Kfu directions. Kazan (Volga region) Federal University. Institute of Ecology and Nature Management

It's a busy time for admissions committees. Lists of applicants enrolled in the first wave have already been published. Over the weekend, new enrollment orders appeared. The final lists of applicants will be published on August 10. TatCenter.ru called the admissions committees of universities in the Republic of Tatarstan and found out which faculties are being stormed at KFU, and where a year of study costs 112 thousand rubles?

Lists of applicants recommended for enrollment in the first wave have already been posted on the official websites of leading universities in Tatarstan. Let us remind you that in the first wave this year, as in previous years, applicants are enrolled whose places are allocated according to target direction and "beneficiaries". Until August 5, applicants who were on the lists of a particular university and want to study there had to provide this educational institution with original educational documents. And universities, starting from July 31, must daily update on their official websites information about the submitted original documents from the list of applicants recommended for admission. Those who did not provide documents during this period are considered to have dropped out of the competition.

Lists of applicants recommended for enrollment in the first wave:
  • Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Branch of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University in Yelabuga
  • Kazan National Research Technical University named after. A. N. Tupolev (KAI)
  • Kazan State Energy University
  • Kazan National Research Technological University (KKhTI)
  • Innovations in the admissions campaign - 2012

    It should be noted that this year applicants have more chances to enroll in their desired specialty. After all, beneficiaries are now deprived of the opportunity to submit documents to several universities at once. Previously, winners of Olympiads and other applicants who had the right to enter a university without exams could apply to five universities at once, and in each choose three specialties (a total of 15 directions). According to the new rules, all beneficiaries have the right to submit their applications to only one university and only one specialty. They can enroll in all other educational institutions general principles, that is, by competition.

    In general, there have been no fundamental changes for those applicants who are applying to universities on a first-come, first-served basis.

    A TatCenter.ru correspondent called several leading Kazan universities and asked the admissions committees which areas are most in demand among applicants today, and also found out the cost of training for those who do not enroll on a “budget” basis.

    KFU: assault on the journalism department

    The number of applications submitted by applicants to KFU in 2012 exceeded 48 thousand. And this does not include data from INECA. Let us recall that in 2011, on the basis of an order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, KFU has new structure. The university included the Tatar State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Kazan State Financial and Economic Institute, Elabuga State Pedagogical University. On April 27, 2012, the Kama State Engineering and Economic Academy (INEKA) became part of KFU. The admissions committee of this university conducts admissions separately, but in close coordination with the parent university. By September, the procedure for INECA's merger with KFU should be completed.

    According to the executive secretary admissions committee KFU Sergei Ionenko, This year, applicants most stormed the Faculty of Journalism and Sociology, namely the direction of "Advertising and Public Relations", where the competition is 72 people per place. Also popular among students are the courses "Economics" (Institute of Economics and Finance) and " Teacher Education"(Institute of History). At the Faculty of Law, the competition is 48 people per place. The third most popular direction is “tourism” (Institute of Ecology and Geography), where 41 people apply for a place.

    It is worth emphasizing that the Institute of Philology and Arts broke all records for the number of submitted originals from applicants - 443 originals were submitted for 405 budget places.

  • Faculty of Law - for 103 budget places - 306 originals;
  • Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology - for 228 budget places - 150 originals;
  • Institute of History - for 84 budget places - 119 originals;
  • Institute of Physics - for 20 budget places - 108 originals;
  • Institute of Ecology and Geography - for 117 budget places - 96 originals.
  • Sergey Ionenko:

    - If we take into account the total number of places at the university, then the number of budget places at the federal university has increased compared to last year. But if we sum up last year’s admission control figures for all affiliated universities, the number of budget places has decreased by approximately 100. This is explained by the fact that we have undergone optimization: the number of places for pedagogical education has decreased, but new areas have appeared, where the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has allocated places financed from the state budget (innovation, nanotechnology and microsystem technology).

    In general, at the university the competition for the “contract” is almost 4 people per place, for the “budget” - 12 people per place.

    It is worth mentioning that at KFU, many applicants could submit documents electronically. Electronic acceptance of applications federal university I started one of the first, three years ago, when many people didn’t even know about it. A KFU applicant in his online account can not only submit documents from anywhere in the country and the world, but also assess the chances of admission on-line, tracking his ratings, analyzing the statistics of submitted applications.

    Competition for the "budget" at KSASU - 4-5 people per place

    Responsible secretary of the admission committee of KSASU Dmitry Makarov in a conversation with a TatCenter.ru correspondent, he said that this year the most popular areas among future builders are “industrial and civil construction” ( Faculty of Civil Engineering), “highways” (Institute of Transport Facilities), “Industrial Management” and “Expertise and Valuation of Real Estate” (Institute of Economics and Management in Construction). Nevertheless, as the executive secretary of KSASU assured, competition for budgetary and contract places exists in all areas of university training.

    If the competition among state employees is 4-5 people per place, then the competition among paid students will be known after July 10, when the lists of all those enrolled in the first year are posted.

    Dmitry Makarov:

    - The university offers a thousand places in the full-time department, and 500 places in the part-time department. 16 thousand applications have already been submitted, more than 5 thousand applications are in the competition. The university has 587 budget places and 400 places on a contract basis.

    Future farmers rely on management

    The most popular destination in Kazan State Agrarian University is economic - "management" - the competition is 57 people per budget place, taking into account the master's degree. The executive secretary of the KSAU admissions committee reported this to TatCenter.ru Guzel Vasakhova.

    The second place in the ranking for the competition for the budget is occupied by the field of “landscape architecture” - 19 people per place. Third place - the direction of "land management and cadastres" - 13 people per budget place. The ranking is completed by the specialty "technosphere safety", where the competition is 10 people per place.

    The leading areas among payers are:

  • “accounting” - 15 thousand applications were submitted for 100 places;
  • "land management and cadastres" - 14 thousand applications were accepted, competition - 5 people per place.
  • Guzel Vasakhova:

    - This year, applications to the university were submitted several times more than last year. Thus, in total more than 8 thousand applications were accepted, of which 6 thousand applications were for budget form training. In general, the university competition for the budget is at least 9 people per place. Economics, engineering and agronomics are still popular this year. Interest in technical specialties is also increasing.

    The electronic application form at the Kazan State Agrarian University is in demand, especially among applicants living in other regions of Tatarstan.

    Technical specialties lead in choice among KAI applicants

    This year, 26 thousand applications were submitted to KAI, while about 20 thousand were submitted to KAI Kazan. The executive secretary of the admissions committee of the Kazan National Research Institute told a TatCenter.ru correspondent about this technical university them. A.N.Tupoleva (KAI) Vladimir Tregubov.

    - However, as always, technical specialties are the most popular. The largest number of applications were accepted at the Institute of Aviation, Land Transport and Energy, the Institute of Automation and Electronic Instrumentation, the Institute of Technical Cybernetics and Informatics, as well as the Institute of Radio Electronics and Telecommunications. These institutes have 1,131 budget places, and 15 thousand applications from applicants have been submitted. At the Department of Higher Education Pedagogy (Institute of Social Technologies) in the area of ​​“personnel management” there are 300 applications, while there are only 3 budget places.

    It is worth noting that it was not possible to submit documents to KAI in electronic form.

    In 2012, the cost of education at universities in Tatarstan almost doubled

    From a conversation with the heads of admissions campaigns, it became obvious that this year the cost of training for those who did not have enough points to enter the budget increased by 2 times, or even more. This information was confirmed to the TatCenter.ru correspondent in all universities he called. So, for example, in KAI, on technical specialties, prices have doubled. Perhaps all records for tuition fees were broken by KSASU. Here, parents whose children enter the Institute of Architecture and Design in the areas of " Restoration of objects cultural heritage ", "Architecture", "Design of the architectural environment", "Urban planning" you will have to pay as much as 112 thousand rubles! For comparison: last year training here cost only 65 thousand rubles.

    Next in price at KSASU The following directions are in progress:

  • Construction ("Building design") - 68,880 rubles;
  • Construction (profile - Car roads) - 63,800 rubles;
  • Construction (profile - Water supply and sanitation) - 63,800 rubles;
  • "Construction of unique buildings and structures" - 63,800 rubles;
  • "Technology of transport processes" (profile - Organization and traffic safety) - 60,200 rubles;
  • "Management" (profile - Production management) - 60,200 rubles.
  • And here at KSAU The cheapest option is to study management and economics - 44 thousand rubles per year. Although, we note that the cost of training at KSAU is set not by the university, but by the ministry Agriculture RT.

    The most expensive destinations in KSAU remain:

  • Agrochemistry and agro-soil science - 66,400;
  • Technology of production and processing of agricultural products - 66,400;
  • Agricultural engineering - 66,400;
  • Land management and cadastres - 61,900;
  • Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes - 53,100;
  • Ecology and environmental management - 57,500;
  • Technosphere safety - 57,500;
  • Landscape architecture - 53,100.
  • Tuition prices remain consistently high at the federal university. Here is the cost of the most expensive destinations is not inferior to the construction university of Kazan. Parents will have to pay a maximum of 112 thousand rubles for the education of their children. These are areas such as:

  • nanotechnology and microsystem technology (Institute of Physics)
  • information security (Institute of Physics)
  • information systems and technologies (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies)
  • information security technology (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies)
  • design (Institute of Philology and Arts)
  • Next most expensive in KFU The following faculties and directions are available:
  • Jurisprudence (Faculty of Law) - 94980
  • International relations (Institute of Oriental Studies and International Relations) - 94980
  • Business Informatics (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technology) - 80,400
  • Economics, management, state and municipal administration - 80,400
  • Applied Informatics(Institute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technology) - 79,200
  • Foreign regional studies (Institute of History) - 78,480
  • Land management and cadastres (Institute of Ecology and Geography) - 72,000
  • The cheapest major at KFU is “technical physics” - 48,000 rubles.
  • Thus, the final results on the number of applicants to universities in 2012 can be summed up after August 10, when the final lists based on the results of the 2012 admissions campaign will be published.

    Ekaterina Stepanova

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    Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University is one of the oldest educational institutions in Russia, which turns 215 years old in 2019.

    The university trains top-level specialists both for Volga region, and for all of Russia, as well as countries near and far abroad. Students have the opportunity to take part in exchange programs, language internships, and various forms of academic mobility.

    KFU - the most powerful modern complex of 614 objects located in Tatarstan, regions of Russia and abroad. Thanks to this, students and university staff are provided with all the conditions and opportunities for development.

    The educational process is conducted in 13 institutes, 1 higher school and 1 faculty. Over the past 6 years, the university has annually equipped, on average, more than 100 educational and about 30 research laboratories with equipment at the level of the best world standards.

    KFU has a developed system of incentives and support for students. For this purpose, 17 have been developed different types scholarships - increased, social and many special ones.

    The university includes a multidisciplinary medical complex where KFU students are admitted. The university also has one of the largest student campuses in Russia - the Universiade Village, where 12 thousand students live.

    Since 2013, KFU has been a participant in the federal 5-100 program, aimed at increasing international competitiveness and getting into the top 100 world university rankings. KFU is included in QS subject rankings for linguistics, archeology, journalism, English language and literature, education, economics, mathematics, physics, chemistry.

    For future KFU students, tuition fees in 2016-2017 academic year- a pressing question. Budget places are not available at every faculty, and in any case, the competition for them, especially in prestigious specialties, is enormous. Even fewer applicants can apply for preferential or allocated places. Most have to pay for the right to stay at the university out of their own pockets.
    As in other higher educational institutions, at KFU the cost of training in 2016-2017 has increased even more compared to the previous ones. However, the list of the most popular and expensive specialties has not changed.


    1. The most expensive in KFU, of course, is the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology. The most expensive specialty in 2016-2017. – medical science: for the first year you will need to pay more than 169,000 rubles, and the full cost of training is more than a million. Dentistry is somewhat inferior: the cost of the first course is the same as in general medicine, but the total amount is 849,000 rubles. The average cost of training is 120 thousand per year.
    2. The traditionally popular law school claims second place in terms of cost. The Institute of Geology and Oil and Gas Business and the Institute of Management, Economics and Finance are not far behind. Such specialties as international relationships and protection of cultural heritage sites, as well as training at the KFU Higher School of Business. Training here will cost more than 150,000 rubles for the first year.
    3. Third place is occupied by specialties related to information technology and information security; Technical Physics. Tuition for a year costs a student 139-148,000 rubles.

    Mass communications is also a popular area with a price tag to match. The most expensive specialties are journalism, television, and the study of media communications: 98-110 thousand. The prices at the Institute of Psychology and Education are similar: the most expensive specialty, defectology, will cost a freshman more than a hundred thousand per year.
    It costs less to study such specialties as philology, anthropology, history, chemistry, mathematics and mechanics. The fee for the first course is about 80-90,000 rubles.
    Correspondence education is cheaper than full-time education, sometimes almost twice as much. The cost of bachelor's and master's degrees also differs.

    How to start?

    An agreement is drawn up to receive paid education. You can also sign remotely via email. You can find out more details and download a sample contract on the KFU website.
    The payment procedure depends on the faculty. Specify for each specialty. Common payment options are semi-annual. Correspondence students can pay for their studies once a month. It is not forbidden to pay for a year at once, for a couple of years or for the entire course of study.
    If you are expelled from the university (even for poor academic performance), you are required to return most of the tuition fee. Please note that fees for the current year are not refundable even if you did not attend classes. But for the years of study you did not complete, KFU is obliged to return your money within 3-4 months. This is a legal right.