth?

Yes, because the Earth is a comfortable, intelligently organized and adapted planet for life, where the energy of the Sun, wind, water, and subsoil is carefully collected.

The riches of the Earth are forests, steppes, air, water, minerals.

Man, feeling himself not only a part of nature, but also its master, often invades nature, irrationally uses its wealth, and tries to subjugate it to himself.

It would seem that everything is created for the benefit of man and for the benefit of man, but, on the other hand, the development of civilization leads to an imbalance in the balance that nature has so carefully created over the centuries.

Economic activity human on the planet takes on the characteristics of a natural disaster.

Forests are turning into garbage dumps, devastated clearings, rivers are being polluted by household garbage, waste industrial enterprises, wastewater with fuel residues, the atmosphere contains products of combustion of fuel from cars, airplanes, smoke from the chimneys of factories and factories.

If in the 20th century there was simply concern about the state of the Earth, its nature, atmosphere, then in modern world There was a need to form an ecological culture among people, so that every person could act intelligently in the system of nature with the growing scale of industry, means of communication and communication.

The signs of a global environmental crisis are extensive.

People are sounding the alarm about the state of the Earth!

Environmental theme, theme of protecting the Earth, its natural resources should not be pushed back to tomorrow, the topic is relevant today, otherwise it will be too late.

The relevance of environmental education lies in the fact that environmentally uneducated people can unknowingly set into motion natural mechanisms that cannot be stopped; they will lead to an environmental crisis on Earth.

In the process of preparing the class hour, students studied materials on the ecological state of the planet Earth, global environmental problems, the causes of their occurrence, investigated the environmental situation of Kirsanov, and drew conclusions.

Scientists different countries working on problems of improving the environmental situation of the Earth. But the role of defenders of the planet should not be assigned only to scientists; each of us must see the pain of the planet, help it, protect it, protect it.

Our Earth is beautiful, so let's appreciate and enhance this beauty.

2. General characteristics of the event


Educational: formation in students of a holistic perception of the world, repetition of the rules of behavior of people in nature.

Developmental: develop students’ creative abilities, the ability to see and realize the beauty of nature, and develop observation skills.

Educational: to cultivate a sense of conscious, caring attitude towards nature, towards the native Earth, to cultivate patriotism.


1. Lighting actual problem environmental protection.

2. Creating conditions for manifestation creativity students.

3. Broadening the horizons of students.

Form: oral journal.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual and illustrative, creative.

Design and equipment: drawings on the topic “Environmental problems”, a multimedia projector, a presentation “The Earth asks people for protection”, cards with proverbs, a model of the globe.

Venue, participants: TOGBOU SPO "Agricultural-Industrial College", room No. 34, January 28, 2014, group B-21.

3. Preparatory stage

3.1. Preparation of the script, student messages.

3.2. Selection of material, creation of presentation.

3.3. Testing "Ecological culture".

3.4. Ecological raid in the city of Kirsanov.

4. Contents of the event

4.1. Organizing time.

Slides 1-11 to the song “My Mother Earth”

Slide 12

introduction class teacher:

“Are we really supposed to love our land because it is rich, because it produces abundant harvests and its natural forces can be used for prosperity?” These wonderful words were written by our compatriot K. G. Paustovsky

Often we do not appreciate what fate has given us, we take it for granted.

Now I’m talking about the great happiness of living on planet Earth, admiring its nature, admiring its beauty.

Nature provides man with food.

Wind, sun, forest and water give us common joy.

People are inextricably linked with nature through a thousand threads.

Human life depends on the condition of the Earth and its natural depths.

The Earth gives us a lot.

What are we doing for her?

Do we just take advantage of its riches and admire its beauty?

It is not right.

The earth needs protection, it needs to be helped, protected from harm.

And we humans must do everything we can.

Beauty! - we say, looking at the meadow...

The only thing I wouldn’t touch is the beauty of this plow...

The earth has been giving its grace for centuries.

Don’t rush to take away the beauty from the Earth!

Sunrises and nights decorate nature.

We must find the strength to help the planet,

By polluting the reservoir, cutting down forests,

We will ensure that beauty fades...

Garbage in green grass is not pleasing to the eye.

Who will benefit our Earth?

On behalf of the entire Earth - people, my bow to you,

If everyone understands that the Planet is our home!

4.2. Progress of the event.

Slide 13


Page 1. A miracle called Earth.

Page 2. The earth is crying out for help.

Page 3. Environmental problems.

Page 4. My attitude towards the Earth.

Page 5. Ecological situation in our region.

Page 6. How to protect this Earth for me.

Class hour script

“The land asks people for protection”

Slide 14

Page 1. A miracle called Earth

Presenter 1:

What an amazing, wonderful world that surrounds us!

Everything that we call nature: vast fields and steppes, deep lakes, green forests, animals, birds and insects - has always been a source of beauty, energy and harmony.

Presenter 2:

Slides 15-19 with paintings by artists to the music of Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”

Admiring this beauty, poets, writers, artists, composers created and are creating beautiful works.

Reader 1:

Slide 20

Joyfully admire the river,

To be in the meadows or wander in the forest,

Touch beauty with your hand,

See God's wondrous beauty.

The beauty of the Earth is unique,

And my soul is delighted with her.

Don't pass by the wonderful beauty,

After all, she is immensely good!

Presenter 1:

Today we will talk about how to preserve all this beauty, how to protect our Earth from the misfortune of an environmental disaster.

Presenter 2:

The earth asks people for protection!

Slide 21-23

song “Oh, if the Earth could talk”

Page 2. The Earth Cries for Help

Slide 24

Presenter 1:

Suddenly burst out from the bowels of the Earth

And it sounded over the fields and forests

Heavy sigh. Everything in it:

Longing and pain, love the flame.

Young woman:

You heard?

Presenter 1:

The girl said.

Young woman:

Can you hear someone calling us?

Someone is scared, creepy, hurt!


Presenter 1:

The guy suddenly cut her off.


It wasn't the man who called for help,
Then Mother Earth sighs with bitterness.

Young woman:

Is the earth alive?!

Presenter 1:

The girl exclaims.

Young woman:

Yes, of course! There is not a grain of life in it.
Man, animals and birds are alive,
Yes, even a worm, a bug, a fish:
But how can a piece of earth be alive?
What are you saying? Are you friends with your head?

Presenter 1:

The guy leaned against the birch trunk.


Go sit down!

Presenter 1:

He called the girl
And, not scientifically, but simply in words,
As I understood, he told about the land,


Let's say it's autumn:
It is raining.
Look, our land is drinking,
Sleeps in winter, rises in spring,
And everything around is already blooming.

Young woman: (Interrupting)

I understood. And the rivers are blood,
And humus - its skin -
Trembling from explosions as if from fear,
And the forest-taiga is the earth's shirt.
I'm sorry, I didn't think then
That Mother Earth is alive!
And I think not everyone knows
That they offend their own mother.
We only love and respect ourselves,
We clean both our house and apartment.
Our place is clean, but we don’t mind the land,
From now on the earth is like a big landfill.


What will happen tomorrow? – The earth asked us.
And she asked you and me to protect ourselves.
We will call on all countries, and you, Russia,
After all, together we are a great force!

Slides 25-27

Presenter 2:

The earth is in trouble, it is crying out for help.

Presenter 1:

Today scientists are sounding the alarm: nature is in danger, it needs saving.

Interaction between society and nature, environmental protection, rational use natural resources have long become a problem for all humanity.

If this is not resolved, our planet will face an environmental disaster.

This concept includes not only pollution and irrational use of natural resources, but also the destruction of animals and plants.

Presenter 2:

Here are some alarming facts:The number of animals on earth is sharply declining. 21% of mammals, 30% of amphibians, 12% of birds, 17% of sharks and 27% of corals are threatened with extinction.

Presenter 1:

Blue macaw parrot,golden langur,Spanish lynx, orangutans, Hawaiian songbird, Amur leopard, Florida puma.

Presenter 2:

Class hour in ecology on the topic:

"The earth is ours common Home. Harmful waste."


- teach respect and love for native nature;

Contribute to the formation of the moral aspect of environmental protection.


Repeat the ecological rules of human behavior in nature;

Develop speech, attention, observation,

Foster a conscious and caring attitude towards nature.

Teaching methods: Verbal, visual, problematic.

Equipment: Envelope with a letter, sheets and markers for 4 people.

  1. I . Introduction to the topic of the class hour
  2. II. Motivation(Students read poetry while holding a globe).

The most beautiful, dear,

Colorful, cheerful, lively,

You are like a mother to us, the only one in the world,

We are your caring children.

But sometimes, under our hands

Your beauty disappears without a trace.

The oceans are choked with mud,

Animals, birds, grasses die.

Wherever we live on the planet,

We are all responsible for your fate.

We are your helpers, friends,

We, the Earth, are one family with you.

III. Progress of the class hour.

- Teacher. Guys! I received a very strange letter today. I will not say -

who is it from, but I’ll just read it to you, and you yourself will tell me who wrote it. After reading, you and I will decide what to do and how to help the author of the letter.

< Здравствуйте, дорогие ребята! Обращаюсь к вам. Потому что больше не могу терпеть то, что происходит со мной. Человек - это самое развитое существо в мире.Ему подвластны все мои ресурсы,но он в Lately I stopped thinking that he himself is a part of me. And that’s why he does irreparable things to me: he mercilessly cuts down my forests, kills animals, there is almost no clean water left in my reservoirs, because of this there are few fish, they appeared in the air and are increasing more and more ozone holes. Coming global warming climate on planet Earth. Dear children, I understand that much does not depend on you, but you often pick flowers, break branches, and throw garbage right at your feet. All this also pollutes me and gradually destroys me. Remember that the newspaper you throw will soak for a year, or even two years, and mix with the ground. With a tin can this will happen in a few decades. The glass bottle will disfigure me for centuries.

I beg you to stop and think! You and I are one and must take care of each other. I hope for your understanding.


Conversation on the topic:

Teacher. Yes, guys, we received a very alarming letter.

You immediately guessed who the letter came from. What prompted you to figure out the answer?

What did you know from what you read? (Children's answers)

What surprised you? (Children's answers)

What did Nature keep silent about in the letter, but do you know about it yourself? What else could she complain about? (Children's answers)

What needs to be done to prevent an environmental disaster from happening?

(Take more care of the ecology of the planet, ban the use of technologies that disturb the natural balance, plant more plants, monitor cleanliness in the city and in nature, etc.)

Game "If suddenly..."

Teacher. I invite you to think about everything you've heard and play

play the game “If suddenly...” with me.

The conditions of this game are as follows: I will give you the beginning of situations, and you can continue it.

For example: if people destroy all the flowers on Earth...many insects will die...there will be no honey, a very valuable product for human health.

Now you continue:

1) They will cut down all the forests on earth...

2) If all waste processing plants close...

Yes, guys, from our game we see that in nature everything is interconnected and one depends on the other. This means that it is not in vain that nature sounds the alarm and, turning to us, asks you to treat it wisely.

  1. IV. Practical work.

Teacher: Road signs were invented for the safety of people. And we will try to create our own environmental signs, which would reflect the protection of natural resources and the rules for human beings in nature. Come up with and draw warning or prohibition signs for pictures that could be installed in the forest, near the river, in the park. These signs must protect some interests and rights of animals and plants.

You are given 5-7 minutes to work. At the end of the work, each group will introduce

The whole class with their decision. In class, based on the results, we will arrange an exhibition of the resulting signs.

Competition 3. “Through the mouth of a baby, or “Don’t rush to throw away your future (waste)”

Teacher: In each task, using 5 signs, you need to guess a certain type of waste.

Task one:
1. It comes in different colors, it is very difficult to break.
2. If you set it on fire, black acrid smoke will appear.
3. I have a lot of toys made from it.
4. Items made from it weigh little.
5. It cannot be thrown away, since it does not decompose in nature.
Task two:
1. It is made from sand.
2. If you heat it up, it becomes sticky like dough.
3. Most often it is transparent.
4. If abandoned in the forest, it can cause a fire.
5. When it falls, it breaks
Task three:
1. We get it from wood.
2. It burns easily.
3. The Chinese invented this.
4. This produces a lot of garbage.
5. People usually draw or write on this.

  1. V. Creative workshop.

Today we will try to make our planet cleaner and more beautiful by turning numerous human waste into a mass of useful and necessary things (point to the mountain of waste and to the exhibition of crafts).

In every home you can always find unnecessary things that for some reason are not thrown away, but are waiting in the wings. What things can you name? (children's answers)

If natural material, rotting, gives a fertile layer of soil, on which flowers, trees, mushrooms then grow, then plastic and polyethylene products, plastic bottles, corks: do not rot in the soil, and therefore they cannot be buried or thrown on the ground like this how they pollute nature. They should not be burned, as when burned they release toxic substances into the air we breathe, and therefore harm our health. Therefore, such materials are called waste. But every year there is more and more of it, and therefore scientists and environmentalists are looking for ways to recycle waste material. Special factories are being built, but there are still very few of them. And while scientists are solving this problem, creative people and folk craftsmen are making various souvenirs, crafts, and things needed in everyday life from them. Today you and I will turn into such craftsmen, and we will create miracles in the workshop.

  1. IV. Exhibition of works made from waste materials.
  1. V. Student performance. Summarizing.

Globe (in hands)

I hugged the globe.

One over land and water.

Continents are in my hands

They quietly whisper to me: “Take care.”

The forest and valley are painted green.

They tell me: “Be kind to us.”

Don't trample us, don't burn us,

Take care in winter and summer."

A deep river gurgles,

Caressing your shores,

“Take care of us, take care of us.”

I hear all the birds and fish:

“We ask you, man.

Promise us and don't lie.

Take care of us like an older brother."

I hugged the globe,

And something happened to me.

And suddenly I whispered:

“I won’t lie. I will save you, my dear."

The class hour has come to an end.

  1. VI. Reflection

Let's write a response to the letter we received from nature.

Take care of your planet and native land! The fate of the planet depends on each of us. Let's take care of our Earth! Everywhere, at every step, all together and each individual. We will not have another planet! The Earth with its biosphere is the greatest miracle, we have only one. Dear Guys! Our school area is very small, but everything starts small. Let us all together ensure that there is always order in our school, in our city: clean classrooms and corridors, streets and alleys. The Earth's tomorrow will be the same as we create it today.

Class hour on the environmental theme “The fate of the planet is in our hands!” for high school students.

Scenario for a class hour on the topic “The fate of the planet is in our hands!”

Bitkova Lyudmila Vasilievna, first category mathematics teacher, municipal budget educational institution"Lesnaya average" comprehensive school", Lesnoy village of Zubovo-Polyansky district of the Republic of Mordovia.
Description of material: The class is designed for high school students. The event is relevant at the present time, since every person should be environmentally educated and environmentally cultured.
The proposed material may be useful to class teachers, organizers extracurricular activities, geography teachers. A classroom lesson using ICT in an accessible and exciting way allows children to realize their creative potential, fosters a sense of unity with nature, and responsibility for preserving and increasing its wealth.
Age category of participants: 10th grade students.
Location: classroom.
Form: themed class hour.
Target: formation of a responsible attitude towards nature, development of environmental thinking.
- introduce students to the consequences of human impact on nature, environmental problems that need to be addressed at the present stage;
- promote the cultivation of love for native nature;
- replenishment of students’ knowledge of ecology.
Preliminary preparation:
- holding a drawing competition in the classroom on the theme “The Planet Is Sick”;
- selection of material for class,
-preparation by students short messages about one of the environmental problems;
- selection of poems, music;
- distribution of material among students;
- preparation of a presentation.
Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, screen, student drawings, signal cards, pictures of nature,
Class design: there is an exhibition of student drawings on the blackboard; attach photographs of nature, city, industrial landscapes; Write down the topic and epigraph for the class hour on the board.
Resources: Computer presentation.

Classroom plan.

I. Organizational moment
1.Introductory speech by the class teacher.
II. Main part
1.Student performance.
2.Forest ecology and human health.
3.Animals and plants are in danger.
4. Landfills are giant “abscesses” on the body of the Earth.
5.Water is the beginning of everything.
6. Competition “experts – ecologists”.
III Final part
IV Summing up the class hour (reflection)

Progress of the event.

I. Organizational moment

(music by Yu. Antonov “Alarm Bell” sounds)
Opening speech by the class teacher:(Slide 1)
Guys! Today we have a class hour dedicated to ecology. Ecology... We often hear this word. What does it mean? (Children's answers) “Ekos” is a dwelling in Greek, “logos” is science. The science of living conditions of organisms. This means that ecology is a science that gives people the opportunity to live with nature in complete harmony. Complying with all its laws is an ecological culture.
An abandoned house presents a sad picture: the walls are stained with dirty stains, glass is broken, doors are broken. But many times more terrible is the mismanagement and desolation of a home where there are no walls or windows, but a sky filled with smoke from thousands of chimneys and barbarically cut down forests. Turbid waters of rivers and lakes poisoned by toxic runoff. And to live in it not only for us today, but also for those who will come after us.
We live strangely, incorrectly. We protect what is valuable, but do not protect what is priceless. If nature becomes bad, it will certainly be bad for us, people.
The word “ecology” sounds like an alarm bell. this moment. Humanity is on the verge of a global environmental crisis. I, like the rest of the people, are concerned about this issue. Look at the drawings (exhibition of drawings) and you will see a terrible picture of our planet. Do we need such a planet? (Slide 2)

An “ecological bomb” is as dangerous for humanity as a nuclear one. Therefore, there is no more serious concern for us than finding the strength and means to save nature. Alexander Tvardovsky was one of the first to draw attention to the interactions between man and nature, to the need to anticipate long-term consequences transformative human activity in the environment. He wrote: For in nature you can’t take a step, So that this time, or that, She won’t pay with something, For this very step...
The future of the planet is ours, our care and our minds. This topical environmental theme and our class hour is dedicated to “The fate of the planet is in our hands!”. (Slide 3) I took the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery as the epigraph of the class hour: “You got up in the morning, washed your face, put yourself in order, and immediately put your planet in order.”
Let's listen to a poem by Sergei Mikhalkov "Moaning of the Earth."

II. Main part

Student:(Slide 4)
Rotating in space, in captivity of its orbit,
Not a year, not two, but millions of years,
I am so tired…
My flesh is covered
Scars of wounds - there is no living place.
Steel torments my earthly body,
And poisons poison the waters of clean rivers,
Everything that I had and have,
A person considers his good.
Is it not because, burning with vengeance,
I rebel against the forces of the insane
And, shaking the firmament with an earthquake,
I give my answer to all grievances.
And it’s no coincidence that the formidable volcanoes
They splash out the pain of the earth with lava...
Wake up, people! Call on the countries
To save me from death!
Student: Forest ecology and human health.(Slide 5)
Ecological disaster is a phrase that is now familiar to everyone. Humanity faces many unsolved problems, but one of the main ones is ecology and health. Humanity takes, or rather takes away, tens of billions of tons of substances and materials from nature every year for its needs. At least 20 billion tons of solid and gaseous atmospheric pollution and the same amount of organic waste are “returned” to it. The planet's plants are no longer able to actively recycle carbon dioxide released during fuel combustion. In addition, forests are disappearing at a tremendous speed. The green robe of the earth is reduced by 1% annually. Forests are increasingly dying from logging, fires, dirty air, everything more cities in the curtains of smog. Why are forests disappearing? Poverty and greed are the driving force behind it all. Population boom and need for agricultural land. The area of ​​deserts increases by 600 thousand square kilometers every 10 years. And, as a consequence, genetic pollution of the planet unfolds, “diseases of civilization” arise: an increase in the number of allergic and neurological diseases. mental illness, malignant tumors. All this leads to disruption of the gene pool of humanity: the number of congenital anomalies has increased, and the average life expectancy is decreasing.

Student:(Slide 6)
My planet is a human home,
But how can she live under a smoky hood?
Where is the sewer - the ocean?!
Where all nature is caught in a trap,
Where there is no place for either a stork or a lion,
Where the grass groans: “I can’t take it anymore!”...(Slide 7)

Teacher: Many serious specialists are worried. They point to the “tumors” that have spread everywhere: huge oil spills on the surface of the oceans, fish corpses in poisoned rivers, a curtain of smog over cities, birds in fuel oil (slide 8)

Student: Like giant “abscesses” on the body of the Earth - landfills. (Slide 9)

They cause pain and disgust. Garbage is gradually becoming a monster of civilization. It is common for humans to leave behind all sorts of garbage and waste in the course of their activities. For one human life a lot of it accumulates. And how a person deals with them depends on his culture and upbringing. Either he will throw it here or in the place designated for garbage. Duration of waste decomposition:
Bus ticket – 1 month.
Banana peel – up to 6 months.
Paper cup - up to 5 years.
Tin can - 10 years.
Wool sock - 1 year.
Wooden stick - 4 years.
Wooden painted board - 13 years.
Aluminum, plastic bottles– more than 500 years.
Glass bottles - never.

“Scars” on Earth are asphalt roads. Concrete continues to consume the Earth. “Save!!!” - nature asks. “Help!!! - she begs.
Student: Water is the beginning of everything.
Every day a person uses 150 liters of water. Usable fresh water makes up only 2 percent of the Earth, with 3/4 of it coming from the glaciers of the Arctic and Antarctica. More and more often you can hear about the hunger for drinking water hanging over people. The entire state of Algeria relies on imported water. Hong Kong receives water from China via pipeline. Water shortages are felt in Greece, where it is more valuable than wine.
Rivers! These blue arteries feeding lakes, seas and oceans! Today, many rivers of the Earth have turned into fish cemeteries. In areas of Siberia, rivers are polluted due to oil pipelines. The “eyes of the Earth” - lakes, seas, oceans - became clouded.
Student:(slide 10) Mediterranean Sea. Oceanographers predict that this closed water area without ebbs and flows for 20 years can turn into a large dead body of water! Is this gloomy prophecy a true prediction?
Student:(slide 11) Today Black is in a pre-infarction state, Sea of ​​Azov who have already suffered a massive heart attack. The critical points are where the Danube and Don flow, containing in their waters the entire periodic table and especially a lot of mercury.

Student: North Sea. (Slide 12) Prince Charles, heir to the English throne, called him a big cesspool, saying that while we wait for a diagnosis from doctors, the patient may die. But the diagnosis made by scientists - ecologists Baltic Sea. “Baltika today looks like an excessively obese man suffering from shortness of breath.” The main enemies of the Baltic are urban and industrial discharges: phosphorus and nitrogen entering with urban runoff cause rapid growth of algae that absorb oxygen.
Student:(slide13) Today, the once cleanest Lake Ladoga is literally suffocating from sewage water. A few years ago, all of Ladoga bloomed! Blue-green algae even took over the center of the lake, which has never happened before.

Student:(slide 14)
The source of environmental disaster – Aral Sea, “evaporated” before the eyes of one generation. Once rich in fish. It is now a semi-desert over vast areas, in which the ships sailing here are forever buried. Sea level (and the volume of water in it) is rapidly decreasing due to water withdrawal from the main feeding rivers Amu Darya and Syr Darya. Excessive water withdrawal for agricultural irrigation has turned the world's fourth largest lake-sea, once rich in life, into a barren desert. At the moment, the drying Aral Sea has moved 100 km from its former coastline. As if Federico Garcia Lorca wrote about the Aral Sea: “It fell silent, died out, cooled down, dried up, disappeared. The desert remains."

Student: The number of environmentally unfavorable cities, whose air, poisoned by industrial emissions, becomes uninhabitable, is growing catastrophically throughout the world. This is the situation in Tyumen region where oil is extracted. The great minds of the past foresaw the consequences of man's thoughtless conquest of nature. They warned: the human race could destroy itself. Destroying flora and fauna, poisoning the earth, water, air. By the third millennium, a crisis had arrived in the relationship between man and nature. We live as if on a powder keg. Next to us every day, every hour is a time bomb that can explode at any moment. “A man chops the branch on which he sits.”
You are a man, you are only part of nature!
You are always responsible for the planet.
So why do you, even for the sake of benefit,
You bring her so much grief and harm!
Student:(Poems by R. Rozhdestvensky)
Do no harm, man, neither the birch nor the sea,
A wet path and a bird flying into the darkness.
Together with all its unimaginable power
Don't inadvertently harm yourself...
Don’t be fooled by the numbers of immediate benefits,
To mutilate rivers and tear down mountains.
Instead of erecting something without thinking,
Better cool down and think. Do no harm…
Competition of “experts – ecologists”.(Slide 15 -16)
Classroom teacher: "Knowledge is power"- the proverb rightly states. Today we will see this at the competition "experts - ecologists"(Students have signal cards 1, 2, 3).
1. Most of the garbage that pollutes the earth is:
1) plastic, 2) glass, 3) metal.
2.To recycle plastic, it is necessary:
1) compost, 2) burn under special conditions,3) melt down.
3. Harmful emissions have an impact:
1) only to those regions where pollution appeared, 2) to nearby regions, 3) even in areas remote from the place where the pollution “saw the light”
4. The most terrible “additive” to water:
1) household waste, 2) pesticides, 3) mineral fertilizers.
5. Which ones radioactive waste purposefully dispersed into environment:
1) gases, 2) liquids, 3) solids.
6. After graduation laboratory work in chemistry, your friend poured the used reagents into the sink, and not into a container specially prepared for this purpose. What you will do:
1) pour your reagents in the same place as him, 2) explain to him why this should not be done, 3) tell the teacher about his actions.
7. The man broke the thermometer. What should he do:
1) throw the remains of the thermometer out the window so that relatives do not see them, 2) call representatives of the DEZ, 3) leave everything as it is (removing the broken glass of the thermometer).
8. What would you do if, while walking along the shore of a pond, you saw a rusty bucket near an old fireplace:
1) they cleared the shore by throwing the bucket into the water, 2) they wouldn’t pay attention, 3) took the bucket to a nearby landfill or buried it in the ground.
9. Due to exceeding the norm of nitrogen fertilizers applied to the soil, two people working in the field suffered from nitrate poisoning. What an employer should do:
1) prohibit the use of mineral fertilizers on the fields, 2) consider the incident an accident, 3) reduce the amount of nitrate fertilizers applied to the soil and continue to use fertilizers in accordance with accepted standards.
10. Which soil is best to apply phosphorus fertilizers to:
1) alkaline, 2) sour, 3) neutral.
Classroom teacher:
Well-being is not only a roof over your head, a car, beautiful clothes. Well-being is unthinkable without healthy food, without clean air, clean water, without a pleasing landscape, without flowers and birdsong. Wisdom consists in remembering this today when deciding tomorrow. The future of the Earth is in the hands of people. This is stated by the poet A. Plotnikov in his poem "Black spots":
The gray ocean is ringing alarm bells,
He harbors a grudge deep down
Black, rocking spots
On a steep angry wave.
People have become strong like Gods
And the fate of the Earth is in their hands.
But terrible burns darken
The globe is on its sides.
We have long “mastered” the planet,
The new century is sweeping ahead.
There are no more white spots on Earth
Will you erase the black ones, man?
Sorry, Earth, sorry, sorry, sorry.
We people have offended you so much.
We have to bear the burden of conscience for this,
They looked at a lot and... didn’t see.
We thought then: it was necessary.
We zealously burned, dried and chopped.
And now we have a reward for this:
Blooming gardens and fields were replaced by rot and dust.
Student: The time has come for everyone to realize that we live in an ozone dandelion, that our Earth is a lonely heavenly flower located at a favorable distance from the sun. And we explode bombs in the dandelion! We gnaw through its vulnerable shell, erase the pollen, brush away the delicate stamens of the forests. A person must understand: all living things have the same right to exist. Nature has no stepchildren; all her favorite children are: man, a thin caterpillar, and a tiny ladybug. It only seems to a person that the silent falling out of the fabric of life of any thread is unimportant. Misconception! The “fabric” becomes less durable and less bright, and it is impossible to return what was lost.
Nature is in such a faint state that protesting about its pollution is no longer enough. What is needed is not papers, not conferences, not meetings, but real creative help to green, clean, wash, save. Protect and increase our wealth native land- everyone's duty. It depends on all of us as a whole and on each individual whether the song of the nightingale will sound, whether transparent springs will breathe coolness, whether fish will splash in the clear water of rivers and lakes, whether the sky will be blue above us. (Slide17)
All people have one planet
And the winds have no boundaries on it,
How there are no limits to the flow of light
And the flights of wild birds.
And we need to save the planet
For those who will come after us.
And we mindlessly pour out poisons
And we poison our house without skimping. (I. Lando)

III Final part

Classroom teacher:
- What are the signs of a terrible disaster for the planet?
1. Deforestation.
2. Death of animals.
3.Water pollution.
4. Air pollution.
5. Accumulation of garbage.
6. Soil poisoning.

-Who is to blame for all the causes of the planet’s illness? (Human)
-What measures do you think should be taken to protect the planet?
1. Suppression of poaching activities;
2. Reasonable development and use of territories;
3. Protection of rare and endangered species of animals and plants;
4.Reducing environmental pollution.

- What are you doing to save our planet?
Student: Our school has a forestry department. We collect garbage in the village, in the forest, along the banks of the Vad River.
We fence off anthills.

We make birdhouses and hang them on trees.

Student: We take care of the spring.

Student: We don’t cut down trees, but rather plant them. We go to the forestry to plant trees.
Student: We don't make fires in the forest. And if we light it, then we extinguish the fire, using all precautions to prevent a fire from starting. On hot days summer days We make sure that there are no fires.

Student: We only throw garbage into containers. We must remember that the natural processing of waste sometimes takes many years and even centuries.
Student:(slide 18) Let's take care of our Earth! Everywhere, at every step, all together and each individually! The Earth with its biosphere is the greatest miracle, and we only have one. Tomorrow will be the same as we create it today! Hope will save the world; it remains to live in every human heart.
Take care of the Earth! Take care!
Time takes sharp turns,
Joy, inspiration and worries,
Ancient kinship living properties.
Tree of hope, worry.
Revelations of earth and heaven.
The sweetness of life, milk and bread,
Take care of kindness and pity,
So that she fights for the weak.
Take care of the future for the sake of.
This is a word from my notebook.
I give everything! And I accept everything from you,
Just take care of this Earth!

You have everything
For later and for now
Rivers, mountains and forests,
Blue skies
Oceans, palm trees, snow.
And I, the Earth, am one for all.
I would be glad to give everything to you,
But don't offend me!
And then I will stay
All for you and forever.

Summing up the class hour: (reflection)

Classroom teacher: Are you interested in today's conversation? What facts surprised you? What impression do you have after reading the class materials?
Answers: Anxiety. Feeling of danger. Faith in human reason and conscience. The hope is that people will see the light and stop the catastrophe.
Classroom teacher: Ecology! Ecological catastrophy. We often hear this word, phrase on TV. Russian President V. Putin believes that “the issue of ecology must be put in first place, because our health and the future of our children depend on it.” And I urge you to treat nature consciously and responsibly. Show your involvement in its preservation. The planet is sick! We must cure her!
Remember: (Slide 19)
Earth - the only planet,
On which life is possible!
Let's save it for the future generation! The fate of the planet is in our hands!
The song “Star Country” is playing.

Presentation on the topic: The fate of the planet is in our hands

Class notes for students in grades 9-11 correctional schools on the topic of: Healthy image life