There are many times fewer of them than. China has three times less population than is commonly believed. Ideal training option

For most families Russian Federation payment for services is a significant burden on the wallet. Not everyone knows that the state provides benefits for utility bills.

There are two types of social support. About who can apply for budget funds in 2019-2020, further in the article.

Benefits and subsidies

Benefits for veterans and military personnel

Do you need information on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

Large families

The state is interested in population growth. It classifies families with more than three children (under 18 years of age) as having many children and socially vulnerable.

Im on regional level benefits are established for payment for housing and communal services.

As a rule, the budget pays 30% of the bills for them, which are calculated based on consumption standards. But this depends on the composition of the family.

For example, in the Perm Territory, regional authorities provide monthly monetary compensation for expenses for housing and communal services in the amount of 292.94 rubles. for each family member. In the Udmurt Republic, 30% of utility costs are compensated, which is calculated within the republican standard of social norms.

If there are no benefits for large families in the region, then you need to apply for a subsidy. Most often it is reserved for large families.

Single mothers

As such, no benefits are provided to this category of citizens. However, women raising children on their own are entitled to subsidies. These preferences apply to all types of housing and communal services.

You must submit an application to the social security authority at your place of residence.


Subsidies for housing and utility bills are provided to citizens if their expenses for housing and communal services exceed the amount corresponding to the maximum allowable share of citizens’ expenses in this area. For these purposes, the size of the regional standard for the standard area of ​​residential premises and the size of the regional standard for the cost of housing and communal services are used.

The following are eligible for subsidies:

  • residential users;
  • tenants under residential lease agreements;
  • members of housing cooperatives;
  • owners of residential premises.

The main condition for calculating the subsidy is the absence of arrears in payment for housing and communal services or the fulfillment by citizens of agreements on its repayment.

The subsidy is calculated every six months and is adjusted taking into account the consumption of services.

List of documents to receive a subsidy:

  • passports and birth certificates of all family members;
  • documents confirming the right to use residential premises;
  • documents confirming the absence of arrears in payment of utility services;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • income certificates for all family members.

The list of documents may be supplemented at the discretion of regional authorities.

Process of receiving discounts

Benefits for payments for housing and communal services are not automatically provided to anyone. Citizens entitled to them must contact the territorial office social protection population.

You must have the following documents with you:

  • passport;
  • beneficiary certificate;
  • document on the ownership of housing or a social tenancy agreement;
  • checks for payment for services;
  • certificate of family composition.
Benefits are provided exclusively to citizens of the Russian Federation.

Documents confirming the right to a discount include:

Disabled peopleCertificate of disability assignment
Veterans, disabled people, WWII participantsRelevant ID
Knights of the Order
Heroes of Russia, USSR
Family members of fallen servicemen
Home front workers, concentration camp prisoners
People who survived the siege of Leningrad
Honorary donors of the Russian Federation, USSR
Repressed citizens
Radiation victims
Veterans of Labor
Orphans and children deprived of parental careCertificate of preferential category
Large familiesBirth certificates of children
Documents confirming regional preferences can be found in the resolution of the local government on its official website.

Rent benefits

In many cases, discounts are based on consumption standards. They are established by the regional authorities. But there are cases when this restriction does not apply.

For example, let's look at the capital's legislative acts. Thus, the Moscow Government has established that rent discounts are calculated based on the following area sizes:

  • per person - 33 sq. m;
  • for two - 42 sq. m;
  • for three or more - based on 18 sq. m per person.

Calculation example

Let’s say four citizens live in an apartment, one of whom is disabled since childhood. Social housing standard for them: 18 sq. m x 4 people = 72 sq. m.

This is the area the discount will apply to.

For meters exceeding social norm, you will have to pay the full price.

Who does this procedure not apply to?

The regulations indicate the categories of citizens who are granted the right to discounts on the entire area of ​​the apartment, without taking into account social norms.

The metropolitan government included the following:

  • single pensioners;
  • disabled people living alone;
  • minor orphans who own apartments;
  • families that include only disabled people or pensioners and children under 16 years of age;
  • large families who live in low-rise buildings owned by the city.
Each region has its own list of exceptions and preferences. It is necessary to learn about the intricacies and nuances of legislation in service provider organizations.

Additional benefits for pensioners

As a rule, a pension is not yet an opportunity to count on state assistance in paying for housing and communal services. The authorities support only socially vulnerable people.

Pensioners in general are not classified as such. However, most of them have the opportunity to reduce their expenses. So, if a retired family lives in an apartment, then it is worth applying for a subsidy. This type of support is assigned if spending on housing and communal services exceeds 22% of total income.

The subsidy is valid for six months. That is, she will be appointed for six months. When this period ends, you will need to update your application and documents confirming your right to discounts. Since the end of 2018, beneficiaries have been exempted from the obligation to document the absence of debts for housing and communal services. This will be done by the officials themselves.

Regions also establish their own ways of supporting pensioners. Thus, in Moscow, visually impaired people (groups 1 and 2) are not charged for a radio point. A 50% discount on the use of a TV antenna is established for:

  • disabled people living alone;
  • persons who are assigned a subsidy for housing and communal services;
  • families consisting only of pensioners.

Discounts and preferences for state employees

Doctors and teachers working in villages also have benefits on payments for housing and communal services. However, the mechanism for their purpose and accounting is somewhat different. It differs depending on the region; most often, state employees receive an “increase” in their salary once a year. That is, they are compensated with money for payments already made.

According to the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, calculations are based on national averages. It is equal to 1200 rubles. per month.

Regional authorities may apply increasing or decreasing factors to this average based on specific local living conditions.

Dear readers!

We describe typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique and requires individual legal assistance.

The state provides special benefits and preferences to different categories of the population that are considered vulnerable. This also includes labor veterans who have optimal work experience in a certain field of activity. Citizens who have formalized this status can count on various support measures from the state. Benefits for labor veterans for housing and communal services are considered the most significant, as they can significantly reduce utility bills.

Legislative regulation

Provided different types support for labor veterans based on the provisions of Federal Law No. 5. To obtain this status, you must have at least 25 years of work experience, and for employees of some government departments the annual period is reduced to 15 years.

Since a citizen prefers to work officially, his time is recorded in the Pension Fund and other government organizations. This leads to obtaining a special status called a labor veteran. The process of receiving departmental awards is regulated by Decree No. 578.

Regional authorities offer their own various concessions to people who have earned the status of labor veterans. They relate to certain areas of activity, which include medicine, travel or other services. But most often citizens are interested in benefits for labor veterans in housing and communal services. After all, this is a type of payment that the population has to deal with on an ongoing basis.

Who is a labor veteran?

Initially, you need to figure out who exactly is entitled to a subsidy for housing and communal services. Preferences are offered only to people who have the official status of labor veterans. It must be recorded in a special certificate. The following citizens are recognized as labor veterans in Moscow or other regions:

  • men who have worked in production for more than 40 years;
  • women with more than 35 years of experience;
  • people endowed with honorary titles awarded for exploits at work;
  • persons who started their labor activity even during the Second World War before reaching the age of majority.

People with the above characteristics can count on receiving the title of veteran of labor. Additionally, they are given a corresponding medal and allowance. Other types of privileges are offered, assigned by federal and regional legislation. The most important type of assistance is considered to be preferential tariffs for housing and communal services for labor veterans.

What preferences are offered?

Federal Law No. 5 provides for several types of benefits that can be used by citizens who have received the official status of a labor veteran. Regularly local authorities improvements and changes are being made aimed at improving the living conditions of citizens.

Federal benefits assigned to labor veterans include:

  • the opportunity to travel to sanatoriums and resorts completely free of charge;
  • payment of financial compensation on a monthly basis;
  • sale of medicines at reduced prices;
  • undergoing an annual medical examination;
  • priority service is offered in stores and pharmacies;
  • if a citizen applies for a social card, he can receive a 5% discount on all products included in the consumer basket;
  • a subsidy is provided for housing and communal services;
  • on the basis of the compulsory medical insurance policy, completely free service is offered in any medical government agency;
  • travel to public transport is preferential;
  • discounts are provided on the purchase of tickets for intercity transport;
  • all labor veterans receive exemption from the need to pay land tax;
  • a citizen can be put on a special queue, the main purpose of which is to improve living conditions;
  • prosthetics and maintenance of prostheses is performed completely free of charge;
  • The state allocates a special subsidy, the main purpose of which is the construction of a private building, and it can be repaid within 10 years.

Additionally, various preferences are offered by local authorities, so you should check with the regional administration about the possibility of using them. For example, residents of Moscow or St. Petersburg who have received this status can take out additional paid leave at any time, regardless of the wishes of their direct employer.

How is the benefit calculated?

The size of the benefit for labor veterans for housing and communal services is 50%. The basic rules for applying this preference include:

  • The receipt must reflect directly what discount is provided to the beneficiary;
  • monthly compensation for utilities is transferred to the citizen’s current account.

When calculating benefits for labor veterans for housing and communal services, the following nuances are taken into account:

  • how many labor veterans and other persons are registered in one territory;
  • to calculate compensation, norms are taken into account, so if the beneficiary lives alone, then he is entitled to 33 square meters. m., and for two people the optimal area is 42 square meters. m.;
  • if there are more than two people in a family, then each of them should have at least 18 square meters. m.

The calculation is considered simple, so even the veteran himself can deal with this process.

How is it prescribed?

Benefits for labor veterans for housing and communal services are assigned exclusively on an application basis, so a citizen must independently contact the regional administration or social security authorities to obtain a preference. If he does not have this information, he will not be able to use state support.

Who pays housing and communal services benefits to labor veterans? The process is usually carried out by social security authorities, so to obtain preferences the following actions are performed:

  • Initially, a corresponding application is drawn up and submitted to the regional administration or social security authorities.
  • A special bank account is opened where the compensation will be transferred, and it is advisable to contact Sberbank with this question.
  • The documents necessary to obtain the benefit are prepared. These include: an application, a certificate confirming the status of a labor veteran, the applicant’s passport, passports or birth certificates of other persons living in the same territory as the citizen, receipts for payment of housing and communal services, and other documents may also be required if necessary.
  • All documents with the application are reviewed within 10 days, after which a decision is made on the possibility of providing benefits.

If the decision is positive, then starting from the next month, compensation equal to 50% of the payment amount will be transferred to the specified account.

Rules for drawing up an application

As already mentioned, the registration of benefits for housing and communal services for pensioners and labor veterans does not occur automatically, and records of the citizens who are entitled to them are not kept. Such persons must take care of drawing up an application on their own, which must include the following information:

  • the addressee represented by the social security authorities or the local administration of the region is indicated;
  • the full name of the applicant is provided;
  • indicate the account number where the benefit will be transferred;
  • write the name of the bank branch where the account was opened to transfer compensation;
  • the registration address of the labor veteran is given;
  • contact information provided by work or home phone number is indicated;
  • the type of real estate is prescribed, since a citizen can live in his own apartment, municipal or rented;
  • the area of ​​the object is indicated;
  • if other persons live with the beneficiary, they must be recorded in the application.

Making this statement is quite simple. The form can be obtained directly from the social security department or asked from the administration employees. If necessary, you can get advice from employees.

What documents are attached to the application?

The procedure for applying for housing and communal services benefits for labor veterans is considered quick and simple, but first it is still important to prepare the necessary certificates for these purposes. These include the following documentation:

  • a well-formed application, and it is allowed to draw it up directly on the spot;
  • citizen's passport;
  • a certificate confirming that the person has previously obtained the status of a labor veteran;
  • SNILS;
  • various award documents confirming that the citizen received all kinds of medals, honorary titles or insignia;
  • income certificate;
  • documents confirming the income of each family member who lives in the same apartment with the beneficiary;
  • work record book from the place of work, on the basis of which the citizen’s work experience is assessed;
  • two photographs in 3x4 format;
  • documents for existing real estate, which can be represented by an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, a certificate of ownership, a lease contract, a social lease agreement or other similar papers;
  • receipts for payment of utility bills, which confirm that the applicant has no arrears or debts in paying for housing and communal services.

Based on the submitted papers, specialists calculate benefits for labor veterans for housing and communal services. This allows you to understand what kind of compensation will be transferred to the applicant monthly. Additionally, other documents may be required, so you can find out their exact list when contacting the social security authorities for information.

Design nuances for different regions

The rules for obtaining benefits for labor veterans in Moscow may differ slightly from receiving preferences in other regions of the country. This is due to the fact that it is the leadership of each settlement independently determines what additional concessions will be offered to preferential categories of the population.

For example, in the capital, citizens who are labor veterans can count on a 50% discount when paying for utilities and major repairs. Additionally, free service is offered in sanatoriums and when purchasing tickets for city or suburban transport.

In St. Petersburg, the administration assigns a benefit equal to half the amount for utilities. This subsidy applies additionally when paying for television, radio or telephone.

Finding out exactly what rights labor veterans can enjoy is only possible by visiting the direct social security office of the region of residence. In this case, complete information about all available privileges is provided.

If you add up all the benefits offered, then a significant simplification of the life of labor veterans is guaranteed, therefore such support measures from the state are necessary and important.

What difficulties do you face?

Often, when calculating a discount intended to pay for housing and communal services, certain difficulties arise. These include:

  • Consumption standards differ in different regions, so the discount may differ slightly in different cities;
  • several beneficiaries may live in one territory at once, which significantly complicates the calculation process;
  • It is quite difficult for pensioners to figure out on their own how housing and communal services benefits are calculated for labor veterans, but if you get the necessary values ​​from the social security department, you can make sure whether the benefit is calculated correctly;
  • even if the calculations are carried out by employees of special bodies, there is always the possibility of an error due to human factor, although employees use automated programs.

It is advisable to independently check how correctly the calculation was made to ensure the relevance of the results obtained.

When is recalculation performed?

Recalculation is made based on meter readings. This process is required if more than one labor veteran lives in the same territory, but also other people who can count on benefits in the field of housing and communal services.

Since the discount is calculated for the next month, consumption data received for the previous month is taken into account. For example, if a benefit is calculated for April, then the readings for February are taken into account. In this case, an adjustment factor is applied, and benefits provided to other residents of the apartment are also taken into account.

If the size of the payment changes sharply, then it is advisable for the labor veteran to independently contact the social security authorities to receive a calculation.

Reasons for refusal

In some cases, labor veterans may be denied a benefit intended to pay for utilities. Typically, such a decision is made if the following reasons exist:

  • absence of all necessary documents;
  • the citizen did not formalize the status of a labor veteran in advance;
  • a person already receives a benefit of 50% on another basis;
  • there are significant errors in the application;
  • the information in the documentation is not true;
  • there are debts to pay for housing and communal services.

In most cases, it is not difficult to correct all existing violations and errors, after which you are given the opportunity to resubmit the documents. If various problems are not identified, then a positive decision is made.


Every person belonging to preferential categories of the population must know how to correctly apply for various preferences offered by the state. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how housing and communal services benefits are calculated for labor veterans and how they are transferred. Difficulties usually arise when several beneficiaries live in the same apartment.

Due to various support measures, labor veterans are able to significantly reduce travel costs, utility bills and other expenses.

When it seems to us that we are not eating enough, we need to start a diary and start writing there everything that we ate and drank. At the same time, you need to be as honest as possible with you and include every cookie and the candy we ate, every cup of coffee, all the sauces and condiments. After which you will be able to look at your diet from the outside and understand where and how you eat incorrectly, at what time of day you eat a lot. In addition, nutritionists claim that those who keep a food diary automatically begin to lose weight, even if they do not follow any diet. You can have a large notebook, but it is better if it is a small notebook that you can carry with you. It is also possible to use stickers, for example, stick them on the refrigerator. You will see the first results of this innovation in the mirror in a week.

2. Don’t be lazy, cut food

Our brains are focused on the visual quantity rather than the weight of food. Therefore, if we cut the same cucumber into thin rings, we will eat much more than a whole cucumber. In addition, it is recommended to place food on different plates, radishes, for example, on one, and tomatoes on another. In addition, I recommend stringing one piece onto a fork, so you get the feeling that you’ve eaten a lot.

3. Take your time

It is recommended to eat slowly! Everyone should take this statement as an axiom. Conscious eating will not only reduce the calorie content of the food you consume, but will also help your digestion, which will eliminate unnecessary stomach problems. It is best to eat in silence, without watching TV, reading books or using the computer, since usually in this case, lunch, which should be eaten in 20 minutes, is eaten in five. 20 minutes is the optimal lunch time to strive for.

4. Breakfast? Yes, sure!

If you have not yet realized the importance of breakfast, now is the time. If the human body does not receive the required amount of energy in the morning, it will inevitably require its replenishment during the day, so a person who does not eat breakfast eats 2 times more than someone who pampered himself in the morning. Breakfast, contrary to popular belief, should be high in calories, since its energy should be enough for almost the whole day. In addition, in the morning, metabolism works better than at other times of the day, so you can allow yourself fruits and even sweets in the morning (up to 12 o’clock).

5. I want a cake

If today is not a holiday, but you want cake, eat it. If you eat only salad during the day, and in the evening you can’t restrain yourself and eat cake, you will still consume much more calories than if you ate the cake right away. There are people who eat everything and don’t get fat. Have you ever wondered why this happens? The fact is that such people listen to their body and eat only when they really want it. In addition, such people pamper themselves, and in a restaurant they will choose not a hamburger, but a delicious main course and a glass of wine.

6. Chewing gum? Be!

I don’t recommend using chewing gum instead of eating, it’s not food. But you can chew it during a break, when you want to snack on something; you are unlikely to want to add any product to it, such as candy or seeds.

7. PP
First, avoid spices and seasonings, including salt, as they stimulate the appetite. We eat more protein in our meals, as well as slow carbohydrates. We eat more eggs, kefir, meat, seafood, cheese, cottage cheese, and whole grain bread. If you eat in a cafe, order a half portion rather than a portion, but be guided by your own indicators. Be sure to eat soups.

8. Is there a lot or a little?

Many people who are losing weight are advised to eat from small plates. However, I advise you to focus on the calorie content of your food. You can eat a plate of chips and a plate of meat, but they will not be the same.

9. Where do I get caught?

Examine your weaknesses. Don't worry, everyone has them. If you love McDonald's, try to avoid it. Come up with an excuse why you will no longer take sweets for tea. Find safe substitutes for your favorite foods. If you are trying to lose weight, then instead of a piece of cake, it is better to eat steak . If you want something fatty, treat yourself to a piece of cheese or sesame seeds. Consume soda as little as possible.

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Many psychologists have tried to study the reasons why, in the last weeks of pregnancy and after the birth of a baby, a woman is bothered by some kind of unconscious anxiety, passivity and a feeling of loss of control over the situation appear. All this causes great distress to the lady who, it would seem, just a year ago was so confident in her strengths, capabilities and actions. A turning point comes, a feeling of unusualness arises, which every day develops into anxiety and confusion. Maybe the birth of this little long-awaited miracle makes the young mother identify herself with her parents, the fast flow of life, and saying goodbye to a carefree life? Psychologists say that during this period, conflicts and traumas that the girl received in childhood or adolescence

; you take a lot of weight and do few repetitions - you work on volume. But it's not that simple...

  • 1 to 5 reps- the lower range, which develops physical strength (heavy weight).
  • 6 to 12 reps- the middle range, which is mainly associated with an increase in muscle volume (any weight).
  • 12 to 15+ reps- any exercise repeated over 12 times develops strength endurance (medium and light weight).

Low reps + high weight. Strength development

A small number of repetitions in one set with a large weight develops strength. The results of a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research show:

If you want to develop strength, your method is low reps + high weight.

Another study of the strength training of weightlifters showed that not only our muscles are responsible for the ability, but also the central nervous system, that is, muscle memory. Trainer Greg Nuckols believes that lower reps combined with heavier weights help our nervous system remember how to most effectively use your muscles to lift weights.

If you're using your maximum weight or 90% of it, do one to three reps per set. Reducing the weight allows you to increase the number of repetitions: at 50-60% of the maximum weight, it is recommended to do up to 10-12 repetitions.

Pauses between approaches should be from two to six minutes to restore reserves. The optimal number of repetitions in one approach is from six to 12.

Lots of reps + light weight. Development of strength endurance

High repetitions without or using light weights will improve your endurance.

Occurs due to many factors, including mechanical tissue damage, mechanical stress and metabolic stress. So you can also increase muscle volume with light weights, but for this you will have to do very, very, very many repetitions. In fact, it is much easier to lift more weight and not push yourself to the point of exhaustion.

By performing high repetitions with light weights, you develop strength endurance.

For example, when working with a weight that is 25% of the maximum, 47 to 120 repetitions are performed.

Is it any wonder now that those who switch from group classes fitness in the gym, are not able to immediately lift heavy weights, and those who work out in the gym with heavy weights cannot withstand the number of approaches that they usually perform in group training, even with a weight that is three to four times less than usual.

But in any case, regardless of the weight and number of repetitions, if you want to achieve, you will have to work at full strength.

Ideal training option

To maintain balance, many trainers design a program that includes training to develop maximum strength and training to develop endurance.

Example 1. Linear

  • Day 1:
  • Day 2:
  • Day 3:

Example 2: Cyclic

  • Week 1: 10–12 reps per set.
  • Week 2: 6–8 reps per set.
  • Week 3: 2–4 reps per set.
  • Week 4: 10–12 reps with increased weight per set.

If you want to take it to the next level, you need to increase the weight, the number of sets, or both, but you need to do it correctly. It is advisable to consult with a trainer!

1) a (y), plural. times, times, m. 1. In combination with the numeral “one” or without it, indicates the one-time occurrence of which l. actions. Life is given once, and you want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully. Chekhov, The Story of an Unknown Man. Bamboo... ... Small academic dictionary

less- I. compare. Art. to Small and Little (1 2, 4 digits). The girl was better than her peers. The story of the story. Chair m. armchairs. Mala mala m. (about small children). II. compare Art. adv. to Little (1 2 digits). We need to talk. M. began to run. Who l. should m... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

just- See, by the way, by chance, the exact one is just... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. just exactly, directly, (in) exactly, just right, just right, snugly, by the way, by chance... Synonym dictionary

less / less(,) than- words as part of a comparative phrase As a rule, inside a combination a comma is placed before the word “what”. For cases where a comma before the word “than” is not needed, see the article “more than.” The last thought killed me no less than my aunt, and I... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

neither more nor less than...- see more; No more/more (and) no less than...; no more/more (and) no less than..., in the meaning. particles. Exactly as much as is named is indicated; exactly, just... Dictionary of many expressions

no more and no less than- adverb, number of synonyms: 4 exactly (28) just (48) no more and no less than (11) ... Synonym dictionary

no more, no less- exactly, tick to tick, as in a pharmacy, penny to penny, exactly, exactly, tick to tick, exactly, neck to neck, just, absolutely, exactly Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

no more, no less- adverb, number of synonyms: 15 exactly (14) exactly (22) as in the pharmacy (8) ... Synonym dictionary

no more no less than...- see less; No more (and) no less/less than...; No more (and) no less than..., in the meaning. particles. Exactly, just... Dictionary of many expressions

Second time in a month- at its peak cold war(economic and psychological confrontation between the USA and the USSR in the 50s-80s of the last century, accompanied by an arms race and demonstrative provocative actions) there was mutual military hysteria,... ... Lem's World - Dictionary and Guide

No more, no less- Razg. 1. Exactly as much as named is indicated. 2. Just like that, exactly like that (act, act). FSRYA, 42... Big dictionary Russian sayings


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  • One, two, three, four, five, I'm learning to count! , Usova Tatiana. With the help of this book, your child will learn to count to ten, master the concepts of "equals", "greater than", "less than", "even", "odd", and will be able to show numbers using their fingers. How many legs does an octopus have?...