My attitude towards Mayakovsky as a person. Poem by V.V. Mayakovsky "Here!" (perception, interpretation, evaluation). Topic: - Mayakovsky “Good attitude towards horses”

“He is more
Than other people
The reality is all in the phenomenon. You -
The wounded and ending -
There was some body in him
As much as
This is not enough for the pain -
B. Pasternak.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. The same V.V., about whom textbooks talk year after year, about whom critics write, who is read in a loud voice (or not read at all), and of course we, whose students are initially forced to read. Vladimir Vladimirovich, in a word. But I want to talk about another Mayakovsok, without V.V., from the word

I associate Mayakovsky with the revolution and the Bolsheviks, with a bright, cutting light.
He was very unusual person, being a poet for him was not a profession, but a calling. It seems to me that Mayakovsky is similar in appearance to his poems, or maybe these poems are similar to him? In his poems, he literally exploits his appearance. There is always a state of “hugeness” in them.
Of course, Mayakovsky was aware of his exclusivity and, believing its spontaneous correctness, went ahead. For me, Mayakovsky is the beginning. The beginning of a new poetic era, a new connection between art and life, this is a new hero. Probably, Mayakovsky, the poet, carries something of a “not a poet” in himself: he is a master of the workshop that “makes” poetry, and he is a fighter who has a goal in front of him, which may be easier to pursue by other means, not through poetry.
Many of my classmates say that they do not understand Mayakovsky’s poems. In my opinion, they just don’t want to understand them. At first, I also couldn’t find the meaning of the poems, I didn’t understand them. But all it took was a deeper study of Mayakovsky’s biography and the situation in the country at that time - everything immediately fell into place.
I cannot say that Mayakovsky is my favorite poet. I’m just very interested in “understanding” the meaning of his poems. Get to their essence. Mayakovsky uses very unusual turns of phrase in his poems, characteristic only of his poetry. Only Mayakovsky can write this:
I went to the hairdresser and said - calm
Please comb my ears.
Or this:
People are scared - out of my mouth
An unchewed scream moves its legs.
There are a great many such examples. Mayakovsky doesn’t have a single poem whose meaning you don’t need to think about.
I really liked the poem “Good!” She simply amazed me. The poem reflects the mood of the masses of people. I think that only a person with the greatest talent can create that atmosphere, those events. Not just to convey, but to convey in verse, satirically depicting the enemies of the revolution. In my opinion, this poem is written very inventively and plastically.
I think that Mayakovsky’s poems cannot leave anyone indifferent. You must either like them very much or dislike them very much. I like them for their originality and successful comparisons:
Every poet is a child of his time. Mayakovsky feels this, he is “sick” of his era. This is evident in all his works.
I think that Mayakovsky’s path - great and difficult - is not the only one in poetry, it is eternally renewed, like life itself. And he expressed the breakthrough of his time, the era of a grandiose, abrupt change. This is probably why Mayakovsky is important today. With this, I hope it will come into the future.

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Essay on literature on the topic: My attitude towards Mayakovsky

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My attitude towards Mayakovsky

My attitude towards Mayakovsky. Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. The same V.V., about whom textbooks talk year after year, about whom critics write, who is read in a loud voice (or not read at all), and of course we, whose students are initially forced to read. Vladimir Vladimirovich, in a word. But I want to talk about another Mayakovsok, without V.V., from the word “Mayak”.

I associate Mayakovsky with the revolution and the Bolsheviks, with a bright, cutting light.
He was a very unusual person; being a poet for him was not a profession, but a calling. It seems to me that Mayakovsky is similar in appearance to his poems, or maybe these poems are similar to him? In his poems, he literally exploits his appearance. There is always a state of “enormousness” in them.
Of course, Mayakovsky was aware of his exclusivity and, believing its spontaneous correctness, went ahead. For me, Mayakovsky is the beginning. The beginning of a new poetic era, a new connection between art and life, this is a new hero. Probably, Mayakovsky, a poet, carries something of a “not a poet” in himself: he is a master of the workshop that “makes” poetry, and he is a fighter with a goal in front of him, which may be easier to pursue by other means, not by poetry.
Many of my classmates say that they do not understand Mayakovsky’s poems. In my opinion, they just don’t want to understand them. At first, I also couldn’t find the meaning of the poems, I didn’t understand them. But all it took was a deeper study of Mayakovsky’s biography and the situation in the country at that time - everything immediately fell into place.
I cannot say that Mayakovsky is my favorite poet. I’m just very interested in “understanding” the meaning of his poems. Get to their essence. Mayakovsky uses very unusual turns of phrase in his poems, characteristic only of his poetry. Only Mayakovsky can write this:
I went to the hairdresser and said - calm
Please comb my ears.
Or this:
People are scared - out of my mouth
An unchewed scream moves its legs.
There are a great many such examples. Mayakovsky doesn’t have a single poem whose meaning you don’t need to think about.
I really liked the poem “Good!” She simply amazed me. The poem reflects the mood of the masses of people. I think that only a person with the greatest talent can create that atmosphere, those events. Not just to convey, but to convey in verse, satirically depicting the enemies of the revolution. In my opinion, this poem is written very inventively and plastically.
I think that Mayakovsky’s poems cannot leave anyone indifferent. You must either like them very much or dislike them very much. I like them for their originality and successful comparisons:
Every poet is a child of his time. Mayakovsky feels this, he is “sick” of his era. This is evident in all his works.
I think that Mayakovsky’s path - great and difficult - is not the only one in poetry, it is eternally renewed, like life itself. And he expressed the breakthrough of his time, the era of a grandiose, abrupt change. This is probably why Mayakovsky is important today.

“This time is buzzing with a telegraph string...”
V.V. Mayakovsky
Vladimir Mayakovsky... When you hear this name, you involuntarily remember Mayakovsky as a “tribune poet,” and there is every reason for this. In his poems and poems the voice of the era, the voice of his time, sounds powerfully. He himself in the poem “At the Top of His Voice” called himself “an agitator, a loud-mouthed leader.” In Mayakovsky's poetry there is some kind of amazing power, passion, weight... But at the same time, one can find in it love confessions, a tragic cry, and feelings of sadness, sadness, and philosophical reflections, and irony, and good-natured grin. The poet often appears before us as a person with a vulnerable soul and a heart open to compassion. Only such a person could write the stunningly powerful poem “A Good Treatment for Horses,” only he could address a slaughtered horse with words of love and sympathy:
“Horse, don’t.
Horse, listen -
Why do you think that you are worse than them?
we are all a little bit of a horse,
Each of us is a horse in our own way.”
The poet's soul yearns for love and understanding. He can, figuratively speaking, burst into God “in the blizzards of midday dust” and ask “for there to be a star.”
After all, if the stars light up -
Does that mean anyone needs this?
So, does anyone want them to exist?
But in a world where everything is bought and sold, no one needs the soul of a poet. Around the poet is a faceless crowd, a “bull-faced mass.” And then he puts on the mask of a cynic and vulgarity in order to protect his tender soul from those who are ready to perch “on the butterfly of a poet’s heart” “with or without galoshes.” In his poems you feel the tragic feeling of life, the conflict between the poet and society:
And if today I, a rude Hun,
I don’t want to grimace in front of you - so
I will laugh and spit joyfully,
I'll spit in your face
I am a spender and spendthrift of priceless words.
Mayakovsky and the revolution... Of course, today we in a new way we evaluate all events, including the events of 1917, and civil war. Today we know how much trouble and suffering the October Revolution brought to our country and our people, how many millions of lives were ruined, what rivers of blood were shed in the name of building a “new society.” But Mayakovsky sincerely believed in the ideals of the revolution, he was absolutely honest with himself and the reader when he wrote in the poem “Vladimir Ilyich Lenin”:
When I
what I lived
and I rummage through the days -
brightest where,
I remember
the same thing - twenty-fifth,
first day.
And therefore, for Mayakovsky there was no question: to accept or not to accept the revolution, as it was for many at that time. In his autobiography “I Myself,” the poet wrote: “My revolution. I went to Smolny. Have worked". He became a real agitator for the revolution, and his poems and posters became revolutionary weapons. It was Mayakovsky who wrote the most popular poem of that era:
Eat pineapples
Chew hazel grouse
your last day
comes, bourgeois.
And Mayakovsky rightly wrote in his last poem “At the top of his voice,” as if summing up his twenty years of work:
Having appeared
in Tse Ka Ka
bright years,
over the gang
grabbers and burning
I'll lift you up
like a Bolshevik party card,
all one hundred volumes
party books.
Just like the revolution, Mayakovsky idealized V.I. Lenin. Yes, now we can rightfully call Lenin one of the bloodiest figures in the history of the twentieth century, but for Mayakovsky he was the leader of the revolution, and the poet was by no means exaggerating when he wrote in the poem “Good!”:
We -
We -
with Lenin in my head
and with a revolver in his hand.
The poet sincerely believed in the revolution and Lenin, and this was the strength and weakness of the poet, his happiness and his tragedy. And it seems to me that the true reason for Mayakovsky’s suicide was not only the poet’s personal love drama, but also his disappointment in his previous ideals. Of course, now you can have different attitudes towards Mayakovsky’s personality and his work, you can admire him, or you can subvert him. But one thing cannot be taken away from Mayakovsky - his poetic talent. And for me personally, Mayakovsky will forever remain a Poet, one of the most talented poets of the twentieth century, who had the right to write about himself:
My verse will reach
across the ridges of centuries
and through the heads
poets and governments.

How do I feel about Mayakovsky's poetry

Me, a sewer man and a water carrier...

V.V. Mayakovsky.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky once admitted that he belongs to those eccentrics who love poetry more than any other art, and experience the greatest joy when encountering some special turn, rhyme or pause. I don’t belong to the society of such eccentrics (if only because I really love music), but I also like good, light, melodic poetry.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky was a great innovator in versification, although, as he himself wrote, he could not master his theory. And recently I found out that his literacy was “lame”. And yet, reading many of his works, you can’t help but be amazed at the talent of this man. He has a great flair for language, he masterfully knew how to create new, very expressive words: “bronze-heavy,” “lead-footed” and many others. How much catchphrases created by him has entered our language: “thousands of tons of verbal ore”, “the rough language of a poster”, “brought a textbook gloss”, etc.

I think that Mayakovsky will not completely leave our literature, will not be completely forgotten, as has already happened with many writers of the twenties and thirties. After all, Mayakovsky’s satire is still very relevant. Here, for example, is just one quote from his poem “Bribery Takers”:


small fry,

by the scout...

Everyone is in place:

bride in trust,

godfather in Gum,

brother to the People's Commissariat...

He took it literally

"brotherhood of nations"

like the happiness of brothers,

and sisters.

Are there not enough people today who literally understand “democracy”, “market”, “cost accounting”?

But, reflecting on Mayakovsky’s place in our literature, in life, you involuntarily note that in many ways he was inferior as a poet to such masters (one way or another persecuted for a long time) as Yesenin, Akhmatova, Tsvetaeva, Pasternak and others. In one of his novels, Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that Mayakovsky’s poems are mostly unaesthetic, rude, and far from real art. One cannot but agree with this. In his very famous “textbook” poem, he writes: “And the rain is as thick as a tourniquet.” But the rain is just a little rain. And there are a great many such inaccuracies. Mayakovsky’s trouble is not even that he has turned, in the words of S. Yesenin, into a “headquarters painter” who sings about traffic jams in Mosselprom. The most important thing that deprives this poet today of the right to be among the leading ones is his political orientation, the fact that he devoted his work to the glorification of the system that brought nothing but misfortune to our people. In this sense, he is, indeed, a “sewage man and water carrier.” Vladimir Vladimirovich extols violence in every possible way and justifies any cruelty. But he could not know that a person is nothing, his rights can be neglected in every possible way. “One is nonsense, one is zero!” he exclaims.

From childhood we were taught that literature and art should serve only high goals, only good. And it is right. Therefore, the eternal reproach and shame will forever fall on Mayakovsky and many others who wrote “at the direction of the party”, the fact that they served an unkind, cruel system. But it is also wrong to completely write off this poet from literature. Let him take his real place.