You can't live by your mind alone. Remarque’s statement “Reason is given to man in order to understand: it is impossible to live by reason alone, people live by feelings.” Common sense is bad

Reason is given to man to understand: it is impossible to live by reason alone, people live by feelings, there are people who agree with this saying.

A certain part of people believe that they should not build their lives solely on feelings. Each action must be supported by a reasonable, informed decision, be explainable and fall under an understandable algorithm. By accepting this as the norm, a person, however, turns into a machine for execution. certain functions, completely depriving your actions of the fullness of at least some feelings and colors. Such dryness can even cause undisguised disgust

Is common sense bad?

Predictability is the main weakness of such individuals. Knowing the logic of actions and the pedantry of execution, you expect how he will behave at any moment. How will he react to this or that situation? Actions are completely devoid of creative and imaginative flight. Not a man - a machine. This is probably not bad for the person himself - it’s just not interesting to others. Such people are comfortable only in the company of their own kind.


The antipodes to the above example are people prone to showing even small emotions on the verge of shocking. This is especially true for those with creative professions. Quite a few examples can be cited from modern show business. Negative side These characters are, on the contrary, completely unpredictability, and, sometimes, recklessness. It's not easy to get along with people like that either. You never know how to behave so as not to fall under the “hot hand”.

Perfect option

In my subjective opinion, it is ideal if a person combines the ability to sensibly and prudently evaluate planned actions, control but not hide his emotions and show them in a timely manner where it is not unnecessary or does not seem like a sign of weakness. This helps to openly show the attitude towards the surrounding reality, make it understandable for loved ones, and at the same time allow important decisions accept based on common sense.

Then the very ideal ring that is shown in the title of the assignment for this essay will be closed: reason is given to man to understand that it is impossible to live by reason alone.

Perhaps this is the secret of happiness?

Openness to the manifestation of elementary human virtues, compassion and at the same time a clear understanding of where and when they can be demonstrated. This gives others the impression that they are dealing with an absolutely alive person, capable of feelings, but with a cool head. With whom you can and reliably deal.

Mind and intelligence are the same thing, what do you think? But according to the Vedas, there is this difference, and it lurks in the sphere of control. Let's figure it out, because I think this post may make you think and rethink a lot.

Physical body

If you take a person and “split him into pieces,” then his roughest component is the material part, namely the physical body.


Above the body (higher in level) is a more “advanced part” of a person - these are the senses (vision, hearing, touch... - do not confuse with emotions), which controls the body. Sense organs, depending on the situation, force the body to produce certain hormones, speed up the heart rate, increase the “combat readiness” of the body, etc. Feelings are directly related to emotions.


Feelings are controlled by the mind, which directs the senses to different objects and events. Intelligence is a feature not only of humans, but also of animals. In addition to control over the senses, the mind is characterized by the activity of acceptance or rejection, which it constantly does. By the way, the mind itself is not so “smart”, since regardless of the consequences, it only does what it seeks comfort and pleasure, and tries in every way to avoid pain and the unpleasant.

Conclusion - the mind through the senses seeks only pleasures, without thinking about the consequences.


If the mind was for modern man“higher authority”, then all our activities would be reduced only to eating deliciously, having sex and sleeping sweetly, but fortunately for us, there is a “smarter boss” over our mind - this is the mind.

The mind controls the mind, and therefore controls the entire body, with only one caveat - if the mind is really developed and strong.

The work of the mind is very similar to the work of the mind - to accept or reject, but the difference is that, unlike the mind, the mind tends to analyze and evaluate something like this: “Yes, this may be pleasant, but this is not the best decision, since the consequences of this action can be disastrous. I’d rather suffer now, but protect myself from harm later.”

As you can see, the mind is much more far-sighted than the mind, it does not follow feelings, it is a more reasonable boss.

Reason is how we differ from animals.


And a few words about the most subtle substance of our body - the soul. The soul is higher than the mind; in fact, this is the true you.

Living by soul means completely relying on the “Mind (WILL) of God”, always loving everyone (not as an emotion), having a connection with God...

Enlightened, holy people live by their souls, and small children live by their souls. The soul is not characterized by selfishness, anger and others negative emotions, the soul knows almost everything and looks at the world “without glasses and fog in the head.”

Living with your soul is the best option for life, but unfortunately, for us it is still very difficult, since for this we need to cleanse ourselves of all negativity and give up a lot of “earthly things”.

As you can see, we are all quite complex (in fact, much more complex) and we have everything to live correctly and happily. But why then do we all live differently?

And the whole point is that each of us lives according to the script of the one who is in this moment"The king is in the head."

Having a mind is not a guarantee that it is stronger than the mind. If the mind is highly developed, then yes, but if not, then the person becomes a “slave of passions.”

Let's look at some scenarios for the development of life, depending on “who is in power”

The mind is in power

If the mind is stronger than the mind, then “you cannot escape from sin.” Such a person lives by emotions and seeks such pleasures as: delicious food, sex, more money, etc.

The mind lives by the motto: “Let me feel good now, and then whatever happens.” This is the path of alcoholism, drug addiction, AIDS and violence. Fortunately, the total power of the mind is a very rare phenomenon, since the mind, although in varying degrees, nevertheless, also has its own power and intervenes in every situation.

Reason or “the right king in the head”

As I wrote above, “living with the soul” is the best of life options, but for most of us today, this is still very difficult, and the nearest, highest step of spiritual development will be living with the mind.

A strong mind is much better than a strong mind. Thanks to reason, many mistakes can be avoided, about such they say: “He has a king in his head.” If the mind is developed, a person does not follow the lead of feelings, does not allow the mind to follow the destructive path of seeking pleasure, but takes all this under control, trying to make the right decision.

Living with your soul means living with God

The mind is cool, but without a soul, it’s just a computer for making logical decisions. And although most of us are still far from enlightenment, this does not mean that the soul does not interfere in the choice of every action. No matter how developed the personality is, the voice of conscience (soul) is characteristic of every person, albeit to varying degrees.

Live by soul enlightened people, we should strive for such a life. To live by soul is to live with God, in God, according to His commandments. This is a life without suffering, or to be more precise, I will say this: this is a life where physical suffering means practically nothing, because in this state you feel like an imperishable part of the World Ocean of Life.

You lost in thoughts?

After reading my small, simplified excursion about the hierarchy of mind, reason, feelings and soul, you have probably already thought about such simple, but very important questions for each of us: “So who is the king in your head now? Which of them have real power in your life today? .

And here is the answer to the question: “What should I do to jump up one level,” for example, from the power of the mind to the power of the mind? - then this is the topic of the next posts.

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Feelings and reason have always been at odds with each other. The theme of this confrontation is popular in both classical and modern literature. And for good reason: the victory of one over the other in a person often ends in disastrous consequences.

The famous writer E.M. Remarque claims that suppression of feelings is a terrible misfortune, and it is impossible to live by reason alone.

Indeed, many examples are proof of this; one of the most striking, in my opinion, is the fate of the main character of the novel “Fathers and Sons” - Evgeny Bazarov. His life is built on clear rules dictated by reason, among which there is no place for love or recklessness. Dedicate yourself to science, destroy the old, build the world anew! Looking at this cold young man, it’s hard to believe that he can think about anything other than work. However, a meeting with Mrs. Odintsova turns his world upside down. Love, almost animal passion, takes possession of the hero, and he finds himself in despair due to his inability to resist the surging feelings. Bazarov experiences all this very painfully. The character's internal conflict destroys

all the unspoken rules are in his head. As a result, he understands: you cannot live by reason alone. This defeat leads the hero to an equally tragic end.

Just as the mind can imprison feelings behind a stone wall, so feelings cloud our minds with unjustified ease. What's more scary? The story of Natasha Rostova, the heroine of the novel “War and Peace,” will help answer this question. This girl, sincere and emotional, was lucky enough to grow up in a loving, wealthy family. She grew up without thinking about how strongly feelings took over her entire being. Anatol Kuragin, the main womanizer and rake of St. Petersburg, with his attractive appearance and passionate looks, instantly captured the heart of Natasha, who at that time was already indebted to Prince Andrei. Accustomed to trusting the will of her feelings, the heroine commits betrayal towards her groom, obviously believing that she is doing the right thing. Later, Natasha regrets what she did, she regrets it so much that mental torment almost destroyed her physical shell. Feelings without the voice of reason are an uncontrollable element, tirelessly growing and merciless. Fortunately, Natasha manages to understand this in time.

I have always considered myself to be a person who puts feelings in the background. However, the sad events that overtook those who were under the rule of one mind, or one feeling, force them to think seriously and reconsider their priorities. You can take away a lot from the destinies of Evgeny Bazarov and Natasha Rostova, but the main thing: reason and feelings should not create internal conflict, their task is to complement each other.

Other works on this topic:

  1. Many people live clearly trying to adhere to the voice of reason and common sense. They try to avoid risky enterprises and restrain their manifestations of gambling. Their daily life...
  2. Every person is endowed with the ability to feel. He can feel joy, anger, apprehension, fear, envy and other feelings, including love. The ability to feel is a distinctive...
  3. Life often forces a person to make a difficult but necessary choice between feelings and reason. Every hour and day of his existence, a person has to decide what for him...
  4. Reason helps you make the right choice. But this choice is not always useful or beneficial for us. Reason is opposed to feelings. A person cannot achieve in life...
  5. The conflict between reason and feelings in people arose a long time ago. You can call this conflict a struggle that lasts a lifetime. In their youth, people do rash things, but...
  6. In their works, writers often consider the problem of interaction between feelings and mind. And many of them are sure that these two concepts should be in harmony with each other. However,...
  7. The confrontation that arises between the mind and feelings always gives rise to disharmony in a person. After all, either the rational or the sensual principle always wins. This beginning completely enslaves a person....

Date of publication: 11/26/2016

EXAMPLE: Verified Final essay on the topic “Reason is given to man in order to understand that it is impossible to live by reason alone, people live by feelings” in the direction of “Reason and Feeling.”

Introduction (intro):“Reason is given to man to understand that it is impossible to live by reason alone, people live by feelings” Erich Maria Remarque.
Feelings and reason are the most important components inner world person. As a rule, they are in harmony, but sometimes a bloody battle begins between them, which is decisive and can radically change the situation. People in charge (guided) only with their minds, they can live their lives without experiencing true emotions and feelings. Others who susceptible to feelings (it is better to avoid this combination of words), sometimes they do very stupid and thoughtless things. I can confirm the correctness of my reasoning with examples from literary works.

A comment: The beginning is very good, but the topic is not covered. Since the theme here is a statement, there are two options: either use the quote itself as the theme, but conveying the meaning in your own words. Or take the statement as a basis and write WHY it is so. In general, the essence of the essay should boil down to the fact that a person cannot live without feelings. Plus, it is very important to format your thesis using introductory words, which indicate that this is your personal opinion.

Argument 1:
In A.S. Pushkin’s work “Eugene Onegin,” the author raises the issue of reason and feeling. The main characters, Evgeny and Tatyana, have strong feelings towards each other, but constantly hesitate, not understanding how best to act. Attempts to express her emotions are unsuccessful for Tatyana and do not bear fruit. Eugene, having read the letter, says that he was created for bliss, and not for family life. This ends their conversation. Time passes, Onegin realizes that he is in love and wants to see Tatyana. She admits that she loves Evgeniy, but having yielded to her mother’s pleas, she is already married to someone else. In the end, the mind wins the fight.

A comment: good argument, and this piece can even be used for your topic. But this format is not suitable. You described an example of the victory of reason over feelings, and Remarque wrote that people live by feelings, and this contradicts the topic.

Argument 2:
Another striking example is the work of I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Ilya Ilyich - main character a novel that is tied to one place and has completely lost the incentive to develop. He stopped setting goals for himself a long time ago, because he Life is going smoothly and measuredly. He was accustomed to such a life as a child. Oblomov’s dream tells us about this. One day, Andrei Stolts makes attempts to help Ilya Ilyich and introduces him to Olga Ilyinskaya, who later becomes Oblomov’s lover. Olga is a very smart, well-read girl; is constantly evolving. She tries to raise Oblomov to her “ideal”, to re-educate him, but this is insincere love. Their paths diverge. She is replaced by another woman - Agafya Pshenitsyna: she is very hardworking, cooks well, tries in every possible way to please Ilya Ilyich, and she succeeds. There is complete harmony in their relationship. They are very good together. IN this work, the author helps you understand that sincere feelings are a huge force that can work miracles.