Tests for admission to the lyceum 1. Tests for future first-graders test (preparatory group) on the topic. Testing before entering school

Full name______________________________________________class____________date_____________

1. attention.

A. Corrective test. Annex 1.

S – indicator of switching and distribution of attention;

N – quantity geometric shapes, viewed and marked with appropriate signs within two minutes;

n – the number of errors made during the task. Errors are considered to be incorrectly placed or missing signs, i.e. geometric shapes not marked with appropriate signs.

Evaluation of results

B. Schulte table.

Table no.


2. memory – 10 words



















3. thinking

A. Generalization - 4 extra (cards)

Evaluation of results

10 points - the child solved the task assigned to him in less than 1 minute, naming the extra objects in all the pictures and correctly explaining why they are extra.
8-9 points - the child correctly solved the problem in a time from 1 minute to 1.5 minutes.
6-7 points - the child completed the task in 1.5 to 2.0 minutes.
4-5 points - the child solved the problem in a time from 2.0 to 2.5 minutes.
2-3 points - the child solved the problem in a time from 2.5 minutes to 3 minutes.
0-1 point - the child failed to complete the task in 3 minutes.

Conclusions about the level of development

10 points - very tall
8-9 points - high
4-7 points - average
2-3 points - low
0 - 1 point - very low

B. Understanding the morality of proverbs, sayings and metaphors.

  1. Strike while the iron is hot.
  1. All that glitters is not gold.


  1. Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.


  1. If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest.


  1. There is safety in numbers.


  1. If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.


  1. The word is not a sparrow: if it flies out, you won’t catch it.


  1. Finished the job - go for a walk safely.


  1. As it comes back, so will it respond.


B. Understanding the text.


The lion was sleeping. A mouse ran over his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her go. The mouse began to ask him to let her go, and promised to do him good too. The lion laughed loudly and let go of the mouse. Then the hunters caught the lion and tied it to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard the lion's roar, came running, chewed the rope and saved the lion.


D. Selection of opposites:

Big small;

Weak - strong;

Warm – cold;

Low – high;

Expensive - cheap

D. Graphic dictation


Projective test of personal relationships, social emotions and value orientations “Houses”.

The methodological basis of the test is the color-associative experiment, known from A. Etkind’s relationship test. The test was developed by O.A. Orekhova and allows for diagnostics of the child’s emotional sphere in terms of higher emotions of social genesis, personal preferences and activity orientations, which makes it especially valuable from the point of view of analyzing the child’s emotional attitude to school.

To carry out the technique, the following materials are required:

  1. Answer sheet Appendix 2>
  2. Eight colored pencils: blue, red, yellow, green, purple, gray, brown, black. Pencils should be the same, painted in colors that match the lead.

It is better to conduct the study with a group of first-graders – 10-15 people; it is advisable to seat the children one at a time. If possible, you can involve high school students to help, having previously instructed them. The teacher’s help and presence are excluded, since we are talking about the children’s attitude towards school life, including to the teacher.

The study procedure consists of three coloring tasks and takes approximately 20 minutes.

Instructions: Today we will do coloring. Find task No. 1 on your sheet of paper. This is a path of eight rectangles. Choose the pencil that you like best and color the first rectangle. Set this pencil aside. Look at the remaining pencils. Which one do you like best? Color the second rectangle with it. Put the pencil aside. And so on.

Find task #2. There are houses in front of you, a whole street of them. Our feelings live in them. I will name the feelings, and you choose the appropriate color for them and color them. There is no need to put down your pencils. You can paint it in the color that suits you. There are many houses, their owners may differ and may be similar, which means the color may be similar.

List of words: happiness, grief, justice, resentment, friendship, quarrel, kindness, anger, boredom, admiration.

If children do not understand what a word means, they need to explain it using verbal predicates and adverbs.

Find task #3. In these houses we do something special, and the residents in them are unusual. Your soul lives in the first house. What color suits her? Color it.

House designations:

No. 2 – your mood when you go to school,
No. 3 – your mood in reading lesson,
No. 4 – your mood in writing class,
No. 5 – your mood in math class
No. 6 – your mood when you talk to the teacher,
No. 7 – your mood when you communicate with your classmates,
No. 8 – your mood when you are at home,
No. 9 – your mood when you do your homework,
No. 10 – figure out for yourself who lives and what they do in this house. When you finish coloring it, quietly tell me in your ear who lives there and what he does (a corresponding note is made on the answer sheet).

The technique gives a psychotherapeutic effect, which is achieved by the very use of color, the possibility of reacting negative and positive emotions, in addition, the emotional series ends in a major tone (admiration, one’s own choice).

The processing procedure begins with task No. 1. The vegetative coefficient is calculated using the formula:

VK = (18 – red place – place of blue color) / (18 – blue place – green place)

The vegetative coefficient characterizes the energy balance of the body: its ability to consume energy or its tendency to save energy. Its value varies from 0.2 to 5 points. The energy indicator is interpreted as follows:

  1. 0 – 0.5 – chronic fatigue, exhaustion, low performance. The loads are too much for the child
  2. 0.51 – 0.91 – compensated state of fatigue. Self-restoration of optimal performance occurs due to periodic reduction in activity. It is necessary to optimize the working rhythm, work and rest regime.
  3. 0.92 – 1.9 – optimal performance. The child is cheerful, healthy, and ready to expend energy. Loads correspond to capabilities. The lifestyle allows the child to restore expended energy.
  4. Over 2.0 – overexcitation. More often it is the result of a child working to the limit of his capabilities, which leads to rapid exhaustion. It requires normalization of the pace of activity, work and rest schedule, and sometimes a reduction in load.

Next, the indicator of the total deviation from the autogenic norm is calculated. A certain order of colors (34251607) - the autogenic norm - is an indicator of psychological well-being. To calculate the total deviation (SD), the difference between the actual occupied space and the standard color position is first calculated. Then the differences ( absolute values, without taking into account the sign) are summed up. The CO value varies from 0 to 32 and can only be even. The CO value reflects a stable emotional background, i.e. the child's prevailing mood. The numerical values ​​of the SD are interpreted as follows:

  1. More than 20 – predominance of negative emotions. The child is dominated by a bad mood and unpleasant experiences. There are problems that the child cannot solve on his own.
  2. 10 – 18 – emotional condition fine. The child can be happy and sad, there is no reason to worry.
  3. Less than 10 – Predominance of positive emotions. The child is cheerful, happy, and optimistic.

Tasks No. 2 and No. 3 essentially decipher the emotional sphere of a first-grader and guide the researcher in possible adaptation problems.

Task No. 2 characterizes the sphere of social emotions. Here it is necessary to assess the degree of differentiation of emotions - normally the child colors positive feelings with primary colors, negative ones with brown and black. Weak or insufficient differentiation indicates deformation in certain blocks of personal relationships:

Happiness-sorrow is a block of basic comfort,
Justice - resentment - a block to personal growth,
Friendship - quarrel - block of interpersonal interaction,
Kindness - anger - a block of potential aggression,
Boredom – admiration – block of cognition.

In the presence of an inversion of the color thermometer (primary colors occupy the last places), children often experience insufficient differentiation of social emotions - for example, both happiness and quarrel can be indicated by the same red color. In this case, you need to pay attention to how the child colors the paired categories and how far apart the pairs are in their color choice.

The relevance of a child’s experience of a particular feeling indicates its place in the color thermometer (task No. 1).

Task No. 3 reflects the child’s emotional attitude towards himself, school activities, teacher and classmates. It is clear that if there are problems in some area, the first grader paints these particular houses brown or black. It is advisable to highlight rows of objects that the child has designated with the same color. For example, school-happiness-admiration or homework-grief-boredom. The chains of associations are transparent enough to understand the child’s emotional attitude towards school. Children with poor emotional differentiation are likely to be ambivalent and emotional assessment types of activities. Based on the results of task No. 3, three groups of children can be distinguished:

  1. with a positive attitude towards school
  2. with an ambivalent attitude
  3. with a negative attitude

It should be noted that with extremely low or extremely high indicators of VC and CO, doubts about the purity of the study this technique can be duplicated according to the same scheme, but individually, with standard cards from the Luscher test.

Appendix 2

Answer sheet for the test “Houses”

Last name, first name class date

1 task

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2 task

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


The questionnaire requires no more than 5–7 minutes per class. Recording of schoolchildren's answers to 20 points of the questionnaire in two columns (No. 11 opposite No. 1, etc.).

Class instructions: “Imagine that each statement you read below is about your class. If you agree with a statement, put a plus (+) next to its number; if you disagree, put a minus (-). You can put it two or three times question mark, if you answer “I don’t know.” Remember that there are no “right” or “wrong” answers here. Your personal opinion is important. There is no need to indicate your last name on the sheet.”

List of statements:

1. The guys try to do things well that are useful to the whole school.
2. When we get together, we always talk about the general affairs of the class.
3. It is important to us that everyone in the class can express their opinion.
4. We do better if we do something together, rather than individually.
5. After lessons we are in no hurry to leave and continue to communicate with each other.
6. We participate in something if we expect a reward or success.
7. The class teacher is interested in us.
8. If the class teacher suggests to us what to do, he takes our opinions into account.
9. The class teacher strives to ensure that everyone in the class understands why we are doing this or that.
10. The guys in our class always behave well.
11. We agree to difficult work if the school needs it.
12. We make sure that our class is the friendliest in the school.
13. The leader of the class can be the one who expresses the opinions of other children.
14. If the matter is interesting, then the whole class actively participates in it.
15. In the general affairs of the class, what we like most is helping each other.
16. It’s easier to get us involved in a business if you prove its benefits for everyone.
17. Things go much better when the class teacher is with us.
18. In case of difficulties, we freely turn to the class teacher for help.
19. If things fail, the class teacher shares responsibility with us.
20. In our class, the guys are always right in everything.

Key, processing and interpretation of results.

All 20 statements represent 10 scales, although when processing the results it is possible to consider the students’ answers for each of the 20 statements separately. In accordance with the serial number of statements from No. 1 to No. 10 (and similarly from No. 11 to No. 20), these are the following scales:

(I) The value of the school.With high values: orientation towards school, activity in general school affairs, involvement in the rhythm of parallel life, a wide circle of friends in the school community.

(II) Class value.At high values: orientation towards the class as the center of school life, involvement in class affairs, emphasizing group (intra-class) interests.

(III) Personal value.At high values: orientation towards personality, individuality, priority of independence, free self-expression, personal position.

(IV) The value of creativity.At high values: orientation towards creative participation, interesting work, joint productive activity.

(V) The value of dialogue.At high values: orientation towards communication, friendly relations, empathy, concern for the interests of others.

(VI) The value of reflection.At high values: orientation towards self-analysis, assessment and reflective understanding of one’s own interests and needs.

(VII) Assessment of creativity (creativity) class teacher. At high values: perception of the class teacher as a creative leader, inventor and active participant in common affairs.

(VIII) Assessing the dialogic nature of the class teacher.At high values: perception of the class teacher as an emotional leader, an authoritative adult, capable of understanding and helping.

(IX) Assessing the reflexivity of the class teacher.At high values: perception of the class teacher as an intellectual leader, an analyst of the situation in the classroom, and a responsible decision maker.

(X) Frankness.It is included in the questionnaire to assess the reliability of the results, as it measures the attitude of schoolchildren to be critical of socially approved answers. In addition, we believe that cooperative relationships are based on trust, sincerity, and openness of position, so low frankness of answers (low self-criticism) may indicate, despite high scores on other scales, trouble in relationships and severe social anxiety.

To process the results, it is necessary to determine quantitative values ​​for each scale. For each “+” answer, 1 point is counted.(except for statements No. 10 and No. 20, where 1 point is counted for each “-” answer) . For every "?" the answer counts 0.5 points.

The scores for each scale are summed up and converted into percentages from 0 to 100%. In addition, it is calculated GPA as the arithmetic mean of all ten scales. The results obtained are displayed graphically in the form of a profile.

IMPORTANT : only group results are calculated and analyzed, all student responses are anonymous.

For ease of analysis, results below 60% are considered low, normal - in the range of 60 - 80%, high - in the range of 80 - 100%. It is possible to develop internal school standards.

The results of the X scale are especially interpreted: with values ​​below 50%, the test results are rechecked as unreliable; with values ​​in the range of 50–60%, we are talking about reduced self-criticism, pronounced social anxiety, and the desire to look better in the eyes of surrounding adults.

You can learn more about testing upon admission to first grade in my “Everything a preschooler should know when entering first grade.”

Testing upon admission to 1st grade

Back to school soon. Entering first grade is a particularly important matter. The requirements for preparing children have increased. In many educational institutions interview or psychological testing has been introduced.

Parents are increasingly faced with the fact that interviews are developing into real exams, and admission not only to gymnasiums and lyceums, but also to regular schools (!) is carried out on a competitive basis. Does this mean that for babies who have not received special training, the chances of being accepted into the first grade are approaching zero? Strictly speaking, no, because according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science, all children who have reached school age, are accepted into the first grade of a general education institution, regardless of their level of preparation.

Required condition for enrollment in first grade - the child reaches at least 6.5 years of age at the beginning school year. Only the lack of available places sometimes serves as a reason for refusing to admit children who do not live in the nearest microdistrict. No one has the right to demand from a future first-grader the ability to read and write - all tests and assignments are checked only intellectual development

baby. The main purpose of testing should be to familiarize teachers with children entering school and to be able to adjust the curriculum depending on their level.. Thus, the results of any interviews conducted with the child are only advisory in nature, otherwise it is considered a violation of current legislation.

However, you should not neglect your preparation for school. Having made a first impression about the child after the interview, the teacher will not soon change it. This process is individual in each case and depends on the abilities and character of a particular child, as well as external conditions (features of upbringing in the family, “experience” acquired in a preschool institution, etc.). Parents should focus on approximately two to three months of regular classes to develop logic, thinking and memory. In any case, such training will be very useful and will definitely be useful to the future first-grader. Loving parents themselves will perfectly prepare their child for admission testing to the 1st grade, and to a school of any level. As a rule, the child is tested by the future first teacher. We assure you that she will have the most favorable, positive attitude towards your “prodigy” after brilliant answers to “tricky questions” for which the baby was prepared at home!

During interviews, the following aspects are usually tested: perception, memory, attention and concentration, thinking, motor skills, speech. They also ask questions on the topics “ The world", "City", "Daily Routine". The tests also include simple arithmetic problems.

In aspect PERCEPTIONS great importance The child has a visual memory, his ability to remember colors, shapes, and components of objects. A perception task can be formulated, for example, this way: complete the drawing of the dragonfly (Fig. 1).

MEMORY- one of the most difficult aspects. As a verification test, they most often offer a series of simple pictures or geometric shapes, which must be memorized in 10-20 seconds and then drawn on clean slate. This often requires longer training.

On ATTENTION and CONCENTRATION exist individual tasks. For example: remember the pattern with dots and try to repeat it (Fig. 2). On the right are possible options for performing the test).

To test the THINKING of a future first-grader, the following tasks are offered:

1. Name as many similarities and differences as possible:

a) cat and dog (pets, tail, ears, whiskers, fur; scratches/bites, meows/barks, catches mice/guards the house, etc.);
b) shepherd and cow (legs, nose, alive, moving; person/animal, speaks/moos, etc.);
c) crow and pike (tail, breathe, feed; bird/fish, flies/swims, croaks/is silent, etc.).

2. Complete the fourth boat so as to maintain the pattern (Fig. 3).

The development of MOTOR SKILLS of a future schoolchild is often tested using practical task, for example: draw a man. The evaluation criteria here are the adequacy and accuracy of the image (Fig. 4).

Tests from the sectionSPEECH DEVELOPMENT might sound like this.

1. Name in one word: A boy who goes to school (student);

woman playing tennis (tennis player);

a person playing the piano (pianist).

If a horse is made of wood, what kind of horse is it? (Wooden.)

If dad has dark hair, what is he like? (Dark-haired). If it rains today, what day is it? (Rainy).
2. Say it correctly. One mitten, but many (mittens). One ball, but many (balls). One tree, but many (trees).

In addition, it is necessary to know words that are close and opposite in meaning (synonyms and antonyms), be able to break words into syllables, distinguish between vowels and consonants, and rhyme words (bear - cone).
Children are often given the task of making up a story based on a picture. It is useful to learn a few short poems and simple tongue twisters with your child (“The pie is good - there is curd inside”), and practice solving popular riddles (“The girl is sitting in a dungeon, and her braid is on the street”).

When talking on the topic “The world around us,” the child should know:

  • names of insects, animals, their young, habits and habitats;
  • be able to divide them into groups (wild and domestic, predators and herbivores);
  • know the names of plants (trees, flowers, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms), as well as their division into edible and inedible.

The topic “City” occupies an important place in the conversation between a teacher and a preschooler. The child needs to be able to navigate well the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the road, determine the type of transport, relate stores and the goods sold in them, and distinguish between professions. The child definitely needs learn your home address and phone number.

Knowledge of the seasons and the day, the ability to determine time using both electronic and regular clocks will be useful when answering questions on the topic “Daily Routine”.

In order to confidently solve math problems in the future, a future first-grader must count from 1 to 20 and solve simple subtraction and addition examples. (like 3-1 =...; 4 + 4 =...; 15-2 =...; 20-9 =...; 10 + 1 =...) and recognize greater than, less than, and equal to signs. The child can be offered the following picture with a task: where are the most balls? (Fig. 5).
According to the interview rules Only complete, clear and specific answers are counted to the questions asked. For example, if you need to give your dad’s last name, first name and patronymic, the correct answer is: “My dad’s name is Mikhail Vasilyevich Ivanov,” and the incorrect answer is: “Papa Misha.”
Children need to react quickly enough to tasks - they are given little time to think. Has the meaning pre-practice at home, even if in general the child is well prepared.
It should be borne in mind that when children find themselves in an unusual environment, they often begin to get nervous and often, despite having the necessary knowledge, they are not able to concentrate and give the correct answer.
An unfamiliar place, strangers - all this creates stressful situation, especially for children who have not attended nurseries preschool institutions. Therefore, parents need to take care of the moral and psychological preparation of the preschooler. Parents can check, expand and strengthen their child’s knowledge on their own: methodological manuals and collections test tasks widely available in bookstores. These types of manuals usually contain numerous exercise options and logical problems, formulated in a form understandable to a preschooler and supplied with illustrative material.

Fig.1. Complete the dragonfly

Fig.2. Remember the first drawing and reproduce
(children answer differently)
Fig.3. Complete the missing boat Fig.4. Draw a man

He should sit in a way that is comfortable for him, so that the table and chair take into account his height.

When everything is ready, sit the child down, place a folded sheet of paper in front of him, give him the first task and wait for him to complete it. Then ask him to unfold the sheet for the second task, etc.

1. Draw a man. Because you know how (we don’t say anything else and in response to all the child’s remarks we repeat the instructions without our explanation). If he asks if you can draw a woman, say: “You need to draw a man.” If the child has already started drawing a woman, wait until he finishes and repeat the request to draw a man. It happens that a child refuses to draw a man (later I will explain why this could be). Then we do the next task.
2. The child turns the sheet over and sees a sentence at the top left. You say: “Look, there’s something written here. You don’t know how to write yet, but try, maybe you can do the same. Look carefully and write the same thing here in the empty space.” Those. we invite him to copy the phrase. If your child already knows how to read written text, write any phrase in another language unknown to him, for example, in English: He eats soup.
3. He then moves on to a group of points. You say: “Look, there are dots drawn here. Try to draw the same thing here, next to me.” You can use your finger to show the place where he will draw them.
After finishing the test, do not forget to praise your child.

If in the first task the child flatly refuses to draw a man, do not insist - this is food for thought. Such a refusal may indicate trouble in the child’s family, when the father is absent altogether, a threat comes from him, or traumatic experiences are associated with him.

Regarding the interpretation, J. Jerasek noted that high quality of performance indicates a greater likelihood that the subject will successfully cope with the school program. However, if he did poorly on the test, this does NOT mean that at school he will become a poor student and an ignoramus. Not at all. And such children study well. It just happens that a child sketches a person, which affects the total score.

So if you don’t get the scores you would like, think about whether you are doing everything for your child’s development? Show him more attention, play with him more often, all the games and exercises that develop fine motor skills, memory and thinking.


a) Test “Drawing of a Person”
“Here (shown where) draw some guy as best you can.” While drawing, it is unacceptable to correct the child (“you forgot to draw the ears”), the adult silently observes.
1 point: a male figure is drawn (elements men's clothing), there is a head, torso, limbs; the head and body are connected by the neck, it should not be larger than the body; the head is smaller than the body; on the head – hair, possibly a headdress, ears; on the face - eyes, nose, mouth; the hands have hands with five fingers; legs are bent (there is a foot or shoe); the figure is drawn in a synthetic way (the outline is solid, the legs and arms seem to grow from the body, and are not attached to it.
2 points: fulfillment of all requirements, except for the synthetic method of drawing, or if there is a synthetic method, but 3 details are not drawn: neck, hair, fingers; the face is completely drawn.
3 points: the figure has a head, torso, limbs (arms and legs are drawn with two lines); may be missing: neck, ears, hair, clothing, fingers, feet.
4 points: a primitive drawing with a head and torso, arms and legs are not drawn, can be in the form of one line.
5 points: lack of a clear image of the torso, no limbs; scribble.

b) Copying a phrase from written letters
“Look, there's something written here. Try to rewrite the same here (show below the written phrase) as best you can.”
Write a phrase on a piece of paper in capital letters, the first letter is capital: He ate soup.
1 point: the sample is well and completely copied; letters may be slightly larger than the sample, but not 2 times; the first letter is capital; the phrase consists of three words, their location on the sheet is horizontal (a slight deviation from horizontal is possible).
2 points: the sample is copied legibly; the size of the letters and horizontal position are not taken into account (the letter may be larger, the line may go up or down).
3 points: the inscription is divided into three parts, you can understand at least 4 letters.
4 points: at least 2 letters match the sample, the line is visible.
5 points: illegible scribbles, scribbling.

V) Drawing points

“There are dots drawn here. Try to draw the same ones next to each other.”
In the sample, 10 points are located at an even distance from each other vertically and horizontally.

1 point: exact copying of the sample, small deviations from the line or column are allowed, reduction of the picture, enlargement is unacceptable.
2 points: the number and location of points correspond to the sample, deviation of up to three points by half the distance between them is allowed; dots can be replaced by circles.
3 points: the drawing as a whole corresponds to the sample, and does not exceed it in height or width by more than 2 times; the number of points may not correspond to the sample, but there should not be more than 20 and less than 7; We can rotate the drawing even 180 degrees.
4 points: the drawing consists of dots, but does not correspond to the sample.
5 points: scribbles, scribbles.
After evaluating each task, all points are summed up.
So, if a child scores in total on all three tasks:
3-6 points means he has a high level of readiness for school;
7-12 points – quite an average level;
13-15 points - so be it, low level readiness, the child needs additional examination of intelligence and mental development (or maybe the child was just in a bad mood? - in a day let's take the test one more time! God willing, everything will work out, but you need to be more careful!)

G) QUESTIONNAIRE. Last part of the Kern-Jirasek test
Reveals general level thinking, outlook, development of social qualities.
It is conducted in the form of a question-answer conversation. The task may sound like this: “Now I will ask questions, and you try to answer them.” If it is difficult for a child to answer a question right away, you can help him with several leading questions. The answers are recorded in points and then summed up:

    Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog?
    (horse = 0 points; incorrect answer = -5 points)

    In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon...
    (we have lunch, eat soup, meat = 0; have dinner, sleep and other incorrect answers = -3 points)

    It's light during the day, but at night...
    (dark = 0; wrong answer = -4)

    The sky is blue and the grass...
    (green = 0; incorrect answer = -4)

    Cherries, pears, plums, apples - what are they?
    (fruit = 1; correct answer = -1)

    Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?
    (so that the train does not collide with the car; so that no one gets hurt, etc. = 0;
    wrong answer = -1)

    What are Moscow, Odessa, St. Petersburg? (name any cities)
    (cities = 1; stations = 0; incorrect answer = -1)

    What time is it now? (show on a watch, real or toy)
    (correctly shown = 4; only a whole hour or quarter of an hour is shown = 3; does not know the hour = 0)

    A small cow is a calf, a small dog is..., a small sheep is...?
    (puppy, lamb = 4; only one correct answer = 0; incorrect answer = -1)

    Is a dog more like a chicken or a cat? How? What do they have in common?
    (per cat, because they have 4 legs, fur, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) = 0;
    for a cat without explanation = -1, for a chicken = -3)

    Why do all cars have brakes?
    (two reasons are indicated: to slow down from the mountain, stop, avoid a collision, etc. = 1;
    one reason = 0; wrong answer = -1)

    How are a hammer and an ax similar to each other?
    (two common features: they are made of wood and iron, they are tools, they can be used to hammer nails, they have handles, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; incorrect answer = 0)

    How are cats and squirrels similar to each other?
    (determining that these are animals or bringing two common features: they have 4 legs, tails, fur, they can climb trees, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; wrong answer = 0)

    What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were lying on the table in front of you?
    (the screw has a thread (thread, such a twisted line around) = 3;
    the screw is screwed in and the nail is driven in or the screw has a nut = 2; wrong answer = 0)

    Football, high jump, tennis, swimming - this is...
    (sports (physical education) = 3; games (exercises, gymnastics, competitions) = 2; doesn’t know = 0)

    Which ones do you know vehicles?
    (three land vehicles + plane or ship = 4;
    only three ground vehicles or a complete list with an airplane, ship, but only after an explanation that vehicles are what you can move on = 2;
    wrong answer = 0)

    What is the difference between an old person and a young person? What's the difference between them?
    (3 signs (gray hair, lack of hair, wrinkles, poor vision, often getting sick, etc.) = 4;
    one or two differences = 2; wrong answer (he has a stick, he smokes...) = 0

    Why do people play sports?
    (for two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, not fat, etc.) = 4;
    one reason = 2; incorrect answer (to be able to do something, to earn money, etc.) = 0)

    Why is it bad when someone deviates from work?
    (others must work for him (or another expression that someone suffers a loss as a result of this) = 4; he is lazy, earns little, cannot buy anything = 2; wrong answer = 0)

    Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter?
    (so they pay for sending this letter = 5;
    the other, the one who receives, would have to pay a fine = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Let's sum up the points.
Sum + 24 and above – high verbal intelligence (outlook).
A sum from + 14 to 23 is above average.
The sum from 0 to + 13 is the average indicator of verbal intelligence.
From - 1 to - 10 – below average.
From -11 and less is a low indicator.
If your verbal intelligence score is low or below average,
additional examination of the child’s neuropsychic development is necessary.

1. A. Kern, modification by J. Jirasek. Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school. -
M.: NPO "Education", 1996
2. Psychological readiness for school. - 4th ed., revised. and additional -
St. Petersburg: Peter, Series " Tutorial", 2004.

The following tests for admission to 1st grade are used after the Kern-Jirasek test:

3. Find the differences test .

Reveals the level of development of observation skills.
Prepare two identical pictures, differing from each other in 5-10 details (such tasks are found in children's magazines and educational copybooks).
The child looks at the pictures for 1-2 minutes, then talks about the differences he found. Child preschool age with a high level of observation must find all the differences.

4. Test "Ten words".
The study of voluntary memorization and auditory memory, as well as stability of attention and the ability to concentrate.
Prepare a set of one-syllable or two-syllable words that are not related to each other in meaning. For example: table, viburnum, chalk, hand, elephant, park, gate, window, tank, dog.
The test condition is complete silence.
At the beginning, say: “Now I want to test how you can remember words. I will say the words, and you listen carefully and try to remember them. When I finish, repeat as many words as you remember in any order.”
There are 5 presentations of words in total, i.e. After the child first enumerates and repeats the remembered words, you again say the same 10 words: “Now I will repeat the words again. You will memorize them again and repeat the ones you remember. Name both the words you spoke last time and the new ones you remember.”
Before the fifth presentation, say: “Now I’ll say the words for the last time, and you try to remember more.”
Apart from the instructions, you should not say anything else, you can only gently encourage.
A good result is when, after the first presentation, the child reproduces 5-6 words,
after the fifth – 8-10 (for senior preschool age).

5. Test “What’s missing?”
This is both a test task and a simple but very useful game that develops visual memory.
Toys are used various items or pictures.
Pictures (or toys) are laid out in front of the child - up to ten pieces. He looks at them for 1-2 minutes, then turns away, and you change something, removing or rearranging it, after which the child must look and say what has changed. With good visual memory, the child easily notices the disappearance of 1-3 toys or their movement to another place.

6. Test “The fourth is extra”.
The ability to generalize, logical, and imaginative thinking is revealed.
For children of older preschool age, you can use both pictures and a series of words.
It is important not only that the child chooses the wrong one, but also how he explains his choice.

Prepare pictures or words, for example:
image of a porcini mushroom, boletus, flower and fly agaric;
pan, cup, spoon, cupboard;
table, chair, bed, doll.

Possible verbal options:
dog, wind, tornado, hurricane;
brave, courageous, determined, angry;
laugh, sit, frown, cry;
milk, cheese, lard, yogurt;
chalk, pen, garden, pencil;
puppy, kitten, horse, pig;
slippers, shoes, socks, boots, etc.
If you use this technique as a developmental one, you can start with 3-5 pictures or words, gradually complicating the logical series so that there are several correct answer options, for example: cat, lion, dog - a dog (not from the feline family) may also be superfluous, and lion (not a pet).

7. Test "Classification".
Study of logical thinking.
Prepare a set of squats, including various groups: clothes, dishes, toys, furniture, domestic and wild animals, food, etc.
The child is asked to arrange the pictures (pre-mixed) into groups, then he is given complete freedom. After completion, the child must explain why he will arrange the pictures in this way (often children put together animals or images of kitchen furniture and dishes, or clothes and shoes, in this case, offer to separate these cards)
High level of task completion: the child arranged the cards correctly into groups, was able to explain why and name these groups (“pets”, clothes”, “food”, “vegetables”, etc.)

8. Test “Making a story from pictures.”
Often used by psychologists to identify the level of development of speech and logical thinking.
Select pictures from the series of “picture stories” and cut them. For senior preschool age, 4-5 pictures united by one plot are enough.
The pictures are mixed and offered to the child: “If you arrange these pictures in order, you will get a story, but in order to arrange it correctly, you need to guess what was at the beginning, what was at the end, and what was in the middle.” Remind you that you need to lay them out from left to right, in order, side by side, in a long strip.
High level of task completion: the child put the pictures together correctly and was able to compose a story based on them using common sentences.

Testing just one child is not enough. Are you ready yourself?
Come on in "Test for parents of future first-graders"

  • Does your child want to go to school?
  • Is your child attracted to school because he will learn a lot there and it will be interesting to study there?
  • Can your child do something independently that requires concentration for 30 minutes (such as building a construction set)?
  • Is it true that your child is not at all shy in the presence of strangers?
  • Can your child write stories based on pictures that are no shorter than five sentences?
  • Can your child recite several poems by heart?
  • Can he change nouns according to numbers?
  • Can your child read syllables or, better yet, whole words?
  • Can your child count to 10 and back?
  • Can he decide simple tasks to subtract or add one?
  • Is it true that your child has a steady hand?
  • Does he like to draw and color pictures?
  • Can your child use scissors and glue (for example, make appliqué)?
  • Can he assemble a cut-out picture from five parts in one minute?
  • Does the child know the names of wild and domestic animals?
  • Can he generalize concepts (for example, call tomatoes, carrots, onions in one word “vegetables”)?
  • Does your child like to do things independently - draw, assemble mosaics, etc.?
  • Can he understand and accurately follow verbal instructions?

10-14 points - you are on the right track, the child has learned a lot, and the content of the questions to which you answered in the negative will tell you where to apply further efforts;

9 and less - read specialized literature, try to devote more time to activities with the child and pay special attention to what he does not know how to do.

Advanced test for future first-graders:

If you are in full confidence the fact that your child is completely ready for gymnasium at the age of 5, and everyone around you considers you crazy, take the test below with your child, which is used by some development centers to assess the capabilities of their students and the answers to the questions are designed to determine whether your a child with all the abilities that a 6-7 year old child needs - the same one who goes to first grade...

  1. How old is dad (mom, sister, brother)? When are their birthdays?
  2. Where and who does dad (mom) work?
  3. What shoe size are you wearing?
  4. How to thread a needle?
  5. How to sew on a button?
  6. What to do if you cut your finger?
  7. What to do if you hurt your head and feel sick?
  8. How to make phone calls?
  9. You are swimming (in a river, in a lake, in the sea). What are the signs that you need to get out of the water immediately?
  10. Where can't you eat ice cream?
  11. How to behave at the table?
  12. When does a bee sting? Difference between a bee and a wasp.
  13. What can you eat if your stomach hurts?
  14. What should you not eat if you have a toothache?
  15. After what meal do you want to drink?
  16. How much and when can you drink in the heat?
  17. How to wash dirty dishes?
  18. Which potatoes cook faster - whole or cut? How to fry it?
  19. How to properly peel old and young potatoes? How to peel carrots?
  20. Where to put leftover food that is unfit for consumption?
  21. How to brew tea? How much sugar should you put in a glass of tea?
  22. How much does a loaf of white (gray) bread cost?
  23. Is it possible to bathe a dog the same way as a cat? If possible, how?
  24. The apartment smelled of gas. What to do?
  25. How to clean shoes, wash a shirt?
  26. Where is the ice thicker - near the shore or in the middle of the reservoir?
  27. There is a puddle of water on the floor. Which rag is best to remove water - dry or wet?
  28. Why are zoo visitors not allowed to feed the animals?
  29. What type of debris should be swept up with a wet broom?
  30. How to behave when visiting?
  31. What does dad (mom) love most?
  32. Why can't you play on a construction site?
  33. How many pieces of bread do you need for lunch?
  34. How many minutes does it take you to walk to school?
  35. How to deal with flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches?
  36. What is your address (home phone number)?
  37. How to care for indoor flowers?
  38. An electrical appliance began to spark and a burning smell appeared in the apartment. What to do?
  39. A glass object (glass, decanter) fell on the floor and broke into small pieces. What to do?
  40. The ball flew onto the pavement. How to proceed?
  41. The earthquake occurred at night. What to do?
  42. Bitten by a dog. What to do?
  43. There is a wounded bird in front of you. How to proceed?
  44. How to draw a perfect circle without a compass?
  45. How to draw a straight line without a ruler?
  46. While walking, a sharp pain appeared in my foot. What to do?
  47. What to do with old newspapers and notebooks?
  48. A spoon or cup fell into boiling water. How to get it?
  49. During the rain, a large puddle formed in front of the house's entrance. What can be done to make it easier for people to get in and out?

Finally, I would like to remind everyone:

    all proposed methods can be used as educational games;

    when a child enters school, it is not necessary to use all of the tests listed; school psychologists choose the most informative and easiest to perform;

    It is not necessary to complete all tasks at once; you can offer to complete them over several days;

    packages of similar techniques have now appeared on sale, including not only a description, but also visual material and approximate standards.


A simple test for future first graders

The minimum knowledge of a future first-grader is assessed not by the number of words he can read per minute, or by his knowledge of the multiplication tables. To assess a child’s preparedness for primary education, he may be asked the following questions:

    State your last name, first name, patronymic.

    How old are you? How much will it be in a year? And in two?

    What are your parents' names?

    In the morning you have breakfast, and in the afternoon...?

    Compare an airplane and a bird. What do they have in common and how are they different?

    Football, gymnastics, tennis, swimming - is it...?

    What needs to be done to make the water in the kettle boil?

    Knife - what is it? Bicycle - what is it? Kilogram - what is it?

    Compare square and rectangle. What do they have in common and how are they different? What other geometric shapes do you know?

    What country do you live in? What is your address?

    Birch, oak, aspen - is this...?

    What domestic and wild animals do you know? Why are they called that?

    A cow has a calf, a dog has ..., a horse has ...?

    Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?

    Cucumber, tomato, carrot, beetroot - is this...?

Every preschooler can draw and draw different lines on paper. But his ability to do this is most often tested in very specific ways. For example,Kern-Jirasek test.

It consists of three tasks, during which the child cannot be prompted:

    Draw a human figure (the more details the child reproduces - fingers, eyelashes, hair - the better);

    Copy a small phrase (for example, write “He ate soup” on a sheet of paper and ask the child to rewrite the phrase as accurately as possible on a blank sheet of paper);

    Copy 10 points located one below the other on equal distance vertically and horizontally.

Another “drawing” test that shows the development of fine motor skills in a child is as follows: draw a circle with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm with a compass. Let the child trace it along the contour without taking his hands off the paper. Pay attention to how accurately he completes the task.

Teachers also suggest that parents attend school preparation courses at least a year before school or independently develop their child’s attentiveness, observation and perseverance by offering him various exercises... For example:

"Ten Triangles" Invite your child to draw ten triangles in a row using colored pencils. When the work is completed, ask him to shade the third, seventh and ninth triangles. The task is repeated only once. The child does it as he understood on the first try.

“How can this be used?” Any subject can be made an object for the development of a child’s thinking and intelligence. For example, an ordinary pencil. Ask your child how it can be used? Let him come up with at least 10 options (draw like a wand, fishing rod, thermometer, etc.).

"Nonsense." For this task, you need to prepare pictures with absurdities - for example, vegetables hanging on trees and fruits growing in beds. Within two minutes, the child must find all the inconsistencies shown in the picture.

Psychologists say that a child should not only be able to do many things, but also want to go to school. Does your child want to become a first grader? You can check this by asking him a few questions. True, the test offered on many educational sites will certainly make parents smile, who, in all honesty, would choose the “wrong” answer options...

A test that can be used to determine whether a child wants to go to school and what attracts him there

    If there were two schools - one with lessons in Russian, mathematics, reading, singing, drawing and physical education, and the other with only lessons in singing, drawing and physical education - which one would you like to study in?

    If there were two schools - one with lessons and recess, and the other with only recess and no lessons - which one would you like to study in?

    If there were two schools - one would give tens and nines for good answers, and the other would give sweets and toys - which one would you like to study in?

    If there were two schools - in one you can stand up only with the permission of the teacher and raise your hand if you want to ask something, and in the other you can do whatever you want in class - which one would you like to study in?

    If a teacher in your class fell ill and the principal offered to replace her with another teacher or mother, who would you choose?

    If there were two schools - one would give homework and the other would not - which one would you like to study at?

    If my mother said: “You’re still very young, it’s hard for you to get up and do your homework. Stay in kindergarten, and you'll go to school next year“Would you agree with such a proposal?

    If my mother said: “I agreed with the teacher that she would come to our house and study with you. Now you won’t have to go to school in the morning,” would you agree with such a proposal?

    If your friend asked you what you like most about school, what would you answer?

Analyze your child's answers. For each correct answer, 1 point is given, for each incorrect answer - 0 points. If a child scores 5 points or more, we can safely say that he is internally ready for school.

However, let's leave the child alone. After all, often our parental opinion about our own child seems much more objective to us. In this case, you can try to assess your child’s readiness for school by answering the questions...

Test for parents of future first-graders

    Does your child want to go to school?

    Is your child attracted to school because he will learn a lot there and it will be interesting to study there?

    Can your child do something independently that requires concentration for 30 minutes (such as building a construction set)?

    Is it true that your child is not at all shy in the presence of strangers?

    Can your child write stories based on pictures that are no shorter than five sentences?

    Can your child recite several poems by heart?

    Can he change nouns according to numbers?

    Can he solve simple problems involving subtracting or adding one?

    Is it true that your child has a steady hand?

    Does he like to draw and color pictures?

    Can your child use scissors and glue (for example, make appliqué)?

    Can he assemble a cut-out picture from five parts in one minute?

    Does the child know the names of wild and domestic animals?

    Can he generalize concepts (for example, call tomatoes, carrots, onions in one word “vegetables”)?

    Does your child like to do things independently - draw, assemble mosaics, etc.?

    Can he understand and accurately follow verbal instructions?

10-14 points - you are on the right track, the child has learned a lot, and the content of the questions to which you answered in the negative will tell you where to apply further efforts;

9 and less - read specialized literature, try to devote more time to activities with the child and pay special attention to what he does not know how to do.

Advanced test for future first graders

Parents who doubt whether to send their child to school from the age of 6 or 7 can use the advice that the interfax.by portal published in the article and in the material . If you are completely confident that your child is completely ready for gymnasium at the age of 5, and everyone around you thinks you’re crazy, take the test below with your child, which is used by some development centers to assess the capabilities of their students and answer questions which are called upon to determine whether your child has all the abilities that are necessary for a 6-7 year old child - the same one who goes to first grade...

    How old is dad (mom, sister, brother)? When are their birthdays?

    Where and who does dad (mom) work?

    What shoe size are you wearing?

    How to thread a needle?

    How to sew on a button?

    What to do if you cut your finger?

    What to do if you hurt your head and feel sick?

    How to make phone calls?

    You are swimming (in a river, in a lake, in the sea). What are the signs that you need to get out of the water immediately?

    Where can't you eat ice cream?

    How to behave at the table?

    When does a bee sting? Difference between a bee and a wasp.

    What can you eat if your stomach hurts?

    What should you not eat if you have a toothache?

    After what meal do you want to drink?

    How much and when can you drink in the heat?

    How to wash dirty dishes?

    Which potatoes cook faster - whole or cut? How to fry it?

    How to properly peel old and young potatoes? How to peel carrots?

    Where to put leftover food that is unfit for consumption?

    How to brew tea? How much sugar should you put in a glass of tea?

    How much does a loaf of white (gray) bread cost?

    Is it possible to bathe a dog the same way as a cat? If possible, how?

    The apartment smelled of gas. What to do?

    How to clean shoes, wash a shirt?

    Where is the ice thicker - near the shore or in the middle of the reservoir?

    There is a puddle of water on the floor. Which rag is best to remove water - dry or wet?

    Why are zoo visitors not allowed to feed the animals?

    What type of debris should be swept up with a wet broom?

    How to behave when visiting?

    What does dad (mom) love most?

    Why can't you play on a construction site?

    How many pieces of bread do you need for lunch?

    How many minutes does it take you to walk to school?

    How to deal with flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches?

    What is your address (home phone number)?

    How to care for indoor flowers?

    An electrical appliance began to spark and a burning smell appeared in the apartment. What to do?

    A glass object (glass, decanter) fell on the floor and broke into small pieces. What to do?

    The ball flew onto the pavement. How to proceed?

    The earthquake occurred at night. What to do?

    Bitten by a dog. What to do?

    There is a wounded bird in front of you. How to proceed?

    How to draw a perfect circle without a compass?

    How to draw a straight line without a ruler?

    While walking, a sharp pain appeared in my foot. What to do?

    What to do with old newspapers and notebooks?

    A spoon or cup fell into boiling water. How to get it?

    During the rain, a large puddle formed in front of the house's entrance. What can be done to make it easier for people to get in and out?

Testing upon admission to 1st grade. School admission tests for first graders

A prerequisite for enrollment in first grade is that the child reaches at least 6.5 years of age by the beginning of the school year. All tests and tasks only check the child’s intellectual development. The main purpose of testing should be to familiarize teachers with children entering school and the ability to adjust the curriculum depending on the level of their general development. Thus, the results of any interviews conducted with the child are only advisory in nature, otherwise it is considered a violation of current legislation.

This process is individual in each case and depends on the abilities and character of a particular child, as well as external conditions (features of upbringing in the family, “experience” acquired in a preschool institution, etc.).

During interviews, the following aspects are usually tested: perception, memory, attention and concentration, thinking, motor skills, speech. They also ask questions on the topics “The world around us,” “The city,” and “Daily routine.” The tests also include simple arithmetic problems.

1 . In aspect PERCEPTIONS The child’s visual memory, his ability to remember the color, shape, and components of objects are of great importance. A perception task can be formulated, for example, this way: complete the drawing of the dragonfly.

2. MEMORY- one of the most difficult aspects. As a verification test, they most often offer a series of simple pictures or geometric shapes, which must be memorized in 10-20 seconds and then drawn on a blank sheet of paper. This often requires longer training.

3. On ATTENTION and CONCENTRATION There are separate tasks. For example: remember the pattern with dots and try to repeat it.

4. For check THINKING The future first grader is offered the following tasks:

1. Name as many similarities and differences as possible:

a) cat and dog (pets, tail, ears, whiskers, fur; scratches/bites, meows/barks, catches mice/guards the house, etc.);

b) shepherd and cow (legs, nose, alive, moving; person/animal, speaks/moos, etc.);

c) crow and pike (tail, breathe, feed; bird/fish, flies/swims, croaks/is silent, etc.).

2. Complete the fourth boat so as to maintain the pattern.

5. Development MOTOR SKILLS The future schoolchild is often tested with a practical task, for example: draw a man. The evaluation criteria here are the adequacy and accuracy of the image.

6 . Tests from the section SPEECH DEVELOPMENT may sound like this.

1. Name in one word: A boy who goes to school (student); woman playing tennis (tennis player); a person playing the piano (pianist). If a horse is made of wood, what kind of horse is it? (Wooden.) If dad has dark hair, what is he like? (Dark-haired). If it rains today, what day is it? (Rainy).

2. Say it correctly. One mitten, but many (mittens). One ball, but many (balls). One tree, but many (trees).

In addition, you need to know words that are close and opposite in meaning (synonyms and antonyms), be able to break words into syllables, distinguish between vowels and consonants, and rhyme words (bear - cone).

Children are often given the task of making up a story based on a picture. It is useful to learn a few short poems and simple tongue twisters with your child ("A good pie - there is curd inside"), and practice solving popular riddles ("The girl is sitting in a dungeon, and her braid is on the street").

7 . When talking about a topic "The world" the child should know:

names of insects, animals, their young, habits and habitats;

be able to divide them into groups (wild and domestic, predators and herbivores);

know the names of plants (trees, flowers, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms), as well as their division into edible and inedible.

8. An important place in the conversation between a teacher and a preschooler is occupied by theme "City". The child needs to be able to navigate well the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the road, determine the type of transport, relate stores and the goods sold in them, and distinguish between professions. The child must learn his home address and telephone number. Knowledge of the seasons and the day, the ability to determine time using both electronic and regular clocks will be useful when answering questions on the topic “Daily Routine”. In order to confidently solve math problems in the future, the future first-grader must count from 1 to 20, solve the simplest examples of subtraction and addition (such as 3-1 =...; 4 + 4 =...; 15-2 =... ; 20-9 =...; 10 + 1 =...) and recognize the "greater than", "less than" and "equal" signs. The child can be offered the following picture with a task: where are the most balls?

According to the interview rules, only complete, clear and specific answers to the questions asked are counted. For example, if you need to give your dad’s last name, first name and patronymic, the correct answer is: “My dad’s name is Mikhail Vasilyevich Ivanov,” and the incorrect answer is: “Papa Misha.”

Children need to react quickly enough to tasks - they are given little time to think. It makes sense to practice at home first, even if the child is generally well prepared.

It should be borne in mind that when children find themselves in an unusual environment, they often begin to get nervous and often, despite having the necessary knowledge, they are not able to concentrate and give the correct answer.

An unfamiliar place, strangers - all this creates a stressful situation, especially for children who have not attended preschool institutions. Therefore, parents need to take care of the moral and psychological preparation of the preschooler. Parents can easily check, expand and strengthen their child’s knowledge on their own: teaching aids and collections of test tasks are widely available in bookstores. Manuals of this kind usually contain numerous versions of exercises and logical problems, formulated in a form understandable to a preschooler and supplied with illustrative material.

How to find out if your child is ready for school.

How can you find out on your own, without the help of a specialist, whether your child is ready for school? What tests and techniques are commonly used by psychologists? admissions committee when entering school? Parents can assess the level of “maturity” and readiness of the child for school, for entering first grade, through observation and answering questions.

The technique was developed by psychologist Geraldine Cheney.

Assessing Cognition Development

Does the child have basic concepts (for example: right/left, big/small, up/down, in/out, etc.)?

Can the child classify, for example: name things that can roll; name a group of objects in one word (chair, table, wardrobe, bed - furniture)?

Can a kid guess the ending of a simple story?

Can the child remember and follow at least 3 instructions (put on socks, go to the bathroom, wash there, then bring me a towel)?

Can your child name most uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet?

Base Experience Assessment

Did the child have to accompany adults to the post office or to the store?

Was there a child in the library?

Has the child been to the village, to the zoo, to the museum?

Does the child show increased interest in anything? Does he have a hobby?

Grade language development

Can the child name and label the main objects around him?

Is it easy for him to answer questions from adults?

Can the child explain what different things are used for, for example, a vacuum cleaner, a brush, a refrigerator?

Can the child explain where objects are located: on the table, under the chair, etc.?

Is the baby able to tell a story, describe some incident that happened to him?

Does the child pronounce words clearly?

Is his speech grammatically correct?

Is the child able to participate in a general conversation, act out a situation, or participate in a home performance?

Assessment of communication skills

Does the child join in the play of other children and share with them?

Does he take turns when the situation calls for it?

Is the child able to listen to others without interrupting?

Grade physical development

Does the child hear well?

Does he see well?

Is he able to sit quietly for some time?

Does he have developed motor coordination (can he play ball, jump, go up and down the stairs without the help of an adult, without holding on to the railings,...)

Does the child seem cheerful and engaged?

Does he look healthy, well-fed, rested (most of the day)?

Visual discrimination

Can a child identify similar and dissimilar shapes (find a picture that is different from the others)?

Can a child distinguish between letters and short words (cat/year, b/p...)?

Visual memory

Can a child notice the absence of a picture if he is first shown a series of 3 pictures and then one is removed?

Does the child know his name and the names of objects found in his Everyday life?

Visual perception

Is the child able to put a series of pictures in order?

Does he understand that they read from left to right?

Can he put together a 15-piece puzzle on his own, without outside help?

Can he interpret a picture and compose a short story based on it?

Assessment of attitude towards books

Does your child have a desire to look at books on their own?

Does he listen attentively and with pleasure when people read aloud to him?

Does he ask questions about words and their meaning?

After you have answered the above questions and analyzed the results, you can conduct a series of tests used by child psychologists when entering school.

Tests are not carried out all at once, but different time when the child is in a good mood and feeling well. It is not at all necessary to carry out all the proposed tests; select a few that, in your opinion, are the most relevant.

  1. Degree of psychosocial maturity (outlook) –

The child must confidently answer the following questions:

State your last name, first name, patronymic.

Give the last name, first name and patronymic of your father and mother.

Are you a girl or a boy? Who will you be when you grow up - an aunt or an uncle?

Do you have a brother, sister? Who's older?

How old are you? How much will it be in a year? In two years?

Is it morning or evening (day or morning)?

When do you have breakfast - in the evening or in the morning? When do you have lunch - in the morning or in the afternoon?

What comes first - lunch or dinner?

Where do you live? Give your home address, phone number, e-mail, ICQ (this is a joke, don’t strain yourself :))

What does your dad, your mom do?

Do you like to draw?

What color is this ribbon (dress, pencil)?

What time of year is it now - winter, spring, summer or autumn? Why do you think so?

When can you go sledding - winter or summer?

Why does it snow in winter and not in summer?

What does a postman, a doctor, a teacher do?

Why do you need a desk and a bell at school?

Do you want to go to school?

Show me your right eye, left ear. What are eyes, ears, nose needed for?

What animals do you know?

What birds do you know?

Who is bigger - a cow or a goat? Bird or bee? Who has more paws: a rooster or a dog?

Which is greater: 8 or 5; 7 or 3? Count from three to six, from nine to two.

What should you do if you accidentally break someone else's thing?

But now, (attention!), the assessment and interpretation of the child’s answers is done like this:

For the correct answer to all subquestions of one item, the child receives 1 point (except for control questions). For correct but incomplete answers to subquestions, the child receives 0.5 points. For example, the correct answers are: “Dad works as an engineer,” “A dog has more paws than a rooster”; incomplete answers: “Mom Galya”, “Dad works at work.”

TO control tasks include questions 5, 8, 15, 22. They are assessed as follows:

No. 5 – the child can calculate how old he is - 1 point, names the year taking into account the months - 3 points.

No. 8 – for a complete home address with the name of the city - 2 points, incomplete - 1 point.

No. 15 – for each correctly indicated use of school paraphernalia – 1 point.

No. 22 – for the correct answer - 2 points.

No. 16 is assessed together with No. 15 and No. 22. If in No. 15 the child scored 3 points, and in No. 16 - a positive answer, then it is considered that he has a positive motivation for learning at school.

Evaluation of results:

the child received 24-29 points, he is considered school-mature,

the child received 20-24 points – medium-mature,

the child received 15-20 points – a low level of psychosocial maturity.


The child is given an A4 sheet folded in half and a simple pencil. The sheet should lie like a notebook. On the unfolded side (on the left half of the sheet) at the top, write a short sentence in advance in written (NOT printed!) letters: He ate soup.

Below you draw a group of points as shown in Fig. The right half of the sheet is for the child who will complete the drawing task.

He should sit in a way that is comfortable for him, so that the table and chair take into account his height.

When everything is ready, sit the child down, place a folded sheet of paper in front of him, give him the first task and wait for him to complete it. Then ask him to unfold the sheet for the second task, etc.

1. Draw a man. Because you know how (we don’t say anything else and in response to all the child’s remarks we repeat the instructions without our explanation). If he asks if you can draw a woman, say: “You need to draw a man.” If the child has already started drawing a woman, wait until he finishes and repeat the request to draw a man. It happens that a child refuses to draw a man (later I will explain why this could be). Then we do the next task.

2. The child turns the sheet over and sees a sentence at the top left. You say: “Look, there’s something written here. You don’t know how to write yet, but try, maybe you can do the same. Look carefully and write the same thing here in the empty space.” Those. we invite him to copy the phrase. If your child already knows how to read written text, write any phrase in another language unknown to him, for example, in English: He eats soup.

3. It then moves on to a group of points. You say: “Look, there are dots drawn here. Try to draw the same thing here, next to me.” You can use your finger to show the place where he will draw them.

After finishing the test, do not forget to praise your child.

If in the first task the child flatly refuses to draw a man, do not insist - this is food for thought. Such a refusal may indicate trouble in the child’s family, when the father is absent altogether, a threat comes from him, or traumatic experiences are associated with him.

Regarding the interpretation, J. Jirasek noted that high quality of performance indicates a greater likelihood that the subject will successfully cope with the school program. However, if he did poorly on the test, this does NOT mean that at school he will become a poor student and an ignoramus. Not at all. And such children study well. It just happens that a child sketches a person, which affects the total score.

So if you don’t get the scores you would like, think about whether you are doing everything for your child’s development? Show him more attention, engage him more often in all the games and exercises that develop fine motor skills, memory and thinking.


a) Test “Drawing of a Person”(very important!) - applied in all CIS schools:


“Here (shown where) draw some guy as best you can.” While drawing, it is unacceptable to correct the child (“you forgot to draw the ears”), the adult silently observes.


1 point: a male figure is drawn (elements of men’s clothing), there is a head, torso, limbs; the head and body are connected by the neck, it should not be larger than the body; the head is smaller than the body; on the head – hair, possibly a headdress, ears; on the face - eyes, nose, mouth; the hands have hands with five fingers; legs are bent (there is a foot or shoe); the figure is drawn in a synthetic way (the outline is solid, the legs and arms seem to grow from the body, and are not attached to it.

2 points: fulfillment of all requirements, except for the synthetic method of drawing, or if there is a synthetic method, but 3 details are not drawn: neck, hair, fingers; the face is completely drawn.

3 points: the figure has a head, torso, limbs (arms and legs are drawn with two lines); may be missing: neck, ears, hair, clothing, fingers, feet.

4 points: a primitive drawing with a head and torso, arms and legs are not drawn, can be in the form of one line.

5 points: lack of a clear image of the torso, no limbs; scribble.

b) Copying a phrase from written letters


“Look, there's something written here. Try to rewrite the same here (show below the written phrase) as best you can.”

On a sheet of paper, write the phrase in capital letters, the first letter being capital: He ate soup.


1 point: the sample is well and completely copied; letters may be slightly larger than the sample, but not 2 times; the first letter is capital; the phrase consists of three words, their location on the sheet is horizontal (a slight deviation from horizontal is possible).

2 points: the sample is copied legibly; the size of the letters and horizontal position are not taken into account (the letter may be larger, the line may go up or down).

3 points: the inscription is divided into three parts, you can understand at least 4 letters.

4 points: at least 2 letters match the sample, the line is visible.

5 points: illegible scribbles, scribbling.

c) Drawing points

“There are dots drawn here. Try to draw the same ones next to each other.”

In the sample, 10 points are located at an even distance from each other vertically and horizontally.


1 point: exact copying of the sample, small deviations from the line or column are allowed, reduction of the picture, enlargement is unacceptable.

2 points: the number and location of points correspond to the sample, deviation of up to three points by half the distance between them is allowed; dots can be replaced by circles.

3 points: the drawing as a whole corresponds to the sample, and does not exceed it in height or width by more than 2 times; the number of points may not correspond to the sample, but there should not be more than 20 and less than 7; We can rotate the drawing even 180 degrees.

4 points: the drawing consists of dots, but does not correspond to the sample.

5 points: scribbles, scribbles.

After evaluating each task, all points are summed up.

So, if a child scores in total on all three tasks:

3-6 points means he has a high level of readiness for school;

7-12 points – quite an average level;

13-15 points - so be it, low level of readiness, the child needs additional examination of intelligence and mental development (or maybe the child was just in a bad mood? - we’ll take the test again in a day! God willing, everything will work out, but , you need to be more careful!)

d) QUESTIONNAIRE. The last part of the Kern-Jirasik test (Kern-Jurasik in another spelling)

Reveals the general level of thinking, horizons, and development of social qualities.

It is conducted in the form of a question-answer conversation. The task may sound like this: “Now I will ask questions, and you try to answer them.” If it is difficult for a child to answer a question right away, you can help him with several leading questions. The answers are recorded in points and then summed up:

Which animal is bigger - a horse or a dog?

(horse = 0 points; incorrect answer = -5 points)

In the morning we have breakfast, and in the afternoon...

(we have lunch, eat soup, meat = 0; have dinner, sleep and other incorrect answers = -3 points)

It's light during the day, but at night...

(dark = 0; wrong answer = -4)

The sky is blue and the grass...

(green = 0; incorrect answer = -4)

Cherries, pears, plums, apples - what are they?

(fruit = 1; wrong answer = -1)

Why does the barrier go down before the train passes?

(so that the train does not collide with the car; so that no one gets hurt, etc. = 0;

wrong answer = -1)

What are Moscow, Odessa, St. Petersburg? (name any cities)

(cities = 1; stations = 0; incorrect answer = -1)

What time is it now? (show on a watch, real or toy)

(correctly shown = 4; only a whole hour or quarter of an hour is shown = 3; does not know the hour = 0)

A small cow is a calf, a small dog is..., a small sheep is...?

(puppy, lamb = 4; only one correct answer = 0; incorrect answer = -1)

Is a dog more like a chicken or a cat? How? What do they have in common?

(per cat, because they have 4 legs, fur, tail, claws (one similarity is enough) = 0;

for a cat without explanation = -1, for a chicken = -3)

Why do all cars have brakes?

(two reasons are indicated: to slow down from the mountain, stop, avoid a collision, etc. = 1;

one reason = 0; wrong answer = -1)

How are a hammer and an ax similar to each other?

(two common features: they are made of wood and iron, they are tools, they can be used to hammer nails, they have handles, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; incorrect answer = 0)

How are cats and squirrels similar to each other?

(determining that these are animals or giving two common characteristics: they have 4 legs, tails, fur, they can climb trees, etc. = 3; one similarity = 2; incorrect answer = 0)

What is the difference between a nail and a screw? How would you recognize them if they were lying on the table in front of you?

(the screw has a thread (thread, such a twisted line around) = 3;

the screw is screwed in and the nail is driven in or the screw has a nut = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Football, high jump, tennis, swimming - it's...

(sports (physical education) = 3; games (exercises, gymnastics, competitions) = 2; doesn’t know = 0)

What vehicles do you know?

(three land vehicles + plane or ship = 4;

only three ground vehicles or a complete list with an airplane, ship, but only after an explanation that vehicles are what you can move on = 2;

wrong answer = 0)

What is the difference between an old person and a young person? What's the difference between them?

(3 signs (gray hair, lack of hair, wrinkles, poor vision, often getting sick, etc.) = 4;

one or two differences = 2; wrong answer (he has a stick, he smokes...) = 0

Why do people play sports?

(for two reasons (to be healthy, hardened, not fat, etc.) = 4;

one reason = 2; incorrect answer (to be able to do something, to earn money, etc.) = 0)

Why is it bad when someone deviates from work?

(others must work for him (or another expression that someone suffers a loss as a result of this) = 4; he is lazy, earns little, cannot buy anything = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter?

(so they pay for sending this letter = 5;

the other, the one who receives, would have to pay a fine = 2; wrong answer = 0)

Let's sum up the points.

Sum + 24 and above – high verbal intelligence (outlook).

A sum from + 14 to 23 is above average.

The sum from 0 to + 13 is the average indicator of verbal intelligence.

From - 1 to - 10 – below average.

From -11 and less is a low indicator.

If the verbal intelligence score is low or below average, additional examination of the child’s neuropsychic development is necessary.


1. A. Kern, modification by J. Jirasek. Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school. -

M.: NPO "Education", 1996

2. Psychological readiness for school. - 4th ed., revised. and additional -

St. Petersburg: Peter, Series "Tutorial", 2004.

The following tests for admission to 1st grade are used after the Kern-Jirasek test:

“House” technique

The technique is a task of drawing a picture depicting a house, the individual details of which are made up of elements of capital letters.

The task allows you to identify: the child’s ability to focus his work on a model; the ability to copy it.

These skills require a certain level of development: voluntary attention; spatial perception; sensorimotor coordination and fine motor skills of the hand.

(A sheet with a “house” is placed in front of them; Fig. 1.) The teacher turns to the child: “Take your time, be careful, try to make the drawing exactly the same as this sample. If you draw something wrong, you can’t erase it with an eraser. You need to draw the correct one on top of the incorrect drawing or next to it. Do you understand the task? Then get to work."

Work progress

Before completing the task, the teacher addresses the children with the words: “Before you lies a sheet of paper and a pencil.” On this sheet they are asked to draw exactly the same picture as they see in the picture.

Processing of experimental material is carried out by counting points awarded for errors. The following are considered errors:

a) the absence of any detail of the picture (fence, smoke, pipe,
roof, window, base of the house) - 4 points;

b) an increase in individual details of the drawing by more than two
times while maintaining relatively correct size
the entire drawing (points are awarded for each detail) - 3

c) an incorrectly depicted element (smoke rings, fence -
right and left sides, shading on the roof, window,
pipe) - 2 points.

The element is evaluated as a whole. If part of it is copied correctly, then 1 point is awarded. The number of elements in a drawing detail is not taken into account;

d) incorrect arrangement of parts in space (fence

not on a line common with the base of the house, displacement of pipes, windows, etc.) - 1 point;

e) deviation of straight lines by more than 30° from the specified
directions (skew of vertical and horizontal
lines, collapsing a fence) - 1 point;

e) gaps between lines in the places where they should be

connected (for each break) - 1 point. In the event that the hatch lines on the roof do not reach its line, 1 point is given for the entire hatch as a whole;

g) if one line goes beyond another (for each climb),
then 1 point is given. Roof shading is estimated at
in general;

h) error-free copying of a drawing - 0 points. A “0” is given for good execution of the drawing. Thus, the worse the task is completed, the higher the total score received by the subject.

0 points - well-developed voluntary attention;

1-2 points - average development of voluntary attention; more than 4 points - poor development of voluntary attention.

It is necessary to take into account the age of the subject. Five-year-old children almost never receive a score of “0,” but if a test subject at 10 years old receives more than 1 point, this indicates poor development.


The technique is intended to study voluntary attention and memory in determining children's readiness for school.

Task progress

The teacher addresses the children with the words: “Now we will play a game in which you cannot say the words “yes” and “no.” Please repeat which words cannot be spoken.” (The child repeats them.) “Now be careful, I will ask you questions, answering which you cannot say the words “yes” and “no.” It's clear?". (The subject confirms that everything is clear to him.)


1. Do you want to go to school?

2. Do you like it when people read fairy tales to you?

3. Do you like watching cartoons?

4. Do you want to stay another year in kindergarten?

5. Do you like to walk?

6. Do you want to study?

7. Do you like to get sick?

8. Do you like to play?

9. Are you sleeping now?

10. Does the sun shine at night?
I. Do you like going to the doctor?

13. Can cows fly?

14. Your name is... (wrong name)?

15. Is it hot in winter?

16. Do you go to work?

17. Are sweets bitter?

18. Grass white?

19. Does the hairdresser treat children?

20. Does your dad play with dolls?

Processing the results

Processing of experimental material is carried out by counting points awarded for errors, which are understood only as the words “yes” and “no”. For each error, 1 point is awarded. If the child answered all the questions correctly, then his result is “0”: The worse the task is completed, the higher the total score. Children’s use of colloquial vocabulary (words “aha”, “nah”, etc.) is not considered as errors.


The technique is intended for diagnosing the level of an arbitrary sphere and can be used to determine the readiness of children for school and is a well-known game in which the leader’s commands are carried out only if he says the word “please”; The content of the commands is related to physical exercises: 1) “hands forward”; 2) “hands on your belt, please”; 3) “sit down”; 4) “arms to the sides”; 5) “hands to shoulders, please”; 6) “jump”; 7) “jump, please”; 8)_ “stop jumping, please.”

The success of completing a task depends on voluntary attention, memory, and the implementation of a formed intention, i.e. everything that defines the concept of “obedience to the rule.”

The results are processed by counting points awarded for errors, which are understood as executing a command without the word “please”. Each error is worth one point. The worse the child did at the game, the higher his total score.


The technique is used to study the development of the speech sphere (test phonemic hearing). The experimenter tells the child that all words are made up of sounds that we pronounce, and that is why people can hear and pronounce words. As an example, several vowel and consonant sounds are pronounced. Then he is asked to play “hide and seek” with sounds. The conditions of the game are as follows: each time they agree on what sound to look for, after which the experimenter tells the subject various words, and he must say whether the searched sound is in the word or not (see table):

Words are pronounced very clearly, vowel sounds are stretched out. The vowel sound you are looking for must be stressed. The subject is asked to repeat the word and listen to it. The protocol records erroneous and correct answers. For each error, 1 point is awarded. The lower the total score, the better developed phonemic awareness.


The technique is designed to identify the level of development of a child’s psychomotor skills. Ability to make precise movements

hand and fingers is of great importance for the success of mastering writing.

The child is asked to “drive” along the path, connecting the images of cars and houses with a line. At the same time, he needs to be explained that he must draw a line without lifting the pencil from the paper.

Task "Riding on the track"

Rice. 2.

A - a sample made by a psychologist in front of the child;

B - material offered to the subject;

B - embodiment, evaluated with a “+” sign

G - embodiment, evaluated by the sign - "

Task progress

The psychologist addresses the subject: “You are the driver. You need to go to this house. You will go like this (in the sample picture the psychologist shows how to “drive along the path”). The pencil must move across the paper all the time, otherwise the car will take off like an airplane. Drive carefully so that the car doesn’t leave the road.”

Evaluation of results

The result is assessed as “high” if there are no exits from the track, the pencil comes off the paper no more than three times, and there are no line violations described below.

The result is “low” if there are 3 or more exits from the track; even if they are absent, the result is assessed as “low” if the following pronounced line violations are observed:

a) uneven, “trembling” line;

b) very weak, almost invisible;

c) with very strong pressure, tearing the paper;

d) with multiple guidance to the same place.

In intermediate cases, the result is assessed as average. The experimenter also records which hand the child performs the task with.

Analysis of results

When analyzing the results of completing a task, it is necessary to separately evaluate: a) actions under dictation and the correctness of independent continuation of the pattern. The child’s ability to listen carefully and clearly follow the teacher’s instructions without being distracted by extraneous stimuli is assessed; b) the degree of student independence in educational work. In both cases, you can focus on the following execution levels:

1. High level. Both patterns (not counting the training one) generally correspond to the dictated ones; in one of them there are isolated errors.

2. Average level. Both patterns partially correspond to the dictated ones, but contain errors; or one pattern is made correctly, but the second does not correspond to what is dictated.

3. Below average level. One pattern partially corresponds to what is dictated, the other does not.

4. Low level. Neither of the two patterns corresponds to what is dictated.

Test "Find the differences". Reveals the level of development of observation skills

Prepare two identical pictures, differing from each other in 5-10 details (such tasks are found in children's magazines and educational copybooks).

The child looks at the pictures for 1-2 minutes, then talks about the differences he found. A preschool child with a high level of observation must find all the differences.

Ten Words Test

The study of voluntary memorization and auditory memory, as well as stability of attention and the ability to concentrate.

Prepare a set of one-syllable or two-syllable words that are not related to each other in meaning. For example: table, viburnum, chalk, hand, elephant, park, gate, window, tank, dog.

The test condition is complete silence.

At the beginning, say: “Now I want to test how you can remember words. I will say the words, and you listen carefully and try to remember them. When I finish, repeat as many words as you remember in any order.”

Loving and caring parents always want their child to do well at school, and that all lessons are given to him easily and simply. To ensure that the school curriculum does not turn out to be too difficult for a new student, he must be well prepared for entering first grade.

As parents prepare to enroll in school, they should monitor how well their child is developing. Today there are many tests for six-year-old children before school, which will make sure that your child is well absorbing the necessary information, or identify existing problems and get serious about mastering them.

In this article, we bring to your attention one of these tests, with which you can understand before school and determine the level of development of your son or daughter.

Test for future first-graders before school

To assess whether your child is ready to enter school and whether he can master school curriculum, you need to ask him a few questions, namely:

  1. State your first name, last name and patronymic.
  2. Give the first, last and patronymic name of your father and mother.
  3. Are you a boy or a girl? Who will you be when you grow up - an uncle or an aunt?
  4. Do you have a sister, brother? Who's older?
  5. How old are you? How old will you be in a year? In two years?
  6. Is it evening or morning (afternoon or morning)?
  7. When do you have breakfast - in the morning or in the evening? When do you have lunch - in the afternoon or in the morning?
  8. What comes first - dinner or lunch?
  9. Where do you live? Give your home address.
  10. What does your mom, your dad do?
  11. Do you like to draw? What color is this pen (pencil, grater)?
  12. What time of year is it now - summer, winter, spring or autumn? Why do you think so?
  13. When can you go sledding - in summer or winter?
  14. Why does snow fall in winter and not in summer?
  15. What does a doctor, a postman, a teacher do?
  16. Why do you need a bell, a desk, a blackboard at school?
  17. Do you want to go to school?
  18. Show me your left ear, right eye. What are ears and eyes needed for?
  19. What animals do you know?
  20. What birds do you know?
  21. Who is bigger - a goat or a cow? Bee or bird? Who has more paws: a dog or a rooster?
  22. Which is greater: 5 or 8; 3 or 7? Count from two to seven, from eight to three.
  23. What should you do if you accidentally broke someone else's thing?

During the survey, write down all your child’s answers on a piece of paper, and after a while, evaluate them. So, if the child fully and correctly answered any question except those listed under numbers 5, 8, 15, 16, 22, he receives 1 point. If a child gives a correct but incomplete answer to any of these questions, he should receive 0.5 points. In particular, if a future first-grader could not fully indicate his mother’s full name, but only said “Mom’s name is Tanya,” he gave an incomplete answer, and he is entitled to only 0.5 points.

When assessing answers to questions No. 5, 8, 15, 16 and 22, the following must be considered:

Having assessed all the answers received, you need to calculate the sum of points, which will indicate whether your child is ready to enter school. So, if in the end he received more than 25 points, the baby is completely ready to move to a new level of life. If the final score is 20-24 points, your child’s readiness is at an average level. If a child does not receive even 20 points, he is not ready for school, and he must be carefully studied.