© Tatyana Larina Training Center. I make important decisions based on

IN NLP practice 4 communication styles are observed. Or there are 4 communication styles in relationships between people. Pass NLP test online, which will allow you to determine the leading communication style out of 4: auditory, visual, kinesthetic or digital.

Why be able to recognize NLP communication styles?

When You If you determine your NLP communication style by passing my online test below (I decided to contact you on a personal basis - the happiness psychologist’s blog is already 5 years old - it’s time), then you will understand why you construct your statements or questions this way and not otherwise.

By identifying other people's communication styles, or communication styles, you can understand why they receive and convey information the way they do.

Having learned the styles, you can significantly improve communication, which means you will strengthen your relationships and optimize all your relationships: in the family, at work and on vacation.

4NLP communication style: B, A, K and D

You will study and understand, strong and weak sides each of the 4 styles of communication or communication (this is scientific), your own style, and also why you get along with some people, but contact with others does not work out.

It’s clear that we’ll go over each NLP style piece by piece, but that’s later, but for now I suggest you take this test online and determine your communication style: developed (leading) and weak (not developed).

NLP TEST online: 4 communication styles

Answer 10 questions of this NLP online test, allowing you to determine 4 communication styles in relationships:

Visual (V)

Auditory (A)

Kinesthetic (K)

Digital (D)

To do this, assign each of the 4 statements in these test questions a score on a scale of 1 to 4:

4 = Best suited to your case

3 = More or less consistent

2 = Approximately equivalent

1 = Least relevant to you

For example, in the first question of the test, you could distribute these points like this:

I make important decisions based on

  • ...with your intuitive sense (4 points)

  • ...the way this idea sounds (1)

  • ...the way she “looks” (3)

  • ….detailed analysis/thorough study of the issue (2)

Online test: 4 communication styles in NLP

Well, let’s start filling out the test (write out all 10 questions of the test, 4 each with answers, and feel free to assign points without really thinking about the answers).

10 online NLP test questions: 4 communication styles

1. I make important decisions based on:

  • with your intuitive sense and pleasant sensations

  • how this idea sounds

  • the way she looks

  • detailed analysis/thorough study of the issue

2. In a disagreement that arises, what will affect me most is:

  • the extent to which I can see the other person's point of view

  • logic and validity of the interlocutor’s opinion

  • whether the interlocutor respects my feelings

3. When communicating with others, it is important for me:

  • the way I dress and look

  • share your feelings and experiences

  • know that I am understood correctly

  • to be listened to and heard

4. When asked an important question, I:

  • I listen carefully and then ask questions to make sure I understand the other person correctly

  • I like to take a break to think about everything and find the right words

  • I appreciate the opportunity to take a break and wait until the answer itself is born within me

  • I answer quickly, describing everything in pictures.

5. I consider myself:

  • co-tuned to the sound of everything that surrounds me

  • able to easily grasp new facts and information

  • sensitive and flexible person in relationships

  • a person who is creative and able to quickly digest a huge amount of information

6. I open up to people most when they:

  • are able to understand what I feel

  • able to see my point of view

  • listen with great attention to what I say and how I say it

  • are not indifferent to the meaning of what I communicate

7. When I work on a project with other people, I am most:

  • I want to improve the process with my ideas

  • I want to participate in the analysis and planning process

  • I want to control the sequence of events and the order in which it is observed

  • I want to help build reliable relationships

8. When someone describes something to me:

  • for clarity it's easier for me to see it

  • I can remember well if I just listen

  • to understand it, it’s easier for me to write it down

  • It's best if I'm given facts presented logically

9. What is most difficult for me in stressful situations is:

  • trust people, circumstances, or ideas

  • behave diplomatically - I'm too harsh and straightforward

  • separate your feelings from other people's feelings

  • be flexible and change existing plans as you go along

10. I find it simple and natural:

  • find inspiration within yourself

  • know where to apply new ideas

  • follow the path of least resistance

  • organize and plan events

Record the score for each communication style:

B _______ A _______ K _______ D _______

Before you calculate these scores according to the online test key, share the NLP test with your friends so that they can determine your leading communication style:

Key to NLP test:

1 = K A V D 6 = K V A D

2 = A B D K 7 = A B D K

3 = V K D A 8 = V A K D

4 = A D K B 9 = D A K V

5 = A D K B 10 = D A K V

What do the scores in the online NLP test mean?

Calculate and record the scores for each of the 4 communication styles.

Highest value indicates the leading communication style and way of interpreting incoming information.

Lowest value indicates the weakest or least preferred communication style.

Equal number of points The test indicates that you prefer several communication styles in relationships with other people.

Even a difference of one point is enough to reveal your leading NLP communication style.

“...The gypsy woman took 50 thousand rubles from the healthy man’s wallet, which he was holding in his hands...”(From a crime chronicle).

I think things happened a little differently in this case. Most likely, the man himself gave the gypsy money. She convinced him of the need to do this - and the reason was probably the best - for good luck in the affairs of the victim himself.

This is a clear example of the effectiveness of Erikon’s hypnosis without putting the object into a trance. However, the gypsy probably doesn’t even suspect what a tricky term the technique she used is called. However, we all use this technique, to one degree or another naturally. Ask what time? The answer is quite simple - all the time!

You need to convince your manager to give you an unscheduled vacation. You prepare for such a conversation for a long time, wait for the right moment, during the conversation look into the eyes of your boss, and the expression in your gaze radiates with truthfulness... stop! Truthfulness (not truth, but truthfulness) is the cornerstone of mastering the art of persuasion. If a person trusts you, his subconscious becomes open to introducing new information into him, otherwise the subconscious (this manager of life priorities) reliably blocks consciousness from any access from the outside - in this case, the person will remain deaf to your words - even if his decision will your life depends.

However, there is one significant "but". Hypnotists, speaking in public or working privately (and if you look at it, all of them) never tell lies - lies are poison for the great gift of persuasion bestowed on these people. Only truth and a firm voice that does not allow for argumentation are the only way to master the skill of unconditional persuasion and submission. That is why there are so few people who have the gift of hypnosis.

But what about the gypsy you ask? There is certainly no more truth in her words addressed to the next victim than in the years of life counted by the cuckoo at your request. It's like that. However, there are quite a few ways to penetrate the subconscious. Gypsies know how to charm their clients - in several voices (properly staged and practiced daily) causing the consciousness to become “confused” and, as a result, to switch off due to some kind of overload. Roughly the same thing happens during a painful shock, when a person, having hit his finger “as hard as he can” with a hammer, simply cannot remember how he ended up on his bed at home.

But in general, consciousness is a very fragile thing; it is possible to make it “leave the stage” in dozens of ways. That’s why it’s necessary to train a lot, to notice the peculiarities of the behavior of your environment, those people from whom you can get something - and not necessarily in in a bad way. Remember that there is also a conscience above the subconscious, which simply cannot be circumvented by any suggestions; a hypnotist will never force a person to commit murder if the person himself is against violence, for conscience is nothing more than God in the soul of a person, and God is impossible force him to do something that is disgusting to him.

Alena Tishchenko

I thank the Kiev Center for NLP and Tatyana Larina’s training for the comfortable and inviting atmosphere of the training. I admire the successful combination theoretical material with practical training. Thanks to this program, I have a holistic, understandable picture of how to work with conflict, but most importantly, identify the causes of its occurrence in a timely manner. I have added effective techniques to my professional repertoire. I believe that this program is useful for every person, especially for young people. The knowledge and experience gained during the training process help build harmonious relationships, build trust in the World, and also contribute to personal and career growth. Thank you, from UV. Alena Tishchenko, coach, set of Basic course of Positive Psychotherapy, author of the project “Strings of the Female Soul”.

Kolomiytseva Zhanneta

Tatyana is, first of all, a charming woman, amazing, graceful, elegant, smart, wise, with stunning deep eyes, an interesting, versatile, bright, talented person. Communication with her is a great pleasure, it is easy and comfortable to be with her. There is a fire burning in her soul that can ignite a flame in your heart. And on top of all this, he is a professional in his field, a teacher with a capital T. I was very lucky to have been trained by such an extraordinary Person.

Just a few months ago, I didn’t even think that my life could change dramatically and that it existed outside of my perception. And it was at that moment when I was almost “at the bottom” that fate gave me a meeting with Tatyana Larina. This amazing person, with a huge kind heart and a bright soul. A very high level specialist. Energetic, unusual, unique, with an excellent sense of humor and simply a beautiful woman! Communicating with you, Tatyana, you are charged with powerful energy, you glow from within, and this motivates you to move forward, overcoming all obstacles along the way. You give people happiness by changing their perceptions and guiding them to achieve their goals. You want to live, create, act, develop and achieve next to such people! Tatyana, I am coming for you and with you! Thank you for your support, professionalism and dedication! Thank you for the knowledge that I received from you and continue to receive! I would like to appeal to everyone who reads this review: Guys, don’t sit still, develop yourself, your abilities, change your negative and limiting beliefs, LIVE, glow from within and give people a piece of yourself. This is worth LIVING for!

Cherpanskaya Snezhana

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Tatyana Larina for her professionalism, dedication, sincere attitude towards people, openness, ability to listen, willingness to answer questions and simply inexhaustible patience. Tatyana incredibly charges with her energy, a person of enormous talent and depth, when you look at such people, it really motivates you, you want to move on, develop, achieve. In general, I recommend it to everyone, the work is at the highest level, a huge amount of practice, knowledge is useful to everyone, and is also applicable in all areas of life. Thank you so much for your time, attention, knowledge and most importantly for my desire to move on.

Victoria Olifirenko

Learning from Tatyana Larina is like a gift from fate. I recommend it to all my friends who want to change and become more successful. The most amazing thing is that this happens as if “by itself”. Thank you, Tatyana, for what you give to people.

When faced with obstacles, you challenge fate or try to sit out in the hope that the storm will pass by. This test will help determine whether life's troubles are capable of unsettling you.

What makes you go on a long journey? Those who “visited” India as a child, reading Kipling, or “committed” together with the heroes of Jules Verne trip around the world, cannot sit in one place all the time. And, having matured, they strive to come into contact with dangers, to experience the unknown, what they have imagined many times in their imagination.

People openly or subconsciously yearn for tenderness, feel the need for it, and it seems to them that they themselves are able to bestow it. With tenderness, however, the situation is the same as with intelligence - it is difficult to estimate for yourself how much of it you have. Our test will make this task easier.

Are you a good husband for your wife? Determine this with a test!

What role does money play in your life? Are you used to strictly evaluating everything: the cost of clothes and perfumes of your colleagues and the monthly income of your chosen one? Or are you not inclined to prioritize purely material problems?

According to the popular stereotype, a woman is an airy, soft, impressionable, sensitive creature. The man is strong, decisive, smart. Meanwhile, life is different, and every day it is more and more difficult to meet the so-called “real man” or “one hundred percent woman.”

You met a man. How do you behave with him? Will you carefully build your relationships or will you not give them the opportunity to develop? The time has come to understand yourself and, perhaps, change something.

Find out with a test!

Are you able to put everything on the line and take risks, or do you prefer to calculate the consequences of your actions and act slowly and carefully?

Take the test and find out!

Some people can’t do without noisy company, while others run away from people out of town, into nature, or lock themselves in their apartment, turning off their phone.

Determine this with a test!

This test was compiled several years ago by a group of American psychologists and sociologists. His questions are very simple, and the results you get are reliable. These results form a whole scale: from painful pessimism to boundless optimism.

It is always useful for spouses to know more about the friends of their chosen one or chosen one and what they mean in his (or her) life, and therefore in the life of the family. We wish the spouses the best - to have a common circle of friends.

With this test you can find out if you are a jealous person!

For each of us, love is a vital matter, no less than food and drink. In the field of cooking, almost every one of us considers himself an expert. But what does our knowledge about sex look like? A test developed by psychologists and specialists in the field of sexology can answer this question.

Find out if everything is okay with your mental health?

Sometimes cruelty and envy can hurt us very painfully, and we begin to defend ourselves against these manifestations of human callousness and ingratitude. But our suspicion and skepticism can alienate even those closest to us.

Some people love to sing. Others can listen to music all day long. Such people usually have a keen sense of everything that happens around them. Simply put, they love beauty. For them, art is the decoration of life. And there are people for whom the field of art is something completely unnecessary and useless.

The test we offer you will help you find out even better.

It is not always easy to figure out what is the cause of family conflicts. Try to start with yourself and understand your character. Maybe the reason for the misunderstanding is you. The proposed test will give you the opportunity to find out if you are jealous.

For each of the several questions we present to you, there are three possible answers. Choose one of them.

This test, which allows you to evaluate personal anxiety, is part of the MMPI (Minnesota and Multidimensional Personality Inventory) test and is a self-contained anxiety scale. The proposed test is adapted by T.A. Nemchin.

Are you a good wife for your husband? Determine this with a test!

Answer yes or no to the following questions.

Do you think that the film “Unlucky” is about you, or that there is no other woman in the whole world so smart and attractive? This test will help you find out if you have problems with self-esteem.

How highly do you value yourself? Take this test to find out!

Whether you are compatible or not - this test will help you find out!

There are very prudent people, they love comfort, they think more than once before doing something. Others rush through life headlong: they don’t care! They can risk everything, even if the success of the venture is not guaranteed. Which category do you belong to?

Your marriage is an equal union of two loving hearts. You are connected by both friendship and common goals. You give a lot to your partner and usually get what you expect.

We rarely manage to look at ourselves “from the outside,” but everyone has a favorite manner of communication - what is usually called style. This test will help determine your communication style.

Did you make a mistake in making your choice? Find out by taking the test!

Most of us are able to assess the degree of our activity and express it in accordance with our own assessment. At the same time, there are many people who are endowed with great activity by nature, but do not realize it and do not know about its existence!

This test allows you to assess your desire to gain approval from others for your words and actions. High approval motivation indicates a high need for communication and vice versa.

Imagine that fate has given you a choice. How will you make a decision: by weighing the pros and cons or by listening to the voice of your own intuition?

Do you prefer to look after your home or work your way up the career ladder? Find out by taking this test.

Another good reason to smile... and even if you have traveled the length and breadth of the Internet - be sure to take a test, this test is especially for you!

Check if you can keep up with the times. Ideas about life change, but some eternal values ​​still remain. You don’t know how to build relationships with colleagues and loved ones, which means this test is for you.

Are you a reliable person? Or is it not always possible to rely on you, are you somewhat, as they say, selfish?

There are people for whom hopeless situations do not exist. The cunning man knows a thousand ways to achieve his goal. And you? To answer this question, you only need to answer the questions in our test.

Alena Tishchenko

I thank the Kiev Center for NLP and Tatyana Larina’s training for the comfortable and inviting atmosphere of the training. I admire the successful combination of theoretical material with practical training. Thanks to this program, I have a complete, clear picture of how to work with conflict, but most importantly, identify the causes of its occurrence in a timely manner. I have added effective techniques to my professional repertoire. I believe that this program is useful for every person, especially for young people. The knowledge and experience gained during the training process help build harmonious relationships, build trust in the World, and also contribute to personal and career growth. Thank you, from UV. Alena Tishchenko, coach, Basic Course of Positive Psychotherapy, author of the “Strings of the Female Soul” project.

Kolomiytseva Zhanneta

Tatyana is, first of all, a charming woman, amazing, graceful, elegant, smart, wise, with stunning deep eyes, an interesting, versatile, bright, talented person. Communication with her is a great pleasure, it is easy and comfortable to be with her. There is a fire burning in her soul that can ignite a flame in your heart. And on top of all this, he is a professional in his field, a teacher with a capital T. I was very lucky to have been trained by such an extraordinary Person.

Just a few months ago, I didn’t even think that my life could change dramatically and that it existed outside of my perception. And it was at that moment when I was almost “at the bottom” that fate gave me a meeting with Tatyana Larina. This is an amazing person, with a huge kind heart and a bright soul. A very high level specialist. Energetic, unusual, unique, with an excellent sense of humor and simply a beautiful woman! Communicating with you, Tatyana, you are charged with powerful energy, you glow from within, and this motivates you to move forward, overcoming all obstacles along the way. You give people happiness by changing their perceptions and guiding them to achieve their goals. You want to live, create, act, develop and achieve next to such people! Tatyana, I am coming for you and with you! Thank you for your support, professionalism and dedication! Thank you for the knowledge that I received from you and continue to receive! I would like to appeal to everyone who reads this review: Guys, don’t sit still, develop yourself, your abilities, change your negative and limiting beliefs, LIVE, glow from within and give people a piece of yourself. This is worth LIVING for!

Cherpanskaya Snezhana

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Tatyana Larina for her professionalism, dedication, sincere attitude towards people, openness, ability to listen, willingness to answer questions and simply inexhaustible patience. Tatyana incredibly charges with her energy, a person of enormous talent and depth, when you look at such people, it really motivates you, you want to move on, develop, achieve. In general, I recommend it to everyone, the work is at the highest level, a huge amount of practice, knowledge is useful to everyone, and is also applicable in all areas of life. Thank you so much for your time, attention, knowledge and most importantly for my desire to move on.

Victoria Olifirenko

Learning from Tatyana Larina is like a gift from fate. I recommend it to all my friends who want to change and become more successful. The most amazing thing is that this happens as if “by itself”. Thank you, Tatyana, for what you give to people.