Alien DNA and other film. Absurdity or Scientific Proof: The Human Race Was Created by Aliens! Alien genes in human DNA

MOSCOW, March 22 - RIA Novosti. The famous fifteen-centimeter "alien" with an elongated head, whose body was found in the Atacama Desert in 2003, was in fact a child with very serious disorders in the genes that control skeletal growth, according to a paper published in the journal Genome Research.

“Now we can say for sure that this is not an alien, but a child who was either not full-term, or was born noticeably late and died almost immediately after birth. It seems to me that his body should be returned to Chile and buried, following traditions local peoples," said Harry Nolan, a geneticist at Stanford University (USA).

In the last half century, conspiracy theorists and numerous proponents of the idea of ​​intelligent extraterrestrial life have often claimed that aliens exist and have been present on Earth for many years. Their main “evidence” was two relatively recent discoveries - the body of Alyoshenka, a supposed alien, found in the vicinity of Kyshtym in 1996, and his “cousin” Ata, discovered in an abandoned village in the Atacama Desert in 2003.

Unlike Alyoshenka, whose body was destroyed before professional scientists could study it, Ata’s remains have been comprehensively studied by the scientific community for almost 15 years. Five years ago, Nolan says, one of his friends called him and offered to participate in the analysis of the body of a supposed “alien.”

As the scientist notes, Ata looks like an alien not only from the outside, but also from the inside. For example, her skeleton is similar in structure and level of development to what the bones of an eight-year-old child look like, despite the fact that she is only 15 centimeters tall, which is equivalent to the size of a fetus in the womb. In addition, she has only 10 pairs of ribs, and not 12, like healthy people, or 11, like carriers of some genetic defects.

All these oddities gave confidence to “ufologists” and other fans of stories about aliens. Back in 2013, Nolan and his colleagues dealt a blow to these "extraterrestrial" theories - they deciphered part of Ata's DNA and found that these remains belonged to a person who had recently died, and not to an "alien" or a representative of one of the ancient species of people.

Having revealed Ata's "pedigree", scientists tried to find out how this girl acquired such an unusual appearance. They had two theories about this - the Atacama "alien" could actually have been an eight-year-old child suffering from extreme forms of dwarfism and other developmental disorders, or he could have died inside the womb at 22 weeks of development due to progeria, premature aging.

Nolan himself was a proponent of the first theory, and for a long time he was unable to find genes associated with dwarfism, which gave “ufologists” a reason for constant criticism of him. Ultimately, scientists began the analysis again, deciphering Ata's entire genome and analyzing approximately three million small mutations in it.

In total, geneticists were able to find six dozen genes with pronounced negative changes, many of which were associated with the development of scoliosis, disorders in the synthesis of collagen and bone tissue, premature aging, abnormalities in the number of ribs and others characteristic features And you. This indicated that Ata died in early childhood or in the womb, and hardly lived for eight years.

Further study of the alien's DNA, scientists hope, will help us uncover the causes of many congenital diseases associated with the skeleton and find potential ways to treat them. Ata’s body itself, as Nolan emphasizes, should be returned to its homeland and buried, and not placed on display in a museum.

Alien genes in human DNA

In January 2007, a group of foreign scientists working on deciphering the human genome announced that they had made a “stunning discovery.” Its essence is that 97% of the non-coding part of DNA, which scientists call “junk”, is nothing more than genetic code alien life forms.

“Junk” DNA, which contains no genes, is characteristic of almost all organisms on Earth - from molds to humans (with the exception of viruses and bacteria). It was opened a long time ago, but its purpose remained a mystery. Now, as the leader of this group of scientists, Professor Sam Chang, says, it has become clear that we inherited it from extraterrestrial worlds, passing it on from generation to generation along with working, coding DNA.

Professor Chang's group worked in collaboration with other scientists - mathematicians, physicists, programmers... And they got the impression that this “junk” and supposedly “silent” part of the genome was created by “alien programmers”. It has something like its own veins, arteries, its own immune system, which, for example, stubbornly resists all the medications we use to fight cancer.

According to our hypothesis, says Professor Chang, a higher extraterrestrial life form was involved in the creation of new life on different planets. Earth is just one of them. It is possible that, having programmed us, our creators began to grow us, just as we grow colonies of bacteria in Petri dishes. We are not given the opportunity to know what motives guided the creators - whether it was a scientific experiment or simply a way to prepare the planet for its subsequent colonization. Or maybe just a stage in the long-term process of dispersing life throughout the Universe.

As Professor Chang says, the "alien programmers" were most likely working on one "big code" consisting of several projects, and these projects would be implemented in different life forms on different planets. The “programmers” probably tried different options for solving this problem. They wrote "big code", implemented it, didn't like some of the results, then changed part of the program, implemented it again, etc. And perhaps it happened that in relation to Earth, the “programmers” had to cut back on their idealistic plans and postpone them for the future - well, maybe they were running out of time.

In any case, the impression is that the “alien programmers” were in a terrible hurry and significantly reduced the development of the “big code”, focusing on the part that was intended specifically for Earth. Perhaps it is precisely this haste that explains the fact that they rewarded us, for example, with the mechanism of the illogical, uncontrolled mass proliferation of cells that we call cancer.

According to Dr. Chang, in DNA we see a program consisting of two versions - big code and base code. First, Dr. Chang believes it is quite obvious that full program was not written on Earth - now this can already be considered a reliable fact. Secondly, genes by themselves cannot explain evolution; there must be something else. Sooner or later we will have to agree with incredible fact: everything living on Earth carries the genetic code of its alien cousin or cousin, and evolution is not at all what we mean by this word.


Proof of this version, according to Dr. Chang, are the stories of contactees and abductees. According to them, among the alien creatures there are some very similar to humans, and even outwardly no different from them. Maybe the genetic material for them and for us simply coincided? Or maybe they brought part of their material into our genome, incarnating on Earth among ordinary people as “star seed”, “star children”. For what? At best, to push the spiritual development of humanity. At least, this is what contactees think, considering all aliens to be benevolent.

Another piece of evidence is paleocontacts. Ancient astronauts colonized the Earth in time immemorial, improved, so to speak, human nature and ultimately created the species Homo Sapiens as we know it today. Agree, such a theory simply could not have appeared before the era space flights. But even now, in the 21st century, many consider it science fiction and mysticism. And this mysticism can only be explained in one way: to admit that there was a genetic intervention by higher intelligent beings from other planets.

The version of ancient astronauts visiting Earth was actively promoted by the Swiss journalist Erich von Däniken, the American researcher Zecharia Sitchin, as well as a movement called “Exopolitics”. But neither one, nor the other, nor the third were taken seriously. Dr. Michael E. Salla, one of the founders of the Institute of Exopolitics, works at reputable universities in Australia and the USA, publishes the Exopolitics Journal, and organizes conferences on the topics of alien civilizations. So he assures that, according to contactee Alex Collier, our genetic pool consists of memory banks of many different extraterrestrial races, at least twenty-two.

In his article “Aliens Among Us,” published in October 2006, Dr. Salla argues that many representatives of other planets and civilizations live on Earth, but these creatures are perceived by us as ordinary citizens. For this reason, they learn our languages, our rules of communication with technology, our norms of behavior, and our ideas about the world order. This is something like an alien “Peace Corps”, bringing knowledge and enlightenment to certain earthly individuals. Yes, most of the aliens see us as barbarians and savages who pose a threat even to themselves.

Alex Collier claims - from the words of aliens - that there are approximately 135 billion more human beings living on the planets of the eight galaxies closest to us. When Alex, together with the aliens, first visited one of the alien planets, the children there rushed in all directions as soon as they saw an earthling: we have a very bad reputation! In the entire universe, we are the only thinking race that enslaves or kills our own kind, allows our fellow humans to starve and have no roof over their heads. Normal neighbors in the Galaxy cannot understand why we live this way, why we have brought the planet to the brink of destruction, why we allow our consciousness to be manipulated. After all, it is clear that we are following the path of self-destruction, even self-destruction.

But that’s who we are, with an “unfinished” program...


Unfortunately, in the article that John Stokes wrote about Professor Chang and his colleagues, there is practically no scientific argumentation - everything, in general, comes down to talking about aliens similar to us. Meanwhile, the justification for this hypothesis can be deduced from scientific works our compatriot P.P. Garyaev.

The founder of wave genetics, Doctor of Biological Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev, proved back in the mid-19890s that after the physical death of DNA, its phantom remains for a long time, carrying genetic and other information. According to the scientist, it is possible that even after this period some kind of “wave frame” of ultra-light particles still remains, but more sensitive instruments are required to register it.

In 2006, Garyaev’s group obtained and published even more amazing information about DNA phantoms. It turns out that DNA is capable of reading information not only from itself, but also from surrounding objects and reproducing it in the form of phantoms. Moreover, DNA is probably able to “see” the object and organism in which it functions, in the past, present and future.

In a series of other experiments, Garyaev’s group proved that genetic information can be transmitted in waves from one living object to another over many kilometers. So why not assume that aliens influenced people from a distance? Maybe they didn’t have to fly to earth at all to do this? It was enough to “irradiate” people with the new genetic information? Maybe they also have some kind of quantum biocomputer operating there, similar to the one used by Garyaev’s group? And perhaps the aliens did not need to put primitive Homo erectus on the operating table to make him Homo sapiens? After all, there are many cases where, after contacts with UFOs and aliens, a person changed, his old ailments disappeared, he became younger, and acquired some new abilities, including extrasensory ones. But to determine hidden human diseases by removing the spectrum electromagnetic radiation from his voice or blood... Or “irradiate” a person with the appropriate information so that he becomes immune, for example, to the action of poisons, or replace his old and diseased endocrine gland... P.P. Garyaev and his like-minded people have already proven that this feasible (so far only in rats).

It turns out that genetic improvement of Homo sapiens is possible. That is, our fellow scientists already know what and how the supposed ancient aliens, or “heavenly gods” (if there were any), did.


Garyaev’s group even managed to record the radio wave “voices” of DNA molecules: they, relatively speaking, “complained, cried, screamed” if they were unacceptably heated. These “screams”, or more precisely, certain frequency spectra of DNA vibrations, of course, cannot be heard with the ear; they are recorded only by special equipment. But the fact is that hereditary information can “speak expressively” and be transmitted over a distance due to acoustic and electromagnetic fields. And, as Pyotr Petrovich proves, “DNA acoustics are really similar to speech... It is built according to the same laws. That’s why we say: this is the speech of the Creator.” The Creator, and not a person, because the DNA of a grasshopper, or a tree, or a person will emit different “words and phrases”. It turns out that chromosomes are nothing more than a dynamic collection of light and sound holograms, a sort of set of volumetric wave “pictures” and text records. They provide the wave blueprints and verbal guidance for the construction of an adult from an embryo. Remember the biblical saying: “in the beginning was the Word”? this is the speech and thinking of the Creator in the genetic apparatus. This makes it reasonable to use DNA holograms. Simplifying and avoiding theological problems, we say that our genetic apparatus, that is, the totality of all our chromosomes, acts like a quantum biocomputer, the commands of which are in principle similar to human speech. Each of our cells “thinks” with its own chromosomes-computer.

The smartest cells are, of course, brain cells. Such thinking is realized through words and speech. This is the speech of a multilingual. The language of DNA is ultimately translated into the language of protein molecules. Each of our thoughts, Garyaev believes, has its equivalent in the form of rapidly synthesized combinations of different protein molecules in the neurons of the brain. And if we talk about “junk” DNA, then it forms not only holograms-plans for the construction of an organism, but also contains an innumerable number of texts - a grandiose memory of the past of humanity, including DNA - texts and DNA - holograms of old genetic plans used when then in the course of evolution. Sometimes these old plans work out, and then tailed or completely hairy people appear. But these are glitches in chromosomal computer programs.


I wonder how Pyotr Petrovich feels about the “application” of foreigners for a “stunning discovery”? The idea is good, but it is bare,” the scientist noted.

And in fact, this idea just lacks the argumentation that could be found in the works of Russian biologists and geneticists.

It is strange that Chang did not see holograms in the “junk” DNA. “It’s much simpler,” Garyaev is surprised.

In addition, many genetic (protein) codes have now been discovered, more than a dozen. The code is not universal. For example, in yeast it is different from ours. Who created other, non-human protein codes? Aliens too? Or are these unsuccessful attempts? Well, perhaps only Garyaev could have come up with the idea that the message from the aliens about their planet could well be contained in the DNA of the ears of wheat in that field in the British Chilbolton, where one day (as if in response to our cosmic message from Arecibo) a pictogram appeared - with data about the alien planet and its inhabitants. P.P. Garyaev then wrote about his assumption to the person who researched all this. And perhaps it was precisely thanks to this letter that the foreigners came up with the idea to write about “their amazing discovery”?..

“Junk” DNA, which contains no genes, is characteristic of almost all organisms on Earth - from molds to humans (with the exception of viruses and bacteria). It was opened a long time ago, but its purpose remained a mystery. Now, as the leader of this group of scientists, Professor Sam Chang, says, it has become clear that we inherited it from extraterrestrial worlds, passing it on from generation to generation along with working, coding DNA.

Professor Chang's group worked in collaboration with other scientists - mathematicians, physicists, programmers... And they got the impression that this “junk” and supposedly “silent” part of the genome was created by “alien programmers”. It has something like its own veins, arteries, its own immune system, which, for example, stubbornly resists all the medications we use to fight cancer.

According to our hypothesis, says Professor Chang, a higher extraterrestrial life form was involved in the creation of new life on different planets. Earth is just one of them. It is possible that, having programmed us, our creators began to grow us, just as we grow colonies of bacteria in Petri dishes. We are not given the opportunity to know what motives guided the creators - whether it was a scientific experiment or simply a way to prepare the planet for its subsequent colonization. Or maybe just a stage in the long-term process of dispersing life throughout the Universe.

As Professor Chang says, the "alien programmers" were most likely working on one "big code" consisting of several projects, and these projects would be implemented in different life forms on different planets. The “programmers” probably tried different options for solving this problem. They wrote "big code", implemented it, didn't like some of the results, then changed part of the program, implemented it again, etc. And perhaps it happened that in relation to Earth, the “programmers” had to cut back on their idealistic plans and postpone them for the future - well, maybe they were running out of time. In any case, the impression is that the “alien programmers” were in a terrible hurry and significantly reduced the development of the “big code”, focusing on the part that was intended specifically for Earth. Perhaps it is precisely this haste that explains the fact that they rewarded us, for example, with the mechanism of the illogical, uncontrolled mass proliferation of cells that we call cancer.

According to Dr. Chang, in DNA we see a program consisting of two versions - big code and base code. First, Dr. Chang believes it is absolutely clear that the complete program was not written on Earth - this can now be considered a reliable fact. Secondly, genes by themselves cannot explain evolution; there must be something else. Sooner or later, we will be forced to agree with the incredible fact: everything living on Earth carries the genetic code of its alien cousin or cousin, and evolution is not at all what we understand by this word.

Proof of this version, according to Dr. Chang, are the stories of contactees and abductees. According to them, among the alien creatures there are some very similar to humans, and even outwardly no different from them. Maybe the genetic material for them and for us simply coincided? Or maybe they brought part of their material into our genome, incarnating on Earth among ordinary people as “star seed”, “star children”. For what? At best, to push the spiritual development of humanity. At least, this is what contactees think, considering all aliens to be benevolent.

Another piece of evidence is paleocontacts. Ancient astronauts colonized the Earth in time immemorial, improved, so to speak, human nature and ultimately created the species Homo Sapiens as we know it today. Agree, such a theory simply could not have appeared before the era of space flights. But even now, in the 21st century, many consider it science fiction and mysticism. And this mysticism can only be explained in one way: to admit that there was a genetic intervention by higher intelligent beings from other planets.

The version of ancient astronauts visiting Earth was actively promoted by the Swiss journalist Erich von Däniken, the American researcher Zecharia Sitchin, as well as a movement called “Exopolitics”. But neither one, nor the other, nor the third were taken seriously. Dr. Michael E. Salla, one of the founders of the Institute of Exopolitics, works at reputable universities in Australia and the USA, publishes the Exopolitics Journal, and organizes conferences on the topics of alien civilizations. So he assures that, according to contactee Alex Collier, our genetic pool consists of memory banks of many different extraterrestrial races, at least twenty-two. In his article “Aliens Among Us,” published in October 2006, Dr. Salla argues that many representatives of other planets and civilizations live on Earth, but these creatures are perceived by us as ordinary citizens. For this reason, they learn our languages, our rules of communication with technology, our norms of behavior, and our ideas about the world order. This is something like an alien “Peace Corps”, bringing knowledge and enlightenment to certain earthly individuals. Yes, most of the aliens see us as barbarians and savages who pose a threat even to themselves. Alex Collier claims - from the words of aliens - that there are approximately 135 billion more human beings living on the planets of the eight galaxies closest to us. When Alex, together with the aliens, first visited one of the alien planets, the children there rushed in all directions as soon as they saw an earthling: we have a very bad reputation! In the entire universe, we are the only thinking race that enslaves or kills our own kind, allows our fellow humans to starve and have no roof over their heads. Normal neighbors in the Galaxy cannot understand why we live this way, why we have brought the planet to the brink of destruction, why we allow our consciousness to be manipulated. After all, it is clear that we are following the path of self-destruction, even self-destruction.

But that’s who we are, with an “unfinished” program...

Unfortunately, in the article that John Stokes wrote about Professor Chang and his colleagues, there is practically no scientific argumentation - everything, in general, comes down to talking about aliens similar to us. Meanwhile, the justification for this hypothesis can be deduced from the scientific works of our compatriot P.P. Garyaev.

The founder of wave genetics, Doctor of Biological Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev, proved back in the mid-19890s that after the physical death of DNA, its phantom remains for a long time, carrying genetic and other information. According to the scientist, it is possible that even after this period some kind of “wave frame” of ultra-light particles still remains, but more sensitive instruments are required to register it.

In 2006, Garyaev’s group obtained and published even more amazing information about DNA phantoms. It turns out that DNA is capable of reading information not only from itself, but also from surrounding objects and reproducing it in the form of phantoms. Moreover, DNA is probably able to “see” the object and organism in which it functions, in the past, present and future.

In a series of other experiments, Garyaev’s group proved that genetic information can be transmitted in waves from one living object to another over many kilometers. So why not assume that aliens influenced people from a distance? Maybe they didn’t have to fly to earth at all to do this? Was it enough to “irradiate” people with new genetic information? Maybe they also have some kind of quantum biocomputer operating there, similar to the one used by Garyaev’s group? And perhaps the aliens did not need to put primitive Homo erectus on the operating table in order to turn him into Homo sapiens? After all, there are many cases where, after contacts with UFOs and aliens, a person changed, his old ailments disappeared, he became younger, and acquired some new abilities, including extrasensory ones. But to determine the hidden diseases of a person by reading the spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from his voice or blood... Or to “irradiate” a person with the appropriate information so that he becomes immune, for example, to the action of poisons, or to replace his old and diseased endocrine gland... P. P. Garyaev and his like-minded people have already proven that this is feasible (so far only on rats).

It turns out that genetic improvement of Homo sapiens is possible. That is, our fellow scientists already know what and how the supposed ancient aliens, or “heavenly gods” (if there were any), did.

Garyaev’s group even managed to record the radio wave “voices” of DNA molecules: they, relatively speaking, “complained, cried, screamed” if they were unacceptably heated. These “screams”, or more precisely, certain frequency spectra of DNA vibrations, of course, cannot be heard with the ear; they are recorded only by special equipment. But the fact is that hereditary information can “speak expressively” and be transmitted over a distance due to acoustic and electromagnetic fields. And, as Pyotr Petrovich proves, “DNA acoustics are really similar to speech... It is built according to the same laws. That’s why we say: this is the speech of the Creator.” The Creator, and not a person, because the DNA of a grasshopper, or a tree, or a person will emit different “words and phrases”. It turns out that chromosomes are nothing more than a dynamic collection of light and sound holograms, a sort of set of volumetric wave “pictures” and text records. They provide the wave blueprints and verbal guidance for the construction of an adult from an embryo. Remember the biblical saying: “in the beginning was the Word”? this is the speech and thinking of the Creator in the genetic apparatus. This makes it reasonable to use DNA holograms. Simplifying and avoiding theological problems, we say that our genetic apparatus, that is, the totality of all our chromosomes, acts like a quantum biocomputer, the commands of which are in principle similar to human speech. Each of our cells “thinks” with its own chromosomes-computer.

The smartest cells are, of course, brain cells. Such thinking is realized through words and speech. This is the speech of a multilingual. The language of DNA is ultimately translated into the language of protein molecules. Each of our thoughts, Garyaev believes, has its equivalent in the form of rapidly synthesized combinations of different protein molecules in the neurons of the brain. And if we talk about “junk” DNA, then it forms not only holograms-plans for the construction of an organism, but also contains an innumerable number of texts - a grandiose memory of the past of humanity, including DNA - texts and DNA - holograms of old genetic plans used when then in the course of evolution. Sometimes these old plans work out, and then tailed or completely hairy people appear. But these are glitches in chromosomal computer programs.

I wonder how Pyotr Petrovich feels about the “application” of foreigners for a “stunning discovery”? The idea is good, but it is bare,” the scientist noted.

And in fact, this idea just lacks the argumentation that could be found in the works of Russian biologists and geneticists.

It is strange that Chang did not see holograms in the “junk” DNA. “It’s much simpler,” Garyaev is surprised.

In addition, many genetic (protein) codes have now been discovered, more than a dozen. The code is not universal. For example, in yeast it is different from ours. Who created other, non-human protein codes? Aliens too? Or are these unsuccessful attempts? Well, perhaps only Garyaev could have come up with the idea that the message from the aliens about their planet could well be contained in the DNA of the ears of wheat in that field in the British Chilbolton, where one day (as if in response to our cosmic message from Arecibo) a pictogram appeared - with data about the alien planet and its inhabitants. P.P. Garyaev then wrote about his assumption to the person who researched all this. And perhaps it was precisely thanks to this letter that the foreigners came up with the idea to write about “their amazing discovery”?..

Researchers working on the Human Genome Project have put forward a truly unusual theory that our DNA code contains information of extraterrestrial origin. The presence of alien code hints that all of humanity owes its birth to alien beings.

What is "junk" DNA code?

Scientists spent 13 years studying the DNA code in order to then identify 97% of the non-coding sequences from it. Now researchers are confident that this particular part of DNA can be called the gene code of a more developed extraterrestrial civilization.

Unfortunately, geneticists have never figured out the functionality of the non-coding part of DNA, calling this code “junk DNA”. In fact, the information contained in it may be the so-called program with the help of which alien engineers were able to create human civilization.

To a similar conclusion, specialists working at the Astrophysical Institute named after. Fesenkova, came after numerous studies conducted in mathematics, programming, chemistry and other scientific fields.

DNA code - a program to populate the galaxy

Scientists in Kazakhstan fully admit the possibility that a more developed alien civilization was engaged in the birth of a completely new type of life outside the blue planet. In addition, the Earth might not be the only place where created living organisms were settled.

Researchers also believe that DNA is nothing more than a complex program in the field of genetic engineering, which is presented to us in two versions: in the form of a clearly structured giant code and a simpler code in basic level. Moreover, its first part cannot be verified, since it was most likely created outside the Earth.

Let's not forget that many scientists do not adhere to the classical model of human development developed by Darwin. They do not agree that ordinary genes can influence a sharp evolutionary leap. They must contain more than information about previous generations.

Researchers have also put forward the theory that any creature living on Earth contains an alien DNA code. Thus, the whole process of evolution appears completely different from the generally accepted view.

Some scientists attach to their statement numerous statements from eyewitnesses who allegedly were abducted by aliens. In our opinion, such “evidence” can only be considered indirect. Many aliens seem to us to be unusual creatures of humanoid appearance. But we still don't have even a regular photo of a real alien.

Scientists have previously stated that life was brought to our planet from the distant expanses of space, far from solar system. Now researchers invite us to imagine that the engineers of an ancient alien civilization consciously decided to populate galaxies with the genetic material that they themselves created. This conclusion suggests itself after examining the mathematical code, which cannot be explained by the usual idea of ​​evolution.

The extraterrestrial DNA code never changes!

This hypothesis is no less surprising than the origin of the human genome itself. Scientists, unrecognized scientific world, do not cease to claim that the alien DNA code has not changed since its direct introduction.

Due to its immutability, our DNA can become a kind of “signature” of all humanity, which will contain all the information about our civilization. If there are aliens in space who can read this encrypted material, then they can do it without difficulty. The detailed speculation was reported in the journal Icarus.

DNA is the very design that can remain reliable for billions of years. A genome recorded in this way can be carried not only through time, but also through space. If necessary, the program can be frozen or rewritten.

The DNA code is built on the basis of an unusual symbolic language, within which there are both arithmetic and ideographic structures. This is another plus in favor of the version of our extraterrestrial origin.

All the assumptions of scientists may turn out to be true, as well as one of the biggest misconceptions. But if we really find accurate confirmation of all these hypotheses, then we will have to look for an answer to a more complex question: who exactly created our civilization, and for what purposes was it done?