The hope of the world is the Slavic peoples. What do Edgar Cayce's predictions say? Edgar Cayce's predictions

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Edgar Cayce had a completely atypical view of Russia for his time. He spoke about our country exclusively constructively and completely without biased negativity. Moreover, this American clairvoyant, in fact, saw in it the basis and means for humanity to achieve harmony in the future.

As for 2017 specifically, Casey’s predictions regarding events in the world in the most general case can be characterized as unusual, sometimes frightening, but undoubtedly interesting and deserving of our attention.

Events in geopolitics

Being an American, Casey knew how and had the opportunity to sensibly and impartially assess the situation in his country, even in the future. As for 2017, for the United States the predictor saw problems associated with the principles of conducting its foreign and domestic policy.

The clairvoyant called his country a victim, against which what until now had helped her to deceive and rob other territories and states would be turned against her. Moreover, the general context of his statements on this matter suggests that in America the problem of religious conflicts, as well as terrorist attacks, will become more relevant than ever before.

However, Casey believed that the United States would not plunge into chaos. Peace in the souls of people and common sense It will begin to come to the heads of the leaders of this state after certain artifacts are raised from the bottom of the ocean not far from the American coastline.

The soothsayer claimed that these finds, in addition to historical significance, will also have a huge spiritual meaning. Cayce said that they would contain a unique source of energies capable of beneficially influencing the minds and souls of entire masses of people. And it was from this moment, the clairvoyant insisted, that Americans would begin to change in better side, becoming more and more peaceful, more humane, and their leaders - more careful in their statements and decisions.

In addition, for 2017, Casey predicted a decrease in tension in the world associated with the danger of using nuclear weapons. A very complex Rubicon - events that occurred in 2014-2015. and created a lot of tension in relationships different countries- will be successfully completed during this period. And in the future, states will “swing” their nuclear potential less and less.

Casey saw political problems in 2017 for Israel. He even pointed out the likelihood of a significant number of people leaving this country who would try to find refuge in various parts of the planet from Australia to Russia.

The leaders and residents of China will have to begin to reconsider many of their priorities and views on the world. They will finally have a tendency to consider themselves not an exclusive nation, but part of a common human civilization. It is not a fact that this will be felt already in 2017, but the fact that these processes will acquire a certain dynamics during this time period, according to Casey, is beyond doubt.

True, one cannot help but notice that the clairvoyant was quite critical of the Chinese, considering them ideological position unacceptable, especially in the 21st century. So, maybe there is an element of subjectivity here, because it’s difficult to imagine that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire will suddenly consider themselves only part of the world and will not assume that they are the most cunning, intelligent and far-sighted. Although it is possible that life will still force them to do this.

Disasters and ecology

In 2017, Casey saw quite large-scale natural problems for Europe. He mentioned the danger of earthquakes, which could cause parts of the territories of France, the United Kingdom, and Spain to go under water (that is, to be flooded). Seismic activity(but without the danger of flooding) will also be relevant for the states of the Scandinavian Peninsula. By the way, keyword here - “can”; There are no predictions from which it would follow with 100% certainty that this will definitely be the case.

The soothsayer also has time for this and an opinion about the ecological state of the planet as a whole. Based on the fact that our planet is a living organism that adequately responds to humanity’s attitude towards itself, he prophesied serious climate changes for people if they did not stop treating the Earth in a consumerist manner. In the coming years, this may cause changes in climate that, having passed the point of no return, will put us all on the path to destruction. And 2017 may, in this sense, turn out to be the time when something similar will happen (unless people, of course, come to their senses).

For example, already today the movement of the earth's poles is occurring at an unprecedentedly high speed. And if nothing changes in the minds of the powers that be, then there is a risk that Polar Lights may no longer be seen by residents of areas close to the Arctic, but by ordinary Europeans.

Casey's 2017 predictions about Russia

For our country, the soothsayer saw continued development and strengthening. Moreover, speech in in this case It’s about both the material and spiritual sides of life. It is very difficult to identify any specific events that occurred specifically in 2017, because Casey did not leave a strict chronology of his visions by date. But in general, this year, according to his predictions, is entering a period when the role and power of Russia will increase. And he didn’t name anything that could prevent this. This means that everything will go, as they say, according to plan and to our benefit.

An interesting forecast from Casey was also given regarding Russia’s closest neighbor and partner. We must assume that in this case we are talking about Belarus. This state, according to Casey, will demonstrate amazing political apathy in 2017. Moreover, 2017 in this case is only a moment in a fairly long period, during which Belarusians will find themselves practically indifferent to the ups and downs taking place in the world. And this, the clairvoyant argued, would be an exclusively positive moment for them, because it would allow them to safely continue to build their state, while learning mainly from the mistakes of others.

Moreover, first of all, this will affect the so-called “European values” that contribute to the corruption and permissiveness of people. This prediction contains great importance specifically for Russia. It means that the “Western partners” will never be able to improve security along the entire perimeter of our borders.

On the issue of Ukraine

Residents of this country will have to - willy-nilly - make a choice. Those who live simply by waiting, or believing that the situation will somehow “resolve” itself, or believing that abroad will help, will finally have to make a choice in favor of one side or another participating in the internal confrontation. For the West or for the Russian world - this dilemma in 2017 will require an unambiguous decision and awareness of one’s own place in one of these “camps”.

By the way, Casey himself believed that Ukraine should not try to become part of European politics and economics, because in this case it would definitely be a loser. Meanwhile, she definitely needs to be friends with Russia, because from here there will be no trick or desire to take advantage of its resources. But Ukrainians can count on the help of this neighbor with one hundred percent confidence. Of course, all this cannot be achieved in one day, however, the turning point that will determine the further direction of development of the territory called Ukraine will occur in 2017.

In one of the texts left by Edgar Cayce to his descendants, he stated that he would reincarnate on Earth again in the 21st century. Of course, he did not name the exact date of this event, however, he said more than affirmatively that he would be born again in Russia, choosing it as his new homeland. He explained his choice of birthplace by the fact that the most interesting and most important processes in the world will take place right here, and he certainly wants to be a living witness to this. And therefore, we need to survive 2017 with honor, even if it seems to us a difficult period of our lives and history. If we can, then we will take another step towards our bright - without irony and sarcasm (!) - future.
Irina Zavodina


The time of greatness of the Ottoman Empire...

For 2017, Casey predicted events that would be unusual, frightening, but interesting.

I'll start with a hard example. Do you think any cow knows details about the state of the meat and dairy industry in the world and the intricacies of the technological processes of this industry? Does she know how the stew is made? Cutlets? Condensed milk? Beef bagels?.. Well, you yourself know the answer.

That's how it is with people. We, being in our world pastures, are sure that when we look up, we will see the kind face of a smiling God. And we don’t even assume that all sorts of “powers that be” are watching us - employers, intelligence agencies, Bilderbergers, etc.

They all know exactly who is doing what and when and will do it with the “herd”. For them, only natural processes are a surprise. Yes, and those are not all...

And the so-called prophets always knew in advance where the shepherds were driving the flock, and what would happen as a result of this. Some prophets were tasked with telling half-truths and half-lies. Others are just lies. Still others – only the truth.

Both were (and remain) valuable. Some provided misinformation to the herd, others informed the shepherds.

One such prophet was Edgar Cayce.

His last name literally means "Koschei".

This pseudonym alone already speaks of controlled fantasy in his predictions. By the way, "last name"

Vanga is translated as "Dragon". These are all operational pseudonyms...

Casey was loyal to the USSR (Russia). Everyone is surprised: why? Because he knew that a geopolitical experiment was being conducted in Russia. Its essence is as follows.

IN late XIX century, a financial leap and a leap in enrichment required some kind of breakthrough. It was invented in the form of space. It was, they say, urgently needed to be mastered, and this required enormous amounts of money. For this purpose, in Russia, which then included the USA, Canada, Great Britain, etc., the Federal Reserve System was created, which began to issue a single currency - the dollar - to support space and related research.

Russia was chosen as the main locomotive for an intellectual solution to this problem. For this purpose, through the Revolution of 1917, Russia was turned into a single Soviet manufacturing enterprise- state monopoly on everything.

And this state-forming plant brilliantly solved the task assigned to it.

After the problem was solved, there was no longer a need for a unified USSR, and it was fragmented into several small enterprises - “independent” countries.

Now, in our days, another program has been generated - Enthronization - for the solution of which a unified Soviet Union will soon be returned.

Naturally, all these moves are calculated in advance and as planned. There simply cannot be any rabid capitalism here. Everything is first worked out and then implemented. Therefore, Casey knew in advance what would happen - he was simply admitted to the relevant information. And he presented it in the form of prophecies in order to prepare the masses of people for new controlled discoveries.

For 2017, Casey predicted events that would be unusual, frightening, but interesting.

Being an American, Casey did not know how and had no opportunity to assess the situation sensibly and impartially. The American psychotype is “here and now, but tomorrow is no longer interesting.” But work is work. It was necessary to predict about America too.

For the United States, the predictor saw problems in the future. Mainly related to the conduct of foreign and domestic policies.

Casey saw his country as a victim, against which what had previously allowed it to deceive and rob other territories and states would be turned against. In America, the main problem will be religious conflicts and terrorist attacks.

But Casey believed that the United States would not plunge into chaos. As a salvation, he proposed such an algorithm. Peace in the souls of people and common sense in the heads of the leaders of this state will come after certain artifacts are raised from the bottom of the ocean not far from the American coastline. The fortuneteller claimed that these finds, in addition to historical significance, would also have great spiritual meaning.

Cayce said that they would contain a unique source of energies capable of beneficially influencing the minds and souls of entire masses of people. And it was from this moment, the clairvoyant insisted, that Americans would begin to change for the better, becoming more peaceful, more humane, and their leaders more careful in their statements and decisions.

I have to disagree with Casey. Without wishing harm to the Americans, it is still necessary to admit that there are indicators of this country that do not depend either on the statements of its leaders, or on the behavior of the masses, or on any artifacts. This, first of all, is that the US state is under the zodiac sign of Gemini.

In this case, this gives the following characterization of the United States:

god is money

ability to manage financial affairs – no (by the way, that’s why the country has such debt),

principles - no

partner conscience - no,

trust - no.

The USA is a closed project.

This territory will no longer be of interest to anyone for a long time. By the way, this is why in ancient times there was no civilization there, but only Indians lived there. And one more thing: there is an almost 100 percent chance that the American continent will disappear. And it won't be related to a volcano.

For 2017, Casey predicted a decrease in tension in the world associated with the danger of using nuclear weapons. He said that in 2014 - 2015. there will be a lot of tension in relations between different countries. But then states will “swing” their nuclear potential less and less.

But already in March 2016, the United States publicly pulled out of the nuclear market, and in April the Russian side did not even go to the nuclear summit. The failure of the countries that claimed to have such weapons (including the United States) became obvious. It simply doesn't exist at all. Therefore, in 2016 there is no question of its use.

The idea of ​​nuclear weapons was realized after World War II. Then the Americans allegedly dropped two nuclear bombs. In reality, it was nothing, and Casey knew that these "explosions" were simply manipulation of the "knowledge" of the masses. It was easy for him to predict. He knew exactly who and when would reveal the nuclear deception.

Back in 2017, Casey saw some political problems for Israel. He pointed to the likelihood of a large number of inhabitants leaving this country. They will allegedly try to find refuge in various parts of the planet from Australia to Russia.

And again, this is not prediction, but management.

Israel was created by the world government as a regulator in the Arab region.

The myth of Zion and Ancient Israel is only a technology to attract people to this desert. Now that the Arab region has ceased to be interesting and is about to be razed to the ground, the presence of Israeli military operations on the territory is unacceptable. So they are going to take him out of the theater of military operations.

For this purpose, problems have been created in the Donbass - a new Zion is being transferred here.

Regarding China, Cayce predicted this.

He said that the leaders and people of China will have to reconsider many of their priorities and views on the world. They say that they will have a tendency to consider themselves not an exclusive nation, but part of a common human civilization. This will not happen in 2017, but the processes will acquire a certain dynamics. Let us pay attention to the wording: “consider yourself not an exclusive nation, but part of a common human civilization.”

Today China is a civilization of CLONES.

In order to become part of human civilization, China needs to try hard. Casey spoke in plain text, but only readers understood him to the best of their knowledge.

As for disasters.

Casey talked about the danger of earthquakes. In his opinion, they could force parts of the territories of France, the United Kingdom and Spain to go under water. There is also a danger for the states of the Scandinavian Peninsula.

There is a simple calculation hidden in these predictions. Those who know the model of the Earth can calculate the times of cataclysms and their consequences. Example - article A.A. Tyunyaev “Metaphysics of climate. Inferiometer waves and the Earth as a “microwave”**.

Casey described this situation in terms of ecology: they say, because of it, changes in the climate may occur, which, having passed the point of no return, will put us all on the path to death.

In fact, the Earth system will simply move into its next state. The transition process will be accompanied by difficult events for humanity.

The peripheral regions (relative to Moscow) will not survive these events.

For Russia in 2017, Casey predicted continued development and strengthening.

Moreover, we are talking not about the material, but about the spiritual side of life. It is in 2017, according to Casey, that Russia’s role and power will increase. And nothing can stop this.

I have already said above that Russia will again be made Soviet, and this will give a new impetus to the rise of the state. The spirituality of the upsurge is connected with the Enthronization project, and what is also connected with it is that no one can prevent this - the project is purely intellectual, and in this regard Russia has a very strong lead.

As for the old prostitute of Europe, the “Western partners” will never be able to improve security along the entire perimeter of our borders. The accumulated weapons will litter the territory of many European countries, reminding residents of how in the old days their presidents and prime ministers beautifully “sawed” state budgets. Once again, it should be noted that these processes are controlled, not chaotic. They bought weapons intelligently, and they won’t use them either.

Casey is an amazing character. He is a kind of cow that supposedly went from the pasture unharmed through the slaughterhouse, the sausage shop and the meat counter, and then returned and told us - the herd - how it all happened. In Russian folklore there is such a fairy tale “Burenushka”...


On the issue of prediction as management...

As many remember, literally immediately after the formation of “independent” Ukraine, multiple materials began to appear, where this new country and nation was characterized as "failed state". This was extremely surprising, since this land received the most modern and powerful inheritance from the USSR, including industry, agriculture, army and infrastructure.

More than a hundred years ago, Edgar Cayce was born into the world, who in the future became an extremely famous clairvoyant, whose prophecies almost always came true, and continue to come true to this day.

The psychic was sure that 2017 would be a turning point for all humanity. In addition to economic crises, people will face many disasters, in the form of cyclones and floods, as a result of which both the geographical and political maps peace. The Prophet also believed that next year would be the first year space age. Thanks to this, medical progress should begin, new, previously unknown treatment methods should be discovered, which will help save the lives of thousands of people.

You will read what interesting Casey said about it further in our article.

Casey's predictions about Russia

The Prophet was known for his love for this country, and more than once asserted that it would still play an important role in the development of all mankind. Moreover, Edgar once said that in the twenty-first century he wants to return back to Earth to see how things are here, and then he prefers to be born in the Russian Federation. The clairvoyant justified this by the fact that it was in this country that the most interesting and important events would take place.

Edgar Cayce also said about Russia that it is the energetic and spiritual center of the world, and it is the energies of light and goodness concentrated in this country that will help humanity survive.

Edgar Cayce's Predictions for 2017

The psychic assured that next year would be quite good for Russia. Firstly, the threat nuclear war, which has been around since 2015, will practically disappear. Secondly, the leading countries of the world will finally begin to look for a calm method of resolving conflicts and will abandon military action. In general, the life of the country should become calmer and more measured.

IN last years of his life, Edgar Cayce was more interested in spiritual life, which is why his prophecies contain so little specificity regarding political and economic life countries. But, relying even on the clairvoyant’s predictions, which are so unclear at some points, you can learn quite a lot. For example, next year Russian Federation good changes await.

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Soothsayers single out 2017 in the 21st century. This is due to the fact that the Fire Rooster, who comes into his own in 2017, is an unshakable realist, and spheres of life that do not have solid support under their feet must certainly collapse. Only that which is built on honor and labor will grow and multiply.

Predictions for 2017 for the United States and Europe are strikingly clear. Some of the soothsayers are more loyal to the future of America, but there are more of those who confidently predict a difficult period for the country.

Predictions and financial analytics - forecasts in one plane

Economists, along with soothsayers, talk about the crisis that awaits the United States. It will continue to be intensified by the demographic decline, which they are still afraid to call a hole. The US collapse of 2017 is not a global collapse of the economy and politics. This is a deterioration in the standard of living of the population, interracial hostility and distrust of the authorities.

Harry Dent is an economist and analyst. He argues that it’s time to sound the alarm, it’s time to deal with demography, the country cannot be left in its current state. First of all, working with family. Finance has reached its peak and this is leading to the collapse of the economy. Long time analyzing historical facts and summing it up in graphs, he already predicted the global crisis of 2007. The development of the US economy before him was at its peak.

Today, the analyst predicts that the Dow Jones index will fluctuate in mid-2017, and by the end of the year it will collapse by a factor of three.

Vanga, she especially highlighted the predictions for 2017 for the USA and Europe. The year refers to the beginning of a time of chaos and decay. Trust in the states is falling even among Americans. Trust in the authorities, as a guarantor ensuring the safety and health of the nation, will become minimal at the end of 2017. People are afraid of man-made disasters, artificial food and new diseases that come from the east. People are afraid for the lives of their children and are afraid to expand their families.

The soothsayer Vera Lyon predicts not only a deterioration in the economy and finances - her foresight is much harsher than Vanga’s prophecy. It guarantees catastrophe and the collapse of the United States in 2017. The country's descent into a hole so deep that the Great Depression will seem like a game. At the end of the year, a game of survival will begin, where those who are far-sighted and realistic about life will win. The East will gain strength, some religions may disappear, and it will not be Islam. The USA has raised a beast that will eat its mother.

US President 2017

Here it is worth first of all recalling Vanga’s sensational prophecy that “the black president will be the last,” because the country will disappear from the map of the World. This foresight was known before Obama became president. Vanga’s predictions for this time period are critical and boil down to one thing - a lot of problems will pile up, and this issue will be irrelevant. Disasters are coming, which will have to be solved by the whole world.

Vera Lyon says Trump will stand above the fragments of a once mighty nation, swallowed up by the ocean and catastrophe. She sees him as the new president of the country. Vera's predictions are very cruel - she is not afraid of specifics in expressing her predictions.

Edgar Cayce, at the beginning of the 20th century, also argued that the forty-fourth president would be the last to rule the state in relative peace. After that, the forecast for the USA 2017 is not the best from all sides.

A Franciscan monk whose name is now being carefully checked, and the attempt to disprove his existence is occupying the minds of researchers. Ranyo Nero, who lived at the turn of the 15th – 16th centuries. He predicted the emergence of a new super-powerful state, formed among the oceans, becoming a scorpion stinging itself. Nero also predicts his collapse after the forty-fourth ruler.

Russian developers of a neural network created based on artificial intelligence, and able to recognize and analyze images, checked the photos of both contenders for the role of the 45th president. The machine generated characteristics about Trump’s photo, such as “president,” “minister,” and “secretary general.” About Clinton the characteristics are of a different kind: “lady”, “girl”, “auditor”.

What awaits the United States in 2017 - Nostradamus' predictions

The centuries - the sayings of Nostradamus - describe the unification of several countries that decided to create new coalitions. Their strength will be directed against the aggressor - young, and standing with weapons in the middle of the oceans. And for the next half century, the United States will not be able to restore its strength, its name. The description of the country resembles states that will be fragmented. Europe will not defend itself because it will face an equally shocking loss of fundamental human values.