Department of Computer Science. Department of Electronic Computers Department of Electronic Computers

For the course project

Course: “Computer complexes systems and networks.”

On the topic: “Unit for receiving and processing LAN adapter packets.”

Done: Checked:

Art. gr. 350505 Lamovsky D.V.

Sorokovik V.V.

Minsk 2007.

Assignment for the course project

Develop a unit for receiving and processing LAN (local area network) adapter (controller) packets.

Initial data:

Introduction. 5

    Development of a structural diagram. 8

    Development of a functional diagram. 12

    Selection, justification and description of the element base. 14

    Development of a schematic diagram. 23

Conclusion. 24

Literature. 25


Local networks of personal computers appeared in our country relatively recently and quickly gained popularity. It turned out that connecting computers into a single network provides great opportunities that are incomparable to simply transferring files from one computer to another.

In addition to file transfer, local networks make it possible to organize the sharing of expensive equipment, as well as distributed data processing on several computers. This results in significant savings.

Another expensive resource of computing systems is disk memory. On a local network, you can organize shared access to the disks of one or more computers. Almost every computer has MS-DOS or Windows operating system utilities, some kind of word processor, Norton utilities, reference databases, etc. installed on the disk. You do not need to store all these programs on all the disks of all computers connected to the network. Instead, you can share one copy of the software on just one computer. At the same time, the disks of other computers can be freed up to solve problems specific to the users of these computers.

It may turn out that some computers may not have disks at all, neither hard nor floppy! The operating system can be loaded from the network from another computer, data for processing can be entered from the keyboard or disks of another computer, and after processing, this data will be written again to the disk of another computer!

Another example of collective use of a device on a network is the joint work of several users with one modem. A good modem costs a lot of money, so in our case it is hardly worth buying ten modems when you can use one.

It is possible to organize distributed data processing. For example, if you have a large database, it can be located on one powerful computer. You can organize access to this database from other computers connected to the network. In this case, the sampling and preliminary processing of data will be performed by a powerful machine, and the final processing and presentation of data will be performed by less powerful and less expensive personal computers.

Centralized storage of the database also has the advantage that it facilitates the process of maintenance, ensuring the integrity of the database and organizing archiving and backup of information. The combination of centralized storage and distributed information processing can significantly increase the efficiency of the system as a whole and reduce its cost.

To organize a LAN, you need appropriate structure-forming equipment and software.

Structure-forming equipment can be divided into two groups:

The first group includes means by which workstations and other means are connected to the data transmission channel. Such means are network adapters and modems.

The second group includes tools that connect network segments to each other, subnetworks to each other, etc. This includes repeaters, switches, hubs, bridges, routers, and gateways.

The network adapter is designed to connect workstations with a data transmission channel. It performs frame formation, monochannel access control, and physical connection of the workstation output with the physical data transmission medium.

Research Institute in the field information technologies, computer technology and microelectronics.

The Department of Electronic Computing Machines FRTK was created at MIPT by the founder of domestic computer technology - academician Sergei Alekseevich Lebedev in 1952.

The heads of the department over the years were academicians S.A. Lebedev, V.S. Burtsev, corresponding member. G.G. Ryabov, Ph.D. S.V.Kalin. Currently, the department is headed by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Prof. A.V. Knyazev.

Over the years, the teachers of the department were:

  • Academicians V.S. Burtsev, V.A. Melnikov,
  • Corresponding Members of the RAS B.A. Babayan, L.N. Korolev, G.G. Ryabov,
  • Doctors of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.A. Abramov, D.B. Podshivalov,
  • Doctors of Technical Sciences V.V. Bardizh, A.A. Novikov, A.L. Plotkin, Yu.S. Ryabtsev, V.F. Tyurin, V.M. Pentkovsky, V.I. Perekatov and other leading specialists of ITM and VT.

The first graduation from the Computer Department took place in 1957. Since 1957 The department conducted 55 student graduations. In total, more than 400 people were released. Among them were outstanding scientists and designers - RAS academicians V.S. Burtsev, V.P. Ivannikov, RAS corresponding member B.A. Babayan; Doctors of Technical Sciences A.A. Novikov, V.M. Pentkovsky, Yu.H. Sakhin, Yu.S. Ryabtsev.

  • Graduates of the department became laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR: V.S. Burtsev, B.A. Babayan, Yu.S. Ryabtsev.
  • Laureates of the Lenin Prize of the USSR - A.A. Novikov, Yu.Kh. Sakhin.
  • Laureates of the State Prize of the USSR - V.P. Ivannikov, V.M. Pentkovsky, G.I. Grishakov, I.K. Khailov, V.S. Chekhlov, V.Ya. Gorshtein.

Outstanding achievements of past years are the development of domestic high-performance computers (BESM, Elbrus), specialized control machines (this is written in sufficient detail on), as well as modern developments Institute specialists, such as:

  • digital system automatic control modern aircraft power plants;
  • specialized modular system for processing high-speed information flows;
  • special radar processor computer for navigational marine systems;
  • special developments in the field of information security, etc.

They represent a significant contribution to the development of domestic digital computing technology.

The Department of Computer Science at Tomsk State University trains system engineers in the specialty “Computers, complexes, systems and networks” and engineers in the specialty “Multichannel telecommunication systems.” The department was organized in 1983.

Highly qualified teachers, researchers, and specialists in the field of computer technology teach disciplines in hardware and software PC, which includes system programming, computer design, peripheral devices, circuitry, electronics, systems and networks, and many others.

During their studies, students professionally master working on a computer using widely used applications. In the first two years, students receive the basics higher education, gaining knowledge in the field of natural sciences and general technical disciplines. In the specialty, theoretical and practical issues of computer science and programming, and the fundamentals of computer graphics are studied.

Senior courses provide technical training. Special subjects form basic ideas about the engineering specialty of the future graduate, introduce him to the course of applied and basic scientific problems in the studied subject areas. Students study cycles of disciplines in system software, electronics, circuit design, PC design, etc. Course design is carried out with a high share of the creative component. Scientific and technical developments of leading employees of the department are widely used in diploma design.

Specific technical training in hardware design, methods and practical development Application programs develop engineering skills and also provide an opportunity to gain a fairly complete understanding of modern computer technology.

Training is carried out in modern computer classes. All computers are united into a local area network and connected to the global Internet.

Our graduates work in the development, implementation and operation of computing systems and data communications, which are widely used in financial, management, manufacturing and research organizations.

Available reviews note the high professionalism of graduates and their ability to quickly and efficiently solve problems various levels. There is a high level of graduates’ knowledge associated with the use, modernization and repair of computer equipment, as well as the development of electronic equipment and specialized computer components.

Do you want to explore the world of computers, get professional knowledge and ultimately become a highly qualified systems engineer? Do you want to receive additional education in the fields of computer technology and modern network technologies? Come visit us at the Department of Computer Science. We wait!

Head of the Department of VT Sai S.V

History of the department

In 1972 in Khabarovsk Polytechnic Institute at the department of “Automation of Production Processes”, by order of the rector of KhPI Danilovsky M.P., a subject commission “Computer technology and applied mathematics” was organized. Pervuninsky S.M. was appointed as the head.

In 1973 On the basis of the subject commission, the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics was created, which was first headed by Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor S.M. Pervuninsky. , and then a professor, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences was appointed. Babushkin M.N. The main task of the subject commission, and then the department of computer science and PM, was to master and introduce into the educational process the discipline “Computer technology in engineering and economic calculations” for all specialties of KhPI. By this time, the department had 3 digital computers of the Promin brand, the memory capacity of which was 200 floating point numbers with a maximum program length of 160 commands. In addition, with the help of the Department of APP (Head of the Department V.A. Khramov), a class of analog computers on the basis of AVM type MN-7, a research laboratory based on analogue machines of type MPT-9 and MBN functioned at the department. All computer equipment was serviced by engineers V.V. Ageev, A.P. Bakhrushin, V.A. Popov. and laboratory assistants Savich M.I. , Podznoev V.I. The services of the department's laboratories were used by students and graduate students of various departments of KhPI. At the department in 1973, a graduate school was opened under the leadership of Babushkin M.N., the first graduate students were Bakhrushina G.I., Palkin V.V., Ageev V.V., Nikishin A.P., but graduate students were not provided with proper guidance and attention from Babushkin M.N. and control by the institute, only in 1997 Bakhrushin G.I. defended her dissertation on a different topic.

In the first years ( 1972-1975 ) the Department of VT and PM taught the VTIER course for a block of economic specialties, later this course was extended to construction, mechanical, road, and other specialties.

In 1975-1978. the technical potential of the department of computer technology and PM was strengthened by more modern computers of the “Nairi” type at that time, which had a storage capacity of data and programs hundreds of times greater than best models Computer "Promin".

In 1979 Each KhPI student spent six months studying the basics of computer programming and performing a cycle laboratory work during the study of the discipline of VT and ER. At the Department of VT and PM from 1972 to 1981 under the leadership of Associate Professor S.M. Pervuninsky. team consisting of teachers Sidorova N.N., Bakhrushin A.P., Bakhrushina G.I., Korzova L.N., Ageeva V.V., Sidorchuk N.N., Galaktionova T.U., Palkina V.V. ., Tolshchina V.M., Naumova L.A., Nikishina A.P., Barabash P.I., Ten T.I., Burkova S.M., Danielova R.E. etc. an educational and methodological base was created and work programs were developed taking into account the requirements of all engineering specialties of KhPI.

In the early 80s, due to the rapid development of computer technology, an urgent need arose to open a new specialty in the design and operation of computer technology and software.

In 1981 on the initiative of Naumov L.A. and Danielov R.E., organizational work began to open a new specialty - feasibility studies were prepared taking into account the requirements of the Far Eastern region, a number of teachers from the department of VT and PM and employees of the computer center were sent for internships and FPC (Tolshchin V.M., Palkin V.V., Ageev V.V., Shelomanov A.E., Bakhrushin A.P., etc.), and specialists from other regions of the country were also invited.

July 12, 1982 In the regional press organs, an additional admission of students was announced for specialty 0608 “Electronic Computers” (50 people). A new specialty was opened at the Faculty of Engineering and Economics (Dean V. G. Trunin) on the basis of the Department of VT and PM. The first intake was characterized by a very high passing score - applicants had to get no more than one “B” in order to be enrolled in the computer specialty. At this point, the Laboratory of Computer Science (LTL) was transformed into a Computing Center, and the staff of the Computer Center mastered and prepared for the educational process computer technology consisting of computers M-222, ES-1022, Nairi-K and mini-computers such as SM-1, SM -2. In 1983 The second intake (50 people) of students majoring in computers was made at the IEF.

In 1984 The computer department was organized consisting of: head of the department Naumov L.A., teachers - Tolschin V.M., Korzova L.N., Bakhrushina G.I., Ageev V.V., Sai S.V., Chie Yu. S., who formed the future backbone of the computer department. In 1984, enrollment in the computer specialty was carried out at the Faculty of Chemical Technology (Dean V.V. Shkutko) in the amount of 100 people. During 1982-1987 gr. EVM 21-22, 31-32, 41-44 have repeatedly taken first place in the review of academic performance at the institute among graduating departments.

In 1985 y was created new faculty to organize training in the block of electronic specialties - the Faculty of Automation of Technological Processes (FATP), which soon received its true name - the Faculty electronic technology(FET). The enrollment of students in the computer specialty in 1985 remained at the level of 100 people, but in addition, two new specialties were opened - 0606 “Automation and telemechanics” and 0629 “ Semiconductor devices and microelectronics". The computer center at the computer department was equipped with the first display class based on the ES-7906 complex; four displays allowed users to interactively participate in debugging and analysis of computational processes, which allowed FET students to directly study the diversity and features of not only computational processes, but also the interaction of functional computer technology nodes. Teaching KhPI students of other specialties the basics of computer literacy and programming in other fields of science and technology was entrusted to the department of VT and PM (head of the department Bakhrushin A.P.), which, thanks to the personal participation of the head of the department, was in short term equipped with the first computer class based on the Iskra-1256 microcomputer. At the Department of Computer Science, a zonal laboratory “Automated systems for scientific research” was organized, which included: the “Ocean” laboratory, the computer technology laboratory (LVT), and the electrical engineering research laboratory. Based on the results of academic performance in 1985, the Computer Department took 3rd place.

In 1986 FET received official status, the new faculty was headed by a new dean - Associate Professor L.A. Naumov. The composition of the department was strengthened by new teachers who completed postgraduate studies at Moscow universities and defended their dissertations (Burkov S.M., Shelomanov A.E., Bakhrushin A.P.) Associate Professor Ri Bak Son was appointed head of the department of P and MT. The enrollment of students in the computer specialty remained at the same level (100 people). At the Computer Department, as an experiment, on the recommendation of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of the RSFSR and on the initiative of the Dean of FET, targeted intensive training of specialists (CIPS) was organized, based on the AOS (Automated Training Systems) and full computerization educational process. The CIPS was based on 3 principles:

· cooperation - creation of educational and scientific production associations: KhPI - "Splav" plant, KhPI - "Isotope" enterprise, end-to-end course and diploma design and completion production practices at enterprises, modular distribution of specialists in one or more FET specialties

· flexibility of education, based on intensive AOS methods, adaptive for production and scientific purposes curriculum

· intensive training of students, starting from the first year, using computers based on computer-aided design (CAD), system analysis, automated data banks and knowledge bases (DB and KB), flexible automated production (GAP).

In 1986 The display class at the computer department was replenished with a new complex ES-7920 (8 displays), thus the number of workplaces was increased, which made it possible to increase the flow of users, in addition, round-the-clock work of display classes was organized. The entire burden of organizing and maintaining the uninterrupted operation of the display classes was taken on by senior students specializing in computers. Subsequently, on the basis of the ES-1022, ES-1035 and the ES-7906 and ES-7920 complexes, a local computer network with a star-shaped architecture was organized. At the departments of KhPI, branches of the Computer Center were organized (SM-3, SM-4, SM-1420, MERA-60, DVK-2M, DVK-3), which were serviced by CC specialists and senior students of the computer specialty. For the first time at the institute, a student dean's office was created at the FET, which took upon itself the processing of documents for all FET students, distribution into groups, allocation of dormitories, organization of public and agricultural work. All orders and regulations regarding students passed through the student dean's office. A small council of the faculty was organized, consisting of: a public dean, group leaders, and a student council of the hostel. 2nd year student Galina Makarova worked as the public dean.

In 1987 student self-government developed - a student scientific and technical council was created: the chairman of which was I. Malykh, and the composition included senior students - A. Kolesov, V. Khlamenok, M. Ivanov, I. Miroshnichenko, S. Dolgov, Yu. Klimov, Ovchinnikova N. In the spring, the research and production team “Informatics” was organized. A team of 11 students taught the basics of computer literacy to 10th grade students in schools in the Krasnoflotsky district. Based on the results of the training, 18 schoolchildren were selected and recommended to enter the computer specialty, and these recommendations were sent to admissions committee KhPI. In the summer, students were provided with a bus equipped as a display classroom, which traveled to pioneer camps, where students high school During the holidays, we learned computer skills. The teachers were 4th year students Lobastov A., Dolgov S., Ivanov M. At the department in March-June, the first diploma design in the history of the department was carried out. About half of the students underwent pre-diploma internship and diploma design at leading enterprises of the Ministry of Electronic Industry in the cities of Novosibirsk and Vladivostok. Students have proven themselves with the best side. The first graduating class consisted of 45 people, who were distributed to enterprises in Khabarovsk, Vladivostok and Novosibirsk. At KhPI, 9 people were assigned to work at the department and the CC. The first student to defend her diploma at the Computer Department was Natalya Kuznetsova, she was presented with a memorable gift from the teachers of the Computer Department at the ceremonial meeting of the State Examination Committee dedicated to the presentation of diplomas and the qualification of a systems engineer in the specialty “Electronic Computers”.

In 1992 The specialty of computers received a new name: “Computers, complexes, systems and networks.” In 1995, the Department of Computer Science was renamed the Department of Computer Science (CT). By this time, the department was half equipped with personal computers such as the latest IBM PC models based on Intel 386-486 processors.

In 2004, a scientific and educational research laboratory of Intelligent Technologies and Systems (LITS) was created at the department, jointly with the Institute of Marine Technologies of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok). Students of the department actively participate in research work on the creation of hardware and software for underwater robots.

Since 2005 The Department of Computer Science switched to three-stage training in the direction of “Informatics and Computer Engineering.” Students of the VM specialty actively participate in scientific research and developments carried out at the department. To the main scientific directions include: “Digital image processing and analysis”; "Microprocessor systems"; "Underwater robots and their systems." The department operates a postgraduate school where the best graduates study. Foreign partners show significant interest in students and graduates of our department. In 2000, an agreement was concluded between KhSTU and Saarland University (Germany) on joint training of specialists in the field of computer science. In 2007, more than 10 graduates of the VM specialty who completed an internship in Germany, in addition to the Russian engineering diploma, have an international master's certificate.

In 2009 The staff of teachers is 8 people, 6 of them with degrees and titles. The laboratory base is equipped with the most modern computers, training stands and measuring equipment.