Naval Academy: admission and programs. Naval Academy: admission and programs Naval Academy: faculties

October 1, 1715, by decree of Peter I in St. Petersburg on the basis of high schools Navigation school The Maritime Academy was created. In 1752, after the academy was separated into an independent educational institution, the former Navigation School was transformed into the Naval Cadet Corps. In 1918, courses were opened in the building of the former Marine Corps command staff, reorganized in 1919 into the Command Staff School.

For a long time, the School was the only one in our country, becoming the founder of all other naval educational institutions. From 1926 to 1998 the school was named after M.V. Frunze - a prominent commander and military figure. November 1, 1998 on the basis of the Higher naval school named after M.V. Frunze and the Lenin Komsomol Higher Naval School of Underwater Diving, the St. Petersburg Naval Institute was created, which in 2001 received the honorary name “Peter the Great Marine Corps”.

    The name "Naval Academy" may mean one of the following educational institutions: in Russia: Naval Guard Academy Nikolaev Naval Academy State Marine Academy named after Admiral S. O. Makarov, the former Leningrad Higher... ... Wikipedia

    The name “Naval Academy” can mean one of the following educational institutions: in Russia: Naval Guard Academy Nikolaev Naval Academy State Maritime Academy named after Admiral S. O. Makarov former Leningrad ... ... Wikipedia

    - (GPA) Year founded 1991 Location ... Wikipedia

    This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

    GMA named after. adm. S. O. Makarova- GMA GMA im. adm. S. O. Makarova SPbSMA State Maritime Academy named after Admiral S. O. Makarov since 1990 earlier: LVIMU​ maritime, education and science, Saint PetersburgDictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    GMA is an abbreviation for one of the following phrases: “State medical Academy»: Kirov State Medical Academy Ivanovo State Medical Academy Izhevsk State Medical Academy... ... Wikipedia

    List of scientists who have been awarded the title “Honored Worker of Science” Russian Federation"in 2009: Abrosimov, Nikolai Vasilievich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, State Advisor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class, Moscow... ... Wikipedia

The Kuznetsov Naval Academy in St. Petersburg is the oldest secular university in our country. IN last years the number of people wishing to become cadets at this prestigious higher educational institution has increased significantly. History of the St. Petersburg Naval Academy, admission rules and educational programs this article is dedicated to.

VMA named after. Kuznetsova: how it all began

VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy" is the heir to the famous Moscow Navigation School, established by the Highest Decree of the reformer Tsar Peter the Great in 1701. In 1715, its senior classes were transferred to St. Petersburg, where the Maritime Academy was created on their basis.

An important milestone in the history of the university is the establishment of the Officer Class at the Marine cadet corps by order of Emperor Nicholas I, which marked the beginning of academic naval education in Russian Empire. In 1862, it was transformed into the Academic Course of Marine Sciences by decision of Alexander II.

In 1907, a special building with classrooms and laboratories was built in St. Petersburg, where the academy was transferred.

Pre-revolutionary history of the first maritime university in Russia

In 1910, the Naval Academy, which received the name Nikolaevskaya, became an independent scientific and educational institution. The position of head of the university was also established with the rank of vice admiral, who was directly subordinate to the Minister of the Navy. At that time, the academy had 4 faculties or, as they were called then, departments:

  • naval;
  • mechanical;
  • hydrographic;
  • shipbuilding

During the early years of the First World War training sessions were not conducted at the Naval Academy. The next recruitment took place only in 1916.

Since 1919, classes at the university resumed in full, and in 1931 it was named after K. Voroshilov.

During the Second World War, the academy was relocated to Astrakhan and Samarkand and returned to Leningrad only in 1944. At the same time, she was awarded the Order of Lenin for her services in training personnel for the fleet and the heroism of graduates.

After the end of the war, on the basis of the artillery, hydrographic, mine-torpedo, shipbuilding and communications departments of the Naval Academy. K. Voroshilov was created by VMAKV. The Naval Academy of Shipbuilding and Weapons occupied a building on the Bolshaya Nevka embankment, and it was named after Academician A. Krylov.

However, in 1960, due to a reduction in the number of the USSR Armed Forces, the Military Medical Academy named after. K. Voroshilova was merged with several other educational institutions of the same profile. The new university became known as the Naval Academy of the Order of Lenin, and in 1968 it was awarded First Class.

In 1990, the Academy was renamed again. From that time on, she began to bear the name N. Kuznetsov.

How the university developed after the collapse of the USSR

In 2008, in accordance with the presidential order on the formation of a promising network of military universities, the federal state military educational institution “Naval Academy named after. Admiral N. Kuznetsov." It was the result of the reorganization of the State Educational Institution of Military Medical Academy named after. N. Kuznetsov by joining such educational institutions as:

  • Baltic VMI named after. Admiral F. Ushakov, stationed in Kaliningrad.
  • St. Petersburg Naval Engineering Institute.
  • VMI Radioelectronics named after.
  • Pacific VMI named after. S. Makarova (Vladivostok).
  • Naval Corps of Peter the Great and others.


In 2009, branches of the Kuznetsov Naval Academy were created in the cities of Vladivostok and Kaliningrad, as well as three in St. Petersburg. In addition, since 2012, as her structural divisions specialized centers for training submariners operate in the cities of Obninsk and Sosnovy Bor (located in the Kaluga and Leningrad regions).

Each of the Russian training academies has made a significant contribution to strengthening the combat power and defense capability of our country. They all have their own history and keep long-standing traditions.

Admission rules

The admission procedure to the Naval Academy (St. Petersburg), including its branches, is a complex of various measures for selecting candidates for training as cadets who meet the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the procedure for admission to Russian universities.

In order to enroll the most capable and prepared young people based on their results entrance examinations there is a competition.

The number of candidates who can be enrolled as cadets in the first courses in each specialty is determined annually by the State Medical University of the General Staff in agreement with the State Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Requirements for applicants depending on the study program

Candidates for enrollment in institutes, including branches of the VUNTS Navy, are Russians who meet the requirements for citizens who enter military service on a contract basis, having a secondary general education, and belong to one of the following age groups:

  • from 16 to 22 years (for persons who have not completed military service);
  • under 24 years of age (for those in military service on call);
  • under 27 years of age (for contract military personnel who are not officers).

Candidates for admission to programs with secondary GSP are Russian citizens under 30 years of age who have a certificate of secondary general education.

Preliminary selection of candidates for admission to the Naval Academy of St. Petersburg. Kuznetsova

To be admitted to the competition, applicants are checked for compliance with the following criteria:

  • the level of education;
  • presence of Russian citizenship;
  • age;
  • level of physical fitness;
  • health status;
  • professional suitability.

Learning programs

The St. Petersburg Naval Academy organizes training in accordance with the standards higher education in the following areas:

  • Military administration.
  • Electronics and radio engineering.

The duration of training is 5 years. Upon graduation from the university, cadets (with the exception of the “Military Administration” direction) are assigned the specialty of engineer.

In addition, training is provided there in secondary vocational education programs in the following areas:

  • Management in technical systems.
  • Shipbuilding equipment and technologies.
  • Informatics and computer technology.
  • Operation of ship power plants.
  • Nuclear energy and technology.
  • Electronics and radio engineering.

The duration of training is 34 months. Upon graduation, cadets are awarded the title of technician with the appropriate specialization.

Naval Academy: faculties

The main divisions of the Military Medical Academy named after. Kuznetsova on this moment are:

  • Command and Staff Faculty. It was created in 1896. Currently he is training officers for naval formations in several specialties. All current Russian leaders are graduates of this faculty.
  • Command and Engineering Faculty. Subjects such as physics, geodesy, meteorology, hydrography, shipbuilding theory, organization of ship technical support and ship repair, optics, radio engineering, lighthouse lighting system, etc. are taught.
  • Faculty of advanced training and professional retraining.

Research activities of the Kuznetsov Naval Academy

The university has great scientific potential for solving any issues related to increasing the power of the Russian Navy.

Among the most significant results in this area, one can note projects of program-statutory and other important documents, development theoretical foundations the use of forces and means as part of groupings of forces consisting of several types of troops, scientific basis development of certain types of military equipment and weapons navy, as well as all types of security.

In addition, university specialists participated in the creation of all the latest submarines of the Russian Navy, including the Yasen and Borey submarines, as well as surface ships, weapons systems and modern weapons, including the Bulava, Caliber, etc.

All this multifaceted activity is carried out in close cooperation with enterprises and organizations of the military-industrial complex, the Russian Academy of Sciences and other organizations.

University teaching staff

Fleet officers who have an academic education and practical experience of serving on ships and at headquarters are appointed as teachers of the Naval Academy. different levels. Among them there are many teachers who have academic titles and degrees, including in the field of natural and technical sciences.

Feature educational process in this educational institution there is a large-scale implementation e-learning. Particularly noteworthy are the efforts of the university’s scientific and teaching staff aimed at creating the most modern learning environment, as well as the use of the latest information technologies.

Now you know when it was founded and what educational activities conducted by the Naval Academy. The importance of this university for the Russian Navy can hardly be overestimated, so we can only hope that in the future it will be able to achieve even greater heights in the training of highly qualified command and scientific personnel.

Moscow State Academy water transport

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow State Academy of Water Transport
International name

Moscow State Academy of Water Transport (MSAWT)


“Never tired of creating and daring in honor and glory of the Russian fleet”


Kostin Vladimir Ivanovich


Coordinates: 55°42′08.8″ n. w. /  37°37′31.7″ E. d. 55.702444° s. w.55.702444 , 37.625472

37.625472° E. d. ((G) (O) (I) Moscow State Academy of Water Transport Moscow, state institute) - academy in Moscow. The university's specialization is training specialists for the marine and river industry.

  • Address: Moscow, Novodanilovskaya embankment, building 2, building 1 (indicated on maps as building 3A; entrance from Novodanilovsky Proezd).
  • Address: Moscow, st. Sudostroitelnaya, house 46, building 2.

Buildings in Moscow

Has several buildings in Moscow:

  • Shipbuilding 46 (A),
  • Shipbuilding 46 building 2 (L),
  • Shipbuilding 44 (P),
  • Rechnikov 16 (R),
  • Novodanilovskaya embankment 2 (B),
  • Bolshaya Ordynka 19 (O),
  • swimming pool and boat base in Vodniki.

It has faculties in the city of Cherepovets.

About the Academy

The Academy is a large educational and scientific complex, which includes: a law institute, a navigator lyceum, 23 departments consisting of 5 faculties, 5 branches, 7 representative offices, a Center distance learning marketing services, Certification Center and additional vocational education, Research and production center, scientific and educational laboratories, computer classes, educational and research simulators, production facilities, departments, social, cultural and household purposes. Classes with students are held in five academic buildings.

The university's specialization is training specialists for the marine and river industry.


  • Ship mechanic.
  • Navigation and fleet operation.
  • Waterways, ports and port equipment.
  • Economics and Management.
  • Law Institute.

The total student population is 8010 people, including:

  • By full-time training - 3606 people, of which: 479 people are studying at level I (NPO);
  • 465 people are studying at level II (SPO);
  • 2662 people are studying at level III (Higher Professional Education).
  • There are 4,404 people taking part-time courses.
  • On a paid basis - 6088 people.

The Academy has a high human resources potential of its teaching staff. Its total number is 325 full-time teachers and 102 external part-time teachers, 234 full-time teachers and 95 part-time teachers work at the III level of education (HPE). Their 234 people have scientific degrees and titles - 148 people (63.2%), the number of doctors of sciences and professors is 31 (13.2%), candidates of sciences, associate professors - 117 (50%).

Among the teachers of MGAVT there are 24 academicians and 4 corresponding members of industrial and international academies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 honored workers of science and technology, 16 honored transport workers.

The Academy conducts industry activities in 83 educational programs:

  • 18 initial vocational education programs;
  • 32 programs of secondary vocational education in full-time and correspondence forms training;
  • 20 programs of higher professional education in full-time and part-time forms of study;
  • 9 postgraduate education programs;
  • 5 programs additional education full-time education and 17 professional training programs.

Postgraduate education is carried out in graduate school and in the form of competitive research. Admission and graduation are carried out in 9 specialties.

The total number of classrooms is 180.

  • Lectures - 22 rooms.
  • Group - 79 rooms
  • Educational laboratories - 40 rooms.
  • Computer classes - 15 rooms. (including those equipped with multimedia projectors - 2).
  • Specialized rooms - 32.
  • Exercise equipment - 17.

International activities are carried out in the following main areas.

  • Joint research papers in the field of navigation on inland waterways;
  • Participation in the work of international organizations, international conferences, seminars, symposiums;
  • Training of undergraduate and graduate students from near and far abroad countries.

The Academy maintains scientific and educational relations with the Commission of the European Community, the Permanent International Association of Shipping Congresses, as well as with universities and institutes of Ukraine, Bulorussia, Vietnam (Haiphong maritime university), China (Shanghai University), Germany ( Technical University in Magdeburg, Kempitu Technical University). We provide training for undergraduate and graduate students from near and far abroad countries. For 2003-2007 99 people from foreign countries were trained.

They work at the Academy creative teams and public organizations.

  • Political and legal club.
  • Club "Parliamentary Debates".
  • Skipper Club.
  • Scientific student societies.
  • KVN team "Yacht Club".
  • Choir group "Meridian".
  • Pop dance group.
  • Vocal and instrumental ensemble.
  • Military-patriotic club "Warrior".
  • Shipmaking circle.

Corporate events are organized.

  • The first of September is Knowledge Day.
  • Moscow parade of students.
  • Festival of artistic creativity "Scarlet Sails".
  • “Come on guys” competition.
  • Review-competition of students of the Lyceum of Navigators “Across the seas, along the waves.”
  • Excursions to museums.
  • Friendship lesson with the invitation of foreign students.
  • Interuniversity KVN games in the Southern Administrative District of Moscow.
  • Participation in the All-Russian exhibition NTTM.

The academic small-circulation newspaper “Brigantine” and the faculty newspaper “Our Law” (Institute of Law) are being published.

The Academy houses the Museum of the History of the River Fleet and the People's Museum of Rivermen - Heroes Soviet Union and veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

In October 2012, the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Mikhail Sokolov instructed Rosmorrechflot to work on the issue of joining the Moscow State Academy of Water Transport to the Moscow State University of Transport (MGUPS) as part of the creation on the basis of MGUPS Federal University transport in Central federal district.

Faculties of MGAVT

economics and Management(specialties: “Economics and enterprise management”, “Organization management”)

Ship mechanic(specialties: “Shipbuilding”, “Operation of ship power plants”, “Ship power plants”, “Operation of ship electrical equipment and automation equipment”)

Waterways, ports and port equipment(specialties: “Hydraulic engineering”, “Operation of equipment of ports and transport terminals”)

Navigation and fleet operation(specialties: “Navigation”, “Organization of transportation and transport management”)

Law Institute(specialty: “Jurisprudence”)


see also

  • Rybinsk River School named after V.I. Kalashnikov - branch
