The effect of nitrous oxide on the body. The effect of nitrogen dioxide on living systems. The principle of action of liquid nitrogen massage and its benefits

80% of the air we breathe consists of nitrogen. This gas is transparent and colorless and has no odor. According to research, humans are made up of 2% nitrogen, which is found in some cells and tissues. Despite this, it is very easy to be poisoned by nitrogen or nitrogenous compounds. Such intoxication is dangerous to humans and can be fatal. In this article, we looked at nitrogen poisoning, its causes and clinical manifestations, as well as ways to provide first aid to a person with nitrogen intoxication.

The main reasons for the development of nitrogen intoxication

Nitrogen is an inert gas, but in industry it can also be used in the form of nitrogenous compounds and solutions. The most common cause of nitrogen intoxication is violation of safety rules when working with this chemical.

Nitrogen poisoning can occur in the following situations:

  • When ingested by substances that contain nitrogenous compounds, for example, nitric oxide, used in medicine to treat certain cardiac pathologies.
  • If the rules for working with nitrogenous fertilizers are not followed. They are used in the agricultural industry to increase productivity and land quality.
  • During prolonged use of breathing mixtures in medicine. Previously, “laughing gas”, nitrous oxide, was used in medicine for anesthesia. This substance had an effect on the central nervous system and provoked nitrogen intoxication.
  • During long-term immersion of divers to depth. In the breathing mixtures they use, the concentration of nitrogen is quite high; with prolonged deep diving, the diver can develop nitrogen poisoning, the so-called deep sickness. Most often she develops when diving to a depth of over 25 meters.
  • During industrial accidents accompanied by the release of large amounts of nitrogen into the air. Nitrous gas is often used in the transportation of gasoline, oil, and some chemical liquids. It is able to fill empty space without affecting the composition of the substances surrounding it.
  • When burning film and video tape. When they are burned, dangerously large amounts of nitrogen are released into the air. Such films cannot be disposed of by fire.

Please note that the food additive called E942 is a nitrogenous compound and is harmful to the human body. You should not buy products if you see it in their composition.

How does nitrogen affect the body?

Is it possible to breathe nitrogen? Despite the fact that this substance is part of the air we constantly breathe, deliberately inhaling it in pure or concentrated form is quite dangerous. Most people do not know the dangers of nitrogen and do not follow safety rules when working with it.

Nitrogen has the following effects on the human body:

  • affects the central nervous system. Its molecules enter nerve cells, neurons, and disrupt its functioning. Such processes lead to disruption of mental activity, cardiovascular system and breathing;
  • dissolves in adipose tissue, causing intoxication of the body.

Mechanisms of nitrogen influence on human body have not yet been fully studied. The reasons why a state of euphoria or anesthesia develops are not known to scientists.

Clinical manifestations of nitrogen poisoning

Symptoms of nitrogen poisoning increase quickly, over 10-15 minutes.. In a diver they appear during the ascent. The severity of the victim’s condition directly depends on the concentration of nitrogen in the air inhaled by a person, and on the duration of contact with it.

The main clinical manifestations of nitrogen poisoning include the following symptoms:

  • panic attacks and the appearance of a feeling of intense fear. The person becomes restless and agitated;
  • cramps in skeletal muscles (calf, thigh, etc.). These processes are accompanied by severe pain and spasms;
  • breathing disorder. In severe forms of underlying disease, pulmonary edema may develop. The person develops shortness of breath, a dry or wet cough, and pale or blue skin;
  • feeling of general weakness, lethargy. A person poisoned with nitrogen may complain of decreased performance and drowsiness;
  • pain in the chest area develops due to damage to the lungs and alveoli;
  • blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, legs and arms. This the symptom is a sign of acute hypoxia - lack of oxygen;
  • tachycardia - rapid heartbeat. The pulse rate can exceed 110-120 beats per minute. Arrhythmia may occur - a disturbance in heart rhythm;
  • hyperthermia – increase in body temperature. Nitrogen intoxication is characterized by low-grade fever, in which the temperature rises to 37.5-38 degrees;
  • arterial hypertension – increased blood pressure;
  • with the development of pulmonary edema, a wet cough occurs, which may be accompanied by foam coming out of the mouth;
  • impaired consciousness, falling into a deep coma develops against the background of acute respiratory failure. The person stops responding to the voices of surrounding people and tactile irritation.

What to do in case of acute nitrogen poisoning

If you suspect nitrogen poisoning, you should immediately call emergency medical help. If a person continues to inhale nitrogen-polluted air, they should be immediately taken outside to a safe place.

Nitrogen is a very insidious substance. Having no smell and color, it quietly poisons a person. Suspicion of intoxication can develop only after the appearance of pronounced clinical signs of poisoning.

Remember that treating nitrogen poisoning on your own is prohibited. The patient needs qualified medical care and properly prescribed treatment.

When removing a person from a dangerous area with nitrogen-polluted air, you need to take care of your safety. According to safety regulations, Before entering an area where nitrogen has been released, you must wear a gas mask.

A person who has inhaled nitrogen needs to be reassured and told that his life is not in danger. Unbutton his shirt and tie, make sure nothing interferes with his free breathing.

If you have the opportunity, give him warm, sweet tea or water. The liquid will help bring him to his senses and reduce intoxication syndrome.

What to do if a poisoned person loses consciousness

Loss of consciousness is a common symptom of nitrogen intoxication. In this situation, it is important not to panic and try to support the life of the victim until the ambulance arrives. Place him on a hard, flat surface on his back.

To prevent a person from choking on his own sunken tongue, saliva or vomit, his head must be turned to the side. In this position, the risk of aspiration is minimal. Raise his legs 45-50 degrees and lock them in this position. In this way you will improve blood supply to the heart and brain.

Constantly monitor the victim's pulse and breathing. It is most convenient to check for the presence of heartbeats on the carotid artery in the cervical region. There this vessel passes almost under the skin and can be easily palpated.

The presence of breathing can be checked by placing your hand on the chest of the poisoned person. When you inhale, it will rise, and when you exhale, it will fall.

If there is no breathing or heartbeat, resuscitation measures should be started immediately. When assisting a patient yourself, perform only indirect cardiac massage., if you are doing this together with someone, you can also perform artificial respiration using the “mouth to mouth” principle.

Treatment of nitrogen poisoning

The ambulance team will provide first aid. It is carried out at the point of call and is aimed at maintaining the patient’s life until arrival at the hospital.

First aid consists of:

  1. Connecting a person to oxygen through a mask.
  2. Droppers with solutions. They are necessary for the treatment of intoxication syndrome.
  3. Drugs that regulate heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate.
  4. In case of severe agitation and panic attacks, sedatives and barbiturates can be used. They are also effective for seizures.

Hospitalization is carried out in the intensive care unit. Doctors assess the patient’s condition and correct disorders in the body. Treatment is aimed at eliminating pulmonary edema and combating hypoxia.

In parallel with the treatment, the patient is examined in the hospital. It helps to objectively assess the severity of his condition and prescribe the necessary medications. Diagnostics consists of:

  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood gas analysis;
  • determination of electrolytes in the blood;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • electrocardiograms;
  • X-ray of the lungs.

The prognosis of treatment depends on the timely start of treatment. If poisoning occurs in a scuba diver, the doctor decides whether the person can continue diving.

Nitrogen poisoning most often develops in scuba divers and people exposed to it at work.. This gas is colorless and odorless, and poisoning can only be suspected based on the clinical picture. When the first symptoms of intoxication appear, you should call an ambulance. Treatment is carried out in a hospital, intensive care unit. It is aimed at combating pulmonary edema and eliminating hypoxia, an electrolyte imbalance in the body.

  1. Wrinkles.
  2. Acne.
  3. Dark spots.
  4. Swelling.
  5. Enlarged pores.

  • Hair and scalp treatment;
  • Fight excess weight;
  • Rejuvenation of the skin of the whole body.

How to do cryomassage at home


  • allergies to cold;
  • pustular diseases;
  • herpes;
  • rosacea;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • migraine;
  • epilepsy;


I want to say that the procedure is unusual. At first there is a chill on the face, as if you went out for a walk at -30 and the walk lasted for an hour, the face begins to burn a little and freezes. Result: peeling begins, skin renewal and inflamed cells are renewed, and subcutaneous lesions and other troubles go away with them.

Facial skin on the first day of visiting a cosmetologist

Effect after 10 cryomassage sessions

Cryomassage of the face has a strong rejuvenating and healing effect. Therefore, try the procedure on your skin either alone or in combination with other nourishing and moisturizing products so that the reflection in the mirror makes you happy every day!

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Back in the days when no one knew about high-tech methods of facial care, people dived into ice holes in winter, rubbed snow on their faces, or simply doused themselves with cold water. And these days, when the benefits of cold have already been proven, we resort to cryotherapy. What kind of procedure is this?

Cryotherapy is a targeted effect of cold on the surface layers of the skin. And if not everyone decides to expose their entire body to liquid nitrogen at once, then cryomassage of individual areas of the skin is quite popular.

Today, cryomassage is one of the most popular procedures in any beauty salon.

After all, thanks to liquid nitrogen you can get rid of small facial wrinkles, redness and pimples. This procedure is also considered rejuvenating. And indeed: even after one session, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth.

Let's list what results you can get by systematically resorting to a similar procedure:

  • Improved skin immunity. You should not think that human immunity manifests itself only in the form of the ability to resist various viruses. You can also use it to protect your face from professional care. So, you can get rid of allergies by using a variety of cosmetics;
  • Young and elastic skin will also be a pleasant bonus after such procedures;
  • Getting rid of age spots;
  • Disappearance of oily sheen, acne or small pustules, general normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • Narrowing of pores. If unattractive holes remain after acne, then cryotherapy will definitely help you get rid of this unpleasant defect;
  • Stimulating the production of natural elastin, thanks to which the skin will not age for many years.

As you can see, facial massage with liquid nitrogen has many pleasant effects that will have a beneficial effect on your appearance. It's time to find out how this procedure happens.

Treatment of the skin with liquid nitrogen occurs using special applicators, somewhat similar to large cotton swabs. A small amount of nitrogen is applied to the applicator and problem areas are treated with it.

Most often, beauty salons can offer you a deep facial massage with liquid nitrogen. Its duration is approximately ten to fifteen minutes. The essence of the method is that due to the short-term but intense effect of cold on the deep layers of the skin, a sharp narrowing, possibly even spasm of blood vessels, occurs. And after the procedure is completed, the vessels dilate quite quickly.

In such stressful conditions for our skin, blood circulation improves and immunity increases. All the necessary vitamins and minerals immediately begin to flow into the upper layers of the epidermis, due to which the majority of deficiencies are eliminated.

Collagen also begins to be produced. But you shouldn’t think that repeating this procedure very often will help you regain your lost youth. All you can count on is a slight reduction in facial wrinkles. And no matter how many times you perform such a massage, you will not be able to get rid of wrinkles completely and forever.

It is also important to talk about the possibility of using facial cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen in the process of rehabilitation after plastic surgery. After all, local exposure to cold has an amazing anti-edematous effect. This means that you can get rid of the negative consequences of plastic surgery several times faster.

Getting rid of acne and pustules on the face occurs as follows: a cotton swab with liquid nitrogen is passed along the massage lines, as a result of which the rate of reproduction of various microbes that cause acne is reduced. The duration of the procedure should not exceed five minutes.

If you have several large abscesses, then they are treated as follows. A nitrogen swab is pressed onto the pimple and held for several seconds. As a result, the skin dries out, the pus comes out almost immediately, and after a few days there is no trace left at the site of the former abscess.

The advantage of this procedure is that the likelihood of even a small scar appearing after healing is very low. And clean and smooth skin is a great gift for any girl.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that you absolutely do not need to take any special care of your skin after cryomassage. Although to consolidate the effect, you can make a nourishing or moisturizing mask. And immediately after the procedure, you can immediately begin your business.

The only evidence that you have just used nitrogen is a small specific blush, which, however, will disappear very quickly.

Also, do not worry that after such a procedure you will not be able to go out into the sun. This, fortunately, does not make any difference, since liquid nitrogen does not have any effect on the skin's sensitivity to the sun. This means that you will not be able to get irritated, since photo sensitivity will remain normal.

Like any cosmetic procedure, cryomassage has its contraindications. For example, in no case should you carry out such a procedure if you have an intense headache. This will only make you feel worse.

This happens because a sharp narrowing of blood vessels cannot but affect the headache. And the body, outraged by such treatment, will definitely find a way to show its dissatisfaction.

You should also not use liquid nitrogen at elevated temperatures. Even if you feel better during the procedure itself, after a while you will feel that all the symptoms are returning. And you may even feel worse. So before you go to the beauty salon, make sure that you are already completely healthy.

Due to the sharp narrowing of blood vessels during the procedure, it is not recommended to use this procedure for people with hypertension and cardiovascular insufficiency. You should not take risks if you have been diagnosed with a heart attack or stroke. In any case, if you have any doubts about whether you should sign up for cryomassage, you can first consult with your doctor.

If you don’t want to go to the salon, but you understand that looking beautiful is the sacred duty of every woman, then you can try to influence the skin with cold at home. Of course, here you will no longer use liquid nitrogen; you will need to apply regular ice to the skin.

But in order for your face to glow with purity and elasticity, you can freeze not ordinary water, but some herbal decoctions that will have a healing effect on all layers of the epidermis. For oily skin, the ideal solution is to add a few drops of lemon juice to ice. But a decoction of mint or plantain will help tidy up dry skin.

In any case, remember not to overcool your skin. Therefore, you should not wipe your skin with ice cubes just taken out of the refrigerator. It will be best if you wait a few seconds until the ice cube begins to melt.

As you can see, cryomassage is very beneficial for our skin. It not only gives it smoothness and elasticity, but also has a beneficial effect on preserving youth.

But do not overuse it; repeating this procedure several times a month will be quite enough. And remember that you need to take care of yourself constantly, so no one has canceled the regular application of nourishing masks between cryotherapy sessions!

The use of cold for a rejuvenating effect has been used in folk medicine for centuries. At home, frozen water or a decoction of various herbs is used for this. And beauty salons offer an improved option using liquid nitrogen, due to its cooling properties. It is better not to use liquid nitrogen at home, as in this case, you need to trust the professionals from the salon.

Procedures using liquid nitrogen are called cryotherapy, and they are quite popular, as they have a good result in rejuvenating and improving the condition of the skin, without causing significant harm to the body and without requiring surgical interventions. There is no direct contact of liquid nitrogen with the skin; the cosmetologist only runs it along the massage lines without touching the face.

No rehabilitation period or any precautions for further facial skin care are required. In individual cases, redness of the skin may appear, but it passes quickly.

The use of liquid nitrogen in cosmetology is based on the short-term effect of cold on the skin. From such a “stressful” effect, a spasm of blood vessels occurs, which causes them to narrow, then relaxation occurs, and the vessels dilate. Due to this, blood supply improves and metabolic processes in tissues are accelerated.

After such a cryomassage procedure, you get the feeling that the skin has opened and breathed.

Liquid nitrogen in facial cosmetology also has an exfoliating effect, this promotes the appearance of new cells in the layers of the epidermis, which has a rejuvenating effect. The complexion becomes even and uniform.

Another positive aspect is that liquid nitrogen is used on its own, without requiring additional drugs or tools.

Liquid nitrogen in facial cosmetology is suitable for the following cases:

  • if the first wrinkles begin to appear. Deeper ones will become less noticeable, but for their complete disappearance, additional procedures will be necessary;
  • The elasticity of the skin has decreased, unevenness has appeared and the contours of the face have become unclear;
  • swelling appeared on the face;
  • skin prone to oiliness, poor self-regulation of the sebaceous glands, the appearance of acne and comedones;
  • treatment of seborrhea;
  • facial cleansing;
  • rejuvenating effect;
  • removal of warts and papillomas. To do this, deep cooling methods are used, after which the cells die. There are no scars or marks left on the skin. It seems that the wart is simply sliding off the surface of the skin.

The use of liquid nitrogen in cosmetology has practically no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to cold; it is not recommended to carry out procedures at elevated body temperatures, in case of heart failure, after a heart attack or stroke, in acute inflammatory processes.

The procedure is painless and does not take much time, only 10-15 minutes per session. True, you need to go through several procedures, from five to ten, it all depends on the initial condition and the desired result.

Results will be best seen after any redness or swelling that may occur after the procedure has subsided. This usually occurs within a few hours.

Numerous reviews confirm the positive effect of liquid nitrogen on facial skin. Elasticity improves, wrinkles become less noticeable, the secretion of sebaceous glands is regulated, overall the complexion is evened out and the contours are noticeably tightened.

The effect of using liquid nitrogen will be not only cosmetic, but also health-improving.

The healing properties of cold have long been known to mankind. Nowadays, the effect of low temperatures on humans is used for both cosmetic and physiotherapeutic purposes. This branch of medicine is called cryotherapy.

What's happened

Cryotherapy activates metabolic processes and is used in the treatment of ENT diseases, elimination of cosmetic defects and skin diseases.

The essence of the method is to apply extreme cold (up to -160 C) for a short period of time. Vessels and capillaries are sharply compressed. After the end of exposure to cold, the capillaries begin to expand sharply.

As a result of the shock effect, metabolic processes are stimulated, blood flow noticeably accelerates, thereby cleansing blood vessels, toning muscles and having a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The flow of arterial blood, enriched with oxygen and nutrients, to human organs increases.

General cryotherapy is carried out in a special cryochamber. The skin is cooled to 0 C using sprayed liquid nitrogen. There is a general improvement, strengthening and even rejuvenation of the body.

Also liquefied nitrogen is used for local cryotherapy when not the whole body, but individual zones are exposed to cold. This procedure is used to heal wounds, scars, and treat inflammatory processes.

For cryomassage, use a cotton swab wound on a wooden stick. The swab is treated with liquid nitrogen and brought close to the desired area of ​​the body, helping to cool it.

Application of cryotherapy for therapeutic purposes and in cosmetology:

  • rehabilitation after operations and injuries;
  • therapy for joint inflammation;
  • in case of dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • dermatological problems;
  • dysfunctions of the genitourinary system;
  • treatment of ENT diseases;
  • for removing various skin growths - papillomas, warts, moles;
  • skin treatment for acne, pimples, acne;
  • general improvement in skin condition;
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite;
  • weight loss.

Indications for use

The massage process consists of applying thin layers of liquefied nitrogen to the skin. The procedure is painless, the patient feels only a slight chill and tingling sensation.

Indications for the use of cryomassage:

  • skin rejuvenation, dullness, prevention of aging;
  • unhealthy skin color, bruises, bags under the eyes;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • swelling;
  • rehabilitation after plastic surgery;
  • oily skin, blackheads, enlarged pores;
  • acne, scars after it;
  • rosacea, demodicosis, rosacea, atopic dermatitis;
  • baldness;
  • scalp diseases - seborrhea, dandruff;
  • weakened hair.

Important point! For wrinkles, especially deep ones, hardware cryoprocedure is ineffective.

Effect after the procedure

Local (local) cryomassage has the following effects:

  • pain relief and muscle relaxation;
  • toning of blood vessels of the circulatory and lymphatic systems;
  • Relieving swelling due to increased outflow of venous blood and improved lymphatic drainage;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • nutrition of hair follicles.

Execution technique

Before performing cryomassage, you must consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist. He will assess the extent of the problem, the condition of the skin, the feasibility of this procedure and draw up a treatment plan.

Cryomassage does not require complex preliminary preparation. It is enough not to use scrubs, not to peel the day before the procedure, and on the day of the procedure to refuse to use any cosmetics, including decorative ones.

The cryomassage procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The patient lies on the couch on his back. It is completely covered except for the face and neck. Hair is tucked under a cap.
  2. The facial skin is prepared by wiping with a special lotion.
  3. Cotton wool is wrapped around a wooden stick. The resulting swab is immersed in a container with liquefied nitrogen. The massage is done with quick movements, moving the swab along the main lines of the face, avoiding the perioral area and the area around the eyes. If necessary, not the entire face is treated, but only the right places- locally or pointwise.
  4. At the end of the procedure, a special cream is applied to the treated areas of the skin. After cryomassage, it is recommended to give the skin a rest for about half an hour and only then go outside.

Treatment regimens

It is not possible to predict the exact number of procedures required. Their quantity depends on the condition of the skin, the desired results and individual characteristics every patient.

In practice it has been found that on average, about 15 procedures are required. They are held at intervals of 2–3 days. On average, the duration of cryomassage varies from 10 to 20 minutes.

The technique depends on the patient’s diagnosis:

  • when treating acne, each of them is processed for about 15 s;
  • for multiple purulent rashes - about 20 s;
  • if rosacea is diagnosed, the entire procedure takes no more than 4 minutes, and the effect on each area of ​​the skin should not exceed 10 seconds;
  • to remove warts and papillomas (hanging moles), they are exposed for at least 30 s;
  • to get rid of scars, including those after acne, the effect varies depending on the degree of their depth, most often treatment is limited to 4-5 procedures, with a frequency of about a week;
  • Aerocryotherapy of the scalp for baldness, seborrhea lasts about 15 minutes, it is necessary to complete 2-3 courses of 10-20 procedures with an interval of 1 month.

Tools used

The following instruments are used to perform cryomassage:

  • Cotton swab or applicator. With its help, liquid nitrogen is applied to defective areas, providing instant freezing and slow thawing. The degree of freezing depends on the period of exposure.
  • Cryospray (special spray) or cryoapplicator (a can with interchangeable nozzles). These devices direct a stream of liquid cryogenic precisely to the affected area.
  • Cryoprobe. With its help, liquefied nitrogen reaches the desired area under the skin. The exposure time ranges from 30 to 90 seconds.

Methods and movements

When using a cotton swab (applicator), the specialist lowers it into a special cylinder with nitrogen and runs it along the massage lines of the face with light, very fast movements. The principle of cryomassage using equipment (cryospray) is similar to the previous one, however, more uniform cooling of the skin is possible and it is possible to change the temperature of the nitrogen depending on the characteristics of the client.

Cryomassage is used to treat skin rashes (blackheads, acne) method of stewing and deep freezing. For shading, use a large applicator (a cotton swab, about 10 cm long, is wrapped around a stick). It is moistened in liquefied nitrogen, held parallel to the area of ​​skin to be frozen and, pressing lightly, rotational movements move over the affected area until slight whitening appears, which disappears instantly. A break of 1–2 minutes is taken, then the procedure is repeated.

One session lasts about 10 minutes, during which time the procedure is repeated 3 times. Individual large blackheads and acne, scars are additionally treated pointwise.

When treating rosacea cryomassage is carried out with a cotton swab along the massage lines, only with lighter movements.

If it is necessary to massage the scalp, the tampon is held parallel to it. Cryomassage is carried out with rotational movements along the partings for 5 seconds per area.

If massage is needed only on the area of ​​baldness, then it is carried out intermittently for 2 minutes.

Session cost

Prices for cryomassage vary significantly in different regions, dermatological offices and beauty salons. Their value directly depends on the qualifications of the staff, the quality of the equipment, and the prestige of the salon. In addition, patients may be offered various discounts and promotional offers.

One procedure in the salon costs from 300 rubles.

Note! It is not possible to perform professional cryomassage on your own at home. A home analogue of cryomassage is massage with ice cubes. To do this, purified water or a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile, mint) is frozen.

You can wipe and apply with plain ice, placing it in a plastic bag. Use ice cubes from the decoction to wipe problem areas or the entire face strictly along the massage lines. This procedure perfectly tones the skin and soothes inflamed areas.


Before deciding on this procedure, you need to familiarize yourself with list of contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to cold;
  • herpes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • migraine;
  • pregnancy;
  • thrombosis, venous insufficiency;
  • severe heart disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • elevated body temperature due to acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections.

Pros and cons of the procedure

The advantages of this procedure include:

  • quick results, visible almost after the first procedures;
  • skin rejuvenation;
  • minimal skin trauma;
  • painlessness;
  • improved blood circulation;
  • treatment of skin defects.


  • long full course;
  • high price;
  • the possibility of getting burned by nitric acid (if all the rules of the procedure are violated);
  • swelling, redness, peeling of the skin after procedures.

Cryomassage is a useful procedure that helps solve many skin problems and significantly improve its condition. But do not forget that, in addition to massage, the skin needs constant care to maintain the effect of cryomassage for a longer time.

Useful videos

Cryotherapy (cryomassage) of the face in cosmetologists, what is the essence of treatment with liquid nitrogen.

What is facial cryomassage, how is it done and why.

One of the most popular procedures in beauty salons is cryomassage. And this is not surprising, because liquid nitrogen helps improve the condition of facial skin without pain and surgical interventions. Let's take a closer look at the technology of performing the procedure, its effectiveness and safety for health.

The principle of action of liquid nitrogen massage and its benefits

Facial cryomassage is a technique aimed at relaxing muscles by applying cold to the skin.

Cryomassage is a well-known method of cosmetic care and skin treatment

The healing power of ice was known to people back in ancient times: many dived into ice holes in winter, rubbed their faces with snow and simply doused themselves with cold water to boost their immunity. Later, doctors began to notice that such cryotherapy not only relieves many ailments, but also rejuvenates the skin. That is why it began to be used in cosmetology. However, these days, specialists in this field no longer use ice or cold water, but liquid nitrogen, a colorless and odorless liquid whose boiling point is -195.75 degrees. When interacting with the skin of the face, it first causes a narrowing of blood vessels, and then their rapid expansion.

  • As a result of such manipulations, the following positive effects can be noticed:
  • Improving blood circulation, and, as a consequence, accelerating metabolism and good supply of skin with life-giving oxygen, vitamins, amino acids and other beneficial substances;
  • Deep cleansing and narrowing of pores;
  • Disappearance of swelling and unpleasant greasy shine;
  • Acceleration of tissue regeneration, as well as rapid healing of minor injuries: wounds, scratches, burns, etc.;
  • Slowing down the aging process of the skin and smoothing existing facial and age wrinkles;
  • Increased skin firmness and elasticity;
  • Blocking foci of inflammation in the form of pimples and blackheads;

Improving complexion by getting rid of freckles, yellowness and pallor.

Indications for the procedure

  1. Wrinkles.
  2. Acne.
  3. This type of massage can be prescribed to people who have:
  4. Dark spots.
  5. Swelling.
  6. Enlarged pores.
  7. Acne, demodicosis or allergic rashes.
  8. Excessive secretion of subcutaneous sebum.

A “double” chin or so-called jowls are saggy cheeks that deform the line of the lower jaw and chin.

In addition, cryomassage is often performed in conjunction with such rejuvenating procedures as ultrasonic and mechanical facial cleansing, as well as with Botox injections and to finally consolidate the results of plastic surgery, photoepilation, resurfacing, laser peeling, etc.

Other areas of application of cryomassage

Cryomassage of the scalp stimulates the nutrition of the hair follicles, restores the thickness and silkiness of the hair

  • It should be noted that this procedure also applies to: Improvements appearance
  • skin of the neck and décolleté;
  • Removal of warts, papillomas and other neoplasms that fall into the category of “benign viral”;
  • Hair and scalp treatment;
  • Fight excess weight;
  • Removal of postoperative and hypertrophic scars;
  • Rejuvenation of the skin of the whole body.

Facial procedure technology

Before attending a cryomassage session, you must first consult with a cosmetologist about the need for the procedure and contraindications. The specialist must establish an individual massage course depending on the condition of the skin, and also introduce the process of preparing for the procedure:

  • 8–12 hours before cryomassage it is not recommended to perform peeling, so as not to cause irritation;
  • Immediately before the procedure, you should refrain from applying decorative cosmetics.

Before the procedure, be sure to inform your doctor about the medications you are taking.

The process itself consists of the following stages:

  • Preparation. The client is placed face up on a couch and the entire body is covered except for the face and neck. The hair is wrapped in a towel or tucked under a disposable hat.
  • Treatment. Apply a special lotion to a cotton pad and thoroughly cleanse your facial skin.
  • Massage. A wooden stick with a cotton swab is dipped into a container with liquid nitrogen, and then passed along the lines of the face, avoiding particularly sensitive areas: eyes, skin underneath, lips, etc. To treat one problem area, nitrogen is applied pointwise.

The cosmetologist should massage with quick and intermittent movements. Otherwise, when room temperature the cold substance will evaporate before it has time to affect the skin.

  • Completion. At the end of the procedure, a special cosmetic cream is applied to the face.

You can begin your daily activities immediately after the massage, but it is better to go outside after 30–40 minutes, since the skin’s protective reaction to wind, frost and other weather conditions will be reduced.

To achieve a greater effect in the future, you should independently treat the skin with anti-aging creams.

Video: How cryomassage is done in a specialized beauty salon

Frequency, duration and cost of procedures

As a rule, a course of facial cryomassage includes 10–14 procedures with a frequency of 2–3 days. One procedure can last from 5 to 20 minutes depending on skin type, age and desired effect.

The average price of one session in Russia is 1 thousand rubles.

How to do cryomassage at home

To maintain the results, the prescribed massage course can be repeated every six months.

Pour filtered water in its pure form or with the addition of an infusion of medicinal herbs (sage, mint, celandine, etc.) into ice cube trays and place in the freezer for a day. Wipe your face with the resulting cubes 2 times a day: morning and evening. After each procedure, wait until the skin dries naturally.

To obtain an infusion, pour 1 tbsp. l. dried herbs with a glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 24 hours. Then strain, freeze and feel free to use on your face.

It is also useful to use frozen fruits and vegetables or puree them two or three times a month.

Thoroughly rinse the fruits you have chosen and grate them on a fine grater. Then add a few drops of any unrefined vegetable oil and place the mixture in the freezer for 3 hours. After the time has passed, apply the vitamin composition to the face, neck and décolleté. When the mask dries a little, wash with warm water.

Use sour fruits for oily skin and sweet ones for dry skin.


You should refuse or temporarily postpone the cryomassage procedure if you have:

  • allergies to cold;
  • pustular diseases;
  • herpes;
  • rosacea;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • migraine;
  • epilepsy;
  • cardiovascular failure.

Efficacy of Nitrous Oxide

The analgesic and narcotic effect of nitrous oxide depends on many factors: the age and individual characteristics of the patient, his state of health, the concentration of nitrous oxide in the inhaled gas mixture, the method of anesthesia, the qualifications of medical personnel, the technical condition of anesthesia-respiratory equipment, etc. Currently, nitrous oxide in its pure form, without oxygen, is not used so as not to cause the development of fatal anoxia.

Table 1. Dependence of the depth of anesthesia on the concentration of inhaled nitrous oxide

Concentration of nitrous oxide in the inhaled mixture.
The maximum possible concentration of inhaled nitrous oxide in a mixture with oxygen is limited to 80%, since any mixture of gases inhaled by a person for more or less a long time must contain at least 20% oxygen. At this maximum permissible concentration, nitrous oxide gives a weak narcotic but sufficient analgesic effect.

Within the permissible concentration, nitrous oxide has weak anesthetic properties: nitrous oxide anesthesia does not go deeper than stage III 1 and does not provide muscle relaxation.

However, nitrous oxide has a pronounced and persistent analgesic effect, which occurs at a concentration in the inhaled mixture of 35-45 vol.%.
Consciousness turns off at 60-80 vol.%. But this is not observed in all patients; physically strong subjects are more resistant to the effects of nitrous oxide.

Patient status
Important Feature gas mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen is that the more severe the patient’s condition, the lower concentrations of nitrous oxide and higher concentrations of oxygen were required to achieve the full narcotic effect. The degree of analgesic effect of nitrous oxide was studied by Dundee J. W. et al., that a gas mixture containing 20% ​​N2O and 80% O2 10 minutes after the start of inhalation has an analgesic effect equal to the effect of 17 mg of morphine. If necessary, the concentration of N2O can be increased to 80% (20% oxygen), which in terms of conversion will correspond to 64 mg (6.5 ml of 1% solution) of morphine. The assessment of the analgesic effect of the concentrations of nitrous oxide most used in anesthesia turns out to be very high, and the previously identified main disadvantage of this anesthetic - a weak narcotic effect - with the new approach has become a significant advantage of the drug nitrous oxide.

Note. If it is not possible to achieve the required depth of anesthesia and ensure complete anesthesia, with a nitrous oxide concentration of 70-80%, narcotics such as ether, fluorothane (halothane), enflurane, isoflurane, and barbiturates are added to it. To more completely relax muscles, muscle relaxants are used.

Safety of using nitrous oxide. Effect on the body.
Nitrous oxide is one of the safest anesthetics, and its negative effects on the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, liver and kidneys are negligible. Nausea and vomiting rarely occur. Nitrous oxide in concentrations up to 80% is practically harmless to the body and does not have a significant effect on the functions of vital organs and systems of the body. It does not depress respiration, does not change blood pressure and heart rate, does not affect cardiac output (MV) and venous pressure, and does not affect the liver, spleen, kidneys, adrenal glands, metabolism, or contractile activity of the uterus.

It quickly penetrates the placenta, after 2-19 minutes the concentration of nitrous oxide in the blood of the umbilical cord vein is 80% of the level in the mother's blood. Long-term inhalation of nitrous oxide sometimes results in the birth of a baby with low Apgar scores. Nitrous oxide causes minor changes only in the blood elements. Since the early fifties, it has been known that nitrous oxide can affect the formation of white blood cells. Thus, in the first 12-24 hours there is a doubling of polymorphonuclear leukocytes with their number returning to normal after 24 hours. The number of lymphocytes also increases. Blood clotting time is slightly prolonged, especially in newborns. With long-term 2-4 day inhalation of nitrous oxide, depression of bone marrow function occurs and the number of leukocytes decreases. Various experiments have shown that nitrous oxide stops cell growth and division when used over long periods of time and can inactivate vitamin B12. Long-term use of nitrous oxide in the treatment of tetanus leads to myelodepression and agranulocytosis.

Conclusions. From all of the above it follows that nitrous oxide is an extremely low-toxic drug. If it were not for its weak narcotic properties, it would be close to the ideal anesthetic, which is still in the arsenal of modern anesthetic agents. Nitrous oxide has been used in medicine for over 150 years as a narcotic gas. And currently, throughout the world, along with the advent of new methods of anesthesia, it remains unsurpassed basic tool for anesthesia.

80% of the air we breathe consists of nitrogen. This gas is transparent and colorless and has no odor. According to research, humans are made up of 2% nitrogen, which is found in some cells and tissues. Despite this, it is very easy to be poisoned by nitrogen or nitrogenous compounds. Such intoxication is dangerous to humans and can be fatal. In this article, we looked at nitrogen poisoning, its causes and clinical manifestations, as well as ways to provide first aid to a person with nitrogen intoxication.

The main reasons for the development of nitrogen intoxication

Nitrogen is an inert gas, but in industry it can also be used in the form of nitrogenous compounds and solutions. The most common cause of nitrogen intoxication is violation of safety rules when working with this chemical.

Nitrogen poisoning can occur in the following situations:

  • When ingested by substances that contain nitrogenous compounds, for example, nitric oxide, used in medicine to treat certain cardiac pathologies.
  • If the rules for working with nitrogenous fertilizers are not followed. They are used in the agricultural industry to increase productivity and land quality.
  • During prolonged use of breathing mixtures in medicine. Previously, “laughing gas”, nitrous oxide, was used in medicine for anesthesia. This substance had an effect on the central nervous system and provoked nitrogen intoxication.
  • During long-term immersion of divers to depth. In the breathing mixtures they use, the concentration of nitrogen is quite high; with prolonged deep diving, the diver can develop nitrogen poisoning, the so-called deep sickness. Most often she develops when diving to a depth of over 25 meters.
  • During industrial accidents accompanied by the release of large amounts of nitrogen into the air. Nitrous gas is often used in the transportation of gasoline, oil, and some chemical liquids. It is able to fill empty space without affecting the composition of the substances surrounding it.
  • When burning film and video tape. When they are burned, dangerously large amounts of nitrogen are released into the air. Such films cannot be disposed of by fire.

Please note that the food additive called E942 is a nitrogenous compound and is harmful to the human body. You should not buy products if you see it in their composition.

How does nitrogen affect the body?

Is it possible to breathe nitrogen? Despite the fact that this substance is part of the air we constantly breathe, deliberately inhaling it in pure or concentrated form is quite dangerous. Most people do not know the dangers of nitrogen and do not follow safety rules when working with it.

Nitrogen has the following effects on the human body:

  • affects the central nervous system. Its molecules enter nerve cells, neurons, and disrupt its functioning. Such processes lead to disruption of mental activity, cardiovascular system and breathing;
  • dissolves in adipose tissue, causing intoxication of the body.

The mechanisms of the influence of nitrogen on the human body are still not fully understood. The reasons why a state of euphoria or anesthesia develops are not known to scientists.

Clinical manifestations of nitrogen poisoning

Symptoms of nitrogen poisoning increase quickly, over 10-15 minutes.. In a diver they appear during the ascent. The severity of the victim’s condition directly depends on the concentration of nitrogen in the air inhaled by a person, and on the duration of contact with it.

The main clinical manifestations of nitrogen poisoning include the following symptoms:

  • panic attacks and the appearance of a feeling of intense fear. The person becomes restless and agitated;
  • cramps in skeletal muscles (calf, thigh, etc.). These processes are accompanied by severe pain and spasms;
  • breathing disorder. In severe forms of underlying disease, pulmonary edema may develop. The person develops shortness of breath, a dry or wet cough, and pale or blue skin;
  • feeling of general weakness, lethargy. A person poisoned with nitrogen may complain of decreased performance and drowsiness;
  • pain in the chest area develops due to damage to the lungs and alveoli;
  • blue discoloration of the nasolabial triangle, legs and arms. This the symptom is a sign of acute hypoxia - lack of oxygen;
  • tachycardia - rapid heartbeat. The pulse rate can exceed 110-120 beats per minute. Arrhythmia may occur - a disturbance in heart rhythm;
  • hyperthermia – increase in body temperature. Nitrogen intoxication is characterized by low-grade fever, in which the temperature rises to 37.5-38 degrees;
  • arterial hypertension – increased blood pressure;
  • with the development of pulmonary edema, a wet cough occurs, which may be accompanied by foam coming out of the mouth;
  • impaired consciousness, falling into a deep coma develops against the background of acute respiratory failure. The person stops responding to the voices of surrounding people and tactile irritation.

What to do in case of acute nitrogen poisoning

If you suspect nitrogen poisoning, you should immediately call emergency medical help. If a person continues to inhale nitrogen-polluted air, they should be immediately taken outside to a safe place.

Nitrogen is a very insidious substance. Having no smell and color, it quietly poisons a person. Suspicion of intoxication can develop only after the appearance of pronounced clinical signs of poisoning.

Remember that treating nitrogen poisoning on your own is prohibited. The patient needs qualified medical care and properly prescribed treatment.

When removing a person from a dangerous area with nitrogen-polluted air, you need to take care of your safety. According to safety regulations, Before entering an area where nitrogen has been released, you must wear a gas mask.

A person who has inhaled nitrogen needs to be reassured and told that his life is not in danger. Unbutton his shirt and tie, make sure nothing interferes with his free breathing.

If you have the opportunity, give him warm, sweet tea or water. The liquid will help bring him to his senses and reduce intoxication syndrome.

What to do if a poisoned person loses consciousness

Loss of consciousness is a common symptom of nitrogen intoxication. In this situation, it is important not to panic and try to support the life of the victim until the ambulance arrives. Place him on a hard, flat surface on his back.

To prevent a person from choking on his own sunken tongue, saliva or vomit, his head must be turned to the side. In this position, the risk of aspiration is minimal. Raise his legs 45-50 degrees and lock them in this position. In this way you will improve blood supply to the heart and brain.

Constantly monitor the victim's pulse and breathing. It is most convenient to check for the presence of heartbeats on the carotid artery in the cervical region. There this vessel passes almost under the skin and can be easily palpated.

The presence of breathing can be checked by placing your hand on the chest of the poisoned person. When you inhale, it will rise, and when you exhale, it will fall.

If there is no breathing or heartbeat, resuscitation measures should be started immediately. When assisting a patient yourself, perform only indirect cardiac massage., if you are doing this together with someone, you can also perform artificial respiration using the “mouth to mouth” principle.

Treatment of nitrogen poisoning

The ambulance team will provide first aid. It is carried out at the point of call and is aimed at maintaining the patient’s life until arrival at the hospital.

First aid consists of:

  1. Connecting a person to oxygen through a mask.
  2. Droppers with solutions. They are necessary for the treatment of intoxication syndrome.
  3. Drugs that regulate heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate.
  4. In case of severe agitation and panic attacks, sedatives and barbiturates can be used. They are also effective for seizures.

Hospitalization is carried out in the intensive care unit. Doctors assess the patient’s condition and correct disorders in the body. Treatment is aimed at eliminating pulmonary edema and combating hypoxia.

In parallel with the treatment, the patient is examined in the hospital. It helps to objectively assess the severity of his condition and prescribe the necessary medications. Diagnostics consists of:

  • general blood test;
  • general urinalysis;
  • blood gas analysis;
  • determination of electrolytes in the blood;
  • biochemical blood test;
  • electrocardiograms;
  • X-ray of the lungs.

The prognosis of treatment depends on the timely start of treatment. If poisoning occurs in a scuba diver, the doctor decides whether the person can continue diving.

Nitrogen poisoning most often develops in scuba divers and people exposed to it at work.. This gas is colorless and odorless, and poisoning can only be suspected based on the clinical picture. When the first symptoms of intoxication appear, you should call an ambulance. Treatment is carried out in a hospital, intensive care unit. It is aimed at combating pulmonary edema and eliminating hypoxia, an electrolyte imbalance in the body.

Heavier than air (relative density 1.527). Soluble in water (1:2). At 0°C and a pressure of 30 atmospheres, as well as at ordinary temperature and pressure of 40 atmospheres, it condenses into a colorless liquid. One kilogram of liquid nitrous oxide produces 500 liters of gas. Nitrous oxide does not ignite, but supports combustion. Mixtures with ether, cyclopropane, chloroethyl in certain concentrations are explosive.

They use it by inhalation, mainly using balloons filled with nitrous oxide.

The rapid achievement of a state of euphoria turned “laughing gas” into a popular drug at various kinds of youth parties. Laughing gas has been distributed mainly in nightclubs since the summer of 2012.

According to the chief narcologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Evgeniy Bryun, doctors may still be addicted to the use of this substance, and how dependence on it occurs.

The head of Rospotrebnadzor, the chief state sanitary doctor of Russia, Gennady Onishchenko, said that the use of nitrous oxide in medical conditions is acceptable. “This is one of the most gentle anesthetics. But when it is used on a huge scale outside the walls of medical institutions for absolutely no reason, no one knows how it will affect.”

Presumably, the use of laughing gas can produce irreversible effects on the brain and nervous system. Even with a small concentration, it disorganizes mental activity, makes it difficult for muscles to work, and impairs vision and hearing.

Its use is only possible under the supervision of specialists who have undergone appropriate training. Without proper control and in its pure form (without “dilution” with oxygen), the use of laughing gas is deadly. If the volume of oxygen in the mixture with nitrous oxide is less than 20%, respiratory arrest may occur and the person will die.

Signs of nitrous oxide use:

With short-term use - stupid behavior, unreasonable uncontrollable laughter, dizziness, frequent headaches, frequent fainting and frequent loss of consciousness.

With long-term use - short-term amnesia, emotional instability, disturbance thought processes, deterioration of hearing and touch, unsteady gait, slurred speech, gradual brain atrophy.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Laughing gas, or nitrous oxide, is a substance popular among young people, which some consider a harmless means of entertainment, while others consider it a dangerous drug. In high concentrations and prolonged inhalation, it can cause serious harm to human health.

What is nitrous oxide

Nitrogen dioxide, better known as laughing gas, was first produced by Joseph Priestley in the early 1770s.

The substance is colorless, has a subtle aroma and a sweetish taste, can dissolve in water, and when certain conditions- go into a liquid state.

A small amount of gas produces the effect of intoxication and slight drowsiness. If you inhale it in its pure form, it can cause suffocation, but if the prescribed dosage is observed and mixed with oxygen, it is used as an anesthesia and does not have a side effect. Once in the body, it remains unchanged and does not form bonds with hemoglobin. As soon as the gas supply is stopped, it is completely eliminated through the respiratory tract within 15 minutes.

Use of the substance in various fields

There are three types of nitric oxide:

  1. Technical – applied in automotive production and welding works.
  2. Medical - widely used as anesthesia.
  3. Food grade – is one of the important components in the production of aerated chocolate and confectionery products.

A technical nitrogen compound is introduced into the car engine mechanism, namely into the intake manifold to improve its performance. Under its influence, the engine power increases for some time.

For medical purposes, the substance is used for anesthesia and anesthesia during surgery and during childbirth. In addition, the use of gas is allowed to prevent shock in injuries, to increase the analgesic effect of other drugs, as well as to eliminate pain during a heart attack and pancreatitis. Nitrous oxide is available in liquid form in 10 liter cylinders.

In the food industry, this component is known as additive E-942. It is used as a propellant in products produced in aerosol containers.

Use of nitrous oxide as a drug

The abolition of the mandatory presentation of a prescription for the purchase of combination medications that contain codeine occurred in Russia in June 2012. Since that time, the drug has been in free access, which is why it is actively used by substance abusers.

The use of nitrous oxide beads quickly leads to narcotic euphoria, which is why the substance has become so widespread among young people and has become an integral part of many parties and nightlife entertainment venues.

Why is gas called "laughing"?

When exposed to the human body, nitric oxide causes a strong feeling of excitement, turning into euphoria, which is why it was called “laughing gas”. The authorship of the name belongs to the Englishman Davy Humphrey, who studied chemical reactions and during the experiment, he personally experienced the influence of the gas on the body.

He found that when it is inhaled in a small dose, a person’s motor activity increases, an unreasonable desire to laugh arises, and behavior becomes inappropriate.

The effect of gas on the human body - is it possible to breathe nitric oxide

Nitrous oxide causes virtually no harm to health when used for medical purposes if the recommended dosage regimen is followed. Narcotic gas used in a concentration of less than 80% does not pose a danger to humans.

If the substance is used during childbirth, then it is necessary to reduce the period of its inhalation by the woman to a minimum, since long-term use in this case can harm the newborn and reduce its Apgar scores.

This compound has been proven to have a negative effect on the bone marrow with long-term exposure. If you breathe it for 2-4 days, then inhibition of the functions of bone marrow tissue is observed.

Also, nitric oxide sometimes causes some side effects, which are expressed in the appearance of symptoms of bradycardia or supraventricular arrhythmia when the patient is placed in a state of anesthesia. When a person recovers from anesthesia, symptoms such as nausea, anxiety, confusion, drowsiness, and even hallucinations may occur.

Symptoms of laughing gas poisoning

Signs of the toxic effect of nitrous oxide on the human body are divided into two types. The first includes manifestations that occur with short-term use of laughing gas:

  • Brief amnesia. A person does not remember what happened to him for some time, but then his memory returns.
  • Reasonless laughter. One of the main parameters indicating poisoning with nitric oxide is unreasonable fun, very strong and incessant laughter.
  • Attacks of headaches and dizziness that come and go suddenly.
  • Multiple episodes of loss of consciousness.

Frequent and prolonged use of gas can lead to more serious poisoning, in which case the following are possible:

  • emotional instability, which is expressed in constant changes in mood;
  • disturbance of mental activity, lack of logic in words and actions;
  • unsteady gait and incoherent speech;
  • hearing loss, visual impairment;
  • atrophy of brain structures.

First aid and treatment for intoxication

There is no specific antidote for nitrous oxide, so all that a person who is nearby at the time of poisoning can do is carry out basic first aid measures:

  1. Provide fresh air access to the room. If possible, it is better to move the victim from the building to the street.
  2. Position the person so that his body is completely at rest.
  3. Remove the poisoned person’s outer clothing and create conditions for free flow of air into the respiratory tract.

Further action can only be taken by an ambulance team, which must be called immediately as soon as it becomes known about intoxication. Doctors will transport the victim to the hospital and take emergency measures to save him.

Consequences of drug use

By using the mixture in order to feel the narcotic effect, a person exposes himself to great danger. The components included in its composition, with prolonged exposure, can lead to the death of brain cells. The consequences of consuming this nitrogenous compound can be very severe: first, memory deteriorates, then progressive personality changes occur. Along with the brain, the bone marrow structure is also destroyed. With constant use of nitrous oxide, there is a risk of developing leukemia and disorders of the hematopoietic process.

In addition, mental disorders are observed in people who abuse this substance. Attacks of fear of death, hallucinations, obsessive thoughts, and periodic sensations of approaching danger occur. Suicidal tendencies may appear against the background of a depressive state provoked by this compound. Among the consequences of drinking laughing gas, impaired coordination of movements often occurs.

The greatest threat is the mixture in its pure form. Inhaling it can be fatal.

The effect of this compound is especially detrimental to the developing fetus in the womb. If she breathes nitrogen, this can lead to fetal hypoxia and the development of various congenital anomalies in the child.