Discussion of the concept of teaching foreign languages. Attention! The concept of teaching the subject area “Foreign languages. In the field of listening

We invite the professional community of teachers and foreign language teachers Krasnoyarsk Territory to an active discussion of the Draft concept of teaching the subject area “Foreign languages”.

  • #9

    Galkina Svetlana Mikhailovna (Sunday, 10 December 2017 09:49)

    December 6 at the meeting RMO teachers foreign languages ​​of the Sverdlovsk district of Krasnoyarsk, an active discussion of the concept of teaching the subject area “Foreign languages” took place. Comments and suggestions can be found below:
    The strong points of the concept are in its objectives:
    improving the teacher training system, since without a competent, highly qualified specialist, achieving the goal of the concept is impossible.
    Three groups of problems in teaching foreign languages ​​at school have been identified and formulated. The subject content of the program will be more clearly defined.
    abstracts of the concept that require improvement: what should be changed, clarified, added or removed:
    it is necessary to add a section “Requirements for the level of training of university graduates” and direct efforts to interact with teachers and methodologists of universities, because young specialists entering the profession are often prof. unsuitable due to personal qualities, do not know how to work with children, are not methodologically savvy, do not know how to implement work programs, much less the Federal State Educational Standard. And the concept puts more emphasis on the teacher and student, rather than on the student entering the profession. A teacher cannot spend all his energy on individual retraining. young specialist, since this is what the university is designed for.
    Learning a foreign language requires certain conditions and children's abilities. In our country, there is no such experience yet when, from the age of 5, a child is sent to the school whose profile is closer to his future professional activity. Not all children are ready to learn a second foreign language. Some students and the first foreign language are not able to learn at a sufficient level.
    consistency of the ideas of the concept and educational standard:
    the result of the joint painstaking work of the student and the teacher should be the student’s personality, harmoniously developed in all directions, while (I’m not talking about personal results now) the result of his educational achievements is measured by means of the state final certification, and the certification has a narrowly focused format. It is clear that it (the format) is such as to provide equal requirements and chances to all graduates, but nevertheless, it high goal, stated at the beginning of the document, fades into the background, although in theory everything sounds true, but in practice we need to strive to close the problem areas. Although the problem itself is formulated in the tasks: improving the control system, updating CMMs... It turns out that the high goal is narrowed down to the banal passing of an exam, because this is how learning results are measured.
    The concept emphasizes the importance of rethinking the goals and objectives of a foreign language within the framework of the new educational standard.
    Is the school able to implement the requirements stated in the concept:
    Due to the turnover of personnel (especially young specialists) in the education system, this is very difficult to do. Students do not have a system in place, a system for tracking their results, etc.
    In the absence of testing of new teaching materials, there is no confidence that the textbooks that the Ministry of Education offers us can fully prepare students for the final certification at the proper level. Teachers are not ready to work with children with disabilities due to the lack of textbooks for such children and retraining of teachers.
    What questions would you address to the developers of the Concept as a practicing teacher:
    Is it possible to include in the concept obligations for methodologists, authors of teaching materials and publishing houses to provide foreign language teachers? methodological support(work programs, road maps, technological maps for teaching materials lessons, etc.) for the full implementation of this project.

  • #8

    The text of the concept clearly reflects its goals and objectives. Requests and situation in modern society, which must be taken into account when developing a strategy for teaching foreign languages.
    Laconically and clearly reflected modern approaches to training foreign languages: competence-based, system-activity, intercultural and communicative-cognitive.
    The main content line is clearly highlighted.
    The problems of studying the subject area “Foreign languages” and the academic subject “Foreign language” are described in detail. Almost all problems are really relevant at the moment.
    It is especially worth paying attention to the issue of language training for teachers.
    The document competently identifies the problems of studying the subject area “Foreign languages” and openly states that it is not the teacher who should be primarily involved in solving these problems. A comprehensive solution to existing problems must be carried out.

  • #7

    In Section V. Problems of studying the subject area “Foreign languages” I consider the following organizational problems to be important:
    ➢ No division of the class into subgroups. To ensure a sufficient amount of oral speech practice for each student, the number of students in a subgroup should not exceed 12 people. Currently, this norm is not regulated at the state level.
    ➢ Insufficient attention to the creation of the necessary level of equipment for foreign language classrooms on the part of regional education authorities, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of the educational environment.

  • #6

    I completely agree with all the stated problems, especially about overcrowding in groups; it is impossible to teach a foreign language efficiently when there are 18 people or more in a group. I also share Tatyana Vasilyevna’s opinion about teacher language training.

  • #5

    It is very important to understand that not only plays a huge role methodological preparation teacher, but also a language teacher! It is very difficult to maintain a high level of language, given the workload at school and the languageless environment of our region, where it is quite difficult to find a native speaker. Required language classes(online or face-to-face), which will help teachers improve their language competence as needed.

  • #4

    A competent document where, finally, they openly talk about problems in our subject area, and also about the fact that they can only be solved comprehensively.

  • #3

    The draft concept clearly states the tasks that are set for the teacher

  • #2

    In section IV. “Methodological foundations of the strategy for the development of domestic foreign language education” provides a good overview of approaches. But each paragraph begins not with a definition/description of the approach, but with how it affects learning. I propose to give a succinct definition of the approach.
    Section 5 lists both important and significant issues. Responsibility falls on the shoulders of not only the foreign language teacher, but also the administration in terms of creating conditions.

  • #1

    The importance of a foreign language in modern system education and a comprehensive justification is given.

Current discussion

We invite you to discuss the following concepts at meetings of your methodological associations:

  • What is the role of a foreign language for the development of a student’s personality?
  • What tasks does the Concept pose for a foreign language teacher?
  • How should the process of teaching a foreign language be organized in accordance with the Concept?
  • What are the main approaches to teaching a foreign language according to the Concept?
  • What are the main types and forms educational activities in the process of learning a foreign language?

o If you answer the question: “What questions would you address to the developers of the concept as a practicing teacher?” I would ask: “Does the content of the concept correspond to the current Federal State Educational Standards?” In recent years, documents have appeared that must be followed to the letter. For example, professional standard, where the requirements for the teacher are very high, but in the learning process not everything depends on the teacher. Education is a process that involves not only the school, but also family education, and additional."

  • #1

    The actual formulation of the purpose of teaching foreign languages ​​is in section III. The importance of a foreign language in the modern education system. The goal of the subject area “Foreign languages” is not given, only its description, the levels of the goal. The definition appears in section 4.

  • All-Russian seminar-meeting “Implementation of Federal State Educational Standards: content, mechanisms, results” 10.27.2017

    Presentations of reports and messages from teachers and methodologists at the “Foreign Language” section

    "Domain Concept" " Foreign language " as a strategy for the development of foreign languages ​​at school" – Biboletova Merem Zabatovna , Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Educational Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education.

    "Updated course "Enjoy English" Biboletova Merem Zabatovna , Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Educational Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education.

    "Corporation "Russian textbook": Publishing and educational activities to ensure the modernization of the content and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​at school" – Alekseeva Olga Vladimirovna, Leading Editor of the Center for Foreign Languages ​​of the Russian Textbook Corporation

    “Development of cognitive and communicative learning skills in English lessons” Reshetneva Yulia Alexandrovna, head teacher of educational management at “School No. 7”, Krasnoyarsk.

    “Formation of meta-subject skills through working with text in English lessons” Galkina Svetlana Mikhailovna, teacher in English, head of the educational organization of teachers of AYA in the Sverdlovsk district of Krasnoyarsk.

    “The appropriation of new social experience in the process of forming a UUD through the organization of extracurricular activities (using the example of in-line events at the gymnasium)” Yatsenko Irina Alexandrovna , teacher at “KUG No. 1 – Univers”, head of the Krasnoyarsk Municipal Educational Organization.

    “Teaching extensive reading - working with literary text in a foreign language” - We propose to post in this section of the site the resources available in the region based on the results of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Send your developments to [email protected]

    On the issues of modernizing the content of teaching the subject area “Foreign languages”

    MBOU Secondary School No. 1

    Teacher German language S.V. Kozhukhova

    Main content lines of the subject area “Foreign languages”

    • communication skills in basic types speech activity,
    • linguistic means and skills in operating them,
    • sociocultural knowledge and skills.

    Communication skills in the field of speaking within the framework of dialogic communication:

    • dialogue of an etiquette nature,
    • dialogue-questioning,
    • dialogue-exchange of opinions,
    • combined dialogue.

    Within the framework of monologue communication

    • description,
    • narration,
    • reasoning.

    In the field of writing

    • write a personal letter,
    • write a postcard (including in electronic form),
    • fill out questionnaires and forms,
    • write a letter with elements of reasoning.

    In the field of listening

    Listen to simple texts

    • with full understanding of the information,
    • understanding basic information,
    • understanding the required/requested information.

    • with full understanding,
    • with an understanding of the main content,
    • with an understanding of the required/requested information.

    Speaking, listening, reading and writing are carried out within the framework of carefully selected subject content (topics/problems/communication situations), which includes such large blocks How:

    Everyday life. Family. Friends. Healthy lifestyle. Sport. Leisure. Modern youth. Home country. Country of the language being studied. Education. Profession and foreign language being studied. Nature and ecology. Scientific and technological progress, etc.

    Language means

    • word formation rules,
    • reading rules,
    • algorithms for creating grammatical structures,
    • sentence construction,
    • text construction, etc.

    • knowledge about the importance of native and foreign languages ​​in the modern world;
    • information about the sociocultural portrait of countries speaking a foreign language, their symbols and cultural heritage;
    • knowledge of common background vocabulary and the realities of the country of the language being studied: traditions, common examples of folklore;
    • knowledge of some examples of fiction, journalistic and popular science literature in a foreign language;

    Sociocultural knowledge and skills

    • an idea of ​​the similarities and differences in the traditions of your country and the countries of the language being studied; about the peculiarities of the lifestyle, way of life, and culture of countries speaking the language being studied; world-famous landmarks, outstanding people and their contributions to world culture;
    • the ability to recognize and use basic norms in oral and written speech in situations of formal and informal communication speech etiquette adopted in countries that speak the target language;
    • the ability to represent the native country and its culture in a foreign language; provide assistance to foreign guests in our country in everyday communication situations.

    All three indicated main content lines

    are interconnected, and the absence of one of them violates the unity of the academic subject “Foreign Language”.

    Priority approaches in teaching the subject area “Foreign Language”

    • competent,
    • system-activity,
    • intercultural,
    • communicative-cognitive.

    Competence-based approach

    The main goal of teaching a foreign language is the development of foreign language skills. communicative competence schoolchild in the unity of all its components

    • language,
    • speech,
    • sociocultural,
    • compensatory,
    • educational and cognitive competencies.

    Competence-based approach

    Formation and development of key universal skills in schoolchildren educational competencies, including

    • educational,
    • value-orientation,
    • general cultural,
    • educational and cognitive,
    • informational
    • communicative,
    • social and labor competence,
    • competence of personal self-improvement.

    System-activity approach

    • formation of skills in all types of foreign language speech activity,
    • development of general educational skills and abilities,
    • students gain educational, cognitive, communicative, practical and creative activity.

    Intercultural approach

    • it is necessary to ensure the sociocultural orientation of teaching foreign languages,
    • strengthen the cultural component of the content of teaching a foreign language, introducing schoolchildren to the culture of the country/countries of the language being studied,
    • become more aware of the culture of your own country
    • develop the ability to represent your country using a foreign language,
    • develop the ability and willingness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers.

    Communicative-cognitive approach

    • interconnected training in all types of speech activity,
    • implementation of such universal educational activities How
    • analysis,
    • comparison,
    • comparison,
    • classification,
    • generalization, etc.

    A source of information

    Federal State state-financed organization « Russian Academy education"

    Project of a scientifically based concept for modernizing the content and teaching technologies of the subject area “Foreign languages”.

    Moscow, 2017, pp. 35-38



    In accordance with the concept of the gymnasium, which reflects strategic directions in all areas of activity, the concept of teaching foreign languages ​​is built on the principles continuing education, aspect-based learning at the middle and senior stages of education, determining the level of adaptation of students to mastering a second foreign language, organizing a polysystem extracurricular activities.

    A foreign language is included in the general educational field “Philology”. Language is the most important means of communication, without which the existence and development of human society is impossible. The changes taking place today in social relations, means of communication (the use of new information technologies) require increasing the communicative competence of schoolchildren and improving their philological preparation. All this increases the status of the subject “foreign language” as a general educational discipline.

    The main purpose of a foreign language is to develop communicative competence, i.e. ability and readiness to carry out foreign language interpersonal and intercultural communication with native speakers.

    A foreign language as an academic subject is characterized by:

    Interdisciplinary (the content of speech in a foreign language can be information from different fields of knowledge, for example: literature, art, history, geography, mathematics, etc.);

    Multi-level (on the one hand, it is necessary to master various linguistic means related to aspects of language: lexical, grammatical, phonetic, and on the other, skills in four types of speech activity);

    multifunctionality (can act as a learning goal and as a means of acquiring information in a wide variety of fields of knowledge).

    Being an essential element of the culture of the people - the carrier of this language and a means of transmitting it to others, a foreign language contributes to the formation of a holistic picture of the world in schoolchildren. Knowledge of a foreign language increases the level of humanitarian education of schoolchildren, contributes to the formation of personality and its social adaptation to the conditions of an ever-changing multicultural, multilingual world.

    A foreign language expands the linguistic horizons of students, contributes to the formation of a culture of communication, and contributes to the general speech development students. This reveals the interaction of all language academic subjects that contribute to the formation of the foundations of philological education for schoolchildren.

    The teaching concept is aimed at implementing a student-centered, communicative-cognitive, sociocultural and activity-based approach to teaching foreign languages ​​(including English).

    The formation of foreign language communicative competence is considered as an integrative goal of education, that is, the ability and real readiness of schoolchildren to carry out foreign language communication and achieve mutual understanding with native speakers of a foreign language, as well as the development and education of schoolchildren using the means of an academic subject.

    A personality-oriented approach, which places the student’s personality at the center of the educational process, taking into account his abilities, capabilities and inclinations, assumes a special emphasis on the sociocultural component of foreign language communicative competence. This should ensure a cultural orientation of education, the familiarization of schoolchildren with the culture of the country/countries of the language being studied, a better awareness of the culture of their own country, the ability to present it through the means of a foreign language, and the inclusion of schoolchildren in the dialogue of cultures.

    Foreign language teaching starts from the second grade. Learning a foreign language in primary school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    Formation of skills to communicate in a foreign language, taking into account speech
    opportunities and needs junior schoolchildren: elementary communi
    categorical skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing;

    Development of the child’s personality, his speech abilities, attention, thinking,
    memory and imagination; motivation for further mastery of a foreign language;

    Ensuring communicative and psychological adaptation of junior schools
    niks to the new linguistic world to overcome further psychological
    barriers to using a foreign language as a means of communication;

    Mastering elementary linguistic concepts accessible to juniors
    schoolchildren and necessary for mastering oral and in writing on
    foreign language;

    Introducing children to new social experiences using a foreign language: introducing primary schoolchildren to the world of foreign peers, foreign children's folklore and accessible examples fiction; fostering a friendly attitude towards representatives of other countries.

    As a result of studying a foreign language in primary school, the student must: know/understand

    Alphabet, letters, basic letter combinations, sounds of the language being studied;

    Basic rules of reading and spelling of the language being studied;

    Features of intonation of the main types of sentences;

    The name of the country (countries) of the language being studied, its capital;

    Names of the most famous characters in children's literary works
    country(ies) of the language being studied;

    Rhymed works of children's folklore by heart (available at
    content and form);

    Understand by ear the speech of the teacher, classmates, the main content of lightweight, accessible texts based on visual clarity;

    Participate in basic etiquette dialogue (introduction, congratulations,
    gratitude, greeting);

    Question your interlocutor by asking simple questions (“who?”, “what?”, “where?”,
    "When?" and answer them);

    Briefly tell about yourself, your family, friend;

    Compose small descriptions of the subject, pictures (about nature, school) according to

    Copy the text, inserting missing words in accordance with the context;

    Write a short congratulation based on the sample;

    Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities And Everyday life For:

    Oral communication with native speakers of a foreign language, development of friendly
    relations with representatives of other countries;

    Overcoming psychological barriers in using a foreign language
    as a means of communication;

    Acquaintance with children's foreign folklore and available samples
    children's fiction in a foreign language;

    Deeper understanding of some features of the native language.

    Teaching a foreign language (English) in primary school ensures continuity with the preparation of students in primary school. This stage of learning a foreign language is characterized by significant changes in the development of schoolchildren, since by the time they start studying in primary school their horizons have significantly expanded and general idea about the world, elementary communicative skills have been formed in four types of speech activity, as well as general educational skills necessary for studying a foreign language as an academic subject, and some knowledge has been accumulated about the rules of speech behavior in native and foreign languages. At this age, they develop a desire for independence and self-affirmation, and a selective , cognitive interest.

    In the basic school, the importance of the principles of individualization and differentiation of learning is increasing, the use of project methodology and modern technologies teaching a foreign language (including information). All this allows you to expand the connections of a foreign language with other academic subjects, promotes foreign language communication between schoolchildren and students from other classes and schools, for example, during project activities with peers from other countries (pen pal club “PENPALS”, “DESIGN STUDIO”), including via the Internet (WWW.IEARN.org), promotes their social adaptation in the modern world.

    In grades 8-9, pre-profile orientation of schoolchildren through the means of a foreign language becomes real. At this stage language development Schoolchildren also show significant age and individual differences, which must be taken into account both in the selection of content and in the use of teaching methods. In connection with the dynamics of age-related development of schoolchildren at the secondary level, two stages are distinguished:

    Teaching English in grades 5-7

    Teaching English in grades 8-9.

    Foreign language teaching in high school ensures continuity with the preparation of students in primary school. By the time they graduate from basic school, students reach a sub-threshold (A2 on the European scale) level of communicative proficiency in English when performing basic types of speech activities (speaking, writing, reading and listening), which gives them the opportunity to continue language education at the senior level in full high school, using English as a tool of communication and knowledge. Education in the 9th grade provides a mandatory minimum of educational content in foreign languages ​​(English) and improves communicative competence, speech practice of a receptive (reading, listening) and productive (writing, speaking) plan, updating and systematization of linguistic, speech and sociocultural knowledge, skills and skills. To implement the mandatory minimum, the program provides 3 hours per week, additional time is used to expand and deepen communicative competence in the social, humanitarian and economic profile (pre-profile preparation)

    In the 9th grade, multi-level training is carried out. The selection criterion is a comprehensive entrance test that tests language knowledge and skills, communication skills and writing. Differentiation by levels of foreign language proficiency (basic, advanced, high) within the limits formulated in state standard requirements is carried out taking into account the fulfillment of the following nature of tasks.

    Type of speech activity

    Nature of tasks

    1.Understanding general content read

    2.Understanding the general content of what you read and the ability to find the requested information in the text

    3.Detailed understanding of the text and elemental analyzes



    1. Understanding the general content of the spoken text.

    2. Understanding the general and sequence of facts and events of the sounding text

    3.Understanding the sequence of facts. Audio test events. Verbal illustrations. The meaning of internal content



    1.A laconic statement on the proposed situation. Help available

    2. Statement by problematic situation reasoning, questioning

    3.Independent expression and discussion of the problem with your own assessment


    1.Writing short message according to the model

    2. Writing a short message based on a sample with elements of creativity when creating your own text

    3. Writing a message based on the proposed situation, without support


    In 2010-2011, 3 groups were formed:

    1 group - “A” high level and 2 groups “B” advanced + basic. The transition from group “B” to group “A” is carried out taking into account successful implementation program and test confirming a higher level of communicative proficiency in English when performing basic types of speech activities.

    In grades 8-9, students gain some experience in performing foreign language projects, as well as other types of work of a creative nature, which allows them to carry out interdisciplinary foreign language projects at the senior level and encourages them to intensive use foreign language Internet resources for sociocultural development modern world and social adaptation in it.

    From the 5th grade, the study of a second foreign language begins at the expense of the school component.

    The degree of development of speech, educational-cognitive and general cultural skills among schoolchildren in grades 10-11 at the basic level of studying a foreign language creates real prerequisites for taking into account the specific needs of schoolchildren in using it when studying other languages. school subjects, as well as for self-educational purposes in areas of knowledge and areas of interest to them human activity(including their professional orientations and intentions). In this regard, the importance of interdisciplinary connections between a foreign language and other school subjects increases.

    By the end of high school profile level It is planned that students will achieve a minimum level of the pan-European threshold level (B1) of English language proficiency.

    The gymnasium, in addition to the humanitarian and philological profile specified in the standard, chose a socio-economic profile.

    A foreign language, together with such subjects as Russian language and literature, determines the direction of the philological profile in high school.

    Taking into account interdisciplinary connections, a foreign language contributes to the formation of schoolchildren’s ideas about:

    • such linguistic disciplines as phonetics, lexicology, grammar, stylistics, linguistics, sociolinguistics;
    • close connection between linguistics and humanities(for example, history, regional studies, cultural studies, literary studies);
    • cultural and historical milestones in the emergence and study of language, related languages, classification of languages, differences between Russian and foreign languages;
    • basic units of language (phoneme, morpheme, word, phrase, sentence, text);
    • official business style (scientific, journalistic, literary and artistic varieties) and conversational style;
    • main types of lexical units, homonymy, synonymy, polysemy, paronymy, foreign borrowings; neutral vocabulary, vocabulary of colloquial and book styles;
    • grammatical meanings, grammatical categories;
    • about the text as a product of human speech activity; narration, description, reasoning as compositional types of speech; substantive, rhetorical, linguistic, stylistic and intonation means of communication in the text; about the features of constructing dialogic and monologue speech;
    • functional styles: journalistic, colloquial, scientific, business and artistic-fictional styles; linguistic means ah of the English language, characteristic of bookish (high), middle (neutral) and low (colloquial) styles; ways of interpreting a literary text.

    Skills being developed:

    • make linguistic observations regarding the use of words, grammatical structures, lexical-grammatical, intonation-syntactic structure of speech in various functional types of text and generalize them in the form of language and speech rules;
    • compile thematic lists of words (including linguistic and cultural lists);
    • compare the scope of meanings of related lexical units in the native and foreign languages, write comments and explanations in the native language to foreign language realities and words with a linguistic and cultural background;
    • compare grammatical phenomena, linguistic means of expressing grammatical categories in foreign and native languages, highlighting grammatical difficulties;
    • collect and classify idiomatic expressions and proverbs;
    • classify linguistic phenomena according to formal and communicative characteristics.

    The study of a foreign language in general at the profile level in high school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    • Further development of foreign language communicative competence(speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive):

    speech competence– functional use of the target language as a means of communication and cognitive activity: the ability to understand authentic foreign language texts (listening and reading), including those focused on the chosen profile, convey information in coherent reasoned statements (speaking and writing), plan your speech and non-speech behavior taking into account the specifics of the communication situation;

    language competence– mastery of new language means in accordance with the topics and areas of communication selected for the selected profile, skills in operating these means for communicative purposes; systematization of language knowledge acquired in primary school, as well as increasing the amount of knowledge through profile-oriented information (in particular, terminology);

    sociocultural competence – expanding the volume of knowledge about the sociocultural specifics of the country/countries of the language being studied, improving the skills to structure one’s speech and non-speech behavior adequately to this specificity, taking into account profile-oriented communication situations, the ability to adequately understand and interpret linguocultural facts;

    compensatory competence– improving the skills to overcome a situation in conditions of a shortage of language resources in the process of foreign language communication, including in profile-oriented communication situations;

    educational and cognitive competence– further development of special educational skills that allow improving educational activities in mastering a foreign language, increasing its productivity, as well as using the studied language for the purpose of continuing education and self-education, primarily within the chosen profile.

    • Development and education abilities for personal and professional self-determination of students, their social adaptation; formation of an active life position as a citizen and patriot, as well as a subject of intercultural interaction; development of such personal qualities as a culture of communication, the ability to work in cooperation, including in the process of intercultural communication; developing the ability and readiness of high school students to self-study a foreign language, to further self-education with its help in various fields of knowledge; acquiring experience in creative activity, experience in design and research work using the language being studied, including in line with the chosen profile.

    Products of students' educational activities: results of tests.

    Participation in school, city and regional competitions, research projects, holidays in foreign languages, open lessons within the school and city.

    Educational results:

    Ensuring an individual educational trajectory in the study of foreign languages ​​by gymnasium students and changing the nature of relationships between subjects of the educational process. (level training, choice elective course, master class)

    Integration of polylinguistic education for schoolchildren

    Combination of basic and additional education in a foreign language (pen-pal club, design studio)

    Organization of master classes (gymnasium + university)

    Arranging programs for elective courses.

    Changing the educational paradigm in teaching foreign languages

    Possibility of equal presentation of cultural knowledge about the country of the language being studied and about one’s own home country and, as a consequence, the possibility of self-determination in cultures. (international projects)

    Percentage of Olympiad winners, victory and participation in international competition, competitions “Creative Potential of Russia” and an analysis of training based on the results of cross-sectional work is attached (2011)

    About the project of a scientifically based concept for modernizing the content and teaching technologies of the subject area “Foreign

    Academic subject “Foreign language”,
    "Second foreign language"
    Biboletova Merem Zabatovna,
    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Professor Researcher at the Institute
    education development strategies of RAO

    Work on the concept of the subject area “Foreign languages” is carried out within the framework of Research on the creation of innovative

    Work on the concept of the subject area “Foreign languages”
    is carried out within the framework of Research on the creation of innovative
    educational and methodological support in the conditions of implementation
    concepts by subject area. Concepts for everything
    subjects are built in a single logic.
    The foreign language package includes two concepts:

    "Foreign language"
    Project of a scientifically based concept of an educational subject
    "Second foreign language"
    Each concept exists in expanded and short form.

    The concept is a scientifically based strategy for the development of foreign language education in the Russian Federation, in which

    goals, objectives and main
    directions for implementing this strategy in the coming
    The purpose of the Concept is to ensure compliance
    modern foreign language education systems
    needs of the state, society and family

    The draft Concept of a Foreign Language reflects the ideas and provisions of the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Education of the Citizen’s Personality

    Russia, which ensures the formation
    Russian identity in a multicultural world,
    - Programs for the development of universal learning activities (UAL),
    which is aimed at mastering key competencies such as
    foundations for self-development and lifelong education
    - Fundamental Core LLC contents
    - Federal State Educational Standard
    secondary (full) general education

    The authors of the Concept saw their task as exploring and describing the cause-and-effect relationships leading to

    rethinking the goals and content of teaching FL1 and FL2, as well as
    updating technologies for teaching them;
    - formulate the goals of teaching a foreign language, which are not fully contained in the Federal State Educational Standard,
    are not indicated in any sample programs today.
    To justify that the goals of foreign language education are becoming more complex
    in structure, are formulated in terms of value, cognitive and
    pragmatic levels and are accordingly embodied in personal,
    meta-subject and subject results training. And foreign languages
    are recognized as a means of communication and a valuable personal resource for
    self-realization and social adaptation; skill development tool
    searching, processing and using information in educational purposes.

    The authors of the Concept saw their task as showing and justifying that the potential of a foreign language as

    general education subject allows you to fully
    solve problems of formation key competencies personalities,
    ensuring mastery of social experience, receiving
    life skills and practical activities in society.
    - fix at least a minimal amount of content
    foreign language education (requirements for communicative
    skills and subject content of speech/topic) as
    basis for further compilation curricula

    The authors of the Concept saw their task as maintaining and improving the conditions for teaching foreign languages, allowing them to achieve the stated goals.

    levels of foreign language proficiency (sub-threshold/threshold),
    correlated with pan-European competences (A2,B1), and
    namely: early start of foreign language learning, optimal educational
    load, ability to choose training level
    (advanced/basic), possibility of studying a foreign language 2, etc.
    - identify problems in the organization and implementation of foreign language
    education at school and indicate possible ways to solve them
    - outline the prospects for the development of foreign language education in
    coming years

    Three groups of problems have been identified: Problems of a methodological nature - Insufficient use in teaching. practice of IOS capabilities and

    modern technologies of LO and developmental training (differentiated
    /problem-based learning, collaborative learning, etc.)
    - Underestimation of the importance of developing meta-subject skills: search and
    analysis of information, planning of statements, reflection...
    - Lack of practice-oriented methodological research on
    teaching foreign languages ​​at different levels and different age groups, in multiethnic
    classrooms, with gifted children, in inclusive education.
    - Lack of substantiated and clearly formulated substantive
    results in the Federal State Educational Standard and exemplary programs as the basis for creating
    educational programs arr. organizations for the development of CMMs and for
    organization of educational monitoring achievements at different levels of education.
    - Lack of testing of textbooks before their implementation in school practice

    Problems of an organizational nature - Lack of balance between the first foreign languages ​​studied in secondary school:

    dominance of SL to the detriment of German, French
    and Spanish and other foreign languages ​​that are becoming in demand.
    - No division of the class into subgroups. Currently this norm
    not regulated at the state level. To ensure sufficient
    volume of oral speech practice for each student quantity
    There should be no more than 12 students in a subgroup.
    - Insufficient attention to creating the necessary level of equipment
    foreign language classrooms on the part of regional authorities
    education, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of educational

    Personnel problems - Inconsistency in the level of subject (language) training of a number of foreign language teachers

    - Significant reduction in teaching time for language training for foreign language teachers
    in the higher education system.
    - Admission to teaching foreign languages ​​to personnel without special education
    and/or not prepared for teaching activities.
    - Commercialization of the system for advanced training and retraining of teachers.
    personnel; its lag behind the modern educational situation in Russia.
    - Lack of a system of consulting teachers (especially beginners) on
    methodological and organizational issues at the municipal level.
    - Insufficient training of foreign language teachers to work in an inclusive environment
    education, with children with special images. needs, with gifted children,
    as well as in small / large classes, in multi-ethnic and
    multi-level groups.

    The extended draft concept presents the following: - describes the most important current regulatory documents affecting

    for teaching a foreign language;
    - an analysis of foreign language education, its role and place in the system is given
    schoolchildren's knowledge about the modern world;
    - priority directions and methods in
    teaching a foreign language;
    - factors contributing to quality improvement are described
    teaching a foreign language, the most effective approaches to it
    teaching, including taking into account regional specifics;

    - proposals were formulated for modernizing the content and teaching technologies of the subject area “Foreign languages” and

    proposed structural and organizational schemes for them
    - describes the processes of regulatory, scientific and methodological,
    personnel, logistics, software and
    information and resource support for educational
    - describes the procedure for implementing the concept and
    mechanisms for monitoring the results of implementation of the concept.

    Both versions of the Concept (long and short) include a “Road Map” for its implementation (for the period until 2020). In "Road"

    map" provides:
    1. Regulatory support for effective implementation
    concepts of the subject area “Foreign languages”
    2. Training and advanced training of teaching staff,
    involved in the implementation of the concept
    3. Educational, methodological and logistical support
    implementation of the concept of the subject area “Foreign languages”

    1. Regulatory support for the implementation of the concept - A condition for the implementation of the country’s educational policy is

    correct regulatory framework understandable to all participants
    educational process, which involves
    public and professional discussion of the draft concept with
    participation: associations of foreign language teachers, representatives of authorities
    education management and schools, employers, representatives
    society organizations, media, etc.
    - This will be followed by amendments to the Federal State Educational Standards of NOO, Federal State Educational Standards of LLC,
    Federal State Educational Standard SOO and in sample programs general education.
    Corrections of documents should be carried out on the basis
    conclusions made in the process of social and professional
    discussion of this Concept and in accordance with it.

    2. Training and advanced training of teaching staff involved in the implementation of the concept implies: - Development

    Variable foreign language teacher training programs
    in accordance with the Foreign Language Concept and taking into account regional specifics
    - Adjustment educational and methodological kits(UMK) in
    in accordance with the concept of the subject area “Foreign
    languages" and subsequent training of teachers to work with them
    - improving the system of training foreign language teachers and promoting
    their qualifications taking into account variable pedagogical conditions
    education (in multi-ethnic classes, in inclusive
    education, etc.)

    - application in practice of modern ped. technologies that allow differentiation and individualization of the educational process,

    build individual images. learning path
    - organization of material and technical support for subject matter
    "FL" areas: modeling a comfortable IOS
    (including equipping traditional foreign language classrooms with modern
    technical means);
    use of ICT capabilities (modular education,
    network learning systems, distance learning and etc.)
    - creation of a system of methodological and organizational support
    foreign language teachers within the framework of regional subject activities

    3. Educational, methodological and logistical support for the implementation of the concept of a foreign language subject area implies: -

    Organization of monitoring the implementation of this concept
    - Improving the system of diagnostics and control of educational
    student achievements, including updating test scores
    measuring materials for state
    final certification of graduates of 9th and 11th grades in foreign languages ​​(according to
    student's choice)

    - Organization and conduct of research and comparative activities to assess the quality of education, incl. independent

    estimates, with
    using both Russian and international
    tools, participation in NIKO and VPR
    - Organization of competitive and olympiad movements
    schoolchildren in foreign languages, All-Russian Olympiad
    For each of the listed positions in the Road
    map" shows the execution time.

    “Language is a means of communication, and therefore, naturally, knowledge of languages ​​acquires a very special significance. It becomes urgent need and will continue to gain more and more importance. Teaching foreign languages ​​is considered as one of the priority areas modernization school education" From the “Modernization Concept” Russian education for the period until 2010"

    This Concept of linguistic education (English) in the municipal educational institution of the city of Murmansk, multidisciplinary gymnasium 4 of non-linguistic type is summary language policy of an educational institution. The development of the Concept was preceded by painstaking work to analyze the strengths and weaknesses in activities methodological unification English language teachers of the gymnasium and development trends of modern educational school


    Reasons for developing the Concept of linguistic education in a non-linguistic type gymnasium: - necessity comprehensive solution tasks of gymnasium education, including specialized training: it is important to clearly define what role in their solution is assigned to the subject “English” and how education in this subject should be structured, taking into account the specifics of training gymnasium students and the main areas of activity of the teaching staff of the gymnasium; - the need to satisfy the needs for language practice and build individual educational trajectory in the subject of those children who, along with an interest in mathematics and specialized disciplines, show a genuine interest in learning English




    The concept of language (linguistic) education in gymnasium 4 of Murmansk is a normative document that was created in an educational institution, based on the specifics of the areas of training for gymnasium students. The concept of language (linguistic) education in gymnasium 4 of Murmansk is a normative document that was created in an educational institution institution, based on the specifics of the areas of training for gymnasium students

    Regulatory basis for the development of the Concept of linguistic education: -- Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”; -- Concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2010; -- The concept of specialized training at the senior level of general education; -- Development program for gymnasium 4 in the city of Murmansk; -- Program - concept of communicative foreign language education; -- The concept of individuality development in the dialogue of cultures, developed by Professor E. I. Passov; -- Project state program“Education and development of an innovative economy: introduction of a modern education model in the city.”