Indeclinable nouns. Entertaining tasks in the Russian language Choose adjectives for these nouns cockatoo

Option No. 1 (partially with answers)

1. Guess the proverb based on two words and write it down:

Measure - cut.

Bread is the head.

Answer: Measure seven times and cut once. Bread is the head of everything.

2. Write down as many words as possible that contain the word “spruce”.

Answer: spruce forest, drops, caramel, crack, strand, etc.

3. Match these phraseological units with antonymous phraseological units.

Just a stone's throw away -

Lose temper -

Hang your nose -

4. Choose one word for the diagram:

5 6.5 stars _________

5 6, 4 stars _________

4 6.5 stars __________

5. Place emphasis on the words:

zero solution; air loop; Ukrainian song; gilded spoons; kitchen knife; sweet cakes.

6. Correct errors in the text:

It’s good to go gray in the fall or winter evening on a soft devan. It's nice to pick up your favorite book and read it. On the first page there is a text about a patched fish.

7. Cross out incorrect word models:

Teacher, tundra area, feel, coward, piglet, animal artist, merchant's wife, caught, calf.

Option No. 2 (partially with answers)

2. Replace the expression with one verb:

Nick down - ..........

Scratching tongues - …………

Answer: remember, chat.

3. Make 10 nouns from the letters of the word “SECOND GRADER”.

Answer: class, crown, wolf, dream, movie, throne, nose, current, cat, clone, torso, cable, cattle, juice, etc.

4. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second: KES(...)ET.

Answer: DREAM.

5. Insert a word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second: AM(...)AN.

Answer: BAR.

5. Fill in the missing word:



Answer: SNOW (the first letter of the missing word is the last letter of the preceding word; the second letter of the missing word is the second letter of the preceding word; the third letter of the missing word is the fourth letter of the subsequent word; the fourth letter of the missing word is the second letter of the subsequent word).

7. Solve anagrams and eliminate superfluous word:


Answer: PUSCHKA (all other words mean fruits - plum, nut, pear).

8. Insert a word that would mean the same thing as the words outside the brackets:


Answer: BOR.

Option No. 3 (partially with answers)

1. Choose synonyms for adjectives:

Quiet ride - ...; quiet night - ...; quiet voice - ...; true friend- ...; the correct answer is ...; strong rope - ...; strong tea - ...; strong body -...

2. Choose words that are opposite in meaning:

Work -

Funny -

Answer: idle, sad.

3. In each row, underline the word that belongs to a different part of speech:

Beach, garden, lunch, beautiful.

Fast, slow, agile, fast, city.

Answer: beautiful city.

4. Select Russian proverbs that are suitable in meaning to these proverbs:

Vietnamese: A leisurely elephant reaches its goal faster than a frisky stallion.

Finnish: He who asks will not get lost.

5. Replace stable combinations of words with one word.

The cat cried - ...;

To kick the bucket - ...;

After the sleeves - ...;

Nick down - ... .

6. Explain these phraseological units:

A teaspoon per hour. (Very slowly and little by little).

With a gulkin (sparrow) nose. (Very little).

The chickens don't peck. (Very much, in excess).

Like a chicken paw. (Illegible handwriting).

The chickens laugh. (Stupid, pointless).

7. What words are pronounced this way?

[ GRU S" T" ]; [L"E S"T"]

8. Make up a word if it contains: the root is from the word “sailor”; prefix - from the word “fly”; suffix - from the word “Russian”; the ending comes from the word “winter”.

Option No. 4 (partially with answers)

1. Explain the meaning of the word ACHINEA. (The word "nonsense" in Russian literary language means: “nonsense, nonsense, nonsense, absurdity, nonsense, nonsense” (see Dahl's Dictionary, 1903, 1, p. 78). Often used in “frozen phrases”: talk nonsense, spout nonsense, flog nonsense, grind nonsense, weave nonsense).

2. Place the emphasis in the words: beets, statue, cement, carpenter, blinds.

3. What words can be classified as different parts of speech? Roy, my, close, simple, oven.

Make up phrases with them so that you can determine what parts of speech they are.

4. Identify parts of speech:

The zhelomnaya bech sinker obdislyala sickly delanavka.

“Translate” this sentence into Russian.

5. Sort out the words according to their composition: candle, stove, squirrel, lady, hat.

6.Which of these words are complex? Write down these words, highlight the roots: snowman, digger, strawberry, island, greenhouse, motor ship, warmth.

7. Which nouns do not have a singular form?

Blinds, mustaches, eyes, shorts, shoes, vacations, tables, lanterns, scissors.

8. Choose adjectives for these nouns:

Cockatoo; ... chimpanzees; ... shampoo; ...tulle.

Option #5 (no answers)

1. Determine which words in each quadruple are “relatives”, and which “non-relatives” (extra words) are “evicted from the nest”:

- small, little one, painter, baby;

- thunderstorm, formidable, bunch, thunderous;

- cavalry, cavalry, window sill, stable;

- laziness, lazy, tape, sloth.

2. Sanya wrote on the board in cursive: “One hundred and forty and one hundred and forty will be two hundred and forty.” Did he make a mistake in the calculation?

3. Eliminate the extra word:

- shark, alphabet, actress, army, pharmacy;

- raspberries, pike, perch, whale;

- raspberries, strawberries, currants, apple.

4. Solve the anagram and cross out the extra word: dme'dve, nolye, akshko, oiasn.

5. What parts of speech can be the following words: ate, salt.

Make up all possible phrases, indicate what part of speech these words are in the phrase.

6. Which vowel is always stressed? How will the meaning of the sentence “The banks of the thicket” change if the preposition “y” is placed in front?

7. Form words where the first part is:

TV..., cinema...

8. From each word of each line, take one syllable (underline it), form and write a new word:

Plate - picture - peacock.

Boots - parachute - fantasy.

Mowers - frost - pilot.

Option #6 (no answers)

1. Solve a spelling problem by inserting the desired letter at the beginning of a word. Highlight the prefix in the word.

(s, h) giving, (s, h) reap, (s, h) give, (s, h) do, (s, h) here, (s, h) protect, (s, h) bend, ( s, h) it is said, (s, h) from here, (s, hello, not a (h, s) gi, (s, h) beat is visible.

2. Write the expression “dry grass” in four letters.

Answer: hay.

3. What work are these lines from? Who is author?

Behind the mountains, behind the forests,

Across the wide seas

Not in heaven - on earth

An old man lived in a village.

Answer: Ershov P.P. "The Little Humpbacked Horse".

4. Underline the words that have more letters than sounds:

Group, line, fate, shriveled, ash, rowan.

Answer: group, fate.

5. Find errors in the text and correct them.

The young moon Niska is cheerful over the forests. Its gentle light shone in the rainy clouds. It smelled like wet grass. A belated cuckoo was calling in the park.

Answer: The young moon hung low over the forest. Its gentle light shone in the rainy clouds. It smelled like wet grass. A belated cuckoo was calling in the park.

6. Write the adjectives according to their meaning:

To drink coffee. Hang... tulle. Enter... the tunnel. See... flamingos. Rub... callus.

7. Put the words in the plural.

Tractor - ..., director - ..., tulle - ..., driver - ..., flamingo - ..., engineer - ..., tangerine - ..., orange - ....

8. Write down 10 nouns that are used only in the plural.

Option No. 7 (no answers)

1. Put emphasis in words:

Carpenter, belt, endpaper, dancer, bell, briefcase, beetroot, quarter.

2. Underline the words in which the number of letters and sounds is the same.

Spruce, top, sow, sing, nightingale.

3. Make up phrases “adjective + noun” with the words: ... tulle, ... callus, ... shampoo, ... tunnel.

4. Write words (if possible) with spelling patterns, starting with the same letter, gradually increasing the word by one letter.

5. Insert the missing letters and open the brackets: S...dit (on) leisurely river.... It's hot. Even water...measures (not) run (on) the surface of the water.... T...tire.

6. There are six excellent students in the third grade. Their names are encrypted in the rebus. Guess the name of each excellent student. How many of them are girls and boys?

7. Using the method of elimination, choose the correct answer: Maria waves, Praskovya plows, Elena is lazy, Evgeniy gets married. And Pavel?

(A) waves; (B) plows; (B) is lazy; (D) gets married; (D) is struggling.

8. Complete the phrase “The thief crept up to the window and...” correctly. (A) into the forest into the interior; (B) climbed inside; (B) climbed inside;

(D) got inside; (D) got into the inside.

Olympiad in Russian language in 2nd grade
Explain phraseological units:
nod off, pull yourself together, fold your arms, prick up your ears.
Guess the charade:
The first is a note, the second is a game,
The whole will be met at the carpenter.
Rearrange the letters to form words and write them down. Find the extra word and its underscores.
Match these words with words with the opposite meaning:
close, high, easy, difficult.
Place stress on the words:
alphabet, library, ringing, cement, cakes.
Write down the words that have two vowel sounds next to each other:
lily, oasis, foyer, singing, sauna.
Words in “sound clothing” are given. Write them down in letters.
[m at], [in os], [l es]
Choose the right word:
Grandma doesn't have (glasses, glasses, glasses)
Masha doesn't have nice (shoes, shoes, shoes)
How many times do the sounds [t] and [t] appear in the poem?
The linden trees joined hands
The linden branches are intertwined,
The wind gets angry: “I’ll knock you down!”
I don’t tolerate stubborn people!”
I blew again as hard as I could,
But he didn’t knock the trees off their feet.
Which word has the same number of sounds and letters?
It’s too late, it’s blowing, it’s five, it’s spinning, they’re sowing.
Write down the sentence stems:
They bloomed the maiden into a bright room.
Ivan Tsarevich went after the ball.
Day and night, sea waves crash against the rocks.
My brother sent me a wonderful gift by mail.
Palm trees grow on the seashore.

Olympiad in Russian language in 3rd grade
Choose Russian proverbs that are suitable in meaning to these proverbs:
Vietnamese: “A leisurely elephant reaches its goal faster than a frisky stallion”
Finnish: “He who asks will not get lost”
Choose synonyms for adjectives:
Quiet ride, quiet night, quiet voice;
True friend, true answer;
Strong rope, strong tea, strong body
Explain stable combinations of words in one word:
The cat cried, play dumb, carelessly, kill it on the nose
Explain these phraseological units:
A teaspoon per hour.
With a gulkin nose.
The chickens don't peck.
Like a chicken paw.
The chickens laugh.
What words are pronounced this way?
[sad t,] [l es t]
Make up a word if it contains
The root is from the word “sailor”,
The ending comes from the word “winter”,
The prefix is ​​from the word “to fly”
Suffix - from the word “Russian”
Place stress on the words:
Cakes, plum, calling, alphabet, pine.
What part of speech are these words:
Roy, my, close, simple, oven.
Determine the part of speech:
The iron-fisted sinker was dissolving the sickly thing.
Sort out the words according to their composition:
Candle, stove, squirrel, lady, hat.
Choose adjectives for these nouns:
Cockatoo, chimpanzee, shampoo, tulle.
Which nouns do not have a singular form:
Blinds, mustaches, eyes, shorts, shoes, vacations, tables, lanterns, scissors.
Write it out Difficult words, select the roots:
Snowman, digger, strawberry, island, greenhouse, motor ship, warmth.

1. Select Russian proverbs that are suitable in meaning to these proverbs:

Vietnamese: A leisurely elephant reaches its goal faster than a frisky stallion.

Finnish: He who asks will not get lost.

2. Replace stable combinations of words with one word.

The cat cried - ...;

To kick the bucket - ...;

Sleevelessly - ...;

Nick down - ... .

3. Explain these phraseological units:

A teaspoon per hour.

With a gulkin (sparrow) nose.

The chickens don't peck.

Like a chicken paw

The chickens laugh.

4. What words are pronounced this way?

[ GRU S" T" ]; [L"E S"T"]

5. Make up a word if it contains: the root - from the word “sailor”; prefix - from the word “fly”; suffix - from the word “Russian”; the ending comes from the word “winter”.

6. Place the emphasis in the words: beets, statue, cement, carpenter, blinds.

7. What words can be classified as different parts of speech? Roy, my, close, simple, oven.

Make up phrases with them so that you can determine what parts of speech they are.

8 Sort the words according to their composition: candle, stove, squirrel, lady, hat.

9.Which of these words are complex? Write down these words, highlight the roots: snowman, digger, strawberry, island, greenhouse, motor ship, warmth.

10. Which nouns do not have a singular form?

Blinds, mustaches, eyes, shorts, shoes, vacations, tables, lanterns, scissors.

11. Choose adjectives for these nouns:

Cockatoo; ... chimpanzees; ... shampoo; ...tulle.

12. Solve the anagram and cross out the extra word: dmejdve, nolye, akshko, oiasn

13. What parts of speech can the following words be: ate, salt.

Make up all possible phrases, indicate what part of speech these words are in the phrase.

14. Which vowel is always stressed? How will the meaning of the sentence “The banks of the thicket” change if the preposition “y” is placed in front?

15. Form words where the first part is:

TV..., cinema...

Option No. 6 (partially with answers)

1. Solve a spelling problem by inserting the correct letter at the beginning of the word. Highlight the prefix in the word.

(s, h) giving, (s, h) reap, (s, h) give, (s, h) do, (s, h) here, (s, h) protect, (s, h) bend, ( s, h) it is said, (s, h) from here, (s, hello, not a (h, s) gi, (s, h) beat is visible.

2. Write the expression “dry grass” in four letters.

Answer: hay.

3. What work are these lines from? Who is author?

Behind the mountains, behind the forests,

Across the wide seas

Not in heaven - on earth

An old man lived in a village.

Answer: A.S. Pushkin "Goldfish".

4. Underline the words that have more letters than sounds:

Group, line, fate, shriveled, ash, rowan.

Answer: group, fate.

5. Find errors in the text and correct them.

The young moon Niska is cheerful over the forests. Its gentle light shone in the rainy clouds. It smelled like wet grass. A belated cuckoo was calling in the park.

Answer: The young moon hung low over the forest. Its gentle light shone in the rainy clouds. It smelled like wet grass. A belated cuckoo was calling in the park.

6. Write the adjectives according to their meaning:

To drink coffee. Hang... tulle. Enter... the tunnel. See... flamingos. Rub... callus.

7. Put the words in the plural.

Tractor - ..., director - ..., tulle - ..., driver - ..., flamingo - ..., engineer - ..., tangerine - ..., orange - ....

8. Write down 10 nouns that are used only in the plural.

Option No. 7 (no answers)

1. Put emphasis in words:

Carpenter, belt, endpaper, dancer, bell, briefcase, beetroot, quarter.

2. Underline the words in which the number of letters and sounds is the same.

Spruce, top, sow, sing, nightingale.

3. Make up phrases “adjective + noun” with the words: ... tulle, ... callus, ... shampoo, ... tunnel.

4. Write words (if possible) with spelling patterns, starting with the same letter, gradually increasing the word by one letter.

I’m standing on our shore, on the calm border of the shore.

(on the shore – noun, shore boundaries – verb).

  1. Place emphasis on words.

Beetroot, statue, cement, carpenter, blinds.

Finnish: he who asks will not get lost. (The language will take you to Kyiv).

  1. …. cockatoo (bright, angry, lonely)
  2. ... chimpanzee (sad, kind, funny)
  3. ... shampoo (mild, fragrant, citrusy)
  4. ...tulle (beautiful, light, transparent)
  1. Root - from the word sailor
  2. The ending is from the word winter
  3. Prefix - from the word fly
  4. Suffix - from the word Russian (seaside)

Blinds, mustaches, eyes, shorts, shoes, vacations, tables, lanterns, scissors. (Blinds,

Shorts, vacations, scissors).

Snowman, digger, strawberry, island, greenhouse, motor ship, warmth.

(Digger, motor ship).

Forest, forester, beauty, forest, forester, ladder, coppice, forester,

Forestry, mechanic, forester.

(Forest, forester, forester, forester, coppice, forestry).

Hack on the nose - (remember)

Nod off - (doze off)

To kick the bucket - (to sit back)

Suck it out of your finger - (invent)

10. Complete the proverbs:

No matter how much the rope twists, ... (and the end will come).

Where there are a lot of words... (there is little action).

11. Choose synonyms for the definition words:

Sad – (sad)

Joyful - (cheerful)

Hard – (hard)

Brave – (brave)

Grit, sali, hutep, feleton, devmed. (Tiger, fox, rooster, telephone, bear)

13. Divide the words into two groups:

Cash article.

(Pencil case, student, glove, cow. Stand, snowflake, bucket, side)

This is too tough for you - ... (This is too tough for you)

I put my teeth on the shelf -... (I didn’t eat anything)

Has a grudge against me - ... (Has a grudge against me)

The tooth does not touch the tooth - ... (Very cold)

(Salt, moth, pain, role)

16. Sort the words according to their composition:

Notebook, leaflet, tractor driver, asterisk, seaside, unmistakable.

Option II.

1. What parts of speech are the highlighted words?

That's what the oven is for so that there is bread in it bake.

(That’s why bake is a noun, bake bread is a verb)

2. Place emphasis on words.

Sorrel, pine needles, tool, painter, meatballs.

3. Choose a Russian proverb that matches the meaning of this proverb:

Vietnamese: a leisurely elephant reaches its goal faster than a frisky stallion.

4. Choose adjectives for these nouns:

  1. …. emu (fast, mature, brave).
  2. ... cuff (clean, white, starched).
  3. ... taxi (city, green-eyed, intercity)
  4. …callus (painful, large, bleeding)

5. Make up a word if it contains

  1. Root - from the word fence
  2. The ending is from the word frosty
  3. Prefix - from the word close
  4. Suffix - from the word cold (country)

6. Which nouns do not have a singular form?

Blinds, socks, lips, shorts, sneakers, tongs, chairs, manuscripts, pliers

(blinds, lips, shorts, sneakers, tongs, pliers).

7. Which of these words are complex? Write down these words, highlight the roots.

Truck, gardener, gardener, diesel locomotive, greenhouse, steamship, warmth.

(Gardener, diesel locomotive, steamship)

8. Choose only words with the same root:

Cheerful, oar, merry fellow, housewarming, fun, hung, vertical, cheerful,

Amused, universe.

(Cheerful, merry fellow, fun, amused).

9. Replace phraseological units with one word:

Sharpen the lasses - ... (chat)

The cat cried - ... (a little)

To sit back - ... (to sit back)

Take water into your mouth - ... (be silent)

10. Complete the proverbs:

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness)

The day until the evening is boring... (if there is nothing to do)

11.Choose synonyms for the definition words:

Beautiful –…(beautiful)

Greedy -...(stingy)

Smart -... (smart)

Clumsy -... (clumsy)

12. Compose words, gradually eliminating “extra” words:

Farzhi, nosl, terpyukom, kusbar, letdya.

(Giraffe, elephant, computer, badger, woodpecker)

13. Divide the words into two groups: b..reap., star..zda, teach..l, d..bro, p..midor, st..rina, k..r.ndash.

(Coat, teacher, tomato, pencil. Run, star, good, old man).

14.Explain how you understand these expressions:

Jack of all trades - ... (Can do many things)

The master is afraid of the work - ... (If the master does the work, then everything will work out right away)

There is no room for an apple to fall - ... (Very cramped)

Pull yourself together -... (Contain your emotions).

15. Write down the nouns:

(Daughter, stove, speech, flow).

16. Sort out the words according to their composition:

Bookmark, whistle, pianist, bone, suburban, legless.

Brazilian coffee; spacious foyer; sing solo, coloratura soprano, read libretto, broadcast on local radio; accompany on the piano; return by taxi; go to Tbilisi; witty entertainer; information desk, high Beshtau, huge chimpanzee; funny pony; railway depot; the great Verdi; old lady; picturesque Capri. (41 words)

Note. Underline the indeclinable nouns.

1. The asphalt highway stretched for hundreds of kilometers 2. We gathered in a cozy cafe. 3. Please give me a cup of black coffee. 4. It’s getting cold, you’ll have to wear a warm coat. 5. Pierre Curie was born in France. Marie Curie was born in Poland. 6. In the newspaper we read an interesting interview with a children's writer. 7. We were traveling in a two-seater coupe. 8. Brief conclusion from what has been said, final words The report is called a summary. 9. The weight of the goods with packaging is called gross, and the net weight of the goods is called net. 10. Everyone agreed with the decision of the jury. 11. The high-water Mississippi flows in America. (77 words)

About coffee

They learned about coffee in Europe in 1591, when an Italian doctor spoke about it as a medical remedy. He wrote: “In one of the Egyptian gardens I saw a tree bearing seeds. Arabs and Egyptians use them to prepare their favorite drink, which they drink instead of wine and call it “coffee.” Its seeds are brought from Arabia. The leaves of the tree are evergreen. The infusion is drunk to strengthen the stomach and stimulate digestion.

In Egyptian coffee shops they told an Arabic legend about how in Ethiopia one shepherd noticed that goats, after eating berries from a coffee bush, did not sleep, but frolicked and jumped all night. He said

about this mullah, who decided to experience the effects of these berries on himself so as not to fall asleep in the mosque. The experience was a success. (113 words)

Creative dictation

Note. Choose adjectives for these nouns:

cocoa, coffee, puree, jelly, dressing table, compartment, atelier, coat; cockatoo; chimpanzee; Mississippi; Gounod.

More entries:

1. An eagle flew over the mountains. 2. During the excursion we visited the city of Orel. 3. A yellowed leaf fell on my table. 4. Composer Franz Liszt was born

Genitive case 1. There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts, complex or simple, for which there would not be an exact expression in our language. (Paust.) 2. After

Selective dictation Instruction. Write down the perfective verbs 1. In the evening the weather turned bad, leaden clouds frowned, and it began to rain. 2. The clouds were gloomy all day, sometimes it rained and snowed.