How to understand what you really want? How to understand what you want from life and find yourself? Understand what you want

Everything goes on as usual: the plot is familiar, the roles are clear, frame follows frame. But at some stage main character will definitely ask: “What do I want from life? Is this my role? Am I really happy? Similar questions can change your whole life, and the search for answers can give you an invaluable experience. You can start right now by learning about the 6 steps that lead to success. But first, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of an “undefined” condition.

Signs that a person doesn’t know what he really wants:

  • Questions: “What should we order for breakfast?”, “Latte or Americano?”, “By the subway or on foot?” They make you hesitate, changing decisions several times in 1 minute.
  • There is a strong desire to go somewhere (to the cinema, for example), but as soon as the film starts, the person realizes that he does not want to watch it.
  • Feelings of emptiness or emptiness periodically roll in, leading to.
  • There is no need to do anything, to move in the usual rhythm.
  • Sometimes you get the impression that you are watching yourself from the outside.
  • Any pressure to solve something leads to a “dead end” and causes irritation.

Now let's move on to solutions.

1. Where is “I” here?

Caring parents are accustomed to “knowing for themselves what is best.” They strive to solve all problematic issues for their children, to protect them from the “negative influence” of the outside world or financial difficulties. That is why the issue is decided not by graduates, but by their experienced loved ones. “You’ll become a lawyer,” says the knowledgeable father. “Teaching is a prestigious and stable job,” the grandmother intervenes. “Replace me in the accounting department, the place is already heated,” mom turns on.

So it turns out that a talented artist, who could become a high-class designer in the future, succumbs to the persuasion of adults. He enters an unloved department, gets a job he doesn’t like, and doesn’t live his life. But it can happen at any second. The main thing is to discard what is imposed by someone from the outside. The questions arise: “Where is the real me in all this?” and “What do I want from life?” is not only a sign of maturity, but also motivating personal growth pills.

2. Create a dossier on yourself.

Devoting a lot of time to work, problems of loved ones or posts of other people in in social networks, we completely forget about ourselves. It's not about appearance or entertainment, but about knowing yourself. Modern life It’s like a race where, in a hurry to “get everything done,” you lose the main thing – understanding what you really want from life. A dossier compiled in a frank conversation with yourself will help you find it. To do this, you need to remember what you liked to do as a child, what you have an inclination towards, is it buried in the ground?

Children's photographs, diplomas or awards once received, as well as psychological research can become assistants in detective work. There are many on the Internet that help you know yourself better, drawing attention to qualities that may have remained in the shadows. It may be beneficial to communicate with psychologists, attend master classes or participate in webinars aimed at studying personality.

3. What is written with a pen...

Thoughts and conversations are one thing, but writing on a piece of paper is a responsible step. Perhaps such a statement sounds humorous, but as soon as a person picks up a pen, he is immediately struck with a “stupor.” In order to write the first line you need to at least concentrate, gather, concentrate. At this stage, it is advisable to perform several exercises.

  • Write about your dreams and desires. The more specifically they are formulated, the easier the subsequent work will be.
  • Continue the sentences: “I want...”, “I don’t want...”. This can be anything, but it is advisable that the total number of proposals does not exceed 14 positions.
  • Now it's time to become Aladdin, who was lucky enough to find a magic lamp with the Genie. And then - everything is as in famous story: Jin is only willing to grant three wishes. C'mon, you can't change your mind! Having thoroughly re-read and thought through all the points, we can safely identify three main “wants”. Even fairy tale hero will forget about them, there will now be guidelines for what to strive for.

4. Looking to the future.

Many young people are accustomed to living for today, forgetting to ask themselves: “what to achieve in life?” But in vain. After all, it is this dialogue that determines the course of movement, the level of work on oneself, and much more. To understand which direction to head, it’s enough to draw (it doesn’t matter verbally or in writing) yourself in 10, 20 and 30 years.

If your imagination has created, for example, a positive image of a successful doctor driving his own car, then most likely you should try to get a quality education and good practice. But if the doctor’s silhouette seems unhappy, irritated or tired, then perhaps the path was chosen incorrectly?

A person from the future simply must be smiling and happy, otherwise everything makes no sense.

You can figure out what I want to do and what I want to do through trial and error. There are many different ways in the world to try something radically new. Possibly sewing purses, filming documentaries or blogging will be an ideal activity. Didn't you eat? This means that the experience gained will show the direction in which you definitely do not need to move. After all, understanding what I don’t want skillfully separates the wheat from the chaff.

I grew up in a society where it was difficult to want something special, and to find clues on how to understand what you want from life? Instead of self-expression in clothes - a school uniform.

Instead of a menu, we have a set lunch, and at home we eat what we managed to “get.” We read the program, vote unanimously, remember that Onegin (had he lived to that moment) would definitely have ended up on Senate Square. We quote the leaders, we enter the institute that our parents have chosen or where we have acquaintances.

The established order collapsed, and people's desires remained stereotyped and poor. Women are tormented by the dream of making a career or making themselves a skilled housewife. Men want to get rich here and immediately, so that after forty they can allow themselves to forget about work and do what they love. Secret desires come true, but the most exciting things begin to happen after the treasured fruit falls into your hands...

I found myself in a similar situation about nine years ago. I remember well the day when my husband and I moved to a country house. I dreamed so much about family, children and own home. My wishes came true, but I was sitting in the car in the yard, looking at the windows behind which members of my family were flashing, and did not want to budge. I felt sad and dreamed of slowly escaping. Like the heroine of the movie “The Hours,” who disappeared one day, leaving her husband with two small children. Decades later, her son found her. He really wanted to know what mom had been doing all these years. What turned out to be more important to her than children? Do you know what the heroine answered? “I read,” she said, “I left you and went to a university town in northern Canada, got a job as a librarian and lived quietly.” Day after day enjoying silence and reading.

Do you know the feeling that you are not living your life?

Have you felt like a student who studied all night for a philosophy exam and did not show up for it, because all exams in the world are relative and, by and large, meaningless?
I think we go through an identity crisis about once every ten years, and we ask ourselves, how do you figure out what you want from life? Now I’m no longer afraid when I feel like I’m living someone else’s life, doing something wrong, or getting irritated. When this wave hits me I find free time, I carefully look at the landscape outside the window of a house or apartment in order to “ground myself” and feel like I am in the present, and I begin to dream. I ask myself, what would my ideal life be like today? What would your ideal self be like? How would this ideal self feel?

I don’t know how to tune myself to a planned list of goals, but I always trust the desired feelings more. I like to ask myself two questions:

  • What three trifles will bring me pleasure and a pleasant mood today?
  • What three meaningless trifles will I do this week for similar feelings?
  • Actions and feelings always go together, and you don’t notice how you change.

I dreamed of running away. I wanted change. For the sake of how to understand what you want to do in life? I was terrified by the thought that I should grow old and die in this house. I’m generally a terrible coward and a lover of thinking about the eternal. But, you must admit, deciding to divorce when you have two small children is not easy. The child is half mom and half dad. It’s difficult to explain to him that now we will live separately, because being together is no longer possible for me. However, it is possible. You need it to save yourself.

Do you know why many people don't change?

Why are some people terrified of changing the usual course of things? “I’m already twenty-six, it’s too late for me to change anything,” they say. “Ah, I always dreamed of becoming a doctor, but it took so long to study for it, and I’m almost forty, ah...”. “The boss is, of course, a tyrant, but the salary is paid regularly, otherwise he would have organized his own business long ago”...

Change is truly dangerous. They endanger more than just what we really want to get rid of. Change also threatens what is dear to us. Without guaranteeing anything. Walking the beaten path may be dreary, but it is simple. If something happens, you can always nod towards your parents, traditions, times (it must be emphasized) and say that you would have done everything differently, but these terrible circumstances did not allow you to take a step on your own.

Now imagine that you have changed your usual track for a road with a sign “how to understand what you want from life?” There is no confidence that it will lead to your dream. Moreover, by experimenting on yourself, you endanger the usual life of your loved ones and friends. It will probably be difficult to admit to yourself that this thin, barely noticeable path is your fateful choice. Not the wide red carpet of the Oscars, desired by many, but a narrow strip, on which there is no one else except you. Most likely, other people's judgment and misunderstanding await you. But the main thing is not to rush headlong after a new idea, but to weigh your strength, health, willingness to work hard, as well as the ability to refuse when an undertaking does not lead to personal values.

There was a moment when I seriously figured out what came first: do I have high expenses and therefore have to work a lot? Or, do I allow myself to spend a lot so that I have to work a lot and hide about myself? Reminds me of the centipede's thoughts about the 24th and 39th legs. To figure it out, I kept a diary. I wrote down expenses, income and my feelings at these moments. Written text and analyzing oneself through it is an interesting topic. I will write about it in detail someday.

However, I am sure that at the first stage of change you need the support of a specialist, not a diary. Get ready for the fact that your immediate surroundings will do their best to hold back changes in you and lead you away from understanding what you want to do in life. This is normal: any system opposes changes that threaten its integrity. Besides, if awareness of one's desires were the path to happiness, it would become a new religion.

Finding out the truth about yourself is unpleasant and scary.

Therefore, only brave people come to understand themselves. At first, spiritual development will go smoothly. But exactly until the moment when the understanding arises that the cause of all one’s own troubles and misfortunes is guess who? Look in the mirror - get acquainted!..

It's time to give up moving along the path of awareness. Because those who go further in the direction of “how to understand what you want from life?” are again in for bad news. Understanding that things are even worse than you thought at the beginning of the journey. Moreover, you continue to step on the same rake, the size, color and weight of which you already regularly analyze. You even begin to remember where and under what circumstances the rake attacks you, but you still don’t have time to pull your leg away. Only the bravest ones do not stop at this stage.

And only at the next stage changes begin. You finally managed to say “no” for the first time to work on Saturday and the temptation to eat three desserts in a row. They opened the lid of the piano, which they had not thought about since they graduated from music school in the seventh grade. You even insisted and stayed home on the weekend. Instead of going to my mother-in-law’s dacha as usual. This is the happiness of realizing your desires, you managed to think and immediately encountered a new problem - the dissatisfaction of loved ones. They demand your old self back. They don't want to accept changes in your favor.

Sometimes the blackmail is so strong that many people decide “I’ve had my fun and that’s enough. Only crazy people, children and moths can be happy, but I am normal.”

What prize awaits the madmen who still dare to move on?

Once a person passes the point of no return, when he cannot live without changes, he likes them! The fear of the unknown doesn’t even stop me. Begins own life, “my” life, not invented by parents, teachers, husband or colleagues, with the awareness of “who you want to become in life.” And the desire to return to “unconsciousness” never arises.

Understanding yourself is a way to become a human being, and not just a living being driven by instincts and passions.

It must be said that even brave people often come to the path of awareness in a roundabout way. Through the children: “I don’t understand, doctor, what’s happening to the child. He suddenly began to study poorly and cries at night, but the neuropathologist didn’t make a diagnosis and sent him to you.” Through business: “You know, coach, the problem is my employees. They can't handle anything without my help." The threat of divorce or mysterious symptoms: “My husband always...”, “... and then I became covered in red spots, just like now.”

Even brave people find it unusual and scary to admit that they can’t cope with something, don’t understand something. Asking for help and accepting it is not easy. Paradoxical as it may sound, illness helps to find the answer to the question “how to understand what you want from life?” For example, when I am involved in manipulation, my stomach starts to hurt. I might be glad not to notice my participation as a stranger in the performance, but no. Sometimes I even ask my stomach for advice. For example, I listen to my feelings in it while talking with a person or reading a commercial proposal.

The body, including the stomach, doesn’t lie, but the mind and head really can. If the family does not notice the child’s characteristics, and instead of developing the rudiments of abilities, they dump their expectations on the fragile consciousness, the child simply becomes deaf to his own desires and begins to “desire” others’. There is no point in condemning the adult generation: at one time no one took their opinion into account either. Now they are trying to make up for lost time with their children. And now the potential pilot “plays” the piano that his father dreamed of. And the poet in his soul understands the basics of marketing, because “mom said” that it is promising.

However, living other people's desires is not so bad.

The real torment happens when a child is reprimanded or ridiculed for expressing real dreams. Then, every time we feel “our” desire, we simultaneously experience burning shame. The feeling is unbearable. There are few brave souls who are ready to take the risk of exploring what else is there next to shame.

One of my friends was able to find himself searching for “how to understand what you want from life,” with the help of notes about what makes him feel fear, shame, resentment, envy, and anger. It turned out that true dreams were overwhelmed by these emotions. Envy arises for what we ourselves want to receive. The carefree laughter of a young couple in transport or on the street makes us angry, because we haven’t allowed ourselves this kind of thing for a long time, although we want to. Detailed analysis discomfort helps you understand your dreams! Personally, I wrote out for a month, which makes me feel annoyed, a feeling of envy and to prick someone with devaluation.

The result is an interesting and unexpected list. It turns out that I devalued women who know how to get comfortable not through sweat and sleepless nights, but by adapting (this is humiliating!). I didn’t value family at all (of course, you can break your heart again) and envied bright people in public professions (for recognition and the luxury of being yourself, you have to endure dislike and envy). The most unexpected thing I discovered was the desire to draw. As a child, I spent a lot of time with pencils and paints. I even looked for tutorials myself. It’s interesting that later at school I was “lucky” to study not just with an art teacher, but with a real artist. She came up during the lesson, without explaining anything, made a couple of brush strokes, and the drawing came to life. Like magic. It’s a pity that Olga Vasilievna did not explain what the secret of mastery is. So the students began to believe that the ability to draw is a gift that is available to very few. Like a peacock's tail - it's either there or it's not.

Then after school, in search of how to understand what you want to become in life, for many years I dreamed of starting to draw, but for a long time I forbade myself even to buy an album and watercolors. Time flew by. And last summer I said to myself: you are thirty-six years old, you still dream of drawing, maybe it’s time to allow yourself to stain paper with paints? That’s how I got into right-hemisphere drawing courses.
Perhaps you have heard of them? The author of a popular technique teaches adults and children in a matter of hours, not even to draw, but that everyone can draw. Using simple techniques that are shown and explained literally “on your fingers.” No one promised to make Van Gogh or Matisse out of me, but now I can quite tolerably depict what comes to mind.

No miracles happen during classes. Apart from the fact that it’s a miracle that painters understand: this is how they prime the canvas, this is how they mix the paints, this technique will allow me to paint a flowering meadow, but using this technique it’s easy to depict the sea.
Of course, there is no limit to perfection, but skills and explanations on your fingers help you realize the most important thing - everyone can draw.

During the right-hemisphere drawing lesson, I realized that in the same way at my seminars I explain “on my fingers” how to learn to write. I also don’t promise that after two classes you will discover the talent of Chekhov or Pushkin, but I can teach you how to choose a topic, draw up a plan, and come up with a plot. At least you can write any article or letter without any problems.
I think the most valuable thing that is taught in such courses is a system of step-by-step actions, knowledge decomposed into molecules, and also confidence that I can do it. Even without any claims to genius. Drawing and text are the same way of self-expression as dancing or renovating an apartment according to your own design project. This is the embodiment of oneself in the material. The ability to leave your mark.

Now I thought that, yes, I spent valuable time on ordinary drawing. But I realized that I still like to color more than to paint my own picture, due to a lack of skill. What prompted me is that I still have high demands on myself, instead of allowing myself to be natural and mediocre. An episode from the play “If you don’t have to write, don’t write.” I know people who do this, and are even proud of it!

It’s interesting that what I’ve been thinking about most lately is that real change begins when you refuse to change.

It may sound strange. :) But when I read long, overly (in my opinion) informatively charged texts, I cannot even get to the middle. I have the impression that the author is talking himself and me down. When there are many words, many feelings are suppressed. I want to shake off the signs and spaces. I immediately remember a meeting with a Spanish entrepreneur. A few months ago he showed me his office and was glad that hard work now allowed him to do his favorite thing - sculpture. All my friend's sculptures are heads. Male and female. One of them is called “love”. This is the head of a girl on the back of whose head is a vagina. I looked at the sculptures, then at the sculptor, who seemed to have only a beautiful thoroughbred profile, and could not restrain himself, asking: “Do you live only with your head? Thoughts? Is the body more of a burden?” The programmer-sculptor was embarrassed, but nodded in the affirmative.

I wanted to write a short text about how to understand what you want from life, and the ability to distinguish between your own and other people’s desires, but I wrote an awful lot. I'd better go for a run now. Will you join us?

A happy person is characterized by having a healthy appetite for life. The process itself pleases him. If you look more closely, it will not be difficult to see the recipe that all such people have in common: 1) they know how to accurately determine what they want and 2) they get it. How can I understand what I really want?

I remember that day, about a year ago, when I suddenly clearly realized that the transformation that I had been striving for for so long had entered my life. Despite the fact that there were still many unresolved tasks and questions, there were doubts, fears and other accompaniments of any change - but one change nevertheless irrevocably occurred: I knew exactly what I wanted. Moreover, in all areas of life and at different periods of time.

If you woke me up in the middle of the night, demanding to list what interests me in this life, I would blurt out without a shadow of a doubt where I was going. And with a fair amount of specifics. If you offered me to change these goals to other, no less attractive ones, I would refuse, because my scope already gives me enough space to spread my wings. If my life had been faced with a choice – a loved one or these goals, I would have chosen the latter. Since true love will not set such a condition, and everything else is a fake from dreams on the topic of saving love, which will make you happy for the rest of your life and save you from the need to act. And there is no longer a place for this illusion in my life.

It's an interesting feeling to know what you want and where you're going, because it doesn't take away the freedom of choice and the ability to change your mind, but you know that your choice has been made.

Absolute freedom does not exist, but there is freedom to make a decision, and after that you are bound by your choice.

P. Coelho, "Zaire"

Committing yourself to such a choice is a truly wise step, since it is concentration on a single vector that helps you go through stage after stage and feel the rhythm of life, giving birth to the joy of conscious movement forward. Including this the only way having what you want is for those who are not afraid to dream big.

To describe it simply, the picture looks like this:

- To be inspired by your desires, they must be big- that is, to have scope for the flight of your soul. Global goals give rise to the belief that our capabilities are much wider, thereby unlocking our inner potential and giving us a surge of strength.

- Achieving big goals takes time, during which you will move in the chosen direction without changing direction. Only a long movement in one direction can give a tangible result. You have the right to change your goal, change your mind, choose something else - please. Divine right free choice always with you, just like the law of cause and effect: every time you start something else, you start a new path, and you also need to stay on it for a long time, without changing the sharpness of your focus.

In order not to succumb to the temptation of choice and not change your direction, you need to decide exactly what you want.

Therefore, it is reasonable at a certain point in life to decide for yourself exactly: “Who am I?” and “Where am I going?” Otherwise, people often change their minds, try many directions at once, do not really succeed anywhere and generally give up any attempts, thereby beginning a smooth descent down the ladder of their prospects.

If you are ready, you don’t need to prepare. Once you have a direction, it is easier to deal with doubts and tempting opportunities. It’s easier not to be distracted from the essence and keep focus on one thing. When this choice has not yet been fully made and you continue to wait for a miracle (they say, somehow everything will work out by itself), then you swim wherever the wind blows. I think none of us would want to find ourselves on an uncontrollable ship on the ocean or on a boat floating in a fast current without oars. So why do many people like this dangerous approach so much: “to go with the flow of life without any goals?” Isn’t it obvious what it brings to

The World Athletics Championships are currently underway in Moscow - how interesting it is to watch some of the competitions. Look.

What is the essence of the victory of this or that athlete? Some will say that hard training coupled with natural abilities, but still the root is deeper - in their choice to focus on one specific sport that suited them best and improve in it.

Only long-term and technically correct training in one direction can give the desired result. But each of today's sports stars, having, in principle, a strong body and certain talents, could run from sprint to jump, from jump to marathon, from marathon to all-around, calling it a search for oneself. Decide on a direction as early as possiblemajor decision in sports, and everyone knows about it, which is curious, but in life this is also the most important decision, although already significantly less people take this into account.

To get what you want, you need to choose a single vector and move in its direction, constantly improving over a long time.

Hence the logical question: do you know what you want from your life? In all areas?

I didn't know for a long time. Or rather, she misinterpreted her desires. For example, I sincerely wanted to live by the sea. And only after 2 years, closely spent by the sea, I realized that I really want to regularly travel to the sea, and to the mountains, and to the forests, and to the snow, that is, to travel a lot around the world, and only during breaks between something more significant and creative, for example the development of your project, and living by the sea is not at all necessary. Big city answers significantly more of my questions than an island isolated from the world. In my personal life, I also had dreams in the style of “maybe I will become a wonderful housewife and keeper of the hearth and will not do anything,” which made my own universe laugh a lot with the corresponding lessons.

For every talent we will be asked.

But every time, even when the next “I want” turned out to be more of my fantasy about a wonderful future, and not an adult decision, I continued to move forward. I wanted to live by the sea - I went there to live. I wanted a free schedule - I found a way to work as a freelancer. I realized that I had to return to Moscow and moved. I wanted an original project - and here it is in front of you. It was this movement, and not reflection (!), that gave us the skill to separate the grains of the true aspirations of the soul from the chaff of idle entertainment that leads nowhere. At some point, real goals began to take on a more and more distinct form, leaving behind all the imposed husk.

This is an illustration of my favorite example of a long climb into the mountains - at first you don’t even see the top, but as you approach, with the next observation deck, your view increases and at some point - the target becomes clearly visible. But if you don’t get off the couch and start this path of conscious movement along the edges of your “I want” and “I can,” then don’t ask for the top.

Some tips on how to understand your true desires and find inspiring goals

0. Tip number “zero”- start a conscious movement, to begin with, towards any immediate desire. I need to start moving uphill in order to continue to talk about where exactly my road is in all this splendor. If you plan to start and do something only when you find your Path or destiny, you simply will not leave the threshold of your home. This is called “sofa self-searching”, and it’s funny.

1. Pay attention to your own desires

Having a large number of desires and ideas is a sign of high energy. Don't give up on your aspirations. And don’t listen to those who say that desires are bad. Desires encourage us to move forward, grow and overcome ourselves, or rather, our own ideas about ourselves. Desires are catalysts of vital energy. Another question is that when potential remains unrealized, it begins to put pressure. That is why it is useful to fulfill desires in every sense.

The difference between a true dream or a “social” one, that is, an imposed one, is most often realized only in practice, and not in the mind. Get ready for trial and error stage, especially if they grew up in a very “closed-minded” environment, but this stage is also very productive.

Most often I receive letters in the style of “how to change everything, but not make a mistake.” That's the point: no way. Yes, you may make a mistake, but even a mistake with a sincere intention to change for the better and realize your potential to the maximum will be beneficial, because it will remove another layer of blinders from your eyes, which you will never see unless you try.

A loser is someone who, out of fear of failure, didn’t even try.

It was the mistakes that brought me to that very place. observation deck, where I was able to clearly see what I want: who to be, what to have, where to go. And as a bonus, she understands that she no longer intends to endure it.

2. Find the junction between desires and abilities

The single vector that was discussed is very often at the junction of “I want” and “I can”. That is, these are not just your current abilities, but multiplied by great desires. What you have inclinations and talents for, but in the context of a big dream. This is the conscious development of your abilities into mastery, which allows you to fulfill your wildest desires. As soon as you find this joint, give it priority. Nothing makes a person internally whole and calm more than a clear understanding of where he is going.

3. The greatest goal should always have points of contact with the moment now

A goal differs from fantasy only in the presence of real steps now in the chosen direction. In all other cases, if you want to, but don’t do it, it’s nothing more than a childhood dream that is unlikely to ever come true.

To get somewhere, you need to know the destination. This is primary. And the sooner you decide on it, the clearer everything that happens around you becomes. I wish you to realize it and choose from all the diversity.

Forget about others for a while, focus only on yourself. Ask yourself: if you were completely alone, without friends and family, without a job you hate and were not limited in your choices, what would you want to do? Don't be afraid to show healthy selfishness and don't be ashamed of it. If you don’t put your interests above the public, no one will.

Don't regret anything

Constantly regretting what you did or didn't do in the past is stagnation. Don't live in the past and don't regret anything. Live for today, live for the future.

Decide what you need most

We don't always understand what we need in life. And it is extremely difficult to find out. Concentrate and think about what is truly important to you. Family? Freedom of expression? Financial well-being? Making a list of priorities may help.

Identify what's bothering you

You can make a healthy decision about what you want to do only when there is nothing holding you back. If you are upset or your head is full of things to do, then you will never be able to make a decision. Find out what exactly irritates you this moment. “Working in an office makes me angry” is not the answer. What specific aspect of the job is causing you anxiety? Is your boss annoying? Schedule? Unhappy with your position?

Think about how to fix this. Perhaps there are no serious problems in the current situation and changing just a couple of aspects will make you a happy person.

Find out what brings you pleasure

Pleasure is the key to happy life. A person who enjoys life does not just live through his years, but fills them with meaning. Remember the moments in your life when you were happy. What brought you pleasure? Trips? Communication with children? Company management? It will be easier to choose your next path if you know what exactly makes you happy.

Tell others about your dream

There is no need to hide the decision to give up everything and go towards your dream from your family and friends. By sharing your thoughts with them, you can get support and new ideas that you might not have thought of on your own.

Be positive

Life doesn't always go according to the script we write. But there is no need to fall into apathy if something doesn’t work out. Instead of grieving and doing nothing, continue what you started with a vengeance. Sooner or later success will come. Don't give up, but think about the good and do what you've dreamed of all your life.

Just don’t think that finding your purpose is easy. Many people search for it all their lives. The main thing is not to stop and keep looking. One day this will definitely happen. Until then, try different professions and activities. After all, without trying, you will never know whether it is for you or not.