How to pass the Unified State Exam as an external student. Externship is like that. New training programs

The FIRST Unified State Exam CENTER in Moscow invites students in grades 10 and 11 to classes to prepare for the intermediate and final certification in the form of an external examination.

What is external education? This is one of the types of individual learning in which the student learns curriculum independently and further, based on the results of the intermediate certification, is allowed to take exams and final certification. All students who receive education are thus called external students.

External education for students in grades 10-11 has its own characteristics:

  • Class attendance is not always required. It is necessary to attend teacher consultations, as well as final and intermediate certifications. During the year of study, students will master all the material, and most importantly at the highest level.
  • For external students, an individual schedule of consultations is drawn up, which they need to attend. During the consultation, external students not only receive advice and recommendations for correctly studying the material, but must ask the teacher all the questions that interest them.
  • The external student receives an individual schedule for passing the final certification and receives a document depending on its results.

As you can see, this form of training offered by our The educational center, can be combined if your schedule is overloaded with other activities, including intensive sports activities, creative activity student, frequent trips in connection with competitions or other activities, as well as in other individual cases when an external school for grades 10-11 is the best option.

The transition to an external education system is an important step, so discussion this fact with the students' parents is very important.

Being one of the forms distance learning, the external exam only gives an idea of ​​the student’s performance over the past years, without providing information about his strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it is important here to study the student and guide him in the right direction for effective education outside of school.

For a year of study according to the program compiled by the teachers of our center, students of our external school in Moscow will be able to fully master the course school curriculum without being distracted from your favorite and important activities. This form of distance learning can significantly relieve the time of a busy student additional education or activities of high importance to society.

External education or evening schools are a very common phenomenon abroad, which in practice has proven its effectiveness, because for good studies the location of the student is completely unimportant.

Our training center, at numerous requests from parents of students in preparation courses for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam (GIA), has organized an excellent opportunity for those students who need an external education system for grades 10-11 in Moscow. We provide all the conditions for comfortable learning in our day and evening school outside the educational institution, providing all the necessary educational materials and pedagogical support.

THE FIRST USE CENTER is included in the list of the best external studies in Moscow, the effective teaching of which has been proven by a large number of satisfied students studying remotely.

When choosing external schools for 10th grade in our city, pay special attention to the teaching staff and the approach to each student, which is important for the effectiveness of such education.

Is there a form of Externship in the law?

The Law retains the form certification as an external student. In essence, this is no different from external studies as a form of training under the old Law. After all, even before, all relationships between external students and the educational institution came down to certification. Everything else that went beyond certification was provided by schools only as paid educational services.

What form of training is possible to study if Externship is no longer in the law?

Schools can now accept documents for family education, for self-education, certification for both of these forms is carried out externally.

What is the difference between regular schoolchildren and external students?

The question of the difference between traditional schoolchildren and external students worries both parents and students. Our answer to this is: yes, there is a difference between them, but it is not in favor of... schoolchildren. We noticed this paradox after the first year of working with external students. It would seem that the level of knowledge of schoolchildren who study significantly more with teachers at school than external students (we are talking about external studies with additional consultations) should be higher compared to students using the “high-speed” method. But let's figure it out.

Teachers note: external students have positive motivation to study. They understand that graduating from school is only a step towards their future, and the latter is already tangible for them (almost all of them are preparing to enter universities). These guys want independence and they get it. External students are distinguished by a healthy drive in their studies. They don’t ask teachers the question “why do I need this?” because they themselves know the answer. They don’t say phrases like “I’m not interested,” since each of them has their own goal, and a vital one at that.

Is it possible to study externally at your own school, or is it a separate specialized school?

Externship is a form of certification, which may also be available at the school where you study. There are no specialized schools that teach only external students. If you are ready to study completely independently and only take exams at school, then you should not move to another school.

If you need additional classes to prepare for exams (intensive, distance learning), then it makes sense to move to another school that has experience in conducting such classes for external students. But in this case, you need to take into account that it will be not only you who will choose, but also you.

Is it necessary to transfer a child to alternative forms of education?

First of all, you need to decide which form of education is most suitable for you: full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time, family, self-education. Can be used remote technologies, individual curriculum, accelerated training, combination of different forms of training. .

How to choose a school

Do I have the right to switch to external studies? Does my regular school have the right to refuse me an external program?

You have the right to switch to self-education, but this does not mean that every school is obliged to work with external students. A school may refuse to transfer a student if it does not conduct external certification.

Is it possible to combine studying at your own school and studying externally?

Study in two at the same time secondary schools it is forbidden. You can only additionally prepare for exams at a second educational institution, but you can take exams only at the school where your documents are located.

I want to transfer to external studies in 11th grade. Is it possible to do this if the director claims that there is no external education in our school?

According to the old Law on Education and the federal regulations on external studies, to open an external study in a school, a decision of the founder (or an order from a higher organization) was needed; this form must be recorded in the school’s Charter. That is, the school opens this form of education either on its own initiative, in coordination with a higher organization, or by decision of this higher organization.

According to the new Law, the school only conducts external certification. But nowhere does it say that the school is required to do this for all students who apply to the school.

My daughter is a 10th grade student, now she is looking for an external course, a certificate for the 9th grade - no C grades. Please tell me which school she can attend as an external student? Preferably free of charge and with rare visits in the morning. Or at least with consultations before exams. And one more question: what should she be provided with as auxiliary materials when enrolling in an external study without visits, i.e. to an external school where there is only one exam at the end of the year in each subject?

To obtain certification without additional preparation, you do not need to specifically look for a school and transfer your daughter there. You can stay at your school and take exams at the end of the year. Rare visits mean an individual schedule, which is usually very inconvenient for schools that provide additional preparation for exams. Additional classes usually take place in groups according to a schedule.

The school is not obliged to provide any auxiliary or additional materials; the student has the right to obtain only regular textbooks from the library.

What is required for successful admission to an external school?

External schools have different admission rules. Some conduct testing, some conduct interviews, and a number of schools accept students based on grades in educational documents. At the same time, for the school, in addition to grades, the student’s motivation, seriousness of intentions and responsibility are important.

What testing is required for admission to external studies?

Entrance tests may take place in several stages, but in any case, you first need to pass the test. Each school determines its own requirements, some are guided by grades in educational documents, some conduct interviews, because... It is very important for the school to make sure that the student’s intentions are serious and that he or she is able to work independently. Admission testing is not difficult, the tasks are based on the program of the previous class.

Is preparation required for an external exam, what should you pay attention to in 8th grade?

If speak about special training to external studies, then this is primarily the ability to work independently. This is what you need to pay attention to.

Is it possible to switch to external studies in 11th grade in only two subjects - algebra and geometry - or is it possible only in all subjects?

By individual subjects you can switch to external studies only at your school (this is called part-time and part-time training). The new Law on Education preserves the combination of forms of education.

I am a preparatory student at MITHT. To enter this academy, I need a certificate for grades 10-11. Please give me the addresses of schools where I can get a certificate.

Luckily, we don't know of any schools where you can "get" your certificates. We hope there are no such people. In all schools you need to study and pass exams. For accelerated learning, you must pass an intermediate certification for grade 10, then for grade 11. In addition, you must write a final essay.

I am in 9th grade at a regular school. The problem is that I do better at home than at school, so I'd rather study at home. And I have a desire to study. How to switch to homeschooling? What documents are needed? If I start studying at home with a tutor, how much will it cost or is it free?

If your parents agree with your arguments, they can contact the school for a transfer to alternative forms of education (self-education, family education, correspondence education). Within the framework of these forms, you will be able to study completely independently, and only take exams at school. There are schools where classes are organized according to the 10-11 grade program for one academic year; such classes are usually held 3 times a week. Any external classes (except for consultations before exams and the exams themselves) can only be paid. Whether you have a tutor or not is your own business; if you find a tutor who agrees to work with you for free, you will be lucky :)

Will an external study help a C student who doesn’t want to sit in class every day?

Let's start with the fact that you have the right to switch to external studies, as well as the opportunity.

Everything else is very individual. Many children, especially those who are smart and active, study better in external studies, because... They don’t have to sit around for many hours, and they begin to feel older than their classmates and take more responsibility for their responsibilities. But parents must be there to supervise external studies. Responsibility will not come on its own.

The Unified Information Service has been operating for more than 16 years, and we recommend only those schools that:

  • have been working with intensive and distance learning for more than 5-7 years;
  • work without violations of the law and promptly take into account all changes in the regulatory framework;
  • have positive feedback from students and parents;
  • Paid educational services have a fixed tuition fee: no additional fees, no additional, unscheduled paid classes with school teachers;
  • with a conscientious attitude to classes, they ensure that students pass the final certification (and are not expelled as failures in the middle of the year, taking tuition fees).

Considering the specifics and great responsibility that falls on the child and his parents when switching to an alternative form of education, it is very important to choose the right training program, i.e. it should suit the student as best as possible, and then we can recommend a school that works according to the chosen program.

Is it possible to study at a Moscow school with a residence permit near Moscow?

To study in Moscow schools, you must register on the government services portal, and this can only be done if you have Moscow registration.

What is better: to undergo intermediate certification as an external student at your school or to go to a specialized school?

Studying externally at your own school or in a specialized one has its pros and cons. If the school practices alternative forms of education and, besides you, there are also students in the school on a family basis or on self-education, if you understand how certification in all subjects will be organized, then it is better to stay in your school. If you are offered to stay at your school, and no one can clearly explain in what time frame and how the certification will take place, it is better to move to a school that has been engaged in such forms of education for several years.

Documents for admission to external studies

I lost my personal file with grades during a move, how can I get it back? I want to go to external studies.

To obtain an education document, you must contact the school where you studied. There, based on class registers, they will be able to issue a certificate of education. If the school has been reorganized or there are problems obtaining such a certificate, contact the higher education authorities.

I lost my education documents, attended 3 different schools, and left school 4 years ago. I heard that documents are stored for 3 years and perhaps they are no longer there.

Summary progress reports are kept at the school for 25 years; the certificate must be taken from last school to confirm the level of education received. You need to contact the school. Before the adoption of the new Law on Education, the Regulations on external studies made it possible to do without educational documents, here is a quote: In the absence of the above documents (for foreign citizens, in case of loss of a document, training in the form of self-education, studying abroad), enrollment in a general educational institution as an external student is carried out after establishing the level of general education programs mastered by the applicant in the manner determined by the charter of the given general education institution. But schools are reluctant to do this, offering to restore documents.

Deadlines for admission

When does enrollment in external studies begin/end?

Consultations for parents who want to transfer their children to alternative forms of education have been held since January in the form of group seminars. Carrying out diagnostics, selecting a training program and recommending a school begins on March 1.

There is no end date as such, but some schools close enrollment as early as June.

What are the deadlines for applying for external study? Is it possible to enroll in 10-11 grade external studies in December?

Typically, the school conducts an intermediate assessment for grade 10 in December, then a final essay in February, and an intermediate assessment for grade 11 in the spring. Theoretically, if you manage to get to all subjects according to the intermediate certification schedule, the school can accept you. Schools usually finish enrolling early school year. If a school accepts documents throughout the entire academic year, especially with a paid intensive course, this should alert you. They will accept you, but they will soon expel you.

IMPORTANT: Based on our experience, you first need to choose the optimal training program, our specialists will help you do this, then you need to undergo diagnostics in the main subjects. Please note that for some programs the number of applicants exceeds the number of places and enrollment for such programs ends in May.

Age of external students

We wanted to transfer our son to an external school in the 8th grade, but we were refused, saying that the child was not yet 15 years old, and this would be a violation of the child’s right to education. What to do?

There are no age restrictions for switching to family education. Therefore, the refusal to transfer your son to an alternative form of education is precisely a violation of his rights.

In accordance with the Education Law, you can switch to family education and undergo external certification at school.

Is there an age limit for receiving secondary general education?

The Education Law does not provide age limits for obtaining secondary general education. Persons over 18 years of age study in evening schools. There are also no age restrictions for external certification.

Duration of external studies

What is the class schedule for 11th graders - do they complete the program in 6 months? and there are no classes in the second half of the year?

In all schools, regardless of the schedule, consultations and trial exams are held in the second half of the year. Interim certification usually takes place in December-January, sometimes classes are held until March.

Is it possible to complete 11th grade in half the school year?

It is possible to take intensive classes (classes to prepare for exams according to the 11th grade program) in one academic semester, but you will need to take the Unified State Exam together with everyone else, you will simply have more time to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

Is it possible to study externally without reducing the duration of study?

You can study externally without reducing the duration of your studies. Reducing or increasing the duration of study is possible only at the request of the student and parents.

I finished 10th grade and this moment entered the Shchepkin Theater School! All I have to do is submit my certificate and USE results, which I don’t have. Is it possible to finish school over the summer?

No, this is impossible, because 11th grade is a certification grade. And the final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam takes place simultaneously throughout the country in May-June.

Is it possible to finish grades 8-9 as an external student in one year, and then complete grades 10-11 at a normal pace in 2 years?

Externship is possible with a shorter period of study, but this is only at the request of the parents and the child. You can switch to training at any time without reducing the duration of your training.

Is it possible to retake the certification if I didn’t pass the first time? Because now it will be important GPA certificate

There are no regulatory documents yet regarding the accounting of certificate scores. You can retake, the procedure for conducting intermediate certification is determined by the school, so it is better to find out in advance from the school administration what to do in a given situation.

As part of distance learning – retake final tests is carried out in person.

What subjects are included in the programs - 10+, 10-11, 11?

Classes are held in all subjects of the school curriculum, and exams are held in the same subjects. According to the regulations on external studies, it was not necessary to undergo certification in physical education, art and technology. Now, according to the Education Law, it is necessary to pass certification in all subjects general education program, including MHC, physical education, life safety, if any are provided for in the curriculum.

External education

Is it possible for the external course to include English and German?

You can only take a second language so that there is a grade on the certificate. But there will be no second language classes.

What do students receive in Intensive programs?

Intensive - classes at school in all subjects, the study of subjects is mainly block-based (main subjects - throughout the whole year, the rest - with immersion, for several weeks, then students immediately take an exam and do not return to this subject again). The subject is studied according to the basic program, i.e. all the main content of the subject is given.

Preparation for the Unified State Examination is given while studying the main program; in the second half of the year, trial Unified State Examinations and consultations are held.

Students have the opportunity to use the Educational Portal, which contains materials for all subjects, many test tasks and simulators for the subjects. He helps organize independent work student.

The school may take into account the child’s grades on the educational portal, but as additional ones. The main thing in the “Intensive” program is full-time classes, built, rather, on the principle of distance learning at a university.

Will it be possible for me not to take classes in those subjects that I don’t need, and not to take exams in them at school, or to abandon these subjects altogether?

No. When studying in any form, you must pass certification in all subjects state standard and complete the curriculum. Otherwise, you will not be promoted to the next grade, and in grades 9 and 11 you will not be admitted to the state final certification and, as a result, will not receive a certificate of education.

Is it possible to attend the lessons that I need during the external studies, or once I went to the external studies, that’s it, I won’t be able to go to lessons anymore?

If you switch to external studies, then at school you only attend consultations before exams and exams. Everything else is done independently and in the form of paid educational services.

What is the advantage of the “10+” program - after all, it’s essentially the same thing - if we don’t pass all the subjects, then we will be left in 10th grade, and then we’ll move on to 11th grade, or if we don’t pass the Unified State Exam, we’ll retake it.

If a student has not passed the intermediate assessment and is not admitted to the final assessment, he is recommended to switch to full-time education. It’s one thing for a student to study all the subjects of the 11th grade, but in agreement with the school he passes only part of the subjects, then he is actually transferred to the 11th grade, and with early certification in some of the 11th grade subjects; it’s another thing to pass these exams unsatisfactorily.

Is it possible to go to school electives as an external student?

Visits to electives must be agreed upon with the school administration. This is possible if the school agrees.

Externship and online learning

How do you study at online school?

  1. Get access to the Learning Portal. Our technical support service is always ready to help.
  2. You are assigned a curator, whom you can contact at any time for advice on all organizational issues.
  3. A schedule for studying each subject is published on the Educational Portal, tests and tests are assigned.
  4. You work through all the materials, which include:
  • theory (reference books, basic rules, formulas and regulations, visual diagrams and tables, examples, quotes, tables with data, historical information and biographies);
  • Additional materials;
  • interactive workshops;
  • practice tests.
  1. Online lessons are held according to the schedule, where students communicate with the teacher and their classmates.
  2. You can seek advice from a teacher by asking a written question on the learning portal.

How difficult is it to pass certification in non-core subjects in the case of distance learning? Is it possible to take exams in person?

Distance learning allows you to save time as much as possible, not only due to the absence of the need to spend it on travel and review lectures, which often give the student little. Distance technologies make it possible to carefully organize training in all subjects, distributing time throughout the academic year.

Non-core subjects are usually given during the first half of the year in order to free up the second half of the year as much as possible for preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam. Educational materials designed in such a way as to obtain maximum results with minimal time. In addition to texts, there are video lectures, video consultations, for example, with analysis of tasks, test tasks which will allow you to test your level of preparation. If a student does not understand something, he can seek advice from the teacher at any time.

Of course, the certification can be taken in person; moreover, in the main subjects it is always taken in person. And only if it is impossible to attend in person (illness, emergency), remote certification online is organized. This is very important not only to catch a student's problems early, but it is essential to ensure the student is confident that he is ready for the exam. The face-to-face assessment format disciplines the student, while at the same time giving him confidence in his abilities.

I would really like to finish grades 10-11 as an external student, because I don’t see the point in wasting 2 years at school if there is an opportunity to get an education in one year. I've heard about this form of learning called distance learning. I understand that assignments are sent via the Internet, and then you need to go to school for certification. My grades at school in the 8th grade are excellent, I think in the 9th grade it will be no worse.

Distance learning with assignment transfer is a thing of the distant past. Now a full-fledged educational process. Interactive training materials, online and offline consultations, testing with automatic verification of results, etc. More information about distance learning

What is online learning?

Online learning (or) is used in various forms of learning, including full-time training. These are distance technologies, which are discussed in some detail in the Education Law. In accordance with the Law, it is possible not only Remote education in all classes, you can take intermediate certification remotely. Distance learning in the Online (Internet school) includes compulsory training in all basic academic subjects: Russian language, literature, English language, algebra, geometry, computer science and ICT, history, social studies (including economics and law), geography, biology, physics, chemistry.

Unified State Exam in external studies

What subjects are taken for the Unified State Exam as an external student? Is it possible to prepare well for the Unified State Exam by studying in 11th grade 2 times a week for 1 half of the year?

State final certification in the form of a single state exam is a mandatory requirement for all 11th grade graduates, regardless of the form of study. Without Unified State Exam graduate will not receive a certificate. The Unified State Exam for external students is no different from the Unified State Exam for all other students. Moreover, students all take exams together.

Graduates of 11th grade take 2 compulsory subjects– Russian and mathematics (mathematics can be taken in basic and/or specialized), the rest are optional (not required).

Intensive classes 2 times a week will allow you to cope with the main program of the 11th grade, you should not count on some kind of miracle, during this time it is unrealistic to give the program of the 11th grade and prepare for the Unified State Exam. To prepare for the Unified State Exam you need special classes. Of course, if it is enough for a student to pass Russian and mathematics with satisfactory results, intensive classes may well be enough.

What results do children get from the schools you recommend? How are such results achieved?

Among our graduates there have always been a large number of medalists, and the results of the Unified State Exam (USE) are higher than with traditional education, because Students can prepare for exams in a focused manner.

Expulsion is only if the student does not attend classes at school and does not study. The training program is selected so that the student can prepare.

The reasons for achieving high results are simple:

  1. Schools with extensive experience in organizing training.
  2. Experience working with alternative forms of education, using modern pedagogical and information technologies.
  3. Responsible approach to working with students, support of the educational process by curators, methodologists, educational psychologists.
  4. Reasonable cost of training, which allows, on the one hand, to organize a full and effective educational process, and, on the other hand, to attract strong students to study.

In October, trial Unified State Examinations/Unified State Examinations are held, after which the program is adjusted, an individual curriculum is drawn up, if necessary, and the student’s progress is monitored.

How to combine schooling and preparation for university?

Actually, external studies can be considered as a solution to this problem. The choice of external education is a thoughtful and balanced result of discussions about forms of education between the child and parents. Students very often enroll in external studies precisely to combine classes in the basic school curriculum and preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam.

During the external program, will I take the Unified State Exam along with regular 11th graders?

Yes, all school students, regardless of their form of education, take the Unified State Exam together within the main deadlines.

Is it possible to take the Unified State Exam early in external studies?

They have the right to take the Unified State Exam early:

  • graduates of evening (shift) schools drafted into the ranks Russian Army;
  • traveling to Russian or international sport competitions, competitions, shows, Olympiads and training camps;
  • those traveling abroad for permanent residence or to continue their studies;
  • sent by medical indications to treatment-and-prophylactic and other institutions for carrying out treatment, health-improving and rehabilitation measures during the period of state (final) certification;
  • Graduates educational institutions Russian Federation located outside the Russian Federation, in countries with difficult climatic conditions.

Is it possible not to take the Unified State Exam after finishing 11th grade (I was told that it does not affect the certificate) and take it next year? I want to prepare for another year and pass the Unified State Exam next year.

You will not receive a certificate without passing the Unified State Exam. Students who successfully pass the Unified State Exam receive a certificate. But the results of the Unified State Exam really do not affect the grades on the certificate.

For admission to a university, Unified State Exam results are valid for four years.

Medals in external studies

Is it possible to get a medal in external studies?

Graduates of external studies have equal rights when receiving a medal. There are no restrictions on the form of training. We must remember that the procedure for receiving medals is determined by the constituent entities of the federation independently.

Admission to university after external studies

After external studies, which universities can I enroll in? Do they take the Unified State Exam in the same way as everyone else?

A) The certificate does not indicate the form of study.

B) No university has ever limited admission due to the form of study.

They take the Unified State Exam on the same basis as everyone else, and receive the same documents as students. full-time.

Firstly, the certificate does not indicate the form of education.

Secondly, receiving education in the form of an external study not only does not interfere with entering universities, but actually helps. A significant number of students and graduates of the best Moscow universities graduated from school in the form of external studies.

What schools are assigned to universities?

Cooperation with universities made sense when school graduations were at the same time entrance to the university; this has not been the case anywhere for a long time. All universities are required to accept Unified State Exam results, + some conduct additional tests. All other cooperation with schools, supposedly for subsequent admission to these universities, is only to collect money from parents.

External study after college

I am 20 years old, I only finished 9th grade and after school I studied at college for a year. I would like to finish grades 10-11 as an external student at night school. Can my hours be counted toward 1 year of college? What documents do I need to submit for this external study?

If you take an academic transcript from college, which will indicate hours in general education subjects with positive certification results, these subjects can be partially counted towards school certification. And one more condition: the college must be state or accredited.

To enter the school, you need to present the original document of education (9th grade certificate), and your certificate is in the college, right?

Eligible for the Unified State Exam: I graduated from school in 1995. I can’t enter a university without the Unified State Exam. How can I pass the Unified State Exam? Or should I rent it out on a commercial basis somehow? I'm already desperate.

On a commercial basis - no, do not waste time and money, even if someone promises to arrange such a “commercial” exam for you. You need to contact the district education department, you will be sent to a school where there is a center for conducting the Unified State Exam.

Do you want to enroll in full-time study? You know what if school education received before 01/01/09, ; There are the following rules for admission to universities:

  • for full-time study - only based on the results of the Unified State Examination in general education subjects corresponding to the field of study (specialty) for which admission is carried out (at least 3 Unified State Examinations)
  • for part-time (evening) and correspondence form training at the choice of the applicant either based on the results of the Unified State Examination or the results entrance examinations conducted by the university independently (3 tests in the form established by the university independently).

It so happened that now I have 9 years of education. Need to finish 10-11. How can you complete 10-11 training with minimal financial costs?

The options are as follows:

  1. Training according to the 10-11 grade program at evening school. The classes there are for adults and working people, so it will be quite realistic. The duration of training is 3 years, in some cases it can be 2 years.
  2. Externship. Independent preparation, at school only consultations before exams and the exams themselves. For free.

There are no other options. Preparing adults for certification is indeed more expensive than ordinary schoolchildren, but the work is also more difficult - there is a long break in training. If you find options where they promise to prepare you for a small fee, do not forget that free cheese only comes in mousetraps. The school will never take responsibility for the final assessment of a student without confidence that he will pass it successfully. And the results of the Unified State Exam are the responsibility of the school, incl. for graduates of external studies. Therefore, a small amount then continuously grows throughout the year: you need to study additionally in one subject, then in another.

Externship for junior classes

Is it possible to complete grades 3-4 as an external student in one academic year? What do we need to do? Where to go?

The Education Law does not limit age or level of education for external certification. First of all, clearly formulate what you want. These questions will help you make a decision:

  1. You want to pass certification in the 3-4 grade program within one academic year. When will you be ready to take the intermediate assessment for grade 3? For 4th grade?
  2. Are you ready to pass certification at your school or want to do it at another?
  3. Will you prepare your child for certification yourself?

After you answer these questions for yourself, you can call the information service, they will advise you which school is best to contact.

My son is in 7th grade, we want to transfer him to external studies. Does the quality of external education depend solely on the child? The question is related to the fact that, unlike high school students, self-motivation at the age of 14 is rather weak; how can education be structured so that a child gains knowledge when there is no daily control over him from teachers?

Externship 10-11 grade

Studying the 10-11 grade program in one academic year externally is one of the most famous and popular programs; it allows you to redistribute time on core subjects and concentrate on preparing for the Unified State Exam and preparing for entrance examinations

If you decide to go to external studies in grades 10-11 in the 2019-2020 academic year, then first of all you need to decide the following:

  1. In what mode will classes be organized - perhaps in person 2-3 times a week, perhaps part-time (you will complete part of the program remotely), and also possible completely distance learning with classes conducted by teachers online
  2. Not all schools offer all programs, so first you need to choose a program, then you can find a suitable school
  3. When choosing an external program, it is extremely important to take into account your current academic performance, OGE results and required Unified State Examination points on admission. The choice of the optimal program will depend on this
  4. Different schools have different schedules for organizing classes, frequency of classes per week, number of lessons, time of day. It is also better to choose individually
  5. If you want to choose an external program for the next academic year, then you need to sign up for a free consultation. Consultations are conducted by specialists in alternative training programs by appointment. For consultation, we ask you to take with you a transcript with grades for the previous class, a list of planned Unified State Exam subjects and clarify the required points, employment schedule for certain activities within the next academic year (preparatory courses, tutors, clubs, sections)

You can make an appointment by calling +7 495 154 95 05 or by sending .

Externship 10-11 grade– admission

Many people ask questions: how to apply, what certificates are needed, and what to do if there are not enough documents for admission to external studies in grades 10-11. And in general, why is information, for example, about C grades for previous years of study important?

Going to external studies in grades 10-11 is a responsible decision, which is why the student must convince the school that he is not choosing external studies out of laziness. Since teachers see the future external student for the first time, they need some information about him. And academic performance over previous years of study is the only official characteristic of a student. In the future, student resumes will be created describing their talents, but this is only in the future. In the meantime, grades for previous years make it possible to understand which subjects are easier for a child and which are more difficult. This will allow you not just to use it as a “learning accelerator” or one of the forms of distance learning, but to actually get an education.

For admission to external studies for grades 10-11, GIA results are, of course, required. In the event that after 9th grade a student entered any college, but for various reasons decided to return to the school curriculum, To enroll in external studies for grades 10-11, you will also need an academic certificate from the college- this will allow you to more carefully draw up a training program (if the student has chosen an intensive course - see “Program 10-11 grade for 1 year”). In addition, training hours school subjects will count.

Russian external study programs. Externship 10-11 grade

To transfer to external studies and study in grades 10-11 it is necessary to conclude an agreement. If a student decides to study remotely, all documents can be sent by mail. But we must not forget that both external students and schoolchildren take the Unified State Exam under the same conditions on the same day (). Therefore, even when studying at an online school, certification is carried out in person. If a decision was made to enroll the child in a Moscow school, then Registration is required to take the Unified State Exam..

10+ 10+
12000 ₽/month more details

10-11 10-11 grade in 1 year
15000 ₽/month more details

10, 11 10th and 11th grades
for 2 years Cost:
12000 ₽/month more details

10+ 10+
with intensive
from 12000 ₽/month
more details

10-11 10-11 grade
for 1 year with intensive
from 12000 ₽/month more details

11 Grade 11
with intensive
from 10,000 ₽/month more details

Students study the school curriculum for grades 10 and 11 for one year, leaving only core subjects for the second year, those for which they plan to take the Unified State Exam. The program is optimal for students who do not need to save 1 year. 2 years of preparation will allow you to get the highest possible results in exams.

Training is organized using modern educational technologies. The main resource is the educational portal, where all the necessary educational materials are posted, classes and consultations with teachers are held. Study schedule, curator's office, classrooms for all subjects, gradebook, online classes, testing, consultations - here there are all opportunities for successful study all subjects of the program.

A separate block within the program includes preparation for the Unified State Exam in compulsory subjects - Russian and mathematics. Students complete the entire required volume of thematic and complex assignments. During the academic year, face-to-face trial work, the level of preparation is monitored, which makes it possible to predict the result of the Unified State Exam.

Students study for 2 years, first according to the 10th grade program, in the second year - 11th grade, i.e. without reducing the training period.

Training is organized using modern educational technologies. The main resource is an educational portal where all the necessary educational materials are posted, classes are held and consultations with teachers are held. The curriculum, the curator's office, classrooms for all subjects, a gradebook, online classes, testing, consultations - here there are all the opportunities for successfully studying all program subjects.

The advantages of this program are a flexible class schedule. You can adjust the sequence and timing of studying subjects within six months. At the same time, this organization of classes allows you to optimize the load. During the academic year, full-time test work is carried out in specialized subjects, and the level of training is monitored, which allows us to predict the results of the Unified State Exam.

Tutoring intensive

Students study the syllabus for grades 10 and 11 for one year, but are partially assessed for grade 11, not in all subjects.

Benefits of the program the opportunity to complete the program in most of the 11th grade subjects during the first year and intensively and purposefully prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, mathematics and elective subjects in mini-groups from the 10th grade.

School intensive

Classes are held 3 times a week in all school subjects. This organization of classes allows you to distribute the load across all subjects and correct possible problems in a timely manner.

Benefits of the program Classes in the format of school lessons allow you to maintain connections with school, including relationships with classmates. The opportunity to complete most of the 11th grade subjects within the first year and free up time next year to prepare for the Unified State Exam. The program is optimal for students who do not need to save 1 year of education. 2 years of preparation will allow you to get the highest possible results in exams.

Tutoring intensive

Tutoring classes to prepare for the Unified State Exam are held 4 times a week throughout the academic year in Russian, mathematics and elective subjects.

All non-core subjects of the school curriculum are studied remotely. The educational portal contains all the necessary educational materials, classes and consultations with teachers are held. Study schedule, curator's office, classrooms for all subjects, gradebook, online classes, testing, consultations - here there are all the opportunities for successfully studying all subjects of the program. You can find out more about the organization of distance learning

Students study the 10th and 11th grade curriculum for one year.

Benefits of the program The opportunity to quickly complete the 10th and 11th grade program in a year and intensively and purposefully prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, mathematics and elective subjects in mini-groups.

School intensive

Classes are held throughout the school year in all school subjects. In one academic year, students study the 10th and 11th grade curriculum and save one academic year. Classes are held 3 times a week. It must be remembered that the workload during this year is very heavy, so you need to correctly calculate your strength.

All students also receive access to the educational portal, which contains all the necessary educational materials and test tasks that may be needed to successfully master the program, including during preparation for the Unified State Exam.

The main disadvantage is that it is very difficult to prepare for all exams at a high level.

Benefits of the program Classes in the format of school lessons allow you to maintain connections with school, including relationships with classmates. Students save 1 year.

Tutoring intensive

Tutoring classes to prepare for the Unified State Exam are held 4 times a week throughout the academic year in Russian, mathematics and elective subjects.

All non-core subjects of the school curriculum are studied remotely. The educational portal contains all the necessary educational materials, classes and consultations with teachers are held. Study schedule, curator's office, classrooms for all subjects, gradebook, online classes, testing, consultations - here there are all the opportunities for successfully studying all subjects of the program and completing school. You can find out more about the organization of distance learning

Benefits of the program the opportunity to complete the 11th grade program before January and intensively and purposefully prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, mathematics and elective subjects in mini-groups.

School intensive

The best option for students who have completed 10th grade. Classes are held 2 times a week during the first half of the year in all school subjects. The second half of the year is freed up to prepare for the Unified State Exam. This organization of classes allows you to distribute the load across all subjects and correct possible problems in a timely manner.

As part of face-to-face classes and self-study material, students receive all the necessary knowledge for the school curriculum.

All students also receive access to the educational portal, which contains all the necessary educational materials and test tasks that may be needed to successfully master the program, including during preparation for the Unified State Exam.

After passing Unified State Exam students Those who choose external studies receive the same certificate as all Russian schoolchildren. There will be no marks about external studies, family education or self-education, and universities accept applicants under the same conditions. Moreover, transferring to external studies for grades 10-11 does not deprive students of the right to receive a medal.

Externship 10-11 grade and preparation for entering university

Go to external study for grades 10-11 implies self-training students. That is why the law on education specifies the form: self-education. However, many people confuse external studies and preparation for entering a university. Don’t be confused: external studies only free up time for visiting preparatory courses, but teachers do not prepare students, for example, for creative competitions. Therefore, when choosing a program "externship 10-11 grade" It is necessary to remember that if there are additional entrance tests at the university, you will need to prepare for them separately.

As for preparing for the Unified State Exam, the results of which are necessary for admission to a university (even not in specialized subjects, such as biology, social studies, and so on), then all the materials necessary to pass the exams are available.

The period of final exams is considered perhaps the most difficult time for schoolchildren. Perhaps every student feels a colossal burden of responsibility. It is important to get a high score, not to disappoint your parents and to enroll in a university. In the graduating class, you have to sit for long hours in front of textbooks in order to repeat everything school course. Not everyone is able to cope with such a load.

Is it possible to take the Unified State Exam in 10th grade?

Imagine that instead of active preparation in the 11th grade, you can study at a measured pace, already having a certificate of passing the unified exam.

How is this possible?

Thanks to another innovation, since 2015 it has been possible to hand in some items early. That is, after finishing 10th grade. It must be said that the list of such subjects does not include all, but only some school disciplines. In particular, the Russian language and mathematics (in the basic version), as well as geography.

According to the Ministry of Education, by the end of the 10th grade, schoolchildren have finished studying these subjects, so no one bothers them to pass the Unified State Exam before others. The freed up time can be used to prepare for other exams.

How to pass the Unified State Exam in 10th grade?

There is one thing important condition. The student must confirm that his grade in the chosen discipline is at least three points. This will become the basis for admission to the Unified State Exam.

It is curious that not all schoolchildren are aware of their rights. Many teachers do not tell whether it is possible to take the Unified State Exam in 10th grade. In order to take the unified exam, you need to have time to write the appropriate application before February 1. The application must be submitted at the school where the training is taking place.

Is it possible to take the Unified State Exam in 10th grade if learning is carried out, for example, remotely? Schoolchildren who master the material individually also have access to early delivery Unified State Exam. Provided that you have successfully passed the intermediate certification. Also, for admission to take the Unified State Exam after 10th grade, you will need permission from the teachers' council.

Is it worth it?

You need to make an informed decision. We have already found out whether it is possible to take the Unified State Exam in 10th grade. Theoretically, nothing prevents a student from doing this. However, having the opportunity to take the exam early does not mean that you need to rush to take advantage of it.

The big advantage of taking the Unified State Exam early is that, along with the certificate, the student gets the opportunity not to attend some disciplines. This will free up extra time for other activities. It could be a hobby or preparing for any other exam.

If you receive a positive mark on the Unified State Examination, it is included in your certificate. This means that in the senior year the student will have less homework. He will be able to do everything, and not be in constant stress due to increased loads.

However, the student will have to pay for all these benefits in the 10th grade. After all, he will have to not only keep up with the program, but also pay attention to preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language or another subject.

However, if exam results are not taken into account when applying to a university, then it’s okay to get a less-than-ideal result. A student applying for the highest grade or gold medal You may have to retake the Unified State Exam.

Another difficulty faced by those who plan to take the Unified State Exam in the Russian language or another discipline in the 10th grade is that not every teacher will approve of such an idea. Of course, no one will forbid you to take the unified exam ahead of schedule. However, be prepared to be more biased towards you.

In any case, by passing the Unified State Exam in 10th grade, the student does not lose anything. After all, if the assessment is unsatisfactory, you can try again later.

How to pass the unified exam as an external student?

As you know, parents can independently determine the form of education. If a student undergoes training without being present in class, he can take the Unified State Exam as an external student.

However, some conditions must be met:

  • submit a certificate confirming completion of 9 grades;
  • pass essays and midterm tests.

You need to understand that when taking the Unified State Exam as an external student, the student is forced to prepare independently. An alternative could be individual sessions with a teacher, regular consultations, intensive courses, etc.

The option of taking the Unified State Exam externally is suitable for those students who, for some reason, are forced to miss school. For example, children often participate in musical or sporting activities.

Schoolchildren have the right to take the Unified State Exam after 10th grade. Whether to use it or not, everyone decides for themselves.

Is there a form of Externship in the law?
The Law retains the form of external certification. In essence, this is no different from external studies as a form of training under the old Law. After all, even before, all relationships between external students and the educational institution came down to certification. Everything else that went beyond certification was provided by schools only as paid educational services.

What form of training is possible to study if Externship is no longer in the law?
Now schools can accept documents for family education and self-education; certification for both of these forms is carried out externally.

What is the difference between regular schoolchildren and external students?
The question of the difference between traditional schoolchildren and external students worries both parents and students. There is a difference between them, but it is not in favor of... schoolchildren. It would seem that the level of knowledge of schoolchildren who study significantly more with teachers at school than external students (we are talking about external studies with additional consultations) should be higher compared to students using the “high-speed” method. But let's figure it out.
Teachers note: external students have positive motivation to study. They understand that graduating from school is only a step towards their future, and the latter is already tangible for them (almost all of them are preparing to enter universities). These guys want independence and they get it. External students are distinguished by a healthy drive in their studies. They don’t ask teachers the question “why do I need this?” because they themselves know the answer. They don’t say phrases like “I’m not interested,” since each of them has their own goal, and a vital one at that.

Is it possible to study externally at your own school, or is it a separate specialized school?
Externship is a form of certification, which may also be available at the school where you study. There are no specialized schools that teach only external students. If you are ready to study completely independently and only take exams at school, then you should not move to another school.
If you need additional classes to prepare for exams (intensive, distance learning), then it makes sense to move to another school that has experience in conducting such classes for external students. But in this case, you need to take into account that it will be not only you who will choose, but also you.

Is it necessary to transfer a child to alternative forms of education?
First of all, you need to decide which form of education is most suitable for you: full-time, part-time, part-time, part-time, family, self-education. You can use distance technologies, an individual curriculum, accelerated learning, and a combination of different forms of learning.

Do I have the right to switch to external studies? Does my regular school have the right to refuse me an external program?
You have the right to switch to self-education, but this does not mean that every school is obliged to work with external students. A school may refuse to transfer a student if it does not conduct external certification.

Is it possible to combine studying at your own school and studying externally?
You cannot study in two secondary schools at the same time. You can only additionally prepare for exams at a second educational institution, but you can take exams only at the school where your documents are located.

Is preparation required for an external exam, what should you pay attention to in 8th grade?
If we talk about special preparation for an external exam, then this is, first of all, the ability to work independently. This is what you need to pay attention to.

Duration of external studies

What is the class schedule for 11th graders - do they complete the program in 6 months? and there are no classes in the second half of the year?
In all schools, regardless of the schedule, consultations and trial exams are held in the second half of the year. Interim certification usually takes place in December-January, sometimes classes are held until March.

Is it possible to complete 11th grade in half the school year?
It is possible to take intensive classes (classes to prepare for exams according to the 11th grade program) in one academic semester, but you will need to take the Unified State Exam together with everyone else, you will simply have more time to prepare for the Unified State Exam. The final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam takes place simultaneously throughout the country in May-June.

Is it possible to study externally without reducing the duration of study?
You can study externally without reducing the duration of your studies. Reducing or increasing the duration of study is possible only at the request of the student and parents.

Is it possible to finish grades 8-9 as an external student in one year, and then complete grades 10-11 at a normal pace in 2 years?
Externship is possible with a shorter period of study, but this is only at the request of the parents and the child. You can switch to training at any time without reducing the duration of your training.

What subjects are included in the programs - 10+, 10-11, 11?
Classes are held in all subjects of the school curriculum, and exams are held in the same subjects. According to the regulations on external studies, it was not necessary to undergo certification in physical education, art and technology. Now, according to the Law on Education, it is necessary to pass certification in all subjects of the general education program, including MHC, physical education, life safety, if such are provided for in the curriculum.

External education

What do students receive in Intensive programs?
Intensive - classes at school in all subjects, the study of subjects is mainly block-based (main subjects - throughout the whole year, the rest - with immersion, for several weeks, then students immediately take an exam and do not return to this subject again). The subject is studied according to the basic program, i.e. all the main content of the subject is given.
Preparation for the Unified State Examination is given while studying the main program; in the second half of the year, trial Unified State Examinations and consultations are held.

Will it be possible for me not to take classes in those subjects that I don’t need, and not to take exams in them at school, or to abandon these subjects altogether?
No. When studying in any form, you must pass certification in all subjects of the state standard and complete the curriculum. Otherwise, you will not be promoted to the next grade, and in grades 9 and 11 you will not be admitted to the state final certification and, as a result, will not receive a certificate of education.

Externship and distance learning

How do you study remotely?
- Get access to educational materials.
- You are assigned a curator, whom you can contact at any time for advice on all organizational issues.
- A schedule for studying each subject is drawn up, tests and tests are assigned.
- You work through all materials, which include:
theory (reference books, basic rules, formulas and provisions, visual diagrams and tables, examples, quotes, data tables, historical references and biographies);
Additional materials;
interactive workshops;
practice tests.
Online lessons are held according to the schedule, where students communicate with the teacher.
You can contact your teacher for advice.

How difficult is it to pass certification in non-core subjects in the case of distance learning? Is it possible to take exams in person?
Distance learning allows you to save time as much as possible, not only due to the absence of the need to spend it on travel and review lectures, which often give the student little. Distance technologies make it possible to carefully organize training in all subjects, distributing time throughout the academic year.
Non-core subjects are usually given during the first half of the year in order to free up the second half of the year as much as possible for preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam. The training materials are designed in such a way as to achieve maximum results with minimal time investment. In addition to texts, there are video lectures, video consultations, for example, with analysis of problems, test tasks that will allow you to test your level of preparation. If a student does not understand something, he can seek advice from the teacher at any time.
Of course, the certification can be taken in person; moreover, in the main subjects it is always taken in person. And only if it is impossible to attend in person (illness, emergency), remote certification online is organized. This is very important not only to catch a student's problems early, but it is essential to ensure the student is confident that he is ready for the exam.
The face-to-face assessment format disciplines the student, while at the same time giving him confidence in his abilities.

What is online learning?
Online learning is used in various forms of learning, including face-to-face learning. These are distance technologies, which are discussed in some detail in the Education Law. In accordance with the Law, not only is distance education possible in all classes, it is also possible to pass intermediate certification remotely. Distance learning in the Online (Internet school) includes compulsory training in all basic academic subjects: Russian language, literature, English, algebra, geometry, computer science and ICT, history, social studies (including economics and law), geography, biology, physics, chemistry.

Unified State Exam in external studies

What subjects are taken for the Unified State Exam as an external student? Is it possible to prepare well for the Unified State Exam by studying in 11th grade 2 times a week for 1 half of the year?
State final certification in the form of a unified state exam is a mandatory requirement for all 11th grade graduates, regardless of the form of study. Without the Unified State Exam, a graduate will not receive a certificate. The Unified State Exam for external students is no different from the Unified State Exam for all other students. Moreover, students all take exams together.
Graduates of 11th grade take 2 compulsory subjects - Russian and mathematics (mathematics can be taken basic and/or specialized), the rest are optional (not mandatory).
Intensive classes 2 times a week will allow you to cope with the main program of the 11th grade, you should not count on some kind of miracle, during this time it is unrealistic to give the program of the 11th grade and prepare for the Unified State Exam. To prepare for the Unified State Exam, special classes are required. Of course, if it is enough for a student to pass Russian and mathematics with satisfactory results, intensive classes may well be enough.

What results do children get? How are such results achieved?
Among our graduates, the Unified State Examination (OGE) results are higher than with traditional education, because Students can prepare for exams in a focused manner.
Expulsion is only if the student does not attend classes at school and does not study. The training program is selected so that the student can prepare.
The reasons for achieving high results are simple:
A school with extensive experience in organizing training.
Experience working with alternative forms of education, using modern pedagogical and information technologies.
Responsible approach to working with students, support of the educational process.
Reasonable cost of training, which allows, on the one hand, to organize a full and effective educational process, and, on the other hand, to attract strong students to study.

How to combine schooling and preparation for university?
Actually, external studies can be considered as a solution to this problem. The choice of external education is a thoughtful and balanced result of discussions about forms of education between the child and parents. Students very often enroll in external studies precisely to combine classes in the basic school curriculum and preparation for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam.

During the external program, will I take the Unified State Exam along with regular 11th graders?
Yes, all school students, regardless of their form of education, take the Unified State Exam together within the main deadlines.

Is it possible to take the Unified State Exam early in external studies?
They have the right to take the Unified State Exam early:
graduates of evening (shift) schools drafted into the ranks of the Russian Army;
traveling to Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, shows, Olympiads and training camps;
those traveling abroad for permanent residence or to continue their studies;
sent for medical reasons to medical, preventive and other institutions for medical, health and rehabilitation measures during the period of state (final) certification;
graduates of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation located outside the Russian Federation, in countries with difficult climatic conditions.

Is it possible not to take the Unified State Exam after finishing 11th grade (I was told that it does not affect the certificate) and take it next year? I want to prepare for another year and pass the Unified State Exam next year.
You will not receive a certificate without passing the Unified State Exam. Students who successfully pass the Unified State Exam receive a certificate. But the results of the Unified State Exam really do not affect the grades on the certificate.
For admission to a university, Unified State Examination results are valid for four years.

Is it possible to get a medal in external studies?
Graduates of external studies have equal rights when receiving a medal. There are no restrictions on the form of training. We must remember that the procedure for receiving medals is determined by the constituent entities of the federation independently.

Admission to university after external studies

After external studies, which universities can I enroll in? Do they take the Unified State Exam in the same way as everyone else?
- The certificate does not indicate the form of training.
- No university has ever limited admission due to the form of education.
The Unified State Exam is taken equally with everyone else, and the documents they receive are the same as for full-time students.

What document is issued to external students who have passed the state (final) certification?
Externs who have passed state (final) certification in a state accredited institution are issued a state-issued document (certificate) on basic general or secondary (full) general education.

Will I be able to enter higher education? educational establishments without problems, like an ordinary graduate? Or will it be written on the certificate that I graduated from school as an external student? How will this affect admission to university?
Firstly, the certificate does not indicate the form of education.
Secondly, receiving education in the form of an external study not only does not interfere with entering universities, but actually helps. A significant number of students and graduates of the best Moscow universities graduated from school in the form of external studies.

What schools are assigned to universities?
Cooperation with universities made sense when school graduations were at the same time entrance to the university; this has not been the case anywhere for a long time. All universities are required to accept students based on the results of the Unified State Examination, + some conduct additional tests. All other cooperation with schools, supposedly for subsequent admission to these universities, is only to collect money from parents.

External study after college

In the case of transferring to school after the 1st year of college to the 10-11 program in 1 year, what subjects are counted?
Subjects for which the amount of hours in the academic certificate corresponds to the amount of hours in school are counted. curriculum. At best, 1 course covers grade 10, but not in all subjects.

I entered college after 9th grade, completed 10th grade in college and got grades. Is it possible to start 11th grade at an external school right away?
Training in secondary programs vocational education does not imply obtaining school documents on education. The certification for 1 semester in college cannot be automatically equated to the 10th grade; it can be partially counted towards the certification for the 10th grade.

Is it possible to study externally and college at the same time? Now I am in my 2nd year, I still have 4 years of study, and I would like to receive a certificate of secondary education in a year. Is it possible to study in two places?
You can study, but you won’t be able to get an education document, because... At school you need to pass a certificate for the 9th grade, and he is in college.

Is it possible, after studying in the first year of college from September to February, to pick up documents and return back to school for 10th grade?
Can. But don't delay, it's harder to do at the end of the year. And do not withdraw documents from college without prior agreement with the school.

Externship for junior classes

Is it possible to complete grades 3-4 as an external student in one academic year? What do we need to do? Where to go?
The Education Law does not limit age or level of education for external certification. First of all, clearly formulate what you want. These questions will help you make a decision:
- You want to pass certification according to the 3-4 grade program within one academic year. When will you be ready to take the intermediate assessment for grade 3? For 4th grade?
- Are you ready to pass certification at your school or want to do it at another?
- Will you prepare your child for certification yourself?
After you answer these questions for yourself, you can call our Education Centre and get advice.