Self-analysis of the head of the methodological association dow. Analysis of the work of teachers, material on the topic. "Discussion of current problems"

Larisa Mashkova
Analysis of the work of the district methodological association of senior educators groups of preschool educational institutions for 2015–2016 academic year

Regional methodological association of teachers of senior groups The preschool educational institution carried out its work in the conditions of updating the content of teacher education, modernization of education, the main goal of which is to achieve a new quality of general education training, based on the main tasks defined by orders, recommendations, instructions methodical letters and orders from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory.

Work of the district methodological association preschool teachers was

is aimed at implementing the problem “Development of modern educational, educational technologies, contributing to increasing

quality educational process", on the use of productive forms and methods of organization training session , mastering alternative pedagogical programs, getting acquainted with experience work of implementation colleagues

modern pedagogical technologies.

In this regard, in 2015–2016 educational year at the RMO meeting the following goal was set and tasks:

Target: creation of organizational conditions conducive to improving the professional competence of teachers preschool education under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.


Providing psychological, pedagogical and methodological support of the process of introducing Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education into the activities of preschool educational institutions; improvement pedagogical excellence based modern requirements and excellence creatively working teachers;

Creation of a data bank of innovative ideas of preschool teachers to generalize advanced pedagogical experience; development of the creative potential of the teacher’s personality through Active participation V work of the RMO, events at various levels and broadcasting teaching experience.

The structure of the event has been determined regional methodological associations:

Part 1: Theory questions

Part 2 Practical demonstration

Part 3 Analysis practical material

Part 4 Development of methodological recommendations for participants district methodological association

It is known that the content methodological work of the district methodological association is largely determined by the characteristics of the educational situation in which the professional activities of teachers unfold according to their qualification levels.

Activity district methodological association of educators was built on the basis analysis and had a practical orientation.

Identification of problems, the most pressing issues in the activities of preschool educational institutions teachers on issues of improvement, questioning of teachers made it possible to determine the range of issues that needed to be paid attention to.

As a result, in the work of the district methodological association of teachers of senior groups the following were included questions:

1. “The organization directly educational activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Institutions."

3. “Problem situations in direct educational activities in senior preschool age

4 “Gender aspects education and teaching children preschool age».

5. “Gender approach in the musical development of preschool children”

6.“Personally oriented approach in the activities of preschool educational institutions. Problems, searches, solutions.”

7. View direct educational activities from analysis personality-oriented interaction between teacher and children

8. Technology of generalization and description of teaching experience

Introduction of modern technologies into pedagogical process DOW.

9. Construction of the educational process on patriotism education in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the introduction of Federal State Educational Standards for preschool education.

10. Regional component in the cognitive development of preschool children.

11. “Use of information and communication technologies for the development of cognitive activity of children senior preschool age."

12. Activity approach in educational working with preschoolers: experience, achievements.

13 “System-activity approach in practice work kindergarten during the implementation of Federal State Educational Standards for Educational Education."

14. Activity approach in working with parents of students.

15. Use of health-saving technologies in working with children.

Throughout the year, scientific research was carried out systematically methodological work on the study of methodological letters, recommendations.

The practical part was open classes,conducting workshops and master classes.

Conducting open events showed that educators skillfully combine educational areas in its work, own methodology, have professional competence. The events were distinguished by the accessibility of the presentation of the material, efficiency methods and techniques of work, expediency of time distribution, logical sequence and interrelation of stages.

However educators it is very difficult to switch to GCD using problem situations, so you need to plan for a new one training year open events in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

In theoretical workshops throughout the year, participants in RMO meetings were presented with presentations on the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

In the context of modernization of the preschool education system, the guidelines of which are quality and efficiency, one of the main requirements for preschool educational institutions is the introduction of innovations in the pedagogical process, and this entails increased requirements for the level of pedagogy and qualifications educators, which contributed to work of the RMO in the 2015-2016 academic year.

However, despite the positive trends in training and education, the following were identified flaws:

Insufficient methodical ensuring the pedagogical process.

Difficulties in implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education into the educational process during the main stages of direct educational activities and joint activities teacher and children, independent activity.

Assessment based on organization of activities district methodological association of teachers of senior groups showed that the meetings of the RMO teachers of older groups contributed to the introduction of modern technologies and effective teaching experience into practice teachers' work.

However, along with this, it should be noted that there is insufficient work of the district methodological association on the issue of organizing inclusion educators Preschool educational institutions in the process of mastering modern technologies.

Job self-education is one of the most important areas for teachers to improve their professional skills. The purpose of teacher self-education is to expand and deepen professional methodological knowledge and skills, most teachers systematically engage in self-education during the intercourse period, although there are also teachers who approach this occasionally or practically do not engage in self-education. Increasing the professional competence of teachers is facilitated by the study, generalization and dissemination of pedagogical experience identified during the study of the state of educational educational process .

In 2015-2016 educational year, none of the teachers of educational institutions provided experience work on self-education for study at the RMO meeting. What does it mean about the reluctance of preschoolers? workers improve your professional level. Thus, self-education of teachers remains a problem.

IN work of preschool methodological associations for the 2016 – 2017 academic year year it is necessary to include presentations or public defenses of self-education topics.

During the problem-oriented analysis the following were identified Problems:

Practical implementation is not carried out effectively enough educators active educational and innovative technologies;

The orientation of teachers towards their participation in professional skills competitions is insufficient;

Remains relevant operating time current teaching experience educators.

Today the main goal of activity district methodological association is: improving the quality of preschool education through improving the professional skills of teachers

For this purpose, it is necessary to solve the following tasks: The main stages of the direction have been determined work of the district methodological association of educators Preschool educational institution on the problem under study “Development of modern educational, educational technologies that help improve the quality of the educational process."

Main activities of RMO educators The preschool educational institution organizes its activities in the following directions:

Development of creative initiative and activity of teachers;

analysis of your work, the ability to see shortcomings, identify their causes, and take measures to eliminate them;

The desire to constantly improve your professional skills.

Studying the most effective technologies, methods and techniques of work of the best teachers in the region;

Monitoring the information needs of teachers, monitoring the development of professional skills;

Consulting support for young teachers.

When making a plan the work of RMO teachers of senior groups for the next academic year will be taken into account:

1. Survey results educators to improve the pedagogical process and improve the quality of education and raising children.

2. Organization self-education work for preschool teachers.

Head of RMO teachers of older groups

Job Analysis

MO of educators for the 2013 – 2014 academic year.

The methodological association of boarding school educators included 22 educators. Of these, five educators have the first category (E.V. Zvychaynaya, E.A. Malysheva, L.N. Vezorgina, O.V. Kravets, G.I. Kravchenko), four educators have the second qualification category (T.N. Kostrubina ., Kravets Yu.T., Molchanova G.A.).

In the past academic year, the educational organization of teachers worked according to a plan that was drawn up on the basis of an analysis of the work of the educational organization for 2012-2013, an analysis of the level of education of students, taking into account the problem that our school is working on. The plan was reviewed at a meeting of the Ministry of Defense and agreed with the deputy. director for VR and approved by the school director.

The following goals and objectives were set for the educational organizations of educators:

Goal: to provide students with the opportunity to maintain health while studying at school, developing and forming a culture of health among students in the process of education.


1. Continue work on creating a system of educational work aimed at preparing students for life and work in groups 7–9.

The educational organization of educators worked on the problem: “Formation of practical and socially significant knowledge, skills and abilities among students and pupils necessary for independent life.”

Over the course of the year, 5 scheduled meetings of the teacher education organization were prepared and held: an orientation meeting in August and one each quarter. Meetings of the Ministry of Defense were recorded in a timely manner. On the issues discussed at the meeting, decisions and recommendations were made, the implementation of which contributed to the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Ministry of Defense.

The following topics were reviewed and studied: “Moral education is a means of developing a value-based attitude towards each other among students,” the report was prepared by Larisa Vladimirovna Panchenko. Questions moral development, education, human improvement have always worried society and at all times. Especially now, when cruelty and violence can be encountered more and more often, the problem of moral education is becoming increasingly relevant. It is the educator who has the opportunity to influence the child’s upbringing who should give this problem a major role in his activities. We heard a message from Bondarenko L.I. “Moral education of children with disabilities in extracurricular activities" Lyubov Ivanovna shared her work experience that in extracurricular activities she pays great attention to the development of such aesthetic and moral concepts among students in her group as kindness, respect, attention, the ability to see the beautiful around them and preserve it. She told me what kind of conversations they have, what games they play role-playing games. Kudryashova R.L. conducted a thematic consultation for teachers of groups 1-4 “The meaning and development fine motor skills for the correction of speech disorders."

the speeches of these educators were informative, aroused interest among listeners, as they were based on a rich personal experience The teacher’s work was supported by examples from everyday work with children. Very interesting messages were prepared by educators: Yaroslavtseva G.I. on the topic “Formation in a teenager healthy image life”, which was accompanied by a presentation by T.N. Kostrubina. “The influence of health-saving technologies on improving the physical health of pupils”, as well as Kravchenko G.I., Morozova S.N. introduced us to the latest methodological, pedagogical and defectological literature.

In the period between meetings of the Moscow Region, teachers independently worked according to the calendar plan: they developed scenarios for school-wide holidays, such as “Birthday Day”, which were held by S.A. Avtomonova, E.I. Myasoutova, E.A. Malysheva, “Valentine’s Day” - Kravets Yu.T., Kravchenko G.I., “Maslenitsa”, which was prepared by Kravets Yu.T., Kravets O.V., Malysheva E.A., Zvychaynaya E.V., Morozova T.A. Children love these holidays very much and always take an active part in the preparation and celebration. Also, each group with its teacher took part in school exhibitions, in the exhibition of the regional festival of children's creativity in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

In February there was a sports and health month. Throughout the month, according to plan, sport competitions. The teachers approached this work creatively; each competition was varied, with the use of TSO (music, karaoke). But the main thing is that the children showed activity in them, there was a spirit of competition, healthy passion, mutual assistance and friendly support; in a word, they fully opened up. The most active educators were: Yaroslavtseva G.I., Kravchenko G.I., Kravets O.V., Kravets Yu.T., Malysheva E.A., Firsova T.D., Myasoutova E.I.

A lot of work was done by middle-level educators in preparation for the psychology seminar. Bondarenko L.I. prepared a report on the topic: “Organization and implementation of the educational process using health-saving technologies contributes to the development of the student as a subject of educational, social and personal life.” A folder “Use of health-saving technologies during the educational process” was created. I would like to mention the following educators who provided material for creating the folder from their accumulated work experience: Yaroslavtseva G.I., Morozova S.N., Kravchenko G.I. Malysheva E.A. prepared a presentation of the results “Organization and implementation of the educational process using health-saving technologies contributes to the development of the student as a subject of educational, social and personal life” and presented it at a seminar on psychology.

At the career guidance lesson “World of Professions”, teacher S.N. Morozova. The pupils were offered various situations from life. When deciding which they needed to put themselves in the place of others and accept correct solution. The material was provided more openly for this category of children.

Classes conducted by educators show that systematic, purposeful work is being carried out in groups in given areas and that educators are capable and ready to master and implement everything new that exists in the practice of educational work.

Through the joint efforts of older children and teachers, the school yard was skillfully decorated. Teachers: Morozova T.A., Avtomonov V.I., Pismensky A.I. took an active part in making crafts in the schoolyard.

Analyzing the work of educators on the topics of self-education, it should be noted that the greatest interest is generated by the speeches of teachers Yaroslavtseva G.I., Vezorgina L.N., Zvychaina E.V., Kravchenko G.I., who represent not only theoretical material, but also be sure to share their work experience. Therefore, young teachers Morozova T.A., Gorbaneva N.A., Toryanik E.A. It was recommended to pay more attention to the practical part of your presentation, so that others could apply the experience of colleagues in their work.

During the school year, the level of educational work in groups was studied, students were surveyed, visited and analyzed extracurricular activities, memos were developed. When organizing open KTD, educators learned to analyze their work, correctly evaluate its results, and eliminate shortcomings.

Developing the creative abilities of children, each teacher carried out a variety of work, where children replenished lexicon, developed their horizons, worked on correcting fine motor skills, developed aesthetic taste, etc.

For the effectiveness of educational work, the MO was offered methodological assistance, educators shared their work experience, provided support to each other, and mutually attended self-training and extracurricular activities. In the lesson “Rules” traffic» Firsova T.D. I used a dynamic pause, physical education minutes, and eye gymnastics; during self-preparation, Tatyana Dmitrievna used relaxation minutes and finger exercises. G.I. Kravchenko had good self-training, where he used a dynamic pause and physical exercises. We visited special moments, S.A. Avtomonova, who has a lot of work experience, showed how she does morning exercises in her group. It includes a traditional set of exercises to develop attention and accuracy in performing actions. The main goal of morning exercises is to improve the child’s mood and muscle tone, as well as to prevent poor posture. Yaroslavtseva G.I. shared her experience from her work that maintaining and strengthening health is impossible without observing the rules of personal hygiene - a set of measures to care for the skin of the body, hair, and oral cavity. Hygiene habits become strong when they are continually reinforced. The walk into nature was interesting and exciting. Teachers Molchanova G.I., Kravets O.V. from their work experience they told us what walks in the fresh air are for. The Ministry of Education also paid attention to working with young teachers and teachers with little work experience. U young specialist Gorbaneva N.A. was mentored by E.V. Zvychaynaya, who has extensive work experience, and E.A. Toryanik. - mentor G.I. Yaroslavtsev I would like young teachers to show more initiative, to get involved in creative activities, so that planned events are carried out on time. The planned event “Bird Day” was not carried out by teacher N.A. Gorbaneva.

At all meetings of the methodological association of educators, the deputy director for VR Olifer L.P. was always present. She provided pedagogical and methodological assistance to educators, talked about the methods and forms of educational activities, about the organization of educational work with students outside school hours, and helped to choose one form or another work for classes with high school students. Lyudmila Pavlovna recommended new teaching materials to educators and provided assistance to young specialists.

Teachers: Toryanik E.A., Zvychaynaya E.V., Panchenko L.V., Myasoutova E.I., Gorbaneva N.A., Kravets O.V., Malysheva E.A., Kostrubina T.N., Yaroslavtseva G.I., Morozova T.A. pass correspondence form training in the program “Psychology: applied aspects special psychology and correctional pedagogy."

The active work of educational institutions of educators, thoughtful, expedient, self-educational work contributed to the improvement of the activities of the teaching staff in the development and implementation of the potential capabilities of schoolchildren with intellectual disabilities, their social adaptation and rehabilitation.

Speaking about the work of the methodological association as a whole, we can note the effectiveness of this work. Goals set for the Moscow Region for the 2012 – 2013 academic year. year, were completed, the professional level has increased, the creative activity of educators has increased, and more effective forms of work with students are being developed. We plan to correct individual shortcomings in our work (lessons conducted not according to plan, insufficient promotion of healthy lifestyle ideas among older pupils, cooperate more with specialists: psychologist, speech therapist, social educator,) next year and constantly increase the level of efficiency and effectiveness of educational work at school. Work carried out by the Ministry of Defense for the 2012-2013 academic year. year, contributed to increasing the theoretical, methodological level of training of educators on issues of pedagogy, theory and practice of educational work; testing modern forms and methods of work.

When planning the work of the educational organization of educators for the next year, more attention should be paid to the accumulation and generalization of advanced teaching experience (present your work experience at a meeting of the educational organization); application of new technologies and their elements. In addition, every teacher should strive to master information technology, use the Internet to prepare and conduct events, search for Internet resources.

For active participation in the work of the Ministry of Education and good indicators of the education of children, the Ministry of Education offers teachers to improve their qualifications to the following educators: Yaroslavtseva G.I., Kravchenko G.I., Kostrubina T.N., Malysheva E.A., Zvychaina E.V., Vezorgina L.N.

These and other questions will be reflected in methodologically next year.

In this regard, the main objectives of methodological work in organizing the educational process in the new academic year are:

1. Continue work on creating a system of educational work aimed at preparing students for life and work in groups 7–9.

2. Continue working to preserve the health of students and promote a healthy lifestyle.

3. Active inclusion of educators in the methodological, experimental and pedagogical activities of the school.

4. Strengthen children’s health through daily routine and sports and recreational activities.

In general, the tasks facing educators have been completed; the level of education has increased by 3% compared to last year. If that year there were 0 high level students, 12 students were good, 64 students were average, 34 students were low, then this year 4 students have a high level of education, good level good manners of 21 students, average level of 50 students and low level of good manners of 28 students.

Analysis of the work of the district methodological association of educators for the 2015-2016 academic year.

Preschool education is initial link in system continuing education.

Currently, all preschool educational institutions in the district are moving to new education standards, which sets new requirements for the work of kindergartens, including requirements for teachers.

One of the effective forms of the system of continuous education of preschool teachers is meetings of the methodological association.

The work of the RMO of educators in the 2015-2016 academic year was aimed at improving the organization of the educational process in order to preserve and strengthen the health of children; improving the quality of preschool education in the conditions (implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard) modernization of preschool education.

To solve this problem, the following range of tasks was identified:

1.Increasing methodological literacy and developing teachers’ practical skills in constructing the educational process in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education;

2.Improving and increasing the quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions;

3. Providing methodological and practical assistance to teachers in mastering modern technologies for implementing the Federal State Educational Standard for Education in kindergarten;

4.Identification, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience.

The content of methodological work meets the needs of teachers and contributes to the self-development of teachers’ personalities, and is planned taking into account professional difficulties.

In the modern context of the development of the preschool education system, in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, new targets have been set for preschool educational institutions, implying openness, close cooperation and interaction, both in the internal educational space and in the external - social one. The kindergarten is gradually turning into an open one educational system: on the one hand, the pedagogical process of a preschool institution becomes more free, flexible, differentiated, on the other hand, the teaching staff focuses on interaction and cooperation with parents and loved ones social institutions. It is necessary to organize work so that the kindergarten and the family become open friend friend and helped reveal the child’s abilities and capabilities.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education requires changes from the preschool education system both in the regulatory framework and in the activities of teaching staff when implementing the educational process with preschool children. Therefore, it is important that the district’s preschool education system operates in accordance with modern requirements.

Discussed at meetings RMO topics contribute to the formation of modern pedagogical positions.

The work of the methodological association in the 2015–2016 academic year was planned in accordance with the plan. Directions of work were identified to summarize work experience and provide targeted methodological assistance to teachers of preschool educational institutions on the issues of modernization of the educational process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.

During the year, 3 meetings were held.

RMO worked on the following topics:

Discussion of the results of the work of the Regional Educational Institution and identification of tasks for the upcoming academic year for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Updating the educational process in preschool educational institutions, taking into account the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

Development of communication skills, productive activities.

Each RMO meeting included 2 parts: theoretical and practical. The forms of the meetings were varied: visiting and analyzing open educational activities, presentations of work experience, speeches and reports, acquaintance with new literature, games, and manuals.

Behind last year 4 open viewings of educational activities were organized:

1) Comprehensive educational and research activities in the junior group “Water - Voditsa”

(Tribunskaya L.A. - teacher of the preschool group of the MKOU Peskovskaya Secondary School);

2) OD on cognitive and research activities in senior group"Journey to the Land of Mirrors"

(Snyatkova O.A. - teacher of the preschool group of the MKOU Peskovskaya Secondary School) ;

3) OD by cognitive development in the junior group “Pinocchio visiting children”

(Kutina L.A. - teacher of the preschool group of the MKOU Krasnoselovskaya Secondary School)

4) OD on cognitive and communicative activities in the senior group “On our streets there are cars, cars...”

(Krivoshlykova E.I. – teacher of the preschool group of the MKOU Krasnoselovskaya Secondary School).

All screenings were carried out methodically correctly and complied with the principle of developmental education. The forms, methods and techniques of educational activities were varied, rational and effective. To increase the efficiency of the educational process, all teachers used ICT during the educational process.

Theoretical issues were discussed at each meeting.

The teachers’ speeches during the work of the Ministry of Education were meaningful and specific. In preparation for discussing a specific topic, teachers familiarized themselves with a variety of methodological literature, prepared reports, messages from work experience, and memos.

Teachers also used ICT at RME meetings.

The presentations were interesting in topic and allowed us to get acquainted with the work experience of teachers.

At the meetings, issues of introducing the Federal State Educational Standard into the practice of kindergarten work were also discussed: planning work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, studying legal documents regulating activities of preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.

In the context of modernization of preschool education, the requirements for the quality of training of specialists are increasing. Indeed, in order to successfully introduce various innovations into practice, the teacher must have the necessary level of professional competence and professionalism.

All preschool educational institutions in the district are staffed with teaching staff according to the staffing table.

Teachers constantly improve their professional level. Each preschool teacher works on his skills by choosing a topic for self-education.

During the school year, teachers of the district received as leaders,

as well as personal active participation in competitions of various levels, promotions, exhibitions.

In all preschool educational institutions, special attention is paid to creating a developmental environment that ensures a favorable emotional and psychological state of the child. To increase the effectiveness of the material being studied in their work, teachers use modern technologies, create and use presentations on various topics.

One of the most difficult types professional activity For many teachers, working with family remains. In connection with the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the task of the preschool educational institution is to satisfy the requests of all parents by providing educational services in accordance with their needs and involving parents in the educational process. Parents should be active participants in all projects, regardless of which activity dominates them, and not just outside observers.

Summing up the results of the work, we can say that the planned work plan of the RMO has been completed. The topics of the meetings reflected current issues; the meetings were carefully prepared and thought out, helping to introduce best practices into the activities of colleagues.

Today, the preschool education system operates in innovation mode, so the teams preschool institutions there is a difficult task - to build your work so that it not only meets the needs

society, but also ensured the preservation of the intrinsic value and uniqueness of the preschool period.

Therefore, in the next academic year we plan to continue working on solving the following problems:

Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of pupils through the implementation of modern approaches to the organization of educational DOW process;

Mastering and using innovative technologies.


State special educational institution educational institution Irkutsk region for students with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior, “Special (correctional) comprehensive school»

Analysis of the work of the methodological association of educators

For the 2015-2016 academic year.

1. The teaching staff of the methodological association.
In the 2015–2016 academic year, the methodological association of educators consisted of 7 people. 2 teachers have higher pedagogical education, 2 teachers have secondary specialized education professional education. 2 teachers completed retraining courses in the “Defectology” profile in 2013. Of these, 3 people have the 1st qualification category and 4 people have no category.
As part of the Certification Program for teaching staff in the 2015-2016 academic year, teacher Lebedeva N.S. 1 qualification category was assigned.
This academic year, 1 teacher (Popova Yu.A.) completed advanced training courses at the IRO on the topic: “Formation of social competence of students: prevention of deviant behavior.”
Age composition of the methodological association of educators:
26-30 years old – 2 hours,
31-40 years old – 3 hours,
41-55 years –2 hours.
Experience pedagogical activity educators:
0-5 years – 1 hour,
6-10 years – 5 hours,
over 20 years – 1 hour.
2. Educational activities.

The educational process in a special school is organized in accordance with the program educational system and the main goals and objectives facing the teaching staff. This school year, teachers worked according to a new thematic planning, and the necessary adjustments were made during the work. A new plan of educational work was drawn up and approved. Considering age characteristics pupils, educators paid attention to developing forms of educational activities in their planning. Pupils receive basic knowledge, which they will subsequently expand and deepen. Therefore, it is very important to awaken adolescents’ interest in extracurricular activities, in which they try their hand as full members of the school community.
3. Scientific and methodological work.
In the 2015-2016 academic year, the educational work of the special school was carried out in accordance with the goals and objectives of the school for this academic year. All activities were links in the chain of the process of creating a person-oriented educational and educational environment. This work was aimed at achieving educational goals, fulfilling the stated objectives and increasing the efficiency of the educational process as a whole.
The theme of the methodological association of educators this school year is “ Innovative approach to the content of educational activities in a special school" is aimed at implementing main topic schools: "Individual development trajectory of a child with hearing impairment" The topic involves the development of a system of extracurricular activities and activities that help identify and realize the individual abilities of each student - in order to adjust the individual trajectory of his development.
The theme of MO is being developed in the work of educators on individual topics:
"Development creativity in children with deviant behavior» Vershinina O.A.
“Formation of patriotic feelings among pupils of a special school” Popova O.Yu.
“Tolerant attitude towards others” Sokolova T.M.
“Socialization of students’ personality through collectively creative activities” Popova O.Yu.
“Drawing as a means of diagnosing the intellectual development of children” Lebedeva N.S.
“Formation of healthy lifestyle skills in adolescents” Kaverzina G.P.

The goal of the work of educational organizations of educators was achieved through the following tasks:

  1. Improve proven methods and means of education, use innovations in the field of educational work in order to improve pedagogical skills; generalize and disseminate the experience of the best teachers of an educational institution.
  2. Direct work to find ways to improve the effectiveness of legal education of students and special school pupils
  3. Intensify the activities of teachers aimed at developing key competencies pupils, to activate them creative activity based on the value orientation of the individual, national ideology, cultural and educational capabilities of society.
  4. Develop the school community and self-government within it; strengthen the interaction of all participants in the educational process by organizing new forms of cooperation between children and adults.
  5. Take into account the psychological and pedagogical aspect of education for the successful implementation of the task of maintaining health, for promoting a healthy lifestyle for students and pupils of a special school.

In order to fulfill the assigned tasks, systematic work was carried out by the Ministry of Education during the academic year, including:
- holding a meeting of the Moscow Region;
- acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience and its implementation in the activities of educators;
- preparation and conduct of open educational events and school-wide events;
- increasing the level of self-education;
During the year, 4 meetings of the Moscow Region were planned and held. In the work of the methodological association in the 2015-2016 academic year, much attention was paid to the use of all types of extracurricular activities to enhance the comprehensive development of students.
At meetings of the methodological association, they made presentations and shared their work experience in the following areas: Deputy Director for Water Resources Management O.V. Molchanov “Modern approaches to planning and organizing the educational process in a special school”, Popova Yu.A. “Formation of the foundations of moral and legal behavior among students,” Vershinina O.A. “Building” a civil legal position among students,” social teacher Popova E.M. "The problem of profanity in modern society among teenagers”, mini-speeches by educators “Defining their personal positions in an innovative educational environment”, Vershinina O.A. "Pedagogical monitoring of the effectiveness of the educational process."
This academic year, at the meetings of the Moscow Region, joint work was carried out with psychologist I.Yu. Grishina. Irina Yuryevna made reports at the meetings: “some aspects psychological development the personality of the pupil: age reassessment - the point of view of a psychologist”, “How to organize constructive interaction with a child” conducted the necessary consultations for educators on issues of interest.
Deputy Director for Water Resources O.V. Molchanova, head of the educational organization of educators O.A. Vershinin attended extracurricular activities and activities of teachers. It should be noted that educators worked in five areas.A clearly expressed correctional and developmental orientation in working with children with deviant behavior can be seen in the teachers: Popova Yu.A. By patriotic education; Kaverzina G.P. on a healthy lifestyle; Vershinina O.A. on socialization and intellectual development; Lebedeva N.S., Popova O.Yu., Sokolova T.M., Statsenko N.V. on creative development.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, school-wide holidays and events were held: ceremonial lineup, dedicated to the Day Knowledge (Vershinina O.A.) “Autumn round dance spun” (Popova Yu.A., Lebedeva N.S.); “Teacher’s Day” (Sokolova T.M.); “The Great Power of Bread” (Popova Yu.A.); “Baikal is the pearl of Siberia” (Popova Yu.A.); “How the New Year is celebrated, people of all latitudes of the earth” (O.A. Vershinina; “Initiation into men” (Yu.A. Popova); “International Women’s Day” (Yu.A. Popova); “My Motherland is Russia" ( Lebedeva N.S.), “Maslenitsa” (Kaverzina G.P.); “Jam Day” (Popova Y.A.); “Mr. Special School” (Popova Y.A.); creative report (Vershinina O.A.)

Traditionally, the special school spent decades on educational directions by topic:

  1. “Me and my place in the world” legal education by: Statsenko N.V.
  2. “If you are kind, it’s good” spiritual and moral education by: Sokolova T.M.
  3. "Professional Starts" social adaptation, professional guidance responsible: Lebedeva N.S.
  4. “Faster, higher, stronger” formation of a healthy lifestyle answer: Kaverzina G.P.
  5. “I am a patriot” civic-patriotic education by: Popova Yu.A.
  6. “Life is work” labor education by: Popova O.Yu.

The students participating in the regional Planet Parade project under the leadership of O. A. Vershinina received great pleasure and many positive emotions. The teacher was able to show her professionalism and her pedagogical skills at every moment of her regional events: colorful design, bright and educational presentations, creative performances, exciting tasks . The special school hosted 7 events and 11 events in different cities (Irkutsk, Angarsk, Usolye-Sibirskoye) more detailed information about all events can be found on the website . Result: 3rd place among 16 institutions in the Irkutsk region.

The events held by Yu.A. Popova, who used new innovative technologies, were held at the proper methodological level.

It was also noted positive dynamics growth of teacher's pedagogical skills Statsenko N.V.
To attract children to extracurricular activities, develop interest in each activity, and activate logical thinking, develop pupils’ speech, teachers use Power Point presentations in their extracurricular activities, show educational films and cartoons various topics. Teachers use various training programs in their work.
Educators constantly improve their professional level: they participate in the regional educational organization for educators, scientific and practical conferences, and master classes.
So in the first quarter Lebedev N.S. and in the fourth Popova Yu.A. made presentations at the regional Moscow Region, where they summarized their experience on the topics of self-education.

On the basis of the special school, a regional event “And it’s all about love...” (answer: Vershinina O.A.) was held; institutions from Angarsk and Cheremkhovo participated

Educator Popova Yu.A. took an active part in regional events:

  1. “Minute of Glory”, Usolye-Sibirskoye, 1st place
  2. “My 5 good deeds” Cheremkhovo
  3. “This huge world” regional subject-practical conference in Irkutsk, 2nd place.
    Teachers Vershinina O.A., Popova Yu.A., Lebedeva N.S. took part international competition“First Fish”, the results of the competition will be known on July 1.

4. Achievements of students and pupils.
Teachers lead targeted educational work and this work gives positive results, which is reflected in the graphs of the results of diagnosing the level of education of adolescents.
Teachers involve their students in various areas school life. They participate in sports clubs, take an active part in holiday concerts and extracurricular activities.
For their active participation in crafts and drawing competitions, students were awarded thanks and diplomas.
Pupils take an active part not only in the social life of the school, but also outside it:

I, II, III places in sports events in Telma.

1st place in the municipal competition “Ice sculptures”

1st place in the municipal competition “New Year’s Toy”

Pupils Gutov P, Trostenyuk D, Afonin S, Furnika V took part in the international competition “First Fish”.
5. Interaction with extracurricular organizations.
Our special school has collaborated with various out-of-school organizations over the past year. The methodological association of educators works closely with the administration of Telma (Veterans Council, Women's Council, Cultural Center "Yunost", art school), as well as with the Patriot club in Usolye-Sibirskoye. Teenagers participated with great enthusiasm in all the events of the village, held the “Clean Pond” and “Congratulate a Veteran” campaigns, and looked after the memorial and graves of WWII veterans.

The analysis allows us to give good mark activities of educational organizations of educators in the 2015-2016 academic year. The tasks assigned to the methodological association were completed 100%.

Long-term planning for the 2016-2017 academic year:
The analysis identified the main issues that require solutions in the 2016-2017 academic year:
It is necessary to plan work to improve professional skills in the 2016-2017 academic year:
- open extracurricular activities for members of the Moscow Region;
- work of the Ministry of Defense with the mandatory submission of all materials in printed and electronic form;
- advanced training courses, both on- and off-the-job;
- continue collecting work teaching materials in order to replenish the methodological piggy bank;
- participation of teachers in scientific and practical conferences, creative competitions, seminars, round tables, pedagogical readings at various levels;
Subordinate the work of the methodological association of educators to the theme: “Features of psycho physical development junior schoolchildren with hearing impairment»;
actively involve school psychologist I.Yu. Grishina and social teacher E.M. Popova in sectional work.
speak at a sectional meeting of the methodological association with reports on an individual topic of work to educators T.M. Sokolova, O.Yu. Popova, G.P. Kaverzina. with a creative report on summarizing the teaching experience of Popova Yu.A.
show open classes Statsenko N.V., Lebedeva N.S., Popova O.Yu., Kaverzina G.P.
important place to be given to implementation the latest forms educational work.

state-owned special (correctional) educational institution

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug- Ugra

for students and pupils with disabilities

Nizhnevartovsk special (correctional) secondary school of I, II types

work of the methodological association
preschool teachers for the 2013/14 academic year


Methodological association:

L.V. Ogireva

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The methodological association of preschool teachers consists of 9 people. Seven teachers have higher pedagogical education, two have specialized secondary education. Seven teachers have 1 qualification category, one teacher - highest category, one has no category.

This school year we had subject: " Development of teacher professionalism as a condition for improving the quality of education at the stage of mastering FGT.

Target: Diverse development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main directions - physical, social-personal, cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic.

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The tasks of the Ministry of Education for this academic year were:

2. Continue work to improve the quality of education for children based on the analysis of monitoring results developed in accordance with the FGT.

3. Continue work on developing cognitive skills and abilities in preschoolers with hearing impairments through design technology.

4. To form the communicative function of speech of preschoolers who have undergone cochlear education


5. Improve the professional skills of teachers through self-education, obtaining special education, methodological literature, mutual attendance at classes, generalization of experience within the Moscow Region, schools, participation in city conferences, active use of the Internet.

The tasks assigned to the M.O. were carried out through meetings of the M.O., open classes, visits pedagogical councils, methodological advice, participation in a school project, participation in school and city competitions.

First task , in terms of work, is always of paramount importance to us. Throughout the year, preschool teachers actively tried to promote among parents the importance of a healthy lifestyle in the family. We regularly updated information in the corners for parents on this topic. We conducted oral consultations and gave advice to parents on how to properly dress their child for a walk or to be in a group. This is mainly focused on junior groups when the child begins to attend an educational institution.

With the onset of the cold season, teachers informed parents about the importance of preventive vaccinations against colds (flu). We talked with parents about how necessary walks with children are on weekends. Forms of work such as conversations, oral and written consultations are effective for all parents, especially for young parents who are just having their first child.

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Preserving and strengthening the health of their pupils, teachers of each group regularly conduct physical education classes, daily iodine-salt hardening, walks in the fresh air, morning exercises, dynamic and relaxation breaks during classes, finger exercises, eye exercises, outdoor games, non-traditional forms of conducting classes.

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Teacher M.V. Bakiyeva held an open lesson on physical culture in the 2nd year group using non-traditional forms of conducting classes. All teachers took into their pedagogical piggy bank effective methods conducting physical education classes with children.

Every month, teachers keep records of colds in the group. The number of cold cases this academic year has increased by 2, there is an explanation for this.(6 new children came, some children have chronic diseases), but in general, we believe that the work to preserve and strengthen the health of children is being carried out in the right direction.

Second task. Continue work to improve the quality of children's education based on analysis of monitoring results developed in accordance with FGT.

The quality of knowledge children receive depends on many aspects. This is the qualification of the teacher, and the ability to present in an interesting way the material necessary for children to learn, and methodological equipment, and the teacher’s ability to identify shortcomings, gaps in the child’s knowledge and eliminate them in a timely manner, as well as the child’s psychophysical capabilities.

To identify the levelGroup teachers monitor children’s progress and mastery of program material at the beginning of the school year, in the middle and at the end. For each section of the program, survey forms have been developed for children to master the necessary skills and abilities and the criteria by which these abilities and skills are assessed. For each child, the percentage of mastery of program material in all sections is displayed,the strengths and weaknesses of the educational process are determined. A contingent of students experiencing difficulties in mastering educational program, on the basis of this, teachers determine corrective measures.

In September, children in each group were examined to determine the retention of knowledge, skills and abilities at the beginning of the school year. It was found that children lose up to 20% of the knowledge acquired during the year during the summer period.

To replenish children's knowledge base, educators conduct individual sessions with children, repeat the material during routine moments, give tasks to parents so that they game form They repeated the necessary material with the children at home, and tried to conduct classes with the children in a non-traditional form.Educational and visual support is systematically replenished and updated.

Analyzing the monitoring at the end of the school year for preschool groups, we can conclude that children most fully mastered skills and abilities according to their age in visual arts and design, play, cultural and hygienic skills, labor, and physical education.

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Levels of mastery of skills and abilities

Getting to know the world around you

Physical education

Visual activities and design

A game

KGN and labor




Highest percentage low level mastery of skills falls on the section of familiarization with the outside world, so all teachers need to pay more attention in this area. ( individual work with children, involving parents in activities with the child at home, using game techniques in teaching as much as possible, experiments, observations, experimental activities so that the child himself gains knowledge during this activity). Then the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children will be at a higher quality level. It is necessary to structure your work programs in such a way that they take into account the psychophysical capabilities of the child, but in no case underestimate the program requirements.

Last academic year, educators at the Moscow Region developed a program for the social and personal development of preschoolers with hearing impairment. The head of the Moscow Region, L.V., presented a report on the implementation of this program at the school’s methodological council in January. Ogireva. In the speech, it was noted that the tasks set in the program: the formation of interaction and communication between the child and adults, the development of the child’s communication with peers, the development interpersonal relationships, the development of the sphere of self-awareness, the formation of a self-image, the formation of moral feelings and moral ideas, the development of positive skills and habits and behavior in a team, are implemented by educators in special moments, in classes, and joint activities of the educator and children.

During the year, teachers used the following methods of work to implement the above tasks: organizing children's activities, teaching, observing, setting an example for an adult or other children, demonstrating actions, persuasion, conversations, reading and storytelling, viewing and discussing paintings, illustrations, filmstrips.

All group teachers conducted monitoring at the end of the school year to identify the level of mastery of program material by children. The monitoring showed that the assimilation of program material at a high level was 22.5% (4 children), at an average level - 63% (14 children), at a low level - 14.5% (3 children). From the data obtained, it is clear that educators have something to work on. It is necessary to continue working oncreating conditions for the social and personal development of preschool children with impaired hearing, for the formation personal qualities that determine relationships with other children and adults, the development of self-awareness and awareness of one’s place in society.

Third task. Continue work on developing cognitive skills and abilities in preschoolers with hearing impairments through design technology.

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This school year, the preschool department worked on the school-wide project “Sport is Life.” At the beginning of the year, an information stand was set up in the hall of the 1st floor. In all groups at parent meetings, teachers and parents chose the name of the subproject, for example, “If you want to be healthy...”, “We are little Olympians,” “Path to Health,” “Kinds of Sports.” The goals of the projects echoed the first goal of our plan - to preserve and strengthen the health of children, increase the performance of children through the organization of outdoor games and games with elements of sports; to form the basis of a healthy lifestyle for preschool children with hearing impairment, to involve parents in joint active work in matters of physical education.

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In the first-year group, teachers and children looked at illustrations about sports, conducted outdoor games, and periodically provided consultations on healthy lifestyle topics in the corner for parents. The parents of each child made albums about how they got involved in sports.

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Children and parents of the 2nd year group made a diary “My Active Day Off!”, in which they recorded their sports days off, an exhibition of methodological literature on a healthy lifestyle was organized, a screen folder “Healthy Family Lifestyle” was organized, a competition was held for making a holiday card for the Olympics, exhibition of drawings. To make children more interested, material was selected that was close to their life experience. Speech material was carefully selected.

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Teachers of the 3rd year group together with the children produced a mini-encyclopedia “Olympiad 2014”. In April, parents together with their children presented their projects; they talked about how their weekends were spent, how they walked, went to camp sites, and different types sports The Kiryanov family called their project “Grandma, Dad, Mom, I am a sports family.” The Valeev family called their project “My Good Morning.”

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In December, the 4th year group gave the children an excursion to the Triumph sports complex as part of the project. The children received an unforgettable experience, saw with their own eyes a variety of gyms, athletes training, and got acquainted with sports equipment and equipment. The group’s teachers held an open event for parents “Health is fine - thanks to exercise” (morning exercises), as well as a lesson to familiarize themselves with the world around them “If you want to be healthy...”. An album was prepared - “Outdoor Games of the Peoples of Russia”.

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As part of the project, a child-parent competition “Nimble, Strong and Brave” was held in February. Parents, children and teachers received a charge of cheerfulness and optimism from the event. Such events bring parents and children together and give children more confidence in their abilities.

The work on the project left no one indifferent; everyone took an active part in it. Participation of parents in the project helps to find a more complete understanding with teachers and devote more time to their child at home (while searching for information and making albums for the project). As a result of working on the project, children’s vocabulary increases, introducing new terms and definitions into it, and children also receive the necessary knowledge about a healthy lifestyle and various sports. Children learn with the help of their parents to obtain the necessary information. Work on the project helps to increase the theoretical level and professionalism of teachers, and improves the competence of parents in matters of physical development and health of children.

Although working on the project took a lot of effort and time, it brought all its participants a feeling of satisfaction from the work done. We will continue to organize joint events with parents in our work and involve them in participating in the life of the preschool department.

Fourth task.To form the communicative function of speech in preschool children who have undergone cochlear implantation.

The number of children who have undergone cochlear implantation increases every year. Therefore, educators study special literature on this topic in order to work more effectively with such children, and also work closely with teachers of the deaf in preschool groups. In March, teachers of the deaf: Rychkova I.E., Belokopytova L.V., Pashnina I.V., Artemova L.L. conducted consultations for teachers on the following topics:

1. Features speech development children in preoperative and initial period rehabilitation after cochlear implantation."

2. “Organization of the work of teachers of preschool groups with children after a CI with their families.”

The information was provided at an accessible level, very interesting. Such consultations with teachers of the deaf help improve the professional competence of preschool teachers. I think that cooperation with teachers of the deaf will continue next year.

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In March, all teachers of preschool groups watched an open lesson on familiarization with the outside world in a group of 3 years of study from N.N. Pukhova. All children in the group have a cochlear implant. The teacher showed techniques for working with children who have undergone cochlear implantation. The children in the group have good speech activity. The lesson was useful for all teachers.

The task of developing the communicative function of speech is carried out by us every day in the process of routine moments (washing, preparing for breakfast, lunch, dinner, for a walk, classes), in the joint activities of the teacher with the children, and in the independent activities of the children. In implementing this task, we concluded that it is necessary to actively conduct information work with parents about how to work with a child outside the preschool group after cochlear implantation. Organize consultations on this topic, one of the “University for Parents” classes.

Fifth task. Increasing the professional competence and skill of teachers through various forms of methodological work.

Solving the task of improving their professional skills and competence, educators carry it out through various forms of methodological work: self-education, work in the pedagogical and methodological councils of the school, work in the preschool department, mutual attendance at classes. This year, six teachers will undergo professional retraining at NSGU in the direction of “correctional pedagogy”. In the middle of the 2014/15 school year, three teachers will be certified for the qualification category.

At the May meeting of the Moscow Region, reports were heard on the self-education of teachers Chernaya I.Yu. and Garkusha I.N., in which the main directions in which they carry out their work were outlined, literature was offered to teachers for familiarization by topic. Preschool teachers actively use the Internet, providing their teaching experience and participating in various distance competitions.

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Teachers showed open classes within the Moscow Region and shared their experiences and innovations. Ogireva L.V. showed a lesson on social personal development“Etiquette”, Bobanova S.V. – acquaintance with the surrounding world, Chernaya I.Yu. – visual activity (application), Egorova I.M. – familiarization with the outside world. Mutual visits to classes between teachers are always productive, each time they reveal to educators some new techniques in working with our children, and also show gaps and shortcomings in GCD. By conducting an open lesson for his colleagues, each teacher learns to analyze it, as a result of which his professional skills and competence develop.

One of the effective forms of working with parents is the “Day open doors", which is held at school. On this day, parents watched open classes in their groups. All parents were interested to see their child in class, to see what he could do, and also to get acquainted with the life of our school, since in the future their children will study here.

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All group teachers actively took part in the school competition “I love you, my native land” and city competitions held by libraries. For example: the correspondence district competition “My World: Family, Ugra and Me.” Oleg Nemontov became the winner of this competition in the “Amateur Artistic Creativity” category, taking 3rd place.

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The “Do it yourself book” competition held by the city library “Zhuravushka”, where our children took prizes.

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City Library No. 14 held a newspaper competition on the theme “Fabulous New Year" We invite parents to participate in competitions. Cooperation between parents, teachers and children always brings positive aspects; it helps parents devote more time to their child, engage in joint activities with him, and live in his interests. Participation in competitions brings teachers and parents together and promotes the development of mutual understanding.

Preschool groups participated in a school-wide competition for the best classroom. The classroom of teachers of the 2nd year group (I.N. Garkusha, M.V. Bakieva) took 1st place among the preschool department.

Teacher Bobanova S.V. represented our school in the city of Surgut at a seminar held there on the topic: “ Contemporary issues correction and rehabilitation of patients with hearing impairment.”She shared her experience of working on the topic: “Non-traditional forms of conducting classes to familiarize themselves with the outside world as a means of speech development for preschool children with hearing impairment.”

The development of the basic general education program for preschool education for children with hearing impairments, the basis for which wasmain general education program preschool education “From birth to school”Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva and the Education and Training Program for hearing-impaired children, authors -Golovchits L.A., Noskova L.P., Shmatko N.D., Salakhova A.D., Korotkova G.V., Kataeva A.A., Trofimova T.V. As a result of working on the preparation of the program, teachers refreshed their knowledge of regulatory documents in education.

Summing up the work of the Ministry of Education over the past year, we can say that all the teachers worked fruitfully, with enthusiasm, actively collaborated with the parents of their groups, always finding their support, and the need to include parents in preschool life is enormous, so in the next school year it should also be included in work plan for MO activities with parents.

To diversify methodological work within the Moscow Region I offer such forms of work for educators as business games, round tables, development and analysis of competition tasks

In the next academic year, the following tasks require their continuation: maintaining and strengthening the health of children, with the involvement of parents in cooperation; formation of cognitive skills and abilities in preschoolers with impaired hearing through design technology.

Since the number of children who have undergone cochlear implantation is growing, we set a goal for the next school year - to form oral speech children in the initial period of rehabilitation after cochlear implantation.

Objectives for the next academic year:

1. Preserve and strengthen the health of preschool children by intensifying work with parents to create a healthy lifestyle for their children.

2. Continue work on developing cognitive skills and abilities in preschoolers with hearing impairments through design technology.

3. Form the oral speech of children in the initial period of rehabilitation after cochlear implantation.

4. Improve the professional skills of teachers through the use of new generation programs and technologies, self-education, receiving special education, methodological literature, mutual attendance at classes, generalization of experience within the framework of educational institutions, schools, participation in city conferences, active use of the Internet.

Slide captions:

7 2 Higher pedagogical education Secondary specialized pedagogical education The methodological association consists of 9 people

The tasks of the Ministry of Education for this school year were: Preserve and strengthen the health of preschoolers, intensifying work with parents to create a healthy lifestyle for their children; Continue work to improve the quality of education for children based on analysis of monitoring results; Continue work to develop cognitive skills and abilities in preschoolers with hearing impairments through design technology To form the communicative function of speech of preschoolers who have undergone cochlear implantation To improve the professional skills of teachers through self-education, receiving special education, methodological literature, mutual attendance at classes, generalization of experience within the framework of educational institutions, schools, participation in city conferences, active use of the Internet

Physical education classes, iodine-salt hardening, walks in the fresh air, morning exercises, dynamic breaks during classes, finger gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes, prevention of flat feet, outdoor games

Sports games for walks

Physical education class in a group of 2 years of study

Results of monitoring the assimilation of program material by children Levels of mastery of skills Familiarization with the surrounding world Physical education Visual activities and design Game KGN and labor high 29% 48% 52% 43% 50.4% average 38% 42% 24% 57% 49.6 % low 33% 10% 24% 0% 0%

Albums made by parents of the 1st year group

Consultations for parents

Exhibition of methodological literature on a healthy lifestyle, screen folder “Healthy family lifestyle” Group 2 years of study Exhibition with symbols and attributes of the Olympic Games

Presentation of projects by parents and children

Group 3 years of study Teachers together with children produced a mini-encyclopedia “Olympiad - 2014”

Parents and children presented their projects

Excursion to the Triumph sports complex

Lesson from the “Health” series in a group of 4 years of study

Children-parent competitions “Dexterous, strong and brave”

Formation of communicative speech in classes on familiarization with the outside world

Open classes within the framework of the Moscow Region

Participation in city competitions, correspondence district competition “My World: Family, Ugra and Me”

Competition "Do-it-yourself book" - city library "Zhuravushka"

Newspaper competition “Fabulous New Year” in library No. 14 Library visiting preschoolers

Objectives of the methodological association for the next academic year: 1. Preserve and strengthen the health of preschoolers, intensifying work with parents to create a healthy lifestyle for their children 2. Continue work on developing cognitive skills and abilities in preschoolers with impaired hearing through design technology 3. Form oral speech children in the initial period of rehabilitation after cochlear implantation 4. Improve the professional skills of teachers through the use of new generation programs and technologies, self-education, receiving special education, methodological literature, mutual attendance at classes, generalization of experience within the framework of educational institutions, schools, participation in city conferences, active use of the network Internet