Speed ​​reading for teachers, full-time training. Speed ​​reading and memory workshop. Speed ​​reading training online

Why do we need speed reading training, some will ask. Let me ask you, how many unread books are gathering dust on your shelf? How many would you like to read, but don’t get around to? I was once in a situation where I read one book for a whole month or two or three months. Every day for an hour and so for almost a month. What a nightmare! After that I don't even want to read.

And now I can read a book in 2 days, and I read it for 30-40 minutes on public transport. That is, 20-30 times faster. Not bad, right?

Nowadays, reading quickly is everyone’s norm. successful person. This is the age, this is the time. The question is how easily and quickly you can learn the speed reading technique. Some people master it for months, others are afraid to start because they have heard a lot of unflattering things about the methods, which are often completely groundless.

What can I say? Skill is required. And there are several options, each good in its own way.

Self-paced speed reading training for free

On the vast expanses of the Internet there are many books, articles and open courses. Now everything can be found, free and legally. By the way, I have a whole review of books on speed reading - all for you.

What's good about this option?

  • This type of speed reading training it will be very economical. Most of the materials will be available to you for free or for little money if you buy the books.
  • You can do it yourself choose methods and exercises for yourself that are right for you.
  • You can choose a comfortable training mode, in which you don’t have to rush, keep up with the group, travel somewhere or wait for webinars. There are no external influences: you do it when you can.

The advantages are significant. If you organize yourself well, you will have strong motivation and willpower, then this option, of course, suits you just wonderfully. However, there are two key disadvantages self-study speed reading:

Training in speed reading techniques: offline programs

An excellent and (as opposed to independent) very effective result is learning speed reading techniques in live group courses. When you come and intensively learn live from a qualified trainer. What's good about this method?

  • High probability of a good result . An experienced trainer can bring you to a really good result and really increase your speed of reading and understanding text. Time and money in this case will not be wasted.
  • You will have excellent external stimulation. You will need to have time to work with the group, complete assignments, and exercises. In a company it is always easier to find the strength to exercise and harder to find excuses for yourself. Many people need little kicks to move forward.
  • Live course handouts - this is an absolute plus. Most people find it much more convenient to have notebooks, methods, tables and other printed materials on hand than to read everything from a monitor screen. After courses, there is often a lot of materials left over with which you can train yourself at home.

There are certainly disadvantages to this type of training.

  • High price. For live courses, the cost, in addition to the work of the trainer himself and his team, also includes the cost of materials, the cost of renting a hall, equipment, etc. Of course, this significantly increases the cost of participation.
  • Inflexibility of the training mode. You need to arrive at a certain time, to a certain place. If you miss a class, it usually cannot be re-scheduled or rescheduled.
  • Inflexibility of the program. Since classes at live events are held in a group, individual adjustments to your pace are almost impossible. The trainer also cannot change the program for you, select individual exercises or remove sections that are not suitable for you.

Speed ​​reading training online

Distance learning in speed reading largely combines the advantages of previous options.

  • Have a good coach high probability of getting a good result
  • No need to travel for classes, everything can be done at home
  • Often distance courses can be viewed in recording at a convenient time . This flexibility is very necessary in modern conditions dynamic world.
  • The cost of such programs is lower similar offline programs
  • External stimulation , since coaches and curators periodically monitor your progress and give you advice. You work in a group and communicate with other students. All this gives additional motivation.

I have a selection of speed reading courses from various authors, you can check them out and choose a teacher that suits your spirit, style and cost. Yet even this type of training has disadvantages.

  • There is still no individual approach. Such a complex skill as the ability to work with information is difficult to teach in a large group; an individual approach and individual solutions are required for each person.
  • From distance courses There are no printed materials left, and many of us are more comfortable working with printed rather than electronic versions of workbooks, texts, and tables.

What do I see as the most convenient option for learning speed reading?

Having tried different options, I, as a coach, settled on individual distance learning. And I personally believe that this is the most convenient format for every student. By studying according to an individual program you receive:

All video lessons, webinar recordings, mind maps, tables, special texts for exercises and many other materials.

Special training plan, which is described in detail by steps and even days. You can use it as a base, but adjust it to suit yourself and study the lessons at a convenient time. I'm all for flexibility.

I, as a coach, individual work will follow you, help, answer to questions and stimulate. You will have individual support and assistance.

You receive additional materials(not included in the training itself), if I see that you need it so that you get the maximum benefit, and also adjust, remove or change exercises if they do not suit you.

The cost is similar to remote courses

And, what is very important, you can get printed materials(large workbook with tips, exercise plan, texts to check), printed Schulte color tables for training. All this is sent to you by email and stays with you.

SMART SCHOOL trains instructors in Moscow and other cities of Russia in mental arithmetic, speed reading and super memory based on the author’s program, collected from the best practices for more than 5 years.

Instructors who have been trained by us successfully teach classes in many cities of the Russian Federation and abroad.

In the next 10-20 years, teachers of mental arithmetic and speed reading will be in great demand, because the goals and objectives of parents and children are becoming more ambitious, the flow of daily information at school and in life is growing, and only a few know how to cope with it.

Have time to become the best in your profession, master the course mental arithmetic or speed reading in Moscow, choosing to increase professionalism and income.

What do you get by completing training at our center:

1. Complete practical course:

  • Quality control of training.
    A small group of 4-6 people!, an experienced instructor and a constant change of exercises guarantee that everyone will master the material.
  • Detailed and practical presentation of materials based on training manuals, notebooks and textbooks will make the course understandable to everyone.
  • Instructor's suitcase for each participant
    • educational materials for 3 ages - textbooks, notebooks, manuals
    • Add. tasks for the development of attention, logic and all types of memory
    • Psi-Games - software for developing attention and memory.
    The teaching aids, games, cases for children and adults that you will receive are not sold in stores. They were collected and tested over several years.

2. And 2 special points that only “Smart School” teaches:

  • Psychology and sales strategy training courses. How can a teacher conduct mental arithmetic, earning from 40,000 rubles. per month?
  • Support for teachers who have been trained throughout the year.
Every month we come up with something new, test it in our centers and be sure to share it with you. SMART SCHOOL specialists provide support at all stages of interaction with instructors who have been trained by us.

Mental arithmetic:

In courses on mental arithmetic, you will learn the history of its origin and basic concepts, study the connection between mental arithmetic classes and the development of attention, memory and intelligence of students.

Our teachers will tell you the features of addition and subtraction in mental arithmetic, Formulas and counting techniques.

Much attention during training will be paid to the nuances of effective teaching of Mental Arithmetic and business management.

Speed ​​reading and super memory:

Speed ​​reading is not only quick reading, excellent attention and memory, but also a whole range of skills that allow you to succeed in any field of activity.

Today, the demand for the development of speed reading and memory greatly exceeds the supply. And in the future this trend will only increase. That is why a speed reading instructor is not only a creative profession and self-realization, but a job that allows you to earn good money!

Speed ​​reading allows you to remember more and better information, multitask, and learn foreign language in a few months, successfully prepare for the exam, process any amount of information. This is not taught at school or university, but these are the skills that are in greater demand in life.

And it is you who will be able to give the necessary knowledge to people and receive additional or main income from the activities of an instructor. You become a sought-after specialist, with a certificate, experience and new thinking.

Marina Evtukhova:

Inna Chizhevskaya:

Ekaterina Dodonova:


I took an online instructor course on memory development (without speed reading) in the summer of 2014. At first I thought why the program was so extended, almost 3 months, I wanted it faster and more concentrated. Then, during the classes, I realized how well thought out the program was.

Combining activities as a client with the program methodological training, in my opinion, is very successful, everything falls into place, it becomes clear what, where, for what and how. It is possible to work through all the methods, set methodological issues, structure the material, which is very helpful in creating several versions of your program.

An important block of the instructor course, in my opinion, is sales issues. It’s not enough to create a program; you also need to have someone to teach it, how to offer it, and sell your course. Much attention is paid to this aspect, as well as to the stages of developing the program itself for different audiences and needs.

An excellent bonus to all this wealth - teaching materials, which you don’t need to search on the Internet yourself using the list, but can be downloaded directly from the link they send. In addition, for me, a huge resource is video recordings of all classes that remain and can be returned to any topic, remembered and used in work.

Special huge thanks, of course, to Guzeli Fadailevna for the excellent, clear, interesting presentation of the material, for the desire to generously share what she can and knows herself, for the positivity, for the confidence that she instilled.

By the end of the course, I have a real, live, ready-made program that I can start working on.


Ekaterina Dodonova:

I completed an instructor course with Guzel Abdulova in August 2014 and I can say that the results amazed me. I am a critic in spirit, I trust only achieved goals and numbers. Here are my “input” and “output” numbers.

Teacher of memory development and speed reading. 3 years experience

I studied and received 2 diplomas in instructor courses. One diploma - for studying personally with I. Yu. Matyugin, the “father” of eidetics. A huge amount of knowledge and training techniques

Worked in training center, with high load. Salary: 10% of the course fee

There are no individual students. Forced to live from paycheck to paycheck

The knowledge base and techniques have increased even more

Gained confidence in yourself as a professional

She left the center, opened her own individual entrepreneur and achieved an income of 100,000 rubles a month after completing Gyuzel’s courses

A huge number of individual students. I teach in Moscow and London

Created a personal website. I am developing online courses on memory development and speed reading.

The personal example of Guzel Abdulova became the best help for me in learning. During these courses, I suddenly realized that I had been professional teacher with good experience - stop being afraid and doubting, devaluing your work and eking out a miserable existence. It's time to act! Thank you Guzel for the freedom and courage in starting my own business that opened up in me.

Every person always strives for the best, and for this he needs to be the best: in his studies, profession, hobbies... To do this, he needs to use his potential and develop. Without mastering the skills of speed reading, the ability to control the abilities of your mind is very difficult. Unfortunately, the skills of correct memorization and processing of information are not taught either in schools or universities. The Center for the Development of Memory and Speed ​​Reading provides such a wonderful opportunity. I took a coaching course with Guzel Fidayilievna Abdulova. I am grateful to fate for this opportunity. Guzel Fidayilievna is not only an excellent teacher who has excellent knowledge of theory and is talented in helping to master and apply knowledge in practice, but also a wonderful person who treats her students with great attention and dedication. I am familiar with different schools that teach memorization and speed reading skills, so I can say with confidence that the Eidos center is one of the best. It is also significant that people who have been trained here not only successfully open their own schools in different cities, but also continue practical and theoretical developments in developing the knowledge that people need so much. Sincerely, Inna Chizhevskaya, Novosibirsk.

People began to deal with the issue of speed reading relatively long ago. During this time, many methods and techniques for speed reading have been developed. You can choose what suits you. With the help of speed reading, you will learn not only to quickly but also process information efficiently.

In this article we will talk about methods of teaching speed reading

Courses and special programs there is plenty of speed reading now. The methods may differ, but the essence of most of them is the same. Firstly, when speed reading, you should read not words, but paragraphs, and entire pages of text. This is possible if you learn to read not line by line, but vertically, along the text. Secondly, you must stop reciting what you read. In methods that do not interfere with internal pronunciation, additional time is spent on assimilation and memorization of the material. And the most important thing is the quality of the material read. That is, you will learn to better understand the text you read with significant time savings.

Use Alternatives to Reading

Sometimes it happens that it is much better to ask for advice from another specialist than to figure it out yourself. You can also break down the question of interest and obtain some of the information from oral sources.

Read important information very loudly.

Effect quick reading is not to read as many texts as possible, but to find solutions to difficulties as quickly as possible.

Some reading rules

Go back to what you've learned

Once you have read a piece, mentally repeat what you read and determine for yourself how you understood it.

Without notes in a notebook, you are unlikely to understand anything well. Therefore, students take notes after the speaker.

Are all the terms familiar to the book?

The more unclear words, the lower the reading speed.

You can skip one term, but if there are a lot of them, then your reading comprehension will be zero.

Read at your processing speed

Mastering the sciences is not going from word to word according to the principle “the faster you went around, the more you learned.” Reading is learning, training, intimacy.

When we work slowly, we have contact with the text, with the author, with the language. Haste is constantly missing something. What doesn't go easy doesn't go at all.

Great is the Lord, who made everything difficult unnecessary, and the unnecessary very difficult.

Slow reading develops abilities. If we read at our usual speed, then the assimilation is complete.

When reading, linger on difficult parts of the text.

What is familiar - quickly run your eyes over it.

Useful information on the site about how to learn to read faster and remember more

Learn to see the entire text without constantly moving your eyes, i.e. eyes should not move along the entire horizontal line of text;

If you involuntarily noticed a word in the text, focus on this area of ​​​​information. In the future, remembering this word, you will remember the entire text around it;

What is speed reading

Speed ​​reading is not magic or a mystery. Professional speed reading lessons simply teach a small number of simple techniques that help a person concentrate better. Human eyes are almost constantly in motion. Speed ​​reading techniques direct this movement to the page of text. To learn speed reading, it is very important to take the correct position. You should sit upright, holding the book with your left hand, and use your right hand for exercises.

Here are a few methods to help develop speed reading.


The first method is to place your hand on the page and slowly move it down while your eyes move over the text in the normal way. The hand moves on its own; its movement has nothing to do with the movement of the eyes. The eyes don't have to read exactly where the hand is, but this simple movement will help you increase your speed. It is necessary to constantly move your hand, without stopping after reading a small part of the text. The hand goes over each page only once. If you are left-handed, use your left hand to move.


The second method is to use a piece of paper to cover the lines of text above where you are reading to prevent them from being read again. Slide the sheet down slowly and evenly, and try to read the lines of text before the sheet covers them. This will help you overcome the habit of re-reading (regression). At first, this exercise will require a lot of attention. Try to move the sheet down a little faster than you can read. Read each page only once.


The third method is to use your hand to help your eyes move across the page. Bend your fingers slightly and keep them together. With a light and smooth movement, as if sweeping salt from the page, move your fingers from left to right, emphasizing the line of text with the tip of your middle finger. The movement is performed with the whole hand and should be 2-3 cm wider than the line of text.


Jumping is very similar to sweeping, but in this method the fingers do not slide across the page, but rather make two strokes on each line. With each strike, you fix your gaze and read a group of three or four words. Switching to this method will allow you to maintain a steady increase in your reading speed, since the method is very similar to reading with a metronome. The movement is performed with the entire arm, not just the wrist.

Zigzag or loop

The last method discussed is a slightly modified scanning technique. In this method, the hand moves diagonally across about three lines and then returns to the beginning of the next line. The main idea of ​​this method is not to read all the words of the text, but to scan the parts from which you need to understand the meaning of the entire text. The method is not recommended for materials that require careful study, but it is excellent for understanding the main ideas of simple texts.

These methods seem simple and easy, but do not be mistaken. They are very useful and can help a well-prepared reader read faster and more productively, but for this they must be constantly used in practice. It usually takes three to four sessions to master any of the methods described. During classes, you may notice that one of the given methods suits you more than the others. Determine which one is most convenient for you and use it.

Numerous techniques for developing speed reading are one of the components of the harmonious development of the personality as a whole. By adding practices to develop memory and attention, you will develop your brain every day. Discover new opportunities for personal growth and unlock your inner potential.