What is voluntary imagination. Imagination, its types and functions. Concept of creative imagination. The role of imagination in human life

Elizaveta Babanova


Do you dream of waking up every day filled with energy, positive about the work ahead, with full confidence, that you can handle everything?

And after lunch, instead of the usual fatigue, feel a surge of fresh energy?

And at the end of the working day, still be emotionally filled to communicate with family and friends? So the question “How to increase efficiency and performance” is relevant for you.

Today I will share with you effective methods, which helped me transform from a person with perpetually low blood pressure and lack of stable quality energy into someone who happily gets up at 4 in the morning. At the same time, during the day, instead of the typical decline for all people, I experience an energy boost. That is, throughout the day I experience increased performance.

When I follow all of these tips (and it really is possible!), I live my life to the fullest, and the day ends with a feeling of deep satisfaction and confidence that I lived it to the maximum.

When thinking about how to improve efficiency, we constantly draw energy from different sources: food, people, books, films. But we often take it “on credit” (coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, fast food), and after a while we pay with our physical and mental health. And we can develop healthy habits that, due to the correct lifestyle in the present, will give us energy and increased performance, without stealing all this from the future.

For example, a breakfast of fruits, nuts, and organic cottage cheese improves mental and physical performance, and also gives you the same burst of energy as a sandwich with coffee, but in the second case, after several hours, fatigue and apathy will set in, and there is no need to talk about increased performance.. Caffeine first gives energy, then a decline and deterioration follows. The right food not only gives you energy immediately after eating it, but also maintains increased performance throughout the day. This happens with many other factors that affect the quality of our lives.

So let's get straight to the methods that will help you become a more energetic and more effective person.

Physical body

1. Do you want to know how to increase efficiency and get more things done throughout the day? Get up at 4 am. Maximum at 5.

2. Take a contrast shower (1-3 minutes). hot water 15-60 seconds cold, repeat 3 times). This recommendation is certainly not for everyone, but for people with a fairly healthy body. However, if you do this, you are guaranteed increased performance from the very morning and throughout the day.

3. Drink 1 liter of clean water on an empty stomach room temperature or slightly warmed up. This amount of water is no less important than a morning shower. Your body will be cleansed of toxins released at night. This means that the quality of your energy will increase significantly and you will be able to increase the efficiency of any of your activities.

4. Go to bed no later than 22.00.People who lack energy and who are wondering “How to improve their performance” very often do not follow a sleep schedule. Going to bed late does not increase mental and physical performance, but decreases it.

5. At least 2 hours before bedtime, do not watch or read anything aggressive, do not watch the news. If you watch something unpleasant before going to bed, you will deprive yourself of a peaceful rest and the next day you will be overwhelmed, which will significantly reduce your performance.

6. Try to spend at least 15 minutes a day in the fresh air and sun. This way you will be able to significantly increase your performance.


7. In the morning, drink a vegetable smoothie or eat a fruit (for example, an apple). After 20-30 minutes you can have breakfast. For breakfast, I prefer nuts, mint tea with honey, or organic kefir with a spoon of honey. Pay attention and, especially if you often ask yourself the question “How to increase efficiency.”

8. It is very useful to eat 1 teaspoon of pollen in the morning. You can also eat pollen during the day when you need a boost of energy. Increased performance is then guaranteed to you.

9. Never overeat. If you have done this more than once, then, most likely, you have noticed that after overeating, strength begins to leave the body and you want to sleep. Heavy snacking is not the best way to improve your performance.

10. 80% of foods consumed should be vegetables, 20% - fruits, grains, nuts. Very little dairy products. If you eat meat or fish, eat these foods a maximum of 2-3 times a week and only during lunch. In the evening they do not have time to be digested, which makes sleep restless. Accordingly, the next day you feel overwhelmed and you have to think about how to increase your performance with low-quality energy sources.

11. Sprout wheat or green buckwheat - they give a huge surge of energy and rejuvenate the body, and also increase mental and physical performance.

12. Always drink BEFORE meals; after meals, do not drink for at least an hour, preferably two.

13. Don't eat at least 3 hours before bedtime.

14. If you still drink alcohol, then do not drink more than 1 glass of wine (no hard liquor!) in one evening. Remember that alcohol is a borrowing of energy from the future, and sooner or later you will have to pay for it with a lack of energy and increased performance.

15. During the day, after the morning liter of water, drink another 2-4 liters.

16. Gradually reduce caffeinated drinks. Drink only herbal teas and water. Previously, I could not imagine life without a cup of coffee in the morning and strong tea in the afternoon, but as soon as I completely gave up caffeine, I no longer experienced a strong breakdown around 10-11 am and in the afternoon around 3-4 pm. I forgot what pre-lunch and post-lunch fatigue syndrome is!


17. Exercise every day for at least 30 minutes a day. Many experts recommend exercising 2-3 times a week. This may be enough to maintain physical fitness, but to increase energy and personal effectiveness, you need to give yourself physical activity every day. You don't eat only 3 times a week. And sport is as important a source of energy as food.

18. Try to combine cardio training (running, jumping, aerobics, dancing, cycling) with stretching (yoga, Pilates, at worst, remember school gymnastics) and strength training (do not confuse it with pulling bags from the grocery store). Exactly exercise stress will help you increase your efficiency and performance significantly.


19. If your main engine (body) is in order, you need to take care of the emotional component of your fuel in order to increase your efficiency. To start the day on a positive note, use these options for morning emotional recharging:

  • Watch a video of one of your teachers/person who inspires you. After this, a surge of increased performance will come by itself, because nothing inspires like a personal example.
  • Read a few pages of books on personal or spiritual development.
  • Meditate for 15-30-60 minutes immediately after waking up.
  • Listen to audio recordings during your morning routine. It is useful for the fair half of humanity to combine morning routine with audio programs. Now you can combine cultivation appearance with a qualitative improvement in the inner world.
  • Write in your journal - spend 10-15 minutes writing about either your latest thoughts, observations, or what you learned in the last day. As Tony Robbins says, “If your life is worth living, it is worth writing down.”

20. Several times a day, do short breathing exercises, exhaling and inhaling deeply, focusing on your breathing. This will help you constantly feel an influx of energy, and therefore increase your efficiency.

21. Constantly pay attention to everything that develops positively during the day. We have a tendency to focus on what is going wrong, and by focusing on the positive aspects, we reprogram ourselves and begin to see the whole picture of the day in an increasingly objective and positive way.

22. If you love prayers, read them several times a day. If your path is meditation, periodically turn your attention inward and concentrate on the feeling of “here and now.”

23. Eliminate idle pastime from life (empty programs, gossip and discussion of things that do not add additional value to your life). You have a choice: you can chat with your colleagues for 15 minutes during a break, or instead read a chapter of a book on personal development. What will give you the greatest impetus to development? Remember that “those who read books control those who watch TV.”

24. Keep a list of things you need to stop doing. Stop doing this. You will free up a huge amount of energy for more important things.

25. In the evening, write down at least 5 things you are grateful for today.


26. Make a list of important tasks that will help you (or your company) reach a new level of development, but for which you most often do not have enough time. A list of important tasks will increase your mental and physical activity, because it will inspire you to new achievements.

27. Start your day with these. Dedicate 1-2 hours of your most valuable morning time to creative tasks.

28. To progress in important matters, turn off Skype, phone and email. Work for at least 60-90 minutes before getting distracted. Working in this mode will bring much more results than working with constant interruptions.

29. Take a short break every 2 hours. Stretch, walk around the office, if you work from home - jump in place, do a few stretches. This is one of the best ways increase your performance, because our brain works much easier when it periodically switches.

30. Do a liver cleanse (I practice the Andreas Moritz method). If you have asked the question “How to increase efficiency and performance,” then, first of all, pay attention to your health. It should be fine.

31. Take oils (linseed, nut, etc., which are most suitable for you).

32. Use a body brush before showering to clean out pores. The body will absorb more oxygen through open pores, filling your body with additional energy.

33. Gradually switch to environmentally friendly products for body care and home cleaning.

34. Visit the sauna at least once a week.

These tips are my concentrated experience over 10 years of improving my daily routine and increasing efficiency at work. Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of all the techniques that can be used to improve the quality of life, but if you want to succeed in other areas of life, they may come in handy.

But if you constantly feel low in energy, begin to gradually introduce these principles into your life, and over time you will feel like a different person - energetic, filled with positive energy and much more efficient.

Remember that life is not a sprint, but a long marathon, so it is better to introduce new habits day by day than to try to do everything at once and quickly burn out. Consistency and constancy are the secret of the most successful and effective people our world.

Have you noticed that the title of the article promises 35 tips, but only 34 are given? As the 35th point, I will post the most interesting recommendation from my readers on my blog. Share what methods of effective recharging you use and become my co-author in this article.

  • We all try to pay maximum attention to our work - for the sake of good pay, future prospects, because of our innate perfectionism. At the same time, we often run the risk of burning out, and a depressive state is only a small part of what increased demands on oneself can result in.

    How to increase your own performance and at the same time maintain a good mood. Here you will find simple and effective tips.

    We are all familiar with situations when the workload becomes too high. Gradually, the fuse is replaced by fatigue, fatigue by a reluctance to do at least some work, and then real depression and a complete loss of physical and mental strength follow. As a result, the desire not only to work, but also to relax - to spend time with family, meet with friends - disappears.

    The reasons for decreased performance can be very different. For example, the most common among them is incorrect motivation. We often tell ourselves that we need to work hard and hard, but at the same time, deep down, we don’t understand at all why exactly we need all this.

    In addition, the reason for a rapid loss of strength may lie in an incorrect daily routine, bad weather, and more.

    What to do to improve performance

    If you delve a little into yourself, you will quickly find the reasons for the decrease in performance and eliminate the problem that has arisen. However, there are several methods that can help you improve your productivity, regardless of what was the root cause of your productivity loss.

    How to maintain stress resistance under high load

    If you have too much work to do and you feel the approach of chronic fatigue, then it’s time to devote time to a hobby. Find at least half an hour in your work schedule for your favorite activity, which will allow you to relax and is guaranteed to lift your spirits. And although this will not make you have less work, you will return to doing it with a completely different emotional mood.

    Don't neglect your family and friends either.. Be sure to devote time to them, arrange family gatherings and friendly meetings. Such a pastime will imbue you with new strength, which will again be useful when performing professional duties.

    As we can see, it is quite possible to increase your productivity and maintain a positive attitude. You just need to approach the solution to this problem competently, and a good result will not take long to arrive.

    Video: Aerosmith - Crazy

    I wish you high performance and good mood!