Dictation I took a long walk. Dictation on the topic: "Communications". The Mystery of Ball Lightning

1. The mountain is overgrown with thin and tall fir trees, like hedgehog needles.

2. The slopes of the mountains opened up, as if a book had unfolded, on the fold of which the silver ribbon of the river shone like a bookmark.

3. The less cluttered the apartment, the more air there is in it, the easier it is for its inhabitants to breathe.

4. There is no need for treasure if there is harmony in the family.

5. Proverbs and sayings always have not only a direct, but also a figurative meaning.

6. You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

7. Near the carts, under the carts and further away from the carts - Cossacks scattered on the grass were visible everywhere.

8. The last one, Vanya, I didn’t even notice at first: he was lying on the ground, quietly huddled under the angular matting, and only occasionally stuck his light brown curly head out from under it.

Appendix 3


Dictation 1. Topic “Communion”

The thunderstorm left an unforgettable, indelible impression in the village. It started in the evening. The bright dawn, not yet covered by the black approaching cloud, illuminated our bedroom with pink light. Through the windows, which had not yet been closed for the night, the room was filled with surprisingly fresh, slightly humid air. Suddenly a terrible thunderclap shook the whole house, and rain began to pour down, which did not stop for about an hour. The windows were not curtained. Lightning, unprecedented in beauty and brightness, was constantly visible through them. The peals of thunder, which did not stop for a minute, shackled us and kept us in a state of incessant fear. It seemed that some force would demolish our house, which stood on a high bank and was not protected from the winds.

When my fright had passed, I fell asleep quietly in my crib, which was unmade for the night due to the commotion caused by the thunderstorm.

In the morning nothing resembled yesterday's bad weather. The sun was shining brightly, the grass, which had not dried out after the rain, sparkled, and the birds were bursting with emotion.

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the participles and participial phrases found in the text as parts of the sentence.

(Predicate: not curtained.

Definitions: unforgettable, indelible; not yet covered by a black approaching cloud; not yet closed for the night; did not stop for about an hour; unprecedented in beauty and brightness; not silent for a minute; incessant; standing on a high bank and unprotected from the winds; not sleeping at night because of the confusion caused by the thunderstorm; not dry after the rain.)

Option I: not dry;

Option II: not closed.

Dictation 2. Topics “Communion” and “Communion”

After drinking a cup of tea, Natasha sighed noisily, threw her braid over her shoulder and began reading a book with a yellow cover. The mother, trying not to make noise with the dishes while pouring tea, listened to the girl’s smooth speech. But soon, tired of following the story, she began to examine the guests.

Pavel sat next to Natasha. He was the most beautiful of all. Natasha, bending low over the book, often straightened her hair that had slipped down onto her temples. Tossing her head and not lowering her voice, she said something of herself, without looking at the book, her eyes affectionately sliding over the faces of her listeners.

The Little Russian leaned his broad chest onto the corner of the table, squinting his eyes, trying to see the tangled ends of his mustache. Vyesovshchikov sat upright, resting his palms on his knees... Without blinking his eyes, he stubbornly looked at his face, reflected in the shiny copper of the samovar. Little Fedya, listening to the reading, silently moved his lips, as if repeating to himself the words of the book. And his comrade bent over, putting his elbows on his knees, and smiled thoughtfully. The room felt somehow especially good.

(M. Gorky)

Grammar tasks

Option I: tired;

Option II: leaning over.

Option I: waving;

Option II: resting.

Dictation 3. Topics “Communion” and “Communion”

Departure of geese

Leaves fell from the trees, and gardeners began to bury grapevines in the ground. It was then that they flew over the village wild geese. They had a long, difficult journey to make, and they flew slowly, maintaining formation. In the morning and afternoon, in the coldish clear blue of the sky, dark dots of flocks of geese flying south were visible and loud cackling was heard. Sometimes a gust of headwind knocked down young geese flying behind. They broke the line of formation, and the old leader, slowing down his measured flight, called them with a sharp, guttural cry. They returned to their places, and the flock flew on.

And yet, it happened that an exhausted old goose remained on a lake or somewhere in shallow water. It was difficult for her to keep up with the flock, and she flew alone, often dropping to the ground and resting from the flight. Having rested a little, she tried to catch up with the flock, flapping her wings heavily.

Grammar tasks

1. Underline the gerunds and participial phrases found in the text as parts of the sentence.

2. Do a word-formation analysis of words and an analysis of words by composition.

Option I: enduring;

Option II: slowing down

3. Make morphological analysis words

Option I: going down;

Option II: resting.

Dictation 4. Topics “Communion” and “Communion”

Night adventure

At first summer holidays My friend and I decided to take a short trip in a rubber boat. Without telling anyone, we quickly got ready to set off and by nightfall we were on the river bank. The silence of the night, interrupted by some sharp bird cry, the damp, piercing air - all this had a bad effect on us.

For several minutes we hesitated, but then we resolutely entered the boat, pushed away from the shore, and the boat floated downstream. At first it was scary to drive along an unfamiliar river, but gradually we got used to it and boldly looked forward.

We floated slowly down the river, almost without using the oars. The moon appeared from behind the clouds, illuminating all the surroundings with its mysterious brilliance. Somewhere a nightingale clicked, followed by another. We admired the nightingale's singing and completely forgot about the boat. Suddenly, having bumped into something, it capsized, and we found ourselves waist-deep in water. Having collected our things that were floating along the river, we climbed ashore, pulled out the ill-fated boat, lit a fire and until the morning we warmed ourselves, dried ourselves and discussed the night's adventure.

(154 words)

Dictation 5. Topic “Adverb”

The Mystery of Ball Lightning

The nature of ordinary lightning was unraveled a long time ago. Scientists have had less luck with ball lightning. Its origin is still unclear. Usually ball lightning appears in the form of a fireball floating in the air or rapidly flying. Often, for unknown reasons, an explosion occurs. But she can disappear calmly, throwing sparks out of herself.

Ball lightning has long attracted attention due to the unusual nature of its behavior.

Firstly, it does not rise up in the surrounding cold air, and secondly, it retains its shape and moves. It can hover above the ground or move parallel. The temperature in ball lightning does not rise very high. It is much lower than that at which ordinary air glows.

What is the mystery of ball lightning? Scientists have yet to answer this question.

Grammar tasks

1. Do a word-formation analysis of words and an analysis of words by composition.

Option I: for a long time;

Option II: often.

2. Make a morphological analysis of words.

Option I: less (from the 2nd sentence);

Option II: unclear (from the 3rd sentence).

Type of participles

Educational dictations

1. Feast of Birds

While plowing, gluttony occurred: starlings, jackdaws, and crows grabbed and grabbed gelatinous worms, naked and cut by the plow. The timid gray ploughs, too, lived in the plowing, hovering over the furrows. Even a small flycatcher sat on a perch and, having waited for its moment, jumped down and, grabbing something from the ground, carried it to the town and hastily pecked it. Forest birds descended from the mountains to the garden and patiently waited for them to eat their fill and doze off, elegant and well-fed starlings, reminiscent of village merchants, striding along the furrows in a businesslike manner. Unable to withstand the temptation, the birds, flashing over the gorodba, carried away from the furrow a booger, a beetle, some kind of larva, and a starling certainly in pursuit. (IN.Astafiev.)

(96 words.Vowels after sibilants and c. Case endings and suffixes of nouns. Complex sentences.)

ExerciseDetermine the role of adverbial phrases in sentences. Label the punctograms. Find related words to the word gorodba.

Gorodba(dialect.) - fence, fence.

2. Chase

Five or six leaps behind the trot, the pack rushed along. The leader, tall and broad-chested, ran ahead. Either throwing his hind legs up to his chest, then unclenching like a spring and spreading out in flight over a snowdrift, he rushed, spreading his large and long tail in the wind. His gray skin with a light red tint bristled at the back of his neck and quickly rolled over his knotted and powerful muscles. (V. Potievsky.)

(59 words.Consoles. Compound adjectives. Verb suffixes. Homogeneous members.)

ExerciseDetermine the type of participles and indicate their suffixes. Comment on the punctuation of gerunds.

Test dictation

3. Congratulations

Grandma was already in the hall. Hunched over and leaning on the back of a chair, she stood against the wall and prayed devoutly. Dad stood next to her. Turning to us, he smiled, noticing how we, in a hurry, hid the prepared gifts behind our backs and, trying to be unnoticed, stopped at the very door. All the surprise we were counting on was lost.

Approaching the chair, I suddenly felt that I was under the heavy influence of an irresistible, overwhelming shyness, and, feeling that I would never have the courage to present my gift, I hid behind Karl Ivanovich, who, having congratulated my grandmother, transferred the box from his right hand to his left , handed it to the birthday girl and walked away to give room to Volodya. (According to L. Tolstoy.)

(102 words.Consoles. Letters nn in nouns, adjectives and participles.)

ExerciseWrite down the participles in two columns: perfect and imperfect. Indicate from which verbs the gerunds are formed, determine the type of verbs.

Notwith gerunds

Educational dictation

4. The beast is sick

The cheetah came out slowly and immediately approached the baby. He lapped up the water for a long time and greedily, without touching the meat, without sniffing the new room, he lay down in the farthest corner of the cage. I thought this was strange. Usually the animal first of all gets acquainted with a new place, but this one immediately lay down. Isn't he sick? Unfortunately, my fears were not in vain. When the attendant came in the morning, the cheetah continued to lie in the same place, and the meat remained uneaten. (V. Chaplin.)

(72 words.Consoles. Verbs to tsya. Difficult sentence.)

ExerciseIndicate the spelling " Not with participles." What other words is the particle used in the text? Not? What parts of speech are these?

Creative dictation

5. Returning home

The swallow flew over the river with glee, soared up to the clouds, fell on the water, circled over the houses, over the forest, over the mountains, soared into the courtyards, pretending that it had landed here by accident, and rushed headlong along the street above the road itself, chirping , churling, informing everyone that she had flown in from distant countries and was so eager to return to her native Siberian village, she had gone through such distances, troubles and storms that she was now completely happy and, having celebrated her return, frolicking in joy, she would immediately get down to business and repair the nest above the fence, she will hatch the children and begin to catch mosquitoes and midges, and let people not worry that she will play and play and completely lose her head. (V. Astafiev.)

(104 words.Consoles. Suffixes of nouns, adjectives and verbs. Personal endings of verbs. Isolation of adverbial phrases.)

ExerciseDetermine the type of participles. Underline the punctograms with adverbial phrases. Why did the author depict the swallow’s return to its native places in one sentence? Write out words from the text that convey the joyful state of the swallow. What parts of speech do these words belong to?

Control dictation

6. Swallow's concerns

The house in which we lived stood on a hill, was blown by winds around the clock, and was dry and strong, like a real mountaineer.

Under the eaves of a small terrace there were clumps of swallow's nests. The swallows quickly and accurately flew into the terrace, slowing down, greedy, noisy chicks reached out to them. Their gluttony was rivaled only by the tirelessness of their parents. Sometimes, having given food to the chick, the swallow, slightly tilted back, sat for a few moments at the edge of the nest. She sat motionless, and only her head carefully turned in all directions. A moment - and she, breaking down, falls, then, smoothly and accurately turning out, emerges from under the terrace. (F. Iskander.)

(84 words.Dictionary words. Vowels after sibilants and c. Consoles. Verb suffixes. Isolation of adverbial phrases.)

Summary of a Russian language lesson in 7th grade

Dictation on the topic “Communications”

Wonderful night

On this night miracles come uninvited. Late in the evening, calming down by the window, you clearly feel that someone is making its way to the house. Opening the window, you touch the bluish-silver snowflakes falling from the sky and say: “Hello, New Year

Whispers, rustles, mysterious chimes are signs of an approaching charming fairy tale.

The moon lights up in the sky, snow flies off the roofs, and the blizzard swirling under the window seems to envelop you from head to toe. Forgetting about time, about the holiday, you close your eyes and fall into a sweet sleep. You dream that you, having taken off from the ground, are flying over a sleepy town, a snow-covered forest, a small river covered with an ice shell. Having reached the starry sky and taken off a bright star, you attach it to your chest.

In the morning, waking up with a light heart and a joyful smile, you remember an extraordinary meeting with a miracle.

(121 words)

(According to A. Illuminatorskaya)


1. Syntactic analysis of sentences.

Having reached the starry sky and taken off a bright star, you attach it to your chest.

2. Produce morpheme parsing participles.

Having settled down, woken up

3. Indicate the type of participles in the text.

Option I:

Perfect participles.

Option II:

Imperfect participle.

Control dictation No. 1

on the topic "Repetition"

Forest stream

If you want to comprehend the soul of the forest, find some stream. I am walking along the sandy bank of a narrow nameless stream and now I see, hear, think.

In shallow places, the water encounters a barrier in the roots of spruce trees, causing it to gurgle and burst into bubbles. These bubbles quickly rush with the flow and at a new obstacle they bunch up into a bizarre snow-white lump.

The water has to overcome all new obstacles, but this does nothing for it, it just gathers into silver streams and flows on. At the site of a large rubble, water flows in full swing. Spruce and aspen seeds swirl, sink and float out again in the whirlpool.

A stream ran out of the forest and in a clearing became a small lake, along the banks of which bright yellow primroses grew. Their buds touch the shiny smooth surface.

The entire passage of the stream through the forest is a path of long struggle with numerous obstacles.

Control dictation No. 2

on the topic "Communion"

One day, the grandfather took out a large box from his things. It turned out to be filled with all kinds of objects. There were rusty arrowheads, ancient coins, stone images of people, fossilized shells and pieces of wood. He kept all this as a keepsake. I understood the meaning of what was said a few days later.

One evening the grandfather put his large box on the floor. He opened the lid, took one item out of the box and, holding it in his hands, began his long and interesting story.

Part of his life spent traveling was connected with him. On the first evening, grandfather took out a small box with a dried insect and told us about sandy deserts, where the sun mercilessly scorches, and tornadoes rise to the very sky.

The next evening, a small pipe carved from walrus bone took us to the far east. Before our eyes arose a restless sea, small rocky islands occupied by bird colonies, a sailing ship creaking in every way even with a slight wind.

On long winter evenings, through my grandfather’s stories, I became acquainted with the diverse nature of our homeland.

(According to E. Spagnenberg)

Test on the topic “Communion”

  1. 1.Which word has the stress on the last syllable?

A) Spilled

b) Taken away

V) taken

G) Locked

  1. 2.One letter is written n .

A) Error corrected..a

b) Built houses

V) Spoiled child

G) Throwing stone

  1. 3. The letter I is written.

A) Shot...

b) Milled...

V) Oily

G) Refilled

  1. 4.Commas are required.

He took out from behind his boot (1) a folding knife tied to a strap, looked at the thoughtfully whispering bushes (3) with an attentive gaze and resolutely approached the trunk (4) swinging over the steep.

  1. 5.The present participle cannot be formed from a verb.

A) Perfect looking

b) Imperfect view

V) Returnable

  1. 6.There is an error in the explanation of the spelling of the highlighted letters.

A) Bech e vka – e at the root of the word (becheva)

b) Arson e nnny – passive past participle

V) Thicken e nka – e under stress in a noun suffix

G) Cloak O m – O stressed at the end of a noun

Control dictation No. 3

on the topic "Participation"


It didn't smell really cold yet. The willows still stood green in their dense foliage. And suddenly, quiet, quiet snow slowly began to fall from the low dark sky.

At first, barely noticeable fluffs fell, which, barely touching the warm ground, immediately melted, turning into abundant cold dew.

But then large flakes of snow began to swirl like white cotton wool, dancing in the heavy, humid air. And in just half an hour the field turned white. The meadow grasses fell under the weight of the wet whiteness. The newly plowed field lay like a colorful patchwork blanket.

It was grey, damp and quiet all around. Nature was preparing to go into a long winter sleep and was silent in concentration. And only the restless chirping of a magpie that suddenly appeared from somewhere broke this silence. She, as if surprised, announced:

Good people, heavenly birds! Look, it's winter! Winter!

Sitting on the fence, she chirped continuously and carefully bowed to all four cardinal directions, welcoming the first snow, the arrival of winter, the white renewal of nature.

(According to A. Ryzhov)

Test on the topic “Communication”

  1. 1.It is not written smoothly.

A) Very unsure

b) Not/remembering the plot

V) The house is not/built

G) Not/written letter yesterday

  1. 2.The sentence with the adverbial phrase is correctly constructed.

A) Approaching the gate, I became scared.

b) A glowing trail followed the boat, fading into the distance.

V) Petya swam across the coastal depths and reached the shallows.

G) The door creaks and sways in the wind.

  1. 3.Punctuation error in a sentence.

A) Not seeing anything ahead, we slowly made our way in the darkness.

b) Under blue skies The snow lies in magnificent carpets, glistening in the sun.

V) One moonbeam, filtering through a window that had not been wiped for years, sparingly illuminated the corner.

G) Martha timidly looked down and, shuddering, backed away.

  1. 4.All verb forms are used with accusative case dependent word.

A) Boil, boiled, brewed

b) Put, put, put

V) Arrange, arrange, arrange

G) bring, brought, brought

  1. 5.Error in determining morphological characteristics.

A) After running

b) Washed– participle, passive, present tense, perfect form

V) Take off– participle, active, past tense, perfect form

G) baked– gerund, perfect form

  1. 6.Error in text description.

We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate and truly magical Russian language. We have accepted the brilliant and incredibly rich language of our classics as a gift, and we must preserve the folk origins of the Russian language for posterity.

A) Means of connection of sentences - cognate words

b) Type of speech - reasoning

V) The method of connecting sentences is parallel

G) Speech style – journalistic

Control dictation No. 4

on the topic "Adverb"


Once upon a time, on a dark autumn evening, I happened to be sailing along a gloomy Siberian river. Suddenly, at a bend in the river, ahead, under the dark mountains, a light flashed.

Flashed brightly, strongly, very close. I was glad that the overnight stop was close, and told the rower about it. He turned, looked over his shoulder at the fire, muttered that it was still far away, and again silently (apathetically) leaned on the oars.

Now I often remember this dark river, shaded by rocky mountains, and this living light. Many lights, both before and after, beckoned me with their proximity. But life flows on the same gloomy shores, and the lights are still far away. And again we have to lean harder on the oars.

But still there are lights ahead!

(According to V. Korolenko)

Test on the topic “Adverb”

  1. 1.The soft sign is not written.

A) Discover...those

b) On your back..

V) Saving..

G) Flammable..

  1. 2.The hyphen is not written.

A) Apparently...apparently

b) Unexpectedly..unexpectedly

V) Something

G) On the fly

  1. 3.It is written O .

A) Help..

b) Since ancient times..

V) Enough..

G) Dark..

  1. 4.One is written n .

A) There is no wind outside..oh.

b) The sky was cluttered with wisps of white clouds.

V) This girl is uncontrollable..a.

G) Everyone was arguing excitedly.

  1. 5.Indicate the adjective in the comparative degree.

A) It became quieter at the edge of the forest.

b) The puppy howled more and more pitifully.

V) Brother is taller than sister.

  1. 6.Find the wrong statement:

A) Adverbs can indicate the purpose and reason for an action.

b) Adverbs, like gerunds, are an immutable part of speech.

V) The comparative degree of an adverb can have simple and compound forms.

G) An adverb never acts as a definition.

Control dictation No. 5

on the topic "Preposition"

Despite the beginning of September, it was hot like summer. Tea was served in the living room, which looked out with wide open windows onto the garden, which had not yet been cleared of fallen leaves.

The room was lined with polished antique furniture upholstered in burgundy plush along the walls. Thanks to the openwork capes and the snow-white homespun tablecloth, embroidered with fancy patterns, the room looked festively solemn. The gilded and silvered dishes were polished to a shine, and in the middle of the table stood a flower-shaped jug, reflecting the sun's rays. Around him were placed low but elegant glasses made of cut crystal.

For an hour the conversation did not stop. They talked mainly about the trip, which, despite fears, ended well. At the end of the tea party, one of those present, amused, suggested examining the picturesque lake, which had overflowed due to recent rains.

(According to I.V. Sorokina)


on the topic "Union"

  1. 1. Place punctuation marks. Mark all conjunctions, mark subordinating conjunctions with the letter P, and coordinating conjunctions with the letter S. Complete parsing highlighted offer. Perform a morphological analysis of the union.

For a long time after that we drove without stopping through the white desert in the cold, transparent and wavering light of the snowstorm. When you open your eyes, the same clumsy hat and back, covered with snow, stick out in front of me, the same low arc under which the head of the indigenous man with a black mane, regularly tossed in one direction by the wind, moves steadily at the same distance. From behind the back one can see the same bay tie 4. You look down - the same loose snow is being torn apart by runners and the wind stubbornly carries it away in one direction. Ahead, at the same distance, the leading three are running away. To the right and left everything turns white and 3 appears. The eye searches in vain for a new object: not a pillar, not a haystack, not a fence - nothing is visible. (L. Tolstoy)

  1. 2. Test

1. Homogeneous members can be connected using subordinating conjunctions

2. Find a coordinating conjunction:

d) because;

3. Find the subordinating conjunction:

c) since;

4. Parts of a complex sentence can be connected using

a) coordinating conjunction;

b) subordinating conjunction;

c) intonation.

  1. 3. Place punctuation marks. Name the rows homogeneous members, make diagrams, explain punctuation marks.

Over the hundred years that have passed since the death of the city, the winds of rain and snow tried to wipe it off the face of the earth and in many ways they succeeded. But the stone houses still remained standing, albeit without roofs and windows. The pavements, along which stood rows of broken tall stumps without bark, had weathered but not completely disappeared. The best preserved one is the old castle on the hill above the city. It was already more than a thousand years old, but the walls, made of mighty stone slabs, withstood the attacks of wind and rain. (According to K. Bulychev)

Control dictation

No. 7 on the topic “Particle”

Summer evening

Quiet and gentle warm summer evening. No oppressive heat, no stuffiness in the calm air. Twilight has not yet descended on the earth, and pale stars, which have not yet had time to flare up, are already imperceptibly appearing in the sky one after another. A hushed breeze will occasionally rustle over the ground, blowing unexpected coolness into your face. Then an indistinct rustling arose in the foliage of the trees. They will whisper about something unknown among themselves, not paying attention to the lonely traveler. Whatever you glance at, whatever you stop it at, everything joyfully greets the evening cool. Twilight becomes thicker and more noticeable. In the dark sky, more and more dim stars are constantly flashing. Distant and incomprehensible, they quietly froze in the immense heights and seem to look with bewilderment at the restless life on earth.

How nice this wonderful evening is! Nothing disturbs his peace of mind. You can't help but admire this wonderful picture of nature.


Control dictation No. 1

on the topic "Repetition"

Forest stream.

Control dictation No. 2

on the topic "Communion"

(According to E. Spagnenberg)

Test on the topic “Communion”

a) Spilled

b) Taken away

c) Taken


  1. 2. One letter is written n.

a) Error corrected..a

b) Built houses

c) Spoiled child

d) Broken stone

  1. 3. The letter I is written.

a) Shot...

b) Millet...

c) Oily

d) Refilled

  1. 4.Commas are required.

a) Perfect form

b) Imperfect form

c) Returnable

a) Bech e vka – e at the root of the word (becheva)

b) Set fire e

c) Condensed milk – e

d) Cloak o m - o

Control dictation No. 3

on the topic "Participation"


(According to A. Ryzhov)

Test on the topic “Communication”

  1. 1. It is not written together.

a) Very confused

b) Not/remembering the plot

c) The house is not/built

d)Not / letter written yesterday

a) Having run –

b) Washed –

c) Take off -

d) Baked – gerund, perfect form

b) Type of speech - reasoning

Control dictation No. 4

on the topic "Adverb"


But still there are lights ahead!

(According to V. Korolenko)

Test on the topic “Adverb”

  1. 1. The soft sign is not written.

a) Discover...those

b) On your back..

c) Saving..

d) Flammable..

  1. 2. The hyphen is not written.

a) Apparently...apparently

b) Unexpectedly..unexpectedly

c) Something...

d) On the fly

  1. 3. It is written about.

a) Ref..

b) For a long time...

c) Enough..

d) Dark..

  1. 4. Write one n.

a) There is no wind outside..o.

c) This girl is unrestrained..a.

d) Everyone was arguing excitedly.

a) It became quieter at the edge of the forest.

b) The puppy howled more and more pitifully.

c) Brother is taller than sister.

Control dictation No. 5

on the topic "Preposition"

(According to I.V. Sorokina)

  1. 2.Test

a) so that;

b) if;

c) also;

d) because;

d) although.

a) either;

b) but;

c) since;

d) too;

d) or.

a) coordinating conjunction;

b) subordinating conjunction;

c) intonation.

Control dictation No. 7

On the topic "Particle"

Summer evening



Control dictation No. 1

on the topic "Repetition"

Forest stream.

If you want to comprehend the soul of the forest, find some stream. I am walking along the sandy bank of a narrow nameless stream and now I see, hear, think.

In shallow places, the water encounters a barrier in the roots of spruce trees, causing it to gurgle and burst into bubbles. These bubbles quickly rush with the flow and at a new obstacle they bunch up into a bizarre snow-white lump.

The water has to overcome all new obstacles, but this does nothing for it, it just gathers into silver streams and flows on. At the site of a large rubble, water flows in full swing. Spruce and aspen seeds swirl, sink and float out again in the whirlpool.

A stream ran out of the forest and in a clearing became a small lake, along the banks of which bright yellow primroses grew. Their buds touch the shiny smooth surface.

The entire passage of the stream through the forest is a path of long struggle with numerous obstacles.

Control dictation No. 2

on the topic "Communion"

One day, the grandfather took out a large box from his things. It turned out to be filled with all kinds of objects. There were rusty arrowheads, ancient coins, stone images of people, fossilized shells and pieces of wood. He kept all this as a keepsake.I understood the meaning of what was said a few days later.

One evening the grandfather put his large box on the floor. He opened the lid, took one item out of the box and, holding it in his hands, began his long and interesting story.

Part of his life spent traveling was connected with him. On the first evening, grandfather took out a small box with a dried insect and told us about sandy deserts, where the sun mercilessly scorches, and tornadoes rise to the very sky.

The next evening, a small pipe carved from walrus bone took us to the far east. Before our eyes arose a restless sea, small rocky islands occupied by bird colonies, a sailing ship creaking in every way even with a slight wind.

On long winter evenings, through my grandfather’s stories, I became acquainted with the diverse nature of our homeland.

(According to E. Spagnenberg)

Test on the topic “Communion”

  1. 1. In which word does the stress fall on the last syllable?

a) Spilled

b) Taken away

c) Taken


  1. 2. One letter is written n.

a) Error corrected..a

b) Built houses

c) Spoiled child

d) Broken stone

  1. 3. The letter I is written.

a) Shot...

b) Millet...

c) Oily

d) Refilled

  1. 4.Commas are required.

He pulled out from behind his boot (1) a folding knife tied to a strap,He took an attentive look (2) at the thoughtfully whispering bushes (3) and resolutely approached the trunk (4) swaying over the steep slope.

  1. 5. The present participle cannot be formed from a verb.

a) Perfect form

b) Imperfect form

c) Returnable

  1. 6. Error in explaining the spelling of highlighted letters.

a) Bech e vka – e at the root of the word (becheva)

b) Set fire e nnny – passive past participle

c) Condensed milk – e under stress in a noun suffix

d) Cloak o m - o stressed at the end of a noun

Control dictation No. 3

on the topic "Participation"


It didn't smell really cold yet. The willows still stood green in their dense foliage. And suddenly, quiet, quiet snow slowly began to fall from the low dark sky.

At first, barely noticeable fluffs fell, which, barely touching the warm ground, immediately melted, turning into abundant cold dew.

But then large flakes of snow began to swirl like white cotton wool, dancing in the heavy, humid air. And in just half an hour the field turned white. The meadow grasses fell under the weight of the wet whiteness. The newly plowed field lay like a colorful patchwork blanket.

It was grey, damp and quiet all around. Nature was preparing to go into a long winter sleep and was silent in concentration. And only the restless chirping of a magpie that suddenly appeared from somewhere broke this silence. She, as if surprised, announced:

Good people, heavenly birds! Look, it's winter! Winter!

Sitting on the fence, she chirped continuously and carefully bowed to all four cardinal directions, welcoming the first snow, the arrival of winter, the white renewal of nature.

(According to A. Ryzhov)

Test on the topic “Communication”

  1. 1. It is not written together.

a) Very confused

b) Not/remembering the plot

c) The house is not/built

d)Not / letter written yesterday

  1. 2. The sentence with the participial phrase is constructed correctly.

a) Approaching the gate, I became scared.

b) A luminous trail stretched behind the boat, melting into the distance.

c) Petya swam across the coastal depths and reached the shallows.

d) The door is creaking and swaying from the wind.

  1. 3. Punctuation error in a sentence.

a) Not distinguishing anything ahead, we slowly made our way in the darkness.

b) Under the blue skies with magnificent carpets, glistening in the sun, the snow lies.

c) One moonbeam, leaking through a window that had not been wiped for years, sparingly illuminated the corner.

d) Martha fearfully looked down, and, shuddering, backed away.

  1. 4. All verb forms are used with the accusative case of the dependent word.

a) Boil, boiled, boiled

b) Put, put, put

c) Arrange, arrange, arrange

d) Bring, brought, brought

  1. 5. Error in determining morphological characteristics.

a) Having run – gerund, perfect form

b) Washed – participle, passive, present tense, perfect tense

c) Take off - participle, active, past tense, perfect

d) Baked – gerund, perfect form

  1. 6. Error in the description of the text.

We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate and truly magical Russian language. We have accepted the brilliant and incredibly rich language of our classics as a gift, and we must preserve the folk origins of the Russian language for posterity.

a) Means of connection of sentences - cognate words

b) Type of speech - reasoning

c) The method of connecting sentences is parallel

d) Speech style – journalistic

Control dictation No. 4

on the topic "Adverb"


Once upon a time, on a dark autumn evening, I happened to be sailing along a gloomy Siberian river. Suddenly, at a bend in the river, ahead, under the dark mountains, a light flashed.

Flashed brightly, strongly, very close. I was glad that the overnight stop was close, and told the rower about it. He turned, looked over his shoulder at the fire, muttered that it was still far away, and again silently (apathetically) leaned on the oars.

Now I often remember this dark river, shaded by rocky mountains, and this living light. Many lights, both before and after, beckoned me with their proximity. But life flows on the same gloomy shores, and the lights are still far away. And again we have to lean harder on the oars.

But still there are lights ahead!

(According to V. Korolenko)

Test on the topic “Adverb”

  1. 1. The soft sign is not written.

a) Discover...those

b) On your back..

c) Saving..

d) Flammable..

  1. 2. The hyphen is not written.

a) Apparently...apparently

b) Unexpectedly..unexpectedly

c) Something...

d) On the fly

  1. 3. It is written about.

a) Ref..

b) For a long time...

c) Enough..

d) Dark..

  1. 4. Write one n.

a) There is no wind outside..o.

b) The sky was cluttered with wisps of white clouds.

c) This girl is unrestrained..a.

d) Everyone was arguing excitedly.

  1. 5.Indicate the adjective in the comparative degree.

a) It became quieter at the edge of the forest.

b) The puppy howled more and more pitifully.

c) Brother is taller than sister.

  1. 6. Find the wrong statement:

a) Adverbs can indicate the purpose and reason for an action.

b) Adverbs, like gerunds, are an unchangeable part of speech.

c) The comparative degree of an adverb can have simple and compound forms.

d) An adverb never acts as a definition.

Control dictation No. 5

on the topic "Preposition"

Despite the beginning of September, it was hot like summer. Tea was served in the living room, which looked out with wide open windows onto the garden, which had not yet been cleared of fallen leaves.

The room was lined with polished antique furniture upholstered in burgundy plush along the walls. Thanks to the openwork capes and the snow-white homespun tablecloth, embroidered with fancy patterns, the room looked festively solemn. The gilded and silvered dishes were polished to a shine, and in the middle of the table stood a flower-shaped jug, reflecting the sun's rays. Around him were placed low but elegant glasses made of cut crystal.

For an hour the conversation did not stop. They talked mainly about the trip, which, despite fears, ended well. At the end of the tea party, one of those present, amused, suggested examining the picturesque lake, which had overflowed due to recent rains.

(According to I.V. Sorokina)

Test on the topic "Union"

  1. 1.Place punctuation marks. Mark all conjunctions, mark subordinating conjunctions with the letter P, and coordinating conjunctions with the letter S. Perform a syntactic analysis of the highlighted sentence. Perform a morphological analysis of the union.

For a long time after that we drove without stopping through the white desert in the cold, transparent and wavering light of the snowstorm. When you open your eyes, the same clumsy hat and back, covered with snow, stick out in front of me, the same low arc under which the head of the indigenous man with a black mane, regularly tossed in one direction by the wind, moves steadily at the same distance. The same bay tie4 can be seen from behind. You look down - the same loose snow is being torn apart by runners and the wind stubbornly carries it away in one direction. Ahead, at the same distance, the leading three are running away. To the right and to the left everything turns white and seems like a dream. The eye searches in vain for a new object: not a pillar, not a haystack, not a fence - nothing is visible. (L. Tolstoy)

  1. 2.Test

1. Homogeneous members can be connected using subordinating conjunctions

2. Find a coordinating conjunction:

a) so that;

b) if;

c) also;

d) because;

d) although.

3. Find the subordinating conjunction:

a) either;

b) but;

c) since;

d) too;

d) or.

4. Parts of a complex sentence can be connected using

a) coordinating conjunction;

b) subordinating conjunction;

c) intonation.

  1. 3.Place punctuation marks. Name series of homogeneous members, make diagrams, explain punctuation marks.

Over the hundred years that have passed since the death of the city, the winds of rain and snow tried to wipe it off the face of the earth and in many ways they succeeded. But the stone houses still remained standing, albeit without roofs and windows. The pavements, along which stood rows of broken tall stumps without bark, had weathered but not completely disappeared. The best preserved one is the old castle on the hill above the city. It was already more than a thousand years old, but the walls, made of mighty stone slabs, withstood the attacks of wind and rain. (According to K. Bulychev)

Control dictation No. 7

On the topic "Particle"

Summer evening

Quiet and gentle warm summer evening. No oppressive heat, no stuffiness in the calm air. Twilight has not yet descended on the earth, and pale stars, which have not yet had time to flare up, are already imperceptibly appearing in the sky one after another. A hushed breeze will occasionally rustle over the ground, blowing unexpected coolness into your face. Then an indistinct rustling arose in the foliage of the trees. They will whisper about something unknown among themselves, not paying attention to the lonely traveler. Whatever you glance at, whatever you stop it at, everything joyfully greets the evening cool. Twilight becomes thicker and more noticeable. In the dark sky, more and more dim stars are constantly flashing. Distant and incomprehensible, they quietly froze in the immense heights and seem to look with bewilderment at the restless life on earth.

How nice this wonderful evening is! Nothing disturbs his peace of mind. You can't help but admire this wonderful picture of nature.