Landscape design project for the school grounds. Landscape design project on the topic. Specifics of modern landscape design on school grounds

School grounds

Landscape design of a school site is an interesting process, primarily because the students themselves can act as designers. To do this, you can hold a competition among classes for the best design project, the idea of ​​which will form the basis for landscaping the school grounds. After research of the territory has been carried out, the composition and type of soil has been identified and a situational plan has been drawn up, you can proceed to determining the functional zones. Zoning of the territory is carried out in accordance with the functional characteristics of the school.

What zones can be included in school grounds project:

  • sports area (football field, basketball and volleyball courts, gymnastics field with horizontal bars)
  • school play area (playground for students primary classes, area for quiet games)
  • ground area (created immediately before the entrance to the school)
  • ceremonial area (platform for holding lineups)
  • transport zone (platform for studying traffic rules)
  • specialized area for conducting classes in fine arts
  • area for creative games (for example, theater)
  • fruit zone (for biology and botany classes)
  • school utility area (a place to store various equipment)
  • area for cycling or roller skating
  • green recreation area, etc.

Functional zones are separated from each other by such elements of landscape design of the site as: hedges, paving paths, flower beds, alleys. Trees or shrubs are planted along the perimeter in the form of a hedge, which helps protect against external noise and dust, creating a special microclimate on the school grounds.

Large trees and shrubs are required in the schoolyard, creating natural shade that suppresses the effects of sunlight. An alternative to them can be covered verandas or gazebos.

Types of green spaces on the school site:

  • comfortable landscaping designed to protect from wind, sun and prying eyes
  • Ecological landscaping involves using native plant species to support bird and small animal populations. Use of local plant species adapted to local conditions, preserves the character of the region both biologically and visually
  • fruit plantings

Areas for active games or sports on a school site may (or may not) be provided with permanently installed sports or gaming equipment. Equipped sites must be protected from ultraviolet rays. This can be achieved using a combination of large trees and artificial roofing. Open areas involve the use of lawns, paving or special covering. Moreover, you need to understand that grass needs sun for healthy growth. If this condition is not met, it is better to replace it with a special coating (for example, based on crumb rubber).

In passive playgrounds and school areas, for example, outdoor lessons, small trees should be used in combination with an artificial roof. Since the lawn will not feel comfortable in shady areas, it is recommended to replace it with a special coating or paving.

The combination of structures and green spaces is also recommended in the area of ​​basketball, volleyball and tennis courts to create shade for players and spectators. In this case, trees should be planted at a distance of 10 meters (or slightly less, depending on the size of the tree’s root system) from the paved area.

The main entrance is usually the hallmark of any school, so it should be especially decorative. Decorative groups of plants and colorful flower beds would be appropriate here.

Factors to consider when designing landscaping and improvement of the school grounds:

  1. Trees and bushes must not interfere with the supervision of children in the school garden.
  2. Dense planting of trees and shrubs directly in front of school buildings and verandas can pose a safety hazard. Frequent plantings can serve as a “mask” in case of attempted vandalism or burglary. Use ground covers in high-risk areas. Do not cover security lighting with shade from green spaces.
  3. The best “friend” of a school site is partial shade. Avoid planting grass and flowers in completely shaded areas as they require sunlight to stay healthy. Before starting landscaping and landscaping school grounds take care of the availability of water in the area. For example, an automatic watering system will be very useful, since newly planted plants need more frequent and deeper watering than mature plants.
  4. Avoid planting large trees close to school buildings.
  5. Groups of shrubs or ground cover plants of the same species will look more harmonious than a group of plants of different species.
  6. To make caring for the school garden easier, use mulch in flower beds and decorative groups. This will reduce the germination of weeds.
  7. When planting trees, consider the width of the lawnmower. It should move freely between plants, buildings and fences, without damaging the paving paths.
  8. For planting, you need to choose plants that are easy to care for, hardy, winter-hardy and most suitable for your climate and soil conditions.
  9. Trees should be planted at a sufficient distance from each other.
  10. Regular feeding and pruning of plants will provide the garden with proper care.

When landscaping the school grounds, never use plants that have poisonous parts, be they leaves, bark, fruits or seeds. Do not use plants that are known allergens.

The assortment of trees for planting along the perimeter of the school territory consists of large plants: Norway maple, birch, aspen, elm, linden, ash. In addition, trees can also form the basis for decorative groups of plants. Along with the trees listed above, you can use white willow, rowan, chestnut and bird cherry.

The use of coniferous plants on school grounds is mandatory, as they not only have antimicrobial properties, but also retain their decorative value all year round. The most common of them are Siberian larch and prickly or common spruce. Creeping varieties of juniper will decorate the school garden not only as a lining for taller plants, but will also look great in single plantings.

Various types of shrubs are also indispensable in landscaping school grounds: mock orange, spirea, lilac, forsythia, dogwood, rosehip, cotoneaster, bladderwort and snowberry.

One of the attractive elements of landscape design for a school site is a flower garden. More often, flower beds, borders and ridges are used on school grounds, since the layout of the plots is still, in most cases, quite geometric. The most popular among annuals are: aster, marigolds, petunia, salvia, cosmos, zinnia, snapdragon, calendula, balsams, coleus, cineraria. Tulips and daffodils are often used in flower beds. And representatives of perennial plants are dahlias, daylilies, lupins, peonies and phlox.

School site lighting

Another important element of school grounds improvement is landscape lighting. This is especially true in winter, when daylight hours are significantly reduced. Lighting acts as one of the guarantors of the safety of children, parents and teachers.

Functional and decorative lighting is used in school areas. Functional lighting is used on sports grounds, along the perimeter of school grounds, and along paths. Decorative lighting is used to highlight small architectural forms, some plants with an interesting texture and parts of the building (for example, the front entrance).

Lighting areas of school grounds requires compliance with special standards and rules. Therefore, when choosing an installation contractor, you need to be very careful, and it is better to entrust the project of lighting the school grounds to the professionals of the landscape studio.

You can see an example of the improvement of a school site, carried out by the designers of our studio, in the finished

MKOU Vekovskaya main comprehensive school

Gus-Khrustalny district, Vladimir region


"Landscape design of a school site"

Association "Floriculture"

MKOU additional education children

Center for additional education for children of Gus-Khrustalny district

Vladimir region


Kopylova Elena Anatolyevna

year 2012

Table of contents:

І. Introductionpage 3

Explanatory notepage 3

Relevance and importance of the project



3.1 Goals p.4

3.2 Objectives p.4

3.3 Key competencies that the project forms p.4

4.1 Project stages p.5

4.2 Project implementation plans p.5

4.3 Landscape design and gardening p.5

4.4 Execution of project stages p.7

4.5 Project implementation p.7

V . Conclusion p.8

І. Introduction

School is a second home. When we come to school, we want to feel comfortable, feel the beauty and feel proud of our beloved school.

Everything in the school should be permeated with the desire for beauty, therefore, currently, much attention is paid to the improvement of the areas adjacent to educational institutions. Children need to be taught to feel, understand, appreciate and, most importantly, create beauty. Everything must be done to make the school premises and its territory attractive, somewhat magical. In and around school, everyone should work to educate students square meter.
Our school is located on the territory of the Vekovka station in the Gus-Khrustalny district of the Vladimir region. Currently, the station is home to more than 800 residents. Our school was built in 1994 on a swampy area; for this purpose, a six-meter fill was made. The school was surrounded by wasteland. Long time I had to carry soil from the forest to speed up the process of populating the territory with vegetation, so the problem of landscaping the territory has been relevant since the first days of its existence.


One of the school’s activities is the patriotic and environmental education of schoolchildren. The schoolyard and school grounds have become an effective means of developing students’ environmental culture and developing their new civic consciousness. We consider this work as part of the system of social development of personality. A holistic perception of nature, and it is precisely this perception that the school territory develops, opens the way to a new worldview, awareness of the role and place of one’s self. Every year, much attention is paid to the improvement of the school territory, repairs and creation of comfort inside the school. Level of general culture rural population, practically absent ecological culture. Beauty should surround a person everywhere: on the streets of the village, in relationships with the outside world. The school is primarily involved in nurturing beautiful thoughts and actions, but this should accompany the child even when he leaves the school walls. To raise a beautiful personality, you need to make beauty an integral part of the life of the settlement.

When conducting a survey among schoolchildren, it was revealed. That the school area needs changes. A competition for school grounds design projects was proposed. The winning work was by Alina Medvedeva, who later became one of the authors of the project “Landscape Design of a School Site.”

The peculiarity of the location of our school is that it is always within sight of fellow villagers. The school staff bears a great responsibility for instilling in students and their parents a caring attitude towards their village, developing aesthetic taste and the ability to appreciate beauty. Therefore, the MCOU Vekovskaya secondary school has developed a system of education for students, an important part of which is instilling in students a love for their small homeland, nature and work.

Educational system allows you to successfully solve the problems of teaching schoolchildren various labor skills and abilities, enriching them with new knowledge about plants and the technology of their cultivation. The territory of our school is vast and diverse. In addition to the school building, on the territory there is a monument to fallen soldiers during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War, created by the hands of school students.


3.1 Goals:
1. creating an aesthetically and environmentally attractive space near the school;
2. improving the environmental situation at the school and in the surrounding area through green spaces and flowers;
3. fostering hard work, love for one’s school, and respect for nature;
4. development research activities schoolchildren;
5. development creativity students;
6. skill formation healthy image life.

3.2 Tasks:
1. Draw students’ attention to the solution current problems schools.
2. To develop in students a sense of responsibility for the school, the ability to implement specific steps to improve and beautify the school and its territory.
3. Form for each participant pedagogical process internal need for protection and increase natural resources, creating and maintaining beauty around you, developing an aesthetic and emotional attitude towards nature;
4. Involving teachers, school students and the parent community in issues of improving the aesthetic design of the school.
5. Training schoolchildren in practical ways and methods of landscaping, introducing modern achievements in the field of landscape design;
6. Form among participants educational process active life position, to be not indifferent to the fate of their small homeland.

3.3 Key competencies that the project forms

During the development and implementation of the project, the following competencies of students are formed: Subject: Obtaining knowledge about landscape design, plant ecology, soil properties, and the basics of plant growing.
Subject: Formation of skills to apply various methods research (observations, comparisons, definitions), work with different sources information, depict information in different models.
General: The ability to actualize a problem and propose different ways to solve it. Ability to predict future activities for project implementation.


4.1 Project stages

First stage – February-March:
Students develop projects for improving the school grounds, landscaping and rational use of the school site, and growing flower seedlings.

Second stage – April – May:
-preparation of planting material – flower seeds;
-growing seedlings;
-preparation of equipment;
-spring tillage;
-works to improve the school grounds and the area adjacent to it;

Shrub trimming;
-spring planting (implementation of projects).

Third stage – June – August:
caring for plantings in the school grounds: watering, weeding;

Fourth stage – September-October:
seed collection;
autumn tillage;
autumn planting of bulbous plants;
Autumn Festival, exhibition of flowers, crafts made from natural materials; Winner's reward ceremony.

4.2 Project implementation plans

The work to improve the school grounds consists of leveling the soil, cutting down dead trees in the summer of 2010 and planting new ones, forming lawns and flower beds, etc. We have to carry out these tasks on our own, as well as with the help of school employees.

The work completed to implement this project results in the school becoming a modern and attractive educational institution.
Of course, we cannot do without the help of adults. Therefore, we will involve parents and school staff in this work.

4.3 Landscape design and gardening.

Landscaping and landscaping mean not just planting trees, shrubs or flowers, but a thoughtful design project made taking into account many factors. We all love and appreciate nature, its beauty and fresh air. Many people like to spend as much time as possible in nature. Landscape design is an art, and, like any type of art, it has its own rules and nuances.

To create not only a beautiful appearance of our site, the school is engaged in landscaping.

Landscape gardening is a complex of various works that improve the ecological condition of plants, thanks to which they will delight us with their bright colors for a long time, and create an atmosphere favorable for humans. Proper planting of trees helps to increase oxygen in the area, trap dust and significantly reduce noise. We understand that landscape design must fully meet all needs for comfort and beauty, because outdoor recreation should bring peace and aesthetic pleasure every day. Landscaping and landscaping begins with the design and selection of appropriate planting material and lawn. Flowers are an ideal and versatile tool in landscape design. They gave our school yard a unique charm.
Flower beds have become elements of school decor and serve as wonderful decorations. In winter, we calculate the number and type of plants that are needed for planting, grow seedlings and plant them according to the design and color scheme. We design flower beds in such a way as to ensure extraordinary splendor as well as long-lasting flowering.

We admire annual and perennial phlox, petunia, marigolds, zinnia, annual dahlias of various colors, Turkish carnations, iris, goldenrod, chrysanthemums, hydrangea, asters, tulips, daffodils, lilies. Landscaping the school grounds introduces an aesthetic aspect to the environmental education of schoolchildren: it pleases the eye with a variety of shapes, a combination of colors and shades. Floral arrangements made from a bright yellow terry carpet of marigolds attract everyone's attention. The best way put the area in order - planting trees. A birch alley was planted near the school with the biology teacher. Main principle school landscape design - use of available materials. Anything can be used: stones, car tires, plywood, wood, etc.

We have only taken the first steps to implement our program and there are already results. First, we dug up the area for planting flowers. Then we made large flower beds and planted flowers in them, which decorated the school grounds until the frost. In general, a school site improvement project should include not only landscape solutions, but also the installation of communications (watering, lighting). After all, caring for the school grounds requires constant attention and accuracy, which allows it to maintain its grace and superiority. Our project is designed for all school students. The implementation of the project has great value for teachers, parents and all residents of our village. Why? First of all, because our school becomes a beautiful socially significant place in the village, it attracts with the variety of flower and decorative crops, in a word, a cozy recreation area. Next year we will try to update the territory: do something interesting and unusual. Of course, we still do not have enough experience and design skills; we are engaged in landscaping without financial investments, although, as you know, any improvement requires financial costs.

4.4 Implementation of project stages:

Stage 1. Identifying the problem.

April 1st on school-wide line The project “Improvement of the school grounds” is launched. Classes are asked to discuss during the week on classroom hours, propose ideas for improving the school grounds. Biology teacher Kopylova E.A. together with students from the Floriculture association, we studied the ecological state, species composition, soil features of the school area.

Stage 2. Solutions.
Students developed projects for improving the school grounds, landscaping and rational use of the school site; assessed the condition environment.

Developing an action plan.

We drew up a schedule for the participation of classes in the implementation of a social project to improve the school grounds (responsible head of the Floriculture association, biology teacher Kopylova E.A.).

Stage 3. Our results.

Application. Presentation.

4.5 Project implementation

The guys took a responsible approach to implementing their plans. The guys from the Floriculture association grew flower seedlings and landscaped the school's recreation areas. The appearance of the school has changed, it has become cozy and beautiful. The school grounds improvement project was successfully implemented: trees and shrubs were pruned, the placement and design of flower beds was carefully thought out. Floral arrangements made from a bright yellow terry carpet of marigolds attract the attention of fellow villagers. May 9, 2012 rally, dedicated to the Day Victory, took place at a beautifully decorated monument to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War.

Landscaping and landscaping events are held annually at our school, with students from grades 1-9 participating in them.

V. Conclusion
We have identified the relevance of our problem, the goals and objectives of the project, which we will have to solve in the future. The relevance of this problem for our school is dictated by the time, in the education of children ethical taste, developing a sense of responsibility for their school and the desire to change the appearance of the school for the better. “The theater begins with the wardrobe, and the school begins with the school yard, because the yard is the face of the school.” We will do everything so that the appearance of our school has an aesthetic appearance, and this is what instills in children a taste and perception of beauty. The value of this work lies in the following:
1. Gaining experience in improving the school and surrounding areas by students without financial costs.
2. Conducting consistent and targeted work on environmental education.
3. Development of mutual assistance, support, mutual assistance, friendships among teenagers.

Objectives of the work: to substantiate the relevance of the problem of transforming “disfigured” landscapes into productive artificial ecosystems; form ideas about the levels and patterns of interaction between natural factors and the urban environment, learn the principles of landscape design style and establish a typology of structural components of artificial landscapes; choose a design style - transform the school site and create its structural landscape compositions; make an assessment of the school site project and the conditions for its practical implementation.

CONTENTS I. Landscape design is the art of transforming a disfigured environment by man (abstract) I.1. Relevance of the problem of transforming “disfigured” landscapes into productive artificial ecosystems I.2. Fundamentals of landscape design I.3. Landscape design II. How to turn an unproductive school site into a comfortable ecosystem? II.1. Assessment of the environmental condition of the school site II.2. Goal, objectives and design method. Predicted result II.3. Outcome of the educational project II.3.1. Explication of the school site II.3.2. description of the structural components of the school site design project

What is landscape design and what is its purpose? Landscape design is special kind landscaping, which serves the purpose of designing an artificial territory using natural elements: relief, water, vegetation. Landscape design guarantees a comfortable and convenient human living environment. The art of landscape design includes garden art, landscaping and landscaping of areas, streets and roads, city houses, industrial buildings, agricultural companies, historical garden areas, protected offices. This is a very complex and delicate work. Artificial landscapes created according to modern design projects are places where it is beautiful, cozy and well-groomed, and, of course, it is simply comfortable to be here, to take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Landscape design styles: Regular style is characterized by straight lines and clear geometric shapes. Landscape style implies curves, natural lines, plants are planted chaotically. Forest style - as close as possible to the natural landscape. Therefore, the main task for the designer is to create the illusion of a forest edge, which is realized by planting forest plants, creating streams, and the like. A garden in the Art Nouveau style dictates the repetition of elements and various details, the smooth flow of shapes and lines, the embodiment of the most unexpected ideas. A country garden is suitable for those who do not like to mow lawns - simple materials and natural grass are used to design it, fruit trees are planted, and a decorative vegetable garden is created.

Landscape style of an artificial ecosystem Landscape is a limited space that opens from a certain point; these are individual fragments of nature that evoke different sensations and moods. As in landscape painting, where the artist’s depiction of nature reflects his attitude to nature, his thoughts, feelings, social outlook, so in landscape art, a change in nature, made in nature according to a specific plan, creates certain landscape paintings.

Types of landscape design general system of green areas of the city; a system of green areas for country recreation; designing individual elements of the landscaping system for urban and regional parks, boulevards, sanitary protection zones and many other objects.

Problems that landscape architects and designers solve The specific conditions that develop in cities force us to distinguish three groups of problems in the solution of which landscape architects, along with many other specialists, will have to participate: the first group includes problems that are in one way or another related to the preservation of existing natural landscapes ; the second group covers a wide range of issues related to landscape transformations; the third group, still relatively little developed, is associated with the problem of creating an “artificial” landscape, designed in some areas to replace a destroyed or unfavorable natural landscape.

The problem of transforming “disfigured” landscapes When the structure of a natural landscape is destroyed in the process of transformation, an anthropogenic landscape with a characteristic new ratio of its constituent elements is most often created and developed. Typically, the development processes of this landscape must be controlled and managed by humans. In this case, the person acts in active role, he, through his constant activity, determines the structure of the landscape and its development. Currently, the main part consists of landscapes transformed by human activity, with which a landscape architect has to deal. But the most difficult problems arise in cases where ill-conceived or overly intensive development natural resources leads to the formation of “disfigured” or “dead” landscapes. Their restoration is one of the most important tasks of landscape ecology.

Landscape design plan: creation of a basic plan with functional measurements of the site, path plan, construction of recreation areas, decorative lakes, flower beds and flower beds and much more; phased development of all landscape works; planting garden plants and performing all types of work in accordance with the plan; paperwork; if necessary, adjusting the design plan of the territory using the services of a professional surveyor.

A set of works for landscaping and landscaping the site, construction of retaining walls; laying paths and platforms using various building materials; construction of decorative ponds; production and landscaping of gazebos; planting ornamental trees and plants; planning of sports and universal lawns.

Educational project“How to turn an unproductive school site into a comfortable ecosystem?” There is growing concern in society about the deteriorating state of the environment and a sense of responsibility for the state of the Earth's natural systems is beginning to form. Analysis of all economic decisions made from the point of view of preserving and improving the quality of the environment has become absolutely necessary when developing any projects for the development and transformation of territories.

Ecological state of the school site of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School 13 I chose the microsystem of our village - the school site - as the object of transformation. Having become acquainted with the history of the school site, I came to the conclusion that this artificial ecosystem was transformed several times and served different purposes. Now, after several years of neglect, the problem of schoolyard amenities has a deeper environmental significance than it seems at first glance. The school, as a place of residence for children, must be protected along the perimeter from gas contamination and contamination by a green buffer zone. We, of course, are used to living among cigarette butts, garbage, papers, bottles, and so on. But constant exposure to such conditions can harm our health. Cleaning up the school yard is a good thing. But they don’t clean up where there is no quarrel. They don’t quarrel where it is comfortable and beautiful, where administrative measures are taken against those who violate the order.

The goal of the project is to transform a neglected and unproductive school site into a comfortable and beautiful mini-ecosystem. Project objectives: using knowledge of the basics of floral and decorative design of the territory, prepare landscape compositions of the structural components of the school yard; combine everything structural components plot into a single explication based on landscape style; evaluate the design project and determine the conditions for its practical implementation.

The predicted result is a school site that performs the following functions: to be a green “buffer” for the school from the nearest anthropogenic objects; to be an attractive, naturally harmonious, original place for students to relax during after-hours; solve educational and educational purposes and tasks; be a place of organization labor practice children.

Self-assessment of the school site project and the conditions for its practical implementation The proposed design project for transforming a neglected school yard into a comfortable and beautiful ecosystem is quite realistic, since: it does not require changes in area and topography; the structural components of the new landscape can be successively tied to the places of the old site; the landscape style of the project and the asymmetry of landscape components will favorably emphasize biological features all types of living organisms in relation to each other; Balance and harmony can be given to a new site by designer finds, as well as local natural materials;

The new school site will not require new fencing or expensive planting materials, so it is economically feasible; The external attractiveness of the transformed site will make it possible to use it not only as a “green shield” for a school, but also for educational and recreational purposes without disturbing the overall environmental situation. We must be aware that any transformation in the conditions of a general economic crisis will be hampered for various reasons: lack of financial resources from the school, as well as material and technical resources, professional performers of the landscape project; limited opportunity use child labor due to its safety; low ecological culture of the village population and self-centered behavior of the students themselves. It is impossible not to agree with these words of the philosopher Delacroix. After completing research work, I realized that the profession of a landscape designer serves the purpose of creating this beauty where man has destroyed it. It has come to the realization that engaging in landscape design and implementing these projects in practice is hard work that requires special knowledge, skills of aesthetic taste, environmental creativity and artistic abilities. Having drawn up a design - a project for transforming a school site into a beautiful and comfortable mini-ecosystem, I carried out my first professional test, tested my capabilities in this field of activity and came to the conclusion that my choice was correct. I believe that the tasks set research work

implemented, the goal has been achieved. My project and its presentation can take part in a competition to resolve issues of improving the school grounds.

Literature Alekseev S.V. Ecology. / S.-P.: SMIO-PRESS, 2001 Bolshakov V.N. Regional ecology / E.: Socrates, 2000 Goroshchenko V.P. Nature and people / M.: Education, 1986 Zverev I.D. Man in a socio-natural environment / M.: Venta - Graf, 2000 Kamerilova G.S. Ecology of the city / M.: Prosveshchenie, 1997 Kriksunov E.A. Ecology / M.: Bustard, 2008 Internet materials and resources on the topics “Landscape Design” and “School Site Design”. Khotuntsev Yu.L. Ecology and environmental safety / M.: Academy, 2004 Each school cares about its reputation. This applies not only to the level at which teaching is carried out, but also to the appearance of the yard. It is important that at first glance one gets the impression of a meticulous approach to detail. This can be achieved by using various solutions

in the field of landscape design in relation to the school site. The article will discuss some ideas that can be implemented.

School grounds decoration is nothing new. All children were actively involved in this under the guidance of teachers and masters during the USSR. Over time, this initiative faded away and more attention began to be paid to cleanliness rather than to the appearance of the areas and flower beds around the school. Traditions are returning and attention is again being paid to how the areas on the school grounds are decorated. Schools that are being commissioned now already have landscaped and well-thought-out areas in terms of design. But this does not eliminate the need to do something on the site, because over time, the school site becomes unusable due to the growth of weeds and even cultivated plants. Everything has its own service life, so buildings deteriorate and compositions lose their appearance. Over the years, the team and students change, which leads to the arrival of new trends and moods.

All this speaks in favor of the fact that something needs to be done to improve the situation. Sometimes a school site requires drastic intervention. It manifests itself not only in the renewal of plants on the site, but sometimes in a radical change in the shape of the site or even in their new delineation. Such an intervention is not done for one year, so good planning is required to appearance the site remained with constant but minimal maintenance. It is impossible to implement what was planned without a special project that is drawn up for a specific site. You can get ideas for the site not only from professional designers, but also from those who most often visit the school - teachers and students. To do this, it is necessary to conduct an anonymous survey in which everyone can express their wishes regarding the site. To make it easier to sort the results, you can set certain boundaries for the reasoning by creating a questionnaire. But if you need really fresh ideas, then it's better to let them express themselves. The analysis will take more time, but it's worth it. In accordance with the information received, it will be easier to draw up a specific action plan for the school site.

General style

There are a significant number of branches and directions that can be implemented in landscape design, all of them can be classified into two main groups:

  • arbitrary;
  • regular.

The first represents unique and exclusive solutions for sites that can be implemented in the most daring options. But this design style is more suitable for private areas. School is government institution. This means that certain formalities must be observed in the school area. This is where the regular style fits. It manifests itself in clear lines and symmetry. The geometric shapes in which beds are made or plantings are carried out are most often correct and are designed to set children up for a calm mood and the perception of new information.

Solitaire plantings are suitable for implementing regular design in school areas. They manifest themselves in the planting of single plants or groups of plants that add rigor to a certain area. This approach is important so that everyone who visits the school understands the purpose for which they are there. A freer style is allowed for corners in the yard that are intended for free time. This applies to big changes or periods after the end of classes. In this case, you can use features of Asian, country and Dutch styles. At the same time, a lot of work needs to be done in selecting plants. They should maintain their appearance throughout the year and also have hypoallergenic properties.

Central part of the yard

To make planning and landscape design easier, it is necessary to divide the school yard into functional areas or plots. One of them is central part. Most often, it is intended for holding various celebrations and gatherings, for example, lines in case of the first or last call, as well as for congratulating important people. Most often this area has a rectangular or square shape. For it it is necessary to use plants that will only emphasize these lines. For example, if there are flower beds or plots of land along the perimeter of the site, then it would be nice to place low bushes on them, which will be neatly trimmed in a common style with the site. Plants such as buxus (boxwood), privet, cotoneaster, spirea and others are suitable for this role. If the climate is suitable, then you can plant juniper bushes, which are important to constantly shape.

Coniferous plants can also be used to highlight the school area, which is intended for performances. In this case, you can plant tall plants in the background, which will shade the participants in the gathering. An additional benefit from such plants will be compensation for gusts of wind, which can blow into the microphone or tear various decorations off the stage. Constant care is required to remove dried branches.

Sports grounds

The sports field is the next area of ​​the school site that requires proper planning. Much depends on what exactly is located in this area near the school. Most often, basketball, football or volleyball courts are covered with asphalt or have a dirt surface. A rare exception is the presence of special rubber coatings. Such areas should be protected from the wind as much as possible. To achieve this, it is necessary to plant them with trees that have lush crowns. Such plants include maples, lindens, chestnuts and others. Additionally, such plants will create shade on the site, which is especially important on hot spring and autumn days during physical activity.

Note! In some cases, the sports ground of the site near the school is also the main one for holding various celebrations. In this case, all sports equipment is located around the perimeter so as not to clutter the main space. The rule regarding trees does not change, since this area will more often be used for sports activities.

Rest zone

Modern schools provide for the presence of such a site on the territory. There may be several areas. They are often spaced evenly throughout the area so that students can find a place for themselves. Typically, such areas are connected to each other through alleys. For recreation areas, you can use various plants, including shrubs. In this case, there is no requirement that they be of the same height, since special rigor is not required for the site. Its task is not to make you feel serious, but to allow you to take a breath before the next lesson or to be in a different mood after finishing your studies. For recreation areas, lawn grass is used, with which the areas between the bushes are sown. The right decision is the use of various bright ornamental plants. Benches must be present. Since children of different age categories study at school, it is not recommended to use various arches, tripods or supports in such areas, as they can cause serious injuries.

At the same time, the placement of various sculptures in such areas is permitted. Such areas for recreation, as well as the alleys that will connect them, can be surrounded by pine trees, elms, poplars and linden trees. They should be planted at a distance at which the crowns allow it. If you plan to maintain a low crown height and constantly shape it, then you can plant sprouts every three meters. In flower beds that will be located with areas for recreation, it is worth planting flowers that are not particularly demanding to care for and are also resistant to drought. Cineraria, salvia, immortelle and zinnia are suitable for this role. Flowerbeds can also be organized under the trees, where flowers that like to be in the shade will feel good. These include fuchsias, astilbe and periwinkle. With the proper level of consciousness of students, alpine slides with suitable plants can be arranged in sunny areas. If somewhere on the territory there are concrete fences that are not particularly attractive, then the areas next to them can be planted with climbing plants. A video about the schoolyard landscaping project is below.

Advice! Students can be involved in the design of such areas. On the one hand, this will involve them in the process, and on the other, it will encourage them to appreciate the work done more, which will extend the life of plants and buildings. Working together also leads to mutual understanding and revenue.


No matter how strange it may sound, a certain area of ​​the school territory can be allocated for a vegetable garden. It will be useful for carrying out various research projects aimed at breeding any crops or species. This area can also be a great start to teaching children how to take care of things and be responsible. All plants that will subsequently be planted in areas around the school can be taken from seedlings that will be obtained from the garden. If the site area is sufficient and the school budget allows, then a greenhouse or greenhouse can be built in the garden, which will further expand the number of plant species grown.

Advice! Periodic short classes that will be held outside of school hours can speed up the process of decorating the area around the school.

Their goal is to set a task, explain goals and ways to achieve them. This does not require much time, since schoolchildren will attend such classes without enthusiasm. One lesson per week will be enough, which will last only 20 minutes.


As you can see, the school site can be decorated using various plants and ideas. But all this will not exist for long if appropriate education is not carried out, which implies the correct attitude towards plants and what surrounds everyone. It is important to develop self-awareness and organization that will encourage everyone to make a personal effort to care for the plants and the school grounds. First of all, this will be manifested in a caring attitude and a lack of desire to litter.

Schoolyard - " business card» educational institution. Already at the first glance at it, the person entering can form an opinion about the school. If a team of like-minded people works in it, united by the goal of raising their charges as comprehensively developed individuals, then the school yard will be decorated with good artistic taste and perform many functions (aesthetic, developmental, sanitary and hygienic). Teachers will take care of how, together with the students, they will beautifully arrange and maintain all the necessary facilities and living plantings.

General principles for designing a school yard project

Typically, builders commission new schools with landscaped school areas. But over time, the plants in the compositions grow and age, and the buildings deteriorate. The tastes and demands of the school community are changing. From time to time it is necessary to adjust the plantings, replace and repair small architectural forms. Just as any structure needs a major overhaul, the landscape design of a school site requires a radical overhaul. It may be necessary to reformat the purpose of the plots, change their area and topography. Since the results of beautifying the territory will not last for one year and must remain attractive for a long time, this work must be thoughtful and planned. To effectively reconstruct the school grounds, it is necessary to develop a landscape design project for the school yard. The management of the school institution or the initiative committee should conduct a survey among teachers and schoolchildren on the topic: “What would you like to see in the schoolyard?”; determine financial capabilities. Then it is necessary to make a thorough measurement of the site, assess the existing climatic situation, and find out the location of utility networks. After all, in accordance with the collected data, a large-scale plan is drawn, the site is zoned, and plants are selected.

Design style

It is advisable to carry out the landscape design of the school site in a regular style. Straight paths, symmetrical landings, geometric shapes flowerbeds will emphasize the special status of the territory and will set children up for calm and reasonable behavior. Tapeworms are planted in front of the entrance - one or more ornamental trees or shrubs that clearly stand out against the general background. Solitaire plantings will add some rigor and an official look to the landscape design of the school site. The entire environment of the school building should contribute to the understanding and acceptance by students that they have come to school to do serious things - to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills.

Relaxation corners, which will serve for calm conversations during big breaks or for gatherings after classes, can be arranged in more free styles - country, Dutch, Asian. For plantings, plants are chosen so that they look attractive throughout the year, do not cause allergies, and are free of thorns and thorns.

central part

Each school must have a place in its yard for holding school-wide events - first and last bells, assemblies, lineups, etc. This can be a spacious rectangular or square area. It should be surrounded by borders of shrubs that tolerate pruning well (cotoneasters, boxwoods, spirea, privet). It is advisable to highlight the place intended for performances in the background with linear plantings of coniferous or evergreen plantings. They can also control winds and block out street noise. Designing the central part in this way will add solemnity and pomp to the entire landscape design of the school site. The site should subsequently be delineated, indicating the places for each class.


The sports area is equipped with standard stable and safe equipment and structures. The surface is usually asphalt or dirt. A volleyball court or grounds for other outdoor games should be lined with trees with spreading crowns (linden, chestnut, maple) to create shade over the spectator benches. If the size of the school yard is limited, activities may be carried out on the site. school-wide events. In this case, sports facilities should be located around its perimeter or compactly arranged in one place so that they do not interfere or distract children.

Recreation and leisure areas

In a school yard landscape design project, there may be several recreation areas. They will be connected to each other by alleys and winding paths. It is advisable to decorate recreation corners with compositions of ornamental shrubs of different heights, lay out lawns and flower beds, install benches and sculptures. The usual elements of vertical gardening (supports, tripods, arches, etc.) should not be used when decorating, as children can climb on them and get injured. Elms, poplars, pine trees, and linden trees are suitable for linear plantings along alleys. The distance between them depends on the size of the crown and is approximately 3-5 m. It is important that the trees do not produce shoots that can destroy the artificial turf. Unpretentious, long-blooming and drought-resistant flowers (zinnias, salvias, marigolds, cineraria, immortelle) should be planted in flower beds. Under the trees there are shade-loving perennials (hostas, periwinkle, astilbe, funkia). In sunny places you can arrange alpine slides or rockeries. Unattractive fences are camouflaged with the help of weaving and climbing plants (maiden grapes, clematis, ivy).

Teachers, together with parents and children, can realize here many of their ideas for creating an original landscape design for the school site. The joint work of parents with children will help strengthen connections between them, cooperation, and improve mutual understanding, which is so important in adolescence.

School garden

If there is a large area of ​​the school yard, a vegetable garden can be arranged for children to carry out experimental and research work. It will be especially interesting to grow vegetables and flowers younger schoolchildren. There they will be able to learn how to care for various garden crops and broaden their horizons. Middle school students should be involved in growing flower seedlings for flower beds. With sufficient financial resources, you can build a small greenhouse or conservatory in the school garden.

A successful school yard landscape design project will make the school grounds not only convenient from a practical point of view, but will also improve its natural appearance. Thanks to this, all elements of the yard, together with the school building, will look presentable and harmonious.