How to draw space with colored pencils. How to draw planets? An image of Saturn against the background of a starry sky and a lunar landscape. How to draw the planet Saturn with a pencil

Everything mysterious and unusual always attracts and fascinates. Surely this is exactly the reaction that happens when viewing the section of encyclopedias about space, especially among children. And if you study the structure of the solar system more carefully, then even a child will probably note that of all the planets, Saturn and Neptune especially stand out for their unusual appearance. The first has rings that are located around it, and the second has an oddity that comes in the form of an extravagant blue color. Perhaps the child, having received a charge of emotions, will want to depict the seen wonders of the endless and unknown space called “space” on paper. Therefore, together with your child, get acquainted with instructions on how to draw the planets, and specifically Saturn. Follow the pictures and detailed explanations and you will succeed!

How to draw planets most realistically? Main secret

What property do you think unites everything? Not really. Compare, for example, the completely small Moon and the huge Jupiter or Uranus. Weight? Also wrong. After all, this property is not entirely related to the diameter of the planet (since the substances that make up stellar bodies differ in density). Color? Is it possible to compare the fiery Sun and any of the planets revolving in orbit around it? It turns out the answer is quite simple - shape! All planets, like the Earth, are round bodies. Therefore, drawing any of the representatives of the solar system is quite simple. Take as a basis a circle of the required diameter (if necessary, several at once, but different relative to each other) and design the appropriate background.

Making sketches

  1. So, start by drawing a circle on a piece of paper. As a rule, when creating space drawings, the main object is usually quite large.
  2. Mark two transverse center lines on it. The one that is larger in direction can be called horizontal. It will be in the future. Consider the inclination - approximately 30°.
  3. Draw a horizon line. It passes almost close to the round object. Therefore, at first it seems that the planet seems to be lying on the surface.
  4. Make a few strokes at the bottom of the drawing - these are the future lunar hills.

Drawing the planet Saturn: do not forget about the distinctive features

When creating a cosmic picture from the world of either reality or fantasy, one must not forget about the mandatory presence of some distinctive details. They will help you determine how to draw a planet so that it matches the desired thematic focus. As a result, the image will be much more realistic.

  1. By shading, transform the landscape into a mountainous area.
  2. Mark the upward protruding hills.
  3. Some of the mountainous hills are decorated with craters.
  4. Be sure to make the sky background dark.
  5. Draw the stars.
  6. Shade one side of the planet tightly, since the sun's rays will not fall on this shadow surface.
  7. Outline the contours of Saturn's rings more clearly.

We design the landscape. Lack of diversity

Thinking about how to draw planets different from the proposed image (any others), you can depict a landscape that is undoubtedly similar to the one that turned out in the completed drawing. Indeed, today, according to all the research conducted, there is no life on any of all the “sisters” of the Solar System, except the Earth. Therefore, the images of any planetary territories do not splash colors at all - they have neither seas nor continents.

Now to the question “How to draw planets?” you can answer: “Easy and simple!” The knowledge gained will certainly be useful in other attempts to depict the cosmic landscape.

1. Saturn, was named after the god Saturn from Roman mythology.

2. Today there are 62 known satellites of the planet that orbit around it. In the foreground is the satellite Titan, which is considered the largest of them, and the second largest satellite in our solar system. The moon Tethys is located behind Titan in the image. The photo was taken on November 26, 2009 by the Cassini spacecraft. The distance from Cassini to Tesis is 2.2 million km, and to Titan? 1 million km.

3. Titan is the only body in the solar system, besides the Earth, on the surface of which the existence of liquid has been proven, and it is also the only satellite of Saturn that has a dense atmosphere. During the study of Titan, hypotheses were put forward that there are primitive life forms on it. Natural color of Titan.

4. One of the images that proves the presence of liquid on Titan. Scientists believe the photo, taken on July 8, 2009, reflects light from one of the moon's many lakes.

6. The diameter of Titan itself is twice that of the Moon and is equal to 5,150 km. In addition, Titan is 80% heavier than it. The pressure at the surface of this satellite is 1.5 times higher than the pressure of the Earth's atmosphere. The photo shows a comparison of the sizes of the Moon, Titan and Earth.

7. Shadow of Titan? the largest moon of Saturn on its surface. The distance from which the photograph was taken is approximately 2.1 million km.

8. Rings of Saturn, Titan and Mimas.

10. Photo by Tesis? icy satellite of Saturn, taken on October 14, 2009. It was discovered in 1684 by Giovanni Domenico Cassini. The diameter of the satellite is 1,000 km.

11. Mimas? a small satellite of Saturn, whose diameter is only 396 km.

13. Another photo of the Mimas satellite from a distance of 9,500 km. The huge crater Herschel is visible, its diameter is 130 km.

14. Calypso? small satellite. Named after a nymph from mythology Ancient Greece. Is its shape or size wrong? 30×23×14 km.

15. On average, the distance between the Sun and Saturn is approximately 1,434 million km, and between the Earth? 1,300 million km. Saturn orbits the Sun every 29.5 years, that is, 10,759 days. Saturn is 95 times heavier than Earth, but its average density is only 0.69 g/cm³, this the only planet in our system, the density of which is less than the density of water. The diameter of the Earth's equator is 10 times smaller than Saturn. In the photo taken in September 2009 from a distance of approximately 2.7 million km, is there a white dot visible at the bottom left? satellite of Mimas.

16. Saturn? This gas planet, which consists mainly of hydrogen, there is no solid surface on it. The photo shows a comparison of the sizes of the Sun and planets. From right to left: Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter (these are 4 giant planets), then Mars, Earth, Venus, Mercury (terrestrial planets).

17. Photo of Enceladus? another satellite of Saturn (diameter? 500 km), taken on July 26, 2009. On the surface of this network it is much colder than on the other satellites of Saturn and the temperature reaches −200 °C. With the help of Cassini? spacecraft, in June of this year, scientists found that the water in its ocean is close in composition to that of Earth? it's salty. These discoveries increase the likelihood of life on Enceladus.

18. The rings of Saturn and the moon Enceladus.

19. The surface of Enceladus is covered with ice. Cassini is 2,028 km away and was taken on November 21, 2009. Was Enceladus named after Enceladus? giant from the mythology of Ancient Greece.

20. Surface of Enceladus.

21. Ratio of sizes of Enceladus and Earth.

22. Surface of Enceladus.

24. Part of Helena and clouds in the atmosphere of Saturn

25. Prometheus? Another one natural satellite planet Saturn, which has an elongated irregular shape.

26. The second largest satellite of Saturn is Rhea. It was opened in 1672.

27. Rhea and Epimetheus? inner small satellite of Saturn. The photo was taken from a distance of 1.6 million km from Epimetium, and from Rhea? 1.2 million km. Saturn is in the background.

28. Planet Saturn and its dark side, and Enceladus. Mysterious rings? it's solid solid in planetary orbit, which consists of billions of very small particles. The rings themselves are very thin. Their thickness is only 1 kilometer, with a diameter of 250,000 km.

29. The rings were formed from a large number of rings that alternate with slits. Outwardly, they look like the tracks of gramophone records.

30. Another natural satellite of Saturn called Dione, which was discovered in 1684 by Giovanni Cassini. He looks a lot like Rhea.

32. Dione against the backdrop of Titan's largest moon.

Space attracts not only scientists. This is an eternal topic for drawing. Of course, we cannot see everything with our own eyes. But the photos and videos taken by the astronauts are amazing. And in our instructions we will try to depict space. This lesson is simple, but it will help your child figure out where each planet is located.

You will need: a sheet of paper; pencil; eraser; compass;
Step 1

Main circle

First, draw a large circle on the right side of the paper. If you don't have a compass, you can trace a round object.


The orbits of the planets depart from the center and are at the same distance.

central part

The circles gradually increase in size. Of course, they won’t fit completely, so draw semicircles.

The orbits of planets never intersect, otherwise they will collide with each other.

Finishing drawing the orbits

The entire sheet should be covered in semicircles. We know of only nine planets. But what if in distant orbits there are also cosmic bodies that move in the most distant orbits.


Make the central circle a little smaller and outline it with a thick line so that the Sun stands out against the background of the other orbits.

Mercury, Venus and Earth

Now let's start drawing the planets. They need to be arranged in a certain order. Each planet has its own orbit. Mercury revolves near the Sun itself. Behind it, in the second orbit, is Venus. Earth comes third.

Mars, Saturn and Neptune

Earth's neighbor is Mars. It is slightly smaller than our planet. Leave the fifth orbit empty for now. The next circles are Saturn, Neptune. These celestial bodies are also called giant planets, since they are tens of times larger than the Earth.

Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto

There is another one between Saturn and Neptune big planet- Uranus. Draw it on the side so that the images do not touch.

Most big planet Jupiter is considered the solar system. That's why we'll depict it on the side, away from other planets. And in the ninth orbit, add the smallest celestial body - Pluto.

Rings on Saturn

Saturn is famous for the rings that have appeared around it. Draw several ovals in the center of the planet. Draw the rays different sizes, which depart from the Sun.

Surfaces of planets

The surface of each planet is not uniform. Even our Sun has different shades and black spots. On each planet, draw the surface using circles and semicircles.

Draw fog on the surface of Jupiter. Sandstorms often occur on this planet and it is covered with clouds.

The last details are the concentric circles on the Sun. On some planets, draw a shadow by separating it with a semicircle. You can also draw its satellite, the Moon, near the Earth.


Space in space is dark blue. The Sun is yellow, Mercury is gray, Venus and Jupiter are brown. The earth is green-blue. Mars is red, Neptune is green, Saturn is sandy in color, and its rings are white or light blue because they are icy. Uranus is blue-blue and Neptune is gray-black. You can also add other details: stars, comets and asteroids.

We will study how to draw planets with a pencil. But first, a few educational facts. Maybe they will come in handy in astronomy lessons:

  • Our solar system is a “star called the Sun” and an assortment of objects revolving around it.
  • We have VTsIOM. Study and study public opinion. And this is what they researched: they found out that a third of Russians believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth. No comments =) I hope there are no such people among you?
  • The Sun appeared 4.6 billion years ago. At least that's what it seems. You understand that there are no witnesses left.
  • The sun warms you and me for a reason. The temperature of the prominence, which is like a mini outgrowth of a star, is 6000 Kelvin. And inside the star is heated up to 13,500,000 Kelvin. It’s hard to even imagine, and there’s nothing to compare it with. - Brain explosion!
  • Planets in their sequence from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. We live on the third planet from the Sun. Congratulations!
  • There is another large object in the solar system. Pluto. If you ask your parents, they will unanimously say that this is another planet. And they will be partly right. Since its discovery in 1930, Pluto has indeed been considered a planet, but since 2006, the definition of “what is a planet” has been adopted. And Pluto didn't fit into it. So now we have a double dwarf planet Pluto-Charon.

Astronomy demo lesson is over, let's try it now draw the planets solar system pencil.

How to draw the planets of the solar system with a pencil

Step one. Drawing the orbits of the planets. Their shape is an ellipse, close to a circle. But, if we look from one point, then visually we see not circles, but arcs, parts of ellipses. Such as in the picture. On the lines we outline the positions of the planets.
Step two. We draw circles - planets. We start with small Mercury, then larger Venus and Earth, again a small circle is Mars and further, as in the picture. In the lower left corner we will show the edge of the Sun.
Step three. Let's erase the auxiliary lines - the axes of the circles. Let's make the orbits brighter.
Step four. Let's add others celestial bodies: comets, asteroids. Let's draw “rings” to the large planets.
Step five. Let's do the shading. With its help we must turn our circles into a sphere. We remember that we have the Sun in the center, and light falls from its side. And here opposite side the planet will be darkened. The result should be something like this:
I recommend other interesting lessons with similar topics.

Space is the relatively empty areas of the Universe that lie outside the boundaries of the atmospheres of celestial bodies. This step-by-step master class is suitable for beginning artists in elementary school and older.

Drawing space is a very interesting activity. This way you can tell and show your child that besides the Earth, there are other planets, comets, and asteroids.

Necessary materials:

  • a simple pencil;
  • a set of colored pencils;
  • black marker or felt-tip pen.

Stages of drawing space:

1. The entire solar system consists of the Sun, around which 8 planets revolve. So first we need to draw a big circle.

3. You will need to draw one planet on each line. Each planet has its own size and features. For example, Saturn is in the sixth position from the Sun, and it has a ring system. Uranus also has rings. There are 30 of them in total. Also, let's draw a comet and an asteroid field between the fourth and fifth planet. Behind the last planet depict asteroids. They are called the Kuiper field.

4. We outline each element in the drawing with a black marker.

5. We have drawn the basic elements of space, so we begin to color it. First of all, let's give color to the Sun, which needs yellow and orange shades.

Then, in order, we move on to the other planets and color them with the same pencils. We will also add strokes with an orange pencil to some of the planets. But let's color the rings of Saturn with a brown pencil.

6. Now let's move on to other planets. Let's color them with blue pencils and blue flowers. These are Uranus and Neptune. But our planet differs from others because it contains various shades - yellow, blue, and green. Shade the belts with asteroids in brown tones.

7. Now let's color space and all space.

8. At this point the drawing of space is completely finished. Of course, there are many other details that can be drawn here, but let's leave it to our imagination to dream and experience the whole mystery of the Universe.