Military pensioners stand for Russia and its armed forces. Military Institute (Naval Polytechnic) Wuntz Navy "Naval Academy" Naval Radio Electronics Institute

In accordance with the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2012 No. 545 “On measures to improve the structure of military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” branches of the VUNTS Navy “Naval Academy” in the cities of St. Petersburg, Pushkin and St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets, from July 1, 2012, were renamed into the Military Institute (Naval Polytechnic) VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy".

VVMUZ has no analogues in the Russian Armed Forces. The concept of polytechnic education permeates the entire cadet training program for five years. Particular emphasis is placed on the first two years. It is during this period that, regardless of the chosen specialty, cadets will receive a powerful basic level of technical knowledge, which they will be able to fully use in the further three-year period of specialization. In five years, the fleet will be replenished with specialists with a solid polytechnic training foundation.

The formation and development of the Russian Navy is inextricably linked with the practical and scientific activities of the university. Over a period of more than two centuries, a whole galaxy of outstanding scientists, designers, and mechanical engineers emerged from its walls. Thanks to their scientific and practical activities, a first-class sailing, steam, and then nuclear fleet was built in Russia. Graduates of the school designed, built and maintained combat surface ships, ships, and submarines of the Russian Navy.

The history of the institute dates back to August 20 (31), 1798, when by Law of the Russian Empire No. 18634, Highly approved by Emperor Paul I, the School of Naval Architecture was founded in St. Petersburg - the world's first naval engineering educational institution.

The school has repeatedly changed its name and location (for more than 130 years it has been located in the Main Admiralty). The buildings of the institute in the city of Pushkin were built in the 18th-19th centuries, as part of the city of Sofia. Until 1829, the buildings belonged to the Noble boarding school of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum, and then they housed the Alexander Cadet Corps, from where the students were transferred to the Naval Cadet Corps. In 1948, it was decided to create the Higher Naval Engineering School named after V.I. Lenin.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 29, 1998 No. 1009, by merging two well-known educational institutions in the country - the Higher Naval Engineering School named after V.I. Lenin and the Higher Naval Engineering Order of Lenin School named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky - the Naval Engineering Institute was created, which in 2009 was annexed to the state educational institution of higher professional education “Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N.G. Kuznetsova".

In accordance with the resolution “On the personnel of the command staff of the Red Army Navy and on measures to expand naval educational institutions” of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dated May 17, 1932 at the Leningrad Naval Engineering School named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky, the School of Communications of the Red Army Navy and the training of “commanding communications personnel” for the Navy was formed. Over the years of its existence, within the walls of the school - college - the Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after A.S. Popov, more than 25 thousand highly qualified specialists have been trained.

During the training process, cadets annually undergo training on ships with visits to foreign ports.

The Military Institute (Naval Polytechnic) of the VUNTS Navy "Naval Academy" occupies a leading position in the training of Navy engineering specialists.

Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after A. S. Popov (branch) of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov" is a military educational institution.

The educational institution was founded on March 29, 1933 on the basis of the School of Communications of the Naval Forces of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, formed in 1932 at the VVMIU named after F. E. Dzerzhinsky. Since then, tens of thousands of military engineers have graduated from it. Among the graduates are over 100 admirals and generals, including foreign navies. Names: 1933-1938 School of Communications of the Naval Forces of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. Until 1936, the school was located in the building of the Main Admiralty in Leningrad. 1938-1939 Naval School of Communications named after G.K. Ordzhonikidze (VMUS). On April 23, 1937, by order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, the school was named after G.K. Ordzhonikidze. 1945-1960 Higher Naval Communications School named after A. S. Popov (VVMUS). 1953-1960 in the city of Gatchina, the Higher Naval Engineering Radio Engineering School (VVMIRTU) was formed, which was not named after A. S. Popov. In 1960, this school was relocated to Petrodvorets and joined the renovated communications school, which received the name VVMURE, forming the 1st faculty there. 1960-1983 Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics named after A. S. Popov (VVMURE). 1983-1998 Higher Naval Order of the Red Star School of Radio Electronics named after A. S. Popov 1998-2010 Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after A. S. Popov (VMIRE). since 2010, a branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy “Naval Academy named after Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union N. G. Kuznetsov”. from July 1, 2012, after merging with the Naval Engineering Institute, the Federal State Educational Institution became known as the Military Institute (Naval Polytechnic) FGKVOU VPO "Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy named after N. G. Kuznetsov".


VMIRE trains specialist officers at the following faculties: Radio Engineering (RTF). Automated control systems (ACS). Secondary military special training (SVSP). Special.

Heads of the school

School of Communications of the Naval Forces of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army (1933-1938) Murniek, Christian Martynovich (1932-1938), Colonel Naval School of Communications named after G.K. Ordzhonikidze (1938-1939) Tokarev, Vasily Vasilyevich (1938- 1939), military engineer 1st rank, Communications Department of the Naval School named after. LKSMU (1942-1943) Potapov, Nikolai Fedorovich (1942-1943), lieutenant captain Communications Department of the Red Banner School of Coastal Defense (1943-1945) Sidorov, Vasily Zinovievich (1943-1945), engineer-captain 1st rank Higher Naval School communications named after A. S. Popov (1945-1960) Zernov, Mikhail Andreevich (1945-1948), Major General of the Coastal Service Gromov, Georgy Gavrilovich (1948-1960), Vice Admiral Higher Naval Radio Engineering School (1953-1960 ) Mikhailov, Pyotr Pavlovich (1953-1956...

Victor Blytov, Moscow.

In all fleets, they carried with honor the banner of their school, or as we once said - systems, graduates of VVMRE (a little later VMIRE) named after Popov. We valued the prestige and honor of our school, and several graduates of the school served on each Navy ship in various radio-electronic specialties.
During the Patriotic War, the school's cadets fought to the death on the Luga line, giving the troops and units leaving Estonia the opportunity to retreat and recover.
After the war, thousands of graduates of the Popov VVMRE served honorably in all fleets, in all formations, on all ships. Among those killed on ships and submarines are dozens of VVMRE graduates. This, unfortunately, includes the nuclear submarines “Kursk”, “Komsomolets” and others. Among our graduates are hundreds of participants in combat operations, combat trawling in the hottest spots on the planet, thousands of participants in military services to defend our Motherland from the sea borders. Many of our graduates have been awarded significant military orders and medals for completing combat missions. There are Heroes of the Soviet Union and heroes of Russia.

To our great regret, our native VVMURE named after A.S. Popov, whose history begins with mine classes in Kronstadt and the naval corps of midshipmen, most likely has already given up its life.
Apparently, Sergei Shoigu also adheres to Vladimir Putin’s instructions to continue the work of Serdyukov, who is alive and thriving - to sell everything that has a price to those who offer it from among those close to him and those outside his jurisdiction.
Most likely, one of Serdyukov’s or Evgenia Vasilyeva’s friends liked the VVMURE buildings, made in the style of the 18th century, when there were summer buildings of the page corps there.
According to the general scheme of the swindlers, at first VVMURE was naturally bankrupt, that is, the Moscow Region, VMB, BF simply did not allocate money to pay for heat and light, and cadets and teachers were unable to pay debts from their salaries, and the heat and energy services naturally made VVMURE bankrupt, subject to sale. So it was just someone's order. Half-frozen cadets and teachers, who held the line in the coldest weather, studied throughout late autumn and early winter without heating or light. They lost their first ever battle in their lives for their native school and could not win it against the scammers who played with marked cards. They had already been partially transferred to Pushkin to the engineering institute, which for some reason was called the Polytechnic Institute of the Navy. And some of the best teaching teams, which have been formed for decades, in Russia on issues of radio electronics, due to the general manner of subversive (I can’t find another word) activities of the Minister of Defense Serdyukov and his assistants such as General Makarov and the madam with stripes and the criminal spirit of Evgenia Vasilyeva, were simply thrown out for board, like useless ballast. They destroyed the base for education that had been created over decades and the most unique team of teachers.

Now, at least for restoration, colossal funds and at least ten years are needed for more or less competent specialists in matters of radio electronics to join the fleet.
And we (Russia) have ten years and huge funds to create a new base, train new teachers, to give quality officers to the fleet? Or we are a fucking rich country that can throw any money down the drain. The transfers destroyed the education of flight personnel - two academies. It was not enough for effective reformers; the formation of the Navy also had to be destroyed. But if we have so much money that we throw it away without counting it. If the official salaries and wages of the semi-criminal (that’s why they haven’t been convicted in court yet) Evgenia Vasilyeva exceeded as much as three million a month. Serdyukov’s salary amount is clearly unknown, but not less. Then why can’t we pay military pensioners the pension they are entitled to from the state, but castrate it 0.54 times, cannot increase it in a timely manner by the inflation rate and shamefully increase it by only two percent, 400-600 rubles per year?

For Serdyukov-Vasilieva-Makarov and others like them, our marine radio electronics specialists are the same as electrical engineers or electromechanical engineers. For them there is no difference. They don’t see any difference between the specialists of BC-4, BC-7 and BC-5. For them, all combat units of the corps are the same. They do not see any difference in the training of the ship's watch officers, watch mechanics, watch officers of the BIP (BIC), duty officers for the computer information center, duty officers for communications, duty officers for the UASU. Apparently they don't care.
But then it’s unclear how all the same, maybe naval specialists - admirals who have done a lot of service. At least to the head of the VUNTS of the Navy, Doctor of Military Sciences, professor, former commander of a large formation of the Baltic Fleet, Admiral Adam Adamovich Rimashevsky - the main ideologist of the movement of maritime institutions (he was recently replaced, by the way, already dismissed from military service, by Admiral Nikolai Mikhailovich Maksimov) or the current Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Admiral Chirkov Viktor Viktorovich, or the main naval experts of the Minister of Defense, Prime Minister, President Admirals Igor Vladimirovich Kasatonov, Admiral Gennady Aleksandrovich Suchkov, Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee Admiral Vladimir Petrovich Komoyedov (by the way, from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, to which the majority of military pensioners gave their votes - sailors), Admiral Vyacheslav Alekseevich Popov, the chief naval expert in the Federation Council.
They somehow missed something that any more or less educated sailor understands, even a midshipman, even a sergeant major in conscript service. Or, for the sake of expediency and future preferences, is it better to remain silent, lest anything happen? But they have enormous experience of serving on ships, commanding formations and formations of the Navy, behind them are naval schools, a naval academy, and the Academy of the General Staff. What and how were they taught there? To please the authorities or still be commanders, admirals and benefit the country and people, as they took the oath?
When army specialists began to appoint graduate programmers as commanders of cable platoons, I can understand their complete incompetence and dullness in these matters. But when their admirals, with whom they shared standing watch officers, counted the days in months-long combat services, stood on the same bridges, fought for their lives and for the survivability of their ships during accidents and incidents, carried out combat missions with nuclear weapons on board in readiness for its use - they allow a similar attitude towards the fleet and the training of naval officers, which, at the level of the illiterate Madams Fraltsova and Priezzheva, becomes incomprehensible and shameful for them. After all, they showed us that they are no better than Serdyukov and Vasilyeva, who are illiterate in matters of the fleet, but much worse. They are still specialists! We considered them professionals in their field, but they turned out to be, in their intellectual level, their knowledge, their respect for rank, even to the detriment of their work, almost better than Serdyukov and Vasilyeva. How would they behave in battle? Have the naval flags been lowered?
It is they who are primarily to blame today for the destruction of one of the best schools in the USSR and present-day Russia - VVMURE named after A.S. Popov. I personally am ashamed of them. Can they be considered worthy of admiral ranks, do they have the right to wear the stripes of Navy officers, lead public organizations of reserve officers, work as consultants and experts in the State Duma and the Federation Council, are they even worthy of a handshake or military honor from naval officers?
I am ashamed of these admirals who allowed the defeat and personally participated in the defeat of the naval education and specifically the VVMRE named after Popov!
You can say any beautiful words, but a person’s personality is determined by his deeds. But they don’t do things well and honestly.

Don't hang over us like a seagull,
And don’t cry with a thin voice, don’t cry,
We went out to fight the enemies,
Play the alarm for us, trumpeter!
Play it to make people stand up
Hearing your trumpet in the distance, there in the distance
That the dead are together with the living,
They were the last to attack!
(Lyrics from the movie "Optimistic Tragedy")
We don't cry, but we will never forget this to them!


Military school named after. imp. Alexandra II -

Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after. A. S. Popova

Peterhof, Razvodnaya st., 15

1914 - architect. Ilyin L. A.

Military school named after. imp. Alexandra II (1914-1917)

Alexandrovsky orphanage (1917-1921)

Orphanage named after. Third International (1921-1924)

46th Fighter Detachment of the Baltic Fleet Aviation (1924-..)

School of Communications of the Naval Forces of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (1947)

Higher Naval Engineering Radio Engineering School (1953)

... them. A. S. Popova (1955)

Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics named after. A.S.Popova (1960)

Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after. A. S. Popova(1998-present)

After WWII, the complex of buildings was renovated and in 1947 transferred to the Naval Institute of Radio Electronics. The Higher Naval School traces its history back to the School of Communications of the Naval Forces of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, which was created in 1933 on the basis of the School of Communications at the Higher Naval School. F. E. Dzerzhinsky. In 1953, an independent Higher Naval Radio Engineering School was created on the basis of the radio engineering department of the communications school. In 1955 it was named after A. S. Popov. In 1960, as a result of a merger with the School of Communications, the Higher Naval School of Radio Electronics was created. A. S. Popova (VVMURE). Since 1998, VVMURE has been renamed the Naval Institute of Radio Electronics named after. A. S. Popova.

Before the revolution, 4 regiments were permanently quartered in Peterhof. In New Peterhof - the Life Guards Uhlan Regiment and the 148th Caspian Infantry Regiment, in Old Peterhof - the Life Guards Horse-Grenadier and Dragoon Regiments. Since 1907, Alexandria was guarded by its own EIV consolidated infantry regiment.

In 1914 in Peterhof on Razvodnaya Street. according to the project by architect. L.A. Ilyin, the building of the Military School named after. imp. Alexandra II. The building was built in the style of architecture of the Peter the Great era. The school accepted the sons of St. George's cavaliers, as well as the sons of wounded warrant officers and non-commissioned officers, who were under the patronage of the Alexander Committee.

The school opened in December 1914, with the first intake of 120 boys. The first (and only) head of the school was Major General P.R. Sumeliev. From the day it opened, the school was taken under the patronage of the Dowager Empress. Maria Feodorovna.

The school had its own power plant, bathhouse, workshops, and house church. In separate buildings there was an infirmary, a stable, a carriage house, and a cowshed. On the territory of the park there was a grove with two swimming ponds, a training weather station nearby, and a sports ground.

In the side wings of the school there were classrooms for physics, chemistry, biology, classrooms, a dining room, students’ bedrooms, apartments for educators and teachers, and showers. The central building contained the office and apartment of the head of the school, a house church, a medical office, a kitchen and a food warehouse. In the galleries connecting the central building with the outbuildings there were music classes, lounges for relaxation, libraries, gyms, and in the summer living areas were arranged here.

In front of the central building, until 1918, on a huge granite boulder there was a cast-iron bust of the emperor. Alexandra II.

To the south of the Military School grove and all the way to the railroad stretched a huge field, adjacent to which was the city military shooting range (Training Field). Shootings and public festivities were held here. In 1914, a military airfield for the fighter squad of the Baltic Fleet aviation brigade was located on the field.