How to sell online courses. Case: How I launched an online course that brought in $100 thousand. Show that you are an expert

If your knowledge of school or college subjects is still high, you can sell it to people who cannot boast of it.
I did a little research and compiled a list of sites where you can offer your services for solving various problems, writing essays, term papers and theses and so on.


Fully automatic system. You need to register, enter information about yourself into your profile, indicate what tasks you can perform, and that’s all. The system will automatically send you new tasks from customers by email.

  • Test from 300 rub.
  • Coursework from 900 rub.
  • Diploma from 4500 rub.
  • Abstract from 400 rub.
  • Solving problems from 40 rub.
  • Drawing from 250 rub.


  • many orders
  • no education requirements
  • big competition


This site is suitable for those who are well versed in physical, mathematical, economic and technical disciplines.

You also need to meet the mandatory requirements for candidates: having a completed higher education, graduate students, teachers, punctuality and constant access to the Internet.

Preference is given to highly specialized authors in one particular field of knowledge, rather than experts in absolutely all physical, mathematical and technical sciences.

When you are accepted into the staff of performers, you will receive letters describing the task. You will need to indicate your price for the work. The site administration itself selects the contractor based on the criteria of price and quality.

Within 1-2 after completing the order you will receive your money on Webmoney.


  • strict requirements for performers
  • withdrawal of money only to webmoney
  • the number of orders is unknown


Another site offering help to students.

The mechanism for working with performers is not described. You can register as an author on this page. The site does not put forward any special requirements for your education, but asks you to send several of your works and a copy of your passport or other document confirming your identity.

You can also put your work up for sale on this site. Just write to them by email and after checking it will be displayed in the store of finished works.

Here are approximate prices for customers:

  • test 800 rub.
  • Coursework in humanitarian, economic and legal subjects from 1,500 rubles.
  • Course project in technical disciplines from 2,500 rubles.
  • Thesis in humanitarian, economic and legal subjects from 9,000 rubles.
  • Diploma project in technical disciplines from 12,000 rubles.
  • Practice report from RUB 1,500.
  • Business plan from RUB 2,000


  • high prices
  • you can sell your work
  • various ways to withdraw money
  • request documents


This site specializes in problem solving and online help during exams.

Here's what the site's creators say about the kind of specialists they need:

Economics is the most often ordered on our website, and we don’t have many specialists in this subject, so economists are in the “TOP” of the highest paid solvers. In second place in the “TOP” are legal specialists. Next are the remaining subjects (strength materials, physics, higher mathematics, programming, etc.).

The performers here are called solvers. To become a solver you need to fill out a solver form.

The algorithm for working with solvers is the same as on other sites. If a new order appears, the site sends out a newsletter and it comes to you by email or VKontakte. If you are ready to take on the job, then tell us the price for which you will do the work. If the price suits the customer, you are given an order to complete.

Prices for customers start from 900 rubles. behind online help on the exam. Problems in mathematics cost from 50 rubles, in physics and chemistry from 70 rubles, TOE, programming and termekh will cost from 120 rubles, economics and law - from 100 rubles per problem.

The site promises solvers piecework payment in the range of 15,000 - 25,000 rubles. per month.


  • good prices
  • low requirements for performers
  • indicate approximate earnings

5. Freelancer exchanges

There are always enough orders for writing essays and coursework on freelance exchanges. Here you are not limited by any requirements of intermediary sites and can communicate directly with the customer and set your own terms and prices.

Here are some of the most popular freelance exchanges, where orders for writing coursework, essays, etc. are published every day.


  • little competition
  • prices may be higher (as agreed)
  • no special education required
  • you'll have to look for orders yourself


In general, it’s a pretty good way to earn extra money if you have good knowledge in some area of ​​expertise and have constant access to a computer.

The disadvantages include the seasonality of work. The main work takes place during sessions and exams

If you have worked in this area, please write your impressions in the comments.

Selling online courses is a very popular topic today and anyone, for example, watching videos on YouTube finds suitable video channels with interesting and useful materials in all areas and niches.Today, you can learn almost any profession on the Internet - from handicrafts to driving a car. You can learn anything, anywhere, without leaving home.

But you can also train others by creating your own product and starting to sell it online. But here a reasonable question arises for people who do not understand anything about Internet promotion: how to create your own online course and start selling it?

I have prepared for you a 30-day checklist for creating online courses and selling them online. In the checklist itself I will show examples from my experience and examples of other projects.“30 days sounds optimistic, but it’s hard to believe,” you say.

“You’ll have to sweat,” I’ll tell you, because you’ll have to completely immerse yourself in the work. After all, do you want to realize your potential on the Internet?

Want to? Or not? Forward!

Funnel concept [1 – 2 days]

Do you want to really start creating a business, not a second-rate slag?

Then you need to think about the value of the project, your personal attitude towards it - whether you really do business from the heart. Because today, along with extraordinary projects, extraordinary under-projects appear, to which some narrow-minded people are led and ultimately become disappointed.You're not one of those, are you?

I'm sure so.

So, people around are getting smarter very quickly thanks to the Internet. Nowadays everything is developing quickly and it is difficult to surprise with anything, to offer something truly original. And it’s becoming more and more difficult to inspire trust. Therefore, the first task is to resonate with the audience you are about to start selling to.

And how to win it over from the audience?

To do this, it is necessary for your potential client to get to know you, your knowledge, expertise and increase their trust factor.

Regarding the funnel, watch my video again:

Now check out the schematic illustration of an online funnel for any online project. This is the most simplest scheme, which is applicable in any niche.

Here are the stages that should be present in the funnel:

Now we will analyze all the stages of the funnel in order. I will show you using my Master-Group product as an example.

We launched the product using this funnel from the very beginning. Yes, it has now been improved, but I won’t bog your brain down with a variable funnel, but will show you the simplest diagram.

Create a worthwhile product [2-10 days]

I have already said that there are enough of all kinds of shitty products on the market, scams and pseudo-courses on making money on the Internet and how to distinguish bullshit from real and adequate Internet projects. You can learn everything in detail from me personally in this video:

Remember that great marketing can destroy any business if the product is terrible. Therefore, building stunning marketing around a terrible product is suicide.

Any quality product has common criteria and indicators. And most importantly, what your product should solve:

  • To solve the problem
  • Satisfy desire

Even if a person does not get results after taking your courses, this does not mean that your product is bad. This means that the person has gained experience using your methods. The main thing is that the person studied and gained experience in order to achieve the result.

The main result of the courses is for a person to “do” what is discussed in the courses. And he understood that the course really gave him a technique on how to get results.

Example E11even Marketing

I brought my training training “Master-Group” to the market. This is a closed coaching group on starting your own Internet business.

What is this product?

In just 1-2 months you can launch your business online from scratch and scale it in the next six months. That is, after completing the training, you will already have a ready-made online project that generates income via the Internet and increases every month with the introduction of trendy Internet marketing technologies.

To create a product you only need 8 days of painstaking work. Record at least 5 training videos in your niche + 3 videos for

I show an example of a lead magnet using my product as an example:

  • 3 free lessons with checklists, instructions and tasks, after completing which a person will be able to start creating his own Internet business from scratch.

The goal is to provide usefulness to a person and through this increase the trust factor. Then, after completing 3 lessons, he is offered to purchase paid courses. The main thing is that lesson 1 is intriguing and you want to know what happens next. And with each lesson it gets cooler and cooler. Then the sales conversion becomes higher.

IN general view your product is 10% free and 90% paid. 10% is a test drive, like test driving a car at a car dealership. In order for a person to want to buy a car, they offer him a ride in it - that is, try the product. And if a person is satisfied, then confidence in the salon increases and the likelihood of a purchase increases significantly.

By the way, this is what my paid product looks like inside:

One-time offer [11 day]

One more product in the funnel, which is paid, but has some features. The goal is not to make money, but to teach people how to buy and not be disappointed in their purchase. And the second goal is to recoup the investment in advertising.

If you are thinking about making money on it, then I dare to disappoint you - you will not earn anything on it, because the optimal cost of the product is up to $30. Normal - 1 - 5 - 7 $.

My product is “How to Make Money in Consulting from $1000”.

This is 1 of my products that a potential client, going through the funnel, can immediately buy or miss.


Your one-time offer should create a wow effect on the client and make him buy a super solution at a ridiculous price. That is, the value of the product must be 100 times greater than the price itself. Then the sales conversion will increase.Further, if the client likes the OTO product, there is a high probability that he will become a client again and buy the main product.

Landing for a Lead Magnet [Day 12]

Landing for is something that encourages a person to give his contact information - email, name in exchange for receiving free course. And on the landing page itself there should be a standard selling text with the following blocks. I will give everything using the example of my funnel:

  • The lead magnet header is the main element. A person must understand where he ended up and what the essence of the site is. Look at our

What is this?

A series of free online master classes

What are the master classes about?

How to make money online from your hobby or favorite business

What do you need to do to watch?

Leave your contact details

  • The second block is the pain of the target audience. Find out from your prospects what they care about and reflect this on your lead magnet. Just write down the real pains of your clients. You solve their problems, not yours. Example:

  • Block 3 - tell us about yourself, who you are and what your achievements are.

  • Next, you describe the lessons themselves, what awaits a person after entering their data. It is advisable to visually depict what is inside. This way a person will understand whether he needs it or not at a visual level. You can also describe how the training will take place and what the person will receive as a result of completing the courses.

Page selling your product [14-15 days]

This is the most main stage in the funnel because that’s where the sale happens. And here you need to work out the selling landing page well - work out copywriting, social proof, psychological triggers of influence and customer objections as much as possible.

I will not completely reveal all the cards on how to do this. Just look and see for yourself. Take a look to take some of the features and elements for yourself:

We write, sell ourselves and our product [15-20 days]

Product creation has been successfully completed. The funnel is almost ready, the main tool of contact with the audience remains - E-mail marketing.

As you remember, in the landing page header there is a form where a person enters his data. After confirmation, he should receive emails from the automatic mailing list - a monthly sales cycle, during which there is automatic interaction with the client and the sale of the product to him.During this period we do not touch it. Everything is done by the funnel and letters.

But how to write good and catchy letters?

If you have forgotten, you can return to it right now and start reading. In the meantime, I will briefly outline the main points when writing letters.

  • Letter subject-What is your letter about? What is its purpose? The subject line of the letter should fully correspond to what is inside and the headings should be interesting, intriguing, and force you to open the letter.
  • Greetings— insert a script with the user’s name so that the letters are personalized. The audience is cold, and to warm it up, show them the word that is most valuable to them - their name.
  • Gratitude— don’t forget to thank you for subscribing and trusting you.
  • The essence is describe the essence of your letter in one sentence.
  • Main part- we open the topic and make the first call - click on the button and go to the site to watch the lessons.
  • Completion- call number 2 - they may not click on the first link, you need to give it a second chance.
  • P.S.— we summarize and summarize the letter.
  • Parting

Traffic [20-28 day]

Now it's time to come to the surface and show yourself and your product to the audience. You are faced with the issue of traffic. And how to choose the optimal source and get real sales.

Just don’t forget that we send traffic not to the offer page, but to the lead magnet!

Try Facebook

Analyzing your funnel [day 28-30]

Always analyze your activities.

It is considered to be the simplest analytics service. Therefore, it must be installed on the site so that you can see everything that happens on the site and how users behave - where the mistakes are and what needs to be fixed.

In Yandex. Metrica has a very useful Webvisor service, thanks to which you can monitor the usability of your website.


A month will pass and even more work will appear. But the main routine work is behind us. Now you already have a ready-made functioning Internet business, which needs to be improved and improved to the maximum. Because if you stand still, then thanks to modern Internet technologies, your competitors will bypass you. Like this


Oh, I forgot, take it - it will come in handy.

From the article you will learn:

  • What you need to know to sell courses online
  • What to do the course about
  • How to choose a platform
  • Which course format to choose
  • How can I register for a course?
  • What materials do you need to create for a successful course?
  • How to publish a course online
  • How can you advance your course?

Knowledge and skills you will need

What has been said may seem like a truism, but you cannot keep silent about it: you must be an expert in the field in which you plan to create an online course. Intending to teach photography skills? Be prepared to show off some really cool photos you took and talk about exactly how you took them. Have you come up with a course on website creation? You should have modern, convenient, beautiful online resources behind you, and in your head specific recommendations for creating them. A layperson trying to teach something to an audience should not count on the popularity of the course.

In addition to a good knowledge of the chosen topic, you will need:

  • Computer skills;
  • Ability to shoot quality video and record audio;
  • well delivered speech;
  • the ability to correctly express thoughts in text format;
  • finally, a fair amount of patience and perseverance in achieving your goals.

Stage one: answer the main question

Before you create a course, answer the question of what exactly you want to teach your audience. The range of possible topics is very, very wide, and the choice depends only on your knowledge and experience. Do you have a very popular blog? Tell your audience about the nuances of its creation and administration. Have you learned how to make fishing lures that work better than factory ones? Create an online course for fishermen dedicated to this. This list can be continued for a very long time. Remember one thing: no one can more accurately determine the area in which you are truly strong than yourself.

Stage two: choosing a platform for an online course

There is a specialized software to create courses, but practical experience shows: it is more convenient to use Internet services designed for this. There are several reasons for this:

  • neither you nor your students will have to waste time installing and configuring programs;
  • the compatibility problem will disappear. You can work on Windows, and one of your students can work on Linux, and each of you will be able to use the online platform with equal convenience;
  • the services in question are “tailored” for creating and listening to courses. They provide teachers and students with a set of convenient tools for creating and publishing lectures, jointly discussing lessons, testing, maintaining a student database, monitoring incoming applications, working with statistics, and solving many other problems;
  • online platforms impose virtually no restrictions on the power of users’ computers: it can be minimal, and even in this case, neither the teacher nor the students will have any difficulties.

There are many platforms for online courses on the Internet, such as Canvas or Udemy. There are free services - for example, Moodle. This platform has been tested by time, however, by now it is outdated. The most functional platforms are those that are accessed on a paid basis, such as Teachbase. The latter, by the way, can be used for free, but the number of users cannot exceed 5 people (thus, it will not be possible to create a full-fledged class).

Stage three: working out the structure of the future course

Would you like to know how to sell your course for maximum profit? It must become popular, and for this you have to fully reveal the chosen topic in it. Are you learning how to create fishing lures? Tell your listeners everything - from the choice of materials to the features of placing baits in reservoirs different types. Dedicating a course to creating House music in a popular program? Include lectures on everything a musician will need, from creating a drum part to fine-tuning sound effects and automating instruments.

Once you've worked through your list of issues to cover and topics to cover, create a study schedule that will guide you and your students. Many platforms for online courses have convenient tools for this: for example, on the Teachbase platform in personal account The teacher has a “Sessions” section that allows you to plan your classes.

Stage four: choosing the formats of educational materials

So you've made a schedule. Now you need to determine what format each lesson will have. The most common:

  • video lectures;
  • screencasts – video recordings of everything that happens on the teacher’s screen, if necessary accompanied by voice comments;
  • audio clips;
  • presentations.

Experience shows that online students perceive video lectures best, so we recommend that you focus on them (even though their creation is somewhat technically complex). Materials in other formats with this approach will play a supporting, secondary role. However, specific decisions on formats are always yours: they will depend on the content of the classes you teach.

Modern platforms for online courses allow you to create and publish materials in a variety of formats, which largely determines their popularity. Thus, when using the Teachbase service, you can build courses from videos (including those published on YouTube), PDF files, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, a number of other materials. In addition, the Teachbase service allows you to conduct webinars using video and audio communications, chat and a real board on which you can draw and write.

Stage five: working on the design

Strictly speaking, this stage is not mandatory, however, let us immediately note: a course designed in a unified and carefully designed style attracts special attention. This means that it is able to bring more income to the teacher than a course designed anyhow.

Uniform screensavers with lecture titles, a well-chosen set of fonts and colors that does not change from lecture to lecture, perhaps the same musical accompaniment of materials - these are just some of the course design elements that are worth paying attention to.

Stage six: creating course materials

So, the list of issues covered has been compiled, the formats of the materials have been determined, and the design of the course has been worked out. The time has come for perhaps the most difficult and important stage - creating the materials that will make up your online course.

First of all, write the lecture texts. Express yourself clearly, use special terms wisely - as you understand their meanings, take into account the characteristics of your audience and speak their language.

Record and edit videos using Adobe Premiere, CyberLink PowerDirector, or another program. Record screencasts using Screencast-O-Matic, Camtasia or other software. Create presentations using PowerPoint or whatever application you use. Prepare other materials provided by the program your online course.

When recording a video, set the lighting wisely and choose a suitable background. When creating audio clips, take care of high sound quality - use a good microphone, and, if necessary, process the audio (for example, in the Audacity or Sound Forge application). Do not forget about the uniform design of all created materials.

Stage seven: publish the course

Using a dedicated online course platform makes this process much easier. Thus, Teachbase has a convenient constructor in which materials can be published in just a few clicks. You need to title the course itself and each material included in it, and upload the content you prepared in the previous stages. Experience shows that you can cope with this work even with basic computer skills.

Stage eight: advertise and promote the course

So, the main work is done: your online course has been created and published. It can be as good as you want, but until your potential students know about it, you can't expect commercial returns. The course needs to be advertised and promoted. Here are the most common methods:

As a conclusion

From the above, two conclusions can be drawn.

First. Creating a high-quality, meaningful, useful online course that aspires to become popular and profitable is a complex, multi-stage job that must be approached with all responsibility.

Second. This work, with due persistence, is quite within the capabilities of most of us. Follow the recommendations outlined in this article, treat your future course responsibly, and it will certainly be successful!


Consider what services you can offer to potential students. Your courses should be somewhat different from those that already exist. Develop a concept educational institution. Even if you plan to teach a standard set of academic disciplines in the most popular specialties, try to introduce something completely new. Of course, in the future we will also have to monitor changes in the labor market.

Choose a room. Hardly in in this case It makes sense to rent a separate building, make repairs, and equip it with the necessary equipment. Of course, a lot depends on what exactly you are going to teach. But in any case, try to find one nearby educational institution, where there are classes with the necessary equipment. It could be a school, college, institution additional education. As a rule, the classrooms there are occupied for several hours a day, and the school management will be happy to rent them out for the rest of the time.

Select teachers and determine the form of payment for them. It is preferable to pay on a time basis, as is usually done in such institutions. It depends on the teachers how successful your endeavor will be. Focus on recommendations from people you trust. Some employees will have to be recruited through advertisements.

Buy or rent the necessary equipment if the premises you have chosen do not have enough of it. Order educational literature. Agree with one or more publishers or wholesale stores so that you can purchase additional books and CDs as needed.

Collect documents to obtain a license. The list can be obtained from the education committee of the local administration. Programs must also be submitted there. In addition, there must be documents for the premises, equipment and teachers.

Computer techologies have stepped far forward. Nowadays you rarely meet a person who does not have a computer. But the question about the specifics of his work baffles many. Meanwhile, almost everyone needs to know the basics of working on a computer. But you don’t always have time to take courses or re-read tons of literature.

You will need

  • 1) Computer
  • 2) Media Player Installer
  • 2) Installer Microsoft Word
  • 4) Browser


Turn on the computer. We are waiting for the system to load. Typically, many users have a Windows system, the principle of which is based on working with dialog boxes - the interface. After loading, we see the desktop in front of us. It can contain main folders, files, documents. In the upper left corner there is a shortcut “My Computer”. When you open it, you will be shown a window that displays system disks, hard disk partitions, and disk drives. Essentially, disk partitions are your information storage.

Let's move on to creating folders. A folder is a very important element created for storing and organizing information. For example, if you have a lot of different items and you want to sort them. We create folders of different artists and genres, and add the existing ones in accordance with the folders. To create a folder, you need to right-click, then select “create”, and select the “folder” sub-item. After this we can set the folder name. To change the language, you must press the key combination “alt+shift” or “ctrl+shift”.

The next step is learning how to select, open and copy information. In order to select a file or folder, you need to left-click on it once. By clicking and holding the left mouse button, you can move your anywhere. To open a document, double-click on the left mouse button. If you right-click on a file or folder, a menu will open. Select Rename to rename the document. To copy, click “copy”. After that it goes to the folder or section where you need to copy this file. Press the right mouse button again and select “paste”.

To listen to music or watch you need to install special programs, which are called “players”. To install, you must open the installation file (install.exe). The installation window will appear. Just follow the instructions and the installation will be completed in a few minutes. The program will automatically detect video and audio files, and all you have to do is open them. In this way, any program. Please note that shortcuts to the installed application have appeared on the desktop.

Special programs are also used for typing text. Install the Microsoft Word program or use the standard operating system offered to the user.

Now about accessing the Internet. To use Internet resources, you need to register its connection. After this, you need to install a browser - a program for viewing pages on the Internet. The most popular browsers today are: Opera, Mozilla, Internet Explorer. The latest browser is already built into the operating system. Open your browser and enter the website address in the address bar. To search for information by word or sentence, go to the search engine website and enter a query in a special line. In many browsers, there is a special line to the right of the address bar that allows you to process the request in the corresponding search engine. Therefore, you can enter what you are looking for there.

Video on the topic


Everyone masters the computer differently, some start playing games and the maximum of their knowledge comes down to how to turn on the computer and run the game, other dummies take courses, which is also certainly not a bad way, and still others try to master it themselves. Who's wrong? In fact, you shouldn’t force yourself to learn a computer all at once.

Helpful advice

To benefit from such an expensive toy, application programs (software) are used. For example, with the help of one program you can calculate a balance sheet, with the help of another you can prepare text documents, and a third one can play music files perfectly. But it’s not enough just to have the right program, you need to learn how to work with it.

Less and less less people don't know how to use a computer. But still such people exist. That's why there are many different computer training companies. It's not cheap compared to the material they offer. Therefore, to train your friends and relatives, you can do it on your own and for free.


Teaching how to use a computer is not an easy task; it requires time and calm. It must be remembered that most people who sit down at a computer for the first time simply do not understand how and what is in it. Therefore, there is no need to be nervous, but rather be patient. First of all, sketch out syllabus. It is necessary to indicate only the most important and necessary training. Start with the simplest things. From moving the mouse cursor to using simple programs.

When studying at computer you must give the most necessary. First, the learner must understand the hierarchy of system components and devices. Explain the operation of all parts of the computer, interaction with input and output devices. Next, explain the essence of the operating system and data storage on hard drives. In a word, give a theory. There’s no way without her.

Secondly, when starting a theory, do not try to give everything at once. Start by creating folders and files on your computer and locating them on your hard drive. Explain the process of copying and pasting various elements. After this, proceed to installing programs. Here again, get distracted by theory. Explain the main types of programs and why they exist.

The third point of your training program should be application practice. Traditionally, it begins with learning text editors such as Microsoft Word. Word training should be extensive. The student must learn to freely create and edit any type of document.

Next, continue introducing the user to the programs. Start learning to work in graphic editors, antivirus applications, office applications, and others. The more the student uses programs, the faster he will understand the essence of working with a computer and will be able to automate his actions with its help.

Video on the topic

Related article

How difficult it is sometimes for a person who has never dealt with computer, learn to work with it. He believes that he will never master this complex technique. The fear of being insolvent pushes people to abandon the computer altogether, explaining that they can easily do without it. And they are wrong. The computer is increasingly becoming part of our lives. And mastering it is not that difficult. It is possible even in short term become a confident PC user.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - books on computer topics.


Next, sign up for special ones. Fortunately, there are now a huge number of such courses. Groups are formed by age, according to the degree of computer mastery. Ask your friends to help you find special courses for users on the Internet. As a rule, it costs little money, and you will gain experience.

But there is another way. You can learn to work with a computer on your own. To do this, purchase it from a store for beginners. Don't take the first one you come across. Right in the store, look through it, see if everything is written in a language that you can understand. Then sit down at the computer and follow all the recommendations in the tutorial. A few lessons and you will feel much more confident. Much will become simple and understandable for you. In the future, you will become more interested in working on a personal computer.

If questions still arise, you will find answers to them by pressing the F1 key. It calls up the help that you have on your computer. In the window that appears, select the section about which you have a question. Find the right answer among the computer prompts. Please read it carefully. If necessary, perform these operations to remember how a particular function works.

The help also has a line where you can enter a question that interests you. If it is in the help, the system will provide an answer to it or offer similar questions with ready-made answers.

Helpful advice

If it’s easier for you to communicate not with a machine, but with a person, but you don’t have the money or time for paid courses, ask a friend to help you. Among your friends there will probably be a person who knows enough technology and is patient enough to explain the simplest things clearly and in detail.

As more and more people want to learn computer skills, computer courses can become a very profitable business. However, to start your own business, you will need to do serious preparatory work. It consists of several steps.


Develop a business plan for a future private enterprise. It must include the following mandatory sections: name and type of organization, form of ownership, type of activity, marketing strategy, economic feasibility, information about the qualifications of employees and the advantages of the enterprise. You can try to draw up a business plan yourself or turn to the services of specialists.

Determine the starting capital of the future enterprise. If your financial capabilities are small, contact the bank to get a loan to start a business. Your business plan will be reviewed, and if the bank is happy with everything, you will receive the required amount at interest. Find out in advance all the conditions, when and how much money will need to be returned.

Rent and equip the premises. Remember to comply with the regulations sanitary standards, as well as rules fire safety. Study all regulatory documents and be prepared for inspections.

Decide what you will teach. This could be a course for, training to work with professional programs or training in programming, working with hardware and administration. Course fees will vary greatly. Their volume is calculated, as in school, in academic hours. Basic course – 8-12 hours, professional 48-52 hours. The cost of a short-term course starts from 6 thousand rubles, and a long-term professional education– up to 30 thousand. It all also depends on the level of knowledge of the teacher.

Select teachers. These may be employees of technical schools and institutes; as a rule, they strive to find part-time work.

Video on the topic

Ability to work on a computer modern world is a necessary skill for almost every person. How to teach a person to work on a computer? This is a question that requires more detailed consideration.

You will need

  • CDs with training programs, methodological literature.


Then it is necessary to form a person’s ideas about the principles of the structure and operation of the operating system that is installed on the computer. The student must understand the desktop, what file storage of information is, know the units of measurement of information, and imagine the entire architecture of building root directories and subdirectories.

First of all, it is necessary to teach a person such simple things as turning on, creating a text file in the Notepad program, saving this file on the hard drive, copying, cutting, creating and copying shortcuts to the desktop, creating folders and working with them.

When the student gains basic skills in operating files and folders on a computer, you can move on to studying the Microsoft Office software package, the main programs of which are Word and Excel.

When studying these programs, as when studying any other computer programs, a beginner should first of all pay attention to the button panel and study their functionality. Knowledge about the so-called “hot” keys and their combinations, which make it possible to quickly enter a particular command, will also be useful. Speed ​​of typing is developed during systematic practical classes.

It is better to start getting acquainted with the capabilities of browsers, the Internet, e-mail and other programs related to the World Wide Web when a person has already mastered basic computer skills.

For successful learning you can invent various tasks for a student: for example, on drive C, create a folder named “Photos”, rename it to the “My Documents” folder, copy this folder to drive E, paste a text document into it, archive this folder with the WinRar archiver, creating a self-extracting archive , unpack this archive, etc.

Recording information on removable media is also mastered through systematic practical training.
Daily lessons with a student on the computer and a serious approach to business will help you quickly turn a beginner into a confident user.

Helpful advice

Use methodological literature and educational CDs.

The computer is used in almost all areas of activity. One way or another, you will have to face him. Therefore, learning how to use a computer should be one of the primary tasks for those who are not familiar with it.


There are several ways to learn how to use a computer yourself. The first of them is to independently acquire skills - through trial and error. The second method involves using a self-instruction book, which takes you step by step. The third option is to watch training videos, where the learning process will be shown using a live example.

Many users choose selfeducation. This method is suitable for people who quickly learn new information and have experience working with technology. Depending on a person's abilities, self-study may take varying amounts of time. The disadvantage of this method is the inability to study the nuances.

Learning how to use a computer using books for "" is one of the most common options. It is more suitable for older people who do not assimilate new information so quickly and easily. The advantage of such training is that all the necessary information is already sorted out. Start studying the book from the first chapter. Repeat all the described steps on your computer, even if they seem too simple. Failure to do so can lead to knowledge gaps. If you are absolutely sure that you are very familiar with the information in a particular chapter, skip it.

To teach any specific activity on a computer, use more specialized literature. There are specialized publications related to working on the Internet, with office programs, with graphic editors, etc.

Another option is to watch training videos. Launch and watch the lesson carefully. Then repeat the described steps on your computer. Do them step by step. Until the lesson is fully understood, do not move on to the next one.

Video on the topic

Computer skills are one of the main abilities modern man. This is especially true for employment issues, since PC skills are an important requirement for most firms and enterprises. The ability to work with a computer and the Internet opens up new opportunities and prospects for any person.


At the very beginning of working with a computer, you need to become familiar with the operating system, in most cases it is Windows. Each version of this system provides a textbook - a guide to working with it and standard programs. The main programs are designed for editing text, working with pictures, audio and files. There are also entertainment applications, email clients and basic programs for surfing the Internet.

You should start mastering a computer with simple standard programs. Since in most cases they have a minimal set of functions and an intuitive interface. The minimum number of functions is convenient because it helps you avoid getting confused when working with the program. When using any new program, you should pay special attention to the “Help” tab, which is usually located in the top control console on the right side. It contains a description of the program itself and basic instructions for working with it.

We should also consider working on the Internet. Initially, you need to select a suitable Internet browser. A browser is a program for viewing Internet pages and sites. Browsers differ in the set of add-ons to suit the individual needs of the user, but the basic functions are the same for all. When working on the Internet, you need to pay special attention to the security of your computer and system. This is protection against viruses and other malware. There are antivirus programs and additional browser applications for this. Modern antiviruses have a universal purpose and protect not only from viruses, but also from hacker attacks and others. possible threats from the network. This allows the user to feel calm and comfortable when working on the Internet.

Working with a computer is not a difficult task, as it might seem at first glance. Mastering a computer at the level of an ordinary user does not depend on age and education. Since most of the programs and functions are easy to understand and easy to learn. The main thing when working with a computer is to pay more attention reference materials.

Today, training courses for any specialty are in demand more than ever. However, before opening them, you will have to soberly assess your capabilities as a teacher or leader and think about whether you can organize educational process so that your company can gain a foothold in the educational services market?


Study the educational services market in your region and decide which specialties are most in demand. Not only the quick payback of your business depends on this, but also what kind of premises you will have to rent, what equipment and consumables you will need.

Register a legal entity or individual entrepreneur with the tax authorities and receive a certificate. Submit an application to Rosstat and receive OKVED codes. Open a bank account.

Rent a suitable room. Calculate how much space will be needed for lectures and practical classes. The main thing is that the premises are located in a fairly prosperous area, and best of all, on the basis of a university or children's center.

Purchase or rent equipment (computers, projectors, visual aids, office equipment) and furniture. Purchase all necessary educational literature.

Develop your own course or use existing programs. Create a staffing table and approximate class schedule. Place advertisements for hiring teachers in the media and on the Internet. If you plan to charge for your services, you will need a license, so you must have employees with Teacher Education and relevant work experience.

You may not receive a license to provide educational services if you open courses for the purpose of retraining your company’s employees or developing a dealer network. But in this case you will not have the right to charge tuition fees. To obtain a license you will need the following documents:
- constituent documents and charter;
- certified copies of the founders’ passports;
- certificate of registration with the tax authorities;
- OKVED codes;
- certificate of tax registration;
- list of educational programs;
- information about staffing;
- information about the provision of the learning process with literature and material and technical equipment of the courses;
- information about teachers;
- information about the premises.

Video on the topic

Anyone can learn computer skills. On this moment In our country, dozens of different training centers, which help people acquire the basic knowledge necessary to work with computers. Also open special centers, which train people in computer skills in certain areas.

From the article you will learn:

  • What you need to know to sell courses online
  • What to do the course about
  • How to choose a platform
  • Which course format to choose
  • How can I register for a course?
  • What materials do you need to create for a successful course?
  • How to publish a course online
  • How can you advance your course?

Knowledge and skills you will need

What has been said may seem like a truism, but you cannot keep silent about it: you must be an expert in the field in which you plan to create an online course. Intending to teach photography skills? Be prepared to show off some really cool photos you took and talk about exactly how you took them. Have you come up with a course on website creation? You should have modern, convenient, beautiful online resources behind you, and in your head specific recommendations for creating them. A layperson trying to teach something to an audience should not count on the popularity of the course.

In addition to a good knowledge of the chosen topic, you will need:

  • Computer skills;
  • Ability to shoot quality video and record audio;
  • well delivered speech;
  • the ability to correctly express thoughts in text format;
  • finally, a fair amount of patience and perseverance in achieving your goals.

Stage one: answer the main question

Before you create a course, answer the question of what exactly you want to teach your audience. The range of possible topics is very, very wide, and the choice depends only on your knowledge and experience. Do you have a very popular blog? Tell your audience about the nuances of its creation and administration. Have you learned how to make fishing lures that work better than factory ones? Create an online course for fishermen dedicated to this. This list can be continued for a very long time. Remember one thing: no one can more accurately determine the area in which you are truly strong than yourself.

Stage two: choosing a platform for an online course

There is specialized software for creating courses, but practical experience shows that it is more convenient to use Internet services designed for this. There are several reasons for this:

  • neither you nor your students will have to waste time installing and configuring programs;
  • the compatibility problem will disappear. You can work on Windows, and one of your students can work on Linux, and each of you will be able to use the online platform with equal convenience;
  • the services in question are “tailored” for creating and listening to courses. They provide teachers and students with a set of convenient tools for creating and publishing lectures, jointly discussing lessons, testing, maintaining a student database, monitoring incoming applications, working with statistics, and solving many other problems;
  • online platforms impose virtually no restrictions on the power of users’ computers: it can be minimal, and even in this case, neither the teacher nor the students will have any difficulties.

There are many platforms for online courses on the Internet, such as Canvas or Udemy. There are free services - for example, Moodle. This platform has been tested by time, however, by now it is outdated. The most functional platforms are those that are accessed on a paid basis, such as Teachbase. The latter, by the way, can be used for free, but the number of users cannot exceed 5 people (thus, it will not be possible to create a full-fledged class).

Stage three: working out the structure of the future course

Would you like to know how to sell your course for maximum profit? It must become popular, and for this you have to fully reveal the chosen topic in it. Are you learning how to create fishing lures? Tell your listeners everything - from the choice of materials to the features of placing baits in different types of reservoirs. Dedicating a course to creating House music in a popular program? Include lectures on everything a musician will need, from creating a drum part to fine-tuning sound effects and automating instruments.

Once you've worked through your list of issues to cover and topics to cover, create a study schedule that will guide you and your students. Many platforms for online courses have convenient tools for this: for example, on the Teachbase platform in the teacher’s personal account there is a “Sessions” section that allows you to plan classes.

Stage four: choosing the formats of educational materials

So you've made a schedule. Now you need to determine what format each lesson will have. The most common:

  • video lectures;
  • screencasts – video recordings of everything that happens on the teacher’s screen, if necessary accompanied by voice comments;
  • audio clips;
  • presentations.

Experience shows that online students perceive video lectures best, so we recommend that you focus on them (even though their creation is somewhat technically complex). Materials in other formats with this approach will play a supporting, secondary role. However, specific decisions on formats are always yours: they will depend on the content of the classes you teach.

Modern platforms for online courses allow you to create and publish materials in a variety of formats, which largely determines their popularity. So, when using the Teachbase service, you can build courses from videos (including those published on YouTube), PDF files, Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and a number of other materials. In addition, the Teachbase service allows you to conduct webinars using video and audio communications, chat and a real board on which you can draw and write.

Stage five: working on the design

Strictly speaking, this stage is not mandatory, however, let us immediately note: a course designed in a unified and carefully designed style attracts special attention. This means that it is able to bring more income to the teacher than a course designed anyhow.

Uniform screensavers with lecture titles, a well-chosen set of fonts and colors that does not change from lecture to lecture, perhaps the same musical accompaniment of materials - these are just some of the course design elements that are worth paying attention to.

Stage six: creating course materials

So, the list of issues covered has been compiled, the formats of the materials have been determined, and the design of the course has been worked out. The time has come for perhaps the most difficult and important stage - creating the materials that will make up your online course.

First of all, write the lecture texts. Express yourself clearly, use special terms wisely - as you understand their meanings, take into account the characteristics of your audience and speak their language.

Record and edit videos using Adobe Premiere, CyberLink PowerDirector, or another program. Record screencasts using Screencast-O-Matic, Camtasia or other software. Create presentations using PowerPoint or whatever application you use. Prepare other materials required by your online course syllabus.

When recording a video, set the lighting wisely and choose a suitable background. When creating audio clips, take care of high sound quality - use a good microphone, and, if necessary, process the audio (for example, in the Audacity or Sound Forge application). Do not forget about the uniform design of all created materials.

Stage seven: publish the course

Using a dedicated online course platform makes this process much easier. Thus, Teachbase has a convenient constructor in which materials can be published in just a few clicks. You need to title the course itself and each material included in it, and upload the content you prepared in the previous stages. Experience shows that you can cope with this work even with basic computer skills.

Stage eight: advertise and promote the course

So, the main work is done: your online course has been created and published. It can be as good as you want, but until your potential students know about it, you can't expect commercial returns. The course needs to be advertised and promoted. Here are the most common methods:

As a conclusion

From the above, two conclusions can be drawn.

First. Creating a high-quality, meaningful, useful online course that aspires to become popular and profitable is a complex, multi-stage job that must be approached with all responsibility.

Second. This work, with due persistence, is quite within the capabilities of most of us. Follow the recommendations outlined in this article, treat your future course responsibly, and it will certainly be successful!