What if I'm at 6 am. Getting up early: what are the benefits and how to train yourself. Many successful people live exactly in this rhythm

Friends! Please note: in order to correctly correct the lyrics of the song, you need to highlight at least two words

Gray fog and rain.
It's dawn, 6 am.

[Verses, Roma Beast]:
And the stars in the sky go out.
And the stars of Rock and Roll go to bed -
And I, I'm coming home all night
We had fun again.

And the perception is extremely heightened.
Everything is interesting, everything is not just like that.
I look at myself, I look around
And my head is a complete mess.

Oh, the city is a funny place.
It's like a circus, it's like a zoo.
It has its own jesters and its own heroes,
Their Oscar Wilds, their Joan of Arc.

It has its own villains and its own heroes.
There are ordinary people here and they are the majority.
I love them all, well let's say almost all of them;
But I want them all to feel good.

[The final]:
Gray fog and rain.
It's dawn, 6 am.
So tomorrow has come,
Which I heard something about yesterday.

About the song

  • We are releasing the songs of the ZOOPARK group performed by the ZVERI group in a collection. ⠀ These are not all the soundtracks for the film “Summer”, for which Roma Zver and guitarist of the ZVERI group German Osipov received the Cannes Soundtrack Award, but the most dear to our hearts. In memory of the legendary ZOO and Mike Naumenko, with gratitude to the bygone era - “BEASTS IN THE ZOO”.

When is the best time to wake up? It turns out that the time you get up directly affects your health and even your destiny!

The vitality of our body is closely related to the time of awakening.

Waking up at one time or another, a person determines his destiny, health and the events taking place in his life.

Rising time and its impact on humans

2-3 am

If a person gets up from 2 to 3 a.m. without mental or health problems, then in this case he is able to make significant progress along the path of self-awareness. At this time, the activity of the Sun is still very weak, but the Moon continues to act on our mind quite strongly.

As a result, the mind is in a natural state of peace and tranquility. So early morning hours It is very favorable to pray and think about God.

However, those people who prefer to get up at this time will have a fairly sensitive psyche; they are not recommended to stay in crowded places for a long time. Therefore, this time of rise is recommended for clergy and people detached from ordinary worldly life.

The fact that the life schedule of wise people is somewhat shifted is confirmed in the Bhagavad Gita¹: “What is night for all living beings, for one who controls himself is the time of awakening; when all living beings awaken from sleep, night falls for the sage engaged in self-contemplation.”

3-4 am

Those who are able to get up from 3 to 4 in the morning also have enough strength to understand their spiritual nature. At the same time, their mental sensitivity is not so high as to lead a detached lifestyle. However, when rising at this time, it is recommended to engage only in spiritual practice. This is due to the fact that such an early time is intended precisely for these purposes.

For people who adhere to such a schedule and perform their morning prayer every day, time has a big surprise in store - the deep secrets of the soul will be revealed to them. The only condition is that they should try to associate more with holy people and less with those whose consciousness is polluted by sinful activities.

4-5 am

If a person starts his day from 4 to 5 in the morning, then he is capable of becoming a deep optimist from a pessimist. It is at this time that the Earth is in a state of optimism. All songbirds, being in goodness, feel this and begin to sing at just this time.

Those people who are actively awake during these hours are capable of being good poets, composers, musicians, singers, as well as simply optimistic people.

Getting up early is always associated with joy. This time is also not yet intended for active work. During this period of time, you can read spiritual books, pray, or wish happiness to all people.

Religious people at this time experience great happiness, sing the glory of the Lord, and conduct their services.

5-6 am

People who are able to get up every day from 5 to 6 am will be able to feel energetic throughout their lives. Moreover, their ability to defeat any disease will be quite strong.

During this time, you can also continue to engage in spiritual practice. The best thing during these hours is to remember prayers or some necessary information. At 5-6 o'clock in the morning the Sun is not yet active, but the Moon is no longer active, so the mind becomes very sensitive to any information, and it is quickly stored in memory.

6-7 am

Those who get up between 6 and 7 am get up after the Sun. This means that they do not recognize the laws of time, but still try not to sleep too much. Their tone will be somewhat lower than we would like, and their business will not go completely badly, but with obvious mistakes.

Their health will be “more or less”, but this does not apply to critical life situations - anyone who is inclined to get out of bed at this time will not have a sufficient reserve of both physical and mental strength in the face of serious illnesses.

A person must wake up before the Earth - that is, before 6 o'clock solar time. This is necessary to maintain health, in order to mentally have time to adopt her mood for this day. Only in this case the weather will not cause all sorts of disturbances associated with magnetic storms etc.

Waking up before 6 a.m., a person adapts to the Earth’s mood for the coming day, but if he is still asleep at 6 a.m., then there will be no such adaptation.

Therefore, anyone who gets up after 6 o’clock in the morning will no longer be able to be a true optimist, his joy will be unnatural, unnatural, not sunny, but artificially caused and strained.

7-8 am

If a person gets up from 7 to 8 in the morning, then he is guaranteed a mental and physical tone that is lower than what fate requires. Waking up at these hours, a person misses his time. Therefore, all day long he will have either fuss or a feeling that he does not have enough energy, strength, or concentration for successful activities.

Those who get up at this time are prone to hypotension, migraines, decreased appetite, decreased immunity, a passive lifestyle, low acidity in the stomach and enzyme deficiency in the liver.

If life forces those who wake up at this time to overcome a state of lack of energy every morning, then such people develop nervousness, fussiness, overexertion, and, conversely, a tendency to excessive appetite, increased blood pressure, increased acidity, and inflammatory processes in the body.

8-9 am

Those who have the habit of getting up from 8 to 9 in the morning, undoubtedly, can no longer overcome their character flaws and usually have some kind of bad habits. Also, rising at this time promises people a confrontation with great life difficulties, chronic and intractable diseases, disappointments and failures.

It will always be difficult for such people to correctly assess the situation and accept the right solution. They will not be able to make the right choice in life and will be led by events, not having the strength to change anything in their lives.

9-10 am

Those people for whom the rise time is 9-10 hours will encounter in their lives depression, apathy, reluctance to live, disappointment in their fate, fears, suspiciousness, anger, uncontrollable habits, accidents, rapidly progressing serious illnesses and premature disability or premature aging.

The explanation for an even later rise time does not make sense; the pattern is clear to everyone.

From Torsunov's lectures

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Bhagavad Gita (Bhagavad Gita) is a monument of ancient Indian religious and philosophical thought in Sanskrit, part of the sixth book of the Mahabharata, consists of 18 chapters and 700 verses. Is the basis of Hindu philosophy (

People often associate the habit of waking up early with success in life. If you are skeptical about this statement, try reconsidering your daily routine. Within two years, your life can change dramatically. Here are just six incredible reasons why your morning should start with the first roosters.

You will have time to discover hidden resources

Many people are far from success in life only because of a lack of attention to their own person. When you lose concentration during the day, it's so easy to get distracted from completing your tasks. As you know, the brain works more efficiently in the morning. By getting out of bed two hours earlier, you can use the new time to search internal resources. This will help keep all routine processes under control.

You can plan your day effectively

Early birds have the unique opportunity to plan for the day ahead long before heading to work. The sooner you think about things, the more efficiently and effectively they will be completed. Psychologists advise abandoning the idea of ​​making a task list the night before. Before going to bed, the human brain is tired and aims for a quick rest.

You will have time for self-improvement

Who came up with the idea that people should rush to the office immediately after waking up? Many people work late into the evening and complain that they don't have enough time to go to the gym, go for a run, read or have fun with their family. Now you can easily find an extra two hours for any of these things. If the morning is devoted to physical exercise, the body is saturated with endorphins. Therefore, a charge of vigor and good mood will be provided for a long time.

Finally, you will start having breakfast

Throughout your life, you have heard so often about the benefits of a full breakfast, but you only had time in the morning for a cup of coffee. Now you will never miss the most important technique food. Scientific research clearly demonstrate the importance of breakfast for human health. If your car needs fuel before driving, your body needs energy before working.

Successful people are early birds

Take a look at the habits of successful people and you will definitely find the pattern you are looking for. They are all early birds. So, Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, says that he gets up every morning at 5:30. Then the businessman meditates and goes for a 10-kilometer run. Apple CEO Tim Cook gets up even earlier - at half past four in the morning. The tycoon devotes extra time to correspondence with business partners. British businessman Richard Branson gets up at 5:45 and immediately starts working on the computer in his office, then he allows himself to have breakfast.

You will be two steps ahead of your competitors

This good habit will help you discover your hidden creative potential. This will develop powerful self-confidence: it’s nice to think that you’ve already done a lot of work while your competitors are having their tenth dream. If you learn to solve the most unpleasant and difficult issues before eight o'clock in the morning, you will be able to maintain high energy throughout the day. Awareness of the completed task will give you a feeling of lightness and freedom, and this will reduce the level of stress and anxiety.

On April 2, I gave myself a new challenge. The task was simple: for 21 working days I had to wake up at 4:30 am. I'm already used to waking up early (at 6 am almost every day), but this time I wanted to go even further. I wanted to test myself and find out my limit.

I decided to follow this regime only on weekdays, because weekends and holidays are a different story. Of course, I don’t have time to do some things on weekdays, so I have to move them to Saturday-Sunday, but mostly weekends are a time for fun and night outs.

Yes, of course, I could follow such a regime every day, but in that case I would upset my life balance. Since I planned to continue waking up early after 21 days, it would have been a real torture rather than an advantage.

Why exactly 21 days? Well, I relied on the age-old idea of ​​Dr. Maxwell Moltz, who states that in order to form, you need exactly 21 days. I don't know if it actually works, I just needed to set a goal.

I have one rule that I try to adhere to: always set yourself a specific goal, because only in this way will you be able to understand whether you succeeded or failed to achieve what you wanted.

What was the ultimate goal of all this? Increased productivity. I wanted to make the most of every day. I'm always thinking about how to improve my work, how to improve my life, and I like to think through all the details and take actions that will help me achieve what I want.

I always knew that I was a morning person, and my goal was to get up even earlier and see if it would increase my productivity.

So what have I learned during this time? A lot of everything.

1. If you want to change something in your life, you need support.

When people find out about your new habit, they will become interested and ask questions. The most useful thing is that you will be afraid to show your weakness, and this alone is enough to prevent you from quitting what you started. Moreover, I wanted to ignite someone else with my idea. Of course, I understood that if I didn’t succeed, it wouldn’t be a tragedy, but the thought that other people could follow my example helped me move on.

2. People pay attention to details.

Some people think that such early awakenings are not entirely normal, so I had to defend my position very actively in the comments. People were worried about me. They asked a lot of questions. And at the same time, they believed that they themselves would never be able to train themselves to get up just as early.

I have had long and meaningful conversations with people who have read my posts, and I am grateful to everyone who has responded. These people gave me a lot to think about, and this article you are reading now was largely due to these conversations.

3. People don't want to wake up earlier because they think it will make them sleep less.

At the very beginning, many people were actually very worried about me. Most of the questions asked boiled down to one thing: when do I sleep? Of course, I planned everything in advance.

I knew very well how long it takes my body to... And since I changed my wake-up time, it was necessary to also change the time I went to bed. For me it turned out to be simple. I need 6-7 hours of sleep to get enough sleep, and I had no intention of sleeping less.

So if it's 9:30 or 10:00 pm, then I know it's time for me to go to bed. To my surprise, most of the people who asked me when I slept actually slept a lot less than I did. And I began to sleep much better than before.

4. Remove obstacles that come your way

People are very fond of saying that it is impossible to do this or that. Yes, of course, there are certain circumstances that can become an obstacle. But I believe that many people are simply lazy and don't want to put in the extra effort to improve their lives. They just go with the flow, without really thinking about their real capabilities.

Yes, maybe it’s easy for me to say, because I had the right conditions: I’m not married, I don’t have children, my life belongs only to me. But, on the other hand, a lot depended on my desire and motivation.

If I lived with my parents, this would be much more difficult, because I would have to take into account my family, their habits and rhythm of life. So, I started this path, making sure in advance that nothing would interfere with me.

Think about everything that is stopping you from achieving your desired goal.

This applies not only to the desire to wake up earlier, but also to the desire to quit smoking, start going to the gym or, say, eat vegetables. How to get rid of all the obstacles that prevent you from achieving your goal?

I knew that I would need the following: complete independence, the ability to fall asleep when I want, the ability to not wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat, realizing that I have a lot of unfinished tasks, the ability to work anywhere and at any time... Fortunately , I had it all.

I usually work in startups, which means I have a flexible schedule, which is why I can start work at 4:30 am. This schedule allows me to return home earlier. Besides, no one depends on me, and I do not depend on anyone. And despite the fact that seven other people live in the same house as me, it was easy for me to fall asleep so early.

Photo by Filipe Castro Matos

5. Your physical condition will help you a lot.

If we talk about sleep, I was very lucky. I fall asleep very quickly (on average it takes me 5 minutes). I sleep well (I rarely wake up at night). There are no problems with: I get up immediately when the alarm goes off.

Of course, this is a consequence of my lifestyle: I eat well, exercise every day, there are no constant and global worries in my life. And I believe that most people can also wake up earlier if they decide to change their lifestyle.

All changes start with small things, but after a few weeks or months you will realize the benefits of all these small changes.

6. Forget the phrase “Just 10 more minutes”

Many of us are guilty of this: we don’t get up immediately when the alarm goes off, but move it another 10 minutes later. Fortunately, I rarely did this, and now I am finally convinced of the futility of this activity.

If you want to wake up at a certain time, then please forget about this eternal “well, just 10 more minutes.” This will seriously affect your day: you will not get enough sleep during these 10 minutes, and you will also feel more tired, and this will have a negative impact on your business.

7. I love to sleep, but my body only needs 6-7 hours to get enough sleep.

After 6–7 hours of sleep, I can no longer sleep, but just toss and turn in bed. It's better to get up and do something interesting and useful. I'll sleep in the next world.

8. More time left for work

Once I started waking up at 4:30 am, I had an extra two hours to devote to work. How? As I said above, I’m a morning person and after 6 pm I can’t do anything particularly useful; mine falls off in the afternoon.

So I moved these two evening hours, which I spent uselessly on the Internet, to the morning and devoted to work. Now I could finish work earlier and rest exactly when I needed it.

9. I now have time to sort out my mail.

Typically, in these two hours I have time to answer all emails and plan my day. Seeing the number zero next to your inbox at 6:30 am is wonderful. The most gratifying thing is that few people can answer my messages at such an early hour. This is especially true for Facebook - it is the most malicious enemy of our time. Message after message, we can get stuck in correspondence all day.

And if you think about it carefully, you will notice that most people do not need immediate answers to their questions, and nothing bad will happen if you answer your letters tomorrow.

10. More time to train

Photo by Filipe Castro Matos

I went to the gym before I decided to wake up early. But since I started waking up at 4:30 am, I decided to add another workout per week. Before this, training three times a week was enough for me, but now this is not enough: I need 4-5 training sessions.

Early awakenings help me with this: I don’t come to training tired, as was usually the case before. Plus, I go to the gym with a sense of accomplishment - I’ve already worked for two hours.

11. New look at the world

My early awakenings allowed me to notice details in the world around me that I had previously paid little attention to.

Going for a run or a walk while the sun was still up was impossible before when I lived according to a standard schedule.

Photo by Filipe Castro Matos

12. And of course, you need willpower to change your daily routine.

If you don't have willpower, then it's more than likely that you will give up. Train your willpower, learn to achieve what you want.

In the end, if you really want to, no one will be able to stop you!

People often associate waking up early with success in life.

Blogger Egoza Eikhi has been waking up at 6:00 am for the past two years. He believes this habit has changed his life. Here are his six reasons why you, too, should make an effort to become a morning person.

1. You will have time to understand yourself
Many people fail to achieve their goals simply because they lack focus. If you don't start the day by figuring out what you should focus on first, you're less likely to remember your big goals throughout the day.
As you know, it is in the first half of the day that your brain works most efficiently. Use this time to take control of your life with your mind, not your emotions.

2. You will have time to plan your day.

Larks have the opportunity to plan their day in advance - before going to work. The earlier your plan for the day is made, the more efficient and productive you will spend your time.
Planning for tomorrow in the evening is counterproductive. It's stupid to make plans when your brain is stale and wants only one thing - rest.

3. Morning is a great time to work on yourself

Who said you have to rush to the office immediately after waking up? At the same time, many of us complain that we constantly lack time for family, entertainment or the gym.
If you start waking up at 6am, you'll have a few more hours before your workday starts to get to the gym. When you exercise in the morning, your body is saturated with endorphins. These are hormones that are released during active physical activity and give us a feeling of joy and euphoria. The charge of endorphins received in the morning may well be enough to keep you energetic and alert throughout the working day.

4. You will start eating breakfast

You've heard all your life that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you wake up a couple of hours before the start of the working day, you definitely won’t be able to miss it.
A study from the Hopkins-Bloomberg School of Public Health found that eating a nutritious breakfast has huge health benefits. Just like your car needs gas to run, your body needs food to function properly. Especially in the morning.

5. Many people do this successful people!

New York Magazine, in its article about Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, told readers that he starts his day at 5:30 in the morning. Dorsey uses the time before his work day to meditate and go for a 10-kilometer run.
Tim Cook, Apple's CEO, begins answering partner emails at 4:30 every morning.
Richard Branson, founder of the Virgin Group, is also a big proponent of waking up early. In one of his interviews with Business Insider, he admitted that he wakes up at 5:45 and immediately gets to work. First, he sits at the computer for a while, and only then has breakfast.

6. You will be two steps ahead of everyone

Waking up early, research shows, can help you unleash your creativity. Plus, it develops your self-confidence: you start working even when all your competitors are sleeping.