An easy way to go crazy. How to understand that you are going crazy: the first signs What you need to do to go crazy

One of the most simple ways go crazy - try to become yourself. It's about the same as entering a room you're already in. But if you can still leave the room, and then come back in, then become someone else, and then yourself again - you understand... Split personality is guaranteed!

This method is as reliable as it is popular, especially among psychologists and esotericists. The slogan “Be yourself!” Many of them only have it stamped on their foreheads. It is intended, however, for others - as one of the simplest means of healing from all diseases.

I read it and you think: “So, that means I’m not me at all, but someone else... Strange... Ah, I get it! Probably, it means that part of me is me, and part is someone else...” Well, it’s not far from “voices” anymore. Simple, like everything ingenious. It seems that there is nothing more to write about, and so everything is clear. But the mechanism of such “self-crazyness” is so universal and perfect that I would like to admire it even a little more. This is surprising, but why doesn’t such a simple thought occur to a person: in me, dissatisfied with myself, there is not someone else sitting with whom I am dissatisfied, and all this is me, simply dissatisfied with myself? Ha-ha, “simple” - you feel how you start to think about it, this is where it begins?.. Not a mechanism, but just a miracle! There is even a scientific name - “self-reflection”. I am watching myself... And which of us is real??? Well, as he says modern youth, "inserts"? But that's not all.

The implication is that becoming oneself is a process. And here the question arises: has it already become, or not yet? and how much? So that the reader does not go crazy already in the process of reading this text, let’s look at the example of “entering a room.” I'm walking down the corridor. I went to the door. Opened it. He raised his foot... He stepped on. Now another... That's it! I'm in the room! How can you prove it? “I swear to my mother!” won't suit you. Well, after all, he stepped over the threshold - look, here he is!

Let's return to “becoming yourself.” I tensed up, relaxed, meditated, visited a psychotherapist (walked down the corridor). He got closer... He raised his leg... Where is the threshold? After all, I spent so much effort! This means it has changed in the right direction... Where is the threshold??? Ugh, damn it, I became myself, I became! I swear to my mom!!! Oh, who’s that nervous there? I’m not so nervous now, am I?

I think if you have read this far, then your psyche is strong, and you can continue. So, another tricky question: am I changing at all or not? He is not as idle as he might seem at first glance. From my psychotherapeutic practice, I can say that every third client asks it every three meetings. So I come to you, but does anything change in me? Yes or no? Hooray! We are already on the verge of madness again! Didn't notice? Then answer the question: what if there is at least something in this world that does not change over time? Or have we stopped time? But this is exactly how the question is posed - almost no one asks WHAT has changed in me. It’s the same with “self-becoming”: I become him, myself? Instead of asking WHAT EXACTLY about myself doesn’t suit me and HOW MUCH I have progressed in changing MYSELF, and not the other “living” in me.

Well, do you really have strong nerves? Then I will deliver the final “blow to the psyche.” There is an old paradox: what is reflected in the mirror when there is no one next to it? Not bad, right? And now for lovers of “self-formation”: when you sleep and don’t even dream, are you yourself? If yes, then the search for yourself could end here - just sleep more!

And one last thing. If you decide to drive someone you know crazy, and your words “Be yourself!” he simply ignored it, let him read this text, it should help...

In one of the articles I already compared the body with the hardware of a computer, and the psyche with software. Loss of reason can be a consequence of organic damage to the brain at the level of “iron” - this is when an unhealthy mind resides in an unhealthy body. I will not develop this topic here; It is much more interesting how disorders grow purely within the mental environment - that is, at the level of “software”.

Mental well-being is similar to physical well-being. When nothing chronically hurts and functions stably, health is declared. On the contrary, constant painful symptoms and functional failures indicate illness.

Mental pain symptoms are negative emotions. Their moderate manifestation is the norm; excessive - pathology. Everything is simple here. But normal (without failures) functioning of the psyche is a much less clear-cut process.

What is a mental norm?

Being a bright individual, an adherent of exotic teachings and subcultures, of course, has nothing to do with mental abnormality. “Norm” from this perspective is just a way to fit into the popular patterns of society: its morality, stereotypes, fashion.

What makes a person truly crazy?

And here the most obvious parameter of mental health that I highlight is the degree of awareness of reality, or in other words - .

Losing awareness, they go crazy and mistake for reality thoughts that have swollen to the dream phase. They lose contact with reality, descending to the stages of absolute unconsciousness.

The same thing happens during normal falling asleep: self-awareness weakens, the sense of one’s own presence in life is reduced, the content of thoughts is blurred, but their figurative design flares up to such a degree of living brightness that, as a result, these dreams-hallucinations are mistakenly taken for reality. Reality itself, replaced by muddy dreams, is no longer realized.

Madness is a waking dream. Sometimes strong to the point of insanity.

How people go crazy when they lose their criticality

Another tricky feature of unconsciousness is the loss of criticality of perception, when credulity grows in everything that pretends to be reality - and the blatant incoherent chaos inherent in dreams is taken at face value, as if it should be so.

That is, with the loss of awareness, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish between reality and imagination. Without the filters of criticality, the mind cannot discern and evaluate what is happening accurately.

Any life situation will do as an example. For example, right now, while reading an article, your mind is making dozens of calculations. Aim to extract useful information, its comparison with past experience, attitude towards the author, the general context of reality - who you are, where you are, what will happen next - a series of these fleeting thoughts, merging, creates for you a more or less accurate picture of existence.

Now imagine how all this would happen in a half-asleep state.

With reduced awareness, the ability to reflect what is happening in clear thoughts and put them together into a coherent picture is lost. The sleeping consciousness falls into every thought, as if into a separate event. Understanding of the broader context of the situation collapses. The channel of perception narrows to the awareness of the simplest meanings. The reaction to events on the scale of adequacy and delirium gravitates towards the lower divisions.

Each of us is relatively insane. And that's okay. There is a popular opinion among psychologists that there are no healthy people in society. An admittedly crazy person is a person who is immersed in dreams, perhaps more deeply in relation to his surroundings.

Character accentuations

There is such a term in psychology - accentuation. They denote bright character traits. For example, emotional confinement, a weakened connection with earthly reality in combination with a rich inner world called schizoid accentuation. The increased thirst for admiration, egocentricity and demonstrativeness inherent in artists is called hysterical accentuation. Increased scrupulous pedantry, irritability, emotional callousness and a tendency to tyranny are attributed to epileptoid accentuation.

I won’t go deeper into this topic. For details, contact search engines, but here I talked about these prominent character traits to emphasize one pattern. Moderate accentuation is inherent in everyone and is considered a psychological norm. Excessive accentuation is already called mental pathology.

That is, when character begins to prevail over sobriety of thinking and perception, then a person loses contact with reality, and his mind is dominated by the most pronounced hallucinations.

Admitting the Truth

Awareness is lost when one refuses to acknowledge the intolerable truth. For example, a person could not imagine himself without “significant others”; he lost them - and it was as if the whole world had collapsed for him. To preserve at least the illusion of the previous life, the mind can go beyond the mind.

But the most popular reason for unawareness is the desire to protect it at all costs. For example, a person was amused by his eternal “rightness” and special talent, but he could not show himself in action, and therefore began to cover up the realities with sky-high self-justifications - that very shifting.

When reality destroys self-deception, there are two possible outcomes: either admit the truth, or escape from it, plunging your head even deeper into illusion. Do you get it?

From the inability to recognize reality, they are forgotten - literally falling asleep in reality. So it seems clever man You might become dumb before your eyes, or even go crazy.

The ego is in an eternal temptation to inflate its importance with any unimaginable justification that it manages to believe. A careful analysis of such justifications reveals that there is no real importance. You can be better and more important for someone, for example, for your mother. But not “in general.”

Delusional beliefs are believed exactly to the extent that they lack awareness. By lowering awareness, they degrade precisely in order to preserve and strengthen “valuable” illusions.

The main reason for psychogenic insanity is an unwillingness to put up with what is happening, resistance to the truth, a preference for oblivion in dreams, when a person seems to go into another space - going crazy into the dimension of his own projections.

It’s not easy to expose yourself, because lies nest in the psyche’s blind spots, where it’s not so easy to direct the light of attention.

No matter how caustic the truth may be, it is its recognition that increases adequacy, clarity of thinking and perception.

Reading time: 2 min

How not to go crazy? How to prevent mental breakdowns that take people out of borderline states, how to stop a minor mental or nervous disorder developing into a chronic disease? Experts from many countries around the world are dealing with this problem, while the number of “conditionally ill” patients is constantly growing from year to year. And this does not depend on the climate, or on the place of residence, or on the state of health care, or on the level of well-being of the population. UNESCO data suggests that the share of those suffering mental illness In all developed countries, more people suffer from cardiovascular diseases, oncology and tuberculosis than combined.

The first of them says that the psyche can be strengthened in almost the same way as the body, therefore it is necessary to always be prepared for troubles and at the same time not become pessimists. How to learn this? The following may help with this psychological technique. You need to imagine a circle divided into fragments. Each fragment should be given a name. For example, “my family”, “my home”, “my work”, “money”, “my career”. In general, a person should think and decide what is important in this life and what makes up his value system.

Now you should mentally remove this or that fragment. For example, a person has lost a large amount of money or lost his job. These “fragments” of the personality have suffered exorbitant damage, but everything else remains, and for the sake of everything else it is worth living. If you follow your emotions, then a thoughtless act committed in a state of passion can primarily harm the person himself. Therefore, it is important for an individual to try to rise above troubles and not allow himself to become isolated on one thing. At the same time, one must realize that what is meant is not external calm, but real inner confidence in one’s personal ability to cope with the situation. This can be achieved through constant psychological training. To do this, you need to try to mentally “play out” the upcoming event in your head, determine your attitude towards it, as well as the procedure for action. This will allow you to avoid many problems in the future and develop resistance to life’s difficult collisions.

You can often hear from people when, in the hustle and bustle of life’s affairs, they repeat: “I think I’m going crazy.” Why is this happening? Very often the psyche is traumatized by the forced need to do different things at the same time, when it turns out to be unable to concentrate on any of the things.

How not to go crazy when there is constant rush, irregular work, lack of satisfaction from life, constant tension, exhaustion nervous system and as a result, a nervous mental disorder occurs.

Mental health experts advise people to:

Pay attention to the reasonable organization of work, as well as strict adherence to the daily routine and rest;

Always perform the most difficult and tedious tasks first;

Listening to your favorite music will help you avoid going crazy from your problems; preferably it should be positive and life-affirming;

Physical inactivity is harmful to mental health, so moderate physical activity will help maintain peace of mind fine;

For an unprepared person, the most optimal physical activity is normal walking, so walking in nature will be very useful;

Basic exercises from a complex of general physical training can also be of great benefit: squats, abs, push-ups;

Moderate physical labor also helps keep mental health normal;

Must be avoided conflict situations, stress, set yourself feasible life goals.

How not to go crazy with grief? Psychologists advise on this matter:

Don't stay long time alone with your thoughts;

Cry and give vent to your emotions, but it is better not to overuse this, since prolonged experiences can drive you crazy;

It is very important to find motivation and try to pull yourself together, convincing yourself that you need to move on with your life;

It is necessary to surround yourself with pleasant things, bring positive moments into life;

You should go outside more often, even if not on long walks near the house; fresh air will definitely improve your mood and change your mental state;

You need to let people into your life; close people or friends will try to somehow help in experiencing grief;

It is necessary to accept the help of friends, not to push them away; talking on extraneous topics will help to distract from sad thoughts;

You need to accept friends’ offers to go to the theater, cinema or exhibition;

It is necessary to try to gradually get out of a difficult psychological state, for this you need to try to smile and find positive moments in little things, read your favorite books, cook delicious food;

You should constantly force yourself to do something and do something, you cannot lie around the clock, feeling sorry for yourself and delving even deeper into your grief;

If nothing helps, your mental state only worsens and it seems that life has lost its meaning, then it would be advisable to seek help from a psychotherapist who will help you not go crazy from grief and teach you to enjoy life again.

How and why do people go crazy? Psychiatrists are unanimous in their opinion that so far no one has been able to thoroughly understand the reasons why people go crazy. None of the theories of psychiatrists can be tested, since for the most part they have to deal with sick people. However, in many theories some points coincide. For example, this applies to a number of mental disorders that are not caused by mechanical damage to the brain or any somatic disease, but a consequence of mental trauma, which is understood as any events that are not consistent with the usual ideas and run counter to the formed system of values. And it is different for each individual, which is why the external reasons that lead to mental disorders and nervous breakdowns.

The feeling of dissatisfaction, anxiety, anger, frustration never goes away without leaving a trace. Over time, a person develops a sensitivity to external stimuli increased sensitivity and what was previously unnoticed now acts as a source of excessive nervousness. Slowly the nervous system loses flexibility and stability. Sometimes the process is “compressed” in time, and then a balanced and completely healthy person can immediately go crazy.

Similar cases occur with major, unexpected misfortunes, for example, the death of loved ones or serious illness, loss of home or job, betrayal of a loved one, etc. For these reasons, people are capable of going crazy.

A mental breakdown can also be caused by a rapid transition from a normal and joyful state to difficult experiences. Such contrasts are sometimes unbearable for the psyche. Excessive smoking and alcohol consumption can signal the presence of a neuropsychiatric disorder, so do not forget about this too.

How do people go crazy? Scientists have created a kind of scale to assess stress. They determined in conditional points the intensity of the impact on the psyche of a particular event and calculated the number of points that a person can “score” in a year without risking becoming a patient in a psychiatric clinic. But as life shows, under certain events the critical value can be exceeded in an instant. This often happens at the moment of learning bad news.

Bad news should be given to people after preliminary preparation and it must be done correctly. Each person perceives bad news differently, and each individual experiences a sense of loss in 4 stages. The first is denial, the second is an emotional outburst, the third is humility, the fourth is restoration.

Depending on the personality of the individual and the specific situation, these four stages can fly by in a couple of minutes or can last for years. The person delivering bad news to an individual is at least present at the first stage, when there is a denial of what was heard, and it is important at this moment to approach this mission correctly. A strong, inadequate reaction of an individual to mental trauma often leads to reactive psychoses. They are expressed differently and depending on the type of personality, character and temperament. Strong-willed, strong natures, accustomed to independent actions, having experienced unbearable mental trauma, often become uncontrollable, aggressive, dangerous to others and to themselves. More passive and calm people risk going to the other extreme and dwelling on their obsessive memories and feelings about what happened. Often, against this background, they develop persistent, suicidal thoughts or are noted to “sink into illness,” when the individual emphasizes his inferiority, inferiority, trying to evoke pity.

In preventing critical situations great importance has the ability to withstand adversity, cultivated from childhood and throughout life. Once in critical situation It is better for an individual to look to the future, but not to the past. A person must understand that any problem can be solved. An individual needs to think about how he can change his life, because while he is inactive, his problem will not be solved, so it is better to act than to sit and wait. Most people know what they need to do to change their lives, but often nothing follows except thinking about it. As a result, this drives them crazy, and people remain where they were originally - in their mental suffering.

Doctor of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

How to drive a person crazy quickly and easily? You need to pretend to be a fool and ask him stupid questions. Or you can just find fault with him and pretend that his arguments are complete nonsense.

Why did I bring this up? Yes, because today I was almost driven crazy in this way. Well, of course, I’m exaggerating a little, but if this lasted for several days or even months, then you could really go crazy.

And it was like this. I sometimes sell links from one of my sites in a serious exchange of eternal links. I'm in Lately I specially raised the price to above average so that all sorts of freeloaders wouldn’t blow my mind. And yesterday I received one request to post a link. Link to a decent site on 1C topics.

I was not lazy and wrote a feature article and posted it in the main section of the site. (There is also a secondary one, and there is even a hidden one) The result is a URL like MY_SITE.RU/1C-linux Everything in general is first class. But the customer “optimizer” didn’t like it. I present the correspondence in its entirety.

Optimizer: If you look at the “breadcrumbs” in the article, then it itself should be here But here it is not. What does it mean?

I: Breadcrumbs show the RUBRIC of the article. Go to the main page and see your article. I didn’t invent this plugin, and it’s not my fault that it shows the path through the category. The article was written under your link, it is ABSOLUTELY thematic, which in reality costs much more. So the claims are not justified.

Optimizer: My question is exactly how to find an article after it leaves the feed on the main page. I am afraid that the article may be published in an isolated section to which there are no links on the site (unfortunately, I sometimes see this). If there is a real section and you can reach it with home page, then I will be glad to accept the material.

I: Here's a simple answer - always look at - this is done for search robots. If it’s here, it won’t go anywhere. If it is displayed on the main page, then this cannot be a hidden section. If it is displayed in http://….ru/feed/ then this cannot be a hidden section. You owe me another 100 rubles for the SEO lesson :) And you don’t need to immediately send it for revision, just write a message first!

Optimizer: I'm not interested in signs of a partition's existence. I'm interested in the path to the section where the news is located from the main page of the site. Describe it and there will be no questions.

I: Well, don't you see the url in the browser? It goes straight away, without any categories or sections. It is impossible to have such a url from a closed section. Maybe you should hire an SEO specialist, like me, who would properly control all this? You will give the webmaster a heart attack by explaining banal things. See the url of the page http://… well, where is there anything to hide? Well, ask literate people if you don’t understand it yourself. I don’t even know how else to convince you. Well, go to the main page, look at your article in the feed, what else do you need?

Optimizer: If there is no section, then indicate the path from the main page of the site to the article, if you do not go through the news feed. The news feed is a very temporary phenomenon. If this path exists, then I have no questions.

I: It seems to me that you don’t understand anything AT ALL about website building and how everything works. What path are you talking about? Is there a link to the post in the sidebar menu? Eat. Is it on the main page? Eat. Is it in the section? Eat. Is the site on the map? Eat. You already owe me a lot of money for frayed nerves. Are you not a woman? Well, call your neighbor, whoever is next to you, let them explain to you what an ARTICLE IN THE MAIN FEED OF THE SITE means. Should I give you the admin password so you can check? Write to the exchange support service and let them check. I'm tired of proving something to you.

Optimizer: Sorry, I didn’t see that in the central part of the site you have a news feed with the ability to navigate through pages to past news. Initially I saw it in “Latest Articles” and thought that this was the only place it was displayed. I automatically assumed that in the central part of the main page you have standard materials, like on many sites. I apologize again.

I: I’m glad everything was resolved, otherwise I didn’t even know what to tell you in my defense. By the way, write in those assignments about hidden sections, this exists and it’s good when they warn you in advance.

He’s a good man in principle, he apologized, I probably shouldn’t have been so harsh with him, but really, I almost went crazy explaining that 2x2 = 4. I think that working with people requires a lot of nerves. Sometimes you look at the same bank employees who issue loans, and you want to wish them strong nerves - people today are so impatient!

But it’s good that everything was resolved. While we were arguing, this article had already been indexed, and after his approval I received the money.

HUNDRED SEVENTY RUBLES - was it worth going crazy over this?

For many, the worse thing than death is the loss of reason. IN modern world, especially in major cities, people are susceptible to neuroses and obsessive states. For compatriots whose childhood was in the 1990s, things are even sadder. Their parents, due to the political and economic situation in the country, were in constant stress. This was reflected in the attitude towards children. The result was problems with setting personal boundaries and low self-esteem.

Errors in brain activity threaten complete personality degradation. How do you know if you're going crazy? What are the first signs of a personality disorder? What does an abnormal person look like in modern reality?


How does a person go crazy? The first sign for a healthy person is loss of sleep. People suffering from mental disorders note the disappearance of sleep as the first and strangest thing. It does not decrease, become alarming or intermittent. It just disappears completely. At the same time, the person feels cheerful, as if everything is in order.

During sleep hours, the brain rests, erases unnecessary information, processes and remembers important information. Without rest, all processes in the brain slow down. A person loses the boundaries between dreams and reality. Deprivation begins. Please note: if you don’t feel like sleeping at all, but good health and vigor have not left you, there is something to think about.


Most real patients with schizophrenia have encountered this phenomenon. Fear comes in tides. This phenomenon is also called panic attacks. It is uncontrollable and all-consuming. Cover and keep for several hours. Often a person cannot even explain what exactly he is afraid of, because he is afraid of everything.

How do you know if you're going crazy? It's scary to be alone or go into the dark. There may be a fear of leaving the apartment or getting out from under the blanket. Any sound causes panic and horror. This is a sign that “the roof has leaked,” and there is a good reason to consult a psychiatrist.


Sudden aggression is also a sign of possible insanity. Psychosis out of nowhere, outbursts at relatives over trifles or for no reason at all. At the same time, a person may not be aware of the inadequacy of his own behavior. How do you know if you're going crazy? It seems that these are ordinary domestic squabbles, “like everyone else.” Only aggressive attacks become more and more frequent and the reasons become more and more ridiculous. And the person begins to swear more and more sophisticatedly, using profanity. He is unable to control himself at these moments.


Beginners are characterized by an uncontrollable flow of thoughts. There are several development options:

1. The brain clings to some thought and actively “thinks” it. A person is constantly focused on the same thing. For example, on a carpet on the wall. He thinks about what patterns are on it, what color it is, and so on. The brain can cling to a specific person and think about him constantly. With a mental disorder, a person forgets at this moment about what he was doing before the sudden thoughtfulness appeared. Being fixated on the same subject for a long time and the inability to switch attention is another bell and a reason to think about your own adequacy.

2. Absence of any thoughts. Absolute emptiness. I don’t want to remember anything, do anything, dream about anything. Time seems to stop and flow very slowly. A person is in a vacuum of his own consciousness.

3. No focus. The thought does not linger in the head. Consciousness jumps from one object to another, which makes a person very tired. It is impossible to control the process and concentrate too.

Physical state

At the moment a person is immersed in one of the states described above, sweating is observed. My hands are getting cold, my temples are pounding. Symptoms are also observed in those who have a tendency towards manic attachment to something. So, when performing some action, for example, when computer game, you begin to shake or your hands shake and cold sweat appears. Everything inside freezes, and the surrounding reality disappears - this is a symptom of an obvious psychological crisis. The help of a psychiatrist is needed.


The main thing that distinguishes, for example, a psychic and a madman is the ability to influence their state. How do you know if you're going crazy? If a person with psychic abilities deliberately puts himself into a state of hypnosis or trance, then the madman has no power over his behavior.

A person with superpowers is able to both enter and exit a trance. At the same time, he retains the ability to think during the process and not give in to panic after leaving hypnosis. A person with an early stage of mental disorder does not control his own behavior. Often attacks take him by surprise, and he can cause damage to those around him. It comes out of a crisis as suddenly as it fell into it. In this case, emotional consequences of attacks are likely. A person panics over what happened to him and does not understand what to do next.


This symptom is the surest way to determine that it is time to see a doctor. Hallucinations come in different types of perception:

1. Auditory. Almost all patients in a psychiatric clinic hear extraneous voices in their heads. It can be absolutely anyone. U normal person Only the inner self sounds in my head. This is a common phenomenon; when we think, we talk to ourselves. There is no pathology in this.

How do you know if you're going crazy? It’s sad when an outside voice starts giving advice or conducting dialogue. It happens that animals or objects begin to talk. Here you should be wary and urgently undergo an examination.

2. Visual. People with mental disorders are more likely to experience creepy hallucinations. The appearance of devils and living creatures from walls and windows is a standard phenomenon for this type of disease. Naturally, this is terrifying, but there are also beautiful hallucinations. Colorful trees, flying animals. You should also not get carried away with the spectacular spectacle; the doctor will help you get rid of them.

3. Tactile. The sick person feels as if someone is touching him. Pulling hair or limbs. It is common for a person with a mental disorder to feel dirty or dirty. How can you tell if a person is going crazy? Endless hand washing, rubbing the skin until it bleeds, or scratching the skin are clear signs of an incipient nervous system disease.

Attitude towards yourself

If there are signs that you are watching yourself from the outside. Everything that happens is not done to you. Man watching own life from outside. Feels like controlling a doll. This condition is difficult to explain; depersonalization of the individual occurs. This is how the brain tries to protect itself from destruction. A person seems to know everything in advance about himself and others. Life becomes uninteresting.


Everyone feels sad sometimes; a crisis may occur due to life circumstances. How do you know when you're starting to go crazy? If you become self-absorbed and don’t leave the house, eat or drink water, this is a symptom of a personality disorder. The condition is provoked global changes in life: death loved one, divorce, collapse of hopes. As a rule, apathy is followed by loss of sleep. If this is exactly what happened, there is a reason to visit a specialist.

Sometimes depression comes out of nowhere. Everything is fine in the family, and life is smooth, but the state of sadness and melancholy does not go away. A person cannot cope with it on his own; loved ones can help.


The state of manic disorder is fraught with danger to others. Delusions of grandeur: safe, there are inflated demands on others in relation to oneself. The demand for worship or the indisputability of one's own genius. Considering modern realities, this feeling is common to many. The costs of post-Soviet upbringing, when children's permissiveness and impunity grew into a sense of their own exclusivity and excessive importance. The border between adequate and manic states is very weak. How do you know if you're crazy? It is important to control the feeling self-esteem and not transfer it to an inadequate state.

The phenomenon of persecution mania is widespread. A person with the initial stage of the disease feels like he is being watched. He tries to hide from prying eyes, hides and avoids society. At home, he feels like someone is watching him.

It also appears in relation to other people. The person himself becomes a persecutor. “Catches” another on the street, watches from the side and intervenes privacy. Pursues people with certain general features. This is how classic maniacs behave, there is an urgent reason to consult a psychiatrist.

To avoid the manifestation of inadequate brain reactions to what is happening around you, you need to train it. A periodic change of activity, rest and new experiences are a lifeline for a workaholic.

If a person, due to circumstances, does not work or is lonely, he needs to find a hobby. Get a pet or do charity work. Helping others will distract you from focusing on your own personality and relieve brain activity. If there is a sudden manifestation of “extrasensory” abilities or uncontrollable conditions, you must immediately consult a doctor.


Before diagnosing yourself with mental personality disorder syndromes, think about whether it might just be fatigue. The fast pace of life and workload, a sad event or banal boredom, affect brain activity, which is why people go crazy. Gray matter gets tired from continuous work and from lack of load too. To prevent mental disorders, change your environment and travel. Doing what you love will help, if it is not stalking another person, and it does not lead to tachycardia and cold sweat.

Some of the listed symptoms are a clear reason to immediately consult a doctor. But often the future patient himself is not aware of the abnormalities or believes that everything is fine with him. The reasons are different, but there is only one solution for loved ones. Pay attention to the state of your loved ones, especially in moments of crisis or lack of activity. The help of a loved one often saves you from ending up in a room with soft walls.