Continuing education specialist. General information for healthcare professionals. Ensuring the quality of materials and activities

One of the key tasks modern system healthcare in Russian Federation is to achieve the highest quality level at every stage of a medical specialist’s work with the population. The quality, safety and reliability of treatment for each of the proposed clinical cases is the guarantee that healthcare at the state level will meet high international standards. This can be achieved by organizing a correct accreditation system for medical specialists. Especially for this purpose, a program of continuing medical education (CME) was introduced at the federal level, within the framework of which each medical worker must confirm or improve his qualification level.

The essence of CME, goals and objectives of the educational system

As already mentioned, as part of the continuing medical education program, a specialist must undergo an accreditation procedure. If previously the system took the form of advanced training courses taken by a doctor every 5 years, now throughout this entire period (five years) the specialist gains knowledge by attending specially organized events.
At each such event that has received accreditation in state system continuing medical education, the specialist receives a certificate with an individual code. Then his task is to activate the code on the official online resource of the CME and receive credits. 50 credits must be accumulated throughout the year. Accordingly, after 5 years there should be 250 of them, which allows doctors to proceed to the accreditation procedure.
It is clear that with such intensity of medical education, the personal knowledge base of doctors will be constantly replenished. At the same time, the system of continuous medical education is based on the following principles:

  1. Knowledge comes to the specialist constantly within one session of a certain number of events. Moreover, doctors and medical workers have the right to independently draw up a program under which they will accumulate an annual number of credits.
  2. Also, the continuing medical education program requires minimal disruption of specialists from the work process. In most cases, interactive and electronic tools help to cope with this task. remote technologies. So, for example, a very popular form of presenting materials are webinars - all the same events, but held online via Internet resources.
  3. Considering that the materials offered in the continuing medical education program are presented in full-time and correspondence forms, their base is constantly updated. Specialists receive the most relevant and valuable knowledge and base their further practical activities on it.

The task of improving the quality level of medicine implies the following tasks of the continuing education program:

  • achieving maximum compliance of the treatment process of clinical cases with the recommendations of professional societies and other medical associations in various areas of medicine;
  • the most correct division of clinical cases into those that require hospitalization and those that are resolved through outpatient treatment;
  • minimizing the number of complications and deaths in medical practice;
  • increasing overall patient satisfaction, both from the treatment process itself and its results, and from the corresponding medical care etc.

As practice shows, specialists have a lot of problems when registering and starting to work with the continuing education system. The following is a diagram, following actions in accordance with which, each physician will be able to go step by step all the way to the accreditation procedure.

Lifelong learning scheme within the new educational system

In order to begin the process of continuous medical education, a specialist must register on the official Internet portals:

  • – Coordination Council of CME;
  • is the official resource of the Russian Ministry of Health.

Important! When receiving your “Personal Account” on each of these resources, it is worth knowing that credit units from certificates are counted exclusively through the website of the Coordination Council. If you encounter any difficulties entering the code, you can contact the support service of this resource.
After registration, the CME participant must draw up an individual training program consisting of face-to-face and correspondence form, which are presented in a single list on the two resources indicated above. It is worth noting that the lists of events on the website of the Coordination Council and the Russian Ministry of Health may differ.

1. I (the Client) hereby express my consent to the processing of my personal data received from me during admission to study under the proposed educational programs " Interregional center services for additional professional medical and pharmaceutical education at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution PIMU and Perm State Medical University (hereinafter referred to as the Center) or by subscribing to site news.

2. I confirm that the mobile phone number I indicated is my personal phone number allocated to me by the cellular operator, and I am ready to bear responsibility for the negative consequences caused by my indicating a mobile phone number belonging to another person.

3. For the purposes of this agreement, “personal data” means:
Personal data that the Client provides about himself consciously and independently when filling out an Application for training on the Site and when subscribing to site news on any page
(namely: last name, first name, patronymic (if any), mobile phone number, email address, region, city of residence, date of birth, level of education of the Client, chosen training program, residential address, passport details, diploma of professional education, certificates about retraining or advanced training, etc.).

4. Client - an individual (a person who is the legal representative of an individual in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation) who has filled out an Application for training on the Site, thus expressing his intention to use the educational services offered by the Center.

5. The Center generally does not verify the accuracy of the personal data provided by the Client and does not exercise control over his legal capacity. However, the Center assumes that the Client provides reliable and sufficient personal information on issues proposed in the registration form (Application form, Subscription form), and keeps this information up to date.

6. The Center collects and stores only those personal data that are necessary for conducting admission to training and organizing the provision of educational services (execution of agreements and contracts with the Client), as well as informing about news in the field distance education for healthcare professionals.

7. The collected information allows you to send information in the form of emails and SMS messages via communication channels (SMS mailing) to the email address and mobile phone number specified by the Client for the purpose of admission to Educational institutions, organizations educational process, sending important notices such as changes to the terms, conditions and policies of the Center. Also, such information is necessary to promptly inform the Client about all changes in the conditions and organization of the educational and admission process to Educational Institutions, inform the Client about upcoming promotions, upcoming events and other activities of the Center, by sending him mailings and information messages, as well as for identification purposes parties under agreements and contracts with the Center, communication with the Client, including sending notifications, requests and information regarding the provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the Client.

8. Our site uses identification files - cookies. Cookies are a small piece of data sent by a web server and stored on the user's computer. Every time a web client (usually a web browser) tries to open a page on the corresponding site, it sends this piece of data to the web server in the form of an HTTP request. Used to save data on the user side, in practice it is usually used for: user authentication; storing personal preferences and user settings; tracking the state of a user's access session; maintaining statistics about users. You can disable the use of cookies in your browser settings. Please note, however, that in this case some functions will not be available or may not work correctly.

9. When working with the Client’s personal data, the Center is guided by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006. “About personal data.”

10. I am informed that I can unsubscribe from receiving information via email at any time by sending an email to: . You can also unsubscribe from receiving information via email at any time by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link at the end of the letter.

11. I am informed that at any time I can refuse to receive SMS messages to my specified mobile phone number by sending an email to the following address:

12. The Center takes necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the Client’s personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other misconduct third parties with it.

13. This agreement and the relations between the Client and the Center arising in connection with the application of the agreement are subject to the law of the Russian Federation.

14. By this agreement I confirm that I am over 18 years of age and accept the conditions indicated in the text of this agreement, and also give my full voluntary consent to the processing of my personal data.

15. This agreement governing the relationship between the Client and the Center is valid throughout the entire period of provision of the Services and the Client’s access to the personalized services of the Center’s Website.

"Interregional service center for additional professional medical and pharmaceutical education at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution PIMU and Perm State Medical University"
Legal address: 299009, Russian Federation, Crimea, Sevastopol, Perekomsky lane, 19
IP Mikheda A.I. INN 920350703600

From January 1, 2016, in accordance with the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation", a new additional procedure is being introduceduska to professional activity- accreditation of a specialist. The transition to the accreditation procedure for specialists is carried out in stages from January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2025 inclusive.

During the period from January 1, 2016 to January 1, 2021, admission to professional activities is carried out both through accreditation, and through certification specialist, depending on the date of completion of the “last” certification.

After the expiration of the received certificate, they will be allowed to practice professional activities through the specialist certification procedure one more time. Training of such specialists can take place in the form“traditional” advanced training (144 hours) orwithin the framework of a model for developing the basic principles of continuing medical education.

Login continuing medical and pharmaceutical education since last certification And will be allowed to engage in professional activities through the specialist accreditation procedure.The training of such specialists includes the formation individual plan training in the relevant specialty ( no less 250 academic hours over 5 years) and its subsequent discrete development with a volume distribution of at least 50 hours per year.

The components of an individual annual training plan are the following types of educational activities:

· advanced training programvolume of 36 hours or two advanced training programs of 18 hours each;

· educational events with a total volume of 14 hours: conferences, congresses of professional communities, etc., conducted in person and (or) remotely, electronic training modules for self-study.

Information support for the system of continuous medical and pharmaceutical education is carried out simultaneously with the help of Portal for continuing medical and pharmaceutical education and the official website of the Coordination Council for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education -

To join the system of continuing medical education, specialists must register simultaneously:

· on the portal

· on the website

On the portal in the section Five-year training cycles, a specialist entering the system of continuing medical education must:

· select a programadvanced traininglabor-intensive 18 or 36 hours in your specialty,

· create and print an application for training.

On the website a specialist entering the system of continuing medical education must

· choose full-time and part-time educational activities

· select training modules for self-study

On the portal of continuous medical and pharmaceutical education there is a program for advanced training of the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Moscow Region MONIKI named after. M.F. Vladimirsky“Legal regulation and financing of healthcare in the Russian Federation” volume 18 hours. The program is intended for all healthcare professionals, including general practitioners. The training is conducted on December 13, 2016 from 9.00 to 15.00 in building 9 (meeting room of the academic council) of the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Moscow Region MONIKI named after. M.F. Vladimirsky. Training is provided at the expense of the budget of the Moscow region.

To enroll in this program, a specialist registered on the portal must log into his personal account and select this program from the list offered by the portal, sign up for it and print out the application.

Registration on the portal of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education, enrollment in the program through the portal, as well as printing the application are necessary to accrue the credits necessary for the specialist.

Documents for enrollment are provided to the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Moscow Region MONIKI named after. M.F. Vladimirsky on the day of arrival for training. List of documents

application (to be completed upon arrival for training).

document proving identity and citizenship (copy)

a document confirming the fact of changing the last name, first name or patronymic when they change (copy);

a copy of a specialist’s diploma certified at the place of work;

a copy of the document confirming completion of internship and (or) residency certified at the place of work;

a certificate from the place of employment indicating the position and length of service in it.

Continuous medical education(NMO) is education system for medical workers.

Goal: improving the base of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, expanding professional competencies throughout the entire working life of a physician.

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Let us consider in the article the features of the system’s operation and algorithms for training health workers within the framework of educational programs.

System of continuous education of medical workers

Essentially, CME is an innovative form of advanced training for medical workers.

The system of continuous medical education is being introduced gradually. The full transition to the system is planned to be completed by 2026. The official website of NMO is

If a doctor received a specialist certificate after January 1, 2016, then in the future he will be allowed to work only through the accreditation procedure, which he will undergo every 5 years.

The certificate has been received before this time - the doctor will be able to obtain permission to work through the usual certification procedure.

Five year cycle

The health worker must form an individual five-year training cycle.

The total labor intensity is 250 hours. For 5 years, you must annually accumulate 50 hours/ZETs:

  • 36 - in general education programs,
  • 14 - for educational events and interactive modules.

After 5 years - undergo periodic accreditation.

One of the main advantages of the CME program is the opportunity to study remotely. It is known that today healthcare in the regions is experiencing a severe shortage of specialists.

Distance learning modules allow you to study at home or in the workplace. The problem of having to let a practicing doctor go to study in itself disappears.

Distance learning opportunities

For senior staff medical institutions Special training programs for the School of the Chief Physician have been opened.

Based on the results of the training, students receive a standard certificate of advanced training, as well as the opportunity to renew the specialist’s certificate. 283 Russian managers are already taking courses.

Choose a course and start learning

Basic principles of CME

In order for the continuing education of medical workers to be paid for from compulsory medical insurance funds, it is necessary to submit an application to the head physician of the health care facility for referral to additional professional training under the advanced training program.

The employee can independently choose educational institution and the program in which he will study, including using the Internet.

To make a choice and undergo training, a health worker must:

  1. Register on the specified resource.
  2. Select a training program from the list.
  3. Submit a preliminary application for enrollment in training according to the chosen program.
  4. Agree on the topic curriculum, place and timing of training with the head physician of your healthcare facility.
  5. Submit an application for training to the head physician (a printed copy of the preliminary application is attached to the application).

After a health worker is included in the action plan for organizing additional professional training for advanced training programs, a voucher containing an individual confirmation code is sent to his place of work in his name. You should print it out and bring it to the training course.

The administration of the health care facility, in turn, concludes with educational institution contract for training under an additional professional educational program.

In addition, the employer is obliged to provide the medical worker with time to master the training program and provide access to paper and electronic libraries at work.

Medical education program

The continuing professional education program involves independent formation curriculum followed by mastering it and passing the accreditation procedure after five years. According to Roshal, CME should first of all affect first-line doctors, that is, local service specialists.

In addition, he noted that the most important component of the system is the personal interest of medical workers so that they can handle the additional workload. A big role in this is played by distance learning modules, which can be mastered at any convenient time. Look on the portal.

What the head physician does not have the right to demand from subordinates

Now the system of continuous medical education is an experiment. Participation is voluntary. The health worker himself decides what to do. For arbitrariness, the employer faces administrative liability.

4 is not allowed in the CME system

You can't demand to study at free time. Studying in the system of continuing medical education can take place in work time with or without separation from the place of work. The doctor must write a corresponding statement addressed to the head physician. The manager is obliged to satisfy him.

Scheme for referring health workers to courses: 11 steps

The referral of medical workers to courses consists of the following stages:

  1. Development of an internal regulatory document that specifies the procedure for selecting employees who are subject to undergoing the CCP within the framework of CME at the expense of compulsory health insurance funds.
  2. Selecting employees and compiling a list of them.
  3. Registration of employees to be trained on the CME website, selection of training programs.
  4. Writing applications by employees for referral to training (with confirmation of the application).
  5. Confirmation of referral for training.
  6. Transfer of the list of employees to the regional Ministry of Health.
  7. Receiving a final list of employees from the executive authority.
  8. Concluding an agreement with an educational institution.
  9. Sending a copy of the agreement to the territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the regional Ministry of Health.
  10. Receiving a copy of the training completion document from the employee within 10 days from the date of completion.
  11. Sending a copy of the document on completion of training to the territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and the regional Ministry of Health.


[About the system of continuing medical education]

Regarding the points stated in the appeal, we inform you as follows.

1. As already indicated in the previous answer (our outgoing N 16-2/2030010 dated 04/11/2017), the regulatory framework for the system of continuous medical and pharmaceutical education is currently being finalized, which will take into account different kinds educational activity - training in additional professional programs, participation in full-time educational events and mastering distance learning modules.

There are currently no regulations obliging specialists to join the CME system through the portal of continuing medical education of the Russian Ministry of Health.

2. Until the emergence of an appropriate regulatory framework, the participation of a specialist in the CME system is voluntary.

3. Currently, there are no regulatory legal acts containing such norms; educational organizations, regardless of their form of ownership, independently make decisions on the formation of certain educational programs. Accreditation of programs in the CME system is currently not provided for by any current regulatory legal act.

4. According to the order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated 06/02/2016 N 334n, primary accreditation of specialists is carried out in relation to persons who have completed training in higher medical, pharmaceutical or other education programs.

In accordance with Article 13 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" educational organizations A credit system may be used to determine the structure of professional educational programs and the labor intensity of their development.

The number of credit units in the main professional educational program for a specific profession, specialty or area of ​​training is established by the relevant federal state educational standard, educational standard.

Number of credit units for additional professional program established by the organization carrying out educational activities. It should be noted that mastering educational programs higher education not related to CME.

5. The statement about primary accreditation by educational organizations is not true. In accordance with the current regulatory framework, primary accreditation is carried out in relation to persons who have completed their studies in higher education programs, and is not related to either the new CME model or current system additional vocational education.

Primary accreditation is carried out by accreditation commissions on premises and using equipment provided by educational organizations. The composition of accreditation commissions is formed by order of the Russian Ministry of Health from among representatives of the professional community and employers.


Director of the Department


Continuing medical education is a program of the Ministry of Health designed to improve the professional skills of medical workers, the quality of the services they provide, as well as the accessibility of the training itself using new tools (website, portals, video lectures, webinars, etc.). The qualification level of a modern medical worker determines not only his personal capabilities regarding career growth, but also the efficiency with which the healing process is carried out. Today your professional qualifications employees of the specified specialization are confirmed or promoted within the framework of the continuing medical and pharmaceutical education project.

Every physician or pharmaceutical specialist must undergo educational activities in institutions that have received accreditation from the Russian Ministry of Health. Each completed event gives the specialist credit units (points), which can be activated through the “Personal Account” on the website of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education

  • (Portal for continuing medical and pharmaceutical education of the Russian Ministry of Health)

Advantages of the “Outpatient Doctor” portal

The main task of our site is to provide information to the general practitioner and outpatient specialist with scientific and educational materials in order to improve their qualifications in the system of continuing medical education, as well as to direct specialists to events developed by the “Outpatient Doctor”, each of which allows them to receive credit points for improvement qualifications. Each educational session completed by a doctor allows the specialist to receive state accreditation from the Russian Ministry of Health in the form of credits. All specialists participating in events from the list on our website will subsequently be able to register the received credit points in their “Personal Account” on the official portal of continuing medical and pharmaceutical education. In addition to the system of continuous medical education, a specialist can join the professional society of our organization. Paid membership comes with a number of benefits, which can be explored on the relevant page on our website.

One of the goals of the portal for continuing medical education (there will also be interesting points for those who want to study pharmaceutical education) is compliance with a number of principles of this program:

  1. Continuity of one educational course.
  2. A variety of presentation and teaching methods, mandatory testing of specialists and participants in continuing medical education.
  3. Each of the medical professionals participating in our CME program receives exclusive and up-to-date knowledge from reputable practitioners and theorists who are among the best in their field.
  4. Motivating specialists to take continuing education courses. The received loans are a kind of resource for confirming or increasing the qualification level.

A specialist who wants to engage in medical education within the framework of the CME program, in order to receive a document confirming or increasing the qualification level in the future (once every 5 years), must complete all face-to-face sessions offered in the annual schedule on our portal in order to receive the required amount within the program credit units.

Technical features of the CME program: main stages of system management

To become a participant in the project, a specialist must:

  • find an educational institution accredited by the Russian Ministry of Health that conducts courses;
  • conclude a training agreement with this institution according to a predetermined program;
  • register on the resource - and work with the system through the “Personal Account” of this resource, plus, if necessary, ask your questions;
  • connect to selected events and modules through this resource.

Regional public organization promoting the development of prehospital medicine “Outpatient Doctor” is a unique professional society with a personal scientific and educational resource. The advantage of our online resource is that not only members of society, but also ordinary listeners Those who register and attend a certain event are issued certificates with individual codes, according to which they can subsequently receive credit units within the framework of the continuing professional education system.

The nuances of using an individual code:

  • on the certificate, the code is represented by a 13-character alphanumeric combination in the format XXXX-XXXXXXXX;
  • the code does not contain the letters “O”, so if in doubt, enter the number “0”;
  • any problems with entering the code into the system are resolved via the technical support e-mail of the site

To contact support, you must describe the problem or question and send an email to: [email protected], adding the following details without fail:

  1. The name of the event, the listener of which was the holder of the certificate with the code.
  2. Date of this event.
  3. Geography of the event.
  4. Directly a code combination that cannot be activated.

The advantage of this educational project is that CME is almost completely automated, excluding the actual holding of events and testing of specialists.

Differences between CME sites

The official website was mentioned earlier. Certificates issued by us can be activated in the “Personal Account” of the mentioned resource. Resource Federal body healthcare has a “Personal Accounts” structure similar to that presented on the website of the Coordination Council. These " Personal accounts» are synchronized with each other, and CME credits are calculated by the Coordination Council.

Benefits of membership in the Outpatient Physician Society

After registering in the CME project, a physician should pay close attention to the resources and activities from the “Outpatient Doctor”. Due to their scientific and practical relevance, all sessions and educational medical materials have received state accreditation - accordingly, they are relevant within the framework of continuing professional education and beyond. We are far from the only company engaged in this type of activity, but working with an “Outpatient Doctor” promises the physician a number of advantages in comparison with conditions on other resources.

Working with us is useful not only as a scientific and educational resource, but also as a professional society in the field of prehospital medicine. Within the “Outpatient Doctor” resource, specialists who have become members of our society can:

  • freely use the library archive and study the content of all previously held events online;
  • study printed publications according to professional interests;
  • communicate with colleagues and lecturers on the resource forum, etc.

Together with our listeners and members of society, we are ready to solve the following tasks and achieve the planned goals outlined federal project, within the framework of which the training of doctors is carried out:

  • promotion general level the effectiveness and quality of a doctor’s work in the eyes of patients;
  • continuous growth of qualification level and expansion of the existing knowledge base of a specialist, bringing it to full compliance with international standards, etc. (within the framework of continuing professional education, and not only)

All of the above is a reason to choose “Outpatient doctor” as a target educational resource when improving the qualifications of doctors. Let's make the nation healthier and safer!