Tongue twisters for practicing pronunciation. Clear diction Glad the cavalry guard is going to the parade


Tongue twisters for practicing the pronunciation of sibilants.

On Thursday the fourth, at four and a quarter o'clock, four little black, grimy little imps were drawing a drawing in black ink. Extremely clean, extremely clear.

Siskin, pike, three bream smell the devil, trembling.

Not the one, comrades, a comrade to a comrade, who with a comrade is a comrade to a comrade, but the one, comrades, a comrade to a comrade, who without a comrade is a comrade to a comrade.

On Thursday, the fourth, exactly an hour after the Chebu River, a swaggering, slightly chirping arthropod monster completely crossed out the barely begun sympathetic speech of the unlucky people who revered the humanity and respect of the Chukchi next to educational part somewhere between Chile and Karachay-Cherkessia, where the pied-tailed hen raised her pied-tailed chicks, crying and emotional because of the sad events, partly dejected, partly crazy, writhing around the kettle and for some reason scratching themselves.

Feofan Mitrofanovich has three Feofanovich sons, three Feofanovna daughters, and three Mitrofanovna granddaughters.

Feofan's sweatshirt fits Fefele.

Two puppies were chewing a brush in the corner, cheek to cheek.

Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the smaller mice rustled and fumbled for pennies.

Tongue twisters for practicing the sound “R”.

He reported, but didn’t complete his report, he completed his report, but didn’t complete his report.

The pig snouted, white-nosed, blunt-nosed: half a yard snout from snout, dug, dug, did not reach the hole; That’s why Khavronya was digging, so that she would dig.

Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing coral

There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood; firewood across the yard, firewood along the yard. The yard cannot accommodate the firewood; the firewood must be moved back to the wood yard.

Our Laurel picked lilies of the valley and gave Lara lilies of the valley. Lara took the lilies of the valley, she was glad to see the lilies of the valley. Laurel gave Lara lilies of the valley from the bottom of his heart.

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

Margarita collected daisies on the grass, Margarita lost the daisies, but not all of them.

I am glad that the cavalry guard is going to the parade: all the cavalry guards are wearing cockades.

Tongue twisters for training the sounds “B” “P”.

The bull was blunt-lipped, the bull was blunt-lipped, the bull had a white lip and was blunt.

Malanya the chatterbox chattered and chattered milk, but didn’t blab.

The commander spoke about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant colonel, about the second lieutenant, about the second lieutenant, about the ensign, but said nothing about the lieutenant.

The crab made a rake for the crab. The crab gave the rake to the crab:
- Rake hay, crab, rake.

The lamps on the ramp are on.

Tongue twisters for practicing the sound “L”.

—Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia?
— They watered the lily. We saw Lydia.

Clara the King sneaked with the crocodile to Lara.

They ate ruffs from the spruce tree, they barely finished eating them from the spruce tree.

An eagle on a mountain, a feather on an eagle, a mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.

Raspberries beckoned to Marina and Mila, raspberries are sweet to Marina and Mila.

Tongue twisters for training the pronunciation of the sound “C”.

The heron wasted away, the heron withered, the heron finally died.

The gypsy walked up to the chicken on tiptoe and tsked: chick!

Once upon a time there lived three Japanese: Yak, Yak Tsidrak, Yak Tsidrak Tsidrak Tsidroni. Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Tzipi, Tzipi Dreepy, Tzipi Dreepy Limpomponi. Yak got married to Tzipi, Yak Tsidrak to Tzipi Dripi, Yak Tsidrak Tsidrak Tsidroni to Tzipi Dripi Limpomponi, and they had children. For Yak and Tzipi - Shah, for Yak Tsidrak and Tzipi Dripi - Shah Chess, for Yak Tsidrak Tsidrak Tsidroni and Tzipi Dripi Limpompo-ni - Shah Chess Chess Chess.

The juice of the narcissus flower is healing, it heals the muscles of the body. Gypsies value this remedy and have been using this remedy since childhood.

Complex tongue twisters.

Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

The snake was bitten by the snake, the snake cannot get along with the snake. I’ve already become so terrified that the snake will eat it for dinner. Don’t eat your husband’s snake, it will be worse without your husband.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.

What has been said has not been proven, it must be done.

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.

Our head will over-head your head, over-head your head.

From rich man to rich man, like Cherdokdygin, I gallop:
so - smoke (4 times),
so - melon (4 times),
so - blow (4 times),
so - holes (4 times).

The Japanese corporal ducked into the Toyota.

The huntsman Emelya was eating blackberries in a spruce forest.

Elizaveta, Ekaterina and Yakov were selling bright T-shirts at the fair.

Maya and Timofey sat on a bench at the entrance and listened to the nightingale.

The language barrier disrupted the unity of the festive bustle.

The charming concierge had the patience to play the accordion.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, everyone into a snowdrift.

Watermelons were being loaded from body to body; during a thunderstorm, the body fell apart in the mud from the load.

Nazar went to the market early in the morning. I bought a goat and a Nazar basket there.

Here is syrup, jelly in a glass, cheesecakes in sour cream, oranges, peaches, cream, and sausages in gravy.

The waxwing whistles with a flute.

Praskovya traded the crucian carp for three pairs of purebred piglets. The piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

Nice is golden from the sun.
They bloom with a crimson complexion,
And even a heron, a heron is a bird,
To hide from the sun,
He often rushes to the barber to shave.
I really like Nice.
Everything blooms like a beauty
Famous for beauties
I want to go there.

The black grouse was sitting on a tree - the shadow of the tree.

On the street there is a honey cake - I have no time for a honey cake, on the street there is a tar man - I have no time for a tar man, no time for a tar man's wife, no time for a tar man's mother-in-law.

A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves. A plate from the trawler Tower costs a thaler.

Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy.

Dionysus gave Darida strange tiaras.

The wooden house stood on ten acres.

The friends thought about this matter busily and in detail.

The documents were dated December 9th of this year.

Engraver Gavrila engraved the engraving.

Thunder rumbles, threatens, rumbles, the thunderstorm wants to scare us.

On the river there is a fire, on the fire there is a cauldron, in it there is soup - not cabbage soup, and in the soup - bream.

Whoever you hang out with, that's who you're like.

The owner is kind - and the house is good; the owner is bad - and so is the house.

There are bells near the stake, and a whirlpool near the gate.

The messenger from the galleys burned to death.

Klava put the onion on the shelf and called Nikolka to her.

Kostya took me to Kostroma for a visit.

I'll tell you about the purchases, about the cereal and about the snacks.

The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style; the bell is cast, but not in the Kolokolov style; the bell needs to be re-bellied, the bell needs to be re-bellied, the bell needs to be re-bellied, re-bellied.

Buy a pile of spades. Buy a pile of spades. Buy a peak.

Brit Klim brother, Brit Gleb brother, Brit Frol brother, Brit Prov brother, brother Ignat the bearded.

Tell us about your purchases.
- What kind of purchases?
- About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The big guy Vavila merrily moved his pitchfork.

Tongue twisters for training the pronunciation of hissing sounds

On Thursday the fourth at four and a quarter o'clock four little black, grimy little imps were drawing a drawing in black ink. Extremely clean, extremely clear.

Siskin, pike, three bream smell the devil, trembling.

Not the one, comrades, a comrade to a comrade, who with a comrade is a comrade to a comrade, but the one, comrades, a comrade to a comrade, who without a comrade is a comrade to a comrade.

On Thursday, the fourth, exactly an hour after the Cheburek, a swaggering, slightly chirping arthropod monster completely wiped out the barely begun sympathetic speech of the unlucky Chukchi, who respect the humanity and respect of the Chukchi, next to the educational unit somewhere between Chile and Karachay-Cherkessia, where the chicken - the pied-tailed little pied-tailed bird sprouted her pied-tailed-tailed cubs, crying and emotional because of the sad events, partly dejected, partly crazy, writhing around the teapot and scratching themselves for some reason.

Feofan Mitrofanovich has three sons Feofanovich, three daughters Feofanovna, three granddaughters Mitrofanovich.

Feofan's sweatshirt fits Fefele.

Two puppies were chewing a brush in the corner, cheek to cheek.

Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies, and the worse mice rustled and fumbled for pennies.

Tongue twisters for practicing the sound “R”.

He reported, but didn’t complete his report, he completed his report, but didn’t complete his report.

The pig was digging, white-nosed, blunt-nosed: he dug up half the yard with his snout, dug, dug, but didn’t even get to the hole; That’s why Khavronya was digging, so that she would dig.

Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing coral

There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood, three firewood; firewood across the yard, firewood along the yard. The yard cannot accommodate the firewood; the firewood must be moved back to the wood yard.

Our Laurel picked lilies of the valley and gave Lara lilies of the valley. Lara took the lilies of the valley, she was glad to see the lilies of the valley. Laurel gave Lara lilies of the valley from the bottom of his heart.

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

Margarita collected daisies on the grass, Margarita lost the daisies, but not all of them.

I am glad that the cavalry guard is going to the parade: all the cavalry guards are wearing cockades.

Tongue twisters for training the sounds “B” “P”.

The bull was blunt-lipped, the bull was blunt-lipped, the bull had a white lip and was blunt.

Malanya the chatterbox chattered and chatted about the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

The commander spoke about the lieutenant colonel, about the lieutenant colonel, about the second lieutenant, about the second lieutenant, about the ensign, but said nothing about the ensign.

The crab made a rake for the crab. The crab gave the rake to the crab:
- Rake hay, crab, rake.

The lamps on the ramp are on.

Tongue twisters for practicing the sound “L”.

Have you watered the lily? Have you seen Lydia?
- They watered the lily. We saw Lydia.

Clara the King sneaked with the crocodile to Lara.

They ate ruffs from the spruce tree, they barely finished eating them from the spruce tree.

An eagle on a mountain, a feather on an eagle, a mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.

Raspberries beckoned to Marina and Mila, raspberries are sweet to Marina and Mila.

Tongue twisters for training the pronunciation of the sound “C”.

The heron wasted away, the heron withered, the heron finally died.

The gypsy walked up to the chicken on tiptoe and tsked: chick!

Once upon a time there lived three Japanese: Yak, Yak Tsidrak, Yak Tsidrak Tsidrak Tsidroni. Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Tzipi, Tzipi Dreepy, Tzipi Dreepy Limpomponi. Yak got married to Tzipi, Yak Tsidrak to Tzipi Dripi, Yak Tsidrak Tsidrak Tsidroni to Tzipi Dripi Limpomponi, and they had children. For Yak and Tzipi - Shah, for Yak Tsidrak and Tzipi Dripi - Shah Chess, for Yak Tsidrak Tsidrak Tsidroni and Tzipi Dripi Limpomponi - Shah Chess Chess Chess.

The juice of the narcissus flower is healing, it heals the muscles of the body. Gypsies value this remedy and have been using this remedy since childhood.

Complex tongue twisters.

Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

The snake was bitten by the snake, the snake cannot get along with the snake. I’ve already become so terrified that the snake will eat it for dinner. Don’t eat your husband’s snake, it will be worse without your husband.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.

What has been said has not been proven, it must be done.

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

I was at Frol’s, I lied to Frol about Lavra, I’ll go to Lavra, I lie to Lavra about Frol.

Our head will over-head your head, over-head your head.

From rich man to rich man, like Cherdokdygin, I gallop:
so - smoke (4 times),
so - melon (4 times),
so - blow (4 times),
so - holes (4 times).

The Japanese corporal ducked into the Toyota.

The huntsman Emelya was eating blackberries in a spruce forest.

Elizaveta, Ekaterina and Yakov sold bright T-shirts at the fair.

Maya and Timofey sat on a bench at the entrance and listened to the nightingale.

The language barrier disrupted the unity of the festive bustle.

The charming concierge had the patience to play the accordion.

Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled. Sledge jump, Senka off his feet, Sanka in the side, Sonya in the forehead, everyone into a snowdrift.

Watermelons were being loaded from body to body; during a thunderstorm, the body fell apart in the mud from the load.

Nazar went to the market early in the morning. I bought a goat and a Nazar basket there.

Here is syrup, jelly in a glass, cheesecakes in sour cream, oranges, peaches, cream, and sausages in gravy.

The waxwing whistles with a flute.

Praskovya traded the crucian carp for three pairs of purebred piglets. The piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

Nice is golden from the sun.
They bloom with a crimson complexion,
And even a heron, a heron is a bird,
To hide from the sun,
He often rushes to the barber to shave.
I really like Nice.
Everything blooms like a beauty
Famous for beauties
I want to go there.

The black grouse was sitting on a tree - the shadow of the tree.

On the street there is a honey cake - I have no time for a honey cake, on the street there is a tar man - I have no time for a tar man, no time for a tar man's wife, no time for a tar man's mother-in-law.

A weaver weaves fabrics for Tanya scarves. A plate from the trawler Tower costs a thaler.

Better water from a friend than honey from an enemy.

Dionysus gave Darida strange tiaras.

The wooden house stood on ten acres.

The friends thought about this matter busily and in detail.

The documents were dated December 9th of this year.

Engraver Gavrila engraved the engraving.

Thunder rumbles, threatens, rumbles, the thunderstorm wants to scare us.

On the river there is a fire, on the fire there is a cauldron, in it there is soup - not cabbage soup, but in the soup - bream.

Whoever you hang out with, that's who you're like.

The owner is kind - and the house is good, the owner is bad - and so is the house.

There are bells near the stake, and a whirlpool near the gate.

The messenger from the galleys burned to death.

Klava put the onion on the shelf and called Nikolka to her.

Kostya took me to Kostroma for a visit.

I'll tell you about the purchases, about the cereal and about the snacks.

The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style; the bell is cast, but not in the Kolokolov style; the bell needs to be re-bellied, the bell needs to be re-bellied, the bell needs to be re-bellied, re-bellied.

Buy a pile of spades. Buy a pile of spades. Buy a peak.

Brit Klim brother, Brit Gleb brother, Brit Frol brother, Brit Prov brother, brother Ignat the bearded.

Tell us about your purchases.
- What kind of purchases?
- About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping.

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The big guy Vavila merrily moved his pitchfork.

Two woodcutters, two wood splitters, two woodcutter sawed wood, carried wood into the yard.

The road to the city is uphill, from the city - down the mountain.

After adding castor oil to the pan, quickly close the lid.

Kind-hearted Dobrynya conscientiously sought goodness.

The path is rough and slopey in places.

Woodcutter Drone, chopping wood on the grass near the yard.

Merchants were driving from the market, talking about food, and about food, about bins, and about bins.

Pankrat Kondratov forgot his jack, and Pankrat couldn’t lift the tractor on the road without a jack.

Charging is required for training and discharge.

Egorka the hare fell into the lake: “Run downhill!

Save Yegorka!” A bison wandered towards a zebra with a willow branch.

And Prokop sleeps - the dill boils.

The queen's gentlemen sailed to her on a caravel.

Cavaliers with the Queen on ancient trellises.

Kaleria went to Karelia to visit Valery.

Karp Polikarpych and Polikarp Karpych marked the cards.

Karp Polikarpych and Polikarp Karpych fed the carp.

The cook cooked the porridge, overcooked it, finished cooking it, but didn’t finish it.

Clara the King crept towards Lara.

Rhubarb root is popular with vegetarians.

Queen Clara severely punished Charles for stealing coral.

King eagle, eagle king.

Yegor paints the roof and fence with red paint.

Arkhip shouted, Arkhip became hoarse.

Arkhip doesn’t need to scream until he is hoarse.

The mole agronomist was loosening the bed with a rake.

The rat gnawed the rind of the cheese.

Kubra was cooking cabbage soup for kubra, Bukara came and sipped it.

The courier was smoking in the chicken coop.

The courier overtakes the courier into the quarry.

The quarry is not scary if the courier is smart.

I smoke - I drive, I drive - I smoke.

Laurus took the license - he was right, but Laurus has a bad temper.

A loon was flying over the barn, and another loon was sitting in the barn.

Three crows were flying - black, motley-headed.

Libretto of the opera "Rigoletto".

A mosquito got into Makar's pocket.

The mosquito in Makar's pocket disappeared.

Max stole plywood from Hera, and Hera stole Max’s portrait.

Marina was pickling mushrooms, Marina was sorting raspberries.

The mayor came to the premiere of the opera and listened to the operetta.

It was a mess, but the magpie prophesied.

There is a feather on the log, and a log under the feather.

There is a magpie on the gate, a raven on the fence, a sparrow on the road.

Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.

On Mount Ararat, Varvara picks grapes.

Buckwheat and millet grow in the spinner's garden bed.

In the yard they chop wood with axes.

There is firewood in the yard, there are children near the firewood.

There is grass in the yard, there are lads on the grass.

Erema fell asleep, and Erema dozed off from his doze.

Kirill bought a mug at the market.

There is a sombrero on the sideboard.

Paramoshka poured peas onto the path.

A pea path now leads to the house.

Don’t threaten, Georgians, in the mud, but threaten, Georgians, by running over the mud.

The morals of the Moors are barbaric.

The ship scraped all its sides on driftwood!

One sailor went on a hike and, delirious in the river, came across a ford.

An eagle on a mountain, a feather on an eagle, a mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather.

The eagle screams at the top of its lungs.

Open the gate, Uvar, there is firewood on the grass at the gate.

Open the gate, Uvar, we are carrying loads of firewood.

The uncorked extract spread an aroma throughout the space.

Hail fell on five ridges.

Pankrat and Kondrat brought a jack.

A friend baked cheesecakes for Varyusha.

Varyushka sewed a pillow for her friend.

He quailed the quail and hid the chicks in the copse from the guys.

The quail hid the quails from the boys, hid them and hid them.

Promising, unpromising, unpromising, promising.

Fingers are full of rings.

Around the yard, around the yard in good health.

The weather became wet.

Under the three-row accordion, Proshka rushed to squat.

There is a hillock under the mountain, on the hillock there is Yegor, Yegor has a stake, on the stake there is a bell.

I met a black grouse under a black grouse tree.

Hidden under the tier, under the tier is an armyak with a red garus.

The horse squatted against a snag.

Half a cellar of turnips, half a container of peas.

Thickets overgrown with overgrowns, overgrown with overgrowns.

After the dew roses grew.

Add salt and pepper, but try not to over-salt or over-pepper.

Prov Egorka brought a pile of firewood to the yard.

A gourmet mistook the lobster for crayfish.

Nature is pleased with the growth and productivity of vegetation.

They checked, checked - they underchecked, tried to double-check - they miscalculated.

The crow missed the little crow.

Proclus spilled chlorine at Frol's, Frol spilled bromine at Proclus's.

They cut an ice hole and caught fish.

Prokhor was traveling to Kharkov, and Zakhar was from Kharkov.

Did Prokhor or Frol invent gunpowder?

Slave of the rouge, Arab of the pockmarks.

The workers privatized the enterprise, but did not privatize it.

I'm glad the cavalry guard is going to the parade.

Parade of cavalry guards - all cavalry guards are wearing cockades.

The horses stretched their legs and galloped along the road.

A reasonable rentier lives on rent.

The angry crocodile is irritated and unsociable.

A crayfish dug up a backpack in the river.

Don't take a cancer in your hand - give a cancer to a friend.

The crayfish turned red in the fight.

He reported, but didn’t complete the report, but began to complete the report, and then did report.

Roar, don’t roar, and don’t tear up rowan trees.

A traffic controller from Liguria was regulating at the intersection.

Radishes rarely grew in the garden bed, and the garden bed was rarely in order.

Timid fish rarely have fun.

A gray mole digs the ground and destroys the garden.

Roses are wanted.

Competition prize draw.

Roma plays the domra.

A rosy-cheeked Romanian dances the rumba.

Fish in the hole are a dime a dozen.

The red horse neighed in the rye.

The frying pan is soon frying, the pressure cooker is soon cooking.

Marguerite collected daisies on the mountain, Marguerite lost daisies in the yard.

Old man Skorogovorov bought a pressure cooker, broke the frying pan, and forgot the tongue twister.

The dragonfly chirped and began to strike headlong.

Taras Makarovich Maratov is sailing to visit a friend in Saratov.

A plate from the Tower trawler costs a thaler.

Taras-bars-rastabars, Varvara’s chickens are old!

Terriers in interiors, prairies on curtains.

The tiger does not tolerate games.

Spanking is not good for the hurry, but the gingerbread is good for the hurry!

Transforming transformer, transforming transformer.

Three-three-three-three - the pig rubs against the fence.

Thirty-three cars in a row chatter, chatter, chatter.

Thirty-three hoarse screamers screamed, but did not finish shouting.

Thriller about the meal of the vampire Dracula.

Raya, Roma and Lariska rub carrots and radishes.

You tell him about Taras, and he says one and a half hundred.

Agrafena and Arina have dahlias growing.

The ram's horns are twisted and twisted, turned over and over.

Two thieves stole firewood from the widow Varvara.

The widow got angry and removed the firewood into the yard.

Lazy Egorka has excuses for everything.

A fast leopard has a jump of three yards.

Tamarka the Tarator has thirty-three tongue twisters.

Three batteries were stolen from a transformer on a tractor.

Thirty-three piglets have thirty-three tails sticking out.

Mushrooms grew overnight along the path, along the path.

Let's sit on a hill and tell tongue twisters.

The common duck dived and came up.

Frol was limping, and Prokhor was getting sick.

The brave crab boasted for three days: “There is no crab braver than me!”

A pie with peas is good on the road.

A good pie - there is curd inside!

The choirs in the chapel sang chorales.

The charm of a rose in sharp thorns.

Masterpieces of pearls, consumer goods husks.

The Count invites the Archduke to breakfast, a luxurious reception for the Archduke tomorrow.

Sycamore grew in the Jurassic, Sycamore floats in the wind.

Achimchir and Suchan.

The squirrel jumped through the window, leaving a crust on the shelf.

The housing of the poor is cramped.

It’s not bricks bursting on the stove in the night.

Rolls are bursting into dough on the stove.

There are three chocks in the stove, three geese, three ducks.

Swifts, tap dancers, goldfinches and siskins are chirping in the grove.

It's very gloomy in Sochi at night.

In Cheboksary there are pasties with garlic, and in Chicago lollipops with tobacco.

For example, there is people who, out of habit, speak sluggishly, as if through clenched teeth, mixing words. I had a friend like this. I often didn’t understand what he was saying and sometimes I just nodded smartly so as not to ask again. Sluggish speech is not only incomprehensible, it also puts you to sleep and clouds your consciousness. The listeners' attention wanders.

Sluggish speech can be corrected with development of the muscles of the speech apparatus, performing daily diction exercises, reading tongue twisters or sound combinations I. To get results, choose the most difficult tongue twisters or sound combinations for yourself and practice. Remember that every sound should be heard, not swallowed. Record the pronunciation of sounds on a voice recorder and check yourself.



Hint: in this series of sounds, the first sound “B” is often dropped. Say it while exhaling strongly, and you will never lose it.


Pronounce this sound combination step by step. First, only “LRI, LRE, LRA...”, then only “RLI-RLE-RLA...”. When you train individually, combine in pairs “LRI-RLI, LRE-RLE...”


Remember! In exercises, speed is not important, but clarity is important! Start your exercises at a slow pace. And only over time speed up the pronunciation of each sound combination.

The second way to eliminate this defect is to speak louder, i.e. on the breath. In mine, I tell you in detail how to use breathing to control your voice and we do exercises. Check out a few of them.

The main thing is to build the volume of your voice not on neck clamps, but on breathing using the abdominal muscles and diaphragm. Intensive exhalation using the press during speech increases the force of air flow. At the same time, the labial muscles and tongue begin to form sounds more actively - the clarity of speech increases. A good example is that when people shout at each other, they always speak clearly. Increase the volume of speech a little, and you will notice that the sluggishness of speech will disappear as if by hand.

I noticed that in conversation or speeches many swallow the middle or end of a word.

In order not to eat the endings of words, they must also be pronounced with intense exhalation. In the video I show an exercise with a tongue twister " I'm glad the cavalry guard is going to the parade. Parade of cavalry guards, all cavalry guards in cockades" In this tongue twister, most of the words are pronounced with voiceless consonants at the end of the words. Say each word in a tongue twister in one exhalation and before each next word take a new breath. Exhale especially hard on voiceless consonants at the end of each word. Do this exercise as I show in the video, and you will easily pronounce the most difficult endings of words.

Pronunciation of long and difficult words will eliminate swallowing the middle of words. Practice with a poem by Valery Bryusov. Speak every word clearly.

Storm from the shore

Throwable, overturned,
The white-whiskered eels got angry and went wild.
thrown down, thrown up,
They unraveled and intertwined from dawn to dawn.
Trembling snakes, screaming snakes,
What kind of dance, what kind of fairy tale did you start in the darkness?
Whirling mists splash the path,
You have closed, blocked all the fairways to the ground.
Encircled by darkness sucking in,
The ships got lost in the ocean,
Tossed around with uncontrollability,
Water snakes and fire snakes lured them into the abyss.
How are you deceiving? Is it not swiftness?
Bending, twisting of long bodies?
And aren’t you being flattered by your slowness?
The caress of the intoxicating, leading to an unknown limit?

I wish you good luck in your training and beautiful speech as a result!