Is it possible to change the past? How to change your past? What happens if you change the past

“Life must be lived in such a way that it is not excruciatingly painful...” It’s easy to say, but probably almost every person in the past had situations that they would like to change, which are difficult and sometimes even embarrassing to remember.

Old roots of new problems

The main problems come from childhood, they hurt the most and leave an indelible imprint on subsequent events in our lives. Someone’s personal life is not going well, someone has eternal problems at work, and someone constantly complains about their health - all areas of life are affected. And this tangle of problems grows like a snowball. Gradually it begins to seem that nothing can be changed, that it will always be like this. Many people don’t even think about what could be different and perceive this reality as the norm.

The reasons can be very different: kindergarten they laughed at the child, the authorities did not appreciate it, etc. And all these events from the past invariably affect our present, causing many experiences. Constantly replaying episodes from the past in your head, you seem to be “stuck” in that painful situation and endlessly walk in circles.

Probably, many have seen the science fiction film “Back to the Future”, the heroes of which invented a time machine and went back in time, and by changing some seemingly completely insignificant moments, they received different options for the future. This actually works, because the future has many options, and I suggest you try to change your past in order to look at the changes that will appear in the present after that.

Changing the past using the “Mental Cinema” technique

To do this, you need to choose 4 events in life in which you would like everything to be different: the first event - before school (up to 7 years), the second event - during school (up to 17 years), the third - after school ( up to 27 years old) and the fourth is the freshest. Each of these situations must be worked out using the “Mental Cinema” technique.

The Mind Movie method involves all your senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste and even intuition. You create two imaginary parts of the film: one with the current situation (as it is), and the second with the desired end result (as you would like). Start with deep breathing to relax as much as possible. Sit back, close your eyes and start watching the first part. Imagine that it is not you, but some other person similar to you, who is living an unpleasant fragment of your life. You look at what is happening as if from the outside, completely calmly, and perceive it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Perhaps you will receive an answer as to why this lesson was given to you. Then watch the same movie, but with a favorable outcome. For example: ; in kindergarten they play with you, you are happy and satisfied. Watch the tape with the first part only once and put it “on the shelf”. But you can watch the second part as much as you want.

The best time to use this technique is before going to bed. It will serve as a stimulator of positive and creative dreams. The more emotions you experience, the faster you will feel that the pain and resentment that tormented you for many years are replaced by calmness, tranquility and your reality begins to change - just like in that science-fiction film.

We consolidate the result

Some may go further: write a story for each situation from the past, read it with expression, record it on a tape recorder and listen to it until the situation loses its severity and becomes just an episode. Gradually, thanks to this technique, your internal state will begin to change, you will understand that people who caused you pain with their actions were sent as teachers who were supposed to teach you something, make you stronger.

To consolidate the result, I suggest taking a sheet of paper and writing down the names of people who, as it seems to you, have greatly influenced your life and caused a lot of suffering. Then close your eyes and imagine that you are in a field, and through the field there is a road along which a bus is traveling. He stops next to you. You walk into it and see these people sitting there. Go to the very back of the bus, sit down and look at these people. After some time, the bus stops and one of them gets off. You look at him and say: “Thank you for everything you did for me, even if I didn’t understand everything. Farewell, I wish you happiness." And in this way you see these people off until they all come out. Then you open your eyes and feel that a weight has been lifted from your soul, which had been an invisible burden for many years.

By freeing yourself from the experiences of the past, you get a ticket to another life, which can bring something you never even dreamed of.

In order to change the past, the help of a psychotherapist is not required.

Mary and Robert Goulding's Expanding Perspectives Method

They say that the past cannot be changed. Resolution School creators Mary and Robert Goulding don't think so. The past can change if you want it to. The secret is in your perception. And the “Expanding Perspectives” technique, which has become a classic of Transactional Analysis (TA), will help to reveal it. It is also successfully used in Symboldrama, Gestalt and Psychodrama.

This technique allowsreturn to conflict situation of the past, in which you, for example, were unfairly accused, offended, punished, slandered, or you yourself took someone’s thing, played an evil joke on someone, causing suffering to another person.

The main feature that unites these “minor” situations from childhood is the appearance of irritation and discomfort, as well as anger, sadness, fear, guilt - whenever you remember them.

The help of a psychotherapist is not required here. This exercise can be done independently. The main thing is to take it seriously, work through every detail from your past and let it go. Let a new joyful, happy, resourceful memory come to the vacated place. Ready? Then let's begin.


Get some privacy. Prepare a pen or pencil and a piece of paper.

Part 1. Fiasco

Think back to a time when you experienced what the Gouldings call a “minor trauma.” A bomb did not fall on your house, your mother did not threaten to commit suicide, no one beat you up.But you felt simply terrible then, and the memory of this “nightmare” still lives in you.

Here are examples:

  • At a concert, you forgot the end of the piano piece you were performing;
  • You wet your pants in kindergarten;
  • You were caught playing “to the hospital”;
  • A neighbor's boy built a hut in a tree and invited everyone to play there except you;
  • While reading aloud in class, you lost your way and everyone started laughing at you;
  • Your teacher called you a blockhead.

Remember a similar situation that happened to you. You can close your eyes or leave them open. Imagine yourself in it and live it again as you did then. Take your time. Remember all the details. Stay in it.

How do you feel experiencing this situation again?

What words do you use to describe yourself and others?

If you want, write the following phrases:

1. I feel _______________ (Insert just one word here. For example, anger, sadness, fear, shame, envy).

2. In one or two sentences, describe what you secretly think about yourself, and about other people, and about life in general:

He she They - __________________________________________________

I -__ _________________________________________________________

Life is ___________________________________________________

Those who decide to undertake this experience notice that they had to experience the same confusion of feelings, an unclear threat that they often experienced in distant childhood.

What you say about yourself, others and life may be the very decision you made that long ago.And you still continue to live by it.Maybe it's time to reconsider the decisions made at the age of six or eight?

Part 2. Victory

Now, if you want, you can relive this situation, but in a new way. Come out of it as a winner. There is no need to change others in it. If the teacher was cruel then, let her remain so. If your mother behaved stupidly then, imagine her that way.

We often cannot get out of a painful situation, only because we are waiting for others to change. We want people to behave differently in that terrible situation for us. It is because of her that we cannot let go of the past. And if then you wet your pants, then you wet them. If you stole a piece of chalk, you stole it.

What can be changed here? Now you can change how you feel and think about this situation, reconsider your attitudes and perceptions of the past.

You can also change your words and actions after this “triflingly terrible” situation that once caused you trauma. Ready?

Mentally choose your ideal ally, a friend on whom you can completely rely. In this capacity, you can imagine whoever you want - the Pope, the President, famous actor, the image of a superman or a perfect woman.

Choose someone who can help you emerge victorious from your situation. Having chosen such a partner, take him with you at that moment in your life. Let him help you win!

You can try to find something funny in your situation.Laughter is a great way to change everything!

You won?

Are you satisfied with what you managed to do?

If yes - great!

If not, then maybe you are still waiting for changes in others?

Or did you choose the wrong ally?

Choose another assistant, start again. And win!

Part 3. The assistant is you

Analyze what qualities you have endowed with your assistant, and try to give these qualities to yourself.

Return to your situation without an assistant, but with his qualities.

Become your own friend and support!

Go back to the past, and let now it is you who will be the Winner.

This will be your new decision!


Greetings to the Winners! How do you like the new experience?

Now that you have looked at the situation through the eyes of an adult, you can accept the fact that exercises, methods, techniques and real experience are different things. published

You want change the life? Why is your soul not at peace? Why is she suffering?

Man is the highest spiritual being on Earth. Every soul that comes into this world is beautiful. Everyone has their own purpose.

How to rewrite the past and change your life

Through human life there is a manifestation of God or a Higher Power on our planet.

How do I understand what is meant for me? How does the Higher Power inform about where a person should go, where his Path is, where his point of application is?

In ancient times there were no intermediaries between God and man. The soul “spoke” directly to God.

How can you find out what the Higher Power expects from a person? What thoughts, actions, actions correspond to his spiritual nature and purpose?

I am close to the opinion of psychologist and writer Sergei Popov, who believes that signs from above are transmitted to a person through desires arising in his soul.

I don’t argue, desires are different. Physical level: satisfy hunger, thirst, get enough sleep, etc. Failure to do so leads to suffering in the body.

We are talking about desires on a spiritual level: to commit an act, to make a dream come true, to devote oneself to creation, to inspire others, to help people, to please and make life better. And if these spiritual desires are not realized for any reason, spiritual desires arise.

Imagine, at first glance, a person’s life is in order, “everything is like other people’s”: good job, food every day, clothes, shoes, apartment, car, dacha.

But the soul toils, groans, and gives no rest. A day, two, a week, a month, a year... Then it seems that this “thorn in the soul” from unfulfilled desire subsides. A person gets used to it and stops noticing it. She stays with him until the finish line - until the end of her life - and periodically reminds him of herself with aching pain.

Based on many years of observations by psychologists, it has been established that stable success in life is achieved by those people who listen to their desires and achieve their fulfillment. This is explained by the fact that they implement the program laid down at birth and fulfill the Supreme Plan. AND Higher power open up new and new opportunities for them, help them become who they should be.

It would seem that everything is simple: pay attention to what the soul wants, follow these desires. And it will be for you too!

But many people do not fulfill their desires. Why?


1. A person does not know that his desires are a sign from above, his Path, his destiny, that exactly there (in the fulfillment of desires) lies what he strives for with all his soul.

2. A person listens to others, not to himself. The environment often does not understand and does not want to understand that everyone has their own truth, their own Path. And what is good for one may become a life tragedy for another.

3. The desire does not coincide with the cultural traditions or religious beliefs of the person.

How to fix?

Start from today! Decide on your desires and act in accordance with them.

But here the following question arises: will this really help if half of your life has already been lived and lived incorrectly, lived contrary to desires?

If you are now change your life and listen to your own desires, then your destiny will take a different path, along your Path, it will become easier, more pleasant, new doors will open.

But it's not that simple. The previous path, where a person did not live as he was intended, will disrupt the trajectory of movement and will not allow opening all the doors and implementing the most daring and global projects.

That is, the mistakes of the past will pull back the future, preventing it from developing according to the destined best option.

This can be fixed, it can be change the life.

To do this, you need to rewrite the past.

1. Remember what memories from the past haunt you. Recall in your memory when you ignored your desires, when your “I want” was not heard or was suppressed.

2. Rewrite this situation again, the way you would like it to happen, create and record on paper another story. Feel, get used to the new past.

Thus, we can rewrite certain significant events in our life (those where we did not take our own desires into account) and fill them with new content. As a result, our Life Path will be corrected and coincide with the Path that is intended. Your destiny line will be drawn

There are only memories of him. Such a point of solipsism. Solipsists, without going into details, explain the world through your own existence. This lamp is lit because I think about it. The earth is flat because all scientists believe it. Of course, it is impossible to erase the documented past (this is the same as losing its adequacy). But small imperfections (an obsessive memory of an exam twenty years ago or gossip that no longer makes sense) can be corrected. This is done through meditative exercises, relaxation techniques or psychoanalysis sessions.

Magi. These are people who, with the power of their minds, can change the surrounding reality. Whether this is true or not is difficult to verify. After all, by changing the past, we change the present, but we cannot compare one past with another. The ordinary mind is designed in such a way that it cannot exist in two realities at once. But there is a magical school at the intersection of magic and laughter therapy called Simoron. In order to change the past, you need to climb onto the toilet and... jump from it into another universe. Did you jump? Great! From this moment a new life begins.

Theoretical physicists. Each of them will be happy to tell you what a mole or worm hole is and how to use it. A hole is a kind of distortion of space and time, a tunnel through which you can get from Moscow 2011 to Paris 1734, fly into a parallel universe, or even get lost in the space between worlds. All this is incredibly exciting and amazing. But it will be possible to turn to physicists for real help only when they understand such concepts as exotic matter and quantum gravity.

Science fiction. They are worth reading, if only because they probably covered all possible plots related to changing the past. For example, in the short story "A Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradberry, a butterfly that is crushed in prehistoric times changes language and political views in the distant future. The story “The Three Deaths of Ben Baxter” by Robert Sheckley says that the range of possibilities is limited, but fate, fatality, and predestination will still take their toll. Very interesting in this sense is Isaac Asimov’s story “The End of Eternity” about a secret organization that exists in Eternity - a kind of closed space with its own flow of time. The organization changes the past and future of people living in Time. What does trying to avoid difficulties, alleviate suffering, push and save lead to? To the point that a person loses his opportunities, his experience and chances for a happy future.

People who think that their future is written in the book of destinies or in the natal chart want to relieve themselves of all responsibility for what is happening. This is wrong, and many agree that this should not be done. The future is in the hands of man, not completely, but partially, and the stronger these hands, the greater this part.

Few people know that you can change not only the future, but also the past. And you won’t have to fly anywhere in a time machine.

This “you can’t change the past, you just have to come to terms with it” is a wrong idea of ​​what the past is.

Your past is your interpretation. And the interpretation depends on your mood-attitude, more precisely, on the state of your field in this moment. Even the behavior of particles depends on the view of the observer, in quantum physics, and even more so depends on the picture of your own life.

There is no objective unambiguous past. It is a thing in itself and what we perceive is our own image, which is influenced by many subjective things.

If you change the state of the field, the past will change. And now I will try to explain this.

It is obvious to many that two people tell the same story in different ways. Two enemies, two conflicting subjects, tell the story especially differently. “He called me something, rudely and defiantly. I peacefully asked if he was crazy. He immediately got into a fight, I had to defend myself,” says one. “I joked good-naturedly, he immediately began to threaten me with obscenities and grabbed me by the sleeve. I lightly pushed him away. He hit me.” Witnesses may testify, but they will not provide an objective view, only multiple points of view.

And a person does not always shield himself; on the contrary, he is often inclined to attribute extra guilt to himself. The main thing is that his view will never be objective, it will always depend on his perception of himself and the situation.

Two people describe the same situation differently, but the same person also describes the situation differently when their perception changes. As long as the perception does not change, he can repeat the same description, but as soon as the field (the relationship between the figures and the tension between them) changes, the story is immediately rewritten. And it can correspond quite significantly.

Before a person goes into profit, he describes his partner as wonderful. After going into profit, he says that this is petty and weak person. In the wake of a comeback, the same person turns out to be wonderful again. And not only the characterization changes, the facts are also described differently. “I tormented her,” says the man suffering in the comeback about the woman. “She was so patient, so wise, so loving, and all the time I just became impudent. I had some kind of hellish period, I couldn’t control myself.” . The same man, while he was eager to leave, said something opposite: “She tormented me. She always wants something, suffers from something. She is selfish and stupid, and maybe she has always been stupid. I try my best to maintain the relationship, but my patience is running out."

How does a foolish, selfish, impatient woman turn into a wise, patient and loving woman? The thing is that both the first and the second are just figures in the narrator’s head. The woman herself is something completely separate; any perception, much less description of her, is just a reflection. And this reflection depends on the reflector.

The past can be changed in two ways: 1) by changing the ego settings, 2) by changing the figures in the field. You can do both at the same time.

Many people do nothing but change the unpleasant past and present (or rather, the pictures of it in their heads) for something more flattering, putting on a crown, that is, shifting the self-esteem setting upward. Many distort the locus of control, making it external, and themselves a victim or a rescuer, and also change their view of the situation. It becomes a little more comfortable to think about yourself this way, but with such bad settings a person cannot build a future, he is passive, weak, he is literally asleep, he does not participate in life by his own will, his will is turned off. Tomorrow comes, the future becomes the present, and you need to distort your settings even more in order to change the bad present for a good one, see everything in a rosy light, relieve yourself of responsibility for what is happening, or, on the contrary, convince yourself that you can easily change everything if you want and worry about nothing.

You have seen this many times, both in life and in letters. Has your husband cheated? The locus must be shifted outward and the picture must be seen differently. Dangerous predators are hunting her husband. Hasn't it gotten any easier? What if we add the theme of witchcraft potions and love spells? Not okay? Then you can try this: all men cheat on their wives, absolutely everyone. Has relief come? Yes, my self-esteem has become easier, but I want to get a divorce, and getting a divorce is unpleasant. How can you regain peace without making any effort? You can increase the crown. I was too cold and cruel, so he left to lick the wounds of my broken heart on the side. Feel better? The locus in this case remains external, but all responsibility for the behavior of the other is taken upon oneself, and the inability to bear this responsibility is covered with a large crown. That's all. Now the situation doesn't look so dire. He cheated, but from pain and suffering, he is a weak person, but he can easily be returned to the mainstream of the family. You can say to the anxiety that whispers that you won’t get it back. The main thing is that now it has become more fun, and the future is not soon. We'll come up with something else there.

Correct ego settings are the most active, proactive, useful mode. This is a mode in which you ensure a favorable future for yourself. Yes, in the present you have to make an effort, sometimes even experience pain, especially if you previously kept your settings distorted. You preferred to live in the crown and the charm of its gilding, that’s why you were so disappointed. This moment will pass and the active present will make the new present happy.

Sometimes the right ego settings can immediately make the present easier. Correcting your locus sometimes means making sure that much of what you are fussy and vainly trying to do, torturing yourself, does not depend on you, which means you can relax. Yes, you will have to take off the crown and accept the idea that you are not omnipotent, but if you succeed, relief will come. You can no longer kill yourself and suffer, blaming yourself, but do things that you really can do.

Without the crown, it also sometimes becomes easier immediately. Monomakh's hat is heavy, and without it, although you turn into an ordinary person, life is much easier, more mobile and more fun. No one looks at you appraisingly and intently, no one particularly needs you, no one is watching you. Freedom.

But with the right settings it becomes easier only for those who already have good settings. If the settings have been completely distorted for a long time, and then they try to correct them, the person feels such pain as if the bones of his skeleton were moving. He loses stability, the system of priorities collapses, sometimes heaven and earth change places. Fortunately, this passes quickly, just as quickly as the spine gets used to lying on the cushion, and the person gains new life. That is, it’s worth doing this in any case, dosing the stress, but not retreating. True, you can’t do this speculatively, you need to do it objectively, that is, in the process of some kind of activity, and not lying on the couch and delving into yourself.

The setting of spontaneity especially affects the past and present. You can’t just take and adjust spontaneity, unlike self-esteem and locus, which a person can influence consciously and directly. Spontaneity comes and goes on its own. It must be caught like the Firebird in the right cage, that is, by correcting all other ego settings. But when you manage to catch and hold spontaneity, reality is completely transformed. And the present and the past too.

I have many times given the example of the perception of people in a state of clinical depression (a state of zero and even minus spontaneity, low-energy mode). It seems to them that their life has always been dull, joyless, they cannot restore a single pleasant sensory memory. They try to remember why they laughed, and it seems to them that it was a forced, artificial laughter, they were always pretending, they always suffered and wanted to die. In clinical depression, the past seems as black as the future. It is impossible to convince a person that there can be pleasant moments in life. He does not find an emotional reflection of this thought in himself.

Such a person can be given special drugs and he will feel completely differently and look at everything differently (this is why people become drug addicts). True, this is a short moment, a small advance of energy, and if you borrow more and more, the condition will become even worse. But if a person gets out of depression and natural spontaneity returns to him, the picture of his world changes completely. It turns out that his past was happy, although difficult in places, but interesting, and the future is illuminated with optimism, and it’s not that there is meaning in life, but life is simply overflowing with meaning. In a high-energy state, everything seems beautiful and even the most terrible moments of the past seem sad, bright or instructive, important. The palette of life is colorful and even black nuances add depth to the picture.

There is also a self-regulation setting. This is the most important setting, but you can’t get to it either unless you remove the crown and adjust the locus. This setting not only changes the past, it rewrites it as if it were another life and another person. The will is associated with the setting of self-regulation (when self-regulation is friends with spontaneity), and with the will is a new birth, initiation (Homer’s Odyssey, for example), the transformation of a person into a superman (in Nietzsche). It goes without saying that the past is interpreted completely differently by the new mind; the causes, consequences, and meaning of what is happening become clear. It’s like a preschooler who can’t read looks at pictures in a book, not knowing what it’s about, but comes up with a story, and when he learns to read, he finds out that the book was about something else and there are few coincidences with his guesses.

But the settings relate to the side of perception, and working with figures in the field changes the very fabric of the past. A figure that has lost importance appears so small, is placed in a new context, and its past behavior not only looks different, but becomes different. In the past, yes. This is no longer just an interpretation, it is a transformation of reality. But this work is not in the head, but in the outside world. In order for a figure of the past to change not only its significance, but also its dynamics, it is necessary not only to be distracted, to replace the figure with another, but also to pump up some resources, to reach a different level of everyday life and being. I will talk about this later.

Are you rewriting the present by taking off and putting on the crown and moving the locus back and forth? Have you rewritten the past? Will you try it?