How to get to university on a budget. How to enroll in your dream university on a budget? Fashionable trends in the educational process

Every school graduate understands how important it is for a future successful career to receive a prestigious and high-quality higher education. Unfortunately, it is no secret that training on a contractual basis today is not cheap and not every family can afford it. The number of vacancies financed from the state budget is so limited that competition for such places is sometimes downright scary. Today we will talk about what are the chances of an applicant to get the opportunity to study at public expense and what efforts must be made for this.

Basic knowledge level

Of course, in order not only to enroll in a university, but at the same time not have to pay for studies, receive a scholarship and, if necessary, live in an average student dormitory, school knowledge not enough. It is necessary to have a high-quality certificate and high results from a single state exam(USE). Some are higher educational establishments they offer to take additional exams or interviews upon admission - it is also important to show here deep knowledge school curriculum, competent and free speech, the ability to analyze questions, formulate answers clearly and to the point. When making a decision, members of the admissions committee evaluate not only the absolute results, but also the overall impression made by the applicant.

You shouldn’t follow the popular opinion: “You just need to give money to the management of the institute - and a budget place is guaranteed.” The selection procedure is so transparent and controlled that this method of getting a free vacancy is completely excluded today. It's better to spend these funds on good training courses or hire professional tutors. This way you can expand the range of your knowledge beyond the standard school curriculum and thereby increase your chances of admission to your chosen university.

Who can qualify for free education

Only applicants receiving higher education for the first time can apply for a budget-funded form of education. Those who have already studied at a university once and decided to get a second specialty will have to pay for training.

The right to enter outside the general competition is given to the winners of competitions and olympiads, however, from this year - only for one specialty. If a future student submits documents to several educational institutions, or to several specialties in one university, he can take part in a competition for general principles.

Similar admission benefits are provided to those categories of applicants for whom state social guarantees apply - in particular, orphans, disabled people, and combatants.

There is also target set in areas provided by enterprises, institutions or organizations that need young specialists of one or another profile. However, in this case, you should be prepared for the fact that after graduation you will have to work at this enterprise for at least three years, most likely with a small salary and not always comfortable working conditions. Therefore, before you take target direction, weigh the pros and cons of this admission option.

State and non-state universities

Currently, not only state but also private higher education institutions have received free training. There is only one main condition: such a university must have a state license and accreditation. This is a positive trend, which leads not only to an increase in free vacancies for students, but also significantly expands the list of specialties. Therefore, today a student who wants to study at state expense has a fairly wide choice of diversified educational institutions.

Free training for foreign citizens

For receipt free education Citizens of foreign countries (including countries) can apply to Russian universities former USSR), who have not previously received education in Russia at the expense of the federal budget. The same opportunity is provided to stateless persons living in the territory of the Russian Federation (if they have a residence permit), persons with dual citizenship and compatriots living abroad. For these categories of applicants, selection is carried out on a general basis.

Since foreigners do not have such a parameter as the results of the unified state exam, a so-called “certificate competition” is held for them. When submitting documents, you must ensure that all of them are translated into Russian and properly certified or legalized by means of an apostille. It is recommended to clarify details at embassies or consulates before submitting documents, or contact the chosen university directly for clarification.

What else should students consider?

Due to the fact that the number of government-funded teaching positions is limited, some higher education institutions are taking such steps as discounting tuition. To the student who pointed to entrance exams in-depth knowledge or who has presented a high result on the Unified State Examination, but did not pass the competition “on a budget”, the administration of the university can offer a discount on paid training. In some cases, its size reaches 100%, that is, training becomes free. However, such a student, of course, will not receive a scholarship. In addition, discounts are usually provided for a certain period ( academic year or semester). Therefore, there is a possibility that a student who has not lived up to the trust of teachers will subsequently have to pay for obtaining a specialty on a general basis.

Also, don’t forget that getting federal funding for your education is only half the battle. It is necessary to regularly attend classes, pass exam sessions on time and efficiently - otherwise you may lose not only a scholarship, but also the opportunity to continue your studies on a budgetary basis.

For applicants who have a low Unified State Exam result, we can recommend enrolling in technical specialties. Unlike economic ones, the competition here is much lower, and in some cases there is even a shortage of students for budget places.

Russia has been and remains one of the main centers of quality and accessible education for foreign citizens. Over the past 3 years, 15 thousand people have entered Russian universities. foreign students on a budgetary basis for 659 specialties.
In an interview with RIA Novosti, Lyubov Glebova, the head of the Rossotrudnichestvo department, said that applicants from 198 countries around the world have the opportunity to send electronic applications to study at Russian universities. And many specialties are open to them, from technical to medical.

Every year the number of people wishing to study in Russia increases. For example, in 2015-2016, more than 270 thousand students studied at Russian universities, which is 50 thousand more than in the previous academic year.

Most foreign students come from Central Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Among foreign citizens, the most popular are the Russian Peoples' Friendship University (RUDN), Moscow State University(MSU), graduate School Economics (HSE).

We decided to find out what it's like to study at Russian universities, and asked HSE student, citizen of Kyrgyzstan Aisuluu Dzhamangulova, about this.

Is it difficult to enter a Russian university?

In fact, a lot depends on the preparation of the applicant himself and the chosen university. For some it is not difficult to get into Harvard, but for some it is difficult to get into universities in their countries. We can definitely say that you need to have good preparation and know the purpose for which you are studying. If we talk directly about admission to the Higher School of Economics under the quota of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, citizens of the CIS pass a simplified version of the competition. We don’t write exams, we don’t take tests like Russian students, for example, it’s enough to collect Required documents and prove at the interview that you have potential, and you know exactly why you need this education.

Do you like how it's designed? educational process at HSE?

In fact, I didn’t expect it to be so difficult and so interesting (smiles). The teachers, the program, and the teaching methods are wonderful. Well, like all students, I can only complain that the workload is very heavy (smiles).

Photo from the personal archive of Aisulu Dzhamangulova.

Are there many students from Central Asia?

Yes, there are a lot of students from Central Asia. They say that it has become especially crowded in last years, apparently this is the result of certain integration processes.

What advice can you give to applicants who want to enter Russian universities?

The potential of Russian universities cannot be underestimated and at the same time overestimated. Don't be afraid and try. You definitely need to prepare and have a good academic record; for admission, grades obtained in previous educational institutions are considered. Well, and most importantly, I emphasize once again, you need to know why you need this, whether studying at this university will help you realize your plans, whether you are ready to live in Russia for this, away from your family. IN modern world There are a lot of opportunities that open up for active and smart young people. In order not to miss these opportunities, you need to know what you want from life.

If you asked yourself: “How and in what Russian universities apply?”, we advise you to read our material.

We are entering university. Tactics and strategy of actions of applicants and their parents

You have probably already chosen the universities and faculties where your grown-up child wants to study. You may have already sent the documents to the admissions committee. And the most important, most exciting question remains: will they enroll or not? What else can you do to get into your desired educational institution? Something is possible!

Check the documents again

Of course, you have already studied the websites of the institutes and know what documents are required for admission. Check again to see if you have collected everything correctly?

To participate in the competition you will need:

  • statement;
  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the certificate with an attachment;
  • original documents confirming benefits (for preferential categories, target participants, Olympiad participants)
  • (sometimes) medical certificate 086/U (this document is not mandatory, it should be checked on the university website).

What might you be missing?

Firstly, if the child did not graduate from school this year, but recently retook the Unified State Exam, he should indicate in the application, the result of which exam should be taken into account(after all, they are all in the all-Russian database).

Secondly, do not forget about such an important thing as extra points for individual achievements! The admissions committee may add up to 10 points for sports and scientific achievements, as well as for participation in volunteer activities - carefully study this section on the university website, the requirements of educational institutions vary. Another ten additional points can be earned for an essay - the same one that was written in winter for admission to the Unified State Exam. Commissions of humanities faculties are especially often interested in them; some are even ready to extract them from the database and independently re-evaluate them using a 10-point system. So be sure to indicate that you wrote the essay!

Applicant's calendar: don't miss the moment!

Key dates for admission to university are very important. We would like to note that if a child has passed the Unified State Exam and will not pass the entrance examinations and creative competitions, then you haven't missed anything yet.

  1. Start of accepting documents - June 20(for full-time and part-time forms for bachelor's and specialist's programs).
  2. Completion of acceptance of documents required for admission from persons applying for training based on the results of additional entrance tests of a creative and (or) professional orientation - July 7.
  3. Completion of receipt of documents required for admission from persons applying for training based on the results of other entrance tests conducted by the organization higher education on one's own, - July 10.
  4. Completion of acceptance of documents required for admission from persons applying for training without passing the specified entrance tests (based on the results of the Unified State Exam) - 26 July.
  5. Posting lists of applicants on the official website and at the information stand - no later than July 27.
  6. Completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons applying without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas - July 28th.
  7. An order for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment, from among applicants without entrance examinations, entering places within quotas - July 29.
  8. Completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places and wishing to be enrolled at the first stage - August 1.
  9. Order on the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 80% of the main competitive places are filled - August 3rd.
  10. Completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment from persons included in the lists of applicants for the main competitive places until 100% of the main competitive places are filled - August 6.
  11. An order for the enrollment of persons who have submitted an application for consent to enrollment until 100% of the main competitive places are filled - 8 August.

Please note that these dates, specified in Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 14, 2015 N 1147 (as amended on November 30, 2015), are marked “no later.” Be sure to check the university website for the exact dates!

Differences in the 2016 admissions campaign - cancellation of priorities, statement of consent to enrollment (relevant in 2017)

The fundamental difference in the 2016 admissions campaign is the abolition of taking into account priorities for admission. Previously, when applying to a university for two or three specialties (training programs), you could indicate your preferences with the numbers 1, 2 and 3. If you did not take your preferred specialty, you were automatically excluded from this list and included in the next one. Now the applicant participates in the competition on an equal basis in all specialties (remember, an application for admission can still be sent to five universities for three specialties (training programs) each).

But where you ultimately decide to enroll will be determined by your application for consent to enrollment. This is just a new thing this year - without this document, an applicant cannot become a student, even if he heads the rating list and brought the original educational documents to the university.

The procedure for admission to the university in two waves

So, what does the admission process look like this year? You bring documents to the admissions committee according to the list above >>>>. After this, you watch with excitement the progress of your name in the ranking of applicants. Almost all major universities today indicate in the ranking which of the applicants immediately submitted consent for enrollment and original documents (i.e. they are quite serious), and who are not (i.e. they consider this university as a backup option). On the 27th you will see the final list on the university website.

And only now, after July 27, the real admissions race begins - you can no longer look away from the university website for a minute!

What happens on the 27th? In fact, now the real qualifying competition begins - only between those who brought original documents and consent to enrollment. The university is required to close 80% of the enrollment, while applicants without originals are ignored (even if they are recommended for admission), and those who were at the bottom of the list can move up fairly quickly.

So, on August 3, all universities will enroll 80% of students. Of course, 80% is a rather arbitrary figure; some will want to return the documents after the enrollment order, but in general the main enrollment will be completed.

I didn't get into the first wave. Will the chances be higher in the second wave?

It depends on what university we are talking about. If we are talking about a prestigious metropolitan university and you are literally on the border of the list of those recommended for admission, then you undoubtedly have every chance to study at the university of your dreams.

In a provincial university, the chances of admission may not be higher, but lower, because applicants who did not consent to enrollment in the first wave may give it in the second! This means that many who sought happiness in the capitals will spit on the pie in the sky and return to Siberian universities for tits.

A good example: the admissions campaign at the Mukhomran Fence Construction Institute.

Let's consider the situation using the example of the Mukhomran Fence Construction Institute, widely known in our country (to simplify the situation, we immediately consider only competitive recruitment on a general basis, not taking into account orphans, disabled people and citizens of Crimea)

Situation No. 1

So, 10 people are recruited for the popular chain-link mesh department. 100 applicants submitted documents; their ranked list is available on the institute’s website. Until August 1, 12 applicants brought original documents and consent to enrollment: No. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 55, 79, 95, 96, 97, 99 and 100 (numbers from the ranked list).

Since the university is obliged to fill 80% of the competitive places in the first wave, applicants No. 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 55, 79, 95 will be admitted. Yes, yes, and No. 95 was also accepted.

Situation No. 2

Applicants No. 7, 12 and 95 changed their minds about enrolling in the chain-link mesh department.

Applicant No. 12 brought an application to revoke documents on July 30 at five o’clock in the evening. Because the selection committee worked only until six, his documents were returned to him on July 31 at 10 o’clock in the morning, after which he managed to take the train and take his documents to MGIMO, where he also entered the competition.

Applicant No. 95, as we remember, was on the enrollment list, but on the morning of August 2 he changed his mind and came to pick up the documents. They were given to him after lunch, and he also rushed to MGIMO. But it turned out that he would no longer be enrolled on August 3, since consent to enrollment had to be given before August 1. Meanwhile, instead of applicant No. 95, applicant No. 96 was enrolled in the chain-link mesh department on August 3rd.

Applicant No. 7 decided that he also wants to go to MGIMO and he probably has a chance to get there in the second wave. He came to the university on August 4 and also submitted an application to revoke his documents, hoping that they would be given to him within two hours. But, since the enrollment order has already been signed, he is now waiting... waiting... waiting...

Situation No. 3

Applicant No. 95, who at first decided to wait for the second wave of enrollment at MGIMO, suddenly thought “what am I exchanging my native Mukhomransk for!” He took the documents from MGIMO and again took them to the fence-building institute, handed over the originals and consent to enrollment to the admissions committee. But it turned out that applicants No. 22, 58, 59, 60, seeing that those who had Unified State Exam results were much worse, they decided to take a chance and also brought the original documents and consent to enrollment! Since there were three free places left at the faculty (2 places - 20% of the admission plan, and the place vacated by applicant No. 7), applicants No. 22, 58, 59 were accepted there.

So, as a result, applicants No. 1, 2, 5, 9, 22, 55, 58, 59, 79, 96 will study at the chain-link mesh faculty. Applicants No. 60 and No. 95 can try their luck next year, although they are much less capable applicants No. 79 and 96 have already become students. Just like that!

The most popular questions from parents of applicants

- Can a child write a statement of consent along with the application for admission?

Maybe, especially if you submitted original educational documents, but only one statement of consent to enrollment can be submitted to the university.

What if he changes his mind about enrolling in the specialty in which he was enrolled, but chooses another at the same university where he also applied for admission?

You will have to write a review of the application for consent to enrollment and a new consent to enrollment.

- Maybe it’s better to immediately submit the original documents to the chosen university?

- We handed over the original documents, and then decided to take...

And they must be given to you within two hours if you came to the admissions office more than two hours before the end of the working day, or in the morning of the next day if you applied in the evening. Not the most popular universities sometimes try to withhold applicants’ documents after the publication of enrollment lists, citing the need for time to prepare an expulsion order. Know that this is not true! You are still required to return the documents within two hours!


    You may well be admitted to your chosen university in the first wave, even if you are not included in the list of those recommended for admission. The lists are flexible, you can move up the rankings quite quickly. It is important to bring original educational documents and a statement of consent to enrollment on time. You need BOTH of these documents.

    Competition in the second wave may not be lower, but higher than in the first. Please take this into account when planning your admission.


We strongly recommend that you read this article very carefully and several times. In it we will talk about admission to higher education institutions, how this happens, we will try to talk about the pitfalls and give some advice.

Let's start with the fact that you were given a certificate, after which you had a wonderful time lying in a puddle with a bottle of champagne. Congratulations. Half the way has been completed. Next you need to drink mineral water and collect documents, namely:

  1. Photocopy of passport
  2. Photocopy of certificate and original certificate
  3. Photocopy and original of the certificate of passing the Unified State Exam(if there is)

The original certificate of passing the Unified State Exam may be issued to you very late, therefore, universities in 2012 accepted documents without it. Photos are NOT NEEDED!!! They will be requested from you only after enrollment.

You have to choose 5 universities to which you are going to apply (6 universities will not accept your documents, don’t even try, even if they do, it will still come up later, because the admissions committees have all-Russian databases).

Just a short lyrical digression. Many of you (yes, yes) are waiting for some kind of official announcement of the 2013 passing grade from universities. I hasten to disappoint you. There is no guy on the university admissions committee who points his finger at the sky and says that the passing score for 2013 will be 210 points in total from 3 subjects (conditionally). What is a passing grade anyway? The passing score is the score of the last applicant enrolled on the budget, i.e. you will learn about passing score 2013, only after you are enrolled in the university or not enrolled. But more on that later.

As we have already said, you should not overestimate yourself in any case, even if you have 300 points with 3 Unified State Examinations. Perhaps all the places in front of you will be taken by beneficiaries, Olympiad winners and target students. So don’t choose a bouquet from HSE, Moscow State University, RANEPA, MGIMO and St. Petersburg State University. Be sure to leave 1-2 universities as a “back-up option”, where, as a rule, the admission rate is low.

So, you rubbed your eyes after graduation and went to your first university to apply. Apparently, you will immediately go to your favorite university. But, ATTENTION, most likely, your favorite university is the favorite university of thousands of applicants. Well, that's how it happened. So what's going on? In the first days of the admission campaign, everyone unanimously rushes to HSE, Moscow State University, RANEPA, MGIMO, Finashka, etc., because these are the favorite universities of, well, just everyone. Accordingly, what happens? In the first days of the admissions committees’ work, we have huge queues at leading universities. Therefore, I advise you not to run headlong into your favorite universities in the first days, but to visit the “back-up” universities for now, and then, in the middle, when this excitement from top universities has died down, calmly come to the university of your dreams and calmly submit documents in an hour , and not for 6, as this can happen.

So, you came to the university. In some universities they give you a ticket, in some there is a waiting list, but that’s not the point. The first procedure you have to go through is to fill out an application. In normal universities, you are seated in a classroom where there are many computers, they open a form and you fill it out electronically. The students help you, then they print your application form for you. Well, or in many universities they fill out the form for you. A number of universities mock applicants and force them to write this application manually, and they get to the bottom of the smallest blots. Just filling out the application form can take about an hour if the admissions committee is completely disorganized.

So, you have the right to choose 3 competitive groups (as a rule, in a competitive group there are several faculties with the same entrance examinations and with similar themes). Those. You can choose 3 competitive groups, and in this group there can be from one to infinity of specialties. For example. You have chosen 3 competitive groups, where in the 1st group there are 5 specialties, in the second group there are 3 specialties and in the 3rd group there is 1 specialty. Here you already have the right to choose all specialties in these 3 competitions. Those. It’s realistic to take part in 3 competitions in 9 areas at one university. In many universities, most often, there is one direction in the competitive group. If something is unclear to someone, ask in the comments. This is not trivial, do not hesitate to ask again.

Also, the university will require you to arrange all these specialties in descending order of “wants”. For example. You are enrolling in economics. We came to the university, and there we have economics in one department, economics in another department and world economy(let's say). We need to arrange them as follows:

First competition group (we want to get into this competition group the most)

  1. Economy Faculty of Economics(we want to go here most of all)
  2. Economics of the General Economics Faculty (we want to come here, but not so much)
  3. World Economy Faculty of Economics

Second competitive group (we are applying to this competitive group because we took the same exams, but just in case)

  1. Management at the enterprise of the Faculty of Light Industry
  2. Management in the sports industry of the Faculty named after. Anastasia Volochkova
  3. Advertising and Public Relations

The third competitive group (they just submitted documents)

  1. Jurisprudence Faculty of Law

So, we filled out the application. We are cool. We submitted documents to 3 competitive groups at 5 universities. Those. In total, you participate in 15 competitions. Now pay attention. You are not the only one who is so fashionable and participates in 15 competitions. Let's imagine. You have 250 points from the 3rd Unified State Exam (well, at least someone here will get 250 points). The score is not bad. But that's the problem. Imagine that each applicant applied for 15 competitions. We open the list of applicants and find that you, with your (fairly good scores), are in 1500th place, despite the fact that in your favorite specialty, your favorite university there are 100 budget places. We go cut our wrists in the bathroom (this is not a call for suicide) or sob into the pillow, as you like. That's the funny thing. 14 out of 15 is real dead Souls, these are just ticked boxes. Because One applicant at this stage of admission occupies 15 places, but he really only wants one. Let’s not talk about the probabilities that there are more popular universities and less popular universities. Let's take an average university. Let’s assume that exactly 14 out of 15 of us are dead souls (in HSE, for example, it’s a little different, there, rather, every 4th will still remain on the budget). Nevermind. We model general situation. Being in 1500th place, despite the fact that there are 100 budget places in your specialty, I can assure you that most likely you will get into the budget position, since 14 out of 15 will most likely leave. If you are confused, read it again, because what follows is worse.

So, all applicants have submitted their documents. The time of the “first wave” is coming. We are sitting in our 1500th place in university No. 1, in the 2000th place in university No. 2, and in the 500th place in university No. 3, etc. IN in this case, with the first wave we fly by. Let's return to our university No. 1, where we most want to go. As we have already found out, there are 100 budget places for our favorite specialty. Next are 2 scenarios (different universities work using different systems).

  1. Classic option. In the first wave, the university requests original documents from the first hundred. In our case, every 15th person brings documents. 6 people will bring documents to the university by the specified date. There are still 84 budget places left, which will be “raffled” in the second wave.
  2. Green wave. Some universities are making green waves. They calculate probabilities (in approximately the same way as we described above, or based on data from last year) and recommend for enrollment not 100 people, how many budget places, but 100*(1/probability that a person will bring documents to them , specifically for this specialty). Well, they also adjust for the worse to be on the safe side. In our case, we have. Let’s say the university has calculated that this probability = 1/15 (every fifteenth person will bring documents to them). Those. according to this logic, we should recommend enrollment (request original documents) to the first 1,500 people. Well, universities usually don’t take much risk and make adjustments. In reality, a university can recommend 1,000 applicants at once, despite the fact that we have 100 budget places.
  3. The most epic situation occurs when you are recommended for enrollment after the first wave at the Reutov University of Leather Gloves and Marketing, but the university you wanted to attend did not recommend you for enrollment after the first wave. What's happening? Many applicants, having such a borderline score, run in a panic to submit their originals to the Reutov University of Leather Gloves and Marketing (parents often force them, or in a panic that you will be left without a budget, take the documents there. Believe me, it will happen). You are successfully admitted there after the first wave, and in the second wave it turns out that you entered the university where you wanted. In this case, you have the right to withdraw your documents (in fairness, we would like to note that the Reutov University of Leather Gloves and Marketing will not let you go so easily and, perhaps, you will remain there. Be careful and know your rights!). The time for the second wave is coming. As a rule, on the 2nd wave they call almost everyone and privately ask you whether you will bring the original or not. In general, you need to constantly be on the websites of universities or on the websites for applicants of these universities (if there are any) and be constantly in the know, because they may not call you. They have the right, well, either they accidentally won’t get through, or you indicated the wrong phone number by mistake.