What a man needs authors view firstname. First Name - first name or last name? Other points in filling out forms

A Dictionary of First Names (2 ed.)

Patrick Hanks, Kate Hardcastle, and Flavia Hodges

Over 6,000 names

‘I have returned to this dictionary again and again for sheer pleasure?’ - Financial Times

We all have a first name, but how many of us really know its origin and history? This dictionary covers over 6,000 names in common use in English, including the traditional and the very newest. It tells you the age, origin, and meaning of the name, as well as how it has fared in terms of popularity, and who the famous fictional or historical bearers of the name have been. It covers alternative spellings, short forms and pet forms, masculine and feminine forms, as well as help with pronunciation.

Bibliographic Information

Publisher: Oxford University Press Print Publication Date: 2006 Print ISBN-13: 9780198610601 Published online: 2006 Current Online Version: 2006 DOI: 10.1093/acref/9780198610601.001.0001 eISBN: 9780191726675


Patrick Hanks, author

Kate Hardcastle, author

Flavia Hodges author

Patrick Hanks is a lexicographer, onomastician, and corpus linguist. He is a Visiting Professor at the Bristol Center for Linguistics, University of the West of England.

Flavia Hodges is a philologist, lexicographer, and publisher.

I"m a DBA and the developers in my organization want to use the Entity Framework (EF) in their applications. While I understand how EF can dynamically generate the SQL for queries, we have many existing views that I would like to be able to continue to use. How can I do this with the Entity Framework?


The Entity Framework (EF) is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) tool that allows developers to work with the database by simply writing .NET code. For an introduction to EF take a look at our earlier tip Intro to Entity Framework with SQL Server. EF has built-in support for using existing views. Essentially it will treat the results returned from a view as an entity, similar to a table. When you use Visual Studio's Entity Data Model Wizard to generate a model from an existing database, an entity is created for each table that you select. When you select a view an entity will be created for it as well.

To demonstrate let"s start out with a very simple hypothetical schema that represents a database for the MSSQLTips website:

As is typical we have a normalized schema with foreign key relationships between the Tip table and the TipCategory and Author tables. In order to simplify querying we make use of the following view to return the data that we need for a particular web page:

CREATE VIEW. AS SELECT t.TipID , a.FirstName + " " + a.LastName Author , t.Title , c.TipCategoryName , t.PublishDate , t.URL FROM dbo.Author a INNER JOIN dbo.Tip t ON t.AuthorID = a .AuthorID INNER JOIN dbo.TipCategory c ON c.TipCategoryID = t.TipCategoryID WHERE (t.PublishDate IS NOT NULL)

Creating the EF Model

We are now ready to create our EF model that will make our view available. My starting point is a Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Console application. Add an ADO.NET Entity Data Model to the project and name it MSSQLTipsModel.edmx as shown below:

Click Add then choose Generate from database in the Choose Model Contents dialog as shown below:

Click Next then select an existing database connection or click New Connection to create one as shown below:

Note that the Save entity connection settings in the App.Config checkbox is checked which puts the necessary connection information into the application"s configuration file. Typically you would want to do this. Click Next then select the views to be included in the model from the Choose Your Database Objects dialog as shown below:

Click Finish to complete the Entity Data Model Wizard. You will see the following message displayed:

The table/view "EFTipsSample.dbo.vTipList" does not have a primary key defined. The key has been inferred and the definition was created as a read-only table/view.

When you create a model, EF will automatically generate the classes required to query and manipulate the entities. However, this is not the case for an entity that is based on a view. You'll get what are you need to query the entity but you can"t perform inserts, updates or deletes automatically. You can create your own stored procedures to do this. You can refer to our earlier tip How To Use SQL Server DML Stored Procedures with the Entity Framework for the details.

Sample Code

Now we are ready to write some sample code to query based on the view in our EF model. You can take a look at the code generated by EF; you will find it in the MSSQLTipsModel.Designer.cs file. There are a couple of noteworthy things to point out:

  • The EFTipsSampleEntities class is the container for your entities; this class name was automatically generated on the Choose Your Data Connection dialog
  • The vTipList class represents the entity created from the view of the same name; it has a property for each column in the view

The following is the simplest bit of code that will perform a query using the view and display each row and its columns.

Installing a particular program or registering on a foreign site often requires filling out a form with columns such as Last Name and First Name. Even though today English language quite common, many Internet or program users often have difficulties or doubts. The information provided below will help you avoid mistakes when registering.

When registering on websites, boxes, or filling out forms, you are required to provide information about the user, personal and/or contact information. The first thing you need to write is your first and last name - “First Name” and “Last Name”. The word “Name” is familiar to many; it is translated as “name”. The words First and Last are misleading. Not everyone knows where to write the last name and where the first name.

So, let’s explain: Name is a first name, Last Name is a surname, in English it is also denoted by the words Surname or Family Name. By the way, in addition to their first and last names, some Americans also have a second name or patronymic - Middle Name, given at birth (often this is any word they like). For example, full name John Lennon John Winston Lennon, where Winston is the middle name. This is, of course, information for general development, to register to use Internet resources, such details are not required.

Thus, in the First Name field we write our name, and in the Last Name or Surname translation we write our last name. It looks like this:

First Name: Ana (Ann)

Last Name: Simonova

So we figured it out, everything turns out to be not so difficult.

Other points in filling out forms

The need to fill out some kind of registration form on a website or questionnaire arises not only when working on the Internet. At the airports of some countries, they also give you a card to fill out upon arrival. The information that needs to be entered in both the first and second cases is approximately the same. You can translate incomprehensible or unfamiliar words from English into Russian using an online translator. But sometimes such an opportunity is not available, so watch and remember!

Account Information - what does account information mean:

* Login or username: account name or username - it can even be fictitious.

* Password: a password consisting of letters and numbers (you must remember or write it down);

* Re-Password: - here you need to repeat the password;

* Email address: email address;

* Re-Email address: repeat the e-mail;

Member/User Information - Personal information about the user

* First Name: First name

* Middle Name: Middle name

* Last Name: Last name

sometimes instead of the above three columns there is one Full Name/Your Name: I.O.F.

* Age: age;

* Date of birth: date of birth;

* Gender: Male/Female - gender: male/female;

* Address: street/house/apartment

* City/Town: city/town

* ZIP/Postal Code: postal code

* Country: Country of residence

Phone #: - telephone number indicating the country code, city code.

On various resources, some form elements may be missing. Markings in the form of an asterisk, highlighting in red or in bold means that the fields must be filled out.

If you know English, then it is impossible to confuse First Name and Last Name and other words found in questionnaires, registration forms and various documents. Therefore, learn English, open up more opportunities for yourself!

Returns the specified metadata field for the current or specified user. Metadata is indicated in the profile.

You need to specify $user_id if the function is used outside of the WordPress loop.

Can be used inside a WordPress loop, then the $user_id parameter does not need to be specified - the data will be taken for the current author of the post.

✈ 1 time = 0.000012s = very fast| 50000 times = 0.03s = speed of light| PHP 7.1.2, WP 4.7.3


$field (string) (required)

Data that needs to be output. Available fields:


Default: no

$user_id (number)

User ID. If you specify this parameter, the function will return the data of the specified user (author).

By default, the data will be output for the current user (when used inside a WordPress loop).
Default: current user


#1. Let's display the email of the author of the post (we use the function inside the Loop):

Author's email:

#1.1 Let’s display the author’s email with ID=45:

E-mail address of the author with identification number 25:

#2. Advanced Use

Some plugins can add their own meta fields for users; to display such meta fields you need to specify their name in the first parameter.

02/28/2012 Romchik

Good day. We continue to study tags for WordPress templates. In the previous article, we looked at the main tags for WordPress templates. Today we will focus on tags for working with the author(s) of posts in WordPress. Tags for working with the author of WordPress posts allow us to: display the author of the post, display a link to the author’s resource, display Additional information about the author and much more.

This tag displays the author of the post. The tag must be used inside The Loop mechanism. If you need to obtain data for further processing, you must use the tag. Can accept the parameter $post-id - post id.

This post was written by

This tag returns the author of the post for further processing. Must be used in The Loop mechanism.

This tag displays a link to the website of the author of the message. This address is set in the WordPress admin area. Used in The Loop mechanism. If you need to get a link to the author's website for further processing, then use the get_the_author_link() function;

Written by:

This function returns a link to the author's website for further use.

Displays meta data of the author. Accepts two parameters $field, $userID, where $field can take the following values:

  • user_login
  • user_pass
  • user_nicename
  • user_email
  • user_url
  • user_registered
  • user_activation_key
  • user_status
  • display_name
  • nickname
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • description
  • jabber
  • user_level
  • user_firstname
  • user_lastname
  • user_description
  • rich_editing
  • comment_shortcuts
  • admin_color
  • plugins_per_page
  • plugins_last_view

and $userID - user id. If this function is used in The Loop mechanism, then it is not necessary to specify $userID.

The email address for user id 25 is

Shows the total number of posts written by this author. Used inside The Loop mechanism.

has bloggedposts

Displays a link to all posts by the author. Must be used in The Loop mechanism.

Other posts by

Creates a dropdown list of authors of this resource. Takes an array of $args as a parameter, like this:

null, // string "show_option_none" => null, // string "hide_if_only_one_author" => null, // string "orderby" => "display_name", "order" => "ASC", "include" => null, // string "exclude" => null, // string "multi" => false, "show" => "display_name", "echo" => true, "selected" => false, "include_selected" => false, "name" => "user", // string "id" => null, // integer "class" => null, // string "blog_id" => $GLOBALS["blog_id"], "who" => null // string); ?>

  • show_option_all - calls the html of the dropdown list to select all users
  • show_option_none - calls the html of the dropdown list to not select any user
  • hide_if_only_one_author - hide if there is only one user
  • orderby - sorting by field, takes the following values: ID, user_nicename, display_name - default
  • order - sort order, can take the following values: 'ASC' - default, 'DESC'
  • include — user identifiers that will be included in the list are listed, separated by commas. All are enabled by default.
  • exclude — user identifiers that will not be included in the drop-down list are listed, separated by commas. By default there are no excluded ones.
  • multi - skip the ID attribute in the selected element, default: false.
  • show - which field to show in the list, takes the following value: 'ID', 'user_login', 'display_name' - by default
  • echo — show users (true) or return the result (false) for further processing.
  • selected - id of the user who will be selected. Default: empty.
  • include_selected - Always includes the selected user ID. Default: false.
  • name - user name that will be selected in the drop-down list. Default: user.
  • id — attribute of the selected element.
  • class — class of the selected element.
  • blog_id — blog id (for multisite only). Default: current.
  • who - which users to query, currently only supports authors.

Displays a list of site authors as links to posts. Optionally, this tag displays messages from each author and a link to RSS. It can take an array of the form:

"name", "order" => "ASC", "number" => null, "optioncount" => false, "exclude_admin" => true, "show_fullname" => false, "hide_empty" => true, "echo " => true, "feed" => , "feed_image" => , "feed_type" => , "style" => list, "html" => true); ?>

  • orderby - field that is used to sort results, can take the following values: name - default, email, url, registered, id, user_login, post_count
  • order — sort order, takes the following values: ASC — default, DESC
  • number — maximum number of displayed users, default: no restrictions
  • optioncount — display or not the number of published user messages, accepts: 1(true) — default or 0(false)
  • exclude_admin - exclude the administrator from the list, accepts 1 (true) - default or 0 (false)
  • show_fullname - display the author's full name (first and last name), can take two values ​​1(true) and 0(false) - default
  • hide_empty — display or not display the list of authors if it is empty. Accepts two values ​​1(true) - by default and 0(false)
  • echo — display or return the result for further processing, can take two values ​​1(true) — by default and 0(false)
  • feed — link text to the RSS feed for each author
  • feed_image — image path/file
  • feed_type — feed type. Can take the following values: - default, rss2, atom, rss, rdf
  • style — the style in which the list of authors will be displayed can take the following values: list — default, none
  • html - how to list elements as html or as a list. It can take two values ​​1(true) - by default, like html or 0(false) like text

Gets the author's address for the given author ID. Can take two parameters $author_id and $author_nicename, where $author_id is the author's ID, $author_nicename is the user's nickname.

This concludes our review of post author(s) tags for the WordPress theme. And in the next article we will look at bookmark tags for WordPress templates. So, don’t miss out on new posts by subscribing to the RSS feed of this blog.
That's all for now. Happy development everyone.