The most frightening planets that you probably won't want to visit. Planets We Shouldn't Try to Colonize The Most Scandalous Planet Mars

Only a few inhabitants of the Milky Way are collected here.

Barnard's Star

This star is known for the supposed presence of planets in its system, but scientists still cannot say for sure. It is located at a distance of 1.828 pc from Earth and became the subject of heated debate back in the 60s.

Today, researchers claim that there are no planets there, but in 1963, American astronomer Peter Van de Kamp found that it has invisible satellites with masses of 1.26, 0.63 and 0.89 of the mass of Jupiter - this was believed for 10 years . The astronomer never retracted his findings, but Hubble research in the 90s determined that this was impossible.

But there is one “but”: the telescope did not exclude the possibility of the existence of planets in the Barnard star system. He only ruled out the presence major planets at a certain distance from the ancient sun. Therefore, further research is needed for a more accurate answer.

P SR B1257+12 A

It was this planetary system that became the first to be discovered beyond solar system 20 years ago. The first exoplanet in the pulsar PSR B1257+12 A continues to hold the status of the lightest planet - its mass is less than 0.0004 Earth's (or less than 0.2 Pluto's mass).

The pulsar is slightly larger than its moon. Planets here were discovered in 1992 due to periodic frequency changes. Pulsars are often called space clock. But something went wrong with PSR B1257+12. Scientists suggest that the reason for this may be 2 planets. After some time, another planet was discovered in this system.

51 Pegasus b

51 Pegasi b became the first confirmed exoplanet around the sun-like star 51 Pegasi. And it was not like any planet that was previously known to mankind. The distance from it to Earth is more than 50 light years.

It completes a circular orbit within a few days. 51 Pegasi b became one of the first so-called “hot Jupiters.” In 2015, a direct spectrum of optical radiation reflected from its surface was obtained for the first time.

PSR B1620-26b

This planet has a name that is easier to pronounce - Methuselah. It is the oldest known exoplatent - its age may be about 12.7 billion years. This means that it is a little younger than the Universe itself. PSR B1620−26 b orbits a pair of stars - a pulsar and a white dwarf.

Gliese 876 d

Gliese 876 d is 15 light years away. This is a small exoplanet that looks like planets terrestrial group. But don’t rush to pack your bags, because life there would seem like hell. On Gliese 876 d the temperature is very, very high. Its discovery in 2005 was important for understanding that planets with rocky surfaces may also exist outside the solar system.

Gliese 581

The Gliese 581 system is orbited by four relatively small planets. Two of them may even be suitable for life. Scientists suggest that the planet Gliese 581c suffered the same fate as Venus - it became toxic. Another planet that is in the “life zone” is Gliese 581d.


There is a problem in classifying small exoplanets: scientists have discovered a number of planets that are larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune. Which size is more similar to the surface of Earth or Mars? Or at what size do they become more like the ice giants Uranus and Neptune?

The atmosphere of this gas dwarf resembles that of Saturn. Similar objects do not exist in our solar system. Therefore, one can only guess what these worlds might be like.


Kepler-452 b is more similar to Earth than others. Its star is the same size as the Sun, and its year lasts a little longer than ours. And although the size of this planet is larger than that of Earth, it is still located in the “life zone”.

However, there is a big problem - humanity will never reach it, because it is 1000 light years away. Kepler-452 b is 1.5 billion years older than the Earth, and therefore its star could already make conditions unsuitable for life. But in the distant past it was a copy of our planet.

1RXS J160929.1-210524

1RXS J160929.1−210524 became the first planet to orbit a Sun-like star to be captured in an image. The photo above is absolutely real and is not an artistic concept. Its mass exceeds Jupiter by 8.4 times, and its age is quite young. That is why they were able to capture her in the photo.

Unlike 1RXS J160929.1−210524, most exoplanets can only be detected using, for example, radial velocity or other methods. This also requires very precise optics.

The science

Space exploration – incredible adventure. Secrets of our Universe always attracted us, and scientists made incredible discoveries, looking into the most hidden corners of space.

However, the Universe may turn out to be a rather inhospitable and even frightening place. Hardly anyone would want to visit some of its most amazing places, for example, to visit distant mysterious planets and their companions.

Carbon exoplanet

Our planet maintains high levels of oxygen relative to carbon. Carbon is approximately 0.1 percent of the Earth's volume, so we are short of carbon-based materials such as fossil fuels and diamonds.

However, in the region of the center of our galaxy, planets have been observed much more carbon than oxygen, since the formation of planets there was different. These planets were named carbon planets.

morning sky The carbon planet will never be crystal clear and blue. You will see yellow fog with black clouds of soot. If you go down to the surface, you can see seas of unrefined oil and tar. Bubbles of unpleasant-smelling methane rise on the surface of these seas. The weather forecast is also not encouraging: it is raining gasoline. This is the place we imagine reminds me of hell.

Planet Neptune

On Neptune You can find winds constantly blowing at jet speeds. These winds push ice clouds of natural gas towards northern region Big dark spot planets. The spot is a huge hurricane, comparable in size to the diameter of our Earth. The wind speed on Neptune reaches about 2500 kilometers per hour.

The strength of such winds is far beyond what a person can bear. Assuming that one of us suddenly ends up on Neptune, he'll be torn apart in the blink of an eye this incredible threatening wind.

While scientists cannot say for sure, where does this strongest wind in the solar system get so much energy?, despite the fact that the planet Neptune is located quite far from the Sun, and also has relatively weak internal heat.

Exoplanet 51 Pegasi b with unusual rains

Nicknamed Bellerophon in honor of Greek hero who tamed the winged horse Pegasus, this gas giant planet approximately 150 times more massive than Earth and consists mainly of hydrogen and helium.

The problem is that the planet Bellerophon is roasting in the rays of its star at temperatures about 1000 degrees Celsius. Distance of this planet from the star 100 times less than the distance from the Earth to the Sun. Extremely high temperatures at the surface cause incredible winds.

As warm air rises, cold air sinks, creating winds that blow at 1000 kilometers per hour. The incredible heat does not allow liquid or solid water to remain on the surface, however, this does not mean that there is no rain on the planet.

The unprecedented heat causes iron, one of the planet's components, to evaporate. Vapors rise upward, forming iron steam clouds, which essentially resemble clouds of water vapor on Earth. The only difference is that these clouds shed rain that is not quite familiar to us in the form of molten iron.

Exoplanet COROT-3b

The densest and most massive exoplanet discovered to date is COROT-3b was discovered using the COROT telescope in 2008. It is comparable in size to Jupiter, however 20 times heavier his. That is, COROT-3b is approximately 2 times denser than lead.

The pressure that would be exerted on a person walking on its surface would be insurmountable. With such a mass of the planet, a person on it would weigh approximately 50 times more than it weighs on Earth. For example, a person who on Earth weighs about 80 kilograms, on the planet COROT-3b would have the weight 4 tons!

The human skeleton cannot withstand such pressure. It's like an elephant sitting on your chest.

Planet Mars and dust storms

On Mars, dust storms can last for long hours and cover the entire surface of the planet in a few days. These are the largest and the most powerful dust storms in the solar system. The height of Martian dust devils can reach heights exceeding the height of Mount Everest on Earth, and winds reach speeds of about 300 kilometers per hour.

Once formed, dust storms sometimes require a few months to calm down. According to one version, dust particles detached from the surface of Mars absorb sunlight and heat the Martian atmosphere.

Warm air currents are directed towards colder areas, forming winds. Strong winds raise more dust from the surface, which, in turn, heats the atmosphere, increasing the winds and so on.

It is surprising that many of the planet's dust storms originate in a single impact crater. Plain of Hellas– the deepest impact crater in the Solar System. The temperature at the bottom of this crater can be 10 degrees higher than on the surface. This crater is filled with a large layer of dust. The difference in temperature fuels the action of the winds, which lift dust from the crater floor upward.

The hottest planet is exoplanet WASP-12 b

This planet is currently considered the hottest planet in the Universe. Its temperature is approximately 2200 degrees Celsius, and its orbit is closest to the star than any other orbit of known planets.

Without any doubt, at this temperature any substance will burn immediately in the atmosphere of this planet. This planet quickly covers the distance around its star: 3.4 million kilometers it passes in approximately 24 Earth hours.

Planet Jupiter

Storms form in Jupiter's atmosphere that are larger than the diameter of our planet. These giants cause winds to blow at speeds 650 kilometers per hour, as well as powerful lightning discharges, which 100 times brighter than lightning on Earth.

An ocean of liquid metallic hydrogen splashes on the surface of the planet. 40 thousand kilometers deep. On Earth, hydrogen is a colorless, transparent gas, but in Jupiter's core, hydrogen transforms into something that does not exist on our planet.

In Jupiter's outer layers, hydrogen resembles the gas found on Earth, but the deeper you go to the surface, the higher the pressure. Eventually the pressure becomes so high that it squeezes electrons out of hydrogen atoms. Under such extreme conditions, hydrogen turns into a liquid metal that conducts electricity as well as heat. Just like a mirror, it reflects light.

Dwarf planet Pluto

Pluto, which has already dropped out of the planet category, is different extremely cold temperature. Frozen nitrogen, carbon monoxide and methane cover the entire surface of the dwarf planet like a blanket of snow during most of the Plutonian year, which lasts 248 earth years.

The ice turned from white to pinkish-brown due to interaction with gamma rays from deep space and the Sun. During the day, the Sun delivers no more light and heat to the surface of the planet than the Moon does for the Earth. Temperatures on Pluto's surface reach from minus 228 to minus 238 degrees Celsius.

Exoplanet COROT-7 b and active volcanoes

Temperature on the surface of the side of the planet facing the star COROT-7 b so high that allows you to melt rocks. Scientists who modeled the planet's atmosphere determined that the planet likely contains no volatile gases ( carbon dioxide, water vapor, nitrogen). The atmosphere is probably consists of evaporated rock.

The atmosphere of the planet COROT-7 b has weather systems that, unlike the weather on Earth, cause rain of molten stone that fall onto the molten surface. It is clear that under such conditions, life as we know it cannot arise here. Moreover, the planet seems even more inhospitable considering what it represents volcanic nightmare.

Scientists know that the orbit of planet COROT-7 b is not perfectly circular. Gravitational forces one of her two neighbors is pushed and pulled by the surface, creating friction that heats the interior of the planet. This results in volcanic activity across the entire surface of COROT-7 b, which is even more active than the volcanoes of Jupiter's moon Io. This satellite boasts more 400 volcanoes.

Planet Venus

Very little was known about Venus until the USSR launched its first successful spacecraft to it during the space race. The USSR remains the only country that managed to land their devices on the surface of Venus.

The planet's environment is so harsh that probes can survive on it no more than 127 minutes, after which they break and melt. Venus is considered the most dangerous planet in our system. If you find yourself on it, you will immediately suffocate from the toxic air and be crushed by the enormous weight of its atmosphere.

Pressure on the surface of Venus 100 times more than on the surface of the Earth. Walking on Venus is like walking under a kilometer-long layer of water on Earth. The surface temperature is 475 degrees Celsius, and highly concentrated sulfuric acid rains from the sky.

Looking at images of Space, you want to plunge into this unknown world, but is it so easy for a person to survive there?

Carbon Planet

By comparison, our planet contains only 0.1% carbon. Meanwhile, not far from our galaxy there is a planet with a completely different composition, where there is much more carbon. The morning sky on a carbon planet will not be clear and blue, you will only see a yellow haze with black soot.

The seas on this planet are full of tar and oil, and methane fumes and black mud bubble on the solid surface. If it rains, it will not be droplets of water, but gasoline and bitumen.


On this planet, a person can be horrified by the winds. These are not just strong winds, these are air currents comparable only to a jet engine. The wind on Neptune carries clouds of frozen natural gas at a speed of 2400 km/h, which is 2 times the speed needed to break the sound barrier.

A person caught in such a hurricane will be instantly torn to pieces.

51 Pegasus b (51 Pegasi b) or Bellerophon (Bellerophon)

This planet is 150 times larger than Earth and consists of helium and hydrogen. And on its surface the temperature reaches 1000 degrees. Bellerophon's star is located 100 times closer than the Sun to Earth. Such a small distance between the star and the planet creates strong winds on the surface of 51 Pegasi b, reaching 1000 km/h.

High temperatures evaporate the iron, which rises to form clouds. And when it rains, it will be liquid hot iron.


This planet is known as the heaviest and densest. The dimensions of COROT-3b are equal to the dimensions of Jupiter, while the mass is 20 times greater. A person on such a planet would weigh 50 times more than he would on Earth. But the pressure that reigns on COROT-3b is so great that a human skeleton would break instantly.


We recently talked about the fact that, but this planet is not so harmless. It often experiences dust storms, which are large craters reaching the size of Mount Everest. And the acceleration of this wind can reach 300 km/h.


On this moment WASP-12 b is the hottest planet ever discovered by mankind. The surface temperature is about 2200 degrees, which is 2 times colder than the surface of the Sun.


Storms here reach speeds of 650 km/h, and lightning is 100 times brighter than on Earth. The surface of the planet is an ocean, 40 um deep, consisting of metallic hydrogen.


Pluto is a cold world, to which the Sun gives as much heat as the Earth receives from the Moon during the full moon. One year (the equivalent of 248 Earth years) the surface of the planet contains carbon monoxide, methane and nitrogen, which cover the planet like snow. The temperature on the surface reaches up to -238 degrees. The human body would instantly freeze.


The temperature of this planet is so high that it can melt even rocks. In addition, many volcanoes are constantly active here.


If a person got to this planet, then in the very first seconds he would suffocate from the toxins in the air. In addition, a person would be immediately crushed by the enormous weight of the planetary atmosphere, given that its weight is 100 times greater than what we are adapted to. Walking on the surface of Venus would be no different from walking 1 km underwater.

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