Udgu institutes. Udmurt State University. Branches of the educational institution

On June 18, 2013, in the hall of the Academic Council of Moscow State Technical University named after K.G. Razumovsky, a cooperation agreement was signed with the Ginza Project holding, which implies the creation of a joint educational center under the brand of the famous restaurateur Alain Ducasse.

The Alain Ducasse Culinary Institute in Moscow will offer students a unique training program followed by the issuance of an international certificate that is recognized throughout the world, and a special training restaurant will be opened at the school. The most famous restaurateur in the world has repeatedly spoken about his intention to open a similar institute in Moscow in his interviews. It is gratifying that our university became the basis for such a significant project for Russia, which is being implemented under the patronage of the French Embassy in Russia. The signing was attended by a representative of the Ginza Project holding, Alexander Derneiko, who designated this event as a new stage in the development of Alain Ducasse’s educational project. The system, which operates all over the world, has reached Russia, which is ready to embrace the technology and culture of the most fashionable restaurant guru. In turn, the rector of the university Valentina Ivanova noted that the choice educational institution to promote progressive nutrition ideas in Russia was done correctly.

The university will do everything to, coupled with the unique skills of the culinary school, become a center of attraction and a forge of professionals of the new generation.


Alain Ducasse is an international phenomenon: his ideas were continued in books translated into dozens of languages, and in numerous students dispersed throughout the world. Possessing the tireless energy and creativity of a talented chef, he has achieved all possible heights in business.

Alain Ducasse's career is very typical of representatives of his profession who have achieved world fame. He went through all stages of growth - from a dishwasher to a chef of world-famous “haute cuisine” restaurants.

Ducasse was born in 1956 in the south of France in the town of Castel-Sarrasin. At the age of 16, while washing dishes at the Pavillon Landais restaurant in the city of Suston and looking closely at the work of the chefs, he realized what his calling was.

This is followed by Ducasse's studies at the Bordeaux culinary school, after which he briefly works at the restaurant Les Pres d'Eugenie with the famous Michel Guerard. But Alain Ducasse considers the first stage of his career to be an internship at the Moulin de Mougins restaurant on the French Riviera with the no less famous Roger Verger.

The beginning of the 1980s marked the second stage of his career: he became the chef of the La Terrasse restaurant, then the restaurant of the Juana Hotel in the town of Juan-les-Pins. And in 1984, at the age of 28, he received his first Michelin star.

But fate prepared him a difficult test on his way to the culinary pedestal. In the same sidereal year, he gets into a plane crash: out of six passengers, he is the only one who survives. A year in the hospital, thirteen operations. Having recovered from his injuries, Alain devotes himself entirely to work. In 1987, he created his first gastronomic restaurant, Le Louis XV, at the famous Hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo, and three years later, for the first time in history, a hotel restaurant became the owner of three Michelin stars.

The philosophy of Ducasse's cuisine is to take a creative approach to traditional recipes. He made “haute cuisine” understandable, never tired of repeating that any cuisine, no matter what it is, is just food and people come to the restaurant to eat.

Since the late eighties, the creation of Alain Ducasse group restaurants around the world began. In 1998, the Spoon restaurant chain appeared, implementing the most current ideas of the irrepressible Frenchman - freedom, modernity and authenticity of products.

Today Alain Ducasse manages more than fifty restaurants around the world, owns almost thirty of them and is listed as a chef in all of them, although this position is held by other people. But the brand works even in the absence of Ducasse! The name itself is a guarantee of quality cuisine and excellent service. That’s why people go to Ducasse, stand in line for years to try dishes prepared by his hands, and are ready to pay up to 50 thousand euros for them.

In November 2012, Udmurt State University became a diploma winner of the competition “Quality systems for training graduates of educational institutions vocational education» .
The competition is held annually by Rosobrnadzor. In 2012, 73 educational institutions took part in it, 46 of which were institutions of higher professional education. The assessment is carried out by an expert commission based on nine criteria:
  • the role of management in organizing work to ensure the quality of graduate training;
  • policy and strategy in the field of quality of graduate training;
  • using the potential of teachers, staff and students to ensure the quality of graduate training;
  • rational use of resources (material, financial and human);
  • management of processes to ensure the quality of graduate training;
  • employers' satisfaction with the quality of graduates' training; satisfaction of teachers, staff and students with work and study;
  • the impact of an educational institution on society;
  • results achieved educational institution in relation to the planned goals of improving the quality of graduate training.
Based on the results of the internal examination, the commission awarded Udmurt State University the nomination “Diploma holder”. On this occasion, on December 21, at a meeting of rectors in Moscow, the rector of Udmurt State University G.V. Merzlyakova was solemnly presented with a diploma and a memorable souvenir.

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