Types of alien ships. Ancient artifacts, evidence of aliens visiting Earth. Artifacts of Papua New Guinea

“V,” as you know, primarily means Victory, although it can also symbolize a change in the vector of direction - a bifurcation, a split.
If we are talking specifically about victory, then, at first glance, it is not at all surprising that almost all space agencies in the world use this stylized sign in their logo:

I just can’t believe that this is exactly what they want to tell us. Why is the V upside down everywhere? Most likely, we are talking about a stylized compass - Masonic symbolism, or the horns of their patrons, although there are other confusing theories in which to a normal person will never be fully understood.
For example, there is a theory of the “Lunar Matrix”, which implies that there are certain devices on the moon that direct zombifying rays at us. These rays, as some seers say, are two: one for each pole. Isn't this what space agency logos are all about?

And does all this have anything to do with the following famous signs?

Who are they showing this to, guess?

There were assumptions that they were showing this to the devil - the reptilians, in short, but that was not the case.

A session held on this topic showed that in fact the letter V takes its origins from Atlantis, and it is shown, accordingly, by the descendants of the Atlanteans, or by those who are “in the know.” This means the very top of our so-called. elites - the Committee of 300, high priests, heads of state, and financial-industrial oligarchs. Due to the fact that the entire space industry is under the control of these people, they stamp the logo accordingly.

There is a book by Lawrence R. Spencer called “Interview with an Alien.”
I advise you to read it at your leisure, it’s very interesting material, although I can’t believe the declared source, and there’s a lot of inconsistencies.
Most likely, this is misconception covered with a lot of truth.
In a nutshell, this is an interview that was allegedly conducted with the alien from the plate that fell in Roswell in 1947.
In this interview, an entity named Airl makes it clear that humanity is under the hood of a certain slave-owning civilization, which Airl's race is opposed throughout the galaxy and beyond. So Airl is our friend, or at least that's how it seems to us.

Region is a race or civilization in which Airl is an officer, pilot and engineer. In today's language - Galactic Federation of Light. At least it is they (GFS) who promise their imminent arrival and promise to take those who wish to board the ships, and most of all resemble the Region according to the description given in the book.

Symbol Regions represents the origin and limitless extent of the known universe, united and connected into a vast civilization under control Regions.

This symbol is awesome reminiscent, however, don't you think? (see page 17 of Lawrence R. Spencer, Interview with the Alien):

Also, we should not forget the already well-known symbol of Anarchy:


What about the logo Regions(letter A in a circle), something like the following was said in the session: at one time the grays proposed an alliance with some dark civilization. Along with this union, a logo similar to A was created. Apparently, it has nothing to do with V, although the descendants of the Atlanteans could well have stylized the existing logo for themselves.

From all this it turns out that race (or Federation) behind this symbol is a purveyor of misinformation (such as through the aforementioned book) and should not be trusted, as other sources, such as George Kavassilas, have stated.

But let's return once again to Vendetta.

The film also uses a short rhyme that should be quoted here:

This is nothing less than a ballad poem, which is still recited during Guy Fawkes Day celebrations:

Remember, remember the fifth of November, Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I see no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

The translation goes something like this (literally):

I remember not in vain, on the fifth day of November the gunpowder plot.
Centuries pass, but sorrow and longing always remain with me

This poem was originally written to celebrate the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot, about which the following is known ( Wikipedia ):

The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 was an unsuccessful attempt by a group of English Catholics to blow up the Houses of Parliament in order to destroy King James I, who sympathized with Protestants and carried out a series of reprisals against Catholics. The explosion was planned to take place on November 5, 1605, during the throne speech of the monarch, when In addition to him, members of both houses of parliament and the supreme representatives of the country's judiciary would be present in the House of Lords.

Nowadays, some historians call the conspiracy an act of terrorism, but in its goals it was radically different from the actions of modern terrorists and rather resembled an unsuccessful coup attempt.

I warn you right away: the rest is purely speculative, draw your own conclusions!!!

Much of what is said below may seem far-fetched nonsense, but let's take a look at what is happening in the world today, taking into account the fact that history, as we know, has an obsessive habit of restlessly repeating itself, rather than forming chains of seemingly unrelated events:

Let us remember that in Lately The press is increasingly leaking reports that troops are being concentrated in the states.
Their Department of Homeland Security recently purchased 1.4 billion rounds of ammunition prohibited by the Geneva Convention - almost 5 rounds for every citizen. Where so much, you ask?
Recently, a bill was introduced in the United States called “Management in the Event of Mass Deaths.”
Preparations are underway for military operations in cities, and exercises have already been carried out several times; FEMA coffins (their Ministry of Emergency Situations) with the symbols of the Freemasons were also seen in motion. What are they preparing for there?
The Chens' information constantly promises that all sorts of galactic federations will land soon.
Elections American President this year are scheduled for November 6 - the day after the date dedicated to the gunpowder plot (05.11.). Also, let's not forget that V is a Roman five.

Questions from a feverish mind:

Based on the similarity between the logos of the Region and our space agencies, is it possible to assume that we are already a minority member of some space community (of which we are not officially aware)?
And doesn’t this community now call itself Galactic Federation of Light exclusively from the point of view of fooling people? What goals do they pursue with this fooling and languid stories about a quick meeting?
Could the much-promised landing of galactic friends, which many are so eagerly awaiting today, turn into something of a hijacking for us, as some sources warn? And won’t all this be similar to the script of the series of the same name with the V-symbolism already known to us ( Visitors), in which invaders come disguised as friends?

Is it also possible to assume that Anonymous was created (or will be quietly used) to carry out some kind of conspiracy on the eve of the presidential election, or was the mask from Vendetta chosen as their logo "by accident"?

Judging by the information received earlier, during the Transition there will be a split into several types of people in terms of development and energies. Some souls will go to a parallel world, some (space ones) will be taken away, and some will be sent for disbandment. This will be discussed in more detail later.

Is it possible, given the above, to assume that space agencies and their patrons are aware of this coming split, which V symbolizes, and are preparing for it? Or are they just inserting into their symbolism elements of the logos of their patrons, who will appear here a little earlier than the Transition for the collection of the duped?

They say that the easiest way to hide the truth is to put it in the most visible place, where no one will think to look for it. Does this hypothesis have a right to exist?

Or is all this just another “conspiracy theory”?...

Time will show. The main thing is not to turn off your vigilance...


On this official website you can find a plaque commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Air Force Space Command - from 1982 to 2007. You can see two rings around the Earth, as well as a stylized image of an alien spacecraft in flight:

From what I heard, it is a triangular ship of enormous size (it takes a while to go from end to end) and it is already flying in the galaxy. The shape you see on the emblems is almost exactly what they look like in reality.

There are also official websites of the Navy Space Command and the US Space Command. US Space Command also has a Wikipedia page linked to an even more detailed Unified Command page.


If you read the Team USA Space page, you will find very detailed information about who founded it, when and why. It contains the following emblem showing the rings I am talking about:

Pay attention to the crosses on each of the rings. We'll get back to them in a minute.

You can also read about the US Space Command in an article on Space.com, in an interview with Gene McCall, chief scientist of the Air Force Space Command. Naturally, the article tries to introduce unnecessary fuss into the story and does not contain any real “deadline” for Disclosure.


Again, on the Air Force Space Command insignia you see rings around the Earth. The emblem first appeared on the official website of the Air Force Space Command, but was later removed.

However, this site contains an exhaustive series of links to what was originally on the official sites, along with links that no longer work. I suggest keeping your copy in case of later seizure.

When you go to the relevant website, look at the images and read the text, the triangular flying car appears again and again on different symbols and emblems, along with two “quarantine rings”.

Again, notice the two crosses on each side of the delta-shaped spacecraft, closely associated with the rings.

I believe they mean the crosses of the Knights Templar.


In an interview Project Camelot Gordon Novel reveals that these insiders identify themselves as Knights Temporal:

Cassidy: When you say “we”, who do you mean?

Knights Temporals

Gordon: Well, there's a group of people I call the Temporal Knights.

Today, the world's most eminent aerospace engineers and physicists are part of a team we call the RAM group. We call ourselves the Temporal Knights.

We borrowed the idea of ​​the Templars, who blackmailed the Pope into giving them free rein in Europe. It was they who created the banking orders that we have today.

Because we believe that technology is rooted in time, we call ourselves the Temporal Knights. Essentially, the alien technology, the UFO, is a flying time machine. This is what we believe and that's all

what do we know about her?

Here's what Novel didn't say: international bankers didn't just “borrow the Templar idea.” These groups are direct descendants Knights Templar and still keep all their secrets.


The same two “quarantine rings” appear on the emblem of the Navy Space Command, as reflected on the above website:


The following emblem can be found on the official website military base Vanderburgh Air Force at Stategic Air Command.com.

Once again, we notice a cross on one of the rings protecting the Earth. Apparently the sword is a Knights Templar sword.

Given the inscription “Strengthen the shield,” this is a clear indication that the two rings around the Earth could be some kind of “screen” that we would like to believe remains impenetrable.

Moreover, there is speculation that this screen may be at least partially enhanced by the same strange delta-shaped spacecraft:


Also view the 76th Space Operations AFSST emblem on the same site - the official Vanderburgh Air Force Base site.

Once again, we see one of the “quarantine rings” and the same flying metal triangle, this time with rings surrounding it, if you haven't already figured out that it flies.

Below there are two more smaller delta-shaped spacecraft:

And here is the page from the original Air Force Strategic Command website in case it disappears. Notice the gauntlet of the Knights of the Tamliers with the lightning bolt flying out of it in the symbolism at the top left:


On the emblem of the United Functional Component of the Space Command we again see “quarantine rings” and flying metal triangles. This emblem can be seen on the official Wikipedia page:

As this page says, according to Lieutenant General William L. Shelton: “Our primary goal is “ ensure our freedom of action in space by preventing hostile use of space against us”.


The Schriever Air Force Base insignia follows the same pattern: quarantine rings and a spacecraft operating far beyond the Earth's atmosphere, as well as an orange object that could be a comet or flying saucer.

Notice the size difference between the smaller black delta ship and the larger metal delta ship on the first emblem from the bottom.

A difference in size may not be an indication that one ship is closer than the other. This is probably a direct indication of how much larger bigger ship compared to black:

The following icon is especially interesting because of the image that appears at the bottom:

I have been told that the Pegasus logo - "Mr. Cosmos" - is worn by those who come into direct high-level contact with alien human civilizations, especially those working for Team Cosmos.

The legend of Pegasus - the winged horse used by the Gods Greek mythology for movement, may be an indication of some kind of spaceship.

This follows the same logic presented in episode 3 Ancients aliens on the history channel, which I participate in many times.

In light of what we know about the Mr. Cosmos logo, notice the words “History” and “Legacy.” This may mean knowing that human history and heritage are much older than the Earth.


The third page of the Schriever Base website has so many symbols: delta ship, Templar swords, Templar gloves, quarantine rings, etc., that I'm quoting it in full:

There are many references to the Knights Templar here. And of course, many insiders have said that the Air Force is far more involved in the UFO cover-up than any other organization.

You may have spotted a Masonic compass at the top right of the image. At the bottom there are Templar gloves holding a fire sword.

I was especially struck by the gloves of the Knights Templar, which have magical energy power emanating from them, which suggests possession hidden forces Universe:


The fourth page of Schriever Air Force Base contains additional riddles that include the Templar skull and crossbones symbol:

The top left icon could be an indication that human beings populate the entire galaxy, which is why we see the image human body, distant from Earth, and the Pegasus logo.

The image at the top right shows a Templar gauntlet, again suggesting "Lightning" coming from it.

As stated in the second episode “ Ancient aliens”, for which I have done a lot of research, it appears that many ancient legends about lightning involve active alien weapons that were used in distant historical times.

Later, these weapons turned into myths about Zeus the Thunderer, Thor's Hammer, Odin's Spear, Poseidon's Trident, Vaijra's Spear and so on.


The evil hooded creature in the emblem below clearly represents the “Thought-Form Entities” from which I am told the Earth Guardians actively protect our planet.

Note that the creature has at least two faces. One is formed by two wing-shaped eyes in the middle, the other is visible in profile when viewed from the left side. Then the sharp nose, eyebrow and chin are clearly visible.

In profile view, pointed ears are shown on the back of the head. I recently heard from an insider that at least one alien group has pointy ears and looks similar to the gargoyles we see on many of the buildings erected by the Templars.

Whether you agree with what the Guardians are doing or not, the people I've talked to are absolutely convinced that things on Earth would be much worse if they didn't do what they do.

The desire to protect humanity from external negative forces seems completely justified to them, so the Guardians continue to engage in this work, although it involves many ethical principles.

And, of course, it is interesting to see a hooded creature looming over the Earth on a badge dedicated to “space operations.”


There are even more symbols on the fifth and final page of Schriever Air Force Base emblems. First, here's the full view:

Notice the two stylized birds flanking the star in the bottom center image. Most likely they point to images of the Phoenix.

What better symbol can you choose to describe the journey through a stargate where you “die” and dematerialize at one end only to be “reborn” at the other?

As you'll see in a minute, this was the first Air Force logo!

Now let's take a closer look at a few more images.


First, as we see enlarged below, we have an emblem showing the pentagonal vortex of the Stargate appearing in the northwestern United States:

Several insiders have said that the “ancient” stargates appear to be tunnels, with individual points of light in exact geometric proportions to each other. When you look deeper into the space-time tunnel, they spiral back on themselves.

Points of light can be in a pentagonal relationship to each other along the entire length of the circle, although no one has ever told me about this. And until recently, it never occurred to me to ask about this.

A slight hint of the stargate pattern appears in the film Minority Report as you look into the distance on the right in this particular frame:

Returning to the emblem, it even features the words “gate” and “star” in the description - Gateway to the Stars.


The pentagonal star in a circle is a typical image of the main emblem of the Air Force, which went through two different stages of development. This appears to be another veneration of stargates or “portals” used at the insider levels.

I've already pointed out the first Air Force logo, which features a pentagon flanked by stylized Phoenix birds on each side. This logo has gone through development into its current form as the images below show:


Compare one of the symbols of the Air Force Communicators and the Air Traffic Controllers Association.

In the center is the pentagonal Air Force/Stargate logo with the Phoenix fire birds on both sides.

Then on the right there is a jet plane, and on the left there is “something else” - again, our delta-shaped spacecraft protecting triangular Earth with the same “quarantine loops” that I already showed you:

The triangular shape appears to indicate tetrahedral energies found on Earth and other planets, as has been argued by Richard K. Hoagland since at least 1993.

On any planet, tetrahedral energy appears at a latitude of 19.5° north or south of the equator.

On rocky planets it manifests itself in the form of volcanoes, like Hawaii on Earth or the huge Olympus Mons on Mars.

On gaseous planets, we have the Great Red Spot on Jupiter, the Great Dark Spot on Neptune, cloud bands on Saturn, and so on. And all this at the mysterious latitude of 19.5°.


One of the most compelling symbols of Schriever Air Force Base is the icon below.

Here we see a simplified but recognizable diagram of the Global Grid that I wrote about many years ago.

The real Grid does not have a square pattern like this one, but it is very similar, including spherical “knots” where the lines intersect.

We also see a Knight Templar with all the royal regalia:

Even the clover carved on the knight's mask is a stylized version of the Templar cross:

The following emblem especially caught my attention.

Apparently this is an early version of the same emblem I showed you before. Once again, we see a delta-shaped spaceship and Earth quarantined in the middle.

We also clearly see knight's gloves with lightning bolts coming from the fingers.

This emblem suggests that the Knights Templar had mystical abilities to manipulate energy, either through thought or through some form of “lightning” technology, as we see in many ancient myths:

Of course, none of the above statements is completely conclusive evidence that Team Cosmos operates off-planet, nor that it has access to stargate "portal" technology or possesses a delta-shaped spacecraft.

However, it is extremely interesting that we see such an abundance of the same symbolism in different military emblems, again and again. I have offered you only a small part of what you can enrich with your own research.

Ancient Egypt is one of the most mysterious civilizations in human history. It left behind clear evidence of infrastructure and technology that was unusual at the time (as far as modern scientists know). Nowadays, people are still fascinated by what ancient Egypt was able to achieve, and it is still a mystery how the Egyptians managed to do such complex things with their modest technology.

Modern science still cannot explain some of the achievements of the Egyptians, one of which is the creation of the pyramids. A number of scientists and conspiracy theorists claim that this would not have been possible without the intervention of aliens who allegedly actually visited Egypt in the past. They also claim that there are irrefutable signs pointing to this.

1. Construction of the pyramids

It's worth starting with the obvious. How the ancient Egyptians managed to build pyramids, and in such quantity. To build such tombs of the pharaohs, millions of blocks of stone were required, each of which weighed tons. According to specialist Richard Koslow, only ten people could lift one stone (more would simply not fit due to the size of the block), but each would have to lift 400 kilograms. It's practically impossible.

The second question is how the Egyptians achieved such amazing precision when building the pyramids. The blocks were cut so precisely that it seems that computers and special machines were used for this purpose.

2. Electricity

The ancient Egyptians left behind many hieroglyphs that have great historical and artistic value. But this is not the most important thing about them. There are drawings that caused real amazement among modern people, especially among those interested in ancient Egypt. An example would be an image that shows people holding an electric lamp or light bulb. But how the ancient Egyptians knew about electricity is a mystery.

3. Hieroglyphs with aircraft

The image of a light bulb is far from the only interesting ancient Egyptian hieroglyph. There are images of even more advanced technologies. For example, there are images that look strikingly similar to modern helicopters and airplanes, which raise even more questions about the development of Egyptian technology.

4. Aliens on ancient coins

During the reconstruction of a house in Egypt, coins were found with very unusual portraits on them. One resembles the head and shoulders of an alien. The image on another coin shows an alien spaceship, or at least something very similar to one. Although many people oppose this theory, such coins do exist.

5. Alien Mummy

Another sign often cited by supporters of claims that ancient Egypt was visited by aliens is a mummy that was recently discovered in a small pyramid near the pyramid of Senwosret II. Her skeletal structure is not similar to that of the human body, and her face looks particularly alien. The mummy was found by Dr. Victor Lubeck, a former professor at the University of Pennsylvania.

The remains were found surrounded by unusual objects, but could not be identified. An anonymous source claimed that the mummy was clearly not from Earth and that it had greatly worried Egyptian authorities, who wanted to keep it a secret. According to the source, during his life this “creature” was called Osirunet and he was an adviser to the pharaoh. This mummy is not the only discovery that has fueled alien rumors.

6. Pyramids of Giza

The pyramids of Giza are not located randomly. The three pyramids fit perfectly with the stars in Orion's belt, and even the size of these pyramids correlates with the brightness of the stars. Two pyramids are identical in size, and the third is half higher than them, in the same way, two stars in Orion's belt are identical in brightness, and the third is half as bright as them.

The pyramids are even located in almost perfect line with the North magnetic pole. Such positioning of the pyramids would require enormous knowledge in the field of science, geometry and astronomy, comparable to modern ones.

7. Akhenaten

Akhenaten was potentially one of the greatest religious innovators in human history. The Egyptian pharaoh who lived and reigned during the 18th Dynasty is known as the ruler who transformed Egypt from a society with many gods to a monotheistic society. The god that the pharaoh worshiped was called Aten or the Sun Disk.

Akhenaten's devotion to his god even pushed him to create an entire city for Aten - Amarna. The legends of that time indicated that the pharaoh was visited by beings from the sky. Some legends even stated that he was one of these creatures. Akhenaten brought religious and social revolution to Egypt and led to the beginning new era for the nation.

8. UFO Sighting Records

The Tully Papyrus is potentially the best primary source that describes the presence of aliens in Ancient Egypt. The papyrus allegedly contains UFO sightings from the time when Thutmose III ruled Egypt. The man who wrote the papyrus claimed that a fiery disk descended from the heavens. Then several such disks appeared that shone brighter than the Sun. After a few days, the objects disappeared from the sky.

9. Hieroglyphs on a spaceship

Another important factor that has raised many questions regarding aliens in Ancient Egypt is the alleged discovery of Egyptian hieroglyphs on both the Roswell UFO and those seen in Rendlesham Forest in 1980. Allegedly, these symbols coincide and are very similar to ancient Egyptian ones.

10. Ancient artifacts

Ancient artifacts were allegedly found in former house Sir William Petrie, known as Flinders Petrie, who is considered one of the best Egyptologists in history. Items found in his old home in Jerusalem were rumored to be of unearthly origin. These items included two mummified bodies of supposedly extraterrestrial beings, as well as items with symbols that cannot be explained. The artifacts were moved from Petrie's home to the Rockefeller Museum in Jerusalem and are said to be kept secret.

Huge interest among scientists and researchers Ancient world call and .

Many people, including ufologists, find it very difficult to identify real alien ships. On this moment in the sky you can see a large number of both terrestrial and unearthly flying objects - this is the reason for the difficulty of identification.

However, the issue is very relevant, so it needs to be addressed. And scientists know what to look for when identifying an object.

Traits of UFOs

The first and most striking feature real alien ships- this is that they move at very high speed. Technology of earthly origin is not yet capable of this.

It is also worth noting that UFOs always have an impact on nature. Hoaxers cannot repeat this. Thus, the appearance of a plate is accompanied by various electromagnetic phenomena and plasmoids, which provoke air movement. Also, plates can change the color of the sky, the structure of water and soil, and affect animals and humans.

Concerning plasmoids, they look like clumps of fog. And they are the result of the work of ion-microwave engines.

How to recognize the authenticity of a UFO in a photograph

Experienced professionals looking at photo with alien ship, first of all, they look at the presence of air masses near it. If they exist, the plate is genuine.

As the ship descends toward the surface of the Earth, its effect on plants is also noted. They begin to hesitate.

Most often, plates are found in the air, above bodies of water. Accordingly, they are witnessed by airplane pilots. For example, in 1978, F. Valentich, flying over the Wassa Strait near Australia, saw that his chased by a UFO. He reported this on the radio and disappeared along with the plane.

In 1952, F. Moncla, flying an airplane I was chasing a UFO myself over the Great Lakes system. This continued for some time, and then he disappeared from the radar. They searched for the pilot, but never found him.

In 1948, Captain Clarence S. almost collided with an alien ship in the skies over Montgomery, Alabama. As you probably already understood, real UFOs either quickly appear and disappear just as quickly, or do not leave witnesses to the meeting with them.

Thus, meeting with an alien ship- it's a dangerous thing. Often when a UFO appears, equipment, boat and airplane engines, and electronics fail.

Disasters often occur and people die. Despite the fact that messages about aliens arise frequently, you should not believe them, in most cases they are hoaxes. Trust only your eyes and common sense!

Mainly divided into four main form factors.

  1. Small spherical or disk-shaped objects from 20 to 100 centimeters in diameter. They appear most often at low altitudes. This phenomenon is also called fireflies.
  2. Small UFOs are disc- or egg-shaped with a diameter of 2-3 meters. Just like the previous type, they most often fly at low altitudes.
  3. Basic UFOs, discs or saucers. The diameter is equal to 9-40 measures; they also have an elevation in the central part of the object with a height of one fifth to one tenth of their diameter. Capable of moving at any heights, as well as landing.
  4. Large UFOs are cigar-shaped or cylindrical, ranging in length from 100 to 900 meters or more. Mostly appear in upper layers atmosphere, do not perform complex maneuvers and landings. Eyewitnesses often claimed that smaller objects were separated from such objects. Less common are disc-shaped objects with a diameter of 100-200 meters with behavior similar to cigar-shaped objects.

The forms listed above are most often described by eyewitnesses who saw UFOs and are captured on video and photos, but this is not all of the alien ships that appear. There are a number of features that distinguish some devices from others. It is on these grounds that some ufologists divided them.

Ships of alien civilizations

According to some, scientists studying the UFO phenomenon, the difference between the ships is not accidental; it attributes them to different alien civilizations. We will give a description of some of these ships, and indicate which civilization they belong to, and also note the approximate percentage of observations of the total number of cases of UFO sightings.

  1. Gray disc-shaped devices. Shape and color are most often easily distinguished. They practically do not perform complex maneuvers, but have enormous movement speed. The diameter of such objects is 10-20 meters. It is believed that these devices are completely earthly and belong to new military developments. Approximately 30% of observations.
  2. A black pyramidal triangle, reaching several meters in width and more than 10 meters in height. According to researchers, he belongs to the reptioid race Alpha Draconis. Approximately 10% of observations.
  3. Multi-colored, iridescent disk with a diameter of 10-30 meters. Venus belongs to the Pleiades. Approximately 3% of observations.
  4. A sphere with a bright green color. The same applies to the Pleiadians. About 1% of observations.
  5. A black triangle with three brightly glowing holes at the bottom of the fuselage, sometimes with a fourth hole in the center of the triangle. Is different high speed movement and is almost silent. It is a completely terrestrial object called Astra TR-3B or XR7. About 1% of observations.
  6. A cigar-shaped ship that looks like a huge airship. Most often it hovers high in the sky. Sizes range from 300 to 1,200 meters in length. Belongs to Zeta Network. Occurs no more than 1% percent.
  7. A medium-sized gray cylinder, often located vertically. Belongs to the Andromeda fleet. Watching this object no more than 1%.
  8. Translucent, as if blurry devices, in which contours and flickering lights are mainly visible. They have different shapes and sizes. Also called “interdimensional” ships. Belong to the Orions, Sirius B and other systems. The percentage of appearances is about 3.

Purpose of alien ships

In addition to form factor and accessory alien ships divided according to purpose and perform strictly defined tasks.

  1. The highest class ship, called the mother, is an intergalactic battleship, heavy, armored ship. Most often based on the outskirts of the galaxy. It has colossal dimensions. Volume from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of cubic meters. The length reaches tens of kilometers. Carries reserves of fuel, provisions and other technical devices. Also inside such a ship there are 7-10 headquarters cruisers.
  2. The headquarters cruiser is designed for interstellar travel over relatively short distances. Its length varies from 3 to 10 kilometers, and its volume is tens of thousands of cubic meters. Capable of carrying up to 5 light cruisers. Several cases of sightings of entire alien flying cities have been recorded, these are just second-class ships.
  3. Astran. Used for movement within one planet. Volume from several tens to one hundred or more cubic meters. Some ships of this class are capable of carrying on board smaller devices of two lower orders.
  4. Technorave. A small or large device, often performing tasks such as providing communications or monitoring the weather, can also be used to land on a planet. It is not large in size. The volume is no more than several tens of cubic meters.
  5. Flashorb. The smallest object with a volume of no more than ten cubic meters. It is often piloted automatically. Performs tracking and reconnaissance functions. If absolutely necessary, it can use the self-destruct function.

In this material we tried to collect all the data about alien ships which were found in different sources. We do not undertake to evaluate the reliability of the information described here, and provide it as information, as one of the versions of those who study the phenomenon

Copies of the secret circular drawn up by the administration of the British radio astronomy observatory "Jordell Bank" are kept in the White House, on Capitol Hill, in the Pentagon and at the CIA headquarters in Langley. Naturally, the original of this document is located in Downing Street.

It is about an alien planet currently located about 85 times farther from the Sun than Pluto. spaceship, which appears to have engine trouble and its crew is sending out distress signals. According to UN Security Council staff Manuel Ze Costa, this spaceship will reach the vicinity of the Earth in just over 34 years.

Mr. Ze Costa is familiar with excerpts from the circular, full text which takes up four hundred pages.

The message in the secret circular is not addressed specifically to our humanity, about which the inhabitants of the ship almost certainly know nothing. They send their SOS in the hope that the star they are flying to has at least one planet where there is a technological civilization that has the ability to help troubleshoot the problem.

Where did he come from?

It is assumed that the ship launched from one of the planets of the star closest to us - Proxima Centauri. The message does not indicate whether they are from this planet, or whether the ship visited it during an expedition in our direction from deep space.

What does the alien message from the ship say?

If the terrestrial decipherments understood everything correctly, then the regularly repeated message, the duration of which is 57.3 minutes (wow, they met it within the Earth’s hour!), indicates that due to a serious engine failure, the ship is deprived of the ability to maneuver. He flies with constant speed towards the Sun, but will not become its satellite, but, having described an arc around our luminary, will rush into the abyss of space, where it will inevitably die.

When should we expect aliens near Earth?

The observatory staff calculated that the ship will pass, by cosmic standards, very close to the Earth - at a distance of 106 thousand kilometers, and this will happen at the end of August 2036. secret document it is assumed that it can even be discerned with the naked eye as a faint star in the region of the constellation Orion.

How can we help save a ship from falling into the sun?

The authors of the circular believe that earthlings may well be able to help aliens in distress by directing them to the ship spacecraft, which will first dock with it, and then, due to its own rocket thrust, will reduce its speed and prevent it from flying away to its death. After this, it will be possible to begin repairing the ship, as it is written in a secret Pentagon circular, either by landing it on Earth or directly in orbit. But on Earth it is more reliable - it is easier to find the necessary materials.

What does humanity want to gain from this contact?

If this works out, then we may be enriched with new knowledge received from extraterrestrials, as stated in the secret circular.