Why are Russians feared and respected all over the world? Can Russia achieve respect without scaring the whole world?

We have to admit the unpleasant truth: the whole world does not respect
Russians. You cannot give your Natural resources crooks,
and run around with your bare bottom and embarrass yourself.
In fact, Russians will not be allowed into any country without a visa.
and they will also deny you a visa. Just because you are Russian.
The consulates of most countries see us
"Russian illegal immigrant, Russian prostitute, Russian
migrant worker, Russian bandit." And such bias
and arrogance, unfortunately, has every reason.
You don't have to look far for reasons for this.
deplorable status quo - they are before my eyes
every day. Here is Miller from the thieves' company "Gazprom"
He recently boasted about how much Russian gas he was selling.
Did any of you get even a penny?
No? Look better. Probably fell through a hole
in the pocket.
At least someone here asked the question - where did this money go?
What do self-disrespecting people do with their
natural resources? Gives them free of charge to the first
counter-Miller, Abramovich, Putin, Prokhorov
and goes to sell Chinese clothes.
"raketa" (racket) - the same Chechens, they say "you have to pay, Urus."
Urus pays. Local administration and police
do not protect him - they are weak and corrupt.
Tell me, will anyone respect such a Urus,
such a state?
Let's take the example of another nation.
The Norwegians did not give their resources to anyone.
The modest state-owned company Statoil sells folk
oil and gas and allocates funds for the development of the country
and to the people. There are no oligarchs. ALL citizens receive
the world's highest wages and natural resource rents
Will Norwegians be respected by foreigners in the world?
living in Norway?
They will. Foreigners will also ingratiate themselves.
The photo shows a Romanian cleaning a Norwegian's shoes in Oslo

Here are the events that happened in the city of Pugachev. Actually,
all of Russia beyond the Moscow Ring Road consists of such Pugachevs
or Kuschevok.
Calls were heard: “Evict the foreigners,
they don’t respect us and will separate Chechnya altogether"
So what, the oligarchic-homeless system will change?
after you evict the foreigners?
The Russian state will invest funds
from the sale of natural resources to development
country, will take care of every citizen?
No, the status quo will remain the same.
Miller will sell gas in the same way
in your pocket, and you will stand in the cold and heat
with Chinese clothes and pay those who say:
"Tambov", "Kurgan", "Solnechnogorsk"
Now, what will happen if Chechnya is separated?
There will be a peaceful, calm state
like Switzerland or Norway?
No, hundreds of thousands will pour into the separated enclave
Tsarnaevs from all over the world and they will blow them up
not Boston, but Russian cities, announcing them
"Territory of Allah"
Why does he so persistently want to separate from Russia?
The Caucasus is all this murky riffraff like Navalny?
To use the Caucasus as a springboard
for the dismemberment of Russia
New Yeltsin, Destroyer of the Country No. 2
Navalny has already been found for you.
And someone stole it because he was shameful
oligarchic homeless regime with Putin's face
I'm seriously annoying everyone and someone agrees
even just for a face replacement.
Similar calls to “evict and separate” -
these are the calls of WEAK PEOPLE.
Make sure you are respected in your
country - first evict Vanka the Burdock from
your head!
Face the truth, don't look for someone to blame
in people with different hair or skin color
Until you are the master of your natural resources
in your own country, with your money for now
Gazprom is building a gas scraper for itself, Timchenko
is building a stadium in another country, Prokhorov
buys prostitutes for guests in the villa,
and Abramovich and Lebedev spill on Londoners
"golden shower" do not expect respect from anyone.
If you agree with the above,
please UNITE:

This is not a stupid demand for you,
so that government officials buy cars for themselves for 1.5 million
Government officials are not allowed, but Abramovich’s lackeys
and Prokhorov maybe? Will you get at least something from this?
If you don't agree that 2x2=4, well, please.
Tell me you're Russian, you'll soon drive me away
all small nations and divide the country
to all parts.
Let's return to our Romanian and Norwegian.
What you see is typical
Norway scene. Please note how
tries to please the Romanians. Note that the Norwegian is the most ordinary
with the most common salary starting from 5 thousand euros per month,
person from the crowd.

Now, imagine for a moment that in Norway there is no
democratic socialism and Russian oligarchic
homeless man. In the center of Oslo there is a Statoil gas scraper,
some "Oslo Center". Prime Minister
received power by inheritance and did not change for 18 years
Friends of the Prime Minister are actively buying football
teams, villas and yachts around the world
Friends, tell me, I think I’m saying everything clearly
and clearly, nothing abstruse.
Open your eyes yourself, please.
I can’t lift your eyelids like Viya.
The photographs show people of other nationalities
doing well in Norway
and respect the country that has become new to them
They respect you because there is something to respect for!

Russians have always been treated with prejudice throughout the world. In some countries they respect us, in others they fear us, in others they openly despise us. Unfortunately, there are more second and third ones than the first. Why is this attitude towards us and who considers us the main threat?

Recently, one of the Western research centers published data from a large-scale survey, the purpose of which was to find out what global threats residents fear most different countries and continents. The survey involved 45,000 people from 40 countries.

Most of the countries where Russia is a concern are in Europe. Thus, about 40% of respondents expressed some concern about Russians, although residents of these countries did not call Russia the main threat to the world. Of course, one can understand that residents of countries such as Germany, England, France, and Spain are subject to constant anti-Russian propaganda, and the result of the survey did not come as any surprise to us.

Residents of countries such as Poland, the Czech Republic, and the Baltic states generally consider us enemies. From their point of view, the Russians are occupiers, the Russians are to blame for all the troubles that they had, are and will have. In countries where Russians like to vacation, such as Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, they don’t show any open hatred towards us, but they don’t show love either. Here, in general, it’s clear that Russian tourists relax “widely,” drink, fight, and “gouge.” Although most Russians behave quite decently.

I would like to understand the reasons why they are trying to push us to the “edge” of civilization, to understand their fears and worries. The main one, and probably the most main reason Their fear is the size of our country; Russia simply does not fit into their “prosperous” brain. And the vast and unknown always causes fear.

Another, no less important reason is our history of wars. Russia practically did not wage wars of conquest, and all serious conflicts ended in the victory of Russian weapons. It was Russia that defeated Napoleon, who had previously marched victoriously throughout Europe; it was Russia that won a great victory in the Second World War. Historical memory is firmly “embedded” in the subconscious of Europeans, because it was they who repeatedly “raked out” Russian “Lula” in dozens of conflicts throughout our 1000-year history.

The third reason why fear and respect are measured is Russian army. With a population of 146 million people, Russia has an army of more than a million, capable of wiping out any state from the face of the earth, even one that is the stronghold of world democracy and the defender of all the oppressed on earth, the United States of America.

IN last years, Russia has fully demonstrated its capabilities in the field of weapons, and this greatly worries Western elites. But the biggest fear is our nuclear weapons; by the way, they also have a sobering effect.

There are also less important, but still decisive reasons to respect and fear Russians. For example, the strength of the Russian spirit, repeatedly in the history of our country, people instantly mobilized to solve a difficult task and sacrificed their lives for the future of our Motherland.

Of course, some of the things that are said about us are not unfounded. But most of them are outright fables. Some foreigners are sure that Russians walk around in shirts with balalaikas, drink all the time and drag bears with them on chains.

Russian tourists are welcome in many countries, but there are places where Russians are especially loved. From Serbia, where Russians are called brothers, to India, where thousands of Russians leave every year.


Relations between Russia and Serbia have a long history, during which they have been tested for strength more than once. Although sometimes things were not so smooth. However, during periods of major upheaval - the expansion of the Ottoman Empire, the First and Second World Wars, the Yugoslav crisis of the 1990s - Russia always came to the aid of the small Balkan country, or at least expressed its full support.

Public opinion polls conducted in Serbia in 2010 showed that Serbs have a significantly better attitude towards Russians than towards their European neighbors, and this despite the fact that there is also a certain negativism among the Serbian elite, associated largely with inflated expectations of support from Russian side.

Currently, about 2.5 thousand Russians live in Serbia; some Serbian universities have a Russian language department.

Since 2009, a visa-free regime has operated between Russia and Serbia; several tens of thousands of Russians come to the Balkan country every year. However, the attitude of the Serbs towards the Russians is best characterized by a poster in the center of Novi Sad, on which it is written in Russian: “Thank you Russia!”


The connection between Greece and Russia has always been close, as it was based on similar spiritual and cultural values. The desire to preserve traditions is evidenced by the numerous visits of Russian leaders to Greece.

In particular, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov took part in events dedicated to the 185th anniversary of the declaration of independence of Greece, after its liberation from the Ottoman yoke. This is a memorable event in which Russia also played a role.

Russians are loved in Greece and are always welcome. Greece in Lately is one of priority areas holiday for Russian tourists, which was largely facilitated by the simplification of the visa regime between the two countries.

Statistics show that over the past three years the flow of Russian tourists to Hellas has more than tripled.

In 2013, the number of vacationers from Russia amounted to 1 million 352 thousand people. Russian tourist on average spends about 1 thousand euros in Greece, while tourists from other countries usually spend no more than 700 euros here.

Greek Ambassador to the Russian Federation Danai-Magdalini Kumanaku, when asked about stereotypes regarding Russians, answered that “in Greece there is a positive attitude towards Russia.” Repatriates from the USSR, who are well integrated into Greek society, act as a kind of bridge in the relationship between Greeks and Russians.


After the collapse of the USSR, Russia inherited close friendly and partnership relations with India. Many Russians willingly move to this Asian country, where they live very comfortably.

The warm attitude of Indians towards Russians is largely due to the comprehensive assistance that the Soviet Union provided to India. Russian entrepreneur Anna Tikhaya-Tishchenko notes that “it’s surprisingly pleasant to be Russian in India,” also due to the similarity of the mentality of the two peoples.


Cuba has not yet forgotten the enormous financial, economic, military and political support that the Soviet Union provided to it. Even when Russia stopped providing assistance to Liberty Island in the early 1990s and took the path of normalizing relations with the United States, the Cubans essentially did not change their attitude towards the Russians.

Let us note that quite recently, despite the difficult economic situation in the country, the Cuban authorities decided to allocate money for construction in Havana Orthodox church. Cubans still carefully care for the Memorial dedicated to Soviet internationalist soldiers.

Russian tourists are always welcome guests at Cuban resorts.

It cannot be said that they are loved there more than others, but they are always treated cordially. Especially warm relations, according to vacationers from Russia, are in the Cuban province, which is not so spoiled by money.


During the Soviet era, Nicaragua was the second most important strategic partner of our state among countries after Cuba. Latin America. Large financial injections into the economy of Nicaragua provided significant support to the developing state. Russia also forgave almost the entire debt of the Latin American country - the total amount of amnestied funds amounted to almost $6 billion.

Nicaraguans never forget the free assistance that our country has provided and continues to provide.

To this, the country's leadership, represented by President Daniel Ortega, responds to Russia with unconditional support in the international political arena. Thus, Nicaragua became the first country after Russia to recognize the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Confirmation of the strong traditions of friendship between the two countries can be seen on the streets of Managua. “Russia – Nicaragua” - this inscription adorns the buses plying around the capital.


Russian-Venezuelan relations received a good impetus for their development back in 1857, when Russian empire recognized the independence of the Republic of Venezuela. In 2008, after the visit of President Dmitry Medvedev to Venezuela, there was a new leap in relations between the two countries, which was followed by an Agreement on the waiver of visa formalities between Moscow and Caracas.

There are few Russians in Venezuela. These are mainly tourists. Often, as Russian guests note, if the Venezuelan likes the interlocutor, he will show the way, give the necessary information, and perhaps feed him.

The best gratitude for a hospitable host would be a small souvenir in the form of a T-shirt or cap with the inscription “Russia”.

President of Caribbean Dream Group Mikhail Kranchev, who lives on Margarita Island, confirms good attitude Venezuelans to Russians. Kranchev notes that even during the presidency of Hugo Chavez, Venezuelans liked to repeat that “our presidents are friends.”


Russia has a long and strong relationship with Syria. Almost from the moment the Syrian Arab Republic was founded, the Soviet Union provided it with diplomatic and military support in the confrontation with Israel.

In 1971, the logistics unit of the USSR Navy was founded in the Mediterranean port of Tartus. Soviet firearms, cars, tanks, planes, and missiles were supplied to Syria.

Thus, Syria became the most loyal state to the Soviet Union in the Middle East.

Syria was unable to pay Soviet Union for supplied weapons, so by 1992 its debt to Russia exceeded $13.4 billion.

Part of the Syrian debt - $9.8 billion out of $13.4 billion - was written off in 2005. To repay the remaining amount, a number of agreements were signed between Moscow and Damascus in the field of construction, oil and gas. Syria also pledged to purchase Russian weapons and modernize those supplied to Soviet times armored vehicles.


In Turkey they love Russian tourists. Perhaps this is a historical memory. Despite the fact that Russia often fought with Ottoman Empire, after the revolution relations Soviet Russia and the Turkish Republic have changed. The USSR greatly helped Turkey in its development. He supplied food and weapons.

The Soviet government helped Ankara in the construction of two gunpowder factories, supplying equipment and raw materials for them.

Frunze allocated 100 thousand rubles to the authorities of Trabzon for organizing an orphanage, and Aralov donated Turkish army 20 thousand liras for the purchase of traveling printing houses and film installations.

The Lausanne International Conference on Turkey, held from November 1922 to July 1923, led to the proclamation of Turkey independent state, whose president was Mustafa Ataturk. All foreign troops were withdrawn from the country.

During the conference, the Entente reserved the Turkish straits. When the Montreux Convention was signed in 1936, where the USSR was already a full participant and Turkey was a very strong state, the Turks returned sovereignty over the straits.

Photo: At the exhibition “Map of Russia. Milestones of History" in the Assumption Belfry of the Moscow Kremlin. Photo: IZVESTIA / Vladimir Suvorov

For any state, it is extremely important what vision of the purpose and goals of its existence the population develops, what image of the country it supports, and whether this image is confirmed in reality.

High and adequate national self-esteem is good because it disposes citizens to collective and personal achievements and exploits, and generally contributes to the success of the social system. Unreasonably high self-esteem sooner or later due to setting unattainable goals and not meeting expectations leads to big problems.

Our country has always been a great power, but in order to continue to be such, it needs not only to turn to the past for confirmation, but also to build the present and future accordingly, to articulate its own project and value agenda. Not just articulate, but actively confirm them with all your actions aimed at external and internal space. In this case, the world will take Russia into account and treat it, if not with sympathy, but with respect. It’s great when the population is confident in the high status of their country in the international arena. But if such ideas do not fully correspond to reality, then this is deliberate manipulation.

During a sociological survey, Russians were asked to express their opinion on what any country should have in order to command the respect of other political entities. In the list of ten positions, the first places are occupied by the following factors (with more than 10% of the votes):

High level of well-being of citizens;

High level of economic development; - high level of development of science and technology.

That is, people understand that if a state has a positive image in the eyes of the world community, this means that its citizens live quite well, its army is strong, its economy is growing, and science is progressing. And then they will be respected, forced to respect, since the country’s self-sufficiency, its sovereignty, and ability to stand up for itself and for those who need it are obvious.

Now pay attention to the answers of the same respondents to the question about the reasons for respect for modern Russia from other states. Positions that were noted by more than ten percent of respondents:

Military power, nuclear weapons;

Rich natural resources;

Large territory.

If we compare people's answers to these two questions, we get an interesting picture - factors designed to form a positive attitude towards countries in the world turn out to be practically ineffective in modern Russia. Either we really are so paradoxical, or these paradoxes are deliberately cultivated in the minds of Russians and are deliberately established as the norm. They respect countries that can provide their citizens with a decent standard of living, and in Russia today: there are more than 22 million people below the poverty line; material stratification is prohibitive (the Gini coefficient, the most common indicator of inequality, was 0.3993 in the first half of 2016); real incomes of the population have been continuously declining since October 2014.

States that have a strong army are respected. Russians believe in the military power of the country, and this is perhaps the only thing that really forces other geopolitical entities today to treat us with respect. We readily demonstrate our military potential in Georgia, Ukraine and the Middle East, but, as we know, it is largely a legacy of the Soviet era.

About current state economy, culture and science, our compatriots, it seems, no longer experience any special illusions, which is quite justified (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Russians on the reasons for respect for countries in the world

Except military power According to our fellow citizens, natural resources and the scale of the territory are reasons for respect. But in the case of our country, this is rather a reason not for respect, but for envy and aggression. The idea that Russia is incapable of governing its huge territories that they should be the property of all humanity (read hegemons), is permanently inherent in the Western world as an echo of its colonial and expansionist ambitions. Suffice it to remember what high-ranking Western politicians said and continue to say about the riches of the Russian land.

Margaret Thatcher, as Prime Minister of Great Britain, did not hesitate to speak very specifically: “It is economically justifiable for 15 million people to live on the territory of Russia, servicing wells and mines.” The goal is the implementation of the “golden billion” project, to serve which our territories and resources, including human ones, will be directed, which can hardly be considered as a gesture of respect.

Another representative of the West who is “respectful” towards Russia, Z. Brzezhinsky, in his work “Choice. World domination or global leadership" writes the following: "Uncountable natural resources Siberia is what promises the most promising prospects for Russia, and without Western help, Russia cannot be completely confident in maintaining its sovereignty over this land. Accordingly, transnational efforts to develop and populate Siberia have the potential to stimulate genuine rapprochement between Europe and Russia. For Europeans, Siberia could turn into what Alaska and California, taken together, became in their time for Americans: a source of enormous wealth, a field for profitable investment of capital, a kind of “Eldorado” for the most enterprising settlers. To hold Siberia, Russia will need help; it is unable to overcome this task on its own given the demographic decline it is experiencing and new trends in neighboring China. Thanks to a large-scale European presence, Siberia could eventually turn into a common Eurasian asset, the use of which would take place on a multilateral basis...” (Brzezinski Z. Choice. World domination or global leadership. / Translated from English - M.: International Relations, 2005. P. 140.).

That is, we cannot do without the help of the West, and Siberia is a goldmine that everyone should use. This position well confirms Toynbee’s characterization of Western civilization: it “seeks to master everything that is in the air, on the earth and in the water.” Meanwhile, Russian regional policy, or rather its almost complete absence (by presidential decree in 2014, the Ministry regional development abolished), leads to the fact that territories are depopulated and development stops there. And how can this fact command respect in the world? It is obvious that the logic of building criteria for respect is greatly violated: any country - for a strong economy, high standard of living and science, and us - for territory and resources that are managed ineffectively and recklessly. And this can cause nothing but irritation and aggression in the world community.

In fact, the survey showed that our compatriots understand Russia’s current inability to build a dialogue with the world by normal means - the state of our economy, science and culture does not allow this, but we can still flex our muscles, and this remains practically the only means forcing us to be perceived as a serious geopolitical subject. They understand, but do not accept.

Let us give another interesting illustration of the paradoxical thinking of our contemporaries regarding Russia’s relations with the outside world. According to a sociological survey conducted in October 2016, 52% of the population believes in the reality of the threat of a large-scale war between Russia and NATO, and 60% agree that over the past 2-3 years the likelihood of war has increased sharply (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Russians about the threat of war

It is clear that any conflict, one way or another, is determined by the actions of all parties involved in it. But the majority of Russians (66%) are confident that Russia has nothing to do with it, and its current policy is aimed at reducing the risk of war with NATO countries (Fig. 3). Moreover, to the open question of how exactly Russia’s policy contributes to reducing the risk of a large-scale war, most of the answers boiled down to the fact that we pursue a peaceful policy and strive to solve problems through democratic means. That is, Russia’s policy in Ukraine and Syria is democratic and peace-loving. It is clear that this is an act of propaganda, but it is useful to include your own mind at least a little, at least based on everyday life experience.

Rice. 3. Russians’ responses to the question “Do you think Russia’s policies have recently contributed to increasing or decreasing the risk of a large-scale war with NATO countries?”

In the psychology of politics, there is an approach that proposes to distinguish between the terms “image” and “image” on the basis that the first is formed spontaneously, and the second is constructed purposefully. The image can always be diagnosed. Although the study described above was called “the image of the country,” it seems that we are talking more about a kind of symbiosis that has clear historical background, but has been subjected to intensive processing by the propaganda media.

For what? In order for the average person, believing in respect for our country in the international community and rejecting the idea of ​​its status as an outcast, to be ready to endure hardships for the sake of this, and not to wonder too much about why in the richest country the people are begging, science and education have been reformed almost to the point of complete incapacity, and culture is associated with events like Eurovision.

Studying government ratings, we have already come to the conclusion that the main factor in their growth is international politics; take it away and the ratings will fall. Therefore, as long as the population believes in Russia’s success in the international arena, the government can be relatively calm.

Wherever the Russians come, the first thing they start doing is building. Regardless of the planned duration of stay and the attitude of the local population. This happened in Asia, Africa, and Afghanistan (special emphasis). But this is most and best seen in the example of the Baltic states. How much was built here during the time of the “Russian yoke” cannot be comprehended by today’s customary norms of investment per capita.

Factories, power plants, schools, universities, hospitals, roads, ports and entire cities - all this fell on the local population, freshly pulled out of the baronial chicken coops, as if from a cornucopia. They built passionately and a lot, as if for the last time. However, as always, as everywhere.

And as a result of all this bacchanalia of electrification, land reclamation, urbanization and other ***, the local bast population, which just yesterday the Aryan owners allowed into the capital only to clean public places, washed, dressed, fed, trained to be artists and artists - art historians at the expense of the “occupiers”, began to compare life on their farm and in the neighboring Russian village.

And somehow it turned out that in the original Russian village, after 50 years of continuous assistance to fraternal Soviet peoples, there was not even a tenth of the benefits of civilization that “suddenly” appeared among the “sisters and brothers.”

- And this is the metropolis??? – were the crowd of Soviet national-fraternal peoples horrified? Yes, we are a hundred times richer!!! And this means that we are a hundred... no, a thousand times smarter and cooler than this downtrodden, dirty Russian...

And at this time...

And not only in this time, but in general at all times and on all continents, the Anglo-Saxons, coming to any territory, the first thing they did was lower the local population to the ground. Below your baseboard. Where, by exchanging lands and gold for mirrors and rattles, where by painstaking and noble robbery, where by honest investments, which in the process turned into dishonest raiding, they busily and quickly dragged the resources of the colonies to the metropolis. And they built it too! Factories, power plants, schools, universities, hospitals, roads, ports and entire cities... BUT - at home!

And the robbed aborigines, comparing their destroyed historical homeland with the shining heights of the Anglo-Saxon metropolis, saw with the naked eye the difference between themselves - the wretched and the Great Anglo-Saxons, which automatically removed the question of who is smarter and cooler.

Based on the above, it is easy to diagnose a typical mistake of Russian civilization, which is repeated over and over again from century to century - namely, an artificial imbalance in investments in its own and adjacent territories.

Is it possible to build on the territory of “brotherly peoples”?

Of course you can. Only by invariably observing the proportions: for one school there - 10 - at home. One paved path - in the colony, three highways - in the metropolis. Moreover, all two of which are due to resources seized in this very colony. And such simple arithmetic will yield amazing results in just one generation - none of the “brotherly peoples” will no longer call Russians slaves and themselves the chosen ones. Because they will clearly understand that it is slaves who are elected. But relatives are not chosen. They are what they are. Such as God gave... And if anything - all complaints - to him...

And-and-and-and... don’t rush to call the author a Russian nationalist. You don’t consider the democrats Churchill and Obama to be nationalists... But just their quotes... only with translation into Russian...
Don't feed or flog! American recipe for people's love

— Why don’t they (Ukrainians) like us (Russians)? - a common question for many.
“$250 billion,” is the standard answer.
— What 250 billion?
— Russia has helped Ukraine for 10 years for this amount...
- So what?
- Well, that’s it! They helped and helped and in this way raised a capricious infantile child, who is already 23, and he spoils everything for himself... -
- What were we supposed to do? Throw it and forget it? It's a pity! Still ours!
- It was necessary to flog...
- How is that?
- But it’s like the USA. Please note - what complete and absolute approval there is for their actions all over the world!
But it’s all very simple - the USA is a competent educator!

He forgives nothing to anyone, puts him in a corner without regard to merit or age for any prank, and most importantly - never for free. If you take two, you give back four. But in order to take it, you will also dance and sing a song, and not the usual one, but until you sweat... And God forbid you forget a word in this song or mix it up... The Indians just couldn’t remember, and where are they now? Only those who firmly understood that Big Brother is always right remained!

Also in Europe

No matter how much mischief the loving Yankees committed in occupied Germany, the bad reputation about 100 million raped German women is still exclusively Russian. And why? But because there are still 20 US military bases in Germany. Therefore, the Germans consider the bombing of Dresden a blessing, and the storming of Berlin as the greatest barbarity...

Also in Japan

And the Japanese are incredibly grateful for atomic bombing their cities for a very simple reason - if you are not grateful - more will come... and then again... and so on until complete and absolute gratitude is established...

And in Bulgaria?

The Russians sacrificed more than a million of their lives for the happiness of the Bulgarian people - and as a result, Bulgaria fought against Russia in ALL wars. For it is not clear what to thank the Russians for? The Americans have a reason for this - in 10 years they drove the Bulgarians to where Russia pulled them out from 70 years ago. And the Bulgarians know - one careless “meow” - and they will wake up in the Stone Age! And so they wake up every morning - they look - no, not yet in stone, THANK YOU AMERICA! Smack-smack!
Why are there foreigners? Mother Russia even managed to raise an entire nation of people who sincerely hate her. And they hate it for the same simple reason - once having received something for free, a person will never be grateful to the giver, but on the contrary, will consider that the giver owes him something and will demand freebies, like a drug addict - a dose - in ever increasing quantities quantities.

And this…
Stop being fooled by the “brotherly people”... Sometimes you can allow yourself to be cynical.
Remember the purely feminine saying: Love was invented by men so as not to pay for sex?...
So “Brotherly People” was invented by swindlers in order not to repay debts...

You can distribute this short article as a recipe for universal love among peoples...

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