Questions on the topic of the Crimean War. Crimean War history test. They took the side of Turkey

Crimean War

Option 1

1. The cause of the Crimean War was Russia's desire to:

1) to annex the nations North Caucasus

2) go to the shores of the Black Sea

3) annex Bessarabia

4) expand influence in the Balkans

2. The landing of Anglo-French troops in the Evpatoria area meant that the main military operations were transferred to the territory:

1) Turkey

2) Crimea

3) Balkan Peninsula

4) Transcaucasia

3. The Sinop naval battle took place in:

1) 1825

2) 1837

3) 1853

4) 1856

4. Who was one of the participants in the heroic defense of Sevastopol?

1) E.I. Totleben

2) A.P. Ermolov

3) A.S. Menshikov

4) P.D. Kiselev

5. What did the predominance of sailing ships in the Russian fleet mean?

1) the steam fleet had less speed and maneuverability

2) steam engines in the 19th century. practically never used on ships

3) Russia was ahead of the fleets of Western countries in terms of technical equipment

4) Russian fleet in terms of technical equipment

lagged behind Western countries

6. Under the terms of the Paris Peace Treaty, Russia:

1) received new territories in Transcaucasia

2) was deprived of the right to maintain a navy on Cherny


3) gave Sevastopol to Turkey

4) acquired the right of free passage of ships through the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits

Crimean War

Option 2

1. What was the reason for the start of the Crimean War?

1) annexation of territory to Russia Central Asia

2) capture of Istanbul by British troops

3) suppression of the revolution in France by the troops of the Holy Alliance

4) dispute between Orthodox and Catholic churches for the right to control Christian shrines in Palestine

2. The battle of Sinop took place in a bay off the coast:

1) Turkey

2) Crimea

3) Balkan Peninsula

4) Transcaucasia

3. Dates of the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War:

4. Who was Turkey's ally during the Crimean War?

1) England

2) Germany

3) Iran

4) Sweden

5. What did the use of flint smooth-bore rifles in the Russian army during the Crimean War mean?

1) rifled weapons had a lower rate of fire

2) smooth-bore weapons had greater range

3) Russia was ahead of Western countries in terms of technical equipment

4) Russia lagged behind Western countries technically

6. After the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty:

1) Russia’s international position has strengthened

2) the ruling circles of Russia realized the need to modernize the country

3) a new anti-Turkish coalition was created in Europe consisting of Russia, England and France

4) the country’s defense capability has increased

7. What is the name of the document from which the excerpt is given?


The Black Sea is declared neutral: open to merchant shipping of all nations, entry into its ports and waters is formally and forever prohibited to military vessels, both coastal and all other powers...


Due to the declaration of the Black Sea as neutral on the basis of Article XI, there cannot be a need to maintain or establish naval arsenals on its shores, as they no longer have a purpose, and therefore e.v. All-Russian Emperor and E.I. V. The Sultan undertakes not to establish or leave any naval arsenal on these shores.

7. Indicate the name of the city that is missing in the passage.

Comrades! Our troops after a bloody battle

with a superior enemy they retreated to

to protect him with your breasts. The commander-in-chief decided to sink 5 old ships on the fairway: they will temporarily block the entrance to the roadstead... It’s sad to destroy your work: a lot of our efforts were used to keep the ships, doomed victims, but we must submit to necessity...

8th grade

Option 1

A1. The reason for the Crimeanwar became Russia's desire:
a) annex the peoples of the North Caucasus
b) go to the shores of the Black Sea
c) annex Bessarabia
d) expand influence in the Balkans
A2.DisembarkationAnglo-Frenchtroops in the Evpatoria area meant that the main military operations were transferred to the territory:
a) Turkey
b) Crimea
c) Balkan Peninsula
d) Transcaucasia
AZ. When did it happenSinopskoenaval battle?
a) in 1825
b) in 1837
c) in 1853
d) in 1856
A4 . Who was one of the participants in the heroic defense of Sevastopol?
a) E.I. Totleben
b) A.P. Ermolov
you. Menshikov
d) P.D. Kiselev
A5. What did the predominance of sailing ships in the Russian fleet mean?
a) the steam fleet had less speed and maneuverability
b) steam engines in the 19th century. practically never used on ships
c) Russia was ahead of the fleets Western countries by level of technical equipment
d) the Russian fleet lagged behind Western countries in terms of technical equipment

A6. According to the terms Paris Peace Treaty Russia:
a) received new territories in Transcaucasia
b) was deprived of the right to maintain a navy in the Black Sea
c) gave Sevastopol to Turkey
d) acquired the right of free passage of ships through the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits

IN 1.Indicate the name of the city that is missing in the passage.

Comrades! After a bloody battle with a superior enemy, our troops retreated to ________ in order to defend it with their breasts. The commander-in-chief decided to sink 5 old ships on the fairway: they would temporarily block the entrance to the roadstead... It’s sad to destroy your work: a lot of our efforts were used to keep the ships, doomed victims, but we must submit to necessity...

8th grade

Test on the topic “Crimean War”
Option 2

A1. What was the reason for the start of the Crimean War?
a) annexation of the territory of Central Asia to Russia
b) capture of Istanbul by British troops
c) suppression of the revolution in France by the Holy Alliance troops
d) a dispute between the Orthodox and Catholic churches for the right to control Christian shrines in Palestine
A2. The Battle of Sinop unfolded in a bay off the coast:
a) Turkey
b) Crimea
c) Balkan Peninsula
D) Transcaucasia
AZ. Indicate the dates of the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War.
a) in November 1853 - September 1854.
b) in September 1854 - August 1855.
c) in February 1855 – March 1856.
d) in August 1855 – March 1856.
A4. Who was Turkey's ally during the Crimean War
a) England

b) Germany
c) Iran
d) Sweden
A5. What did the use of flint smooth-bore rifles in the Russian army during the Crimean War mean?
a) rifled weapons had a lower rate of fire

b) smooth-bore weapons had greater range
c) Russia was ahead of Western countries in terms of technical equipment

d) Russia lagged behind Western countries technically
A6. After the signing of the Paris Peace Treaty:
a) Russia’s international position has strengthened
b) the ruling circles of Russia realized the need to modernize the country
c) a new anti-Turkish coalition was created in Europe consisting of Russia, England and France
d) the country's defense capability has increased

IN 1. What is the name of the document from which the excerpt is given?
The Black Sea is declared neutral: open to merchant shipping of all nations, entry into its ports and waters is formally and forever prohibited to military vessels, both coastal and all other powers...
Due to the declaration of the Black Sea as neutral on the basis of Article XI, there cannot be a need to maintain or establish naval arsenals on its shores, as they no longer have a purpose, and therefore e.v. All-Russian Emperor and E.I. V. The Sultan undertakes not to establish or leave any naval arsenal on these shores.

Test on the topic “Crimean War”

1. Select the date of the reign of Nicholas I:
a) 1801-1825;
b) 1825-1855;
c) 1762-1796.
2. Indicate the years when the Crimean War took place:
a) 1853-1855;
b) 1855-1856;
c) 1853-1856
3. In Europe, the Crimean War was called:
a) Northern;
b) Eastern;
c) Western.
4. On the Turkish side were:
a) England;
b) Prussia;
c) France.
5. When did the Battle of Sinop take place?
a) November 18, 1853;
b) October 18, 1853;
c) November 8, 1853
6. Who commanded the Russian squadron in the Battle of Sinop?
a) V.I. Istomin;
b) V.A. Kornilov;
c) P.S. Nakhimov. 7. Who led the defense of Sevastopol?
a) V.A. Kornilov and P.S. Nakhimov; b) A.S. Menshikov and I.D. Gorchakov; c) E.I. Totleben and S.A. Khrulev.
8. How many months did the defense of Sevastopol last?
a) 10;
b) 11;
at 12.
9. What was the name of the first sister of mercy in the Russian army?
a) Dasha Krymskaya;
b) Masha Sevastopolskaya;
c) Dasha Sevastopolskaya.
10. The fall of Sevastopol predetermined the defeat of Russia in the Crimean War. When is that
a) 1853;
b) 1854;
c) 1855
11. What was the fate of the Black Sea squadron of the Russian fleet in the Crimean War?
a) was defeated by the Turkish fleet in Sinop Bay;
b) took refuge in the ports of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus; c) was flooded at the entrance to Sevastopol Bay. 12. Which of the great Russian doctors took part in the defense of Sevastopol?
a) S.I. Botkin;
b) N.I. Pirogov;
c) N.V. Sklifosovsky.
13. What was the name of the hero - the sailor of the Sevastopol defense, whose exploits were described in his Sevastopol stories by L.N. Tolstoy?
a) Peter Koshka;
b) Ivan Gavrilov;
c) Semyon Shein.
14. Set the sequence of events:
a) Surrender of Sevastopol;
b) Battle of Sinop;
c) Death of Kornilov.
Answer:(b, c, a)
15. Which name falls out of the general logical series:
a) Kornilov;
b) Nakhimov;
c) Ermolov. 16. What were the terms of the Paris Peace Treaty?
a) Russia paid the victorious countries an indemnity in the amount of 50 million rubles;
b) Russia was prohibited from having a merchant and fishing fleet in the Black Sea;
c) The Black Sea was declared neutral. 17. The crisis of the Nikolaev system manifested itself in:
a) collapse financial system; b) backwardness of military equipment; c) profitability Agriculture.
18. Nicholas I understood that the main reason hindering the development of the country was:
a) mediocrity of officials; b) serfdom; c) imperfection of the administrative apparatus.
19. Who is depicted in the portraits?



Key to the test:
14-b in a
19- a) Nicholas I, b) V.A. Kornilov, c) P.S. Nakhimov, d) P.M. Cat

Test on the topic “Crimean War”

1. Select the date of the reign of Nicholas I:
a) 1801-1825; b) 1825-1855;
c) 1762-1796.
a) 1853-1855; b) 1855-1856;
c) 1853-1856 3. In Europe, the Crimean War was called: a) Northern; b) Eastern; c) Western. 4. On the Turkish side were:a) England; b) Prussia; c) France. 5. When did the Battle of Sinop take place? a) November 18, 1853;
b) October 18, 1853; c) November 8, 1853
6. Who commanded the Russian squadron in the Battle of Sinop? a) V.I. Istomin; b) V.A. Kornilov;
c) P.S. Nakhimov.7. Who led the defense of Sevastopol?a) V.A. Kornilov and P.S. Nakhimov; b) A.S. Menshikov and I.D. Gorchakov; c) E.I. Totleben and S.A. Khrulev. 8. How many months did the defense of Sevastopol last? a) 10; b) 11; at 12.9. What was the name of the first sister of mercy in the Russian army? a) Dasha Krymskaya; b) Masha Sevastopolskaya; c) Dasha
10. The fall of Sevastopol predetermined the defeat of Russia in the Crimean War. When is that
a) 1853; b) 1854;
c) 1855
11. What was the fate of the Black Sea squadron of the Russian fleet in the Crimean War?a) was defeated by the Turkish fleet in Sinop Bay;
b) took refuge in the ports of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus; c) was flooded at the entrance to Sevastopol Bay.12. Which of the great Russian doctors took part in the defense of Sevastopol?
a) S.I. Botkin; b) N.I. Pirogov; c) N.V. Sklifosovsky. 13. What was the name of the hero - the sailor of the Sevastopol defense, whose exploits were described in his Sevastopol stories by L.N. Tolstoy? a) Peter Koshka; b) Ivan Gavrilov; c) Semyon Shein. 14. Set the sequence of events: a) Surrender of Sevastopol; b) Battle of Sinop; c) Death of Kornilov. (b, c, a) 15. Which name falls out of the general logical series:a) Kornilov; b) Nakhimov; c) Ermolov.
16. What were the terms of the Paris Peace Treaty? a) Russia paid an indemnity of 50 million rubles to the victorious countries; b) Russia was prohibited from having a merchant and fishing fleet in the Black Sea; c) The Black Sea was declared neutral.
18. 17. The crisis of the Nikolaev system manifested itself in:
a) the collapse of the financial system; b) backwardness of military equipment; c) agricultural profitability.
Nicholas I understood that the main reason hindering the development of the country was:a) mediocrity of officials;b) serfdom; c) imperfection of the administrative apparatus.

19. Who

depicted in portraits?

1 Nikolai

I V.A. Kornilov P.S. Nakhimov P.M. Cat

2. Preview:

Option 1

3 . Select the date of the reign of Nicholas I:

a) Northern; b) Eastern; c) Western.

4. On the Turkish side were:

a) England; b) Prussia; c) France.

5. When did the Battle of Sinop take place?

6 . Who commanded the Russian squadron in the Battle of Sinop?

a) V.I. Istomin; b) V.A. Kornilov; c) P.S. Nakhimov.

7. Who led the defense of Sevastopol?

a) V.A. Kornilov and P.S. Nakhimov; b) A.S. Menshikov and I.D. Gorchakov; c) E.I. Totleben and S.A. Khrulev.

8. How many months did the defense of Sevastopol last?

a) 10; b) 11; at 12.

9. Which name falls out of the general logical series:

b) Ivan Gavrilov; c) Semyon Shein.

11 Match:

1) conservative A) K.D. Kavelin

2) Slavophile B) N.P. Ogarev

3) Westerner B) N.I. Grech

4) revolutionary D) Yu.F Samarin

A) S.S. Uvarov B) A.I. Koshelev V) I.S. Aksakov

D) A.I. Herzen D) B.N. Chicherin E) V.G. Belinsky

13 Which representatives of Russian social thought critically assessed the activities of Peter I?

A) conservatives B) Westerners

14 Which circle members gathered for “literary Fridays”?

A) “Literary Society No. 11”

B) Circle of Petrashevites

B) Stankevich circle

D) Circle of the Cretan Brothers

15. Indicate the name of the Russian ideologist who believed that “the peasant land community should become the cell of socialism in Russia”:

A) V.G. Belinsky B) A.S. Khomyakov

B) S.S. Uvarov G) A.I. Herzen

B) S.S. Uvarov G) F.M. Dostoevsky

17. The Slavophiles allowed the preservation of autocracy in Russia, but the people had the right to express their opinions through a representative body. Write the name of this body.


18. The reason for the start of the Crimean War was:

A) the defeat of the Turkish fleet in the Bay of Sinop B) Turkish intervention in the affairs of the Danube principalities

C) a religious dispute over the shrine of Christianity D) the introduction of Turkish troops into Transcaucasia

19 The Crimean War began in:

A) 1852 B) 1853 C) 1854 D) 1855

20. The Russian fleet in the Battle of Sinop was commanded by:

B) P.S. Nakhimov G) Nicholas I

A) the beginning of the defense of Sevastopol

B) Peace of Paris

B) Battle of the Alma River

D) Turkey declares war against Russia

A) Nicholas I B) V.I. Istomin V) E.I. Totleben

D) V.P. Botkin D) A.S. Menshikov E) P.S. Nakhimov

23. According to the terms of the Paris Peace Treaty:

A) Russia patronized the Danube principalities

B) Russia lost Sevastopol

B) The Black Sea was declared neutral

D) Russia received the right to have a fleet on the Black Sea

Test on the topic “Crimean War”


1 . What was the name of the first sister of mercy in the Russian army?

a) Dasha Krymskaya; b) Masha Sevastopolskaya; c) Dasha Sevastopolskaya.

2 . The fall of Sevastopol predetermined Russia's defeat in the Crimean War. When did it happen?

a) 1853; b) 1854; c) 1855

3 . What was the fate of the Black Sea squadron of the Russian fleet in the Crimean War?

a) was defeated by the Turkish fleet in Sinop Bay;

c) 1855

11. What was the fate of the Black Sea squadron of the Russian fleet in the Crimean War?

4 . Which of the great Russian doctors took part in the defense of Sevastopol?

a) S.I. Botkin; b) N.I. Pirogov; c) N.V. Sklifosovsky.

5 . What was the name of the hero - the sailor of the Sevastopol defense, whose exploits were described in his Sevastopol stories by L.N. Tolstoy?

a) Peter Koshka; b) Ivan Gavrilov; c) Semyon Shein.

6. Set the sequence of events:

a) Surrender of Sevastopol; b) Battle of Sinop; c) Death of Kornilov.

7 What were the terms of the Paris Peace Treaty?

a) Russia paid the victorious countries an indemnity in the amount of 50 million rubles;

b) Russia was prohibited from having a merchant and fishing fleet in the Black Sea;

15. Which name falls out of the general logical series:

8 . The crisis of the Nikolaev system manifested itself in:

a) the collapse of the financial system; b) backwardness of military equipment; c) agricultural profitability.

9 . Nicholas I understood that the main reason hindering the development of the country was:

a) mediocrity of officials; b) serfdom; c) imperfection of the administrative apparatus

A) A.I. Herzen B) M.P. Pogodin

B) S.S. Uvarov G) V.G. Belinsky

11. Match:

1) conservative A) A.I. Koshelev

2) Slavophile B) T.N. Granovsky

3) Westerner B) V.G. Belinsky

4) revolutionary D) M.P. Pogodin

12. Representatives of the liberal direction of the social movement included:

A) N.I. Grech B) I.S. Kireevsky V) S.M. Soloviev

D) A.S. Khomyakov D) F.M. Dostoevsky E) N.P. Ogarev

13. Which of the representatives of Russian social thought defended the idea of ​​the unity of the historical path of Russia and Western Europe?

A) conservatives B) Westerners

C) Slavophiles D) revolutionaries

14. Organizer of the circle “Literary Society No. 11”:

A) A.I. Herzen B) M.V. Butashevich-Petrashevsky

B) S.S. Uvarov G) V.G. Belinsky

15. What newspaper was published by A.I. Herzen:

A) “Telescope” B) “Bell”

C) “Contemporary” D) “Domestic Notes”

A) P.Ya. Chaadaev B) A.I. Herzen

B) V.G. Belinsky G) F.M. Dostoevsky

17 Write the missing word.

The theory of official nationality: “..., autocracy, nationality.”

Answer: ___________________________

18. The Crimean War ended in:

A) 1855 B) 1856 C) 1857 D) 1858

19. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian troops in the battle on the Alma River:

A) A.S. Menshikov B) V.I. Istomin

B) P.S. Nakhimov G) Nicholas I

20. Place the events in chronological order:

A) Battle of the Alma River

B) Entry into the war between England and France

B) Entry of allied forces into Sevastopol (end of the siege of Sevastopol)

D) Sinop battle

21. Select participants in the defense of Sevastopol:

A) N.I. Pirogov B) A.S. Menshikov V) P. Koshka

D) V.A. Kornilov D) Nicholas I E) I.F. Paskevich

22. Sevastopol was returned to Russia in exchange for a Turkish fortress:

A) Erzurum B) Ardahan C) Kars D) Istanbul

23 . According to the terms of the Paris Peace Treaty:

A) Russia received fortresses in Transcaucasia

B) Russia received the right to have a fleet in the Caspian Sea

B) Russia received the right to have a fleet on the Black Sea

D) Russia was deprived of the right to have the Black Sea Fleet

Key to the test:

depicted in portraits?










10 – V

11:1B, 2G, 3A, 4B

12– BVD

13 – B

14 – B


16 – A

17th Zemsky Sobor

18 – B

19– B

20 – V

21– GWAB

22 – B

23 – B







6-b in a




10 - A

11: 1G, 2A, 3B, 4B

12 - BVG

13 - B







