Dictionary English-Russian linguo online. ABBYY Lingvo is an online dictionary that will help everyone! Distinctive features of Abbyy lingvo

ABBYY Lingvo x6 is a powerful program for translating texts of any complexity using about 200 electronic dictionaries for 19 languages. A special feature of this software is the presence of the Lingvo Tutor training module, which will make it easier to memorize new words. In addition, users will be able to familiarize themselves with the integrated course English grammar from Oxford University Press.

Main characteristics of ABBYY Lingvo:

  • more than 90 general lexical and grammatical dictionaries
  • ABBYY Tutor option for effective memorization
  • grammar course from Oxford University
  • creating your own dictionaries for work and study
  • word search bar with auto-completion and hints
  • display transcription, listen to pronunciation
  • more than 130 dictionaries for Russian, English, Ukrainian, French,
    Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Turkish and other languages.

IN new version The linguo developer provides all possible translation options for words with examples of their use, including slang, colloquial abbreviations, etc., and in common languages ​​such as English, German and French, frequently used words are presented in the voice-over of native speakers - professional speakers. Users will be able to deal with updated specialized dictionary developments in economics, marketing, transport, service equipment, and game theory.

After installing and launching the program, you will understand how much easier it has become to use: just hover your cursor over an unfamiliar word or phrase on the screen, and you will immediately receive a translation in a pop-up window. It doesn’t matter where the text will be, in an office document, PDF file, website or in the subtitles of a movie. Such integration is another feature of ABBYY Lingvo; you can download such a useful application for free for 15 days without registration and SMS. Next you will need to register and pay for the full version.

We also note that in this option, only a minimum set of dictionaries is installed on the computer; the rest are also available, but on the server, that is, for full operation you will need an Internet connection.

    Lingvo- Lingvo, a family of dictionary software for desktop PC, PDA and smartphones, gives translations of words and phrases for 11 European and Asian languages, accompanied with transcription, pronunciation, word usage examples and the list of inflected ... Wikipedia

    Lingvo- ... Wikipedia

    Lingvo Online- DescriptionLingvo Online is a free online Russian to 5 other languages ​​dictionary combined with human translation service. This web service includes 38 different authoritative dictionaries. Lingvo Online is provided by ABBYY on the base of its… … Wikipedia

    Lingvo internacia- Espéranto Espéranto Esperanto Parlée en Aucun pays en particulier Région Dans le monde entier Nombre de locuteurs Les estimations varient beaucoup, de 100,000 à 10,000,000 de locuteurs répartis dans le monde entier. Typologie… … Wikipédia en Français

    Lingvo internacia- Esperanto Projektautor Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof Jahr der Veröffentlichung 1887 Sprecher 200 bis 2.000 Muttersprachler; verschiedene Schätzungen für Esperanto als Zweitsprache, z. B. 500.000 und 2 Millionen … Deutsch Wikipedia

    Lingvo Cosmopolita- noun an artificial language Hypernyms: artificial language … Useful english dictionary

    ABBYY Lingvo- Lingvo... Wikipedia

    La Lingvo Por Ni- Espéranto > Culture > Musique > La lingvo por ni La lingvo por ni (mot à mot: la langue pour nous) est une chanson populaire parmi les espérantistes lors des Rencontres internationales espérantistes. La musique est la chanson… … Wikipédia en Français

    La lingvo por ni- Espéranto > Culture > Musique > La lingvo por ni La lingvo por ni (mot à mot: la langue pour nous) est une chanson en espéranto populaire chez les espérantophones. Elle est fréquemment chantée durant les Rencontres internationales… … Wikipédia en Français

    Association of Lexicographers Lingvo- created under the auspices of ABBYY and the Union of Translators of Russia (SPR). The Chairman of the Association is Evgeniy Konstantinovich Maslovsky, member of the board of the SPR, head of the section of scientific and technical translation and special dictionaries, author of famous ... Wikipedia

    La Danĝera Lingvo- (signifiant littéralement en espéranto La Langue dangereuse) est une étude historique d Ulrich Lins sur les persécutions qu a subie la collectivité espérantophone depuis la creation de la langue, en 1887. L ouvrage a été édité à plusieurs… … Wikipédia en Français


  • Large English-Russian dictionary ABBYY Lingvo in 2 volumes, . Big English-Russian dictionary ABBYY Lingvo contains about 100,000 dictionary entries, in which 200,000 individual entries are translated and illustrated lexical meanings. A significant place in... Buy for RUR 3,048
  • Great Anglo-Russian dictionary. ABBYY Lingvo.(2 volumes). SET, . Great Anglo-Russian dictionary. ABBYY Lingvo.(2 volumes). SET... Buy for RUR 2,703
  • English language. 4th grade. Textbook (set with ABBYY electronic application). Federal State Educational Standard (+ CD-ROM; number of volumes: 2), Kuzovlev Vladimir Petrovich. The textbook is recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for use in educational institutions. The textbook pays attention to the development of subject-specific learning skills and universal…

If you need more than just an English translator with transcription and want to know foreign words 100%, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main sections of the site. We create thematic collections of words in English, German and Spanish languages, which you can study in any way convenient for you. Most Popular: , . And that's not all...

Perhaps the best professional translation tool.

You can use it online for free, or you can buy the official desktop version. What makes it special? Only in multitrans you can find a narrowly specialized translation of words. Transcription to English words- This required condition. By the way, professional translators from different countries are working on the adequacy of the translation in this dictionary. There is support for other languages, not just English. ABBYY Lingvo- second free version online translators with transcription, but may also be number one for many teachers, students, and schoolchildren.

Here you will find not only transcriptions of the necessary words, but also the correct word forms, sentences, etymology of use and much more. ABBYY dictionaries are more suitable for students English language, while multitran is a professional translation tool.

You can read about the history of the formation and creation of phonetic transcription of American English in the material:

If you are looking good dictionary-translator With foreign language, try the ABBYY Lingvo online service. Thousands of people use its services every day. In addition to an online translator of words and phrases, the resource allows you to expand your knowledge of foreign languages ​​with the help of examples that accompany the translation and training programs.

It should be noted right away that this resource is precisely a dictionary. He will not be able to translate the text; translator programs are needed for this. If you need to translate individual words, then this resource is for you. Moreover, it supports one of the most complete sets of dictionaries, which, to the delight of many, also contains dictionaries of a narrow focus with specific terms. These dictionaries will help you do correct translation students, technical translators, as well as other specialists whose activities are related to a foreign language.

How to work in the Lingvo service

40 dictionaries immediately become available to you. You will be able to translate from English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian language, and also with Latin language. What is especially valuable is that there is a transcription for each word, and popular words are accompanied by an audio recording of their pronunciation. For English - with American and British pronunciation. Another very useful feature of the service is viewing found translation examples. This makes it possible to learn the features of using words in different situations and remember them better.


You do not need to register on the site. Here, registration is a standard ability for many Internet services to save the user’s work history. It is useful for quickly recalling previously learned words. In addition, if you have an account on Google+ or Facebook, you can link it to the service. The registration itself is very simple and takes literally two minutes.

What's on the main menu?

The top menu includes the following items:

    "Dictionaries" (with drop-down list)
    "Terminology Management"
    "Lingvo on your site"

What do they mean?

"Translation"- This home page site. Once on it, you can immediately start working - insert the word to be translated, select the original language and the target language from the list, then click the “Find” button. Below the language selection line there is a menu bar with buttons “Translations”, “Examples”, “Phrases”, “Interpretations”, in parentheses next to the number of found options. By switching between them, you can work with the results.

"Dictionaries"- this page opens a list of dictionaries. Some of them are available to everyone, closed dictionaries are only available to those who have ABBYY Lingvo x6 installed on their PC, and it includes the necessary dictionary. Then you can access it on the ABBYY Lingvo online service.

"Terminology Management"- This page is intended for enterprises. Uniformity of terms is necessary for efficient work team, and working through the Lingvo cloud will help you set it up.

"Lingvo on your site"- the ability to copy the code and place a form of the ABBYY Lingvo online service on your online page.

"Help"- section with frequently asked questions.


Enter the word market to translate from English into Russian.
"Translations". Under the word there is its transcription and buttons for audio recording of pronunciation.

"Examples". On the right are the “complain” and “show source information” icons.

"Phrase combinations." On the right are icons of used dictionaries.

That's all - as you can see, nothing complicated. Evaluate the capabilities of this service for yourself, just go to the link http://www.lingvo-online.ru/ru on ABBYY Lingvo online and start working!

It includes two dozen languages. The user will be able to choose the interface language at his own discretion. Download ABBYY Lingvo x5 Professional version for free you can always visit our website. Downloading will not take much time and will not cause difficulties.

Program features

The translator works perfectly with different versions of Windows, but under one condition - the operating system must necessarily support the Cyrillic alphabet. Additionally, you need the Windows Installer component and about 512 MB random access memory. Of course, the hard drive must also have space to install the program. It takes approximately 150 MB - 5 GB.

If you decide download ABBYY Lingvo x5 Professional version without registration, then after installation you can easily use a solid lexical base and many functions. All this will be useful to you for high-quality translation.

The software will provide you with high-quality translation from twenty languages ​​in a matter of seconds.

If you want to take advantage of unlimited translation capabilities, we recommend that you download ABBYY Lingvo x5 Professional version for Windows in Russian . Millions of program users around the world have already been able to personal experience be convinced of its phenomenal capabilities.


You can use this software product to study the language, relax and work. It’s easy to download at any time ABBYY Lingvo x5 Professional version on our website.

After installation, you will be able to use general lexical, grammatical, thematic dictionaries (electronics, medicine, technology, law, programming, business vocabulary) and 12,400,000 dictionary entries. Additionally, along with the program you will receive ABBYY application Lingvo Tutor for quick memorization words

The younger version of this program is Home. The professional version has more advanced functionality compared to it. The Senior contains all the advantages of the Home, but at the same time has additional services that cover the requirements of highly specialized specialists. It contains thematic dictionaries that take into account the nuances of a particular vocabulary.

The developers took into account the preferences of their audience and increased the accuracy of translation and search speed. WITH latest version you will find the required word among the dictionary arrays in a second. The language barrier is collapsing before our eyes!

You are presented with a product that has no analogues on the market. No other translator will provide you with such a set of tools and data. The translation always turns out accurate and coherent, because it uses intelligent system drawing up proposals.


The ease of use and intuitive interface are immediately noticeable. Nice-looking menu and easy controls. There are no difficulties or freezes in the work. Perfectly optimized software shows bugs only on very weak computers.

With ABBYY Lingvo x5 you can receive translations even outside the application. That is, to translate a text file, it is not necessary to open the program and move the source there.

Simply select it and press a preset key combination on your keyboard. The translation of the required section will appear in the drop-down menu. This option is available for both single words and multiple sentences.

Get a detailed translation of a single word or phrase. In addition to the translation, you will see the maximum amount of information about the word: stress, transcription, meaning, gender and number, examples of use in context. You can find out the correct sound and pronunciation by listening to the recording in the program.

The information on the Lingvo.Pro portal is taken as a basis. All dictionaries and text arrays are stored on the servers. The advantage of such an organization is that developers are constantly updating and expanding their base. When you connect to the Internet, you directly contact the corrected dictionaries and apply the new information.