How to find out your abilities and talents test. Test: your hidden talents. Stages of talent discovery

Each person is unique in their own way because we all have special abilities with which we can surprise and delight others. This test will help you find out which one is hidden in you.

Sometimes we spend half our lives trying to find ourselves, because our talents are often hidden within ourselves, and we don’t know ours. strengths. A simple test will help you understand your own capabilities. By answering a series of questions and adding up the points for each answer, you will find out how you compare favorably with other people.

Test for talents and hidden potential

1. What is your favorite job? Don't think about your education and your career at this stage of your life.

  • psychologist or analyst - 0
  • person of a creative profession - 1
  • presenter, journalist or teacher - 2
  • any office “dust-free” work – 3
  • scientist or inventor - 4
  • manager, boss, director - 5

2. Which of the following do you do best?

  • understand and guess people’s thoughts and feelings - 0
  • understand films or books - 1
  • sympathize with people and provide support - 2
  • keep the house in order - 3
  • understand new trends, find new ways to use things - 4
  • set goals and determine ways to achieve them - 5

3. Which of these statements resonates with you the most?

  • you know how to influence a person - 0
  • you know what is beautiful and tasteful and what is not - 1
  • you know how to make everyone in the team feel comfortable - 2
  • you always know how to please your loved ones - 3
  • always find a problem to think about - 4
  • know how to successfully coordinate the activities of a team - 5

4. Select an animal:

  • butterfly - 0
  • swan - 1
  • dolphin - 2
  • wolf - 3
  • raven - 4
  • lion - 5

5. Choose the statement that is closest to you:

  • There is always an ear on the other side of the wall - 0
  • Thick fog does not hide the fragrance of flowers - 1
  • Scoop up water and the moon will be in your hand - 2
  • Errors are hidden in haste - 3
  • You can’t help the sprouts by pulling them out of the ground - 4
  • U strong people have desires, but the weak have dreams - 5

Answers to the test “Your hidden talents”

From 0 to 5. Soul Expert

Understanding a person is not given to everyone. You know how to not only see patterns between the impact on a person and changes in his behavior, but also predict them. This makes you an excellent manipulator, while your qualities are not necessarily used to the detriment of a person. With an understanding of human nature, you can avoid conflict yourself and help others find mutual understanding. A person’s feelings and emotions are an area in which you feel confident, and this also helps you in self-knowledge.

From 6 to 10. Man of art

You are probably a sensual person with a keen understanding and appreciation of art, whose tastes regarding cinema, fine arts, or literature and theater may not be shared by everyone. A developed sense of beauty has probably more than once given you the need to create something wonderful on your own: write stories or poems, draw, learn to play musical instruments, develop acting skills given by nature. These qualities make you an absolute creator. Determine where your soul lies and continue to develop - perhaps your book will become a bestseller, and your paintings will be exhibited in the leading galleries of the world.

From 11 to 15. Soul of the company

Many people probably know you, because you often spend time among friends, acquaintances and just good acquaintances. They are all united by a positive attitude towards you. You are friendly, know how to joke well, listen to your interlocutor and have a good rest. You haven’t always been the one who started it, but many people’s eyes are focused on you. Surely many people trust you with their secrets. Your talent lies in the ability to win people over. It makes you an expert human life and opens all paths before you. Where it is necessary to interact with people, you will be simply irreplaceable.

From 16 to 20. Innovator

Having a very high level of intelligence, you are ready to move forward, try new things, and find something missing in what seems ordinary to everyone. New uses for old things are your thing. You tirelessly strive to learn about the little-known and little-known. Sometimes non-standard ideas come to your mind, which sometimes seem completely inappropriate and eccentric. But that's only because they weren't tested. Have you ever been called the “crazy professor”? There is, of course, no madness here. You're just bored of doing everything the old way and following proven paths.

Scientists and psychologists say that genius lies within everyone. But not everyone knows about their talents and predispositions. If in childhood every child had the opportunity to try themselves in different hobbies, find something they love, and develop this ability - it would be wonderful. But not everyone is lucky enough to discover their talents and find a hobby or even a profession of their life. Therefore, many adults live boring lives and go to work they don’t like every day. But this pattern can be broken - you just need to determine what the soul gravitates towards.

How to find your talent test

If we understood and intuitively felt what talents we have, there would be much fewer problems in society. But, often, it is difficult for many to recognize themselves. Even in childhood, some try to draw, play the piano or practice boxing. Realizing that this is not for him, a person quits after a while - he never finds his talent. But you can choose a shorter route - take a test to determine your talent. It's completely free and also fast - in just a few minutes you can find out what your talent is.

Talent Test

The special value of talent tests is that based on the results of the answers, psychologists give practical recommendations. This does not necessarily have to be a calling to be creative; specialists simply help you discover hidden possibilities within yourself. So don't be surprised if the test reveals an aptitude for sports, teaching others, or running your own business. This is the talent inherent in nature, which millions of people so want to find and discover. And don’t forget that with the realization of talent can come confidence career and a stable income are such pleasant bonuses for revealing your true self.

Everyone has a powerful creative potential inherent in their nature. But not everyone knows about their talents and is ready to develop them. Take this test to understand in which direction you need to realize yourself - and life will become happier and more interesting.

People around us judge us by what they see - how we speak, gesture and show our emotions on our faces. But this is just the tip of the iceberg, especially since many have learned to master these skills to create a positive image. Take this test to understand who you really are and what signals your subconscious is sending you.

Boring job? Can't wait for the work day to end? When you learn how to identify your talent and use it, everything in your life will change!

1. How to determine your talent?
2. How to use your earning talent? Practical steps!

How to determine your talent?

You probably already know roughly about your talents, but don’t give them the importance they deserve. But in vain! After all, this is what distinguishes you from other people, this is your chance to break out in this life and achieve not only material well-being, but also inner happiness.

To determine your talent, answer just 2 questions:

1) what do you do really well?
2) what process gives you pleasure?

It will be better if you write down all the options that come to your mind. The more answers there are for each item, the better.

The answer to the first question is your “arsenal”, those means with which you can “promote your achievements”. For example, you can be really good at math, or analysis, or you are really good at computers, or you can speak beautifully, run fast, make the right decisions on the fly, etc.

The answer to the second question is the urge of your soul, what you are internally drawn to. Let's say you like to read detective stories, or you like to do some things with your own hands, or maybe you feel the excitement and inspiration from trading? Or you like to make people beautiful, or you like to tinker with cars, you love speed and drive a car masterfully, or maybe you like to take care of animals...

Now it remains to combine the first and second and find an area in which you can show your talents.

This will be your life purpose! And when you realize it, you will be able to show your talent to the fullest. What is talent?

According to Wikipedia, “Talent is an extraordinary ability that is unlocked through experience, creating a skill beyond the reach of most people that allows one to achieve the greatest success in its area of ​​expression.”¹.

To make it easier for you to choose your field, analyze which group (below) you include your hobbies and your “arsenal”.

These are people who know how to work physically and efficiently. They say about such people that they have golden hands. Some create brilliant paintings and sculptures, some carve wood, and some create masterpieces from lids plastic bottles on the walls of their own houses, some are the best in decoration and construction, some sew designer items, make hand-made toys. And someone is able to disassemble and reassemble a car, after which even an old wreck will rush like new.

What activities can you choose for yourself in this category?

The most different ones, which are related to the actual (physical) result. It could be construction Agriculture, handicrafts, individual orders, art, painting, music...

These are people inclined to commerce, marketing, trade. Everything related to sales arouses their keen interest and excitement. As they say, such people have a commercial streak, they feel at home with the buyer like a fish in water, their task is to “sell at any cost.”

Professions in this area are sales consultant, trader, stock broker, network marketing specialist, etc.

Such people are prone to a variety of military and human rights activities. They feel comfortable when they have responsibility; their own status and the opportunity to interact with a large number of people are important to them. This is the police military service, security, medical activities, various inspections, officials, diplomats and rulers. This also includes charitable activities - protecting animals, children, nature, the elderly, disabled people, etc.

The sphere of these people is intellectual activity. Teachers, educators, psychologists, programmers, coaches, detectives, etc. If you like to impart to others some knowledge that you possess, if you help people with this knowledge and feel satisfaction from it, this is your field.

Now just put all the data together!

Let's look at examples...

Let's say you're good with your hands, you can create beautiful things, and you enjoy working with animals. Which niche can you choose for yourself? As an option – services for cutting, hair styling, and decorating animals.

And if you analyze well, you can work with your head, you are attracted social activity, but do you also like to tinker with animals? In this case, you will become an excellent employee (or even organizer) of an animal relief fund.

As you can see, love for animals, if present different arsenal, can be manifested in different ways.

You can become an animal hairdresser, you can treat animals, you can breed elite breeds, you can create nurseries for homeless cats and dogs, or you can catch these same homeless animals...

But this is just an example. Just collect all the variables and you can easily choose the direction to realize your talents.

How to use your earning talent? Practical steps!

To really start making money from your talents and turning them into a profitable business, and not just being content with a hobby during your vacation, do the following.

1. Think about what you can offer in your field that is not yet on the market? What zest can you add to your business? Write down as many options as you can think of.

2. Determine what actions you need to take to make your talent marketable. Write them down.

3. Think about what knowledge you need to implement the actions you have written down? Write it down.

Now comes the fun part! 15 minute rule!

Spend exactly 15 minutes every day learning what you need. In just a month you will see how far you have come in your direction.

And one more important point!

Take one action every day, even a small one, that will move you towards what you want. For example, one day look at what is offered online in your area. The next day, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of your competitors. On the third - study your target audience, for this you can visit thematic groups on social networks. Fourth, start studying marketing...

One small but daily action and 15 minutes devoted to the task will do more than you think. By the end of the first month, the results will amaze you!

What benefits will you get from this approach?

  • you won’t need to immediately leave your job and lose your source of income, you can do it when you see fit!
  • You yourself choose the most suitable pace of movement and growth for yourself!
  • You will quickly begin to move towards doing your job and being the best at it!
  • you will have inspiration and a surge of strength, a feeling of satisfaction and joy.
  • your business will slowly begin to bring you income! At first it will be additional income, but then nothing will stop you from turning it into permanent income.

And remember! Success comes only when a person follows his mission and fulfills his life purpose. Then it seems that fate itself picks you up and carries you in the right direction. These are the ones they talk about - the lucky ones. But now you become one of them!

And to make it even easier for you to identify your talent...

I will help you discover your life purpose, life mission and personal gift that will help you realize yourself! This will be your personal diagnosis! Follow the link now to

For full personal development, to determine the direction in which to develop, you should identify your talent as early as possible. If a person chooses the wrong direction, for example, to do anything, the main thing is that it brings in a lot of money, then sooner or later he will develop depression, since his efforts will only cause irritation and stress, and the results will still be lower than expected. As a result, a person will be forced to change the direction of his activities in order to become happier and begin to enjoy his work and results. This is why it is so important to immediately identify your talent.

What is talent

TalentThis is a unique set of features of a system (human) that are laid down at its inception. These features determine subject area and specialization, in which the system must realize itself in order to bring maximum benefit to the supersystem (society), having fulfilled its purpose.

Talent is inherent in every person from birth; it is a certain foundation on which a successful and useful person. But to become like this, a person must work hard, because only 10% of success depends on talent, and 90% depends on work. From this we can conclude: a business that a person can do for a long time, successfully and without coercion corresponds to talent.

To determine such a case, a person must gain experience in various fields of activity. Thanks to this experience, you will be able to understand what you do better, what you like more, and thanks to which you bring more benefit to society.

In one field of activity, certain terms are used, certain processes occur in it and its own laws apply. For example: economics, politics, energy, music, art and so on. Each area considers the world in one aspect and fulfills its tasks. To determine how you can perform tasks more efficiently and successfully, you need to choose a specialization in a certain area.

Specialization defines those methods and tools that a person can use to increase their efficiency and bring greater benefit in a certain field of activity.

True talent can be identified at any age, even when some success has already been achieved in other areas. For example: the famous American mathematician John Nash hated mathematics as a child, but later he was called a mathematical genius and was awarded Nobel Prize behind scientific works in game theory.

In some countries, traditions have been preserved that make it possible to determine a child’s talent. For example: in India, various objects are laid out in front of the baby (books, weapons, dishes, money, etc.), what he approaches and begins to play with will be his area of ​​activity in the future.

But in most modern systems In education, an absurd situation has arisen where children are required to have high grades in all subjects. This is contrary to nature, since a person cannot understand everything perfectly. Any person must specialize in one area of ​​activity, so you cannot demand from a child high academic performance in everything, especially to punish him for failures in individual subjects.

There is an opinion that a person can have several talents at once. But that's not true. From birth, a person is endowed with only one talent, but he can realize it different ways. Seeing how a person achieves success in various fields, people form the opinion that he has many talents. In reality, a person simply realizes one talent in different ways. For example: a person is endowed with talent in organizing a strong and friendly team. First, he implements it by creating a team engaged in the production of furniture, and in the future he will apply his talent by assembling a sales team. Looking at this person, we can conclude that he has talents for organizing production and organizing sales, but in reality there is only one talent - organizing a team.

Types of Talents

In order to make it easier to determine your talent, below we present several options for typologies of talents:

The version of psychologist Howard Gardner given in the 1980s in the book “Frames of the Mind”:

  • - verbal-linguistic— writers, journalists, translators, lawyers;
  • - auditory— musicians, linguists, linguists;
  • — digital— mathematicians, physicists, programmers, analysts, financiers;
  • - spatial— designers, artists, fashion designers;
  • - physical- athletes, dancers;
  • - personal- psychologists;
  • - interpersonal- politicians, speakers, traders, actors;
  • - talent environment - trainers, farmers;
  • - entrepreneurial— organizers, businessmen, innovators, investors.

Psychiatrist Ron Leider's version:

  • — linguistics- interest in rhymes, word games, tongue twisters; speaks correctly, writes competently, reads a lot, communicates orally with others (speaker);
  • - imagination- strong in imaginative thinking, perception of colors, shapes, textures; has a good imagination, draws to depict his thoughts and ideas;
  • - music- has a good ear for music and a sense of rhythm; loves to listen and create musical compositions and sing;
  • - logic— interest in calculations, facts, figures; has a rational critical thinking and a mathematical approach to problem solving;
  • - kinesthetics— I like physical exercise, dancing, sports, working with my hands (model construction, sculpting);
  • - modeling— likes to classify, analyze, systematize and model events and phenomena; intuitively understands how the world should be structured and what relationships between phenomena;
  • interpersonal relationships - understands other people's feelings, desires, needs, can see the world through their eyes; knows how to work with people, is in good relations with the team, interacts effectively with others;
  • - reflection- engages in introspection, thinking about one’s own actions, is prone to reflection (internal dialogue), understands one’s needs and feelings, likes to spend time alone; independent and disciplined.


The famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung noticed at the beginning of the 20th century that all people perceive information and evaluate reality differently. As a result of his observations, he described sixteen types of perception ( socionic types). Its description can be described as an informational division of labor in society, which allows you to adequately respond to the world around you. That is, each individual person sees only a separate part of reality, but the entire society together sees the whole world. On the foundation of Jung's research, a new science was born - Socionics. She is engaged in information psychoanalysis and the study of the processes of perception, processing and output of information by a person.

Jung not only described certain features that are inherent in each type, but also described the fundamental features that make up all information perception systems of any type. In Socionics these signs are called "Jung's basis"- the basis through which it is possible to describe any socionic type and the differences between them. Jung's basis consists of four pairs of attributes - “dichotomies”. By combining them with each other, you can derive an information structure of any type, a total of 16 types. Types of dichotomies:

  • - extroversion-introversion- determines the orientation of perception. Extroverts better perceive objects of the external world, and introverts better perceive connections between themselves and the world and between external objects;
  • - sensory-intuition— determines the source from which information is better perceived. Sensors perceive better material world(shape, color, taste...). Intuitive people perceive the intangible (energy) world better (emotions, feelings, relationships...);
  • — logic-ethics- determines how the world is assessed. Logicians evaluate the world with the help of rules, patterns, connections, and relationships. Ethics evaluate the world with the help of their emotions, feelings, relationships between people;
  • - rationality-irrationality— determine the method of processing and issuing information. Rationals process information using certain patterns, scripts, and produce information based on the differences between the input information and the pattern. Irrationals do not process and compare information and present it directly.

There are many tests that allow you to determine your socionic type. The most popular of these is the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Identifier). But none of the tests guarantees 1005 accuracy of the result. Try to determine your socionic type. This can help in determining talent using the following method.

Help in identifying talent

Since a person initially does not know his talent, he is given assistants who will help in identifying it. The main helpers are desires. They are divided into two types:

  • - have– desires aimed at satisfying personal needs (buy a car, yacht, house, travel, etc.);
  • - be able to– aimed at meeting the needs of the surrounding world (become a doctor, writer, create a company, open a school, etc.)

Moreover, desires from the category "have" should be satisfied only after the fulfillment of desires from the category "be able to". That is, for example, a person will not be able to buy a house without benefiting society, for example, as a doctor. He can treat people, then they themselves will give him funds to build a house, thereby paying for his services.

Desires are primarily generated by observing the success of others. For example, when I came across an article on the Internet about a famous scientist who made important discovery. And when people have the same talent, then a person begins to admire such people, wants to be like them and do the same thing.

Imagining how he achieves the same thing, a person develops emotions. Ini can cause joy, delight and even tears. Emotions can also be frustrating when a person is currently doing something completely different. Emotions can be seen as signals that this activity matches his talent.

Also a good helper is experience. He can show a person what things brought him joy and pleasure. What a person could do for a long time without coercion, what methods and tools were easy to use. But to gain experience, you will have to try to achieve goals in various areas and determine which one was easiest to achieve success and bring great benefit for others.

Sets of desires to “be able to” and things that bring pleasure are called aspirations. They help in determining the area in which a person can receive the greatest satisfaction from his activities, and its results will bring greatest benefit environment.

The strangest thing is that many people do not try to identify their talent because fear. They are afraid that they will not be able to live up to their talent, solve problems and achieve success. The primary reasons for the emergence of such fears are a lack of self-confidence and society’s stereotypes that claim that talent does not bring money, and that in order to realize it you need to have a lot of money and connections. But this is a complete lie, such stereotypes were precisely invented by people who could not find and realize their talent, and could not become happy because of this.

Fear can also be an aid in identifying talent. After all, if you feel fear of something new, but not dangerous, it means that you have stumbled upon something useful, large, and worthwhile. Then you need to gather all your courage and overcome fear in order to fulfill your desire.

So we see that the main helpers in determining talent are: desires, emotions, experience and fear. Listen to them when searching for talent using the method below.

Method for determining talent

This method of determining talent is based on your thoughts and emotions, which are created in the subconscious and signal that you are approaching the correct answer. They will need to be listened to and materialized. To do this, you can take paper and pen or use a computer. You should also retire, provide yourself with a calm environment, so that no one and nothing distracts you.

First stage

First, you need to materialize all your inclinations. Write the question: “What are my inclinations?”, concentrate on your inner world and write down any answer that pops into your head. This may take a long time, but don't stop until you have materialized everything that comes to mind. To do this, you will have to strain your self-discipline.

As a result, you will make a list of all the “to be able to” wishes and things that you like or want to learn how to do. Aspirations should benefit others, not yourself. They must relate to specific areas of activity, profession, education, personal qualities, and so on.

Second phase

Secondly, you need to focus on emotions. Slowly re-read the list, imagining yourself doing what is written. Some points will cause strange sensations, mainly in the chest area, it will begin to shrink and it will become harder to breathe. These sensations mean that this desire is associated with talent. Write these points down in a separate list: “Tendencies with emotions.”

Third stage

Third, we need to determine what all the items on the Emotional Dispositions list might have in common. Some points may complement others, and some may depend on others. The result should be a chain that cannot exist without one of the links.

This is probably the most difficult stage a method that needs to be thought through carefully. You may not be able to do this the first time, then it will be useful to take a break for 1 to 2 days. Then clarify the results of the previous stages and try again to obtain a coherent formulation. To clarify your inclinations, ask yourself questions: what tasks will you have to do to achieve this? What information will need to be processed? What abilities and skills will be needed for this? This can help you better understand your tendencies and find connections between them.

Fourth stage

As a result of combining the inclinations that evoke emotions into a coherent formulation, talent will be determined. This formulation may consist of several features (control, organize, manage, etc.) and areas of activity that will complement each other. Take a sheet of paper and write “My talent” on top of it, and write down the resulting wording under the heading.

Fifth stage

Finally, you need to make a list of the means by which you can realize your talent. These could be professions, areas of activity, methods, tools, and so on. Name the list “Means for realizing talent.” This will allow you to determine the directions in which you should develop. Establish the importance of each specific point and start your personal development from the most important point.

Talent Determination Result

As a result of identifying his talent, a person gains clarity on what he should do in the future and why he should wake up every morning. Knowing your talent helps in determining a person’s profession, what they are currently trying to do educational establishments. A student, after graduating from school or even university, cannot determine what to do in the future. He gets one job, quits and gets another, rushes from one company to another. Tired of doing one thing, he looks for another. But having identified his talent, a person will know exactly what to do in life, what job to get or what business to organize.

In order for a person’s talent to be in demand, and for a person to have enough resources to realize it, the talent must be properly sold. You need to clearly formulate the benefits that you can bring thanks to your talent, for example, to the company where you are applying for a job. Most often, good specialists think that their contribution is already clear, but this is their mistake. You need to be able to present your talent competently, otherwise the person may simply be refused cooperation. By acquiring the ability to “sell your talent,” a person will be able not only to enjoy his work, but to receive a good financial reward for it. Then work can turn into a well-paid hobby.

Having identified his talent and realized it, a person will have more and more significant successes that will benefit the world around him. But a person can fall into a trap and get sick with “star fever.” It most often manifests itself in those moments when a person is required to perform less significant, but also important tasks. For example: write a report, draw up a corporate plan, conduct a seminar, and so on. A person in such a situation may simply refuse to carry them out, or will do everything carelessly, arguing that this work is useless for him personally. But such work may be necessary for a company that allows him to realize his talent and that allocates resources for this. You can’t behave this way, otherwise they will simply stop cooperating with such a person, no matter how talented he is. As a result, a person will simply lose the connections and resources he needs to realize his talent.

To realize and develop talent, a person needs to gain experience in relevant fields of activity. To do this, he can get an education in this direction, attend courses or independently read thematic literature. Then he should apply this knowledge to achieve his goals, increase personal effectiveness and improve work performance. Ultimately, a person should strive to create some kind of “grand product” that could bring great benefit to the world around him.

By developing his talent, a person will be able to fulfill his desires of the “to be able to” type, satisfying the needs of the world around him. Next will come the opportunity to fulfill desires like “to have”, which satisfy his personal needs. Thanks to this, he will be able to become even more successful and happy, and will be able to create more comfortable conditions for his further development.

When a person manages to realize his talent 100% and create something “grand” for this world, he is called a Genius. Society provides him with special social privileges, writes his name in history and makes him an example for future generations.

Develop your strengths, then no one will care about your weaknesses. A person cannot be good at everything, but he can be a genius at one thing.

You are certainly talented - that's a fact. But what exactly? And how to “wake up” your creative thinking? How can you feel the feeling of creative flight again and quickly find an original solution to a problem? Take the test and find out your recipe for creativity! It's really simple: choose the answers that best suit you and mark the number of points in the key table provided after the test.

1. I remember myself well from about...
A three to five years
B seven to ten years
C twelve to fifteen years old
D I don’t remember my childhood well at all

2. Imagine yourself in a boring meeting and quickly draw something on a piece of paper. What does your drawing look like?
A"Little Man"
B Confusion of different lines
C Animal
D Rhythmic lines

3. Have you read it? interesting book. What do you remember best?
A Characters of people
IN Descriptions of nature, buildings, clothes of heroes, their appearance
C I can briefly outline the logic of events and plot
D I can vividly describe my emotions and feelings about the book.

4. When do you arrive in new town, country, what do you pay attention to most?
A On architecture, streets
IN Features of life - politics, culture, events
C Habits and behavior of residents
D I just love wandering the streets and observing

5. Remember an event from childhood when you were very happy. What exactly came to your mind?
A People around me
B The words that were spoken to me, the music
C General feeling of self, exciting emotions
D What was I wearing

6. You fell in love. What do you remember most often when you think about him?
A I see his eyes
B Feelings of his hands, body
WITH His words, speech, I can repeat them
D The timbre of his voice, a whisper

7. Fold your arms over your chest, smile and look at yourself in the mirror, wink at your reflection...
A The body is slightly tilted to the left
IN The right corner of the mouth is raised
WITH Left hand over right
D I wink with my left eye

8. How do you find it easier to think about something?
A I feel more comfortable alone
B I like to sit in a small cafe
WITH When I'm wandering the streets
D I can read something on the topic or discuss the problem with a specialist

9. Do you fall in love easily?
A Oh, I don’t even notice how this happens again and again
IN No, I first need to learn a lot about a person and appreciate him.
WITH If he's handsome, yes
D Sometimes all it takes is talking to him and I'm smitten

10. When you are upset, what helps you most often?
A Take a bath and relax
B Have a heart-to-heart talk with a friend or go to a specialist
WITH Listen to your favorite music
D Get into the car and drive wherever your eyes take you

Calculate your points using the key table below. The resulting number of points will help determine where your creativity is “buried.”

1 4 3 2 1
2 3 4 2 1
3 2 4 1 3
4 4 1 2 3
5 1 2 3 4
6 4 3 1 2
7 3 2 4 1
8 4 2 3 1
9 3 1 4 2
10 3 1 2 4

0-10 points - POWER OF WORD
You are quite logical and rarely allow something to blow your mind, you trust only authoritative opinions and are used to always relying on expert assessments. You can look for your inspiration both in debates, discussing the problem with experts, and by leafing through specialized literature. You have your own special view on many things.
One piece of advice: allow yourself to be less serious more often, go for a walk along unfamiliar streets, meet new people, because even in a roadside cafe, not only maniacs drink coffee... And always write down any of your ideas - this way you will have your own small bank of discoveries!

10-20 points – THE SOUND OF MUSIC
You are extremely musical and sensitive to what many will not even hear: the whisper of drops on glass, the music of the words of a loved one. Again, sounds can help you find a solution - sometimes it’s useful to take a walk, even without really listening to what’s happening around you, or listen to silence. Don’t forbid yourself to rhyme funny rhymes, hum or come up with funny songs, this is where your creative resource is. You can even argue with yourself if necessary - to do this, speak the problem into a voice recorder and listen to yourself or talk to an imaginary interlocutor.

20-30 points - DO YOU DANCE?
You are as organic as a wild cat, and even if those around you don’t notice it, there is a natural harmony inside you. Let her open up - sign up for salsa classes, go to fitness. When you need to think difficult task, allow yourself to relax - take a bath, turn on the music and start dancing, listen to your body. You can also unleash your creativity by starting to draw. Take a close look at the “doodles” that you get when you think hard about something and simultaneously move your pen across the paper - your hand will certainly tell you something new, some creative path...

30-40 points - LOOK BOTH!
You are very creative by nature and allow yourself to perceive the world with childlike spontaneity. Stay like this! And when you are faced with a task that requires a creative solution, but it just doesn’t come, try to draw it, wander the streets and imagine how the passers-by you see would cope with this problem - this serious guy with a thick briefcase or this laughing girl with freckles - what would they tell you in response to your question? What, have you already come up with something? Well, of course! Just allow yourself to be yourself and everything will work out!

Anna Krasnova with love for the site