Crystal people. Children of the “new” consciousness. Part 1. Crystal children They argued that the brain is a substance of liquid crystals, like everything in a person and in the world around him

Don't think about external things. Think about the qualities of your soul.

The external will happen on its own if nuggets of gold sparkle inside you,

painting your aura with the golden color of illumination.

Saint Germain

Origins of Indigo

According to metaphysicians, the first Indigo children, or rather, their forerunner, began to appear in the 1940s-60s, during the military and post-war years Second World War. The world seems to have begun to understand that it is one, and the main task of humanity is its preservation. There are signs of a rapprochement between the East and the West, which for so long were fenced off and only observed each other. Western technologies began to take root in the East, and Eastern philosophies came to the West. Yoga and other eastern practices began to become widespread. At the same time, the quantity and volume of channeled information increased. The most significant information of that period of time, among many others, includes the still unsolved Edgar Cayce and the publication of the book “Urantia”.

The Indigo energy type of these generations paved the way for the next, more formalized wave of new children of the 70s and 80s, which became noticeable everywhere, in all countries. This wave is called the first. The rapid progress of technology, the accelerated process of awareness of global issues were the contributions of the Indigos of that time. People of the first wave of Indigo have now become adults, having exchanged their second and third decades, they entered the main stream of social life and began to make real changes in it.

Indigos continued to incarnate in subsequent years, but in the 90's Crystal children began to appear when the Crystalline Grid was initiated into activation and the ElectroMagnetic Grid continued to deactivate. If the activation of the Crystalline Grid had not occurred, the bioplasm of the Crystalline generation could not be supported and the energy type could not be formed.

In 2003, an event known as the "Harmonic Concordance" occurred, signifying the reorientation of humanity towards the transition to a new Grid. New energies have a very strong impact, for many types of lifeforms it can be traumatic, since the point of mood of these energies is different from energies of a magnetic nature and is aimed at opening the Heart chakra, which was mostly in a “sleepy”, not activated state. The energies of the Magnetic Grid were supported by the lower three chakras. The difference in the supported energies and energy rays explains the difference in the color aura of Indigo and Crystals.

In an esoteric sense it can be said that Crystal children represent the next stage in human development begun by the Indigo children. The mission of the Crystals is to complete the energetic work laid down by the Indigo. Indigo's belonging to the systems of the deactivating Electromagnetic Grid determines their mission - to dismantle and remove old and outgoing processes of consciousness and change physiology. The purpose of the Crystals is, together with the activation of Crystalline energies, to initiate the process of renewal and restoration of energy-bio-forms and social reconstruction.

Indigos show and give the way, howto break out of limiting and oppressive thought and belief systems based on control and power, and replace these systems with new principles based on the energies of Love and Unity in the world order. Thanks to Indigo, a tremendous breakthrough in technology and intellectual development. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, humanity of modern civilization has accumulated approximately the following volumes of knowledge, divided fractally:

the period 0 - 15 centuries is equivalentperiod 15-19 centuries,

period 15-19 centuries equivalentperiod 19th century - mid-20th century ( 1950s),

period 19th century - mid-20th century equivalentperiod 1950s - 1980s,

period 1950s - 1980s equivalentperiod 1980s - 2000s.

That is, 15 centuries are equivalent to 20 years of modern time. This, of course, we owe to Indigo.

It is interesting that the Mayan peoples had their own ideas about times, depending, of course, on Britannica. They called the “Great” year a period of time consisting of25,626.83 years old. The “great” year, in turn, was divided into 5 periods, each of which was equal5125.36 years old. For the MayansThe “Great” year did not correspond to the twelve Zodiac Signs, and they called the world in which we now live the “Fourth World”. However,The “Fourth World,” according to the Mayan peoples, should end and move into the “Fifth World” in the same year 2012 (2).

Mathematics for the Mayans was numerology, based on the numbers 5, 10 and 20.

3113BC-2012AD Period of the 4th World, according to the Maya 5125 years
1500-2012AD Period of the Americas (since discovery) 5125 years
1961-2012AD Photon Belt (entrance to the Photon Belt) 5125 years

2007-2012AD Shift of the Earth's poles 5123 years

As can be seen from the table, each subsequent period is 10 times shorter, but also 10 times more intense, being filled with various significant and minor events and accomplishments.

The last 512.5 years are equivalent to the entire period of the 4th World.

The last period of 51.25 years is 100 times more intense than the entire period of the 4th World and 10 times more intense than the modern era of the "New World of the Americas".

The last 5.125 year period will be (and it seems to be) 1000 times more intense than the entire period of the 4th World, 100 times more intense than the modern era of the “New World of the Americas” and is 10 times more intense than the period of entry into the Photon Belt. We can only hope that we will avoid polarity reversal.

Such intense periods of the Earth, of course, require strong and prepared representatives of the human race, ready to withstand the moments of changing quantum transitions.

The Crystals show how to open the forces of Love and anchor them through the opening Heart Chakra, or Sacred Heart, and receive the energies of the new Lattice. As time goes on, we will understand that children are taught how to proclaim the high primordial principle of the Spiritual Man, free ourselves from the influence of the past, revive tolerance, kindness and self-worth, and see the miracles of creation as a normal occurrence. Crystals are a continuation of Indigo; without the Indigo energy type, the appearance of Crystals would be impossible in our evolutionary process. Indigo - peak of evolution modern world, Crystals are the germ of a transforming new planet.

A little more about the Crystal Children

A lot of books have been written and published about Indigo; knowledge about Crystals is just beginning (1, 3, 4). Let's pay more attention to the latter.

Crystal children are born in families where a child is a long-awaited and priceless gift for parents. Often the parents may be Indigo adults, or there may already be an older Indigo child in the family. In this case, magnetic and crystalline energies are balanced and complementary, children and parents simply find mutual language, peace and love reign in the house.

Crystals are born as large babies, whose weight exceeds the standard, with a head increased in size in proportion to the parts of the body. When describing children, they always mention their eyes, large, with a look atypical for a baby. From infancy, children can look into the eyes of their parents and others for long periods of time without blinking, and with such insight that it confuses adults. It seems that they “read” you, sense you, sense you.

In maternity hospitals, such children are easily distinguished; the child rarely cries, but examines the space around him, as if trying to comprehend where he is and what is happening to him. “Here, another Crystal,” say the nurses. Or, more often - “another Indigo”, because little is known about Crystals, and being born Indigo is now fashionable.

WITH early times children are extremely sensitive. Until the age of four or five, they are very attached to their mother, looking for support, protection and support in a world unfamiliar to them. For them, this is their first incarnation on Earth, and they need the reassurance of stability that is provided by the physical presence of the mother. At conflict situations in a family, in tense relationships, even if the problems are not made public, the child always feels disharmony on a subconscious level, and this worries him very much. At such moments, he becomes capricious, the baby’s suffering spills out straight from his heart.

When they grow up a little, you will notice how lovingly the Crystals treat other children, always trying to help them, not interrupt their games, and calm them down if one of the kids is crying. The animal will be a great friend to them, with whom the little person communicates with joy and great pleasure, believing that he and his friend are in complete understanding. They show responsibility in friendship, they are so vulnerable that they can feel guilty for someone’s pain, a quarrel, or a person’s death.

Also, as we have already noted, children are very sensitive to food. This does not happen due to a “bad” character, but due to the fact that children have an open connection with nature, their body determines what is natural, natural, organic, and what is artificially created or polluted. Allergies are caused to food that is not acceptable to his body. Sometimes adults do not understand why a child refuses to eat. It would seem that everyone in the house eats it, other children in other families do not refuse, but this is a problem with ours. They take me to the doctor, the doctor finds nothing, and blames it on issues of education and discipline. Meanwhile, the immune system is strong in small body, it knows exactly what is good for it and what is not suitable.

Sensitivity to environment dictates selectivity to the environment, to the ventilation of the room, to the cleanliness of the air. Crystals naturally and genetically “sense” toxins in both food and the environment. Meat is perceived as a killed animal, so parents do not understand why the child suddenly becomes a vegetarian. Children also love water, consuming a lot of it with food, and love swimming, or simply being close to a lake, river, sea, or ocean. They are selective in their clothing, prefer comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics, and choose the color they like and that suits them.

Crystals can be a clear channel for healing energy. As natural healers, they have the gift of helping people remove blockages and thus enhance healing processes. They are not always aware of their healing abilities, h This can often frighten and confuse them, or make them feel overwhelmed. Because they are incredibly sensitive, children can only heal one person at a time. Then they need to be in a quiet place so that their energy system. When working with multiple people, they can upset their system. They respond well to massage or energetic stimulation from someone who has balanced energy.

Their inner strength with external calm they attract, they are sincerely admired, sometimes not understanding where this charm comes from, it happens that they envy. Most often, children are laconic, but when they speak, calmly and wisely, they listen to them. They do not try to give advice, only when asked for it.

From a young age, crystals categorically do not accept greed, stinginess, cruelty, anger, and “the inhumane attitude of man to man” seems to them an anachronism. When they encounter these categories modern life, then they become oppressed and unresponsive to anything.

But perhaps the most difficult to discern characteristic of the Crystal is the strength, power and power of its nature. A child, always affectionate, open, sparkling, a little simple-minded, becomes irresistibly stubborn when it comes to his early forming principles. You cannot shout at him, you cannot talk to him rudely, he will not obey any orders or persuasion until he is given an explanation why something should be done the way adults think. Sometimes children seem serene, or even agitated, but this is because they are trying to restrain the expression of emotions for fear of losing control. Respect for little man- an immutable rule in communication with him. If these conditions are not met, the powerful energy that the Crystal is endowed with from a young age will awaken to a struggle from which the parent or teacher is unlikely to emerge victorious.

Crystal children also have no real understanding of danger. At a deep level, they know that they are always safe. This perception gives them a connection with Crystal Grid, and the experience of being in a physical body is so unfamiliar to this energy type that awareness of the limitations of physical form and possible consequences risky action does not find a response in his matrix code. Therefore, adults sometimes find children's behavior stupid, reckless, or in no way inexplicable even from the point of view of children's logic. And in this case, the only method remains conversation, soft conversation. Reproaches, threats, punishments will not work.

Meanwhile, endowed with the gift of Creation, they will strive to create a reality that will provide them with security and a comfortable sense of self. They will create reality in accordance with the spiritual laws given to them on an intuitive level. Being peacemakers and healers from birth, they know what laws are good and how they work.

To the same extent that they are easily controlled, they can throw powerful tantrums if attempts to change reality do not lead to success. In this case, any means are used, including manipulation and other tricks of power. Hysteria can also break out if the child feels that the adult with him is not sincere, irritable, does not tell the truth, or is disingenuous about some reason. Children feel this immediately, and their reaction is immediate.

Teenage Crystals can withdraw into themselves, often living in their own inner world. In any case, they are very responsive, soft, bright, and carry the energy of Love. But sometimes it’s hard for them because they can and know something more that is given to others. They do not want to demonstrate this, and, as a result, they are drawn to intragroup communication. Adults sometimes do not even know that children are endowed with the properties of telepathy, telekinesis, and clairvoyance. Intellectualism is valued in society, the rest is little taken into account. Therefore, while demonstrating their mental talents, children intuitively hide their energetic abilities. It is easier for them to find understanding with people like them than with people who do not understand their specificity.

The inherent gift of telepathy is precisely the reason that the Crystal Children do not speak in early age and are diagnosed with autism. They think that telepathic communication is normal, that’s how everyone communicates, and conversation is just an application to contact. Growing up, they begin to see that something is wrong here, without sounds and oral speech

they cannot be understood. According to the NTV program: Inexplicable, but true. Genius, in Russia alone today there are 50-60 thousand children who communicate telepathically.

Crystal children may also suffer from Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit Disorder - ADHD. This happens when the powerful energies excited in them do not find application, the creative and constructive potentials are not able to determine the vector direction of the output. Then, just like in Indigo, these energies are mistakenly redirected towards the path of destruction. Metaphysicians say that some children themselves choose not to fully incarnate into physical bodies because they hold most of the energies in higher dimensions and thus they have the opportunity to anchor higher frequency energies and Ascension energies in the present 3rd dimension. Their pure connection with their Higher Self is a good guide and helper. They are also so traumatized by the energetic limitations of the physical body that they prefer to remain in interdimensionality. The deep knowledge that they have a mission to anchor crystalline energies on Earth that must be accomplished is extremely important to them, and is perceived as a need that cannot be avoided. This is not easy energetic work, therefore, sometimes, on the physical plane, Crystals. become tired, irritable and moody

Crystalline energies are more powerful, but slower and more peaceful. The higher the vibrational frequency is achieved, the less physical action as such, our daily bustle and constant preoccupation are required. High energy levels are driven by the processes of Intent and Manifestation, which completely eliminates the need for the fast-paced world of today. The crystals will direct the flow of energy into this slow, calm, but powerful channel. It is not typical for them to engage in drama, squabbles, or conflicts. The main principle of their living is Unity in Awareness.

Metaphysicians also point out that "Crys tal" ( crystal) is very close to “Christal” (Christian), where the pronunciation of the words is the same, but the spelling is different.Some children come with an awareness of connection with the Divine, the One Creator, the Christ Consciousness, bringing the energies of Love and Compassion. These children can talk about angels, spirit guides, higher beings, ascended masters.

Integration of Indigo and Crystalline energies paves the way for evolution human genome. According to esotericists, the next stage is the emergence of the Children of the Crystal Rainbow, in whom all the initial steps laid down by the first two energy types of the New Children will rise one more step. It is expected that these children will have all chakra centers open from birth, all spatial DNA spirals, and the symmetry of the cerebral hemispheres will take on a complete form. Most likely, the Children of the Crystal Rainbow will be able to avoid difficulties with the physical body in incarnation, thanks to the increasing volume of new energies. ADHD and autism will be a thing of the past.

The proposed Scheme for comparing energy types is approximate; knowledge will, in all likelihood, accumulate, deepen and be replenished.

Energy type



Children of the Crystal Rainbow



1940s -

Present tense

1980s -

present time


since 2010

Peak manifestation



1990-2010 (2012)


2010 (2012)

Chakra system

6- 1st chakra (third eye)

Additional 5 chakras

Heart Energy

12 chakras


aura colors


Crystal matte,gold,

with pcolorful pastel shades

All are clean

bright colors of the rainbow


energy type


4-6 activated spirals

Interhemispheric asymmetry with activation of the right hemisphere

Matrix of the Modern Lattice

Weak karmic dependence

Rearrangement energies


Technology orientation

Improved memory, giftedness

Activity above normal level, ADHD, telekinesis


Honesty, Prumble

Militancy, Aprogressiveness







6-8 activated spirals

Transition to interhemispheric symmetry

Transition to the New Crystalline Grid

Freedom from Karma

Energy of Love and Compassion

Bright talent

Unity of humanitarian and technical

Access to the Akasha

Telepathy, autism


Trust, openness





Strength of nature

Ability to heal

Incarnational memory

Craving for animals, crystals, minerals, water,

picky eating


12 activated




Completion of the transition to the Crystalline Grid.

Photon energies

Lack of karma

Energy of Love and Compassion

Bright talent

Unity of humanitarian

And technical

Access to the Akasha

Telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance

High energies

Complete truthfulness


Love, forgiveness,

Complete openness

Strong will

Living with enthusiasm and excitement

Ability to heal

Incarnational memory

Refusal of chemical products

Creationin all areas of activity

ANDpurlmilitary mission

Freeing yourself from the limitations of the past.

Karmic cleansing. Raise the vibration of the planet


Anchoring Crystalline Energies.

Transition to 4-5 densities

The next generations after the Indigos will not need to fight social paradigms or reshape the structure of the world process. This work will be done by the Indigos who will clear the way for peace and the seeds of a new evolution. The life of subsequent generations will be filled with Love, based on spiritual ascent both in the spiritual world and in the material-physical world, will rise to spheres where human consciousness will be able to incarnate into powerful energy capable of changing matter.

Hello, dear friends! This is my first post in the friendly space of the Living Knowledge portal. I take whatever comes to me if my heart's filter allows it. And so here I am.

Lucid dreams were common for me. Being a small creature, I independently overcame sleep paralysis and learned to guide my sleep, wondering where I should be today. I knew that the buzzing and vibration in my ears was just a moment that I had to “step over” in order to be free. In my travels, my feelings were the clues. "Don't go there if you're scared"- I told myself. Astral world- This is my native home since childhood. My favorite world was the vision where I am the wife of an astronaut. But I was about 10 years old for a minute... He flew home on some spaceship and took off his spacesuit, sometimes we flew together on this ship, and outside the window there was space, completely unfamiliar planets, so beautiful...

Life at school was very boring for me. But the craving for the earth, for plants and animals - this is my school. I see auras of people, animals, plants, places, forests, spaces. I grew up in my nature, existing as if in parallel with society, family, and the game on Earth. The realization that I was “strange” overtook me in adolescence, when my body began to show signs of growing up, the need to work off family karma and personal karma took its toll. And it happened to me, as it did to all of us, angels playing on Earth, entangled in the emotions once emitted in past life. But I, as the wife of an astronaut, stayed with myself forever.

I do a lot of counseling for parents of “weird” children. And we are all already accustomed to the fact that indigo children are incarnating en masse now. We began to understand them, their mission, their independence, rebellious nature, desire to pull out all the old things from us, break and destroy. But it’s up to the crystal children, who are just beginning to come to Earth, to build and create.

What are they? How to raise them and whether to educate at all?

Let's talk about this.

There is one young man in my life whom I have identified as a person with a crystal soul. His aura resembles a soap bubble, the energy is transparent and dense, shimmers with rainbow light, everything inside is mobile and alive. This young man now 19 years old. He speaks awkwardly and writes with errors. But he doesn’t even need to be told. He's drawing. He remembers everything, who and when he was, why he came. He says that he came to help “hold” the Earth. His drawings are the worlds of other people, in them all their lives and the moment Here and Now, the result of all past incarnations. This is a whole story about your soul with all its tasks. This is an amazing other new language, through which you gain new knowledge about who you are.

Jesus Christ was a crystal soul in his incarnation on Earth. We can remember everything we know about him and understand what a crystal soul means.

We haven’t encountered many such people yet and we can only imagine what they will be like. I would not divide them in any way, would not give them roles, would not compare them with others and, most importantly, with myself. And I wouldn’t raise her.

In general, everything that happens around you is your area of ​​responsibility. And the fact that there is such a child in your world is also you, your business, your world, your destiny. That's why you need to work with yourself. Educate yourself.

A child always comes to his parents, who need to be taught something. He is older than his parents in vibrations, in the number of incarnations here. And you are older than him in terms of experience of life in society in one Earthly life. There is a difference? If we learn to distinguish gods in them, the same as we ourselves, many questions, judgments, and comparisons will disappear. In general, the ability to accept everything as it is creates enormous potential for creativity.

Yes, creativity is perhaps what they will teach us in a global sense. And in particular, to be happy. How simple, you say! No, it's not easy. This is a science that I have been studying all my life. This is, first of all, a general cleaning of yourself, your subtle bodies and physics, which will free you from heavy vibrations. After this there will be something to be happy about. After all, high vibrations, joy, delight, gratitude need a place. And if you have stored in you since childhood: “don’t run, otherwise you’ll break your leg”, “if you play smart, you won’t get married”, “you have to work hard to achieve something” and other heavy energies, where does joy come from? Indigos help us in freeing ourselves from the old.

After all, everyone has long understood that a person is the sum of the vibrations of every thought, every action, every belief. That is, a certain number that occupies a place in one or another reality. This is where the expression comes from that we live in different parallel worlds and we may, even living next to each other, not see or feel each other. Yes, distance no longer has the same meaning. All that matters is the amount of building material - high vibrational energies - joy, gratitude, self-worth, material for the materialization of ideas sent to us by our oversoul, the Higher Self.

Everything is attracted by vibration. What world you find yourself in is still your business; the law of free will remains one of the fundamental ones on Earth. And creating worlds - new, incomprehensible to our awareness - is precisely the work of crystal souls.

What should parents of such children do? Or for those who are just about to become parents?

Crystals often come to Indigo parents or if there are older Indigo children in the family, that is, the ground is already ready for them. They need protection and support in life on Earth. First of all, they need to be prepared a little for society and life here. And learn to trust their choices and not worry that something might happen to them. They have the strongest brigade of angels that are part of them, their superconsciousness. The laws of karma, including family karma, still apply on Earth. When incarnating, souls accept the karma of the clan in which they incarnate. Crystal children, due to the highest vibrations, often cannot enter our matrix due to heavy birth vibrations. If you have problems conceiving, work on releasing karma. It's not difficult at all now. Your intention is a law for the Universe. Do you now understand what work indigo souls are called to do?

There is an opinion that crystal souls have never played on Earth, they come to our aid. After all, there are still so many of us, sleeping, not remembering ourselves. And they remember everything, like a guy I know... They will tell you a lot about you. Just don’t betray them with your mistrust. Protect them with your love and delight. After all, they will be “strange” children for us. The same as I once was. Just imagine: they knew how to fly, cross universes, change their appearance and create cities with just a thought... And now they found themselves in a physical body. So that, in spite of everything, we do not forget our nature and teach us miracles!

According to the different sources information yesterday (07/16/17) global work on activation and harmonization was carried out, a new wave was launched, which many could feel in the late afternoon and/or that night. Further information is intended for those who are somehow aware of their connection with these processes. We will talk about (CDC) and as integral parts of the current planetary transformations.
The following is text from personal correspondence (received in April 2017)

By activation of the central crystal of the Earth and commands. I don’t see at all that a group gathers in a certain place, performs some kind of ritual and activates the crystal, that would be quite risky. There are far from several teams. One person - one code - activation of one crystal petal. Now I will try to explain the activation of the crystal. This is very similar to how my crystal in my head was activated. The crystal will open one petal at a time, like a bud. There are many petals. I tried to find a more or less suitable picture, but I couldn’t find it, I found two pictures, the averaging of which would give an approximate understanding of what it looks like. Here is the average between these two pictures:

All petals should open. These petals are circles twisted into a figure of eight, i.e. each opposite petal is part of one circle. When all the petals open, these eights will unwind, forming a ball/sphere of these circles. Again, I couldn’t find a suitable drawing. Something similar to this picture:

only instead of orbits, there are interpenetrating circles and there are a lot of them, something like in this picture, in number:

Next, these circles will begin to rotate in different directions relative to each other, gaining speed. This is attunement. Apparently the space will tune in to a new frequency. As a result, the circles will gain such speed that the rotation will not be noticeable, just a sphere/ball will be visible. By the way, I always imagined the CDC as a large crystal rock, but it turned out that it was not so.

In a literal sense, no commands are needed. Each human activator is quite capable of activating his code independently. If it develops, sooner or later it will reach a certain frequency(at least for a minute), this will be enough to instantly activate the code and send it to the crystal in the form of an impulse. The petal will be activated and open. But there is not much hope for such a course of events, so “activator teams” were invented. They do not activate the crystal in command, but each other. Events are structured in such a way that sooner or later they will definitely intersect with each other. This is enough for them to resonate and the code to be activated. They don’t even have to know each other and intersect in real life, even the Internet is enough and they will resonate. Some of them will do this consciously, some will not, it doesn’t matter, it just depends on the level of awareness.

Now for the requirements for activators.

It turned out to be not requirements, but criteria. They showed some kind of crystalline structure - I didn’t understand anything. I requested a simplified form for my understanding. It was in this part that I received a scolding and had to blush for my stupidity and the stupidity of all humanity. In general, a simplified criterion is . Their body structure is different, and that’s what they actually showed me.

The question arose: Who are these crystal people?

I thought maybe they were also from my planet of crystals, I wasn’t interested in whether there were still embodied parts of other crystals here. This is where I got stuck. They read me an educational program about how narrow-minded we are and how we don’t see beyond our own noses, how we don’t notice that even around us, like many other civilizations, they are quietly developing. And for some reason we imagined that we were the only ones living here. In general, it turns out that there are beautifully developing civilizations of crystals living their own lives. Human activators are crystals, they can be from Earth or from any other place, the main thing is that the structure of the bodies is crystalline. And further. Just yesterday I learned that crystals are always manifested in all spaces at once, but I thought that in our 3D world they look like beautiful pebbles. But I was wrong. In our world, they can be manifested by anyone and anything, in general, in any form and by a person, including.

The Earth Crystal is activated and everything will change, but not all of a sudden, but somewhat extended in time and smoothed out. And heaven on Earth will not suddenly come. It’s just that humanity will be divided into ordinary people and demi-gods, in their understanding that ordinary people will not have access to what will be available to those whom they previously considered strange, at whom they laughed and twisted their fingers at their temples.

I requested a picture from the CDC now - a little less than half of the petals are open. But I’m not sure, since I don’t distinguish between the time and space in which I find myself, and it may turn out that what is “now” for me is not “now” at all in that space. And in different spaces the crystal looks different. To see how the crystal is doing, you need to query the space where its petals open, where it unfolds. To look at human activators, you probably also need to query the space where their bodies have a crystalline structure.

1. I couldn’t understand why all this multitude of crystals that are literally lying under our feet is needed, if there are central crystals of the galaxy, with enormous functionality, there is a central crystal of the Earth. It was incomprehensible that there was such wastefulness, in the form of a huge number of crystals scattered all over the earth. After all, every crystal, even the smallest one, has enormous functionality. Each crystal and crystal is multidimensional and manifested in every density. The smallest crystal, on a subtle level, can turn out to be a huge crystal. And most importantly, the main function of all crystals is to record and store information. I couldn’t understand why it was necessary to duplicate all the information so many times. It never occurred to me to consider this as a neural network. But everything was so obvious. Now everything has worked out, I will look into it further, taking into account this information. After all, history itself is not particularly interesting to me, I am interested in the process, how everything happens on a global scale.

2. The teams do not activate the crystal in command, but each other. Events are structured in such a way that sooner or later they will definitely intersect with each other.
This is one of the key themes of the film!!! I numerologically calculated these activators, simply called them differently: guardians (responsible for deep knowledge, or capable of reproducing it, not generating it) - smart and cold)), white magicians (energy of feelings, emotions, states, healers!), emotional and hot ones, priests (magi), those who are able to connect these two sides and make the field neutral, but not empty, but harmoniously balanced, through which information from these two will flow.. they meet, they are short-circuited, and activation occurs.

People are activators, living crystals, not random meetings with subsequent activation of the system. In the session I asked to show the answer to the question what is my role! Of course, I didn't see a beautiful fairy or even an incredibly shaped crystal! They showed me some kind of unusual alloy, which, by connecting two parts of wires, restores the circuit, and the light bulbs light up. And the damaged (disconnected) parts, connecting, send a powerful impulse to where they came from, and they are answered.

Some confusion I had with crystalline neural networks was due to the fact that there are two of them.

One network is as if natural, pristine, real. She is responsible for the evolutionary process of the Earth and the CDC itself. No one has access to this network, nor will there be any, at all. It is this network of crystals that creates the Schumann resonance. The network is tied to that part of the CDC that is also not accessible. The evolutionary process of the CDC and the Earth as a whole takes place independently of anyone or anything, i.e. the evolution of humans separately, and the CDC separately. On the other hand, there are forces that are interested in the evolution of humanity. These forces are trying to adjust the evolutionary process of humanity in time to the evolutionary process of the CDC and the Earth.

The evolutionary process of humanity is connected with the second crystalline network. This second network is created artificially. We interact with this artificial crystalline network. It contains the crystals we are familiar with. The crystals of this network relay the reality pre-installed in them. It is through them that reality changes. For example, the Architects seem to build a replayed reality into the crystal and there is something like a request, as happens on a computer: This file already exists. Replace it with a new one?

One can agree, then the old reality is removed and a new one is established. Or like updating a program or game, when new data is added to existing data. Well something like this. After which the crystals begin to relay new reality. Actually, they are the “object of desire” of the so-called “hackers”. Theoretically, the possibility of hacking and introducing some of your own codes exists. What will entail changes in the existing reality. If you destroy the crystal, reality will stop broadcasting. What range? Don't know. How will this look in physics? It's kind of hard for me to imagine this. But in a global sense, it’s okay, they will create a new crystal and fill a new reality, i.e. losses are recoverable.

This artificial network of crystals is also tied to a certain part of the CDC. For the part that is available to us for interaction, this is a different plan. On this plane, human activators activate the petals of the CDC. This is important for the people, not for the CDC itself. The CDC is evolving perfectly on its own and will not wait for anyone. But the fact that human activators launched the process of activating the CDC at a level accessible to them, made it possible to synchronize the evolutionary process of humanity and the CDC itself. Or rather, the CDC itself synchronized these two plans\levels.

In the core of the planet there is a thinking energy multifaceted crystal, consisting of 8 parts, each of which has its own rotation in different planes and there is also a general rotation. This control crystal with its energy ensures the vital activity of the planet so that it does not freeze, because... The sun's heat is not enough for the planet to exist. In addition, a crystal from rock atoms in the depths creates the necessary minerals, including metals and gold, which rise to the surface in molten form.

Crystal corrects movement lithospheric plates, controls the eruption of land and underwater volcanoes to stabilize internal tensions earth's crust, as well as for the necessary changes in the landscape. Sometimes volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and epidemics occur as punishment for a civilization that has taken the path of unspiritual development. The thinking control crystal performs all its actions in agreement with the Logos of the Sun. Communication between them is carried out using a constantly operating information beam through which they communicate.

All planets solar system are clusters artificially created by the Creator for conducting experiments to introduce various forms of living and intelligent life into them according to plan evolutionary development Universe.

The planets Earth and Mars are located at a distance from the Sun in the life zone for its protein forms. But for its long-term existence there is not enough energy coming from our star to the surface of the planet. Therefore, when creating planet Earth, specially created program-controlled energy crystals were placed deep in the bowels of each continent.

In addition, an intelligent multifunctional control crystal was installed in the center of the planet, working according to the Creator's plan. This crystal consists of several parts, each of which rotates in given plane with the required frequency. The central crystal (CC) has an energetic relationship with the continental crystals. Around the central committee there is a shell of a certain thickness made of different metals, which is involved in creating a protective magnetic field around the planet.

The functions of the Central Committee include managing the life activity of the planet itself: maintaining the thermal regime of the planet from the inside, for which the given level and temperature of the magma belt is constantly maintained; creation, distribution across continents and raising to the surface of various minerals and energy resources in a given volume; control of the magnetosphere to protect civilizations from harmful radiation from the Sun to living beings; control of tectonic and volcanic processes necessary to shift lithospheric plates to their stable state and remove excess magma from the depths; managing the planet's climate to maintain the functioning of various climatic zones.

In addition, the control crystal, with the help of continental crystals, monitors the life activity of civilizations on Earth, monitors the possible use of man-made activities destructive to the planet, controls the population of the entire civilization with the help of climatic, tectonic and volcanic activity, as well as through the activation of viruses dangerous to human life for which there are no developed vaccines (smallpox, Ebola, MERS, etc.).

The Central Committee with other crystals participates, according to the Creator’s program, in the transition of the entire civilization to a new, higher level of its development, having in its memory data for all people living on the planet. This is necessary for subsequent impact on the matrix of human consciousness during the transition to a new stage of development in accordance with the energy-informational essence of each person.

Elementary, preparatory stage The transition has already been underway since the end of 2012, so in last years More and more earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and natural disasters are occurring on the planet - the planet is being prepared for a new level of existence.

On this topic: / / / / / / / / / / / /

To come to Earth with crystal energy or to reveal crystal energy within yourself... What do you think is easier? Many years ago, while searching for answers to the question - why is it so difficult for me on Earth, I “accidentally” ended up at Steve Rother’s seminar “Crystal Energy Activation”. After a wonderful meditation, I was able to talk with Steve alone... And in a short channeling from the Group, I received a message that I am a carrier of crystal energy... At that moment I only knew about crystal children, about their open soul and heart, but about crystal adults I I didn’t know very much...

Already at home, having looked through a bunch of sites, I found a lot of information about crystal children, and that day I realized a lot about myself. It became clear why it was so difficult for me on this planet, why I considered myself somehow “different from everyone else” - a kind of “ ugly duckling"... In this article below you will read about some of the main signs crystal people, in which you might recognize yourself... At least, after that meeting with Steve, I met a lot of crystal adults and was once again convinced of his last words: “ The majority of people on the planet are not yet ready to accept crystals. But the time will come, and there will be many of you... And you bring knowledge to the planet - how to live with your heart... And you will be heard…»

- Overly sensitive to the entire surrounding world: sound, color, negative emotions other people, smells, food, chemicals, the feeling of being "clothed", pressure, pain of others, group consciousness, electromagnetic waves, etc.;

So sensitive that because of this they are very vulnerable;

Must spend time alone, do not feel very comfortable in groups, since very few understand their desire for solitude;

Must be in unity with nature and the elements every day. The Spirit of Nature helps them to balance and purify all the inharmonious energies that affect them so much;

Shutting down, hiding, defending when life gets too intense, especially if they are traumatized, or see or feel others traumatized. (note: this refers to mental trauma);

Even though they are usually calm, others admire them and feel drawn to them like a magnet. They will have deep and lasting relationships with people who offer them boundless love. Crystals know what the one true love is;

When the Crystal looks at you, you feel as if it penetrates your soul.

In fact, they need very little from traditional education, since they are noble and prudent, and can determine for themselves what they need, what is good and what is not for them.

They often bypass crowds or shopping centers. Too many different energies.

They love children and animals very much. They have a special form of “communication” with all living beings;

Water has a very good effect on them in terms of cleansing and calming: baths, showers, waterfalls, springs, playing with water and sand.

They need comfortable clothes made from natural materials with a choice of colors;

They need plenty of clean water and often prefer organic, fresh food;

Before they are born, often their parents seem to hear the child's name, as if someone were telling it to them;

Miracles and magic happen around them: money appears, animals fawn on it, children smile at it, people heal themselves;

They are very perceptive, so much so that they are aware of the feelings of others;

They are afraid of close relationships, because... feel when they are being invaded or disrespected. They prefer to be alone and have “their own personal bodily space” not controlled by others. They also avoid romantic relationships for fear of hurting the other if the relationship ends;

There is innocence in them, there is no cunning in them, they are pure due to the fact that Crystals do not have an “ego”;

They may need help learning to tap into their energy. They can do this through physical activity, nature, sports, martial arts, yoga or dance;

Can damage electronic devices, radios, televisions, computers;

Restrain the expression of emotions for fear of increasing them and losing control, so they may appear serene or even insensitive;

May feel responsible for someone's death or for someone's pain or quarrel;

They may have, and most likely have had, deep depression;

Respond well to bodywork, massage or energy work from someone with balanced energy;

They often have fast metabolisms and are vegetarians themselves;

Smart people see all possibilities, intuitively understand spiritual laws, and “how everything works”;

They have a pure connection with their higher self, a natural alignment with their “supreme leader”. That is why they know the truth of spiritual Unity;

Healers and peacemakers from birth;

With a lot of abilities;

They can regenerate bones and skin. Just as many of us are gradually being “updated” by connecting to the Crystal energy that is in the DNA;

They may be a man of few words, but when they speak calmly and wisely, everyone listens. However, they do not give advice unless asked and never intervene.

Ecology of consciousness: Psychology. The child's condition is similar to liquid. Such mental plasticity is necessary for better adaptation to life. As we grow older, hardening occurs. Psychologically, adults feel like they are solid. Their boundaries are quite definable and are recognized upon contact.

The child's condition is similar to liquid. Such mental plasticity is necessary for better adaptation to life. As we grow older, hardening occurs.

Psychologically, adults feel like they are solid. Their boundaries are quite definable and are recognized upon contact.

Right to self-defense

Children don't know their boundaries. Therefore, they are easy to break.

At the stage of transition to a psychologically mature state you will have to defend your right to self-defense.

The transition from liquid to solid is very similar to the process of growing crystals. If you've ever witnessed this, you know what I mean. The process by which a solution turns into stone.

The newfound firmness will have to be felt by those who are accustomed to walking into foreign territory as if it were their own home.

And at the first stage, exacerbations cannot be avoided.

Because at a certain level, society is much more tolerant of the manifestations of merging than the behavior of people with healthy boundaries.

  • He's just very nice;
  • He simply cannot refuse;
  • She just loves him so much;
  • She simply cannot live without him.

Everything is "simple". But it becomes incredibly complicated if a person has a desire to prevent violations of his rights.

To describe your new firmness, words will be used - selfish, angry, cold, cruel, unfriendly, closed, principled, arrogant.

“You have changed a lot”, “You live for yourself”, “You have become proud, you don’t respect anyone” - condemnation for those who emerged from the merger is guaranteed at first.

This is understandable, because a person ceases to be “nutritious”. You can’t go beyond its borders, you can’t taste its friendliness. All that remains is to spread along the fence.

Later, from those who can withstand the changes in you, there may be condescension - “well, that’s his/her character.” Humility will come to the remaining loved ones through obligatory irritation and sadness.

In general, you should be prepared that few people like those “who are not with us.” This means that, having decided to explore the boundaries of one’s individuality, It is useful to mourn the lack of approval from others as early as possible. Most people will be more comfortable with you if you stay with vague boundaries and are willing to share everything you have without complaint.