Significant British inventions. Educational and research work “British inventions that changed the world” (in the discipline “English language”). The most famous British inventions

Topic: Greatest inventions to change the world

Topic: Great Inventions That Changed the World

There could not be any development without inventions. Modern world can be called the world of technology, but the way to this title was rather long. Nowadays there are numerous laboratories discovering something new on a daily basis, but there are some inventions that date back centuries, but are still the core of the modern science. Almost all of contemporary discoveries have been based on previous inventions, so we should give credit to those talented inventors, who laid the foundation for our comfort. Let us remember the most crucial inventions and the ir creators, who paved the way to our easy-going life.

There is no development without inventions. The modern world can be called the world of technology, but the path to this title was quite long. Nowadays there are many laboratories that make discoveries daily, but there are some inventions that date back centuries but are still the core modern science. Almost all modern discoveries were based on previous inventions, so we should honor those talented inventors who laid the foundation for our comfort. Let's remember the most important inventions and their creators that paved the way for our carefree life.

Wheel is one of the most ancient people's inventions. It is the thing that lets us move nowadays, but became a revolt in manufacturing hundreds of years ago. It is supposed that a wheel was discovered 3,000 years ago by potters and helped to carry different goods. It was a real boost when the wheel was enhanced to the extent that it became a part of the vehicle. The invention of the wheel is a concept that lay grounds for many other inventions we can not live without.

The wheel is one of the oldest inventions of people. This is the thing that allows us to move in our time, but became a stimulus in production hundreds of years ago. It is assumed that the wheel was invented 3000 years ago by potters and helped transport various goods. It was a real boost when wheels were improved to the point where they became part of the vehicle. The invention of the wheel is a concept that lay the foundation for many other inventions that we can no longer live without.

Steam engine invention can be called a key to our modern transportation and industries. Though we use more developed engines nowadays, all of them work in the same way – burning fuel is converted into kinetic energy. James Watt is considered to be a leading inventor of steam engine, but there are numerous successors who were improving it decade after decade. This invention had a dramatic impact on the world industry allowing factories to be free from water power, developing coal industry, increasing the speed of trains and becoming a core of modern transportation system.

The invention of the steam engine can be called the key to our modern transport and industry. Although we use more advanced engines nowadays, they all work the same way - burning fuel is converted into kinetic energy. James Watt is considered the leading inventor of the steam engine, but there are many of his successors who improved his invention decade after decade. This invention had dramatic consequences for global industry by allowing factories to no longer depend on water power, developing the coal industry, increasing the speed of trains and becoming the core of the modern transportation system.

Electric light is another crucial invention that influenced the development of the mankind. Thomas Edison managed to invent a light bulb lasting for 1,500 hours, while William David Coolidge is credited as the inventor of incandescent bulb familiar to us.

Electric lighting is another important invention that influenced the development of mankind. Thomas Edison managed to invent a light bulb that lasted 1,500 hours, while William David Coolidge is considered the inventor of the familiar incandescent light bulb.

Telephone is one more revolutionary idea for people’s communication. Though the idea of ​​it is rather simple, it took many years to realize it in real life. Michael Faraday, Johann Reis, Alexander Graham Bell have worked on the telephone equipment and the last inventor managed to reach his target and even founded the first telephone company. This company is also regarded to have developed the first mobile phones for police and later set the pace for cells development.

The telephone is another revolutionary idea for human communication. Although the idea is quite simple, it took many years to bring it to fruition. real life. Michael Faraday, Johann Reis, Alexander Graham Bell worked on telephone equipment and the last inventor managed to achieve his goal and even found the first telephone company. This company is also credited with developing the first police cell phones and later helping to develop cell phones.

The television set has greatly changed the world with its appearance. Though all people think that black and white TV is considered to be the first public television, color moving images did not follow behind and appeared before full functionality of black-and-white TV sets. Their appearance changed the way of life of many people, who changed their habits forever in favor of interesting and exciting TV programs.

Television has changed the world a lot with its advent. Although everyone thinks that the black and white television is considered the first public television, color moving pictures were not far behind and predate the fully functional black and white television. Their appearance changed the lifestyle of many people who changed their habits forever in favor of interesting and exciting television programs.

It is impossible not to as one of really impressive inventions. Though its appearance is connected with many names, the concept originates from the 1800s. The greatness of this invention implies the ability to prolong life of many products in cold environment and it has for on a new higher level.

It is impossible not to remember the refrigerator as one of the truly impressive inventions. Although it has many names associated with it, the concept of the refrigerator dates back to the 1800s. The greatness of this invention implies the ability to extend the life of many products in cold environments, and this gave impetus to the development Food Industry at a new, higher level.

It goes without saying that modern people can’t imagine their life and the Internet. Being a commonplace in most of contemporary homes today, it is quite difficult to imagine that the first computer appeared only about 50 years ago and now it has changed completely. Based on two important innovations such as the integrated circuit and the microprocessor the computer began performing logical calculations and surprised people with its intelligence. The first desktop computer for everyday use was manufactured in 1974 and its popularity was enormous. Apple computers by Stephen Wozniack and Steven Jobs got the first world’s computer system. The next step in computer development was IBM PC with a more powerful and faster processor. Gradually, the competition between companies resulted in a constant development of the machine for this revolutionary invention not to lose its popularity.

It goes without saying that modern man cannot imagine his life without a computer and the Internet. Being a common sight in most modern homes today, it is quite difficult to imagine that the first computer appeared only about 50 years ago and has now completely changed. Based on two important innovations such as the integrated circuit and the microprocessor, the computer began performing logical calculations and surprised people with its intelligence. The first desktop computer for everyday use was manufactured in 1974, and its popularity was enormous. Apple computers, created by Steven Jobs and Stephen Wozniak, became the world's first computer system. The next step in development computer technology there was an IBM personal computer with a more powerful and faster processor. Gradually, competition between companies led to the constant development of the machine, and now this revolutionary invention does not lose its popularity.

No doubt that the Internet is one of the most recent and essential inventions of the mankind. This network aims at connecting of thousands of other smaller networks that create a global network. in 1973 it was initially used for connecting of University networks and spread to Europe only in 1989. What is the Internet exactly? between various networks established across optical fibers, telephone lines and radio links. Each particular machine has a unique address. The necessary data travels from one gateway to another till its destination machine. The Internet is an indispensable helper with the wealth of diverse information available at the click of a mouse and provided thousands of different opportunities to all people.

There is no doubt that the Internet is one of the latest and most important inventions of mankind. This network aims to connect thousands of other smaller networks that create a global network. It was invented by the Americans in 1973 and was originally intended to connect a university network, and the Internet spread to Europe only in 1989. What is the Internet? This is the interconnection of various networks through optical fibers, telephone lines and radio communications. Each specific machine has a unique address. The necessary data is transferred from one gateway to another to the destination. The Internet is an indispensable assistant not only with a wealth of varied information available at the click of a mouse and a thousand different opportunities for all people.

These are only some of the world's greatest inventions worth mentioning. They have determined the way of human development and set the grounds for further innovations.

These are just a few of the world's greatest inventions that are worth mentioning. They defined the path of human development, and laid the foundation for further innovation.

Scientific and practical conference of students

“The future is Yakutia”


Amelina Anastasia Stanislavovna

9th grade student of MBOU "Gymnasium of Nizhny Kuranakh"


Olizarenko Yulia Valerievna

English teacher

Nizhny Kuranakh village


1. Introduction

2. British inventions that changed the world

2.1. Survey results

2.2. Classification of inventions

2.3. The most famous inventions British

3. Conclusion

4. References

5. Applications

"The most famous British inventions"

Amelina A.S.,

Latest Research

British scientists have shown

that any average person can


1. Introduction

British scientists have long been the subject of jokes that portray them as "experts in everything." Such worldwide recognition is far from accidental, because people don’t become heroes of jokes just like that – they have to earn it. Indeed, inventors from Great Britain created a great variety of different devices for humanity and quite a lot of discoveries, many of which changed our world. In recent centuries, means of communication have appeared that have made it possible to communicate over great distances. Today we cannot imagine a day without electrical appliances or the Internet, without modern transport (trains or planes). Thanks to some discoveries, such as penicillin or an asthma inhaler, the lives of many people were saved, we learned about the basic structure of life - about DNA. So what is the role of British scientists in the scientific development of mankind?

The topic “Science and Inventions” is an integral part of the English language course in high school. While studying it, I wanted to know - which of the objects around us were invented by the British? What discoveries did they make? Why does British science follow the lead of scientific and technological progress? And what do my peers know about this?

Hypothesis: British scientists have made about 80% of the most significant discoveries of recent centuries.

The purpose of my work: Studying the history of inventions and discoveries created or invented by the British.


1. Conduct a survey among young people.

2. Study the history of British inventions and discoveries.

3. Find out which inventions are most often used in the modern world.

Object of study: items Everyday life and scientific discoveries.

Subject of study: scientific discoveries and inventions of the British.

Methods used in writing this work:

1. Search for information on this topic.

2. Material synthesis.

3. Analysis and systematization of information.

4. Generalization.

Significance: the results of the work can be used by teachers and students in the learning process, both in lessons or in preparation for the Unified State Exam or Unified State Exam, and in the process of conducting integrated classes or specialized courses (for example, “Scientific English language»).

"The most famous British inventions"

Amelina A.S.,

MBOU "Gymnasium of Nizhny Kuranakh"

2. British inventions that changed the world.

2.1. Survey results

Among my acquaintances and friends, I conducted an online survey based on the Google Forms platform. 14 respondents were interviewed.

Among them, 64.3% are aged 15-20 years (9 people), 28.6% are aged 10-15 years (4 people), 7.1% are aged 25 and older (1 person). Half of them know British scientists, half do not. Among the most famous scientists they name Newton (4 people), Addison (1 person, although Addison is an American scientist), Bell (1 person), Darwin (2 people), Hawking (2 people), 7 people find it difficult to answer. Among the British inventions they name: telephone (2 people), railway, ice cream, theory of sexual intercourse, description of black holes, raincoat, submarines, cars (1 person each), 7 people found it difficult to answer. Among the most significant discoveries of British scientists are the discovery of DNA, the description of Newton's laws, Australia, the theory of sexual intercourse, the death star and America (one person each), 7 people found it difficult to answer. As we see, young people’s knowledge about scientific discoveries insufficient, less than 50%.

But many important inventions and discoveries were made in Great Britain, for example: the steam locomotive, the electromagnet, stereo sound, the internal combustion engine, photography, antibiotics, in vitro fertilization, HTML and many others that were not so grandiose, but significantly changed our daily lives (for example, a waterproof raincoat -raincoat, tape, vacuum cleaner, lollipop, sandwich, etc., not to mention football, tennis, golf and other sports games). Now let's look at the most famous ones in more detail.

Telephone (Telephone). Alexander Bell patented it in 1876 as a device capable of transmitting sound over long distances. Since 1873, Bell had been trying to create a telegraph capable of transmitting 7 telegrams simultaneously, for which he used 14 plates. Each pair was tuned to certain frequency. During one of the experiments, the plate wire was welded to one contact. Having failed to eliminate the minor incident, Bell's assistant began to make a speech full of indignation. Alexander Bell was working on the receiver at that time and heard disturbances coming from the transmitter.

A television (TV). John Logie Baird demonstrated a mechanical television in 1926. There were 30 vertical lines in the picture. To change the image, it was necessary to wrap a special disk. The speed was only 5 frames per second, but it was a real breakthrough.

Computer (Computer). Charles Babbage created the first "computing machine" in 1822. He did not want to create something like a modern computer, he only wanted to create a device that calculates math problems. Babbage's machine was the first programmable analytical automatic machine.

Antibiotics (Antibiotics). Alexander Fleming practiced in the laboratory of clinical microbiology in 1906. In 1922, he discovered a substance that destroys bacteria in human body- lysozyme. Later, in 1928, Fleming noticed that mold cultures destroy colonies of pathogenic microbes - streptococci and staphylococci. Thus, Fleming isolated a substance that saved a great many people.

"The most famous British inventions"

Amelina A.S.,

MBOU "Gymnasium of Nizhny Kuranakh"

2.2. Classification of inventions.

All British inventions can be divided into three types: objects of everyday life, discoveries in science and inventions in transport.

Household items(Household applications)

Electric vacuum cleaner (ElectriWithvacuum cleaner) was patented by British engineer Hubert Cecil Booth (1871−1955). Cardboard box (Cardboardbox) was invented in 1817 by Sir Malcolm Thornhill. Vacuum coffee maker (Vacuumcoffeemaker) was invented in 1840 by Scottish naval engineer Napier. Lawn mower (Lawnmower) was invented by Edwin Beard in 1830.


Lollipop (Lolipop) was invented by Robert Henry Winborne Welsh in 1919. Sandwich (Sandwich) invented by John Montag, Earl of Sandwich in 1747.

GamesForchildren(Toys for children)

Puzzles (Puzzles) were invented in 1761 by John Spilsbury. Kaleidoscope (Kaleidoscope) invented by David Brewster in 1816.

Cloth (Clothes)

Mackintosh raincoat- a coat made of rubberized fabric, a waterproof raincoat. It was invented by Charles Mackintosh after he invented waterproof fabric in 1823. Trench coat appeared in 1901 as a lighter alternative to the twill overcoats of British soldiers during the First World War. The raincoat model was created by the owner of the gabardine factory, Thomas Burberry, who was a supplier of outerwear for british army, and at first was intended only for infantry. Front-line soldiers nicknamed the raincoat the “trench coat.” Jacket Norfolk (Jacketnorthface) . The Norfolk jacket is usually a single-breasted, three or four button, belted jacket made from tweed. It began to be worn on the estate of the Duke of Norfolk, hence the name of this jacket.


Steam locomotive (Engine) was first designed by Richard Trevithick in 1804. Traffic light (Trafficlight) was invented by John Peake on December 10, 1868.

Discoveries in science

Lawsmovement(The laws of motion). They were described by Isaac Newton. Evolution theory (The theory of evolution) Charles Darwin is the basis of all modern biology. James Clerk Maxwell, who formulated the classical concept electromagnetic theory (electromagnetictheory). Stephen Hawking developed theory in cosmology (theoryincosmology), quantum gravity (quantumgravity) and studied black holess). Hydrogen (hydrogen) was discovered by Henry Cavendish. DNA structure (thestructureofDNA) was discovered by Francis Crick. E cloning experimentanexperimentincloning) was conducted by Keith Campbell.

2.3. The most famous British inventions

In order of “appearance”, British inventions can be presented in the following table

What has been invented

Who invented

Year, place of invention

Roger Bacon

1250, England

British hunters

1314, England

Scottish shepherds

1457, Scotland

Smallpox vaccine

William Caxton

1470, England


16th century, England

logarithmic ruler

John Napier

1614, Scotland

kickford cord

William Oughtred

1622, England


James Gregory

1663, Scotland

cell concept

James Gregory

1663, Scotland

pneumatic tire

Robert Hooke

1665, England

law universal gravity

Isaac Newton

1666, England

mirror telescope

Thomas Severn

1698, England

water chlorination

William Cumberland Kruikmank

18th century, England

thermal (steam) engine

Thomas Newcomen John Colley

1705, England

Edward Scarlet

1727, England


John Harrison

1760, England

John Spilsbury

1761, England

John Montague Sandwich

1762, England


Joseph Priestley

1767, England

traffic light

Richard Arkwright

1769, England

Victoria Falls

James Cook

1770, England

Joseph Priestley

1770, England

incandescent lamp

Robert Barron

1778, England

Steam engine

James Watt

1782, Scotland

Joseph Bramah

1784, England


1790, England

2-lens lens

John Herschel

19th century, England


English military

19th century, England


19th century, England


19th century, England


Henry Maudsley

1800, England

aerial bomb

Edward Jenner

1803, England

Richard Trevithick

1804, England

George Cayley Percy Sinclair

1804, England

Beaufort scale

Francis Beaufort

1806, England


Peter Durand

1810, England

George Stephenson

1814, England


David Brewster

1816, England


August Siebe

1819, England

Michael Faraday

1821, England


Charles Babbage

1822, England

color photography

Charles Mackintosh

1823, Scotland

William Webb Ellis

1823, England


Michael Forada

1824, England


John Walker

1827, England

turbojet engine

Charles Wheatstone

1827, England

door lock

William Bickford

1831, England

safety razor

Michael Faraday

1832, England

steam pump

Joseph Henry

1835, Scotland

Digital Watch

Alexander Bain

1840, Scotland


Robert Napier

1840, Scotland

negative-positive process

William Henry Fox Talbot

1841, England

John Stringfellow

1841, England

elastic bandage

Stephen Perry

1845, England

electromagnetic relay

William George Armstrong

1845, England

diving suit

Robert William Thomson

1846, Scotland

coffee maker

William Henson

1847, England


Joseph Wilson Swan

1850, England

George Cayley

1853, England

Hiram Maxim

1854, England

sulfur matches

Robert Yates

1855, England

South Pole

David Livingston

1855, Scotland

evolution theory

Charles Darwin

1859, England

Walton Clopton Wingfield

1860, Wales

screw cutting lathe

James Clerk Maxwell

1861, Scotland

Antarctic exploration

John Peak Knight

1868, England

Graham Bell

1876, Scotland

spinning machine

Hiram Maxim

1883, England

Marc Isambard Brunel

1896, London

idea of ​​contraception

Acres Birt

1896, England

asthma inhaler

Hiram Maxim

1901, England


Alexander Bell

1901, Scotland

Hubert Cecil Booth

1901, England

trench coat

Thomas Burberry

1901, England

study of Australia, New Zealand

Ernest Shackleton

1907, Ireland

printing house

Robert Falcon Scott

1912, England

electric motor

Mary Stopes

1915, England


Robert Henry Winborne Welsh

1919, England

mechanical television

John Byard

1924, Scotland


Alexander Fleming

1928, Scotland


Frank Whittle

1930, England

hydraulic crane

Neville Francis Fitzgerald Chamberlain

1938, England

home video camera

Wallace Barnes

1942, England

cloning (Dolly the sheep)

Rosalind Franklin

1953, England


Frank Pantridge

1965, Ireland

The World Wide Web

Tim Bernes-Lee

1991, England

pyramidal kite

Ian Wilmut

1996, Scotland

Thus, we counted about 87 significant discoveries and inventions made by the British in all spheres of human activity and, perhaps, this list is not final. Our hypothesis was confirmed.

The most famous British inventions"

Amelina A.S.,

MBOU "Gymnasium of Nizhny Kuranakh"

3. Conclusion

The inventions created by the British demonstrate a shining example of the endless creative potential that this nation possesses. Over the entire history of mankind, they have made a huge number of inventions, many of which are now perceived by us as something ordinary, but without which we cannot imagine our lives. Based on the results of my research, it is possible to compile a collection of thematic exercises and tasks for learning English.






"The most famous British inventions"

Amelina A.S.,

MBOU "Gymnasium of Nizhny Kuranakh"


Survey results

Your age

Do you know British scientists?

Name famous British scientists

What did the British invent?

What did the British discover?

25 and more

Newton, Edison, Bell

Phone, raincoat, tape



1.2 Newton's law

Stephen Hawking

Description of black holes


Charles Darwin

The theory of sexual analysis

The theory of sexual analysis


Ice cream

Death Star

Don't know

Don't know

Don't know

Isaac Newton


Law of Gravity

Don't know

Don't know

Don't know

Don't know

Don't know

Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton

Submarines, cars


Alimova Tatyana Romanovna

Project Manager:

Shchuchkina Elena Pavlovna


MBOU Average comprehensive school No. 12 p. Koksovy, Belaya Kalitva

This English language research project "The Most Famous British Inventions" demonstrates how the British influenced modern life, what contribution they made to the development of humanity.

IN research work By foreign language(English) "The Most Famous British Inventions" says that Britain had many influential scientists, mathematicians and inventors who had great ideas, theories and inventions that changed the world.

IN research project in a foreign language (English) about the most famous inventions of the British, the most significant and famous inventions are considered: the invention of the telephone, antibiotics, steam locomotive, television, etc.

1. British inventions that changed the world.
1.1. Telephone
1.2. Antibiotics
1.3. Law of Universal Gravitation.
1.4. Internet
1.5. Locomotive
1.6. A television.


Over the centuries and millennia, since Homo sapiens appeared, tools for hunting and labor were created, dwellings were built, and at the same time experience, knowledge and skills were accumulated, which were passed on from generation to generation.

Inventors around the world have created many useful devices that make life more comfortable and varied.

Progress does not stand still, and a few centuries ago there were not enough technical capabilities to implement all the ideas, but today it is much easier to bring ideas to life.

People have learned fly", ride, telecommunication systems appeared. From spaceships to eye glasses, from air conditioning to the Internet, the inventions of recent centuries have completely changed our lives and our world.

We cannot imagine our life without electricity and household electrical appliances, such as microwave ovens, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, irons and much more.

Our world is impossible without modern modes of transport: cars, trains, ships or planes. Many ingenious discoveries have saved more than one life.

While studying English, I wanted to know how the British influenced modern life, what contribution they made to the development of humanity.

British scientists have made significant contributions to the development of all areas of science. It is difficult to imagine that if only a few people had not presented their inventions to the world, today we could know nothing about the force of gravity, live without television and antibiotics. The portal "ZagraNitsa" remembered the most significant discoveries that we owe to the British


A television

In 1925, British engineer John Baird presented a mechanical television at the Royal Institution, which became the first functional model of its type. Later, mechanical television was replaced by developments in the field of electronic, but Baird's invention was the first step towards the creation of what we call television today.

Photo: 2

Newton's laws

One of the most significant scientists in the history of mankind, Briton Isaac Newton, proved the law of universal gravitation and the laws of mechanics in the mid-17th century. Of course, even before these discoveries, people wondered why objects fall to the ground, but it was Newton who was the first to prove his theories.

Photo: 3


In the mid-19th century, the English naturalist Charles Darwin presented his theory of evolution, which completely changed the world and mankind’s understanding of its own origins. Darwin's discovery dealt a powerful blow to religion, even though the scientist himself was not yet an atheist at the time of its publication.


The World Wide Web

In 1989, Briton Tim Burns-Lee came up with the idea of ​​a distribution system providing access to interconnected documents, known today as the World Wide Web. It was Burns-Lee who created such protocols as URL, HTTP, HTM, without which the Internet space cannot function today.

Photo: 5

Programmable computer

In the 1830s, British mathematician Charles Babbage designed the first analytical computer. The invention not only was his life’s work and brought posthumous fame, but also became the prototype of the modern computer. Unfortunately, Babbage was never able to see his project in finished form - the project was closed due to lack of funds, and the computer itself was created only in 1989.

Photo: 6

Electric motor

In 1821, English physicist Michael Farraday discovered how electricity could be used to create motion and then began developing an electric motor. Without a doubt, this became one of the most significant inventions made by the British, without which it is impossible to imagine the modern world.

Photo: 7


The first person to come up with a steam carriage moving on rails was the English inventor Richard Trevithick. The first model of the locomotive was able to transport ore, and subsequent, improved ones could transport up to 70 passengers and 10 tons of iron. And although the creators of the Raketa steam locomotive received more fame than Trevithick, it was his invention that inspired them to create prototypes of modern steam locomotives.

Photo: 8


And although the American inventor Thomas Edison was the first to create a functioning incandescent lamp, the very idea of ​​the light bulb was developed by the English chemist Joseph Swan. He twice received a patent for his invention, but at first his light bulb did not work long and was ineffective. At the same time, Edison worked on improving Swan's model and was the first to make it practical.



In the middle of the 20th century, the British scientist Alexander Fleming accidentally made a discovery that changed the medicine of that time. Having left for a long time, Fleming, amidst all the chaos, left a vessel with the bacteria he was studying in the laboratory. When he returned, he discovered that mold had grown in the vessel, and the bacteria had become transparent due to cell destruction. So the scientist isolated the active substance, which was called penicillin and became an effective anti-infective agent.