Reading rhythm. Four phases of mastering the exercise with tapping rhythm. A note about vocalizing text and inner speech

The purpose of the lesson is to use the arrhythmic tapping method to reduce articulation and form a new neurodynamic code of perception and information processing.

What is articulation?

Research by N.I. Zhinkin showed that reading is essentially two simultaneous processes: receiving and issuing speech. This means that when reading written speech (text), a person accepts and processes it. At the end of reading, the reader forms his own idea of ​​what he read: as if he gives the result of text processing, in which speech processes certainly take part. Reading speed depends on how they are organized.

There are three main ways of reading. The first way is to articulate or say out loud (or almost out loud) what you are reading. The speed of such reading is low. The second method is silent reading, in which the speech process is manifested in the form of inner speech, i.e. no open articulation. In this case, the text is absorbed more effectively. The method in principle allows for fast reading. And the most perfect way of reading is also silently, but under conditions of maximum compression of internal speech, in which it is manifested in the form of short volleys of key words and semantic series that adequately reflect the meaning of the text.

So, articulation slows down the reading process and needs to be eliminated. However, won't a reduction in articulation with an increase in reading speed lead to a decrease in the quality of perception and comprehension of the information received? “As studies by psychologists have shown, sometimes when reading words can be replaced by visual visual representations, spatial diagrams, entire groups of words - by one word.

Fast readers have the ability, without pronouncing the text they are reading, to immediately grasp and record the author’s intention, and then assimilate it at the level of internal speech. In this case, despite the high reading speed, deep understanding and assimilation of what is read occurs, since the main idea is clear from the very beginning. The task of learning to read this way can be solved in two stages. The first involves reducing articulation, if it is pronounced, the second is mastering reading techniques in which the text is perceived in large informative blocks.

As you know, people are divided into two types based on the way they perceive and process information: visual and auditory. People of the visual type use a code of visual images when reading, while people of the auditory type use a less productive code of speech movements. Observations of people who read quickly show that they tend to be visual types. Here, for example, is how O. Balzac describes the process of rapid reading: “The absorption of thoughts in the process of reading reached a phenomenal ability in him. His gaze covered seven or eight lines at once, and his mind comprehended the meaning at a speed corresponding to the speed of his eyes. Often a single word enabled him to grasp the meaning of an entire phrase.”

Through directed training, almost any healthy person can be taught to use the code of visual visual images in the reading process with an appropriate reduction in articulation.

External and internal speech

Of the various methods of reducing articulation, the most effective is the method of central speech interference, or the method of arrhythmic tapping. This method was developed by N.I. Zhinkin and used it in his study of the patterns of internal speech. The concept of inner speech is very important for us, so let's take a closer look at what inner speech is. AA Leontyev believes that “inner speech is speech that serves only thinking and does not, like other types of speech, serve the purposes of communication. A classic example of inner speech can be found in any classroom at any school at the moment when the teacher opens the magazine to begin the survey. He says thoughtfully (usually to himself, sometimes out loud): “I already asked Alexandrov yesterday... Belova just came back from illness... I’ll ask Vasilyeva next time...”

“Usually to myself, but sometimes out loud,” we said. You will probably also remember cases when, while solving a complex mental problem, you began to reason OUT LOUD. By the way (in support of the theory of mental actions), a small child does not know how to reason to himself at all: he tries to make any reasoning publicly, which sometimes extremely confuses adults. Inner speech always develops from external speech. Many psychologists even think that inner speech is a hidden form of external speech, i.e. that the brain continues to send necessary signals to the lips, larynx and other speech organs, but these signals are too weak to cause the tongue to produce words. N. Zhinkin proved that most often internal speech ceases to be speech at all:

we begin to operate not with speech units - sounds, words, sentences, but with visual images, generalized diagrams, etc. This can be proven in a very simple way, using rhythmic tapping. The point is that external speech unfolds in time: words are pronounced sequentially, one after the other, a fraction of a second is spent on each, a different fraction, depending on the length of the word. So, when a person speaks out loud, it is difficult for him to tap monotonously, he loses his rhythm. When a person reads, he also mentally pronounces the words and also gets lost. But in most cases, tapping does not interfere and is not itself disrupted: this means that internal speech does not unfold in time, like external speech. In other words, speech seems to dissolve in a person’s thinking, generating in it, however, something that did not exist before - images and diagrams. The process of forming a new transcoding system is underway. This system ensures that when reading a text, its full understanding is no longer due to pronunciation and internal listening of each word, but in a fundamentally different way, based on the use of vivid visual images.

So, only reduction of articulation ensures real fast reading. How to master and form a new way of reading? We invite you to learn and then repeatedly practice an exercise we call "rhythm tapping." Its essence is as follows. While reading to yourself, you tap out a special rhythm with your hand that does not correspond to the usual rhythm of Russian speech. It involves two-beat tapping with four percussive elements in the first measure and two in the second, and with a significant increase in the percussion on the first element of each measure.

The constantly audible arrhythmic pattern of acoustic influence destroys the usual rhythm of natural melodic speech movements when reading a Russian text, i.e. becomes an obstacle to any articulation - both external and internal. The interference arises because the words in the Russian language that make up the speech stream have different places of stress.

The main feature of this method is that there is no direct influence on the activity of the speech organs (lips, tongue, pharynx, larynx), all speech production mechanisms remain free. When you tap a special rhythm with your hand, a zone of inductive inhibition appears in the cerebral cortex, which makes it impossible to pronounce readable words, i.e., it reduces peripheral articulation from the center. To understand how this happens, let's look at which areas of the brain control speech processes and its understanding.

In 1861, the French scientist P. Broca discovered that when the brain is damaged in the area of ​​the second and third frontal gyri (Fig. 14), a person stops speaking articulately and makes only incoherent sounds, although he retains the ability to understand what others are saying. The speech motor area, or Broca's area, is located here. For those who write with their right hand, it is located in the left hemisphere of the brain; for left-handers, in most cases, it is in the right.

Auditory area

In 1874, another French scientist E. Wernicke established the sensory speech zone. Lesions of the superior temporal gyrus lead to the fact that a person hears words, but ceases to understand them. Here, the logical connections of words with objects and actions that the words denote are taken into account. In this case, the patient may mechanically repeat words without understanding their meaning. This area of ​​the brain is called Wernicke's area.

In Wernicke's area, as in a kind of card index, all sound images of words acquired during a person's life are stored. Of course, they are there not in the form of a chain of encoded words (such storage is uneconomical), but in the form of so-called neural traces of sound images. A person uses this card index all his life. For normal brain function, muscle sensations that arise during articulation are of great importance. For quick reading, reduction of articulation is a prerequisite. Obviously, to implement it, it is necessary to find a means of influencing Broca's area during the reading process in order to block the path of control impulses coming from this area for the formation of articulation.

As scientists have established, the movements of the fingers during human development turned out to be closely related to speech. Research by Leningrad professor M. Koltsova showed that speech activity in children partially develops under the influence of impulses coming from the fingers. Observing children aged 10-12 months, she found that their speech, figuratively speaking, is at the tips of their fingers.

It is known that speech is the second signal system and it is not given to us from birth. If a child is not taught to speak, he will be dumb. M. Koltsova recommends special exercises for training the fingers of children 6-7 months of age. As a result, the child begins to pronounce full words, which are usually difficult for this age, much earlier. Thus, there is a direct connection between the movement of the hand and the pronunciation of words. This means that there is a constant functional interaction between subject and speech information, which was explained by I. Pavlov as the interaction of the first (subject) and second (speech) signal systems.

Here are examples of three different methods of communication:

visual, auditory, motor.

Imagine that you are talking with a friend who has come to you on business. After discussing all the issues, you said goodbye to him. And suddenly they remembered that they forgot to say something important. We need to return it. How to do this using each of the above methods of communication?

Visual. Quickly sketching a poster with a felt-tip pen:

“Come back, please!”, you go out onto the balcony and show it to your friend, who, leaving the entrance, turned around to wave goodbye. When he saw you, he was surprised by the strange form of communication, but still complied with your request.

Auditory. Going out onto the balcony, you simply shout: “Come back, please!”

Motor. Going out onto the balcony, you make an expressive movement with your hand, calling your friend to come back.

So, three different methods of communication, but the result is the same - the message is accepted, understood and implemented. The examples discussed are a direct analogy with reading. The only difference is that when reading we receive messages and, in principle, it depends on us in what way (in what code) to implement this technique: visual, auditory or motor. At the same time, from all this we can conclude: if hand movements allow the implementation of speech communicative actions, then, obviously, such movements certainly excite certain parts of the cerebral cortex, sending corresponding impulses there. The fact that the hand really plays a big role in organizing various functions of the brain can be judged from Fig. 15. Shown here is a conventional little man, the so-called homunculus. The sizes of various parts of his body correspond to that part of the cerebral cortex that is associated with the analysis of certain sensations entering the brain from various parts of the body.

Notice how much of the cerebral cortex is involved in active activity every time the hand performs certain actions, for example, tapping rhythms. In this case, the speech motor channel of perception is occupied and it is no longer possible for oncoming nerve impulses to pass through it. Now imagine that , continuing to move your hand (tapping the rhythm) and at the same time generating interference in the speech motor channel, you begin to read the text to yourself. Broca's area is covered by negative induction due to the interference, and the channel for the passage of control impulses is closed. In this version, you can only read in that way. If the reading is not accompanied by articulation, as soon as the word being read aloud is pronounced, the rhythm immediately breaks down. And vice versa, while the rhythm is being tapped, it is impossible to pronounce what is being read: Broca’s area is locked, the speech motor channel is closed.

The explanation given is, of course, very conditional, but it reflects the main idea of ​​the tapping method: rhythmic movements of the hand block the speech motor channel, and articulation becomes practically impossible. Naturally, the question arises: do fast readers really tap while reading all the time? Of course not. It is enough to read for 20 hours with a tapping rhythm for a new brain program to mature and strengthen, a new stereotypical code to be formed that ensures the processing of information entering the brain through the visual channel without pronunciation.

The main thing in mastering the method is to correctly learn and tap the rhythm, for which you must first carefully read the rules for performing this simple exercise, then tap the rhythm itself and repeat it many times. It should be remembered that the effect of the method manifests itself only if the reader independently works with the text - continuously tapping out the rhythm and monitoring the correctness of the sound by ear. You can read the text with tapping only after

how rhythm is learned. To check the correctness of the rhythm pattern, you need to control it using musical notation (Fig. 16).

Experience shows that with systematic exercise, almost all students achieve the desired effect. To successfully suppress articulation, as a rule, reading with simultaneous tapping of a rhythm for 20 hours is usually sufficient. However, depending on the type of nervous system and other individual psychophysiological characteristics, mastering exercises proceeds differently for some students.

Rules for Tapping a Rhythm to Suppress Articulation

Russian Patent No. 2109347

A. The rhythm is tapped with a pencil held in the fingers of the right hand on the hard surface of the table with strikes at one point. Firmly, confidently, clearly.

Note. A left-handed person must tap out the rhythm with both hands at the same time, since he has a greater dependence of speech on the functions of both hemispheres.

B. The rhythm is tapped with an active movement of the whole arm, and not just the hand. The elbow and hand should not lie on the table.

B. When reading while tapping the rhythm, the main thing is to ensure the continuity and correctness of the rhythm pattern.

So you've learned the rhythm. Try tapping it continuously for 2-3 minutes. You don't get lost. Great. Now let's do a simple experiment. Start tapping the rhythm, and then at the same time you tap, read aloud the beginning of this page at the top. What did you get? You are confused, reading aloud and tapping out the rhythm at the same time is impossible, this contradicts the laws of human physiology that we examined. Now start tapping again and at the same time read the beginning of this page, but to yourself. In this case, you will be able to read, but very slowly, and it will be difficult to understand what you read. This is natural. This is the peculiarity of this exercise.

What problems will you encounter in the process of performing this exercise, how to overcome them, what phases, stages will you go through in the process of mastering the “knock-rhythm” exercise - this will be discussed in detail in the next lesson. In the meantime, we draw your attention to the fact that mastering the exercise with tapping a rhythm is deeply individual. But in all cases it gives a positive result only if it is performed correctly.

We remind you of the required components of the correct execution of the exercise.

A. Read the text to yourself while tapping the rhythm. In order to increase the effectiveness of the exercise, we recommend that all students tap the rhythm while reading silently with both hands at the same time after you have read while tapping the rhythm with one hand for 10 hours.

B. Constant auditory control over the correctness and continuity of the rhythm is required. Imagine you are riding a bicycle, motorcycle, car. You confidently handle and control your vehicle. But still, sometimes you always check the road behind you, in the rearview mirror, to see if everything is in order there.

Something similar needs to be done here. In between paragraphs of the text, listen to the rhythm, whether everything is correct, and then, as if forgetting about it, continue reading again, concentrating your attention on the content of the text being read.

There are two ways to control the rhythm. At the first stage, when we read until 10 o’clock, we set the task: listen to the rhythmic beat. And then, at the final stage, we set the task: to hear the rhythmic knock. What does it mean to listen? This means listening attentively to every rhythmic beat, controlling every rhythm. This is justified at the initial stage. Already after 10 hours, when you develop automatism, you, as it were, with the edge of your consciousness, with the edge of your ear, control whether you are tapping out the rhythm correctly, focusing your attention on identifying the meaning of the text being read. This is the control mode, when you hear the rhythm.

Fast reading and articulation are incompatible

One of the famous researchers in the psychology of creativity, Jacques Hadamard, once wrote a letter to the famous A. Einstein and asked him to talk about how he reads and understands texts. Here is what A. Einstein wrote to him: “Words or language, how they are written or pronounced, do not play any role in my thinking mechanism. Psychic realities that serve as elements of thinking are some signs or more or less clear images that can be “reproduced and combined” at will.” You and I can say that this is a vivid example of reading in the absence of articulation.

Articulation is the main enemy of fast reading. By performing the exercise with tapping the rhythm, you became convinced that the suppression of articulation with this method of reading causes a restructuring of the thinking mechanism. What is the nature of the exercise? Outwardly, seemingly very simple, it causes deep transformations in the structure of mental actions. .The most complex integrative processes occur in the brain. The procedure for receiving and processing information is changing. Understanding and remembering what you read is organized completely differently.

Let's try to understand these phenomena. As we have already noted, reading is closely related to speech. It is on its organization, or more precisely, on the implementation of intraspeech processes that the speed and efficiency of reading depend. Doctor of Psychological Sciences T.N. Ushakova notes that speech is “a certain apparatus that translates meaning into words, and this apparatus is in close connection with the consciousness and emotions of a person; Its important feature is the presence in it of a language system produced by a community of people and individually acquired and used by each person.”

Research by psychologists allows us to take a different look at the concept of inner speech, which is central to the psychology of reading. As noted by T.N. Ushakov, the term “inner speech” refers to a psychophysiological process that is characterized by the activation of speech mechanisms in the absence of pronounced speech manifestations (external speech). Intraspeech processes are qualitatively different from external speech and form the necessary basis. The most compelling basis for this point of view is the fact that ordinary human speech expresses a certain meaning and uses a previously acquired language with its system of knowledge and rules. In order to organize it according to the rules of language and in accordance with the meaning that a person wants to express, a special integrative process is needed (today, deeply mysterious for science). This process occurs through mechanisms that have developed in the human brain during the assimilation of language and speech experience, and is ahead of spoken speech, in relation to which it is hidden, intra-speech. Reading is the reverse process - the reception (assimilation) of written speech, which allows us to speak of a complete analogy with the process of generating (speaking) speech.

Intraspeech processes cannot be identical in their characteristics to external speech (i.e., be a “projection of external speech”), because they “give birth” to spoken speech and are themselves organized in accordance with the laws of brain function, the laws of higher nervous activity of a person. The case when a person pronounces internal monologues to himself represents a special version of speech, essentially differing little from loudly pronounced speech and hardly even worthy of the name internal speech. It is nothing less than an example of reading with pronounced articulation.

If we talk about the specifics of the processes that occur when performing the “rhythm tapping” exercise, then it is obvious that they should be looked for in transcoding mechanisms or in the implementation of various methods of encoding signals when processing information entering the brain during the reading process. Reading while simultaneously tapping a rhythm puts the brain in conditions where it is necessary to solve typical mental problems, but the usual means of implementing them are absent. In this state, the brain forms a new neurodynamic code that ensures the execution of the entire complex of tasks associated with reading, but at a qualitatively different level. As noted by Academician A.A. Leontyev, in this case, “some other code is formed,” based on visual or some other ideas.

Our long-term observations of the processes of articulation reduction during reading convinced us that every student who correctly performs the “rhythm tapping” exercise sequentially goes through certain stages - phases of mastering the exercise. Anticipating questions about the difficulties that will be encountered when performing it, it is necessary to understand the features of the exercise in order to effectively solve the problem of reducing articulation. In this case, we will rely on the considered models and patterns of speech communication. Understanding the conventions of the model of transformations in the structure of mental actions discussed below, we consider its analysis extremely useful for students, because it gives a clear idea of ​​the actual effectiveness of the exercise with tapping a rhythm. In addition, this model allows you to control the execution of the exercise, see your mistakes and shortcomings.

Four phases of mastering the rhythm tapping exercise

In Fig. Figure 17 shows a conditional model of transformations occurring in the structure of mental actions when performing an exercise with tapping a rhythm. Processing information while reading is possible in principle in two ways. The first method is carried out with the participation of a channel block of a speech-hearing analyzer (shown with a dotted line in the figure). This is reading with pronounced articulation. How further information processing occurs in this reading mode is shown in the diagram. The signal coming from the auditory-speech analyzer channel block is processed in the RAM block using the auditory-speech code and leaves the RAM “room” through the “door” on which the “auditory-speech code” is written.

Let's start doing the exercise with tapping the rhythm. You read the text to yourself and at the same time carefully and accurately, in accordance with the rules, tap out the rhythm. Such

rice. 17. Four phases of mastering the rhythm tapping exercise

the reading mode excludes the participation of the speech-hearing analyzer channel block - Broca's area is closed. In the second method, the signal after the speech motor analyzer channel block, bypassing the auditory one, is sent for further processing, which is indicated in the figure by a solid line. And here the first difficulties await us. Until now, the usual way of processing information has been the speech-auditory code. However, this time the received signal does not carry with it a program for processing it, since it has bypassed the auditory block.

So, information needs to be processed, but the usual means of assimilating it are missing. What to do? As shown in the figure, the received signal begins to “rush” around the RAM “room”. He tries to break through the “door” of the speech-hearing code, but he is not allowed here. To gain access, you need to present a kind of “password” corresponding to this method of processing information, but he doesn’t have one. The signal bounces off the “door” and continues to search for a way out.

The situation described corresponds to the first phase of mastering the exercise with tapping a rhythm: reading and tapping a rhythm at the same time is impossible. It turns out one thing:

or reading, or tapping a rhythm. As a rule, this phase does not last long. One hour of tapping the rhythm is enough, and you will be convinced that attempts to read while tapping the rhythm are crowned with success. Most students, already in the first minutes of reading with simultaneous tapping of the rhythm, successfully overcome the first phase of mastering the exercise.

Let's return again to Fig. 17. So, incoming information accumulates in the “room” of RAM, overflows it, but is not processed. A situation arises that most students described as follows: “I feel like I’m reading, my eyes are moving through the text quite quickly, as if I’m taking in everything. But at the same time, I realize that I cannot understand anything from what I read. My head feels like it’s breaking with the desire to understand something.” This situation corresponds to the second phase of mastering the exercise: reading with simultaneous tapping of the rhythm is possible, but it is impossible to understand what was read.

What happens next? As already noted, potentially any person carries within himself the ability to use various programs and codes of mental actions. It is only necessary to create conditions under which these abilities would manifest themselves. In our case, just such conditions arise. In the absence of previously known means of processing information, the brain creates or selects from the existing stock a new way of encoding incoming information. As shown in Fig. 17, the signal, which was rushing around the “room” of RAM, suddenly encounters a “door” with the inscription “code of visual images”. It turns out that this “door” was here for a long time and was not locked at all. Moreover, the incoming signal already has a kind of “password” for passing through it. The signal begins to be processed and enters the long-term memory block. This situation corresponds to the third phase of mastering the exercise: reading with simultaneous tapping of the rhythm is successful, it is possible to understand what was read, but there is no memorization. This way you read the text while tapping out the rhythm. Reading is easy and free. The rhythm doesn't interfere. You understand what you read well. As a rule, this happens after 1-5 hours of reading while simultaneously tapping the rhythm. However, a new difficulty awaits you. After reading one page of text and taking a break, you try to remember what you read. And to your surprise you realize that you can’t remember anything. A phenomenon arises that psychologists call “amnesia” - instant forgetting. In our case, this phenomenon is natural. As shown in Fig. 17, signals from the RAM block to the long-term memory block were sent along familiar paths formed by many years of experience. Now it is necessary to form other paths, build new “neural networks” for processing information (they are shown in the figure as a solid line), which at first are still very unstable, as a result of which they are easily destroyed, creating conditions for the appearance of amnesia.

What to do? There is only one thing - to continue reading while simultaneously tapping the rhythm, consolidating what has been achieved, forming a new code and new ways of processing information throughout its entire length - from entering the brain to consolidating it "in long-term memory. As observations show, 15-20 hours are enough for this reading with simultaneous tapping of the rhythm. Finally, the moment comes when you feel that reading with the tapping of the rhythm is going on easily and freely, as if you don’t notice it at all. You have mastered a fundamentally different way of reading, in which articulation is completely absent. This corresponds to the fourth phase of the rhythm tapping exercise: you read the text freely, understand everything and can remember what you read.

Three cases of mastering the “knock-rhythm” exercise

It makes sense to analyze the results of the exercise only if you have read while simultaneously tapping the rhythm for at least 15-20 hours, felt and analyzed all four phases of mastering the exercise.

Now you need to read test text 4 while simultaneously tapping the rhythm, determine the reading speed using a well-known formula, and only after that we invite you to discuss the results of mastering the exercise with tapping the rhythm. As experience shows, at the end of the exercise, depending on your individual characteristics, three cases are possible:

where Vв is the reading speed with simultaneous tapping of the rhythm when reading text 4;

Vb - reading speed without tapping the rhythm after reading the text.

The equality of reading speeds with and without rhythm tapping indicates that your articulation was weakly expressed. But this does not mean at all that you wasted your time. You have formed and established a new way of coding, visual-figurative representations have developed. You need to continue to work in this direction, strive to ensure that the code of visual images becomes predominant.

2. Vв > Vб.

Increasing reading speed with tapping rhythm means significant articulation.

Effort is required to continue this exercise. Sometimes you have to recite while simultaneously tapping the rhythm for 50-100 hours. Here it is necessary to ensure that the speed of reading without tapping the rhythm is equal to the speed of reading with simultaneous tapping of the rhythm. This will mean that the new code has been formed quite firmly and “works” even when read without tapping the rhythm.

How to check the solution to this problem? Select a text similar in nature and volume to the one you read with rhythmic tapping. Read it without tapping out the rhythm. If the reading speeds of both texts are approximately the same, it means that you have firmly formed a new neurodynamic code - the code of visual images, imaginative perception has been formed, and on this basis - imaginative thinking.

In the process of reducing articulation, the main thing is not so much the reduction of articulation itself, but rather the solution to the problem of forming a new neurodynamic code, the formation of non-verbal, wordless, figurative thinking. From now on, try to read in images, develop your imagination, use the most economical way of perceiving the text.

Despite your best efforts, your reading speed with tapping rhythm is significantly lower than it was before. This is a clear sign that you are making mistakes in performing the exercise. Once again, carefully check that the rhythm is being tapped correctly. Ultimately, your task is to ensure that the speed of reading with tapping the rhythm is equal to the speed of reading without tapping the rhythm.

In all cases, we consider the development of vivid visual and figurative representations in the reading process to be a positive outcome of mastering the rhythm tapping exercise.

This is a natural phenomenon, indicating that the code of visual images, the effectiveness of which has been proven above, becomes predominant in the thinking mechanism.

Exercise. Reading while tapping a rhythm

1. It is necessary to check the correctness of the tapping rhythm daily. Over the course of a week, read 2-3 articles while tapping out the rhythm, trying to understand what you read while singing (the third phase of mastering the exercise).

3. Read an article on the specialty of no more than 8 thousand characters with tapping rhythm, then, continuing to tap, close your eyes and mentally outline the content of what you read, answering standard questions in accordance with the blocks of the integral algorithm.


First week of work

1. Learn and remember the rhythm. Achieve the correct tapping rhythm for 2-4 minutes continuously. Only then continue the exercises.

2. Read simple texts daily while tapping a rhythm for 1-1.5 hours. The goal of complete reading comprehension is not set. The main thing is to constantly monitor the correctness of the exercise. During the day, choose time to read for 10-15 minutes. If you are tired, take a break. Remember the rhythm all the time. By the end of the week, you need to recite while simultaneously tapping the rhythm for 4-5 hours.

3. Continue doing the “Contemplating the green dot” exercise. At the same time, try to see 3-4 lines of text up and down across the entire width of the page (we remind you that seeing means distinguishing the contours of words).

4. Reading of all texts, except fiction, is carried out in blocks of an integral and differential algorithm. Read without regression!

5. Give written answers to the following control questions:

What are the three main ways of reading mentioned in the textbook? On what basis is this division of reading methods made? Which of these ways are you reading now?

Why does the reduction (suppression) of articulation not lead to a decrease in the quality of perception and comprehension of the content of the text being read?

What type of people would you consider yourself to be based on the way you perceive and process information (visual or auditory)?

Write down the answers to these questions in your speed reading diary.

Second week of work

1. Continue reading the text while tapping the rhythm. Monitor the phases of mastering the exercise. After 10 hours, switch to reading while tapping the rhythm with both hands.

As we noted earlier, to successfully suppress articulation it is necessary to recite while simultaneously tapping the 20 o'clock rhythm. It may turn out that this time will not be enough for you. Continue the exercise for up to 40 hours. This is not a rare case in our practice. You will definitely succeed. The main thing is unconditional adherence to the rules of tapping the rhythm.

3. Continue the exercise “Contemplating the green dot.” Our goal at this stage is to see, simultaneously with the green dot, 4-6 lines of text up and down the entire width of the text, regardless of whether you assume a gradual expansion from the center or go from the edges of the page to the center.

4. Read test text 4 while tapping the rhythm. Calculate your reading speed and plot it on the reading speed graph. It will turn out to be significantly smaller than the previous one: everything is correct, this is a natural phenomenon, we discussed its reasons above.

Text 4 “The world of man and the world of language”,

1984 Volume -1800 characters

What is intelligence?!

Intellectual behavior always involves choosing from several possibilities.

Here's a simple example: you need to get to the other end of the city. This can be done using different types of transport, but you can also walk. Before we set out, we will assess the situation, weigh the options at our disposal, and, having chosen one of them, outline a plan of action. In other words, we are faced with a certain task, but choosing the right solution depends on ourselves. We do not automatically satisfy our needs (without being interested in the mechanism of this satisfaction), but consciously sort out and compare different ways of achieving the goal with each other. "Intellectual activity is highly typical for humans. A professor at Moscow University, the famous psychologist A.R. Luria once calculated that at least seven-eighth of human behavior consists of intellectual acts and only one-eighth is “pure” conditioned and unconditioned reflexes.

Every intellectual act consists of three parts, or phases. The first phase is orientation to the conditions of the task and development of an action plan. The second is the phase of execution or implementation of the intended plan. And finally, the third is comparing the resulting result with the goal. In our example, the first phase is thinking about which transport is more profitable for us, comparing different options and choosing the best one;

the second is the implementation of one or another option and, finally, the third is the satisfaction that we got to work on time. As is easy to see, in a person the first and second phases of the intellectual act - not to mention the third - are very clearly separated from each other. A person first considers the available possibilities, draws up an action plan, and only then implements this plan. This is its main difference (as far as intellectual behavior is concerned) from animals, such as apes.

A.A. Leontyev

When calculating your reading speed, you discovered that it decreases towards the middle of the course (lesson 4). What causes this? Lesson 4, as we found out, is devoted to the task of suppressing articulation. A decrease in reading speed at the stage of articulation suppression is a natural phenomenon. Articulation is the main enemy of fast reading. Fast reading and articulation are incompatible.

Suppression of articulation means a transition to a new coding system - the code of visual images. Naturally, it is impossible to simultaneously rebuild coding and increase reading speed. The most effective way to reduce articulation is to read with a tapping rhythm. The main task facing you is to ensure that the speed of reading with tapping the rhythm is equal to the speed of reading without tapping the rhythm. Remember! The exercise with tapping a rhythm, for all its simplicity, means deep transformations in the structure of thought processes. It is during this exercise that you lay the foundations for a new type of thinking - non-verbal, i.e. figurative thinking.

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In this article we will look at, in my opinion, the most important component for good sight reading of notes, namely rhythm. Here I assume that you are already familiar with the theory and understand how a rhythmic pattern is notated, you know about the duration of notes and pauses. If not, then I recommend studying the relevant sections in any textbook on elementary music theory or finding information on the Internet.

Before you start playing pieces from notes, you can start practicing sight-reading rhythm. After all, often a bass line may consist of just a few notes that will not be difficult for you to find and play, but the rhythmic pattern can be quite tricky!

Figure 1. Fragment of notes with an interesting rhythmic pattern from the production show

This can often be found in orchestral parts, where the rhythm section plays some kind of rhythmic pattern along with the brass section.

How to sight-read rhythms

To practice rhythm, you will definitely need a metronome. You don't need to practice with full-fledged drums or a drum machine at the very beginning - there is too much stuff that can interfere with you. A simple click on each beat is enough. Later, when you get the hang of it a little, to complicate the practice, you can turn on the metronome on beats 2 and 4, for example, imitating a snare drum.

Figure 2

Essentially, training in sight-reading rhythm comes down to memorizing the sound of various rhythmic groups of eighth notes, sixteenth notes, triplets and pauses (these groups are quite enough to start with). Seeing the rhythm group as on Figure 2, you will not need to calculate how it should sound, divide the beat into other durations, calculate, clap, and the like - your brain will already know how it should sound in the context of the tempo you have chosen.

Don't be fooled by the apparent simplicity of the basic lines and rhythms. To play them correctly you need good musicianship

The basic rule when practicing sight reading is: play the entire exercise without stopping. Regardless of whether you are reading bare rhythm or playing real parts from the notes, it is important to understand that you do not need to memorize them. By memorizing, you already You don’t sight read, you play from memory.. There is no need to stop after every mistake and immediately analyze an incomprehensible moment in the game - the main thing is to try not to “fly out” of the game. If you make a mistake, just remember this place in the notes so that you can return to it later when you finish playing the exercise. When you finish reading an exercise or one page for example, go back to the places where you made a mistake. Try playing this passage slowly first, as slowly as necessary to play it correctly. If it didn’t work out, then figure out why and identify your weaknesses. Perhaps it’s a very tricky rhythm, or unusual fingering for you? There are possible options here, but don’t give up under any circumstances - everything will work out!

Books for training

  1. Louie Bellson - Modern Reading Text in 4/4 (1989) is a super useful book for all musicians who want to learn how to read syncopated rhythms and improve their speed and accuracy when reading sheet music. The training material is organized in ascending order from simple to complex.
  2. Louie Bellson - Odd Time Reading Text (1999)— this book will be a good addition to the previous one. It contains many exercises for reading rhythms in complex meters.
  3. Rich Appleman - Reading Contemporary Electric Bass: Guitar Technique (1986)— this book contains both rhythm exercises and real parts from various shows, musicals, etc., which the author had to play. Funk, Disco, Pop, Fusion, Latin - this is a kind of encyclopedia of bass lines in various styles. Chord symbols are not indicated because The book is designed to develop sight reading of notes.
  4. Any book or school for drummers that provides exercises on rhythmic patterns and syncopation. Start with simple exercises and gradually, only after mastering the material, move on to more complex ones.
  5. You can find more books on our VKontakte page at discussions.

In his book, Rich Appleman gives several general rules not only for practicing note reading, but also for developing musicality:

  • Don't be fooled by the apparent simplicity of the basic lines and rhythms. To play them correctly you need good musicianship.
  • Develop a vocabulary of basic rhythms and styles and use it as a basis for further growth. Be as versatile and flexible as possible.
  • Play tight accompaniment, giving solid support to the band. Develop a good sense of timing and rhythm before attempting to take a lead role in the mix.

Some simple tips on how to practice the exercises in the Reading Contemporary Electric Bass book:

  • Always play slowly and without mistakes when learning something new.
  • Play at different tempos and with different phrasing.
  • Try playing lines and rhythms in different keys. Memorize the lines you especially like and try to develop them further.
  • Don't just play notes - play music.

In the next article we will look at exercises that will help you learn on the staff (in any key).

His heart, his pulse. This is the rhythm of the music he hears. These are the rhythmic sounds of a clock running.

Sense of rhythm

Rhythm always has an effect on a person. Monotonous speech, rhythmically consisting of syllables identical in volume, makes up an inexpressive speech canvas. Only the stress in words makes it possible to distinguish them from each other.

After a short time, involuntarily, sounds are structured by the brain and are perceived as repeating quiet and loud syllables, alternating with each other. By writing the louder syllable as “/” and the quieter one as “-”, we get the following scheme:

  • /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/.

Boring and tedious, isn't it? It’s easy to disconnect from your interlocutor and let your thoughts fly far, far away. Or even fall asleep. As you know, the most soothing thing is a lecture. Nevertheless, the smallest elements of the verse - syllables - were determined. They are called first level rhythm units.

To prevent speech from being monotonous, read with expression. Stressed syllables are highlighted and semantic stress is placed in the entire phrase.

Rhythm in prose

The rhythms of verse and the rhythms of prose obey the same laws. Moreover, the musical rhythm also matches them. When a phrase is constructed, the words are emphasized and the key word or phrase is highlighted. Emphasis is placed on highlighting a fragment by increasing or decreasing the sound or by pausing.

The rhythm in prose is inconsistent and this differs from the rhythm of verse. In the poem, the entire text is structured and subject to a certain rhythm. It may change, return to the original, but it is always there. In prose, it is sometimes present to express a certain thought. A writer uses this tool to underline an enumeration, for example:

  • The train drew its line from west to east, fields, forests and wretched villages flashed through the windows. They were replaced by summer cottages, which smoothly turned into the suburbs, and then into provincial towns.

The rhythmic recording of this phrase will look like this:

  • /- -/- -/- -/- - - - /, -/- - - -/, -/- -/- - - - /- . /- - - /- - - /- , -/- - /- - - - /- - /- , - - /- - - - /- - - - /.

There's something of the rhythm of a train, isn't there? But here is a recording of a phrase of a different mood:

  • No, I won't do that. Attacked the wrong one! What's this? Money? To me? Out! Get out of my apartment and out of my life!
  • /, - -/- /- -/-. - - -/- /! - -/ ? /- ?/ ?/! /- -/- /- - - - - /-!

If you insert any reasoning into this phrase, the dynamics of the action will change, and along with it expressive expressions will go away, the color of the character’s speech will change, he will have a different character:

  • No, I won't do that. Who do you take me for? So that I sign this document with my own hands? Became your guarantor, risking the well-being of your own family? What is this? Money? Now you are ready to pay for my betrayal, but who will pay me when you betray me? Leave. The conversation is over.
  • /, - -/- /- -/-. - - - / - -/- -/-? - -/, - - - - - /-, - -/- - - -/? / - - - - /- -, -/- - - - /- -/ - - -/? /- - ?/- ? -/ - - - - /- - - - /- -, - - - - -/, - -/- - - /? - -/. - -/ - /-.

This is what a gentle person can say, the very opposite of the easily boiling neurasthenic from the first example. As you can see, rhythm in prose serves to color the narrative or regulate the dynamics of action.

The unit of rhythm in verse is the foot

Sounds of the same duration, which are expressed in writing as “/” and “-”, constitute an element. There are quite a large number of them, here are just a few:

  • /- - -
  • /- - - -

They are called second level units - stops. The name comes from antiquity, when the dancer lowered himself onto his full foot. The pattern of his dance consisted of two symbols: shock (foot) and unstressed (dance on toes). Over time, the classical foot changed its appearance, and now this is the name given to the repeating element of a verse, where there is one stressed syllable and one or more unstressed ones.

If there is no picture yet on the first level, then it appears on the second. It is from these “bricks” that poems will be composed. Most often they consist of two, three or four lobes. Therefore they are called two-, three- and four-lobed feet.


For the beauty of the sound, rhythm units of the second level are not enough. They are grouped into lines or rhythmic units of the third level:

  • /-/-/-/-
  • -/-/-/-/-
  • /- -/- -/- -/
  • - - /- -/- -/
  • -/- -/- -/-

For example, let's try to write down the rhythm in a verse, highlighting the syllables on which the intensification falls:

  • Let's laugh and cry
  • and don’t hide sincere feelings from each other.
  • - - - -/- - - - -/-
  • -/- -/- - - - -/-.

The meter and rhythm of the verse may not coincide, although they are written with the same characters.

Verse size

Salieri told Mozart that he “measured harmony with algebra.” This has a deep meaning: poetry can be measured, and the unit of measurement will be the size of the verse.

There are five main meters in Russian versification:

  1. - - /

They are called trochee, iambic, dactyl, amphibrachium, and anapest, respectively. Stress plays an important role in determining the size of a verse. And if the rhythm is an unstable quantity, depending on the performer, then he cannot change the size. Here's what the meter record for the previous verse looks like:

  • - /- - /- - /- -/-
  • - /- - /- - /- -/-.

It's like musical notation. Whether to play with great feeling and expressiveness, or to beat the beat, as they play in dance classes, depends on the accompanist. The notes remain the same in both cases.

It’s the same with a reciter of poetry: he can read them with great enthusiasm, highlighting some words and making pauses. Then his performance will become like a good performance of a musical piece. Now imagine a school crammer who went to the blackboard and read a poem on one note, monotonously. He reflected the meter of the verse, but did not give it rhythm. Poems without rhythm division are lifeless.


Stops are formed from stressed and unstressed syllables, from them - lines, and from lines - stanzas. A stanza is a unit of rhythm of the fourth level. It can have the same size for all lines, or it can change it. A. S. Pushkin invented the “Onegin stanza”, where he combined several sizes.

But still, a stanza is a rhythm. Repeating from two to many times, it gives a pattern to the poem.

The most common stanzas are four lines. And the stanzas contain rhyme.


Some words end the same way. In this case, one word for another is a rhyme. A person becomes familiar with them from birth: lullabies and nursery rhymes, sayings, jokes and sayings contain rhyming words. A feature of rhyme in modern versification is that it can be taken from another language.

Zemfira calmly rhymes with the word “disco”:

  • The last thing I need is your comeback" and...

Moreover, you can rhyme words that do not exist in any language. This is exactly what Lewis Carroll did when he inserted a poem about the Jabberwocky into his fairy tale:

  • “It was barking... Squishy blinkers...”.

With his light hand, experimentation began with poets of the early twentieth century. Kharms, for example, wrote:

  • People sleep:
  • urls-murls.
  • Over people
  • Eagles soar.

Here the rhyme is "eagles - murls". Because there is no such word, poetry does not cease to be poetry. The verse size, rhythm and rhyme are maintained. Although it may not exist. There are several forms where poems are composed without rhyme.

Hexameters and blank verse

The hexameter size is known from Homer's Odyssey. After its translation into Russian, poets began to imitate the ancient meter more often. It has the following scheme:

  • /- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-

The antique size of hexameters is not often used in Russian poetry. However, some hexameters have become widely known. For example, in the film “Say a Word for the Poor Hussar,” during a rehearsal of an ancient play written in hexameters, Bubentsov comes on stage in a sheepskin coat and addresses the Greek gods: “My dear brothers, plebeians and fauns!” Keeping the size of the hexameter, he asks them to move it across the stage. The actors instantly adjust their positions and respond in the same spirit.

Another example of this verse is found in “The Golden Calf” - the second book about O. Bender by writers Ilf and Petrov. Having barely escaped the fire, V. Lokhankin spoke in ancient verse:

  • “I came to you to settle forever, I hope to find shelter with you.”

The main thing in such a verse is not rhyme, but meter. It extends to all lines, and the narrative becomes like a ballad:

  • The sun had long since disappeared and retired before dawn.
  • And the night light is in no hurry to emerge into the sky.
  • Sirens sing in the waves, inviting sailors.
  • Only the lighthouse fire shines cheerfully.

Poems without rhyme are called “blank verse.” There are very beautiful poems by A. Blok and S. Cherny, written in this style. They are structured, have a verse rhythm, a meter, and this is real poetry.


You don't need inspiration to write simple poems. You just need to know the basic laws of versification. The game "burime" is built on these laws. Two pairs of rhymes are given, and the players compose a quatrain. Afterwards, the creations are read out and the most successful one is chosen. This parlor game allows you to quickly understand the concepts of verse rhythm, meter, and stanza construction with rhyming lines. Let's say two pairs of such rhymes are given: “guipure - manicure” and “jam - haute couture”. Here's what might happen:

  • The finest guipure gloves
  • The French manicure did not hide it.
  • Today I'm cooking confiture in the kitchen,
  • Dressed in haute couture.

In this quatrain, paired rhymes appear in adjacent lines. It would be possible to swap them. Although they do not agree on the size, the given words already contain an anapest:

  • - - /

These are words with two unstressed syllables and one last stressed syllable. It is known that they should be at the end of the line. Therefore, there are few options for choosing the size of the verse.

You can write down the rhythm of the verse, assuming it will be performed by a glamorous person:

  • - - - - - - - /
  • - - - - - - - /
  • - - / - - / - - / - - /
  • - - / - - / - - /.

Rhythm Definition

In educational institutions where acting is taught, there is an exercise: read a quatrain or tongue twister with different expressions. For example, how B. Akhmadullina, V. Mayakovsky, R. Litvinova would read it. The rhythm in the verse will vary depending on the nature of the reader.

V. Mayakovsky's chopped phrases suggest the emphasis of almost every word and significant pauses. B. Akhmadullina would most likely read it in a dreamy tone, placing emphasis only at the end of the line. And R. Litvinova, perhaps, would highlight the beginning and end of the line, pronouncing the rest of the text quietly, as if to herself.

We can conclude: rhythm is a creative approach to the text. By highlighting certain phrases, making pauses, and placing other accents, the reader makes the text lively and dynamic. Rhythm in verse is an unstable quantity. It changes depending on the mood of the reciter. Questioning intonation or exclamation will not change either the text of the verse or its size, but will create the opposite impression of the author’s creation. That is why it is very important to be able to convey rhythm when reading poetry.

The most detailed description: prayer and brain rhythms - for our readers and subscribers.

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Scientists Believe in the Power of Prayer

Business card. Valery Borisovich Slezin was born in 1937 in Leningrad. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Psychiatrist, engaged in scientific and experimental research on the study of brain structures associated with emotional manifestations. He conducted experiments on animals - cats, dogs, dolphins and others, but then completely switched to clinical work, continuing to work on problems of emotions and consciousness. Author of over 100 publications. Currently he heads the laboratory of neuro- and psychophysiology at the St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute named after. V.M. Bekhtereva.

To the laboratory of neuro- and psychophysiology of the St. Petersburg Psychoneurological Research Institute named after. V. M. Bekhtereva come to pray. This is the main condition of the experiment conducted by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Valery Slezin.

Many psychiatrists and neurologists know the phenomenon when, after prayer, the state of mind improves and the symptoms of serious illnesses disappear. Professor Slezin was the first to try, using scientific methods, to explain what happens to the brain during moments of turning to God. The results of the experiment stunned experts.

How have you conducted research on the effects of prayer?

We invited Orthodox priests, there was an abbot from the Lavra, some from the Theological Academy, and we recorded their encephalogram. First we wrote down the background, then they read poems, then they read (silently) a prayer. This is an amazing phenomenon, this is a discovery. We have seen that when reading a prayer, consciousness appears as if outside the brain. A brain rhythm appears, like in newborn children, i.e. a person leaves the earthly.

The neurons of the cerebral cortex, and there are ten billion such neurons each, contain a huge amount of information, fantastically huge. A child is born with a small head, and he has more neurons than an adult, since they die off during life. The little head grows and we adapt to earthly life. The earth attracts us. But everything is captured, and whether we forget something or not, no one knows.

When an electroencephalograph helmet with dozens of wires is put on your head, at first everyone has no time for prayer,” says Valery Borisovich. - You need to talk to the person, calm him down, and only then start the experiment. However, it is much more difficult to find volunteers from among deeply religious people. After all, not everyone will agree to be examined at the moment of the sacrament of prayerful communication with the Lord. And for those who finally decided, sometimes funny things happened. Father Ambrose, the abbot of the monastery in Ivanovo, came to us, such a healthy man, a former wrestling coach. We sat him in a chair, and at that moment a laboratory lamp fell on him. “Apparently, God does not command,” said Father Ambrose, and the experiment had to be stopped.

What did the research show?

For the first time, we were able to register a state of consciousness unknown to science. Until now, it has been customary to distinguish three main phases of the working brain - REM sleep, slow-wave sleep and wakefulness. Each of them has its own rhythm of biocurrents. But suddenly it turned out that during prayer the rhythm of the brain’s biocurrents slows down so much that it becomes possible to talk about the existence of a fourth state of consciousness - slow, or prayerful, wakefulness.

The brain actually turns off, active mental activity stops. It seems to me, although I cannot prove it yet, that consciousness begins to exist outside the body.

The impact of prayer on human health has been known for a long time, so I wanted to penetrate the neurophysiological mechanisms of this process. All previous scientific activity and numerous facts of the positive influence of prayer on the sick led me to this study. I even wrote a brochure “Why Prayer Heals”, quite a long work.

Its effects are based on the theory of several levels of consciousness. Consciousness is consciousness when it can transfer knowledge to another person. If it cannot convey, then it is no longer consciousness, but a shutdown of consciousness.

What do we know today about levels of consciousness? The newborn has only a primary delta rhythm (2-3 Hz). During this period, the main thing for the baby is to feel safe next to his mother. And if mom is calm, he is reliably protected. As you grow older, a second level of brain activity appears - family (up to 7 Hz). At this time, the child communicates only with his loved ones, and his parents lead him out into the world by the hand. He himself does not orient himself; the hand of an adult is very important to him - as a support, not so much physical as psychological. A family is a greenhouse where a child grows up. And the main thing here is the love of parents. A child from a single-parent family feels inferior, and this is reflected in his psyche. As we grow older, fast alpha and beta rhythms of the brain appear (up to 12 Hz and higher) - the social level. These rhythms often become decisive, to the detriment of the primary and family levels.

Two examples from zoology. Weedy roosters (in Australia) collect all sorts of shiny things into their nest: buttons, glass, spoons, forks, cufflinks, glasses and other riches. The hen comes and all the roosters in front of her pull out their treasures. Whoever scored the most is where she will go. This is how the rooster shows his worth: he is active enough to feed the chicken and children. But! When the chicken came to him, he no longer needed the “riches”, and he threw them out the door. The job for which he collected them is done - and he has no use for the useless pieces of glass.

Another well-known example is with peacocks: the more “eyes” it has on its tail, the more the female likes it. The tail keeps growing, and the peacock can no longer fly, moves with difficulty and becomes easy prey for predators. Citing this example of a dead-end branch of evolution, the famous ethologist (animal behavior specialist) Konrad Lorenz concludes: the peacock race is doomed. It will not survive in nature, only under human care.

“But the peacock has the brains of a chicken,” says Professor V.B. Slezin, “his feedback is closed not on chickens, but on the tail... So it is with Europeans: whoever has a cooler Mercedes is more appreciated in society.” The feedback is focused on everyday culture, materialism, and the benefits of civilization. This way of behavior is also doomed: the car is secondary, the children are more important.

We are too attached to things, to money, to material wealth. And look at the poor Hindu: he has a thatched hut, a handful of rice a day and ten children. And he starts the eleventh! For what? He says that he has no son and that his ancestors will curse him for not being able to continue his family line. On one side of the scale - fifty years of this life, and on the other - eternal damnation! Which would you choose? And for him there is no problem of choice. This is what it means to have a higher goal, which Europeans lack. After all, a child is something irrational. A child is of little use - for the Swedes, for example. Less than twenty percent of their population is married. Children are random, useless to anyone. That is why neuroses in Sweden are greater than in fifty percent of children. And in poor Sudan there are no neuroses at all, although they live from hand to mouth. By destroying the family, we destroy culture, we destroy the foundations of life.

And prayer gives a connection with God, it takes us beyond the circle of everyday concerns. Shows the true purpose of life. A person who has deprived himself of the fourth state of consciousness, a person without prayerful vigilance, “falls” into things, into the momentary. A person forgets that we are mortal, he chases after everyday goods - like a weed rooster after shiny things. But the rooster, having reached its goal, throws away unnecessary wealth, and we hold on to our treasures. Even if they are not needed, we will not give them away, we will not throw away what we have accumulated. The US is building up its military power, although there is no need to fight.

But the future does not belong to the atomic bomb, the future belongs to the child - to the irrational, “unnecessary” from a rational point of view. Turgenev in “Poems in Prose” has a story about a sparrow. The mother sacrifices herself for the sake of the chick, rushes to protect the baby in front of the dog - a huge monster, if you look at it through a sparrow's eyes. She sacrifices her life - for whom? From a rational point of view - for the sake of the ungrateful: he will grow up and fly away from the nest, and will never remember his mother. But the sparrow does not think. Honor, conscience, chastity are restrictions for the sake of the highest, irrational. And prayer reminds us of this.

You talked about peacocks with unnecessary tails - and I remembered how many such “tails” a person has! Cosmetics, fashion for clothes, cars, films. There is even a fashion for medicines, for diseases...

Something else is worse here: they confuse normality and pathology. Obviously, unnatural habits cannot be the norm. Homosexuality, for example, is not a reproductive behavior. In the prologue of Shakespeare's Macbeth, the witches interfere with good and evil. Today this happens at every step: the sin of Sodom has been normalized! In Europe, until recently there were five percent homosexuals, but today there are already fifteen, and bisexuals - almost all one hundred! At the same time, there are no more true homosexuals with hormonal changes - but fashion leads to a shift in social norms.

So in the church, everyone has their own rank - that’s why men take off their hats when entering the temple, and women cover their heads with a scarf. Men wear trousers, and women wear skirts. And the fashion for “unisex” leads to an increase in pathology. Moreover, they provide a genetic basis for pathology or talk about humanism. But the doctor strives to separate the disease from the person and treat the disease - this is true humanism. And they mix up concepts and prove that the patient and his illness look great - no treatment is required. And the healthy adopt the behavior of the sick...

The French say: “The biggest obstacle to love is the absence of obstacles.” And in our country, let us remember, “bride” means unknown, unknown. They married the one whom their parents chose, to whom God led them. Today, premarital relationships have become the norm. And instead of spouses - sexual partners. But the word “spouses” means: “pulling together” - the burden of worries about the family, about the children, about the next generation. But today they come together not for the sake of offspring, but for the sake of momentary pleasure. They are confusing the concepts again.

It is said in Scripture: “Man does not live by bread alone, but by the word of God.” And modern humanism has adopted, it seems, Christian norms - but “removed” the Creator. And the whole pyramid collapsed! Without a foundation it cannot stand...

And prayer puts everything in its place. Shows that in addition to the world below, there is a world above. And he is higher, he is in charge. Agree, this is a different look, a different scale. And if you correlate, then the local acquisitions - fame, money, position in society, material wealth - immediately fall into place.

You said: the absence of the fourth state of the brain leads to disease. But how does prayer heal?

The famous researcher Alain Bombard proved: a person who finds himself at sea dies not from lack of food or drink, not from a storm, but from fear. He performed an experiment on himself: he lived in the ocean on a raft for a whole month without water or food. Then he described it in the book “Overboard of his own free will.” The main thing: he overcame fear! That is why, according to statistics, believers - among patients with cancer in an inoperable stage - live five years longer. Through prayer they relieve fears and increase their immunity.

That is, today, based on the study of the electrical potential of the brain, it is possible to build a model of human interaction with the outside world?

Our trouble is that this level of consciousness of modern civilization has been deduced. A person develops around the age of 20-21 and his alpha rhythm is fully formed. This is social consciousness, socialization.

A child who has only the consciousness of the ideal “I”, when he sees the ideal in his father and mother, in close people, then he does not seem to be oriented in space, because he is led by the hand and he cannot go anywhere on his own, and his society does not interested. Developing, a person enters the world of social consciousness when he studies at school, college, and masters the achievements of mankind. This is the third level of consciousness.

I once came across a newspaper report that said that a French cameraman was working in Somalia. At that time there were a lot of hungry people there and the UN operated a food distribution center. Hungry, exhausted people, many children came to him, and this Frenchman was videotaping a girl who was barely walking towards this center. There wasn’t much left, but a vulture was jumping after her, waiting for her to fall so that she could peck her. And so he filmed how the girl fell, the vulture pecked her, he filmed it all. And when they asked him why, in fact, he didn’t pick it up and carry it the remaining 200-300 meters, because it weighs nothing, he replied: “Well, what does it matter? There are thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, this is statistically and practically zero. What does this mean for humanity?”

That is, he did not see man behind humanity. As it turned out, he was raised in a single-parent family, where his parents were not interested in him. He practically doesn’t even have a second level of consciousness, because he was unable to sympathize with a specific person, not statistically, but humanly. This is what, unfortunately, is being lost, first of all, by the entire Western civilization, so it becomes, on the one hand, kind, and on the other hand, extremely cruel.

Spengler wrote about this in the 1920s. in the book “The Decline of Europe”. European culture is too rationalistic, which is why Spengler predicted the decline of Western civilization by the year 2000.

What happens when the fourth, prayerful state of consciousness is absent or undeveloped in a person?

And all three levels of consciousness are important for a person. A simple illustration: a “new Russian” came to my appointment in a brand new Mercedes. Life seems to be going well, there are no problems with money, but he is afraid to leave the house! I ask him: do you have someone you trust? The kind of person you can turn your back on? He couldn't remember. This is what happens when a person’s family level of consciousness is disrupted. If in childhood a child has a lot of toys, food in bulk, but there is no loved one, no one who loves leads him by the hand, this level is poorly formed. Hence the problems.

But this was not observed for everyone?

The slowdown in rhythms was most clearly evident among the young novices of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. They spend long hours in prayer vigil.

Can disruption of harmonious relationships with people around us lead to somatic diseases?

Let's see, after all, in a primitive communal society there are no heart attacks, but in a civilized society there are many of them. What happens to the brain? Someone insulted a person, he did not respond adequately to this, the negative zone of his brain was activated (I worked on these zones, but this is a separate topic), a stagnation center is created, which leads to the destruction of the body.

Why is it said: “He who believes will be saved?” Let's take oncology. It is known that a believing inoperable cancer patient lives approximately 5-6 years longer than an unbeliever. Why? Yes, because when we learn about cancer, fear fetters a person, that is, there is a strong activation of negative zones. This leads to rapid destruction of the body, destruction of the immune system and rapid death. I proved all this experimentally. What does faith and prayer relieve? Fear. A person devoid of fear can even heal himself.

Why is despondency considered one of the great sins for an Orthodox person? After all, despondency and depression also lead to the destruction of the immune system. This can be shown by blood parameters, etc., this is well known.

Americans came to us and they talked about a woman with lung cancer. She hated her husband, who slipped her drugs when she flew to Miami, and the police found them. For no reason, no reason, she served 7 years. Hatred towards her husband was the main feeling during this time. Of course, this hatred either had to be responded to somehow, or it was necessary to forgive. Otherwise she kills the person. The doctors forced (using methods with which I cannot agree) to forgive and forget, and the patient was cured.

This case can also be considered according to the levels of consciousness. After all, prayer can help you see that everything is perishable, including hatred, and it is not so significant in the face of the Higher.

Who else did you research besides Orthodox priests?

We recorded the electroencephalogram of a Catholic priest. Here we did not observe such a complete shutdown of the cortex, although the trend persisted. He himself admitted that Orthodox Christians are stronger prayer books, and that only here the practice of (continuous) Jesus Prayer has been preserved among monastics. And Protestants, according to him, are not a religion at all, but a club of interests. I also had famous sorcerers, psychics - nothing special, no visible slowdown in the rhythm was detected. Either they are charlatans, or they do not know how to control their abilities. During real prayer, there is a departure from reality, which leads to the destruction of pathological connections. By moving away from the world, from images of pathology, a person contributes to his recovery. The fourth state is the path to harmony.

They also studied the state of consciousness of a Muslim, although not a mullah, but a layman, from North Yemen, during prayer. No visible EEG changes were detected, but spectral analysis showed that the power of his alpha rhythm had clearly decreased. For the Zen Buddhist, the picture was more complicated: first an increase in the rhythm, and then a significant decrease in it.

I had one guru who graduated from Hindu University.

It's just completely different. Everywhere I saw the activation of the superego. A completely different picture is observed in the brain during meditation. The frequency of the alpha rhythm, on the contrary, increases - as if a person is solving a complex problem. One person came to me who constantly practiced meditation and even founded a spiritual school. I asked him to read the Lord's Prayer. The encephalogram showed discharges as before an epileptic seizure. “It turns out that God is against meditation,” I said then. After some time, this man called and said that he had stopped meditating and started going to church.

And in Orthodox prayer?

In Orthodox prayer I observed a departure from the superego. In other cases, I saw activation of the social level of consciousness, i.e. cerebral cortex at the alpha rhythm level.

I understand that more in-depth research is needed, but priests are very busy people.

What consequences did the discovery of “prayer watchfulness” have for you?

I believed in God, was baptized, and began going to church. Thanks to prayer, my seriously ill wife recovered. Now I'm going to try to use prayer in medicine. According to the American Cancer Association, churchgoers with cancer live an average of five years longer than non-church patients. . I think our research could lead to the development of drug-free treatments.

Valery Borisovich, I had the opportunity to meet one amazing woman, a parishioner of the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, who told an amazing story from her life. She was dying of cancer in the hospital, the doctors gave up on her, but she was haunted by the thought of the fate of her children... And she began to cry out to God day and night and ask to heal her for the sake of the children... And a miracle happened - she recovered, recovered, raised his children and, naturally, constantly thanks the Lord... What do you think is the secret of the healing properties of prayer? For a believer - God heard and healed - this is clear. And for a materialist scientist?

Separation from the real world always has a bad effect on a person’s mental health, increases tension, and contributes not only to mental illness, but also to heart attacks. By the way, in a traditional patriarchal society, where a strong family is preserved, strict rules of behavior, religion, ethics and morality are observed, heart attacks are not observed, mental illness and suicide are rare. Objects of the real world, perceived by a person, “nourish” all three levels of consciousness that form his personality. Modern man in his behavior, activities, and way of life has significantly departed from the rules of traditional society, but the essence of man has remained the same, the structure of his consciousness has not changed. Therefore, the predominance of the social level of consciousness over the other two levels - family and spiritual - leads to a violation of the internal balance in the human consciousness, which is expressed in the increase in mental illness, depression, and aggressiveness. Trying to somehow suppress these states, people consume drugs and alcohol. How can one help a modern person in these troubles?

There is only one way - restoration of the full structure of consciousness. It is natural to believe that the healing effect of prayer, noted long ago and many times, is associated with a temporary departure from earthly worries, recognition of their insignificance in comparison with something eternal and unshakable, with which a person learns to communicate during prayer. For example, by praying, a cancer patient loses the fear of death, overcomes despondency, and this leads to a completely objective increase in immunity, resistance to the disease increases, life is prolonged, and self-healing is possible. However, not every prayer is effective, but only the one that is heard by God, that is, the one that temporarily removes us from earthly life, which is expressed in turning off the fast cortical rhythms of biocurrents. This phenomenon of disappearance or reduction of fast rhythms allows us to assess the depth of prayer immersion.

Indulging in prayer, the believer moves away from the social level of consciousness and moves to the spiritual, which harmonizes the personality, makes it closer to God and more humane, and the consequence of this harmony can be physical health.

Studies show that the electroencephalograms of wakefulness and REM sleep are identical. We have now discovered that there is a complete shutdown of the cortex during both slow-wave sleep and prayer.

It turns out that the prayerful state is just as characteristic and necessary for the human body as the three previously known to us. After all, in a person’s life there are transitions from one state of consciousness to another, there are systems of inhibition, shutdown... When in a person’s life, by his will, the fourth physiological state of the brain necessary for him is absent, then, apparently, some negative processes occur. After all, please note that a characteristic feature of the ascetics of the church, the monastic elders, is a peaceful state of soul...

Yes, during the service the priest more than once exclaims: “Peace be with you!” That is, he wishes us a peaceful state of mind...

Apparently, without introducing into practice the state of prayer, this peaceful structure in the soul is difficult for us to achieve. Hence the healing properties of prayer.

Valery Borisovich, if I absolutely cannot control my lymphatic system or the pancreas, and many others in my body, then, from the point of view of medicine, WHO or WHAT is in charge of all this, what is called the body?

What can I say? In principle, a person, of course, manages everything himself. He has free will - this is also stated in the Holy Scriptures. And if he didn’t do everything himself, he would be just a puppet, an insignificant creature. He is responsible for everything himself. Regarding the lymphatic system and the gland... This is a rather long conversation. Of course he controls. He controls unconsciously, and often consciously. After all, when a person begins to have problems with his conscience, there are some griefs, negative emotions, etc., he begins to have heart attacks, strokes and other difficulties.

There is such a therapy - treatment with words. I myself had to participate in the treatment of a person lying in paralysis and raise him. They also helped a man who could not speak for 1.5 years and forced him to speak... That is, of course, he controls. Only he must learn to create control mechanisms, that is, understand his problem.

For example, there is such a motivation for hunger, it is located in the hypothalamus. Here is a person dying painfully from hunger... But he has an area in the cerebral cortex in which he himself can suppress this feeling of hunger, if, for example, he wants to die of hunger as a sign of protest! The Irish protesting against the English occupation were starving to death. This means that they suppressed all their vital functions and for them dying of hunger was desirable, pleasant, rather than eating. So, these controls are all there, of course. This is a long conversation, but in principle it is true.

You spoke about “troubles with conscience.” So my “control mechanism” for the same health is not to go against my conscience? That is, in your behavior, constantly check with her? Reconsider yourself and your qualities?

Yes, and through revision too.

They say that at the moment of clinical death, the so-called “leaving the body” occurs and that a person can see himself, or rather, his body from the outside. This is explained by the brain’s ability to holographically perceive the environment. But how does this explain the fact that many saw what was happening at that moment in the neighboring rooms?

And also, if we continue the question, why do people blind from birth begin to see at the moment of clinical death? And when they regain consciousness, they become blind again. This means that their scheme for entering this world is disrupted. And they themselves are quite complete. Since we cannot investigate this, this is again an assumption, but made at the expense of facts.

One American, I think his last name was Monroe, I don’t remember exactly, collected a lot of facts and cases of clinical death and leaving the body. In this book he describes these cases, but not everyone there was pleasant. There were not always some kind of tunnels there... Many ended up, as it seemed to them, in hell and other negative places. Many remembered what happened to them within about an hour after their “return”, then they forgot. Only at the moment of their “coming” back to consciousness can one have some information that is considered the most complete. And then it is no longer worth anything.

But doesn’t this confirm that there is still a way out of the body?

But this is no longer science, this is Theology. For now we can only explain this from the position of religion.

As for holographic perception, this is, of course, nonsense. Of course, a person is outside the brain, as if hanging. Sometimes it is returned. Twice I revived an old woman who saw her husband and son “there”... and she begged not to revive her anymore, to let her die in peace, that she was much better there, and so on. That is, there are many such things. But all this is known only from words, these are not scientific experiments. But due to the large number of facts, some conclusions can be drawn.

But, if you take Filipino healers, without a scalpel or anesthesia, cutting through human flesh, or yogis lying on the sharpest nails, or even ordinary villagers in Bulgaria and Greece, dancing on fiery coals on holidays... Indeed, in this case, a demonstration of capabilities is clearly visible beyond the capabilities of an ordinary person. How do they do this? Does science have an answer to this question?

Yes, I myself saw in Bulgaria how they dance on coals. Well, what can I say about this. The scientific field still does not cover everything. And to explain these things: healers, yogis, walking on fire, is still difficult and, perhaps, will never be possible.

One metropolitan from Alexandria, who came to me for examination, told me that when in the Egyptian desert near the pyramids he participated in the liturgy, and it lasted for 5-6 hours, and after that he put his hands in a vat of water, the water became sweet! At first he couldn’t believe it himself when he first encountered it. So, indeed, there are all sorts of things that we are not yet able to explain.

In our experiments conducted with people in a state of prayer, the disappearance of alpha and beta rhythms was recorded, leaving only one delta rhythm. That is, in fact, the brain of a conscious person does not work

Tapping a rhythm when teaching speed reading allows you to suppress the internal pronunciation of words

The human brain, when doing the simplest reading (speaking to oneself), passes speech information through itself. To get rid of it, I recently read an exercise. While reading, you should take a pen and start tapping out a certain beat. The tact is chosen in such a way that it cannot be compatible with Russian speech.

It is important that the reader himself knocks it out. The first minutes are very difficult to read while tapping the rhythm, but gradually the reading speeds up and the inner voice fades. After 1-3 hours, you may be faced with the fact that the reader cannot remember everything he read. It's like after a few hours of continuous reading like this. In total, for the complete loss of articulation, it takes about 20 hours of reading in this way. Now the measure (I apologize for my ignorance in music, but I can’t do it any other way) 1 2-3 4-5 6 7 8 i.e. one, one, one, one, one, one. (in this case, the difference between 1 and 2 is approximately 0.5 s, and between 2 and 3 0.05 s. Further tapping is the same) That’s all that has been said on this occasion. See you later

You can invent the rhythm yourself. You need to knock so that you cannot read anything at the same time. It is impossible not to pronounce the text! you can collapse it, i.e. pronounce only key words.

Articulation of texts when reading. How to increase your reading speed

Articulation is not the most important thing in speed reading! and try to find the main idea in the texts. Why read quickly if you don’t understand the text correctly.

Another of the most competent exercises for suppressing articulation is to either count silently or out loud from 0 to infinity, or recite a poem.

If you know a small piece of "Eugene Onegin" by heart, then you can do this too. I

Consider reading in another language, because you can master a language without knowing the pronunciation of words.

To understand the reading mechanism, try reading on



    German (if you DO NOT know it)

Look after yourself. How you pronounce or don't pronounce words.

Expanding the angle of view

Regarding speed reading, the process of covering the entire line is called seeing the green dot; it was proposed a very long time ago and consists of looking at an A4 sheet of paper with a green dot in the center for 10 minutes every day. In this case, the viewer should be relaxed and concentrate only on contemplating the sheet of paper.


Reading can be divided into two types

1) this is when you need to learn something new

22) when you need to master something. In the first case, you can still use speed reading, but in the second it turns into a waste of time. If you are reading a book to learn something new, then you are, in principle, already familiar with the topic, and most of the terms used in this literature are already understood by you. For example, a physics professor may well quickly read some textbook, so he is really familiar with this topic. But in the second case, when you need to learn something, it is hardly logical to read quickly, because in this case most of the terms encountered are not worked out and are poorly understood, so in this case a different type of reading is needed, aimed at assimilation of the material.

AI, I think that you should not mix mnemos and reading, because mnemos are made more for illogical text.

This is an exercise in multitasking. Not only does it increase your Miller number, but it also helps improve your alertness and speed of thinking. With one hand you hold the book while reading aloud, and with the other hand - whichever is more convenient for you - you tap out the rhythm. If you have a musical education - at least the basics - you will quickly get the hang of it. But even if not, with some persistence you will achieve results after just a few attempts. One of my students, an entrepreneur, his name is Ivan, was angry with himself because nothing worked out for him the first time. He asked for a week's break between meetings in order to perfectly rehearse the movements of the hand beating the rhythm. A few days later he called me and said that he would study on his own for a whole month and only then begin the next stage of training. Everyone would like to have such perseverance! By the way, Ivan is a very successful businessman. Apparently, character affects.


First, read aloud to a simple rhythm, like a metronome. The optimal rhythm is two beats per second. You will master it without difficulty. The main thing is not to help yourself with your head, like Mother Horse. One part of your brain monitors the movement of your hand and the correct rhythm, and the other part monitors your reading. Can you imagine how easy it will be for you to read when you no longer need to tap out the rhythm? In a sense, this exercise is reminiscent of the training of a skier who overcomes an incline at a skating step with bags of sand - weights on his legs. Without weights, running becomes much easier, as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. Dumbbells perform the same role. Don’t be lazy and pump your brain to the fullest. Read to the beat!

There is no need to pronounce the rhythm to yourself. The hand should work as if it were autonomous. Ideally, the intervals between impacts were the same. At the same time, the dynamics of your reading cannot be constant all the time, because you are not a robot. Pauses will appear, in some places, on the contrary, the reading speed will increase; sometimes we “freeze”, lost in thought. All this will happen

happen when reading aloud. But don’t let your hand fizzle. She must work on the rhythm like an automaton. No matter how the speed of pronouncing the words changes, the hand knows that it is doing its job. I sometimes even recommend imagining a red pulsating center in your head that controls your hand via radio communication.

Happened? I'm sure so. It's relatively simple. The second stage is the complication of the rhythm:

One, pause, one-two!

One, pause, one-two!

This rhythm is similar to the sound of train wheels. After mastering this rhythm, we take on a more complex one.

One, pause, one-two-three!

One, pause, one-two-three!

Perhaps this will make it clearer to you:

Knock, pause, knock-knock-knock!

If after watching the video you still don’t understand what reading to a rhythm is, I’ll explain it differently. Remember the joke:

- “Grandma, do you really live at the stadium?

Yes Yes Yes!

Yes Yes Yes Yes!