Stolyarenko l d psychology pedagogy. Lyudmila Dmitrievna Stolyarenkopsychology and pedagogy. Psychology of educational activities

Modern scientific achievements psychology and pedagogy necessary for university students to master in the process of developing professional competencies. Issues being addressed general psychology, personality psychology, social psychology, foreign and domestic psychological theories personality, as well as the history and principles of pedagogy, methods and forms of teaching, educational technologies and patterns, methods of education. Includes the main topics of the course “Psychology and Pedagogy”, questions for self-control and a list of necessary literature, as well as answers to all basic questions exam papers at this rate.

Complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education of the third generation.

For bachelors. May be useful for school teachers and others educational institutions to expand knowledge of psychology and pedagogy.

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The manual has been prepared in accordance with the “State educational requirements(federal component) to the mandatory minimum content and level of training of graduates high school"in the cycle "General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines" and a complex of didactic units in the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy".

For university students of all specialties, as well as for those wishing to master the basics of psychology and pedagogy.


Russian society is now going through a difficult period of transition from one socio-economic system to another. The hopes of its citizens and the efforts of the state are directed towards the comprehensive improvement of life in accordance with the ideas of a society that meets the level of achievements of human civilization and embodies, to a greater extent than before, the ideals of goodness, justice, freedom, protection from lawlessness and evil, providing people with equal opportunities for self-realization and a decent life. This process is complex, contradictory, and multi-conditional. It cannot be carried out by directive or at the request of someone “from above”. No matter what the pessimists say, it depends on all Russian citizens. It is impossible to realize ideals in the life of every person without his personal participation. And society is always the same as its citizens and their activity. Life in a society can become better if its citizens become better - more educated, smarter, more cultured, more humane, more democratic, more decent, fairer, more professional, more capable both in personal qualities and in behavior.

All this is especially significant for the younger generation of Russians. The future of Russia and life in it belongs to him, and it will be more prosperous if the generation itself becomes more perfect. It is rightly said that humanity would be marking time if children did not surpass their parents. But such perfection does not come naturally. The education system in the country, which is an accelerator of social progress, is designed to help young people become more perfect and achieve more.

The essence of the psyche and the mental.
The science - social phenomenon, component public consciousness, a form of human knowledge of nature, society, and man, based on the accumulation of reliable knowledge about them and making it possible to carry out more effective life activities.

To meet its purpose, it must meet the strict requirements of science - the science of science, the theory of science, the doctrine of the functioning of science as an integral system that generalizes the entire experience of human cognition and its successful implementation. Psychology is an established science that has all the starting positions that meet these requirements.

Development principle expresses the dynamism and variability organically inherent in the world and psyche, which are found in the history of all mankind, in the life of every person and in every psychological act.

The development of the psyche occurs in every human individual born into the world. Its prehistory begins with a cell and over nine months in the mother’s womb, the embryo anatomically and physiologically repeats the entire path of evolution of previous animals, leading to its transformation into a human embryo. It has also been proven that after birth a child, in his lifetime development (ontogenesis), goes through a psychological evolution that largely repeats, but millions of times accelerated, the history of the development of human psychology from Pithecanthropus to homo sapiens(reasonable man) and homo moralis (moral man). Lifetime results psychological development are not the same for different individuals, because they are strongly affected by the conditions of his life from birth to 23-25 ​​years and later, as well as the characteristics of his own activity.

When studying and assessing the psychology of a particular person at some point in his life, one cannot approach it as something immutable, frozen. Its current reality and features are only a shortcut on the path of continuous life changes with trends coming from the past to the future. It is important to understand them and find ways to change them, if necessary.

The principle of development is the basis of scientific and practical optimism, the faith of everyone, especially young man, in the opportunity for self-development, the fulfillment of the desire to become the person you want, as well as in helping others.

Table of contents
Chapter 1. Psychology and pedagogy in life and activity. science and education
1.1. Academic discipline “Psychology and Pedagogy”: goals, objectives, functions, concept of study
1.2. Psychology and pedagogy in scientific approach to solving human problems
1.3. Psychological and pedagogical preparedness of a specialist - a graduate of a higher school
Chapter 2. Fundamentals of scientific and psychological knowledge
2.1. Psychological Science and its methodology
2.2. Brain and psyche
2.3. The world of psychic phenomena
Chapter 3. Fundamentals of scientific and pedagogical knowledge
3.1. Pedagogy as a science
3.2. Methodological foundations of pedagogy
Chapter 4. The problem of personality in psychology
4.1. Personality and its psychology
4.2. Psychology of Personality Development
4.3. Personality and behavior
Chapter 5. The problem of personality in pedagogy
5.1. Specifics of the pedagogical approach to personality
5.2. Pedagogical formation of personality in the process of socialization
5.3. Personality education
Chapter 6. Social environment, group, team in psychology and pedagogy
6.1. Social Psychology environments and groups
6.2. Social pedagogy environment and team
6.3. Psychological and pedagogical potentials of groups and teams
Chapter 7. Psychology and pedagogy of society and human activity
7.1. Socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical reality in society
7.2. Psychology and pedagogy of development modern society
7.3. Psychology and pedagogy of human life in society
Chapter 8. Psychology and pedagogy vocational education
8.1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of education
8.2. Psychology and pedagogy of professionalism
8.3. Personality formation in educational process
8.4. Study and professional development of the student
8.5. Pedagogical culture teacher
Chapter 9. Psychology and pedagogy vocational training
9.1. Pedagogical basics training
9.2. Methodological system and intensive teaching technologies
9.3. General formation technique professional knowledge, skills and abilities
9.4. Special types of vocational training for workers
Chapter 10. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of professional work
10.1. Person in an organization
10.2. Psychology and pedagogy of organization management
10.3. Psychological and pedagogical features of labor in market conditions
Chapter 11. Psychological and pedagogical techniques in professional activities
11.1. Fundamentals of psychological and pedagogical techniques
11.2. Psychological technique for performing professional actions
11.3. Technique for performing basic pedagogical actions

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This edition contains theoretical basis in the course “Psychology and Pedagogy”. Educational material clearly systematized, reflects both traditional and modern approaches to the study of the subject, written in an easy to understand form. This manual is a good basis for studying the course and preparing for the current and final certification in the discipline.

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    3rd ed. - M.: 2010. - 544 p. M.: 2001. - 423 p. Using the example of modern achievements of domestic and world psychology and pedagogy, the following are considered: the foundations of scientific-psychological and scientific-pedagogical knowledge; the problem of personality in psychology and pedagogy; social environment, group, team in psychology and pedagogy; psychology and pedagogy of society and human activity; psychology and pedagogy of vocational education and training. Theoretical issues are presented popularly, well illustrated and combined with a disclosure of their practical significance for the life of an adult and the professional activity of a specialist. For undergraduate and graduate students of universities, as well as readers interested in the basics of psychology and pedagogy. (2010 Format:

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    3rd ed. - M.: 2010. - 544 p. M.: 2001. - 423 p. Watch, download: (2001

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    Table of contents
    Preface 7
    1.2. Psychology and pedagogy in a scientific approach to solving human problems 15
    1.3. Psychological and pedagogical preparedness of a specialist - a graduate of higher school 23
    Chapter 2. Fundamentals of scientific and psychological knowledge 31
    2.1. Psychological science and its methodology 31
    2.2. Brain and psyche 53
    2.3. World of psychic phenomena 81
    Chapter 3. Fundamentals of scientific and pedagogical knowledge 99
    3.1. Pedagogy as a science 99
    3.2. Methodological foundations of pedagogy 106
    Chapter 4. The problem of personality in psychology 128
    4.1. Personality and its psychology 128
    4.2. Psychology of Personality Development 142
    4.3. Personality and behavior 154
    Chapter 5. The problem of personality in pedagogy 159
    5.1. Specifics of the pedagogical approach to personality 159
    5.2. Pedagogical formation of personality in the process of socialization 167
    5.3. Personality education 194
    Chapter 6. Social environment, group, team in psychology and pedagogy 214
    6.1. Social psychology of environment and group 214
    6.2. Social pedagogy of environment and collective 231
    6.3. Psychological and pedagogical potential of groups and teams 235
    Chapter 7. Psychology and pedagogy of society and human activity 252
    7.1. Socio-psychological and socio-pedagogical reality in society 252
    7.2. Psychology and pedagogy of development of modern society 259
    7.3. Psychology and pedagogy of human life in society 278
    Chapter 8. Psychology and pedagogy of vocational education 307
    8.1. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of education 307
    8.2. Psychology and pedagogy of professionalism 330
    8.3. Personality formation in the educational process 345
    8.4. Study and professional development of students 353
    8.5. Pedagogical culture of the teacher 361
    Chapter 9. Psychology and pedagogy of vocational training 369
    9.1. Pedagogical foundations of teaching 369
    9.2. Methodological system and intensive teaching technologies 382
    9.3. General methodology for developing professional knowledge, skills and abilities 400
    9.4. Special types of vocational training for workers 410
    Chapter 10. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of professional work 431
    10.1. Person in an organization 431
    10.2. Psychology and pedagogy of organization management 450
    10.3. Psychological and pedagogical features of labor in market conditions 474
    Chapter 11. Psychological and pedagogical techniques in professional activities 500
    11.1. Fundamentals of psychological and pedagogical techniques 500
    11.2. Psychological technique for performing professional actions 505
    11.3. Technique for performing basic pedagogical actions 528

    Russian society is going through a difficult period of socio-economic reform. The hopes of its citizens and the efforts of the state are directed towards the comprehensive improvement of life in accordance with the ideas of a society that meets the level of achievements of human civilization and embodies, to a greater extent than before, the ideals of goodness, justice, freedom, protection from lawlessness and evil, providing people with equal opportunities for self-realization and a decent life.
    This process is complex, contradictory, and multi-conditional. It cannot be carried out by directive or at the request of someone “from above”. No matter what the pessimists say, it depends on all Russian citizens. It is impossible to realize ideals in the life of every person without his personal participation. And society is always the same as its citizens and their activity. Life in a society can become better if its citizens become better educated, more educated, more cultured, smarter, more capable of a civilized, democratic, free, productive way of life.
    A big role in improving society belongs to young Russians who are entering life and taking the baton of generations. It is rightly said that humanity and society would stagnate if children did not surpass their parents and teachers. Helping young people fulfill their historical mission, become more perfect, discover and develop their capabilities, self-realization in life and achieve the maximum possible, contribute to the destinies and progress of Russia and its people - the social mission of education.
    Federal component educational programs universities include the discipline “Psychology and Pedagogy” as a compulsory course.
    Every young person wants to be strong, skillful, respected, successful in life, able to control the situation and hold fate in their own hands. This is exactly what psychology and pedagogy teach - the life sciences. These are applied sciences and their knowledge is not dry theories and memory ballast that can be thrown away after passing a test or exam, but guides through life.
    Scientific knowledge of psychology and pedagogy is necessary for any person, because it allows a deeper and more correct understanding of life and oneself in it, its true values, people and relationships with them, to prevent and overcome difficulties, which are always abundant on the path of life. They teach you to increase your capabilities, become stronger, choose the best line and ways of behavior in different situations. Many thousands of examples can confirm that a person who understands issues of psychology and pedagogy has a reliable and effective tool that increases his self-confidence, resilience and ability to achieve success in life. It is in this life-oriented key that this knowledge is revealed in the textbook offered to the attention of readers.