Agnia Barto open lesson in the preparatory group. Summary of a lesson on the works of Agnia Barto “Travel with a Bunny” in the middle group. Outline of a speech festival in a preparatory speech therapy group on the topic “Poems of Agnia Barto”

Synopsis of direct educational activities with children of the speech therapy group (6-7 years old) on the topic “The Journey of Boys and Girls through the Poems of Agnia Barto.”

1. Contribute to the formation of cognitive interest in the work of A.L. Barto.
2. Expand the understanding of the similarities and differences of children, psychological and physical characteristics boys and girls.
3. Instill in parents a desire to introduce their children to the works of Agnia Barto.
1. Clarify and generalize children’s ideas about the work of Agnia Lvovna Barto.
2. Develop artistic - speech and performing skills.
3. Foster a love of poetry.
4. develop communication skills, creative thinking, cognitive interest.

Materials: Toys for poems by Agnia Barto; portrait of Agnia Barto; “magic book” with illustrations to poems by Agnia Barto; homemade books illustrated by children; glue; pictures for decorating books for boys and girls.

Preliminary work: Reading and memorizing poems by Agnia Barto; drawing illustrations for Agnia Barto’s favorite poems; excursion to the library for books by Agnia Barto; writing poems by children and parents about their favorite toy.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Good evening, dear parents, girls and boys! I am very glad to see you in our literary living room. Tell me, do you like poetry? Which ones? Who wants to tell their favorite poem? And parents? Now I will begin to recite the poem, and you will continue. “They dropped the bear on the floor...” (everyone continues). Who wrote this poem? Agniya Barto. And today we will talk about Agnia Barto, and the “Magic Book” will help us with this. Let's open the first page of the book.
1st page. Portrait of Agnia Barto. Look how cheerful and kind the eyes are. A person with such eyes can write only kind, intelligent poems for children... This is Agnia Barto. She was born in Moscow. She had a very happy childhood. Dad is a veterinarian. Who is a veterinarian? (children's answers). It was he who taught his daughter to love animals and literature. Agnia Barto dreamed of becoming a ballerina, even graduated from a choreographic school. But the love for poetry turned out to be stronger. Agnia Barto had two children. The daughter's name was Tanya, and the son's name was Igor. And the poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly...” was written about her daughter. Mothers, fathers, girls and boys know Agnia Barto's poems. We open the second page of our “Magic Book”.

2nd page. Look and tell me which poem this illustration fits? That's right, to "Carousel".
The music started playing
The carousels are spinning.
The carousels are spinning
The boys mounted the horses.
The horses race round and round,
The manes are silky.
We flew after each other
Artillerymen to battle!
The music started playing
The carousels are spinning
The carousels are spinning
The girls got on the horses.
One after another
Circle after circle -
Why should we rush!
Don’t rush your friends to go on a hike -
Go for a ride!
Educator: What are our boys like in this poem? (children's answers). What about the girls? (children's answers). Right. The boys in this poem are bold, decisive, courageous. They imagined themselves on real horses, with a saber in their hand. But the girls are actually relaxing on the carousel, not in a hurry, chatting, looking around.
And now there is a mystery for you. “The white pebble has melted,
He left marks on the board.” (chalk).
Do you remember in which poem this subject appears? (“About Petya”).

1st boy:
He's busy all day,
Can't rest for two minutes:
Then he smears the desk with chalk,
He sits there, tears up a piece of paper.

And during recess
He is even busier:
He will approach a clean wall,

Draws devils on it.

2nd boy:
Oh, how busy this Petya is,
I broke my watch for an hour
And in my mother's portrait
I drew on my mustache.

Then he will jump on the bench,
It will crawl under the bed.
Then for some reason he’ll grab the watering can,
He will start watering the puddle.

3rd boy:
He will return home from the yard,
Throws the sled at the porch,
If you undertake to repair them,
It will break to the end.

Then he will skip along,
It will climb into the attic...
No time to pick up a book:
He's too busy as it is!

Educator: Girls, tell me, have you met this Petya? (children's answers).
Of course, boys love to play pranks and be naughty, but why smear the desk, dirty the walls, break the clock? You need to respect people’s work and try not to upset your moms and dads. Boys, do you want to be like people like this? Sing? (children's answers).

(You can hear the “buzzing” of the beetle).

We didn't notice the bug
And the winter frames were closed.
And he's alive
He's still alive
Buzzing in the window
Spreading my wings.
And I call my mother for help:
-There's a living beetle there!

Let's open the frame!
Boys, would you save the beetle? And the butterfly? (children's answers). Girls, did you save someone? What do you think, the beetle, which was closed with a frame, was released? What happened next? (children's answers). Agnia Barto wrote about children, about toys, about nature, about animals, insects, and in every poem you can feel kindness, love, and sympathy. Open the next page of the “Magic Book”.

3rd page: Look, guys, carefully. Which poem does this illustration go with? That's right, Family History.

Mom babysat me
Measured the temperature -
I'm bad, I'm naughty:
I climbed a tree.

I happen to be alive for now!-
Grandma is sure...
Well, I crashed a little:
Cheek scratched -
I fell out of a tree.

Educator: You listened to the poem very carefully. I will now name the words, and you, if they suit the boy’s character, raise your hand.
Brave, naughty, strong, kind, resourceful, cowardly, weak.
Agnia Barto has a poem called “Darling - a piggy bank.”
Listen to it. But there is one task: you will have to perform the movements mentioned in the poem. (physical training break).

“Darling is a piggy bank.”
In the morning the cufflink disappeared (explanation of the word “cufflink”)
And dad got it for everyone.
And when the tie disappeared,
Dad was even scared.

And when the razor disappeared,
The battle began in the apartment.
Dad climbed under the sofas,
Moved the chairs and the bed,
I fumbled with sticks under the bathtub,
I started fighting with the closet.
But no cufflinks, no razors
Poor dad didn't find it
And angry and unshaven,
And he left without a tie.

Everyone crawled under the sofas (the children are “looking for a cufflink”).
They started moving the bed,
Fumbling around with sticks under the bathtub.
Open suitcases.
Three hours without a break
Shaking up the books
Crawled across the parquet
And they whispered: “no... no...”.

Educator: Where was she anyway?

Just suddenly there was a knock,
And from Mila's pocket
Something suddenly rolled out.
Rolled out of the hole (explanation of the word “hole”)
And the coils
And nuts
Stones, cufflinks and corks,
Dad's razor in a box.
Not under the bathtub, not in the sofa,
Everything is in Darling's pocket.

Educator: What else was in Milochka’s pocket? (children's answers). How is Mila similar to our girls? (children's answers). Yes, our girls always have a lot of different things in their purses and pockets: beads, candy wrappers, small toys, sweets, pebbles... Why? (children's answers). Girls are thrifty, love everything shiny and beautiful, and love to exchange objects.
Open the next page.
4th page: Can you guess what poem this illustration is for? Of course, to “I do not agree.”

Mom told me:
-This is surplus:
There are too many boys around you!
I disagree!
I do not think so!
How many friends do I have?
I don't think so!
I don't care -
You're a girl
There is no such thing as too many true friends!

Educator: Very correct and Nice words“There is no excess of true friends.” Let's all hold hands tightly and say these words one more time. Guys. Do you have true friends? What does “ true friend"? (children's answers). He is brave, smart, caring, patient, ready to help. I really want you to have many friends in your life and never be alone.
Look, there are a lot of toys on the table. Artyom and Alena will come up to him, take toys, about which they will tell poems.

Girl: "Ball."

In the morning I run to the lawn with the ball,
I’m running, singing, I don’t know what!
And the ball, like the sun, burns above me,
Then he turns the other way
And it will become green like grass in spring!

Sailor's hat, rope in hand,
I'm pulling a boat along a fast river.
And the frogs jump on my heels
And they ask me: “Ride, captain!”

The poems of Agnia Barto are very quickly remembered and remembered for a lifetime. Now we will ask our mothers and fathers to recite any poems by Agnia Barto. (parents read familiar poems by Agnia Barto). Open the next page.

5th page: Can you guess what poem this illustration is for? "A game".

We dug ourselves in the snow,
We shoot at the enemy
I don't mind a machine gun
I can't tear myself away!

I am from today
Master of Accurate Fire!
Mom didn't know this
Took me home...

Educator: Girls, is this poem about our boys? (children's answers)
I agree. Our boys are future warriors, defenders. Since childhood, they have dreamed of the Army, of holding a weapon in their hands. What should they be? (children's answers).
Look, I have two books in my hands that you created. The blue book is for boys, the pink book is for girls. You need to decorate the cover with items that are suitable for boys and girls! (children stick corresponding objects on the covers. (children complete the teacher’s task).
We got very bright and beautiful books, they will complement the exhibition of books by Agnia Barto.
Many poems were sung today. You have been in the role of listener and performer. Now we’ll find out which of you was attentive at our evening.

Quiz based on the works of Agnia Barto:
1. Who painted the devils on the wall?
2. Whose paw was torn off?
3. What did Agnia Barto want to become as a child?
4. How many children did she have?
5. What was your daughter's name?
6. And your son?
7. Who did the mistress leave?
8. In what city was Agnia Barto born?
9. Who walked along the board sighing?
10. Who dropped the ball into the river?

Educator: You answered all the questions correctly. Amazing. You can read the poems of Agnia Barto for a long time, but... our lesson is coming to an end. And next time I will introduce you to the life and work of Agnia Barto during the war and after the war.

Galina Sidorenko
Lesson summary “Introduction to the works of Agnia Barto”

Target: Introduce students to the creativity of A. Barto.


Continue to teach children to understand content poems;

Develop attention, memory, coherent speech;

Cultivate a love of books, interest in poems;

Develop communication skills, creative thinking, cognitive interest;

Learning poems by heart.

Preliminary work: Reading poetry by A. Barto. Looking at illustrations, books about creativity.

Equipment: portrait of a poetess, books by A. Barto, toys, bag.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Guys, today we will talk about creativity children's writer Agni Lvovna Barto. (Show portrait). She was born in 1902 in Moscow, in the family of a veterinarian. She began writing poetry early, back in school: about my friends, teachers. Poems by A. Barto Children of all ages read - the youngest, the oldest, and even adults.

Her first collection is called "Toys", of course you all know these poems. Let's play a game and remember them.

A game "Listen and correct poem…»

Dropped the bunny on the floor (bear)

They tore off the bunny's paw...

The bear is walking and swinging (goby)

Sighs as he walks...

I love my monkey (horse)

I'll comb her fur smoothly...

Our Masha is crying loudly (Tanya)

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush Mashenka, don’t cry...

I have a baby elephant (kid)

I herd him myself.

Early in the morning in the green garden,

I'll take the baby elephant...

Sailor's hat, rope in hand,

I'm pulling a tractor along a fast river (ship)

Left! Right! Left! Right! A detachment is going to the parade,

A detachment is going to the parade, the chimney sweep is very happy. (Drummer)

Educator: - Well done boys! You completed the task, you know the poems of this wonderful writer very well.

Guys, let's learn poem A. Barto.

Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

Lay down in the box on its side.

The sleepy bear lay down in bed,

Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head

He bows to the elephant.

Now listen to one more thing poem"Assistant" and think girl, did you help everyone or not?


Tanyusha has a lot to do,

Tanyusha has a lot to do:

In the morning I helped my brother, -

He ate candy in the morning.

That's how much Tanya has to do:

Tanya ate, drank tea,

I sat down and sat with my mother,

She got up and went to her grandmother.

Before going to bed I told my mom:

You undress me yourself

I'm tired, I can't

I'll help you tomorrow.

But you guys and I are real helpers, (put toys on the table) Look what a mess we have, let's put all the toys in their places. Well done, the guys completed the task.

Agniya Barto wrote a lot of wonderful poems about people and their actions, about toys, about animals, about birds, about objects.

Now let's play a game with you "Wonderful bag",

Sit down in a circle and take out objects from the bag one by one and name which one they come from. poems.

Educator. Today we are with you got acquainted with the work of Agnia Barto. I am sure that you will always remember these wonderful works.

Publications on the topic:

“There are books that all kids love. Among these books are poems by A. Barto" S. Mikhalkov A special place in preschool institutions takes familiarization.

Introducing young children to the works of Agnia Barto day of the “New Book” project. Program content: to form in children an idea of ​​basic ethical standards. Create a new book.

The beloved children's poetess turned 110 this year. We decided to celebrate this event in a special way and held a “Reader Competition”. For mine.

Poetry for children, as you know, originates from the origins of folk art - it was born from a lullaby, counting rhyme, tongue twister.

Summary of a music lesson in a preparatory group. Getting to know the works of P. I. Tchaikovsky GOAL: To introduce children to the works of P. I. Tchaikovsky. Arouse interest in various genres of music and performing various musical instruments.

Summary of OOD in the senior group “Literary quiz based on the poems of Agnia Barto” Abstract of OOD in senior group on getting acquainted with fiction“Literary quiz based on the poems of Agnia Barto” Program content:.

Summary of an open lesson on the topic:

“The Poetry of Kindness of Agnia Lvovna Barto”


  • Arouse interest in reading the works of Agnia Barto.

  • Expand words knowledge

  • Develop the ability to listen and hear, attention, thinking, and speech of children.

  • Foster a sense of teamwork.
Equipment: exhibition of books by Agnia Barto.

Progress of the lesson:

Leading: Today is our holiday, dedicated to the poems of the children's writer, poetess - Agnia Lvovna Barto.

105 years have passed, but everyone knows and remembers her poems: children, their mothers and fathers, grandparents. And this is not surprising. After all, parents read these poems to young children. Children grow up, become mothers and fathers themselves, and read these poems to their children. Then these children grow up, and their children will listen to and repeat everyone’s favorite poems.

And feel sorry for the bunny, sympathize with Tanya, who dropped the ball into the river, smile when meeting Vovka - a kind soul...

Children's performance.
Boy (looks into the hall, gets scared): Oh, so many people! Where did I end up?

Girl ( with a book in hand): Hello!

Boy: Hello! What kind of book is this?

Girl: This is a book of poems. They were written by the children's poetess Agnia Lvovna Barto.

Boy: Agnia Lvovna?

Girl: Yes, Agnia Lvovna Barto. Everyone knows her poems – both big and small.

Boy: And I know?

Girl: I think you know! I am sure that all the guys remember at least one of her poems.

Boy: I don't remember anything.

Leading: Let's help you remember the poems. I'll read the beginning of the poem, and you guys continue.

1. Teddy bear

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

The bear's paw was torn off.
Children (from the hall):

I still won't leave him -

Because he's good.
2. Goby

The bull is walking, swaying,

Sighs as he walks,

Children (from the hall):

Oh, the board ends

Now I'm going to fall.


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep
Lay down in the box on its side.
The sleepy bear lay down in bed,
Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.
Sleep shakes his head,
He sends his regards to the elephant

4. Airplane

We'll build the plane ourselves

Let's fly over the forests.

Children (from the hall):

Let's fly over the forests,

And then we'll go back to mom.
5. Horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly,

Children (from the hall):

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.
6. Truck

No, we shouldn't have decided

Ride a cat in a car:

Children (from the hall):

The cat is not used to riding -

The truck overturned.
7. Ball

Our Tanya cries loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

Children (from the hall):

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry,

The ball will not drown in the river.

The owner abandoned the bunny -

A bunny was left in the rain.

Children (from the hall):

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.

Boy: I have known these verses for a long time. I just forgot who wrote them. Now I will always remember that their author is Agnia Lvovna Barto.

Leading: Now let's mentally travel back to 1906 on February 17, 105 years ago...

Agnia Barto was born in Moscow in 1906, studied and grew up here. The first impression of her childhood was the high voice of a barrel organ outside the window. For a long time she dreamed of walking through the courtyards and turning the handle of the organ, so that people attracted by the music would look out of all the windows. .

Agnia Lvovna’s father worked as a veterinarian and dreamed of his daughter becoming a ballerina. But she did not become a ballerina, although she graduated from a choreographic school.

She began writing poetry in early childhood. In 1936, a series of poems for little ones, “Toys,” was published. Barto became one of the most beloved children's poets. Agnia's poems are light and cheerful.
Let's listen to the poem "Ship". Children read poetry.


Rope in hand

I'm pulling the boat

Along the fast river

And the frogs jump

On my heels

And they ask me:

Take it for a ride, captain!

Look how many books are dedicated to children.

Agnia Barto's youth fell on the years of revolution and civil war. During the Second World War, she went to the front to read her poems, wrote for newspapers, and often spoke on the radio and in factories. There she saw the work of teenage workers, which amazed her. This difficult time was reflected in her poetry.

This is how the poems appeared: “Newbie”, “Fidget”, “My Student” and a poem “I decided to become a student”.

Goodbye, horses in the meadow,

I've been tending you all summer.

Goodbye, horses in the meadow,

I'll watch you one more time,

Then I will leave you.
The hills turn blue in the distance,

It's already dawn...

The hills turn blue in the distance,

Like waves on a river

And the forest is covered in fog.
The sun rises over the forest,

A fine day is rising.

I decided to become a student

Wear a cap with a visor

And a leather belt.
I'm still waiting for the field mail.

There are no letters from my brother...

Alyosha, if you're alive,

Write a reply quickly.
Alyosha, hit them hot,

Stand as helpers at the stoves,

Work day and night.
Goodbye, horses in the meadow,

I've been tending you all summer.

I'll watch you one more time,

Then I will leave you.
Wait for another groom

You'll get used to it...

The bay neighed quietly,

I do not know why.

Many of Agnia Barto's poems became songs. And now the older children will sing a song for us "Amateur fisherman"

Leading: I don’t know about you guys, but it’s like I’m back in childhood again.

Agnia Barto wrote a lot of poems. And not only for kids, but also for schoolchildren and teenagers. (slide)

A. Barto also wrote scripts for feature films(slide)

"Alyosha Ptitsyn is developing character"

"10,000 Boys":

But there is one film that is known from young to old. This film is about a girl who gets lost. This movie is called "Foundling".

There's also a movie "Elephant and String", in this film they simply took A. Barto’s poem as a basis "Rope". Let's remember a short excerpt from this poem. And grade 2 will help us with this.

Spring, spring outside,
Spring days!
Like birds, they pour out
Tram calls:
Noisy, cheerful,
Spring Moscow.
Not yet dusty
Green foliage.
Rooks are chattering in the tree.
Trucks rattle.

Spring, spring outside,
Spring days!

Passers-by cannot pass here:
There's a rope on the way.
The girls think in chorus
Ten times ten.
This is from our yard
Champions, masters
They carry jump ropes in their pockets,
They've been galloping since the morning.

With all her creativity, Agnia Barto fosters respect for children. Young heroes Agnia Lvovna’s poems win our respect from their very first steps.

At the end of 1968, Barto’s book of poems “I am growing” was published - a new facet in her work, a new and very important stage. The poems are warmed by a good feeling and a smile, the joy of being. A child is not without mischief, not without mistakes in his actions. But it is growing.


I have no time for toys now -
I'm learning from the ABC book,
I'll collect my toys
And I’ll give it to Seryozha.
Wooden dishes
I won't give it away yet.
I need the hare myself -
It's okay that he's lame
And the bear is too dirty...
It's a pity to give away the doll:
He'll give it to the boys
Or he'll throw it under the bed.

Give the locomotive to Seryozha?
It's bad, without a wheel...
And then I need it too
Play for at least half an hour!

I have no time for toys now -
I'm learning from the ABC book...
But it seems that I am Seryozha
I won't give you anything.

The poetess observes the formation best qualities, starting from childhood, her poems help foster love for the Motherland. This ability is characteristic of all of Barto’s work, and especially of poems addressed to schoolchildren.


My grandfather and I were painting the barn,

We got up with him at first light.

First, wipe the wall, -

My grandfather taught me. -

You wipe it off, clean it,

Then take up your brush boldly.
So my brush flew!

Thunder rumbled in the sky,

And I thought it was me

I rattle my bucket.
Well, the barn is finally ready.

My grandfather is so happy!

Eh, I wish I could take paints of all colors

And paint everything!
There is some paint in the bucket,

At the bottom, a little bit, -

I'll get up at dawn tomorrow,

I'll paint something!

Guys, look how many different books we have on A. Barto’s shelf. I think you will look for her poems and read them. Much can be said and read about her poems. All the poems - wise, cheerful and restless, that we remembered today will remain with us forever. These verses will never be erased from our memory.

The work of Agnia Lvovna will live forever in our hearts and be passed on from generation to generation.

Polosukhina Maria Yurievna

Educator, MADOU " Kindergarten No. 7", Engels, Saratov region

Polosukhina M.Yu. Summary of a lesson on speech development in the second junior group “Favorite toys” Based on the poems of A.L. Barto // Owl. 2017. N3(9)..10.2019).

Order No. 36111

Prepared by the teacher junior group“Sunflower” Polosukhina M. Yu.

Date: 05/20/2017.



Continue to develop interest in the poems of A. Barto;

Expand and enrich the vocabulary;

Continue to develop the ability to comprehend what is good and what is bad;

To consolidate the general concept of “toy”;

To develop word formation skills for nouns with diminutive suffixes.


Develop the ability to listen carefully, thoughtfully, and answer questions based on the text;

Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.


Develop memory, thinking, imagination, visual perception;

Encourage children to decide problem situations, carry out simple tasks with toys independently or with the help of a teacher.

Material for the lesson: toys: a hare, a bear, a horse, a truck with a kitten, a doll with a ball, a bowl of water.

Preliminary work: memorizing poems by A. Barto, conversation “My toys”.

Progress of the lesson.

Children stand in a circle. Toys are hidden under the blankets.

Guys, today we have guests, let's say hello to them and give our guests our favorite finger game.

The guests came running to Varvara, (we run the fingers of one hand along the palm of the other hand)

Everyone shook hands.

Hello Ildar, (connect thumb and index fingers)

Hello Eva, (large and medium)

Glad Yura, (large and unnamed)

Glad Angelina. (thumb and little finger)

Would you like some pie? (put your palms together)

Maybe a shortbread (show 2 open palms)

Or a horn (we put 2 fists on top of each other)

Here's a jelly bean for you, (points finger into open palm)

You take a little bit (bend your palms into fists several times)

Everyone quickly shook off the crumbs

And they clapped their hands!

Sit on chairs

Guys, do you like surprises? Look, there are toys hidden here, and you have to guess which ones. Listen to the first riddle:

Tall, beautiful,

A little playful

On a mighty neck

There is a thick mane.

In village life

Helps people:

Transports goods

He gives rides to everyone.

Maybe some flowers

Chew on the sly.

We give her hay

And we call ...(Horse)

That's right, it's a horse. Look what a horse it is. Beautiful? How does a horse “speak”? Let's say yig-go-go together. How does it click? What horse? What do you see in the horse?

(The children, together with the teacher, look at the horse and name the tail, mane, ears, hooves, eyes, etc. Then the teacher asks them to remember the poem about the horse.)

I love my horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly,

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.

Guys, is this poem a good owner? Why did you decide so? (Children's answers)

Now listen to the next riddle.

He doesn't sleep at all at night,

Keeps the house safe from mice,

Drinks milk from a bowl

Well, of course it’s (cat). Let's get the cat. We describe the cat. We imitate how it meows and purrs.

Doesn't fly, but buzzes

A beetle is running down the street.

And they burn in the eyes of the beetle,

Two shiny lights

We get the car. How it buzzes and beeps.

Let's remember the poem about the car and the cat.

No, we decided in vain

Give the cat a ride in the car.

The cat is not used to riding

The truck overturned.

What else can you carry in a truck? (Children's answers)

Oh, kids, did I just hear it or is there really someone crying in our washroom? Let's go and have a look.

(Together we go to the washroom, and there lies a bunny wrapped in a towel)

Guys, what kind of housewife abandoned this bunny here?

Let's take him with us.

Maybe one of you did this?

Describing a bunny

Children, do we know a poem about a bunny?

Let's read it, maybe our bunny will feel warmer?

The owner abandoned the bunny -

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.

Guys, please tell me if this bunny has a good owner. Is it possible to leave your toys outside? What about throwing them? How can we help the bunny so that he becomes happier and warmer? Let's play with him. (Let's stand in a circle)

Physical education minute.

The gray bunny washes himself, (Children “wash themselves”)

Apparently he's going to visit.

I washed my nose (Children rub their noses, tails, ears with their palms)

Washed my tail

I washed my ear.

Wiped it dry!

And he jumped: (Children are jumping)

Jump - jump!

Jump - jump!

Look guys, how cheerful the bunny has become! He says "Thank you" to you all.

Next riddle.

In the cold he sleeps in a den

Quietly snoring into holes

When he wakes up, well, cry,

And his name is... (bear)

Children guess the toy and talk about it. What kind of bear, what does the bear have. Children name body parts. The teacher offers to growl like a bear does. Then he offers to tell a poem about a bear.

Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw.

I still won't leave him -

Because he's good.

Guys, if a bear's paw was torn off - this is a good or bad deed. Is it good or bad that the girl doesn’t want to throw the teddy bear?

Children, our toys are not over yet

Listen to the following riddle:

They kick him, but he doesn't cry

They throw him, but he jumps.

What is this? That's right, it's a ball.

Look how beautiful he is, what color is he? What shape is it? Is he big or small? (We are conducting an experiment with a ball. The ball does not sink in a basin of water, we are clarifying the characteristics of the ball: light, rubber, round.

Do you know a poem about a ball? Let's read it!

Our Tanya cries loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry:

The ball will not drown in the river.

Well done! Everyone recited their poems well. How to say in one word: horse, bear, plane, ball, car, doll. (Toys)

Guys, let's tell you who wrote all these poems about toys. (Agniya Lvovna Barto)

Guys, tell me, is it possible to tear toys? (It is forbidden) Why not? (They are hurt. They are offended too)

Guys, is it possible to leave toys outside? (No. There will be no toys left.)

Guys, how do you play with a typewriter so that it doesn’t break? (You have to roll her by the rope, you can’t lie on the machine)

Guys, to ensure that our toys are always beautiful, what should we do? (Wash, comb, etc.)

Guys, you need to take care of your toys: you need to play carefully so that they don’t fall. And if they fall, what could happen? (They may break, crash) Let's call them affectionately. (doll-doll, ball-ball, bunny-bunny, bear-bear, car-car, horse-horse)

This is the end of the lesson, kids, let's say goodbye to our guests, and let's play with our new toys.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 1 in Uglegorsk

Abstract of GCD on the topic: “The Work of Agnia Barto” in middle group.

A journey through the pages of books.”


Educator: Milova

Kristina Viktorovna


Methodist: Popova

Irina Anatolyevna


Goals: To interest children in the work of A. L. Barto. To instill in children a desire to get acquainted with the work of the poetess.


Educational: introduce the work of A. L. Barto. To teach correct, expressive performance of poetic works. Teach children to make a ship applique. Create conditions for children to choose the content of the drawing on the sail from the book by A. L. Barto.

Educational: to cultivate interest and love for books. Cultivate respect and consideration for other people: honesty, politeness, hard work. Develop the ability to listen to others.

Educational: develop phonemic awareness, Creative skills, attention, memory, speech, skills to compare, analyze, draw conclusions.

Develop cognitive interest by attracting entertaining material and creating problem situations. Develop vocabulary.

Health-saving: creating a favorable psychological climate, preventing children from fatigue.

Progress of the lesson:

    Organizing time:


Hello guys! Guess the riddles and find the answers among the toys:

He's stubborn and pot-bellied,

The guys hit him hard.

Why are they beating the poor guy?

Because he is inflated. (Ball)

In the mornings and evenings

I re-read books

Bunny, elephant and... (Bear)

With brother Misha from him

Lots of different things

We collected it in a day

And we weren't tired at all. (Constructor)

Educator: How can you call these objects in one word? (Toys)

Bears, cubes, cars

And the designers are big,

And balls and trinkets -

These are all mine... (Toys)

Educator: Do you know that you can write poems and create a whole book about toys? Look at the beautiful book with poems I brought you. This is a book by children's poetess Agnia Barto. Let's look at it and read it. Guys, listen to the poem:


The owner abandoned the bunny -

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.

(Knock on the door)

Educator: - Oh, who is this?

Bear: - It's me, bear. Let me join your group.

Educator: - Guys, should we let the bear in? (children: yes) - Where did you come to us from, bear?

Bear: - From Agnia Barto’s book “Toys”. I was dropped to the floor...

It’s time for me to go back to the book, but I don’t know how to get there.

Educator: - Bear, let’s take you to the book?

Bear: - Of course. Yes, let me take you with me. There are so many interesting things in my book “Toys” by Agnia Barto. But we have a long way to go, I think we’ll get tired.

Educator: - Then let's choose transport. Guys, what can you go on?

Children: - By train, bike, car, bus, etc.

Educator: - There are many of us and we won’t fit in the car... - Let’s go by train?

Children: - Let's go!


(The song “Blue Car” plays, the children sit on chairs and repeat the movements according to the words of the song).

Journey through the pages.


Here we are in the book. The first stop is getting acquainted.

Educator: Agnia Lvovna Barto - wonderful children's writer. There is probably not a single person in our country who is not familiar with the work of A. L. Barto. She was born in Moscow. She started writing poetry during her school years. Her first children's book was published in 1925. Since then, she began to write poetry and poems for children of different ages. Agnia Barto loved children very much, she had her own children, and then a grandson was born. They named him Volodya. Agnia Barto dedicated the poem “Vovka- kind soul" Many songs for children have been written based on A. Barto's poems. She wrote poems about good and bad children and about toys...

Stop 2 - “Toy Store”.

You and I have no money, and to buy a toy, you need to recite a poem about the toy you want to buy.


Dropped the teddy bear on the floor

They tore off the bear's paw.

I still won't leave him -

Because he's good.


The bull is walking, swaying,

Sighs as he walks:

Oh, the board ends

Now I'm going to fall!


Time to sleep! The bull fell asleep

Lay down in the box on its side.

The sleepy bear lay down in bed,

Only the elephant doesn't want to sleep.

The elephant nods its head

He bows to the elephant.


The owner abandoned the bunny -

A bunny was left in the rain.

I couldn't get off the bench,

I was completely wet.


I love my horse

I'll comb her fur smoothly,

I'll comb my tail

And I’ll go on horseback to visit.


Our Tanya cries loudly:

She dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, Tanechka, don’t cry:

The ball will not drown in the river.

Educator: The next stop is poetry.

Bear: - Guys, what time of year is it now? (Spring)

Educator: Agnia Barto wrote various poems. There is also something about spring.

Cold Spring

Spring is already on the calendar,

But there are puddles everywhere in the yard,

And the garden is empty and bare.

Everywhere water flows like a river,

It's high time to plant leftovers

In the flower beds in front of the school.

We bought the seeds a long time ago,

And suddenly - cold spring.

Educator: Stop - sports:

And now you and I will turn into animals from the book. Close your eyes. One, two, three we have turned! Open your eyes. And the bear doesn’t even need to transform.

    The animals walk and look around. (Walking one after another with turning your head to the right, left).

    They are looking for a path in the grass. (Walking with bends).

    They heard some noise, got scared, and ran. (Running like a snake between the pins).

    The noise died down, the animals calmed down and ran. (Jogging).

    Through the branches. (Jumping from hoop to hoop).

    Toys hang high. (Jumping in place).

    The weather has turned bad, it's time to run away. (Running after each other).

Educator: That's how great we are! Now it's time to turn into guys. Close your eyes. One, two, three - we're guys again!

Next stop is creativity. Now we will make an applique - a boat. Bear, will you make a boat with us?

Bear: Yes, I really want to!

Cut out a trapezoid and a triangle from colored paper. We glue all this onto cardboard. The mast (a thin strip) is cut out and the sail is cut out. We learn how to work with scissors correctly. And then we invite the children to finish drawing, at their discretion, what or who they want to see on the sail.

Educator: Now you and I have made boats, let's make an exhibition of our work. Did Mishka like traveling with us through the pages of the book?

Bear: Yes!

Educator: It’s time for us to say goodbye to Mishka and return to kindergarten.

Goodbye, Mishka!

Bear: Goodbye (leaves)

Educator: Did you like our journey through the pages of the book?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Children love the poems of A.L. Barto. After all, her poems are kind and Agniya Lvovna shares with you a piece of her spiritual warmth. Guys, I would like to say: give warmth to each other, be polite, tolerant, responsive and attentive to others. Take care of your toys! We will often meet with the poems of this wonderful poetess!