Village of sorcerers in the Kaluga region. Anomalous village black stream

Lyudinovo district, located in the southwest of the Kaluga region, has long been the object of close attention of local ufologists and researchers of anomalous zones.

Near Lyudinovo, UFOs are constantly observed, hovering for a long time over different areas of the city. However, the village Black Stream is known from a completely different side: the Lyudinovo people are afraid to once again go to this godforsaken village, in which strange and dangerous things happen.

In addition, the Black Stream is known in the area as a village of sorcerers, in which many different dangers lurk for an ordinary person. According to local legends, some people were incinerated by an incomprehensible fire right on the street, and it was not a lightning strike, but spontaneous combustion of a person.

Immediately behind the village stretches the same mysterious, dangerous and completely deserted forest. Either swamps with harmful and dangerous gas, or some mysterious force killed all life in it: there are no animals, birds, or fish in the lakes.

The village itself is striking in its deserted appearance: the roads between the houses are overgrown with weeds, no people are visible in the houses, and no pets are running near the yards. Those who visited this village had the feeling that people had left the village in a hurry, fleeing some kind of trouble.

If we consider that radioactive rain containing Chernobyl radionuclides fell not far from the village, we can assume that it was radiation that caused the desolation of the area.

And yet, from some details one can determine that people live here: cast iron pots and pots are drying on the fences, curtains are fluttering in the houses, and on one house there is even a sign asking not to plunder the property, since people live in it. Judging by the color of the ink, the note is fresh.

Despite the gloomy description, the village is still not empty. A church was recently erected next to it and parishioners regularly visit there.

Next to the Black Stream there is a grove of witches, where in former times local women (“all through one witch”) held their sabbaths. There have been cases of spontaneous combustion and other anomalous phenomena. In 2001-2003, Kosmopoisk conducted a survey of local residents and mapped the surrounding area.

Directions to Black Stream:
From Moscow to Lyudinovo by bus (they go daily from the Moscow Kievsky railway station and from the Yugo-Zapadnaya metro station); from Lyudinovo from the bus station by local bus to the village. "Cosmopoisk" does not recommend appearing in the village on your own without a guide!

Fans of extreme tourism and traveling to anomalous zones do not necessarily have to go overseas and look for adventures on their own in other countries. The most amazing and strange places are very close to us, we just need to reach out and touch.

One of these places, a village with an appropriate name that evokes melancholy and animal horror, Black Stream, is located not far from Kaluga, very close to the regional center with no less strange name- Lyudinovo.

It is in Lyudinovo that all sorts of phenomena, so adored by ufologists from all countries, are periodically observed, that is, events similar to alien intervention. However, the village of Black Stream itself has absolutely nothing to do with aliens. Here the matter is completely different.

Residents of Lyudinovo prefer to avoid the endangered village; they try not to travel here unless absolutely necessary, because it is believed that previously only witches and sorcerers lived here, and now they live here even after their death. They say that ghosts roam here at night, lying in wait for a random traveler, ready to attack at any moment as soon as he gapes and loses his vigilance.

The village is located in a very mystical place, on the edge of the forest, where birds do not sing and small rodents do not rustle in the grass. And large animals do not appear often in this part of the forest. The whole situation here seems to breathe ancient witchcraft, or maybe just harmful gas rising from the nearby swamp? This may be so, but being here you clearly feel uncomfortable.

Entering the village along an unbeaten, overgrown road, it immediately becomes clear that it has been empty for many years. However, this is not entirely true; there are people in the Black Stream. Moreover, on the outskirts of the village, a wonderful log church was recently built; it flaunts throughout the entire area with its unpainted wooden sides and beckons invitingly with the ringing of bells.

However, in the middle of the day, early morning or late evening, you will not meet any passersby going about their business. The remaining inhabitants of the Black Stream sit quietly in their homes, showing no trace of their existence. But if you really want to, then by walking around the courtyards, you can even find someone who will shelter a tired traveler for the night. They will certainly take pity on you and let you into the house for the night, you can be sure. The most desperate ones pitch tents and light fires, looking sideways until the morning and shuddering from the night rustles.

Getting here to Black Stream is quite easy. Buses run constantly from the capital to Lyudinovo. And from there a bus goes all the way to the village of Black Stream. True, he only walks once a day, and sometimes not every day. So, when going here, be prepared for the fact that you will still have to spend the night in the Black Stream.

Mysterious places in Russia Shnurovozova Tatyana Vladimirovna

Black Stream (Kaluga region)

Black Stream

(Kaluga region)

Lyudinovo district, located in the southwest of the Kaluga region, has long been the object of close attention of local ufologists and researchers of anomalous zones. Near Lyudinovo, UFOs are constantly observed, hovering for a long time over various areas of the city. However, the village of Black Potok is known from a completely different side: the Lyudinovo people are afraid to travel again to this God-forsaken village, in which strange and dangerous things happen. In addition, Black Stream is known in the area as a village of sorcerers, in which many different dangers lurk for an ordinary person. According to local legends, some people were incinerated by an incomprehensible fire right on the street, and it was not a lightning strike, but spontaneous combustion of a person. Immediately behind the village stretches the same mysterious, alarming and completely deserted forest. Either a swamp with a harmful and dangerous gas, or some mysterious force killed all life in it: there are no animals or birds there, there are no fish in the lakes - a dead forest, only mosquitoes and midges fly in it. The village itself is striking in its deserted appearance: the roads between the houses are overgrown with weeds, no people are visible in them, and no pets appear near the courtyards. Those who visited Black Stream got the impression that people had left the village in a hurry, fleeing some kind of trouble.

If we consider that radioactive rain containing Chernobyl radionuclides fell near the village at one time, we can assume that it was radiation that caused the desolation of the area. And yet, from some details one can determine that people live here: cast iron pots and pots are drying on the fences, curtains are fluttering in the houses, and on one house there is even a sign asking not to plunder the property, since people live in it. Judging by the color of the ink, the note is fresh. Those who visited the village in the early 2000s. people were of the opinion that the villagers simply disappeared before their visit, and when they left, they would appear again. But was it just a coincidence, and people from the village went to haymaking or to the forest to pick mushrooms, or those living in the village have psychic abilities, allowing them to hide from the eyes of ordinary people, still remains a mystery.

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