Industrial training for the profession. On-the-job training: where to start and how not to get lost. Mastering new, more complex jobs and skills

Industrial training is a process and educational subject in the vocational training system. It can be considered as a component of vocational education; training, retraining and advanced training of workers directly in production; part of labor training, education and vocational guidance in secondary secondary schools. Industrial training, as a component of the educational process, is characterized by specific goals, objectives, content, forms, methods and means of teaching.

Industrial training includes theoretical part - knowledge of the basics of science, engineering, technology, organization and economics of a specific industry and individual industries; ability to apply this knowledge in professional activity; practical part (the purpose of which is to attract students/students to the production process): introduction to the specialty; educational and production work in workshops, laboratories, on training grounds of schools, in educational and production workshops and departments of enterprises; industrial practice. Industrial training covers from 20 - 30% (for secondary specialized education) to 50% (for vocational education) of teaching time.

Industrial training how educational process carried out by industrial training masters. An important task of vocational training is to bring industrial training closer to real production. The goal is to prepare students/students for independent working life, quick adaptation, etc. real production conditions, fierce competition in the labor market. In conditions of market relations, the industrial training system, on the one hand, must quickly respond to changes in production needs for workers of a certain qualification and specialization, and on the other hand, provide workers or students with the opportunity to study depending on their interests. Modern simulators (complex, universal, etc.), electronic computer technology, special workshops, laboratories, educational research and production complexes, which make it possible to largely simulate the production process, help solve this problem. It is advisable to create such situations so that students Students had the opportunity to creatively approach solving practical problems and independently find their optimal solutions.

The general patterns of industrial training include: professional conditioning associated with the presence of many professions and professional groups; the relationship between production, education and educational processes; interaction between man and technology; intellectualization of professional activities of skilled workers; combination and rational alternation of industrial training systems at individual stages of training; polytechnic and professional orientation of labor productivity; combining professions and mastering several specialties; unity of social, professional and individual personality traits.

Industrial training has characteristic features. It is based on general educational, general technical and special knowledge, professional skills. The fundamental principles of the industrial training process are the integration and differentiation of general educational and professional knowledge, cooperation labor activity, polytechnics, complexity of types of work, systematic training, etc. The effectiveness of the industrial training system is ensured organic bond with enterprises, if basic enterprises and institutions provide the necessary equipment and materials; provide jobs and qualified specialists for consulting.

The main directions of industrial training are the creation of conditions for students/students to master production processes, socio-economic, scientific, technical and professional knowledge, best practices; education of a competitive specialist prepared for a variety of activities. The criterion for the professional preparedness of a future specialist is qualification, and its main indicators are professional mobility, mastery of several professions, and the ability to change types of work.

Industrial training can be carried out directly at the enterprise, in special training centers, as well as in the system of secondary and higher specialized education.

At the enterprise, industrial training is carried out in-house. Then it can be considered as practical and theoretical training in the chosen profession in the process of production activities. If industrial training is carried out outside the enterprise, then the role of the customer of specialists is to determine not only the number of specialists, but also the areas of training, which is fixed in the relevant contracts for personnel training1.

Industrial training in training workshops is carried out through modeling types of professional activities. In enterprise conditions, the educational process is included before the production process. The main form of industrial training in an educational institution is a lesson, and in an enterprise it is training and production work and practical training. The intermediate organizational form is laboratory and practical classes that ensure the relationship between theoretical and industrial training. The structure of the classes is dominated by exercises that include instructions from the industrial training master (introductory; ongoing, mostly individual; final).

Developed Various types industrial training systems. They are the same for all specialties, but are applied taking into account the specifics of the profession.

Subject system industrial training arose simultaneously with the development of craft production and craft students and was focused on the individual activities of those who study. The system was widespread in vocational schools (from the 17th century). During the learning process, students moved from making simple products to making more complex ones. However, the system had significant shortcomings, namely: weak consolidation of labor skills; unevenness in the study of elements of the labor process (some were acquired thoroughly, others superficially); difficulties in selecting products for complicated operations.

operating system industrial training appeared during the period of manufacturing production. It is based on the students’ sequential assimilation, first of individual operations, and then of techniques for independent work in the manufacture of simple products. This system made it possible for those studying to prepare to perform all the work in their profession and significantly accelerated the learning process. D.K. played a major role in improving the system. Sovetkin, who in 1868 carried out an analysis of the content of labor of workers in machine tool professions. He has developed industrial training programs that involve the consistent study of specific techniques and operations for processing a fragment of a part, rather than the final product. D.K. system Sovetkina, taking into account local conditions, was used in vocational education in a number of European countries under the name “Russian” and became an incentive for the development of other teaching tools. This system is also not without its drawbacks. The approach to the learning process as a simple combination of individual isolated operations turned out to be erroneous, since as a result, students forgot the techniques they studied when moving on to manufacturing a solid product and did not see the results of work after significant breaks between studying the elements of the labor process and their subsequent use. This led to a very slow formation of stable skills.

Operating current system industrial training is associated with the development of the current production organization system and is based on the division of the technological process into operations. Each student performed a specific type of work, then passed the part along a regular route for further processing. System allowed to master labor techniques in conditions of a high-speed system and highly mechanized production. But such an organization of industrial training did not give those who studied a complete understanding of the production process, deprived them of the opportunity to change types of work, and significantly limited personal development.

Operational subject system industrial training is based on the study of labor operations in the manufacture of products with increasing complexity. It was proposed in 1887 by the director of the Moscow vocational school S.A. Vladimirsky, who drew attention to the possibility of combining techniques and operations in order of increasing complexity of their implementation. A similar system was developed by the master technical school Baltic Shipyard P.I. Ustinov. Despite a number of improvements, compared to the operating system, the operational-subject system had many significant drawbacks, in particular: individual skills were reinforced, not their systems, thereby making work with minor changes in the technological process much more difficult.

Industrial Training System of the Central Labor Institute (Moscow) developed in the late 20s of the XX century. The main principle of this system was the division of the labor process into labor techniques that were performed in a system of exercises. Based on an analysis of the labor content of various professions, the forms and methods of labor training were determined. Each work process was accompanied by a special teaching methodology (analysis of motor skills, written instructions and simulators). Consequently, students developed stable automated skills and abilities, which was a significant advantage of the system. However, failure to take into account real working conditions in the exercises, mechanical performance of work according to strictly regulated instructions, which excludes a creative approach, long-term training in one type of activity and the absence of new cognitive elements were serious shortcomings of the system.

Operationally integrated system industrial training arose in the mid-30s of the XX century. in domestic schools of factory apprenticeship and provided for students to master basic operations with the alternation of complex work that was constantly becoming more complex. Students' mastery of all work techniques in combinations that arise in production provided great opportunities for using this industrial training system. At the same time, poor development creativity in labor activity and the insufficient interconnection of individual operations even then contradicted the pace of production development and complicated the transition to new technologies.

Reception-complex-species system industrial training developed by K.N. Katkhanovim (mid-70s of the XX century). The basis of the system is the identification of important elements of the profession - labor techniques, types of work; ensuring sustainable mastery of them within each type of activity and further combination of techniques into complexes. In this system, in contrast to the operational-complex system, the main element of industrial training is not the operation, but the method of work, which makes it possible to apply the system for the training of most blue-collar professions. The main method of developing skills and abilities is exercise. Students perform all elements under the guidance of a master of industrial training until they are completely mastered and only after that they move on to another type of work. At the final stage of training under this system, students develop automatic production skills. The system has certain features. It is built on the basis of a thorough analysis of the content of workers' labor and a generalization of the level of professional training that has been achieved; reveals the relationships between all elements of learning. The system best facilitates the transfer of technological and labor processes into the educational and production activities of students/apprentices. The disadvantages of the reception-complex-species system are the difficulties in selecting individual techniques for each type of work, which, in turn, include several ways to perform them, which often disrupts the sequence of employee actions; changes in work methods depending on the equipment, technology and organization of work used, thereby causing instability in the teaching methodology.

Problem-analytical system developed by S.Ya. Batishevim for industrial training in conditions of production automation and new production specialties in which intellectual knowledge and skills predominate. Goals - development of calculation, management, diagnostic, and communication skills in workers. Based on the distribution of training content into educational problems and elements of the labor process; determining appropriate functions for regulating technological processes and equipment; mastering skills and abilities in a certain sequence, determined by the real conditions of production and the nature of the worker’s participation in it.

In the problem-analytical system, each educational problem is an independent task. Industrial training includes a general familiarization with the technological process, identifying problems, establishing connections between them, studying each problem separately, and analyzing the training situation. The system provides for three periods of training: study and training in performing individual situations, problems as a whole, mastering the entire technological process, when students independently complete all tasks. In each period, stages of solving intellectual problems (one of the main functions of the system) and independent work under the guidance of an instructor. Students/students master the techniques of mental activity (planning, observation, identifying features, differentiation, systematization and generalization of factual material, etc.), acquire control and self-control skills, which indicates their development and readiness to deal with more complex problems. The disadvantages of the system include the difficulty of remembering the sequence of actions performed by students/pupils, recognizing primary and secondary situations and transferring acquired skills to new types of activities.

Procedural system industrial training proposed by A.E. Shilnikova (early 70s of the XX century). It is based on the study of the nature and content of the work of workers in the chemical industry, its essence is the mastery of a wide-profile profession (based on the classification of educational material according to procedural characteristics) and the means of managing and servicing typical groups of processes. In practical training, students/students acquire general industrial skills. The system is based on analysis structural components production and scientific knowledge general production patterns, on qualitative changes in the labor of workers in highly mechanized and automated industries. The content of industrial training includes the assimilation of general tools for planning work activities, technological techniques and the sequence of their implementation, the formation of skills and abilities to analyze a production task.

The process of industrial training at enterprises consists of familiarization with typical groups of technological processes, production specialization and independent work. Industrial training is carried out in three stages: preparatory (classes in workshops, on simulators, etc.), basic (specialization of students/apprentices) and final (independent management of the technological process). But, despite significant advantages, the system has a number of significant disadvantages, namely: the ability to be used primarily in conditions requiring a high level of material and technical equipment of production, the use of individual simulators, which does not allow the formation of an integral system of professional skills, and therefore does not provide the opportunity production activity at the level of professional skill from the first days of independent work.

Integrative-modular system developed by A.P. Belyaeva (80s of the XX century) based on the theory of professional and pedagogical integration, uniting the main spheres of science, education and production. Integration ensures a high level of industrial training for employees and stimulates them to creative work.

The content of industrial training for groups of professions is formed on the basis of an analysis of the types of production and work activities of skilled workers of various profiles. Curricula and programs include sections: general, integrated for a group of professions (general education, general technical and general professional subjects) and differentiated (special educational subjects and electives). Integration of industrial training content for groups of professions in the same industry is common National economy or industrial complex.

The process of industrial training using an integrative-modular system consists of training the entire group of professions according to general program, and then individual professions (or 2-3) from modular training. Modules are understood as complexes of operations, labor and technological processes inherent in the professions that are part of the group. Modular training is carried out mainly during the period of systematization of skills in a certain part of the technological process or during the acquisition of work skills on new equipment, as well as for the purpose better mastery specific skills. Automated training systems, production and process modeling are used at all stages of industrial training. The main difficulties are the lack of integration with certain types of professions, poor comprehensive provision of material and technical base, insufficient number of qualified teaching staff, and insufficient development of integrated educational content.

As the analysis shows, industrial training systems have constantly become more complex depending on the state of production. Each of them had certain advantages and disadvantages and corresponded to the existing level of development of technology, labor organization systems, and labor resources. With the increasing complexity of production, there was a need for new knowledge, skills and abilities, for the ability of the workforce to quickly retrain and change occupations, so each new system absorbed the experience of the previous one and took into account new trends, which ensured the effective training of qualified specialists for all spheres of the national economy.

As mentioned above, it is advisable to divide industrial training into three periods:

1. Period of exercises (typical techniques and operations are demonstrated, learned and reinforced).

2. The period of performing training and production tasks (using standard techniques and operations, a number of tasks and their combinations are performed with constant complication).

3. Period of independent work (students/pupils independently perform work at the workplace where they will work after training). This period ends with a qualification exam and assignment of the corresponding tariff and qualification category, class, title, etc.

During on-the-job training, the instructor conveys his experience in using effective training mechanisms in conditions close to real ones, and the student/apprentice perceives this experience - learns to work. Over the course of the training, the instructor provides the student with increasing independence, moving from explanations to ongoing comments, reminders and advice.

Industrial training is accompanied by theoretical training, in which the basic knowledge necessary for the conscious performance of production work is studied and is useful for a specialist for further career growth. They provide the student with knowledge of technology, understanding of the meaning and rules of performing work.

For theoretical classes, groups of workers (5 - 30 people) are organized, studying in one or related specialties.

Theoretical classes are conducted by qualified specialists according to the program and a specific schedule, which ensures that classes are completed before the start of the third period of industrial training. The student performs independent work with an understanding of it theoretical foundations, uses acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.

It is advisable to start the practical part with an introductory briefing for the industrial training master, during which the instructor tries to prepare the student/apprentice as much as possible for practical work, paying great attention to the connection between theoretical knowledge and practice; shows techniques and means of completing a production task in full slowly; demonstrates individual techniques; dwells on the most characteristic moments; divides one of the techniques into elements and demonstrates the means of their implementation. During the implementation of educational exercises, the skills acquired by students are consolidated, professional skills are formed with growing requirements for the pace of work, productivity, and level of self-control.

The main document that determines the content, volume and appropriate sequence of training is the curriculum. It presupposes the systematic, consistent development of equipment and technology, labor methods on the basis of reliable theoretical data, that is, the relationship between industrial and theoretical training.

Any type of training takes place according to training programs. The right to approve the curriculum belongs to the chief engineer or the person who performs his duties when it comes to training workers, and to the head of the educational institution, subject to agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science, when it comes to students.

Curricula can be developed by the most qualified specialists, teachers, or third parties on a contractual basis. The program is structured so that everything new is based on what is already known and the student gradually moves from simple to complex. Each program must contain: explanatory note; production and qualification characteristics by profession and qualifications; thematic plan and theoretical training program; thematic plan and practical training program; list of recommended literature and visual aids1.

The very idea of ​​industrial training is based on the concept of “lifelong learning”, by which we mean a continuous process of self-education and organized training in the process of industrial activity. Every specialist must understand that having mastered his specialty, he cannot stop. Any change means degradation of skill, loss of professional skills. And it is in this case that industrial training becomes useful as a system of training, retraining and advanced training of personnel.

The personnel management system at an enterprise faces a number of tasks: developing a strategy in the formation of qualified personnel; determining the need for personnel training for certain types of work; the correct choice of forms and methods of training, retraining and advanced training; the choice of software, methodological and material and technical support for the learning process as an important condition for quality training; allocation of funds to finance all types of training in the required quantity and with required quality. A comparison of the tasks of training new specialists and improving the skills of workers is given in Table. 3.5.

Industrial training is based on the following principles:

- training at the level of needs of advanced production technology, which assumes a thorough knowledge of the scientific principles of production; the use of modern machines and mechanisms, advanced technological processes and means of labor in the learning process;

Table 3.5. Tasks of industrial training

During the training of new specialists

During advanced training


Training of professional skills of students

Improving professional skills

Studying rational labor practices based on the experience of leading enterprises

Learning new, more complex work and skills

Mastering production standards, achieving quality indicators

Mastering new equipment and technology, studying advanced production organization

Mastering safety rules

Mastering new means and methods of work and itsorganization

- training based on production work, which is implemented through strict adherence to industrial training programs; execution of production social useful works in the learning process; combination of training in training workshops with participation in production;

- visibility of training, carried out by conducting excursions, showing technological, labor processes and their elements, showing films, etc.; constantly replenishing classrooms with visual aids and improving methods of their use;

- systematic and consistent teaching, what is achieved through strict adherence to the curriculum system; constant transition from known to unknown material, from simple to complex work; correct selection of exercises and educational programs and tasks;

- accessibility and strength of training, taking into account age and individual characteristics students/students, which involves balanced dosing of educational material; using a variety of teaching methods depending on the nature of the educational material and providing timely assistance to students/students; establishing time standards for students/students depending on periods of study;

- high level of knowledge and skills acquisition, which occurs through vivid explanation and demonstration; systematic repetition and complication of the studied material, teaching it in various combinations; maximum activity and independence of students/students while they perform tasks.

Today, industrial training is carried out according to the following scheme: educational institutions and professional institutions are independent organizations, between which direct connections may (or may not) be established, which should help the work of both the educational institution and the professional institution (in the forms of practical training, targeted training of employees of an educational institution in production, advanced training of workers in an educational institution, etc.). The positive features of this scheme for the training and retraining of specialists are the fixation of places of practice (as part of the renewal of contracts with basic enterprises and institutions); compliance of the forms and content of industrial training with standardized curricula ( educational institutions and training departments professional institutions); availability of detailed methodological support on both sides.

In this case, there are no and cannot be unforeseen problems in the process of training specialists (in in this case- industrial training). But under one condition - stability and continuity of cooperation between an educational institution and a professional institution.

But statistics show that most industries do not function due to production crises and, accordingly, reductions in funding for educational programs and costs for training and retraining of personnel. In other words, today the connections between an educational institution and a professional institution are deformed, which leads to the destruction of industrial training in the form of traditional industrial practice. Industrial training today must be structured taking into account the changed situation. A graduate specialist needs a program of professional growth and development, which contributes to his professional mobility and competitiveness in the labor market.

So, industrial training must take into account the complex conditions of the present, a certain state of science, technology, the possibility of lifelong learning, providing a knowledge system that can quickly adapt to any changes in production, helping students/students to concretize the acquired knowledge and use it in the course of execution various types of production work, prepare students/students for independent working life and competition in the rapidly changing labor market.

When hiring an employee without qualifications and specialty with subsequent training, an employment contract is concluded with him, which must contain all the conditions provided for by the Labor Code: information about the employee, basic rights and obligations, the term of the employment contract, payment procedure, etc. The duration of such an agreement may be limited to the time necessary for the employee to study and pass the qualification exam.

The contract can also include:

  • - the employer’s obligation to provide the employee with training opportunities;
  • - the employee’s obligation to undergo training and successfully pass the qualification exam;
  • - training period;
  • - the obligation of the employee, in accordance with the acquired profession, specialty, qualification, to work under an employment contract with the employer for a certain period;
  • - the possibility of terminating the contract in case of failure to pass the qualification exam, absence from classes without good reason, etc.

When specifying the employee’s job function, the employer may have certain questions. The fact is that the trainee does not yet have the necessary qualifications to perform work according to the labor function, for example, a carpenter or carver - he is hired with subsequent training.

In practice, employers often indicate “carpenter apprentice” in the contract. This is due to the fact that, according to the Instructions on the procedure for maintaining work books of employees, an entry in the work book of persons who entered work as a student must be made after the issuance of the order, but no later than a week. However, these Instructions do not clarify what specific entry (with or without mentioning the word “student”) should be made.

It is necessary to take into account that the names of professions, positions, specialties in the employment contract must correspond to qualification reference books approved in the manner determined by the Government of the Republic of Belarus. The name of the worker's profession is established in strict accordance with the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory, taking into account the actual work performed in a particular production, unless otherwise provided by regulatory legal acts.

In the National Classifier of the Republic of Belarus OKRB 006-2009 "Professions of workers and positions of employees" there are also no names of professions containing the concept of "student". Consequently, the name of the profession is entered in the work book without indicating “student”.

The following wording of the entry in the student’s employment contract seems possible:

1. The employer hires Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov as a carver of materials and products with preliminary training in this profession

Based on the employment contract, an order (instruction) of the employer is issued on hiring, as well as an order on sending the employee for training.

The educational process in the professional training of workers consists of two stages: theoretical and industrial training.

Theoretical training is aimed at mastering the theoretical knowledge necessary for the formation of skills in the profession, and industrial training is aimed at developing practical skills in the profession.

Industrial training can take place after theoretical training or alternate with it.

As a rule, the training is supervised by the immediate supervisor, who must have a higher or secondary specialized education in a profile corresponding to the profession being trained (for example, a foreman, a shop manager, etc.). Other specialists of the organization with higher or secondary education may be involved in the process of theoretical training. special education(labor safety engineer, human resources specialist, chief power engineer, etc.), as well as teaching staff, industrial training specialists from educational institutions, highly qualified specialists from other organizations.

The employer should also determine who will directly train the new employee. An employee who is assigned additional training responsibilities within the limits of his working time is given an additional payment (however, if his work (job description) includes training responsibilities for workers, no additional payment is due).

Order wording:

IVANOV Ivan Ivanovich to work on June 18, 2012 as a cutter of materials and products in the production workshop

Order wording:


  • 1. IVANOV Ivan Ivanovich, a cutter of materials and products of the production workshop, is sent to individual training for a period of one month from 06/19/2012 in the profession “cutter of materials and products of the 1st category”.
  • 2. The management of the training of I.I. Ivanov, a cutter of materials and products of the production workshop, shall be entrusted to the head of the production workshop, Pyotr Ivanovich Kopeiko.
  • 3. Industrial training of Ivanova I.I. entrust the cutting of materials and products of the 4th category of the production workshop to Petr Petrovich Smirnov with an additional payment of 500,000 rubles.

When hiring with preliminary training, the employer is obliged to perform all other actions provided for by labor legislation.

Employee training at the enterprise is carried out in accordance with standard training plans for workers' professions and Recommendations.

In addition, other local regulatory legal acts may apply in production, regulating issues of industrial training, conditions for remuneration of training workers, instructions on the organization and conduct of qualification exams during vocational training of workers in production, etc.

The employer is obliged to organize training properly: provide the necessary equipment and tools, production facilities, etc. The trainee masters the theoretical course and follows the instructions of the trainer while undergoing industrial training.

During the training process, the student’s knowledge is tested by current certification, carried out in the form of an interview or test. Certification results are assessed with marks on a ten-point scale or with the marks “passed” or “fail”. Marks of at least 3 (three) points and “passed” are positive.



(FKP educational institution No. 233)


2.2 Industrial training


Qualification: 2nd category

Profession code: 13249

Working programm industrial training by profession 13249 Kitchen worker was developed in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2013 No. 513 “On approval of the List of occupations of workers, positions of employees for which vocational training is carried out”;

No. 1348 “On amendments to the List of professions of workers, positions of employees for which vocational training is carried out, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated July 2, 2013 No. 513";

Decree of the Ministry of Health and social development RF dated 05.03.2004 No. 30 “On approval of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, Issue No. 51” (§ 15 Kitchen worker 2nd category).

Developer organization: FKP educational institution No. 233.


Master of Industrial Training N.V. Isachkova





Industrial training program passport

Scope of application of the work program

Goals and objectives of industrial training in the profession - requirements for mastery results

Number of hours for mastering the work program of industrial training

Results of mastering the work program of industrial training

Structure and content of industrial training

Conditions for the implementation of industrial training

Requirements for documentation necessary for conducting industrial training

Minimum logistics requirements

Information support for industrial training

General requirements to the organization educational process industrial training

Personnel support for the educational process of industrial training

Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering industrial training

1. passport of the working PROGRAM of industrial training

by profession 13249 Kitchen worker

1.1. Scope of application of the work program

Working programm 2.2. Industrial training is part of the program vocational training by profession 13249 Kitchen worker developed in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2013 No. 513 “On approval of the List of professions of workers, positions of employees for which vocational training is carried out”;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 16, 2013 No. 1348 “On amendments to the List of occupations of workers, positions of employees for which vocational training is carried out, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2013 No. 513”;

Decree of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated 05.03.2004 No. 30 “On approval of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, Issue No. 51” (§ 15 Kitchen worker 2nd category) in terms of mastering the main type of professional activity in professions Kitchen worker 2 categories:

Should be able to:

Deliver semi-finished products and raw materials to production workshops. Open barrels, boxes, bags of food, open glass and tin cans, ensuring the safety of the products in them. Unload products from containers. Fill the boilers with water. Deliver finished products for distribution. Load functional containers with products for the external network. Include electric and gas boilers, stoves, cabinets, boilers. Place trays on the conveyor when packing lunches. Place cutlery, bread, plates with cold appetizers, and glasses with drinks on trays. Collect food waste.

1.2. Goals and objectives of industrial training in the profession - requirements for mastery results

The purpose of industrial training is the comprehensive mastery by students of all types of professional activities, the acquisition of experience practical work students studying by profession 13249 Kitchen worker.

The task of industrial training is to develop in students initial practical professional skills in the main types of professional activities for mastering the working profession, training in labor techniques, operations and methods of performing labor processes in the profession 13249 Kitchen worker.

In order to master this type of professional activity, a student during industrial training must:

have practical experience:

    Deliver raw materials and semi-finished products to the food preparation workshop, open bags, barrels and other containers with products, open glass and tin cans to ensure the safety of the products in them;

    prepared dishes for distribution, clean dishes and collect food waste;

    Fill electric (gas) boilers with water and turn them on, as well as stoves, boilers and cabinets;

    Wash tableware using detergents throughout the day. Prepare solutions for disinfection in accordance with sanitary requirements. Deliver clean plates and glasses to tables for serving;

1.3. Number of hours for mastering the work program of industrial training:

total – 60 hours.


By profession 13249 Kitchen worker

The result of industrial training is the development of: general competencies (GC):

Name of the practice result

Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in her.

Organize your own activities based on the goal and methods of achieving it, determined by the manager.

Analyze the work situation, carry out current and final monitoring, evaluation and correction of one’s own activities, and be responsible for the results of one’s work.

Search for information necessary to effectively perform professional tasks.

Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues and management.

Prepare the production area for work and maintain its sanitary condition.

professional competencies (PC):

Name of learning outcome

Deliver raw materials and semi-finished products to the food preparation workshop, open bags, barrels and other containers with products, open glass and tin cans to ensure the safety of the products in them.

Fill electric (gas) boilers with water and turn them on, as well as stoves, boilers and cabinets.

Deliver prepared food items for distribution, clean utensils, and collect food waste.

Wash tableware using detergents throughout the day. Prepare solutions for disinfection in accordance with sanitary requirements. Deliver clean plates and glasses to tables for serving.

Performs wet cleaning of the hall and office premises.


3.1. Contents of industrial training

Code and nameprofessions


Number of hours

Type of work


13249 Kitchen worker

Topic 1. Familiarization with a public catering establishment.

Safety precautions at the enterprise.

Kitchen worker's overalls (jacket, apron, headscarf, rubber boots): care and storage. Personal hygiene.

Preparation of the workplace

Topic 2. Preparation of raw materials necessary for cooking.

Mechanical processing of vegetables.

Performing auxiliary work in the production of dishes and culinary products

Topic 3. Catering equipment .

Rules for the safe use of kitchen equipment.

Maintenance of production equipment

Topic 4. Processing tableware using detergents. Preparation of solutions for disinfection in accordance with sanitary requirements.

Types of detergents

Handling dishes with detergents

Topic 5. Organization of wet cleaning of the hall and office premises.

Organization of wet cleaning at the enterprise

Differentiated credit

Total hours:

4. conditions for the implementation of industrial training inPROFESSIONS 13249KITCHEN WORKER

4.1. Requirements for documentation necessary for conducting on-the-job training:

List of documents required for organizing and conducting industrial training:

    Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273 - Federal Law dated December 29, 2012;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2013 No. 513 “On approval of the List of worker professions and employee positions for which vocational training is carried out;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 16, 2013 No. 1348 “On amendments to the List of occupations of workers, positions of employees for which vocational training is carried out, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 2, 2013 No. 513”;

    Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 No. 51 (§ 15 Kitchen worker 2nd category);

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated April 18, 2013 No. 292 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic vocational training programs;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 20, 2015 No. 17 “On introducing changes to the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in basic vocational training programs, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2013 No. 292. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 03 04. 2015 No. 36710;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 499 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs". Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 20, 2013 No. 29444;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2013 No. 1244 “On amendments to the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in additional professional programs, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated July 1, 2013 No. 499.” Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 14, 2014 No. 31014;

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated April 18, 2013 No. 291 “On approval of the Regulations on the practice of students mastering basic professional educational programs secondary vocational education”, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia No. 28785 dated June 14, 2013;

    Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia No. 67 of May 7, 2013 “On approval of the Procedure for the implementation of primary vocational education and professional training of persons sentenced to imprisonment.” Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on May 21, 2013 No. 28435;

    Work program of industrial training;

    Schedule of the educational process;

    Logbook for registration of occupational safety briefings;

    Set valuation means for carrying out current, intermediate control (differentiated testing according to practice).

4.2. Minimum logistics requirements

Industrial training is carried out in the production shops of the canteen of the correctional institution.

Industrial training is conducted by industrial training masters.

The working day of students undergoing industrial training is at least 18 hours a week, regardless of age.

Equipment for training workstations in canteen production workshops:

Technological equipment:

Workplaces for students;

Hammer for beating (chopper);

Workplace teacher;

Stands, layouts, posters;

Visual aids;

Cone-shaped sieve

Table scales;

Fish scraper;

Cutting boards;

Stationary rack;

Chef's knives;

The rack is mobile.

Universal tongs;

Knife for gutting carcasses;


Shipping knife;


Tweezers for removing feather stumps from carcasses;



Slashing knives;

Knives for removing eyes, economical cleaning of vegetables;

Musat for sharpening and straightening knives;

Gastronorm containers;

Industrial refrigeration equipment;


Manufacturing mechanical


Sauté pans;

Industrial thermal equipment;

Drum sieve;

Distribution equipment

4.3. Information support for training

Main sources:

    Federal Law on Education.

    Resolution of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 No. 30 “On approval of the Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, Issue No. 51” (§ 15 Kitchen worker 2nd category).

    Matyukhina Z.P. Fundamentals of the physiology of nutrition, hygiene and sanitation. Publishing house ‘ graduate School’, 2015.


    Radchenko L. A. “Organization of production at public catering enterprises.” Rostov-on-Don, “Phoenix”, 2001

    Bogdanova M. A. et al. “Equipment for public catering establishments.” - M.: Economics, 2007.

    Educational methodological manuals on vocational training.

    Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

    SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

6. Zolin V.P. “Technological equipment of public catering enterprises”, textbook for the beginning. prof. Education – 5th ed., erased. – M: Ed. Center "Academy"

7. Usov V.V. Organization of production and service at public catering enterprises, tutorial 5th edition, publishing center "Academy". 2014

8. Burashnikov Yu. M. Labor protection in Food Industry, public catering and trade: Textbook. For the beginning prof. Education / Yu. M. Burashnikov, A. S. Maksimov. – 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Academy, 2005. -234 p.

9. Arustamov E. A. “Life safety.” Moscow. Publishing center "Academy" 2008.

Internet resources :

    Federal portal Russian education

    http://www.bestlibrary.ruOn-line library State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia

    http://www.edic.ruElectronic dictionaries

4.4. General requirements for the organization of the educational process of industrial training

Industrial training is implemented dispersedly, alternating with the study of general professional and professional disciplines. Industrial training is an integral part of the professional cycle.

The form of intermediate certification of students in industrial training is a differentiated test.

4.5. Personnel support for the educational process of industrial training

The management of industrial training is carried out by a master of industrial training.

Industrial training masters must have a level of education not lower than secondary vocational in their specialty profile, and undergo mandatory internship in specialized organizations at least once every 3 years.

The industrial training master must know:

1. Priority directions development educational system Russian Federation;

2. Laws and other normative legal acts regulating educational activities; Convention on the Rights of the Child;

3. Training programs for industrial training; production technology according to the training profile; rules for technical operation of production equipment;

4. Fundamentals of pedagogy, psychology; methods of professional training and education of students; methods of skill development; modern educational technologies productive, differentiated, developmental training, implementation of a competency-based approach;

5. Methods of persuasion, argumentation of one’s position, establishing contact with students, work colleagues, technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution; technologies of pedagogical diagnostics;

6. Basics of working with a personal computer (text editors, spreadsheets), email and browsers, multimedia equipment;

7. Fundamentals of labor legislation; internal labor regulations of an educational institution;

8. Labor protection rules and fire safety.

5. Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering INDUSTRIAL TRAINING

Monitoring and evaluation of the results of mastering industrial training is carried out by the practice manager in the process of conducting training sessions, self-execution students completing assignments, performing practical verification work. As a result of mastering industrial training in accordance with the curriculum, students undergo intermediate certification in the form of differentiated credit.


(mastered professional competencies)

Main indicators for assessing results

Forms and methods of monitoring and evaluation

PC 1. Deliver raw materials and semi-finished products to the food preparation workshop, open bags, barrels and other containers with products, open glass and tin cans to ensure the safety of the products in them.

High-quality performance of work in accordance with the category and instructions.

Rational organization of the workplace when processing raw materials.

Monitoring activities on practical exercises on this topic;

Testing knowledge on remote sensing according to spec. technologies;

Testing knowledge and skills in a qualifying exam.

PC 2. Fill electric (gas) boilers with water and turn them on, as well as stoves, boilers and cabinets.

PC3.Deliver prepared meals for distribution, clean dishes and collect food waste.

PC 4.Wash tableware using detergents throughout the day. Prepare solutions for disinfection in accordance with sanitary requirements. Deliver clean plates and glasses to tables for serving.

PC 5. Performs wet cleaning of the hall and office premises.


FKP educational

institution No. 233 master p/o N.V. Isachkova

I present to your attention this article:


Mikhail Viktorovich Mirakin, industrial training master


production training is part of the educational process and includes the activity of the master - instructing and the activity of students - teaching. Instructing and teaching are closely related and influence each other. Learning as systematic, conscious and purposeful educational work students in acquiring knowledge, developing skills and abilities has an external and internal side.

The external side of learning in the process of industrial training of students is manifested in their labor educational activities - performing techniques, operations, manufacturing products, adjusting, setting up mechanisms and similar production activities. Internal activity includes perception and comprehension of the master’s instructions, thinking and planning of upcoming work, methods of control and self-control, the mental process of searching for the most rational ways of doing work, making assumptions, checking them, etc. As a result of the unity of the external and internal aspects of educational activity, students develop knowledge, skills and abilities.

Guidance, adjustment, management of external and internal educational activities of students constitute the essence of instruction - the activity of Mr., which includes the following basic elements:

    creating among students an indicative outline of activities, i.e., a complete and detailed idea of ​​the tasks of the upcoming labor process, conditions, means, methods and features of performing and controlling actions;

    management of students’ activities when they perform labor activities;

    monitoring and analysis of students' educational success, testing and assessment of their knowledge, skills and abilities.

Contents of the master's activities in guidanceindustrial training students depends on the specific content (profession, topic) and period of study, students’ preparedness, and learning conditions.

Processindustrial training carried out in various forms and various methods. Underforms training understand the methods of constructing the educational process that determine the nature of students’ educational and production activities, the management of these activities and the structure of classes. It is necessary to distinguish between forms of organization of the educational process and forms of organization of educational and production activities of students.

The main form of organizing industrial training for students in training workshops and at training and production sites of enterprises is the lesson. ( With a lesson form of organizationtraining , which is characterized primarily by the leading role of the master, all students in the group simultaneously study the same or similar educational material, perform the same type of training and production tasks. The industrial training lesson is characterized by clarity of purpose and content, as well as organizational structure - introductory briefing, exercises (independent work) of students and ongoing briefing, final briefing.

Attraining For students in production conditions (at enterprises, construction sites, farms, etc.), the main forms of organizing the educational process are:

    education students as part of student teams;

    training within teams of qualified workers;

    individual assignment of students to skilled workers.

    excursions and home academic work students.

The forms of educational and production activity of students used in various forms of organizing the learning process are frontal group, team and individual. One should not mix the lesson form of teaching and the frontal group form of organizing students’ educational and production activities. The frontal-group form of student activity is implemented mainly during industrial training lessons and excursions. At the same time, team and individual forms of educational and production activities of students are also widely used in lessons. Thus, forms of organization of learning and forms of student activity must be applied in unity.

Methods industrial training - these are ways of joint activity of the master and students, with the help of which students acquire practical knowledge, skills and abilities, the foundations of their professional skills, communist views, beliefs, attitude to work are formed, mental and physical strength, and creative abilities are developed.

To choose the right teaching methods, you need to have a clear understanding of their classification and scope of application. In the process of on-the-job training, methods are predominantly used that in the pedagogical literature are classified according to the sources of knowledge and skills into verbal (explanation, conversation, written instructions, etc.), visual (demonstration of work techniques, demonstration of visual aids, student observations, etc. .) and practical (exercises, laboratory and practical work, independent work of students, solving production and technical problems).

Verbal methods are used, as a rule, during introductory instruction, as well as during ongoing instruction of students in the process of work. Visual methods are also most typical for introductory instruction to students. Among these teaching methods, one should highlight the demonstration of labor techniques, using which the master forms in the minds of students an image (sample) of labor actions that they must master.

Specific form of organizationindustrial training should be considered practical training for students. . The most important for industrial training are practical methods. These are the main methods of developing students’ skills and abilities. Therefore, in order to successfully manage industrial training, a master needs to have a deep knowledge of the didactic capabilities of these methods and confidently master the methods of their application.

IN last years the attention of practical workers in vocational and technical educational institutions is attracted by teaching methods, the classification of which is based on the nature cognitive activity students: reproductive (explanatory-illustrative and reproductive) and problem-search (problem presentation, partial search, research).

When applying reproductive methods, students acquire knowledge in a ready-made form, perform mental and practical actions according to the model given by the teacher or master; with problem-searching, they are consistently and purposefully involved in solving cognitive problems of varying complexity, actively acquiring new knowledge and skills. Problem-based search methods allow students to successfully develop the skills of creative educational, cognitive and work activity of students, and contribute to a more meaningful and independent acquisition of knowledge and skills.

In pedagogical theory and practice, the issues of using reproductive and problem-search methods have been developed mainly in relation to theoretical teaching. However, it is indisputable that these methods can and should be used in the process of industrial training. Reproductive methods are most typical for initial period industrial training, when students learn basic techniques, operations, types of work, labor functions typical for their profession. In this periodeducation is mainly conducted according to samples and instructions offered to students in the form of explanations, demonstrations of work techniques, instruction cards, simple algorithmic instructions, etc. At later stages of training, when students have accumulated sufficient experience for independent cognitive and work activities, it is possible to more widely apply problem-search methods.

Many school masters are actively searching for ways to apply problem-search methods inindustrial training students. They widely use heuristic conversation; they conduct instruction in such a way that students do not receive ready-made instructions and recommendations, but together with the master they discuss and resolve issues related to the organization and technology of execution educational assignments. Students independently determine the operating modes of the equipment, make technical calculations, and find reference data in technical literature, instructions and other sources.

The formation of students' skills and abilities is based on the development of the ability to consciously apply knowledge in general technical and special subjects for rational planning, implementation, control and regulation of work activity. Development cognitive activity and the independence of students is greatly facilitated by posing “productive” questions in the process of introductory and ongoing instruction, which stimulate active mental actions of students, force them to reason, compare, choose, justify, and express their opinions.

Many industrial training masters give students special tasks of a creative nature, which they perform independently or under the guidance of a master, depending on the complexity: developing or improving the design of a device that increases labor productivity; calculation of processing modes using a new tool; drawing up a technological map for the production of a new product, etc. In industrial training, masters widely use interdisciplinary homework, the implementation of which also contributes to the development of students’ search activity.

However, the general methodology cannot be the only methodological guide for the master, since it does not take into account the specifics of the content of training in relation to a particular profession and does not reflect the associated features of the organization and methodology of the educational process.

The organization and methodology of industrial training for specific professions are reflected in the so-called private methods. They reveal the issues of organization and methodology of the entire industrial training course in a complex in relation to a specific profession or group of related professions. For non-mass professions, private teaching aids are developed directly in schools in the form of methodological developments on individual topics or sections of curricula. Since the vocational education system trains skilled workers for more than 1,000 professions, most of which are not widespread, the issue of high-quality preparation of methodological developments for industrial training is very relevant.

Methodological developments, on the one hand, are teaching aids for beginners and inexperienced teachers and, on the other hand, are an important and effective means of disseminating advanced pedagogical experience. By character methodological developments can be of two types:

    covering issues of organization and methodology for studying individual topics or sections of curricula;

    covering individual issues of the teacher’s educational work with students, for example: the use of simulators in production lessonstraining; implementation of interdisciplinary connections in industrial training lessons; and so on.

Used Books:

1. Skakun V. A. Methodological developments in industrial training. - M.: Higher. school, 1980

2. Organization and methodology of industrial training. M., 1978;

3. Fundamentals of professional pedagogy / Ed. S. Ya-Batyshev and S. A. Shaporinsky. M„ 1977;

4. Problems of didacticsindustrial training . M., 1978, etc.


process and teaching subject in the prof. preparation. The basis of the content of the subject “P. O." make up ch. production elements. process (in the conditions of workshops, workshops of enterprises, etc.), they are interconnected not only with each other, but also with ped. principles and methods of personality education, as well as psychophysiol. characteristics of the profession, age capabilities of students.

By. includes theoretical part - knowledge of the basics of science, engineering, technology, organization and economics of a particular industry and department. production; ability to apply these in prof. activities; practical part (the goal is to introduce students to the production process): introductory course; production school work in workshops, laboratories, training grounds, educational institutions. and production workshops of enterprises; production practice.

By. how the educational process is carried out by production masters. training. An important task for Prof. preparation - bring P. o. to real production. Modern technologies help solve this problem. simulators (complex, universal, etc.), electronic calculations. technology, special workshops, laboratories, schools research and production complexes that allow in So. degree to imitate productions. process.

To the general laws of P. o. include: prof. conditionality associated with the presence of many professions and professions. groups; interrelation of production., uch. and educate. processes; interaction between man and technology; intellectualization of prof. activities of qualified workers; combination and rational alternation of P. o. systems. on the dept. stages of training; Polytechnic and prof. orientation produces, labor; combination of professions and mastery of several specialties, social unity, prof. and individual personality traits.

By. also has characteristic features. Its basis is made up of general education, general technical sciences. and special knowledge, prof. and skills produces, labor.

Basic directions of P. o.: creating conditions for students to master production. processes, socio-economic, scientific and technical. and prof. knowledge, advanced experience, a competitive worker prepared for a variety of activities. Prof. criterion preparedness of the future worker - and ch. her indicators - prof. mobility, possession of several professions, ability to change work.

By. in school workshops are carried out through types of prof. activities, in the conditions of enterprises. the process is included in the production process. Basic form of P. o. in school establishment - and at an enterprise - industrial training. work and production. practice. Intermediate org. form - laboratory-practical. classes that ensure the interconnection of theoretical and production training. The structure of the classes is dominated by exercises that include instructions from the master P. o. (introductory; current, mainly individual; final).

Various types of P. o. systems have been developed. They are the same for all specialties, but are applied taking into account the specifics of professions.

Subject system of P. o. arose with the development of crafts. production and crafts. apprenticeships and focused on individual learners. She occupied a leading place in the craft. schools (from the 17th century), during the learning process, students moved from making simple products to more complex ones. Disadvantages of the system: weak consolidation of labor skills; unevenness in the study of elements of the labor process (some were acquired thoroughly, others - superficially); difficulty in selecting products for complex operations.

Operating system P. o. appeared during the period of development of manufacturing production. It is based on consistency. students first dept. operations, and then receptions independently. work on the manufacture of simple products. This system allowed students to prepare for all work in their profession and significantly speeded it up. D.K. Sovetkin played a major role in improving the system, carrying out scientific research in 1868. labor content of machine tool workers. He developed teaching. P. o. programs, which provided for consistent studying specific techniques and operations for processing a fragment of a part, rather than a finished product. Sovetkin's system, taking into account local conditions, was used in professional and technical. formation of a number of European countries under the name “Russian” and served as an incentive for the development of other methods of teaching. The disadvantage of the system is the approach to the learning process as a simple connection of departments. isolated operations. As a result, students forgot the techniques they had learned when moving on to making a solid product and did not see the results of their work due to Meaning. breaks between studying the elements of the labor process and their further application, therefore, strong and stable skills were slowly formed.

Operational flow system P. o. is associated with the development of a flow system for organizing production and is based on the division of technology. process in an operation, in which each student performs one type of work, then transfers the part along a constant route for subsequent processing. Allowed you to master working techniques in a multi-machine system with high-tech equipment. production

Operating system subject system P. o. is an improved version of the operating system. systems. Based on the study of labor operations in the manufacture of products of increasing complexity. Proposed in 1887 by the director of Moscow. craft school S.A. Vladimirsky, who drew attention to the possibility of combining techniques and operations in order of increasing complexity of their implementation. A similar system was developed by master technician. Baltic shipbuilding school. plant by P.I. Ustinov. Disadvantage of systems: fixability is only separate. skills, not their systems, which makes it difficult to perform work with little. changes in technology process.

Implementation of operational systems required the development of special methods of teaching manual labor. One of the first to propose a methodology for teaching manual labor was O. Solomon (Sweden) in the teachers' room, which later became an international school. a center for teachers to familiarize themselves with the organization of labor training. Teaching labor became mandatory. subjects in school institutions in Germany (since 1881), USA (since 1887), Russia (since 1888), in the people. and teacher's schools in France (in the 19th century), in teachers' colleges in Great Britain (since 1901, in higher education institutions since 1902) In Russia, the method of teaching labor was promoted by the teacher of the Petersburg Teachers' Institute K. Yu Tsirul, under the guidance of - a method manual for teaching manual labor was prepared by Tsirul Sovm. with H V Kasatkin developed the II o program, which became widespread in Russia. school

System II of the Central Institute of Labor, CIT (Moscow) In con. 20s 20 at CIT developed system II o, which consists in dividing the labor process into labor techniques performed in a system of exercises Based on an analysis of the content of labor, dec. professions, the forms and methods of labor training were determined. Each labor process corresponded to a special one. teaching methodology (analysis of motor skills, written instructions and simulators) The advantage of the system is the creation of strong automated skills in students, the disadvantages are the separation of exercises from real working conditions, mechanical. Carrying out work according to strictly regulated instructions, which prevents a creative approach, lasts for one type of activity and lacks new knowledge. elements (see also article A K Gostev)

The operational-complex system II arose in the middle. 30s in the fatherland schools of factory apprenticeship and provided for students to master the basics. operations with the alternation of increasingly complex complex work (performing 3-4 operations and, accordingly, one complex work, then mastering more complex techniques and subsequent complexes, etc.) The advantage of the system is that students master all labor techniques in combinations encountered in production Disadvantages of the system are the weak development of creativity in work, the formation of techniques that are not found in exercises in their pure form, insufficient interconnection between departments. operations and their complexes, etc.

The reception-complex-species system II was developed by KH Katkhanov (mid-1970s) and consists of identifying the most important elements of the profession - labor techniques, types of work and ensuring strong mastery of them within each type of activity and the subsequent combination of techniques in complexes Unlike the operational-complex system, in this system the main. element II o is not an operation, but a method of work, which allows the system to be used for training most blue-collar professions Basic. method of developing skills and abilities - students perform all elements under the guidance of a master of production training until they are fully mastered and only after that proceed to other types of work. At the final stage of training, students develop automatic production skills. Features of the system include its construction based on a thorough analysis of the content labor of workers and generalization of the achieved level of prof. preparation, revealing the relationship of all elements of training. It best contributes to the transfer of technology and labor processes to teaching. -production activities of students Disadvantages - difficulties in selection for each type of work dep. techniques, which, in turn, include several ways of performing them, which often disrupts the sequence of the worker’s actions, changes in work methods depending on the equipment used, technology and work organization, which causes instability in the teaching methodology

The problem-analytical system II o was developed by S Ya Batyshev for II o in the conditions of automation of production and the emergence of blue-collar professions, in which intellectual knowledge and skills predominate. Pursues the goals of developing calculation, management, diagnostic, and communication skills among workers. Consists of dividing the content training on educational problems and elements of the labor process and in determining the appropriate functions for regulating technological processes and equipment, mastering skills in a certain sequence, determined by the real conditions of production and the nature of the worker’s participation in it. Each educational problem is independent. Task II includes a subsequent general acquaintance with the technological process, identifying problems, establishing connections between them, studying each problem separately, analyzing educational situations. The system provides for 3 periods of training, study and exercises in performing the department. situations, problems in general, mastering the entire technological process, when students independently complete all tasks. In each period, stages of solving intellectual problems (one of the main functions of the system) and independently are distinguished. work under the guidance of an instructor Students master the techniques of mental activity (planning, identifying features, differentiation, and generalization of factual material, etc.), acquire control and self-control skills, which indicates their development and readiness to deal with more complex problems. However, students find it difficult to remember the sequence of actions, distinguish main situations from secondary ones and transfer acquired skills to new types of activities The system is widely used in the training of mechanical engineering workers

Procedural system II was proposed by AE Shilnikova (early 1970s) based on a study of the nature and content of the work of workers in the chemical industry. Its essence is mastery of a wide-profile profession (based on the classification of educational material according to procedural criteria) and methods of management and servicing typical groups of processes (heat and mass transfer, chemical, etc.) In practical training, students receive general production skills. The system is based on the analysis of the structural components of production and scientific. general production patterns, on qualitative changes in the work of highly-mechanized workers and production automation workers. The content of II o includes the development of general methods of planning work activities, technological techniques and the sequence of their implementation, the formation of skills and abilities in analyzing production tasks

Process II on the workshops of enterprises consists of familiarization with typical groups of technological processes, specialization and independent production. work II is carried out in periods of preparatory (classes in workshops, on simulators, etc.), main (specialization of students) and final (independent conduct of the technological process) Disadvantages of the system - the possibility of using chap. arr. in conditions that require a high level of material and technical equipment for production, the use of dep. simulators that do not allow creating a holistic system of prof. skills

The integrative - modular system was developed by A II Belyaeva (1980s) based on the theory of prof. -ped.integration, uniting the main. spheres of science, education and production Integration ensures a high level of workforce, stimulates workers to produce creative work

Content II about the group of professions is formed on the basis of an analysis of the types of production and labor activity of qualified workers of various types. profiles Educational plans and programs include sections general, integrated for a group of professions (general education, general technical and general vocational subjects) and differentiated (special educational subjects and electives). Integration of the content of II o for groups of professions of the same industry has become widespread. farm or industrial complex (mechanical engineering, fuel and energy, etc.)

The Pav process in the integrative-modular system consists of training the entire group of professions according to the general program, and then the department. professions (or 2-3) on the basis of modular training. Modules are understood as complexes of operations, labor and technological processes characteristic of professions, which are included in the group. Modular training is carried out by Ch. arr. during the period of systematization of skills in a certain part of the technological process or when mastering new equipment, as well as for the purpose of deeper

mastering specific skills. Automated systems are used. training systems, production modeling. process at all stages of P. o. The integrative-modular system is gradually being introduced into the curriculum. the process of vocational schools switching to training workers for groups of professions. Basic difficulties - lack of integration for certain types of professions, poor comprehensive provision of material and technical resources. bases, lack of qualified personnel. ped. personnel, insufficient development of integrated training content. Lit.: Didactics of production. training, M., 1973; Organization and methods of production. training, M., 1978; Basics of the technique integrated approach to the content of education in Wed. prof.-tech. uch-shakh, ed. A. P. Belyaeva, M., 1979; B a t y III in S. Ya., Scientific. organization of educational institutions process, M.; his, Production. , M.; Shaporinsky S. A., Issues in the theory of production. training, M., 1981; Ya cube Yu. A., The relationship between theory and practice in teaching. process cf. prof.-tech. schools, M., 1985; Methodology for studying the formation of concepts, skills and abilities in students cf. prof.-tech. Uch-shch, M., 1986; Novikov A. M., Process and methods of developing labor skills, M., 1986; K a t h a i o v K. N., Ped. basics produces, labor, M.; Skakun V. A., Teaching the course “Organization and methods of production. training", M., 1990.

A. P. Belyaeva.

Russian pedagogical encyclopedia. - M: “Great Russian Encyclopedia”. Ed. V. G. Panova. 1993 .

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