How to put a person in a mental hospital. Normal crazy How they drive you to a crazy place with the help

Children's holidays can be brightened up with various activities, reading books, walks, handicrafts

Bring before madness

A terrible and stupid word is “psychiatric hospital”. Admitting that you ended up in a psychiatric hospital is just as embarrassing as admitting that you ended up in a sexually transmitted disease clinic. But is a disease of the nervous system something shameful? Yes, because there are a lot of stupid myths and jokes associated with psychiatric illnesses. The resident of the psychiatric hospital behaves strangely and inappropriately. He is “crazy”, “fool”, “crazy”. But this disease is a tragedy, the cause of which is often parents.

I happened to be a patient in a “psychiatric hospital,” but I’m not ashamed of it at all. Because I got there with a diagnosis of "fatigue neurosis", that is, I overexerted nervous system so much so that it was necessary to treat her. But also because this is one of the most acute experiences of my life, because being in a room with barred windows became one of my most powerful experiences. life lessons. I learned so much about the “other” life that I could not have learned anywhere else. For example, I realized that the “psychiatric hospital” is a refuge not only for alcoholics, perverts and drug addicts.

A mental hospital is called a house of sorrow - a surprisingly accurate description. I still remember many of my unfortunate neighbors. I'll tell you only about one thing.

Kostya was a child prodigy, and the only child in the family. Both his mother and father doted on him, especially since the boy turned out to have perfect pitch and generally excellent abilities. He grasped everything on the fly, read widely and variedly, and there was no need to force him to study. His father was a music school teacher, so the future of five-year-old Kostya, one might say, had no options. In addition to regular school, the kid studied at the music school in two specialties - violin and piano. At seven years old, the child's working day lasted 12 hours, and he did not even have time to sleep at night.

In the second grade, he became lethargic, indifferent, and began to study worse, but his father saw his son as the future Paganini and believed that his son was being eaten away by “simply laziness.” One day, as punishment, the father locked the boy in the bathroom, and he lost consciousness. Doctors prescribed complete rest for the child.

For almost two months, the eight-year-old boy could only lie on the couch and play. He played like this: he barked, imitating a puppy. When the baby recovered, the mother convinced the father to at least free his son from the violin: at the sight of the instrument, Kostya began to cry. The father agreed, but forbade his son to do anything other than music. The boy's father forced him to sit at the piano. The end result was that, despite everything, Kostya flatly refused to continue his music lessons.

However, it is not over. At the age of 17, Kostya was sent for examination to psychiatrists: he had long been registered with the police, getting into various unpleasant stories in the company of guys who were much younger than him. Experts concluded: the boy was deprived of his childhood, the father suppressed the boy’s initiative and independence so much that he, catching up with lost time, became completely weak-willed. And that’s why he obeyed even his younger comrades and easily fell under the bad influence of those with whom he played. The young man’s reactions were slow and there was no will. Typical, as peers put it, “a brake.” With the help of a complex set of exercises, Kostya was “restored” for a long time, then he was sent to a sanatorium. I don't know anything else about him.

This case is extreme, one might say clinical. But in it, as in any extreme, many will be able to find familiar features of their own behavior. The cases are probably not so acute, but therefore no less painful for the child.

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Essentially, there are two criteria for mental illness - lack of social adaptation(i.e. a person cannot arrange his life in society at an average level) and the presence of productive symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, other obviously “abnormal” symptoms). But even if both criteria are met, this is not a reason for involuntary hospitalization. The only reason provided by law is if a person poses a danger to himself and others. Signs of this condition include, in particular, suicide attempts, manifestations of aggression and auditory hallucinations of an imperative nature (“voices ordering something to be done”). Minors are at a very disadvantage: if they wish, parents, guardians or orphanage employees can always present the situation as if hospitalization is necessary. In this case, it is the parents, guardians and educators, and not the child himself, who give consent to hospitalization. And the most unpleasant thing is that you can almost never expect adequate treatment in domestic hospitals. No one will listen to your complaints and wisely ask about dreams and childhood traumas. They will simply give you antipsychotics according to the general order, so as not to disturb the medical staff. Therefore, there is no point in lying there, even if you really have problems. Although, as an option, you can avoid taking medications at all costs (with wheels it’s easy, with injections it’s more difficult) and spend time on all sorts of useful things like reading smart books. After a few weeks, maybe months of exemplary behavior, you will probably be discharged, the hospital is not rubber. And if you are tired of waiting, you can run away. To do this, ask a friend to bring you “magic slippers”, in the soles of which money and a universal key will be hidden, like in trains (psychiatric hospitals have the same doors). There is no need to go to the nearest metro station, they will probably be waiting for you there. Go as far as possible on foot, then get on transport and leave - under no circumstances go home or to people known to your parents or whoever hid you there. You need a safe place where they won't look for you. You have to sit there for two weeks - and then you can safely come out of hiding. After this period, the search for the fugitive stops, and it may no longer be a question of “return to the hospital,” but only of “re-hospitalization” (which will not be so easy to achieve). Of course, this does not apply to closed prison-type institutions, where they are sent by court decision after a crime has been committed. Escape from there is approximately equal in complexity and consequences to escaping from a colony.

What about negative symptoms? Please don't make things up. There are no two criteria for a mental disorder: there is ICD-10 (or DSM-4, if you prefer), which clearly defines the symptoms of each disease and the duration of presence of each symptom. And only if the symptoms and the time of their observation coincide, then a diagnosis is made

Hospitalization in a psychiatric clinic and its conditions differ depending on whether we are talking about the acute or chronic stage of the disease.

Acute and chronic stages

The chronic stage lasts for weeks and months. This could be dementia, chronic delusional disorder, or depression. If the patient does not take any actions that would be dangerous for himself or for others, the question of hospitalization is raised only for social reasons: the person is helpless, he has no loved ones who could take care of him.

The main thing that is necessary for hospitalization in this case is a referral from a doctor. No other doctor can give such a referral.

If there is an acute stage, you can also be hospitalized. The patient's relatives can call an ambulance or bring the person to the clinic themselves. This must be the clinic to which the person belongs at the place indicated in the passport, and the patient’s passport must be presented.

Hospitalization is voluntary and compulsory

Contrary to popular belief, mentally ill people do not always resist hospitalization. Even if a person does not perceive reality adequately, he can admit that he... True, such a patient does not admit that he feels bad because of his illness - it’s all about the special services pursuing him, cosmic rays, etc. – but he can agree to hospitalization. “I'm tired of all this,” patients usually say. Psychiatrists know of cases where patients during exacerbations themselves asked to be hospitalized. These people remembered that during a previous exacerbation they felt better after a course of treatment in the hospital.

In any case, even if the patient was brought to the clinic by an ambulance, doctors are obliged to find out whether he agrees to hospitalization or not. If the patient does not give consent, under certain circumstances he may be forcibly hospitalized.

Hospitalization without the consent of the patient is possible if his behavior directly poses a danger to himself or to others. Symptoms of an acute disorder should be identified by the emergency department physician during examination. If no such symptoms are detected at the time of examination, then a psychiatric examination and a court decision will be required to forcibly place a person in a clinic.

The reason for refusing hospitalization is that the patient has somatic disease or injuries: pneumonia, indigestion, fracture, etc.