Remember this. What does it mean: “remember a foreign word”? Examples of using the word remember in literature


I'll remember, remember, owls. and nesov., someone-what.

    nesov. (Soviet no), only with negative; past not used Remember (colloquial). Old-timers will not remember such a rainy summer.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


what to whom. The same as remember (in 1 value).

offense. Be careful, he will remember this for you. * Old-timers won’t remember (colloquial) - about sth. rare, unusual, something that has never happened. Old-timers will not remember such frosts.

nesov. remember, -ay, -ay. Storage device (device that records, stores and issues information; special).

noun memorization, -I, cf. .

New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Examples of the use of the word remember in literature.

One can guess why the Kiev legend remembered some Dulebs from the time of the Avar invasion.

For life Aglaya I remembered that dark, frosty and foggy morning, a granite pedestal and a figure wrapped in white linen and entangled with twine.

Runelop listened to the Agouti hare and tried remember his words, so that he could then say them to Korzeli.

Remember: The dragon is a species of human adapted to harsh environmental conditions.

And the Adept also hoped that the observant Lady I remembered at least some dance steps like he did.

Remember“Boy,” Adidas said condescendingly, scratching the back of his neck, “the rules of the competition only prohibit doping.

Even if he clears his memory and the original memory, the administrator will remain, remembered my face, and also the fact that I am wanted.

You have the same address in Dunino remember, one of my little girls lives there, she’ll let me spend the night, you’ll say, I sent it.

Mix on sawdust to cover with glue, And add locusts according to the norm But Remember one thing: control your agility - Maintain a symmetrical shape.

Agrippinilla was terribly offended by Baba's marriage to an albino, rightly taking all the ridicule personally, but I firmly said, surprising her a lot: - As long as I live, Baba will live - Remember This.

IN theoretical mechanics he was not strong and therefore, of all the proposed explanations remembered only one, the craziest one, related to the anisotropy of space.

He drew up a program of pastimes before the trip, for a whole week, remembering advertisements up and down in all newspapers.

Your whole life, past like a dream: two voices sounding in unison, trees fluttering noise, your mind filled with beautiful suffering, like pomegranate seeds, later a beautiful Argonaut, later you reign in the minds, Remember that you reign in the dark, but are always in sight, Remember that your wife is in hell.

The Argonauts listened attentively to the prophetic elder, trying remember everything he told them.

He remembered the nervous click of her heels as they walked together through Arethusa's hall yesterday to feast on caviar.

Sergey Stepanov
Source: Elite Staff

The famous American psychologist William James noted that one of the most valuable abilities of our mind is the ability to forget unnecessary things. It is known that among literary heroes the incredible

The famous American psychologist William James noted that one of the most valuable abilities of our mind is the ability to forget unnecessary things.

It is known that among literary heroes Sherlock Holmes was distinguished by his incredible memory capabilities. But this concerned only the smallest details of his craft. At the same time, Holmes demonstrated amazing ignorance, for example, in matters of natural science. As it turned out one day, he was unaware of the fact that the Earth is round. The amazed Watson exclaimed: “But now that I have told you about this, I hope you will remember this fact?” “On the contrary,” Holmes replied. “I’ll try to forget it as soon as possible, so as not to clutter my head with unnecessary information.” After all, this has nothing to do with my area of ​​interest.”

There is probably no need to complain that we cannot easily remember the names of all the people we have met in our lives, and the contents of all the books we have read. Through targeted memory training, one could develop this ability in oneself. But for what?

Trying to become like those with exceptional abilities, don’t we risk going to extremes - forgetting how to distinguish between the valuable and the useless? After all, what we find truly important, we remember quite well.

It has been noticed that a person remembers at most a third of what he hears, about half of what he sees, and one hundred percent of what he does. For example, when studying how a computer works, you can read the instructions several times, but find it difficult to reproduce them. But having completed the sequence of procedures “with your own hands” at least once, it is almost impossible to forget it. Therefore, when you need to store some information in memory, it is advisable to include it in the structure of your activity and use some methods of operating with it.

I think you shouldn’t believe clever manipulators who promise to “plant” the Big One in your head with the help of “psychological” methods in two weeks. English-Russian dictionary. To truly speak English, you need to speak. It takes years of practice for isolated words to be stored in memory in the form of an easily reproducible language system. And if someone is really bad at it, then most likely they won’t That's why that the memory is bad. It’s just that her system of “filters” and “sorting”, due to certain individual reasons, was not configured to save this particular information. And this is no longer a problem of memory, but a problem of personality.

Sergey STEPANOV, psychologist

Test "Do you have a good memory?" To get the answer to this question, use the following test. You must read 25 words within 1 minute, then close the text and within 5 minutes write down in any order all the words that you managed to remember.

Hay, sidewalk, key, century, plane, film, train, aroma, picture, Carpathians, month, Himalayan, singer, stillness, radio, calendar, grass, man, pass, woman, car, abstraction, heart, helicopter, bouquet.

After completing the task, count the number of words written (check for errors) and give each word one point. Now, based on the total points, determine which category you can place yourself in.

6 points or less. Your memory (primarily visual) is not in the best condition. But this is not at all hopeless - engage in regular memory training exercises. Mental arithmetic and memorization of texts help. Take vitamins. If necessary, consult a psychologist about individual memory training methods.

7-12 points. Your memory is not that bad, but you apparently don’t know how to concentrate, and this always interferes with memorization.

13-17 points. Your results are quite decent, and you can count on your memory not to let you down in most cases.

18-21 points. An excellent result that proves that you have an extraordinary memory. You can force yourself to concentrate Therefore, you have sufficient will. Don't worry about your memory.

Over 22 points. You have an excellent (if not phenomenal) memory!

What does it mean: “remember a foreign word”?

What does it mean: “remember a foreign word”?

To remember a foreign word means to know its meaning (i.e. have an image), pronunciation and graphic representation.

As a rule, difficulties arise in remembering the connection between the pronunciation of a word and its meaning. This stage is the most difficult, because does not rely on logical memory.

There is no comparison here! After all, logically we can compare the spelling of a word and its sound (stage 2), logically we can remember the spelling of words (by comparing words with each other), logically we can compare the pronunciation of a Russian word and the pronunciation of a foreign word, we can, in the end, group words according to various criteria .

But!!! We cannot compare the image of a word with its sound. It refers to different systems! This means that a different way of thinking is needed; logic is powerless here. Which? figurative,.

associative thinking

The question of why children remember both their native and foreign languages ​​well has not yet been unanimously resolved. The only thing that psychologists have in common is the recognition of the illogical thinking of children. Only at the age of 3 can we say that “the sun is hiding behind a cloud because he is very tired.” At school we would probably get two points for such a statement. At the institute, we, using a set of similar phrases in relation to social and

political life

of our society, we will pass for backward, and in an enterprise or institution we will pass for unreliable. We begin to think in cliches, hackneyed phrases and stereotypes.

These two connections do not compete, since they have the same age, and, therefore, strength: they do not erase each other. However, there is no rational explanation for these connections.

The child does not strive to form a logical chain between old and new, he simply puts them side by side.

1) Now let's go back to our childhood and try to remember a list of foreign words. We usually do this in two ways:

With the first method, we begin to consciously or unconsciously explain to ourselves that “abdrapapupa is what one draws on paper,” trying in this way to form a rational connection “abdrapapupa - paper.” But how do such attempts end in most cases?

2) If we do not have a unique natural memory, then the most common forgetting occurs. At the same time, we work with the efficiency of the locomotive - 20%. The fact is that the new connection “abdrapapupa - paper”, which we are trying to form, is easily replaced by the old, and therefore stronger connection in the native language “pencil - paper”. This is the service our “adult, serious” logical thinking provides us. If we try to mechanically memorize (cram) a translation, i.e. by forcibly forcing your memory to form the connection “abdrapapupa - pencil” (we learn from a list like in school), then due to the limited volume of our short term memory

, which can store from 5 to 9 units of information (according to other sources from 2 to 26 units), we will fail again. What happens then? And a rapid saturation of the CP occurs, which leads to the cessation of the memorization process, fatigue and aversion to

foreign language

. In addition, old connections continue to have a repressive effect.

Thus, classical methods of memorization are more likely to lead to a negative attitude towards languages ​​than to mastering them.

Now, after a detailed description of the two dead-end situations, our task becomes infinitely simpler. We just have to find a method in the tangled labyrinth of all kinds of memorization methods that would be distinguished by the absence of the usual logic.

Others simply cram, pronouncing a foreign word and its Russian translation many times until their head hurts. Still others write long lists and memorize everything in lists. With such memorization, we visually remember where the foreign word is written, and even how it is written, but we cannot remember the translation...

REMEMBER, -nu, -nish; owls 1. someone or something. Save in memory. 3. poems. 3. your travel companion. 2. what to whom. The same as remember (in 1 value). 3. resentment. Be careful, he will remember this for you. * Old-timers won’t remember (colloquial) - about sth. rare, unusual, something that has never happened. Old-timers will not remember such frosts. II Nesov. remember, -ay, -ay. Storage device (device that records, stores and issues information; special). II noun memorization, -I, cf. .

REMEMBER - books

...pissy. Millions of people around the world complain that they cannot remember the people they meet. Forgot your friend's name? Not scary! Book “Super Memory: best ways remember" will help you more nickname...

...learning is as important as memorizing numbers and learning simple arithmetic operations. Well-known methodologists, practical teachers O.V. Uzorova and E.A. Nefedova developed a manual with exercises and tasks…

With the help of this book, you will be able to memorize any number more easily and reliably, using a number you already know. If a number is not in the book, break the memorized number into separate numbers.

“I remember one conversation. There’s nothing special about it – I’ve heard hundreds of such conversations. But then it suddenly occurred to me that a stranger would never have guessed what the matter was...”

REMEMBER - words with similar meanings

  • REMEMBER, -you remember, -you remember; owls Be saved in memory. I remember this face well. II Nesov. to be remembered, I think, I think.
  • FOREVER, adv. For all time, for life. Broke up n. N. remember.
  • MEMORABLE, -th, -oe; -ten, -tna (book). Wonderful, worthy of memory; well remembered. D. case. II noun memorability, -and,...
  • Ever-memorable, -th, -oe; -ten, -tka (obsolete and ironic). Unforgettable, something. long remembered. Ever-memorable times. ...
  • SCRATCH, -y, w. 1. A stripe scratched by something. spicy. C. on glass. Ts. in the soul, in the heart (translated: a long-remembered insult). ...
  • LEARN, -learn, -teach; -scientist; owls 1. what. Learn it thoroughly, remember it. 3. rule. 3. by heart. A learned gesture (many times...
  • LEARN, -oh, -oh; -military; soybean, what. 1. Make it characteristic, familiar to yourself. U. new custom. Get into the habit. 2....
  • NOTICE, -I think, -you mean; -scarred; owls 1. someone-what and with the conjunction “what”. See, discover. 3. sail on the horizon. 3. what...

REMEMBER, I will remember, you will remember, absolutely. and imperfect., whom that. 1. sovereign (to remember). Hold, store in memory. Memorize poetry. Remember the expression on your neighbor's face. I remembered you right away. 2. imperfect. (absolutely no), only with negative; ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Take it on a pencil, remember, note, assimilate, memorize, record, record, take note, notch it on your forehead, notch it on your forehead, tie a knot for memory, notch it on your nose, record it in memory, wind it on your mustache, copy it,... ... Synonym dictionary

remember- number beginning, knowledge remember the words beginning, knowledge ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

REMEMBER, nu, niche; Sovereign 1. whom (what). Save in memory. Z. poems. Z. your travel companion. 2. what to whom. The same as remember (in 1 value). Z. offense. Be careful, he will remember this for you. Old-timers won’t remember (colloquial) what n is about. rare, unusual,... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

remember- remember well... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

Sov. trans. see remember Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

Remember, remember, remember, remember, remember, remember, remember, remembered, remembered, remembered, remembered, remembered, remember, remember, remembered, remembered, remembered, remembered, remembered, remembered, remembered,... ... Forms of words

Forget … Dictionary of antonyms

remember- remember, nu, nit... Russian spelling dictionary

remember- (II), zapo/mnyu (sya), nish (sya), nyat (sya) ... orthographic dictionary Russian language


  • , Brown Peter. “Repetition is the mother of learning!” We all know this simple truth from childhood. The more you cram and repeat more often, the better you remember. But will we be able to remember this knowledge after some...
  • Remember everything. Mastering knowledge without boredom and cramming, Peter Brown, Henry Roediger, Mark McDaniel. Quote "The book is about effective methods learning and mastering skills, and this is a process in which the ability to delve into the essence is much more important than rote memory. That's why the book will...