Famous political figure and commander. Great commanders in world history. The greatest commander of all time. Russia and its great commanders: photos and biographies

Russia has always been rich in outstanding commanders and naval commanders.

1. Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky (ca. 1220 - 1263). - commander, at the age of 20 he defeated the Swedish conquerors on the Neva River (1240), and at 22 he defeated the German “dog knights” during the Battle of the Ice (1242)

2. Dmitry Donskoy (1350 - 1389). - commander, prince. Under his leadership, the greatest victory was won on the Kulikovo field over the hordes of Khan Mamai, which was an important stage in the liberation of Rus' and other peoples of Eastern Europe from the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

3. Peter I - Russian Tsar, an outstanding commander. He is the founder of the Russian regular army and the navy. He showed high organizational skills and talent as a commander during the Azov campaigns (1695 - 1696) and in the Northern War (1700 - 1721). During the Persian campaign (1722 - 1723) under the direct leadership of Peter in the famous Battle of Poltava (1709), the troops of the Swedish king Charles XII were defeated and captured.

4. Fyodor Alekseevich Golovin (1650 - 1706) - count, general - field marshal, admiral. Companion of Peter I, greatest organizer, one of the founders of the Baltic Fleet

5 Boris Petrovich Sheremetyev (1652 - 1719) - count, general - field marshal. Member of the Crimean, Azov. He commanded the army in the campaign against the Crimean Tatars. In the battle of Eresphere, in Livonia, a detachment under his command defeated the Swedes and defeated Schlippenbach's army at Hummelshof (5 thousand killed, 3 thousand captured). The Russian flotilla forced the Swedish ships to leave the Neva for the Gulf of Finland. In 1703 he took Noteburg, and then Nyenschanz, Koporye, and Yamburg. In Estland Sheremetev B.P. Wesenberg occupied. Sheremetev B.P. besieged Dorpat, which surrendered in 13 IL 1704. During the Astrakhan uprising, Sheremetev B.P. was sent by Peter I to suppress it. In 1705 Sheremetev B.P. took Astrakhan.

6 Alexander Danilovich Menshikov (1673-1729) - His Serene Highness Prince, associate of Peter I. Generalissimo of the Marines and ground forces. Participant in the Northern War with the Swedes, the battle of Poltava.

7. Pyotr Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev (1725 - 1796) - count, general - field marshal. Participant Russian-Swedish war, Seven Years' War. His biggest victories were won during the first Russian-Turkish war (1768 - 1774), especially in the battles of Ryabaya Mogila, Larga and Kagul and many other battles. Turkish army was destroyed. Rumyantsev became the first holder of the Order of St. George, 1st degree, and received the title of Transdanubian.

8. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov (1729-1800) - His Serene Highness Prince of Italy, Count of Rymnik, Count of the Holy Roman Empire, Generalissimo of the Russian land and naval forces, Field Marshal of the Austrian and Sardinian troops, Grandee of the Kingdom of Sardinia and Prince of the Royal Blood (with the title “cousin” King"), holder of all Russian and many foreign military orders awarded at that time.
He was never defeated in any of the battles he fought. Moreover, in almost all these cases he convincingly won despite the numerical superiority of the enemy.
he took the impregnable fortress of Izmail by storm, defeated the Turks at Rymnik, Focsani, Kinburn, etc. The Italian campaign of 1799 and victories over the French, the immortal crossing of the Alps was the crown of his military leadership.

9. Fedor Fedorovich Ushakov (1745-1817) - an outstanding Russian naval commander, admiral. Russian Orthodox Church Canonized as a saint as the righteous warrior Theodore Ushakov. He laid the foundations of new naval tactics, founded the Black Sea Navy, talentedly led it, winning a number of remarkable victories in the Black and Mediterranean Seas: in the Kerch naval battle, in the battles of Tendra, Kaliakria, etc. Ushakov’s significant victory was the capture of the island of Corfu in February 1799 city, where the combined actions of ships and land landings were successfully used.
Admiral Ushakov fought 40 naval battles. And they all ended in brilliant victories. People called him “Navy Suvorov”.

10. Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (1745 - 1813) - famous Russian commander, Field Marshal General, His Serene Highness Prince. Hero Patriotic War 1812, full holder of the Order of St. George. He fought against the Turks, Tatars, Poles, and French in various positions, including Commander-in-Chief of armies and troops. Formed light cavalry and infantry that did not exist in the Russian army

11. Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly (1761-1818) - prince, outstanding Russian commander, Field Marshal General, Minister of War, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, full holder of the Order of St. George. Commanded the entire Russian army at initial stage Patriotic War of 1812, after which he was replaced by M.I. Kutuzov. In the foreign campaign of the Russian army of 1813-1814, he commanded the united Russian-Prussian army as part of the Bohemian Army of the Austrian Field Marshal Schwarzenberg.

12. Pyotr Ivanovich Bagration (1769-1812) - prince, Russian general from infantry, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812. Descendant of the Georgian royal house of Bagration. The branch of the Kartalin princes Bagrations (ancestors of Peter Ivanovich) was included in the number of Russian-princely families on October 4, 1803, when Emperor Alexander I approved the seventh part of the “General Armorial

13. Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky (1771-1829) - Russian commander, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, cavalry general. During thirty years of impeccable service, he participated in many of the largest battles of the era. After his feat at Saltanovka, he became one of the most popular generals in the Russian army. The fight for the Raevsky battery was one of the key episodes of the Battle of Borodino. When in 1795 Persian army invaded the territory of Georgia, and, fulfilling its obligations under the Treaty of Georgievsk, the Russian government declared war on Persia. In March 1796, the Nizhny Novgorod regiment, as part of the corps of V. A. Zubov, set off on a 16-month campaign to Derbent. In May, after ten days of siege, Derbent was taken. Together with the main forces, he reached the Kura River. In difficult mountain conditions, Raevsky showed his best qualities: “The 23-year-old commander managed to maintain complete battle order and strict military discipline during the grueling campaign.”

14. Alexey Petrovich Ermolov (1777-1861) - Russian military leader and statesman, participant in many major wars that Russian empire led from the 1790s to the 1820s. General of Infantry. General of Artillery. Hero Caucasian War. In the campaign of 1818 he supervised the construction of the Grozny fortress. Under his command were the troops sent to pacify the Avar Khan Shamil. In 1819, Ermolov began construction of a new fortress - Sudden. In 1823 he commanded military operations in Dagestan, and in 1825 he fought with the Chechens.

15. Matvey Ivanovich Platov (1753-1818) - count, cavalry general, Cossack. Participated in all wars late XVIIIearly XIX century. Since 1801 - Ataman of the Don Cossack Army. Participated in the battle of Preussisch-Eylau, then in Turkish war. During the Patriotic War, he first commanded all the Cossack regiments on the border, and then, covering the retreat of the army, had successful dealings with the enemy near the towns of Mir and Romanovo. During the retreat of the French army, Platov, relentlessly pursuing it, inflicted defeats on it at Gorodnya, Kolotsky Monastery, Gzhatsk, Tsarevo-Zaimishch, near Dukhovshchina and when crossing the Vop River. For his merits he was elevated to the rank of count. In November, Platov captured Smolensk from battle and defeated the troops of Marshal Ney near Dubrovna. At the beginning of January 1813, he entered Prussia and besieged Danzig; in September he received command of a special corps, with which he participated in the battle of Leipzig and, pursuing the enemy, captured about 15 thousand people. In 1814, he fought at the head of his regiments during the capture of Nemur, Arcy-sur-Aube, Cezanne, Villeneuve.

16. Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev (1788-1851) - Russian naval commander and navigator, admiral, holder of the Order of St. George IV class and discoverer of Antarctica. Here in 1827, commanding the warship Azov, M.P. Lazarev took part in the Battle of Navarino. Fighting with five Turkish ships, he destroyed them: he sank two large frigates and one corvette, burned the flagship under the flag of Tagir Pasha, forced an 80-gun battleship to run aground, after which he lit and blew it up. In addition, the Azov, under the command of Lazarev, destroyed the flagship of Muharrem Bey. For his participation in the Battle of Navarino, Lazarev was promoted to rear admiral and awarded three orders at once (Greek - "Commander's Cross of the Savior", English - Baths and French - St. Louis, and his ship "Azov" received the St. George flag.

17. Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov (1802-1855) - Russian admiral. Under the command of Lazarev, M.P. committed in 1821-1825. circumnavigation of the world on the frigate "Cruiser". During the voyage he was promoted to lieutenant. In the Battle of Navarino, he commanded a battery on battleship“Azov” under the command of Lazarev M.P. as part of the squadron of Admiral L.P. Heyden; for distinction in the battle he was awarded the Order of St. on December 21, 1827. George IV class for No. 4141 and promoted to lieutenant commander. In 1828 took command of the corvette Navarin, a captured Turkish ship that previously bore the name Nassabih Sabah. During the Russian-Turkish War of 1828–29, commanding a corvette, he blockaded the Dardanelles as part of the Russian squadron. During the Sevastopol defense of 1854-55. took a strategic approach to the defense of the city. In Sevastopol, although Nakhimov was listed as the commander of the fleet and port, from February 1855, after the sinking of the fleet, he defended, by appointment of the commander-in-chief, the southern part of the city, leading the defense with amazing energy and enjoying the greatest moral influence on soldiers and sailors, who called him “father.” -a benefactor."

18. Vladimir Alekseevich Kornilov (1806-1855) - vice admiral (1852). Participant in the Battle of Navarino in 1827 and the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-29. From 1849 - chief of staff, from 1851 - actual commander Black Sea Fleet. He advocated the re-equipment of ships and the replacement of the sailing fleet with steam. IN Crimean War- one of the leaders of the Sevastopol defense.

19. Stepan Osipovich Makarov (1849 - 1904) - He was the founder of the theory of unsinkability of a ship, one of the organizers of the creation of destroyers and torpedo boats. During the Russian-Turkish War of 1877 - 1878. carried out successful attacks on enemy ships with pole mines. He committed two round the world travel and a number of Arctic flights. Skillfully commanded the Pacific squadron during the defense of Port Arthur in Russian-Japanese war 1904 - 1905

20. Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov (1896-1974) - The most famous Soviet commander is generally recognized as Marshal Soviet Union. Development of plans for all major operations of united fronts and large groupings Soviet troops and their implementation took place under his leadership. These operations always ended victoriously. They were decisive for the outcome of the war.

21. Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky (1896-1968) - an outstanding Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Poland. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union

22. Ivan Stepanovich Konev (1897-1973) - Soviet commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

23. Leonid Aleksandrovich Govorov (1897-1955) - Soviet commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union

24. Kirill Afanasyevich Meretskov (1997-1968) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union

25. Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko (1895-1970) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. In May 1940 - July 1941 People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR.

26. Fyodor Ivanovich Tolbukhin (1894 - 1949) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union

27. Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov (1900-1982) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union, during the Great Patriotic War - commander of the 62nd Army, which especially distinguished itself in the Battle of Stalingrad. 2nd Hero of the USSR.

28. Andrei Ivanovich Eremenko (1892-1970) - Marshal of the Soviet Union, Hero of the Soviet Union. One of the most prominent commanders of the Great Patriotic War and the Second World War in general.

29. Radion Yakovlevich Malinovsky (1897-1967) - Soviet military leader and statesman. Commander of the Great Patriotic War, Marshal of the Soviet Union, from 1957 to 1967 - Minister of Defense of the USSR.

30. Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov (1904-1974) - Soviet naval leader, Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union, headed the Soviet Navy (as People's Commissar Navy(1939-1946), Minister of the Navy (1951-1953) and Commander-in-Chief)

31. Nikolai Fedorovich Vatutin (1901-1944) - army general, Hero of the Soviet Union, belongs to the galaxy of the main commanders of the Great Patriotic War.

32. Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky (1906-1945) - an outstanding Soviet military leader, army general, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

33. Pavel Alekseevich Rotmistrov (1901-1982) - Soviet military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union, Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor.

And this is only a part of the commanders who are worthy of mention.

On the path to progress and evolution, humanity has always faced wars. This is an integral part of our history and you should know about greatest warriors, laws, battles. This time we offer a rating that presents the greatest commanders of all times. No one will dispute the fact that history is written by the winners. But this speaks of the greatness and power of leaders who were able to change attitudes towards the world. This list will highlight the greatest leaders who have played a significant role in the history of the Earth.

The most outstanding commanders in history!

Alexander the Great

WITH early childhood Macedonian wanted to conquer the whole world. Although the commander did not have a massive physique, it was difficult for him to find equal opponents in battle. He preferred to participate in military battles himself. Thus, he showed his skill and delighted millions of soldiers. Setting an excellent example for the soldiers, he strengthened the fighting spirit and won one victory after another. That's why he received the nickname "Great". Was able to create an empire from Greece to India. He trusted the soldiers, so no one let him down. Everyone responded with devotion and obedience.

Mongol Khan

In 1206, the Mongol Khan, Genghis Khan, was proclaimed the greatest commander of all time. The event took place on the territory of the Onon River. The leaders of the nomadic tribes recognized him unanimously. Shamans also predicted power over the world for him. The prophecy came true. He became a majestic and powerful emperor, feared by everyone without exception. Founded a huge empire, uniting devastated tribes. Was able to conquer China and Central Asia. In addition, he achieved submission from the inhabitants of Eastern Europe, Khorezm, Baghdad and the Caucasus.

"Timur is lame"

Another one of the greatest commanders, who received the nickname due to his wounds against the khans. As a result of the fierce battle, he was wounded in one leg. But this did not stop the brilliant commander from conquering most of Central, Western, and South Asia. In addition, he managed to conquer the Caucasus, Rus' and the Volga region. His empire smoothly flowed into the Timurid dynasty. It was decided to make Samarkand the capital. This man had no equal competitors in saber control. At the same time, he was an excellent archer and commander. After the death, the entire area quickly disintegrated. Consequently, his descendants turned out to be not so gifted leaders.

"Father of Strategy"

How many have heard of the best military strategist of the Ancient World? Surely not, which is due to the extraordinary behavior and thinking of Hannibal Bark, who received the nickname “Father of Strategy.” He hated Rome and everything connected with this Republic. He tried with all his might to defeat the Romans and led Punic Wars. Successfully used flanking tactics. He was able to become the head of an army of 46,000 people. He completed the mission perfectly. With the help of 37 war elephants, he crossed the Pyrenees and even the snow-capped Alps.

National Hero of Russia

Speaking about Suvorov, it should be noted that he is not only one of the great commanders, but also a national Russian hero. He managed to complete all military attacks with victory. Not a single defeat. For the whole military career he did not know a single defeat. And during his life he carried out about sixty military offensives. He is the founder of Russian military art. An excellent thinker who had no equal not only in battle, but also in philosophical reflection. A brilliant man who personally participated in Russian-Turkish, Swiss and Italian campaigns.

Brilliant commander

An excellent commander and simply man of genius, who reigned from 1804 to 1815. The great leader at the head of France was able to achieve amazing heights. It was this hero who created the basis for the modern French state. While still a lieutenant, he began his military career and developed many interesting ideas. At first he simply took part in hostilities. Later he was able to establish himself as a fearless leader. As a result, he became a brilliant commander and led an entire army. He wanted to conquer the world, but was defeated at the Battle of Buterloo.

Expelled the Crusaders

Another warrior and one of the greatest commanders is Saladin. We are talking about an outstanding organizer of military operations, the Sultan of Egypt and Seria. He is the "defender of the faith." It was thanks to this that they managed to gain the trust of a huge army. He received an honorary nickname during battles with the crusaders. Was able to successfully complete the battle in Jerusalem. It was due to this leader that the Muslim lands were liberated from foreign invaders. He delivered the people from all representatives of foreign faiths.

Emperor of the Roman Empire

It would be strange if the name Julius did not appear on this list. Caesar is one of the greats not only due to his analytical thinking and unique strategies, but also due to his extraordinary ideas. Dactator, commander, writer, politician - not many merits unique person. He could perform several actions simultaneously. This is actually why he was able to have such an influence on the people. A gifted person has practically taken over the whole world. To this day, legends are made about him and films are made.

Wars march shoulder to shoulder with the civilization of mankind. And wars, as we know, give rise to great warriors. Great commanders can decide the course of a war with their victories.

So we present to your attention the 7 greatest commanders of all times.

1) Alexander the Great - Alexander the Great
We gave the first place among the greatest commanders to Alexander the Great. Since childhood, Alexander dreamed of conquering the world and, although he did not have a heroic physique, he preferred to participate in military battles. Thanks to his leadership qualities, he became one of the great commanders of his time. The victories of the army of Alexander the Great are at the pinnacle of military art Ancient Greece. Alexander's army did not have numerical superiority, but was still able to win all the battles, spreading his gigantic empire from Greece to India. He trusted his soldiers, and they did not let him down, but faithfully followed him, reciprocating.

2) Genghis Khan - the great Mongol Khan
In 1206, on the Onon River, the leaders of the nomadic tribes proclaimed the mighty Mongol warrior as the great khan of all Mongol tribes. And his name is Genghis Khan. The shamans predicted Genghis Khan power over the whole world, and he did not disappoint. Having become the great Mongol emperor, he founded one of greatest empires, united the scattered Mongol tribes. Conquered China, all of Central Asia, as well as the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, Baghdad, Khorezm, the Shah's state, as well as some Russian principalities.

3) Tamerlane – “Timur the lame”
He received the nickname “Timur the lame” for a physical defect that he received during skirmishes with the khans, but despite this he became famous as a Central Asian conqueror who played quite significant role in the history of Central, South and Western Asia, as well as the Caucasus, Volga region and Rus'. Founded the Timurid empire and dynasty, with its capital in Samarkand. He had no equal in saber and archery skills. However, after his death, the territory under his control, which stretched from Samarkand to the Volga, very quickly disintegrated.

4) Hannibal Barca – “Father of Strategy”
Hannibal is the greatest military strategist of the Ancient world, a Carthaginian commander. This is the "father of strategy." He hated Rome and everything connected with it, and was a sworn enemy of the Roman Republic. He fought the well-known Punic Wars with the Romans. He successfully used the tactics of enveloping enemy troops from the flanks, followed by encirclement. Standing at the head of a 46,000-strong army, which included 37 war elephants, he crossed the Pyrenees and the snow-capped Alps.

5) Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich - national hero of Russia
Suvorov can safely be called national hero Russia, a great Russian commander, because he did not suffer a single defeat during his entire military career, which included more than 60 battles. He is the founder of Russian military art, a military thinker who had no equal. Participant Russian-Turkish wars, Italian, Swiss hikes.

6) Napoleon Bonaparte - a brilliant commander
Napoleon Bonaparte French emperor in 1804-1815, a great commander and statesman. It was Napoleon who laid the foundations of the modern French state. While still a lieutenant, he began his military career. And from the very beginning, participating in wars, he was able to establish himself as an intelligent and fearless commander. Having taken the place of the emperor, he unleashed Napoleonic Wars, however, he failed to conquer the whole world. He was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and spent the rest of his life on the island of St. Helena.

7) Alexander Nevsky
Grand Duke, wise statesman, famous commander. He is called the fearless knight. Alexander devoted his entire life to defending his homeland. Together with his small squad, he defeated the Swedes at the Battle of the Neva in 1240. That's why he got his nickname. He recaptured his hometowns from the Livonian Order at the Battle of the Ice, which took place on Lake Peipsi, thereby stopping the ruthless Catholic expansion in Russian lands coming from the West.

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Wars march shoulder to shoulder with the civilization of mankind. And wars, as we know, give rise to great warriors. Great commanders can decide the course of a war with their victories. Today we will talk about such commanders. So we present to your attention the 10 greatest commanders of all times.

1 Alexander the Great

We gave the first place among the greatest commanders to Alexander the Great. Since childhood, Alexander dreamed of conquering the world and, although he did not have a heroic physique, he preferred to participate in military battles. Thanks to his leadership qualities, he became one of the great commanders of his time. The victories of the army of Alexander the Great are at the pinnacle of the military art of Ancient Greece. Alexander's army did not have numerical superiority, but was still able to win all the battles, spreading his gigantic empire from Greece to India. He trusted his soldiers, and they did not let him down, but faithfully followed him, reciprocating.

2 Great Mongol Khan

In 1206, on the Onon River, the leaders of the nomadic tribes proclaimed the mighty Mongol warrior as the great khan of all Mongol tribes. And his name is Genghis Khan. The shamans predicted Genghis Khan power over the whole world, and he did not disappoint. Having become the great Mongol emperor, he founded one of the greatest empires and united the scattered Mongol tribes. The Shah's state and some Russian principalities conquered China, all of Central Asia, as well as the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, Baghdad, Khorezm.

3 "Timur is lame"

He received the nickname “Timur the lame” for a physical disability that he received during skirmishes with the khans, but despite this he became famous as a Central Asian conqueror who played a fairly significant role in the history of Central, South and Western Asia, as well as the Caucasus, Volga region and Rus'. Founded the Timurid empire and dynasty, with its capital in Samarkand. He had no equal in saber and archery skills. However, after his death, the territory under his control, which stretched from Samarkand to the Volga, very quickly disintegrated.

4 "Father of Strategy"

Hannibal is the greatest military strategist of the Ancient world, a Carthaginian commander. This is the "Father of Strategy". He hated Rome and everything connected with it, and was a sworn enemy of the Roman Republic. He fought the well-known Punic Wars with the Romans. He successfully used the tactics of enveloping enemy troops from the flanks, followed by encirclement. Standing at the head of a 46,000-strong army, which included 37 war elephants, he crossed the Pyrenees and the snow-capped Alps.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

National Hero of Russia

Suvorov can safely be called a national hero of Russia, a great Russian commander, because he did not suffer a single defeat in his entire military career, which included more than 60 battles. He is the founder of Russian military art, a military thinker who had no equal. Participant in the Russian-Turkish wars, Italian and Swiss campaigns.

6 Brilliant commander

Napoleon Bonaparte French emperor in 1804-1815, a great commander and statesman. It was Napoleon who laid the foundations of the modern French state. While still a lieutenant, he began his military career. And from the very beginning, participating in wars, he was able to establish himself as an intelligent and fearless commander. Having taken the place of the emperor, he unleashed the Napoleonic Wars, but he failed to conquer the whole world. He was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and spent the rest of his life on the island of St. Helena.

Saladin (Salah ad-Din)

Expelled the Crusaders

Great talented Muslim commander and outstanding organizer, Sultan of Egypt and Syria. Translated from Arabic, Salah ad-Din means “Defender of the Faith.” He received this honorary nickname for his fight against the crusaders. He led the fight against the crusaders. Saladin's troops captured Beirut, Acre, Caesarea, Ascalon and Jerusalem. Thanks to Saladin, Muslim lands were liberated from foreign troops and foreign faith.

8 Emperor of the Roman Empire

A special place among rulers in Ancient World occupied by the well-known ancient Roman statesman and political figure, dictator, commander, writer Gaius Julius Caesar. Conqueror of Gaul, Germany, Britain. He has outstanding abilities as a military tactician and strategist, as well as a great orator who managed to influence the people by promising them gladiatorial games and spectacles. The most powerful figure of his time. But this did not stop a small group of conspirators from killing the great commander. This caused civil wars to break out again, leading to the decline of the Roman Empire.

9 Nevsky

Grand Duke, wise statesman, famous commander. He is called the fearless knight. Alexander devoted his entire life to defending his homeland. Together with his small squad, he defeated the Swedes at the Battle of the Neva in 1240. That's why he got his nickname. He recaptured his hometowns from the Livonian Order at the Battle of the Ice, which took place on Lake Peipsi, thereby stopping the ruthless Catholic expansion in Russian lands coming from the West.

The fate of millions of people depended on their decisions! This is not the entire list of our great commanders of the Second World War!

Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich (1896-1974) Marshal of the Soviet Union Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was born on November 1, 1896 in Kaluga region, in a peasant family. During the First World War, he was drafted into the army and enrolled in a regiment stationed in the Kharkov province. In the spring of 1916, he was enrolled in a group sent to officer courses. After studying, Zhukov became a non-commissioned officer and went to a dragoon regiment, with which he participated in battles Great War. Soon he received a concussion from a mine explosion and was sent to the hospital. He managed to prove himself, and for capturing a German officer he was awarded the Cross of St. George.

After the civil war, he completed the courses for Red commanders. He commanded a cavalry regiment, then a brigade. He was an assistant inspector of the Red Army cavalry.

In January 1941, shortly before the German invasion of the USSR, Zhukov was appointed chief of the General Staff and deputy people's commissar of defense.

He commanded the troops of the Reserve, Leningrad, Western, 1st Belorussian fronts, coordinated the actions of a number of fronts, made a great contribution to achieving victory in the battle of Moscow, in the Battles of Stalingrad, Kursk, in the Belorussian, Vistula-Oder and Berlin operations.Four times Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of two Orders of Victory, and many other Soviet and foreign orders and medals.

Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich (1895-1977) - Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Born on September 16 (September 30), 1895 in the village. Novaya Golchikha, Kineshma district, Ivanovo region, in the family of a priest, Russian. In February 1915, after graduating from the Kostroma Theological Seminary, he entered Alekseevskoe military school(Moscow) and completed it in 4 months (June 1915).
During the Great Patriotic War, as chief General Staff(1942-1945) took an active part in the development and implementation of almost all major operations on the Soviet-German front. From February 1945, he commanded the 3rd Belorussian Front and led the assault on Königsberg. In 1945, the commander-in-chief of the Soviet troops at Far East in the war with Japan.

Rokossovsky Konstantin Konstantinovich (1896-1968) - Marshal of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Poland.

Born on December 21, 1896 in the small Russian town of Velikiye Luki (formerly Pskov province), in the family of a Pole railway driver, Xavier-Józef Rokossovsky and his Russian wife Antonina. After the birth of Konstantin, the Rokossovsky family moved to Warsaw. At less than 6 years old, Kostya was orphaned: his father was in a train accident and died in 1902 after a long illness. In 1911, his mother also died. With the outbreak of World War I, Rokossovsky asked to join one of the Russian regiments heading west through Warsaw.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he commanded the 9th Mechanized Corps. In the summer of 1941 he was appointed commander of the 4th Army. He managed to somewhat hold back the advance of the German armies on the western front. In the summer of 1942 he became commander of the Bryansk Front. The Germans managed to approach the Don and, from advantageous positions, create threats for the capture of Stalingrad and a breakthrough to North Caucasus. With a blow from his army, he prevented the Germans from trying to break through to the north, towards the city of Yelets. Rokossovsky took part in the counter-offensive of Soviet troops near Stalingrad. His ability to lead fighting played a big role in the success of the operation. In 1943, he led the central front, which, under his command, began the defensive battle on the Kursk Bulge. A little later, he organized an offensive and liberated significant territories from the Germans. He also led the liberation of Belarus, implementing the Stavka plan - “Bagration”
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union

Konev Ivan Stepanovich (1897-1973) - Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Born in December 1897 in one of the villages of the Vologda province. His family was peasant. In 1916, the future commander was drafted into tsarist army. He participates in the First World War as a non-commissioned officer.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Konev commanded the 19th Army, which took part in battles with the Germans and closed the capital from the enemy. For successful leadership of the army's actions, he receives the rank of colonel general.

During the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Stepanovich managed to be the commander of several fronts: Kalinin, Western, Northwestern, Steppe, Second Ukrainian and First Ukrainian. In January 1945, the First Ukrainian Front, together with the First Belorussian Front, launched the offensive Vistula-Oder operation. The troops managed to occupy several cities of strategic importance, and even liberate Krakow from the Germans. At the end of January, the Auschwitz camp was liberated from the Nazis. In April, two fronts launched an offensive in the Berlin direction. Soon Berlin was taken, and Konev took direct part in the assault on the city.

Twice Hero of the Soviet Union

Vatutin Nikolai Fedorovich (1901-1944) - army general.

Born on December 16, 1901 in the village of Chepukhino, Kursk province, into a large peasant family. Graduated from four classes zemstvo school, where he was considered the first student.

In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, Vatutin visited the most critical sectors of the front. The staff worker turned into a brilliant combat commander.

On February 21, Headquarters instructed Vatutin to prepare an attack on Dubno and further on Chernivtsi. On February 29, the general was heading to the headquarters of the 60th Army. On the way, his car was fired upon by a detachment of Ukrainian Bandera partisans. The wounded Vatutin died on the night of April 15 in a Kiev military hospital.
In 1965, Vatutin was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Katukov Mikhail Efimovich (1900-1976) - Marshal of the armored forces. One of the founders of the Tank Guard.

Born on September 4 (17), 1900 in the village of Bolshoye Uvarovo, then Kolomna district, Moscow province. large family a peasant (his father had seven children from two marriages). He graduated from an elementary rural school with a diploma of commendation, during which he was the first student in his class and school.
IN Soviet army– since 1919.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he took part in defensive operations in the area of ​​​​the cities of Lutsk, Dubno, Korosten, showing himself to be a skillful, proactive organizer tank battle with superior enemy forces. These qualities were brilliantly displayed in the Battle of Moscow, when he commanded the 4th Tank Brigade. In the first half of October 1941, near Mtsensk, on a number of defensive lines, the brigade steadfastly held back the advance of enemy tanks and infantry and inflicted enormous damage on them. Having completed a 360-km march to the Istra orientation, the M.E. brigade. Katukova as part of the 16th Army Western Front heroically fought in the Volokolamsk direction and took part in the counter-offensive near Moscow. On November 11, 1941, for brave and skillful military actions, the brigade was the first in the tank forces to receive the rank of guards. In 1942, M.E. Katukov commanded the 1st Tank Corps, which repelled the onslaught of enemy troops in the Kursk-Voronezh direction, from September 1942 - the 3rd Mechanized Corps. In January 1943, he was appointed commander of the 1st Tank Army, which was part of the Voronezh, and later the 1st th Ukrainian Front differed in Battle of Kursk and during the liberation of Ukraine. In April 1944, the armed forces were transformed into the 1st Guards Tank Army, which, under the command of M.E. Katukova participated in the Lviv-Sandomierz, Vistula-Oder, East Pomeranian and Berlin operations, crossed the Vistula and Oder rivers.

Rotmistrov Pavel Alekseevich (1901-1982) - chief marshal armored forces.

Born in the village of Skovorovo, now Selizharovsky district, Tver region, into a large peasant family (he had 8 brothers and sisters)... In 1916 he graduated from higher primary school

In the Soviet Army from April 1919 (he was enlisted in the Samara Workers' Regiment), participant Civil War.

During the Great Patriotic War P.A. Rotmistrov fought on the Western, Northwestern, Kalinin, Stalingrad, Voronezh, Steppe, Southwestern, 2nd Ukrainian and 3rd Belorussian fronts. He commanded the 5th Guards Tank Army, which distinguished itself in the Battle of Kursk. In the summer of 1944, P.A. Rotmistrov and his army took part in the Belarusian offensive operation, the liberation of the cities of Borisov, Minsk, and Vilnius. Since August 1944, he was appointed deputy commander of the armored and mechanized forces of the Soviet Army.

Kravchenko Andrey Grigorievich (1899-1963) - Colonel General of tank forces.
Born on November 30, 1899 on the Sulimin farm, now the village of Sulimovka, Yagotinsky district, Kyiv region of Ukraine, in a peasant family. Ukrainian. Member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1925. Participant in the Civil War. Graduated from the Poltava Military Infantry School in 1923, Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze in 1928.
From June 1940 to the end of February 1941 A.G. Kravchenko - Chief of Staff of the 16th tank division, and from March to September 1941 - chief of staff of the 18th mechanized corps.
On the fronts of the Great Patriotic War since September 1941. Commander of the 31st Tank Brigade (09/09/1941 - 01/10/1942). Since February 1942, deputy commander of the 61st Army for tank forces. Chief of Staff of the 1st tank corps(03/31/1942 - 07/30/1942). Commanded the 2nd (07/2/1942 - 09/13/1942) and 4th (from 02/7/43 - 5th Guards; from 09/18/1942 to 01/24/1944) tank corps.
In November 1942, the 4th Corps took part in the encirclement of the 6th German army near Stalingrad, in July 1943 - in the tank battle near Prokhorovka, in October of the same year - in the battle for the Dnieper.

Novikov Alexander Alexandrovich (1900-1976) - chief marshal of aviation.
Born on November 19, 1900 in the village of Kryukovo, Nerekhta district, Kostroma region. He received his education at the teachers' seminary in 1918.
In the Soviet Army since 1919
In aviation since 1933. Participant of the Great Patriotic War from the first day. He was the commander of the Northern Air Force, then the Leningrad Front. From April 1942 until the end of the war, he was the commander of the Red Army Air Force. In March 1946, he was illegally repressed (together with A.I. Shakhurin), rehabilitated in 1953.

Kuznetsov Nikolai Gerasimovich (1902-1974) - Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union. People's Commissar of the Navy.
Born on July 11 (24), 1904 in the family of Gerasim Fedorovich Kuznetsov (1861-1915), a peasant in the village of Medvedki, Veliko-Ustyug district, Vologda province (now in the Kotlas district of the Arkhangelsk region).
In 1919, at the age of 15, he joined the Severodvinsk flotilla, giving himself two years to be accepted (the erroneous birth year of 1902 is still found in some reference books). In 1921-1922 he was a combatant in the Arkhangelsk naval crew.
During the Great Patriotic War, N. G. Kuznetsov was the chairman of the Main Military Council of the Navy and the commander-in-chief of the Navy. He promptly and energetically led the fleet, coordinating its actions with the operations of other armed forces. The admiral was a member of the Headquarters Supreme High Command, constantly went to ships and fronts. The fleet prevented an invasion of the Caucasus from the sea. In 1944, N. G. Kuznetsov was awarded military rank Admiral of the Fleet. On May 25, 1945, this rank was equated to the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union and marshal-type shoulder straps were introduced.

Hero of the Soviet Union,Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich (1906-1945) - army general.
Born in the city of Uman. His father was a railway worker, so it is not surprising that in 1915 his son followed in his father’s footsteps and entered a railway school. In 1919, a real tragedy occurred in the family: his parents died due to typhus, so the boy was forced to leave school and study agriculture. He worked as a shepherd, driving cattle into the field in the morning, and sat down to his textbooks every free minute. Immediately after dinner, I ran to the teacher for clarification of the material.
During the Second World War, he was one of those young military leaders who, by their example, motivated the soldiers, gave them confidence and gave them faith in a bright future.