Open Library - an open library of educational information. The main motives of A. Blok's lyrics The main themes and motives of the block

The main motives, images and symbols of A. Blok’s lyrics

The outstanding Russian poet Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (1880-1921) during his lifetime became an idol of both the Symbolists, the Acmeists, and all subsequent generations of Russian poets.

At the beginning of his poetic career, the mystical romanticism of Vasily Zhukovsky’s work was closest to him. This “singer of nature” with his poems taught the young poet purity and elation of feelings, knowledge of the beauty of the surrounding world, unity with God, and faith in the possibility of penetrating beyond the boundaries of the earthly. Far from theoretical philosophical doctrines and the poetry of romanticism, A. Blok was prepared to perceive the basic principles of the art of symbolism.

Zhukovsky’s lessons were not in vain: the “acute mystical and romantic experiences” he nurtured attracted Blok’s attention in 1901. to the work of the poet and philosopher Vladimir Solovyov, who was the recognized “spiritual father” of the younger generation of Russian symbolists (A. Blok, A. Bely, S. Solovyov, Vyach. Ivanov, etc.). The ideological basis of his teaching was the dream of the kingdom of divine power, which arises from modern world who is mired in evil and sins. He can be saved by the World Soul, the Eternal Femininity, which arises as a unique synthesis of harmony, beauty, goodness, the spiritual essence of all living things, the new Mother of God. This Solovyov theme is central to Blok’s early poems, which were included in his first collection “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” (1904). Although the poems were based on a real living feeling of love for the bride, over time - the poet’s wife - L. D. Mendeleeva, lyrical theme, illuminated in the spirit of Solovyov’s ideal, takes on the sound of the theme of sacred love. O. Blok develops the thesis that world love is revealed in personal love, and love for the universe is realized through love for a woman. For this reason, the concrete image is covered by abstract figures of the Eternally Young Wife, the Lady of the Universe, etc. The poet bows before the Beautiful Lady - the personification of eternal beauty and harmony. In "Poems about a Beautiful Lady", there are undoubtedly signs of symbolism. Plato's idea of ​​contrasting two worlds- earthly, dark and joyless, and distant, unknown and beautiful, the holiness of elevated unearthly ideals lyrical hero, he was brought to them by a decisive break with the surrounding life, the cult of Beauty - the most important features of this artistic movement, found vivid embodiment in Blok’s early work.

Already in the first works there were main features of poetic manner Block: musical-song structure, attraction to sound and color expressiveness, metaphorical language, complex structure of the image - everything that theorists of symbolism called impressionistic element, considering it an important component of the aesthetics of symbolism. All this determined the success of Blok’s first book. Like most symbolists, Blok was convinced: everything that happens on earth is just a reflection, a sign, a “shadow” of what exists in other, spiritual worlds. Accordingly, words and language turn out to be for him “signs of signs,” “shadows of shadows.” In their “earthly” meanings, the “heavenly” and “eternal” are always visible. All the meanings of Blok’s symbols are sometimes very difficult to count, and this is an important feature of his poetics. The artist is convinced that there must always remain something “incomprehensible”, “secret” in a symbol, which cannot be conveyed either in scientific or everyday language. At the same time, something else is characteristic of Blok’s symbol: no matter how polysemantic it is, it always retains its first - earthly and concrete - meaning, bright emotional coloring, immediacy of perception and feelings.

Also in the poet's early poems features such as intensity of lyrical feeling, passion and confession. This was the basis for Blok’s future achievements as a poet: unstoppable maximalism and unchanging sincerity. At the same time, the last section of the collection contained poems such as “From the Newspapers”, “Factory”, etc., which testified to the emergence of civil sentiments.

If "Poems about a Beautiful Lady" was liked primarily by symbolists, then the second book of poems " Unexpected joy"(1907) made his name popular among wide readership. This collection includes poems from 1904-1906. and among them are such masterpieces as “The Stranger”, “The Girl Sang in the Church Choir...”, “Autumn Will”, etc. The book testified to the highest level of Blok’s skill, the sound magic of his poetry captivated readers. Substantially The theme of his lyrics also changed. Hero of the Block acted no longer as a hermit monk, but as a resident noisy city streets who looks greedily into life. In the collection, the poet expressed his attitude towards social problems , the spiritual atmosphere of society. Deepened in his mind the gap between romantic dream and reality. These poems of the poet reflected impressions of the events of the revolution of 1905-1907,“which the poet witnessed. And the poem “Autumn Will” became the first embodiment of the theme of the homeland, Russia in Blok’s work. The poet intuitively discovered in this theme what was most dear and intimate to him.

The defeat of the first Russian revolution had a decisive impact not only on the fate of the entire poetic school of symbolism, but also on the personal fate of each of its supporters. A distinctive feature of Blok’s creativity in the post-revolutionary years is strengthening civic position. 1906-1907. were a period of revaluation of values.

During this period, Blok’s understanding of the essence of artistic creativity, the purpose of the artist and the role of art in the life of society changed. If in the early cycles of poems Blok’s lyrical hero appeared as a hermit, a knight Beautiful Lady, an individualist, then over time he started talking about the artist’s duty to the era, to the people. Blok's change in social views was also reflected in his work. At the center of his lyrics is a hero seeking strong ties with other people, realizing the dependence of his fate on the common fate of the people. The cycle “free thoughts” from the collection “Earth in the Snow” (1908), especially the poems “On Death” and “In the North Sea”, shows a tendency towards democratization of the work of this poet͵ ĸᴏᴛᴏᴩᴏᴇ reflected in the state of mind of the lyrical hero, in his attitude, and in the end, in the lyrical structure of the author’s language.

Nevertheless, a feeling of despondency, emptiness, complicated by personal motives, fill the lines of his poems. Awareness of the environment began reality as a "terrible world"", which disfigures and destroys Man. Born in romanticism, the traditional for classical literature theme of the collision with the world of evil and violence found a brilliant successor in A. Blok. Blok concentrates the psychological drama of personality and the philosophy of existence in the historical and social sphere, feeling first of all social discord. On the one hand, he strives to change society, and on the other, he is frightened by the decline of spirituality, the element of cruelty that increasingly engulfed the country (the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field” (1909) appears in his poetry of those years). the image of a lyrical hero, man of crisis era who has lost faith in old values, considering them dead, lost forever, and has not found new ones. Blok’s poems of these years are filled with pain and bitterness for tormented destinies, a curse on a harsh, terrible world, the search for saving points of support in a destroyed universe and gloomy hopelessness and found hope and faith in the future. Those included in the cycles “Snow Mask”, “Terrible World”, “Dances of Death”, “Redemption” are rightly considered the best of what Blok wrote during the heyday and maturity of his talent.

The theme of the death of a person in scary world The block was illuminated significantly wider and deeper than his predecessors, nevertheless, at the top of the sound of this theme is the motive of overcoming evil, which is important for understanding Blok’s entire work. This, first of all, was manifested in the theme of the homeland, Russia, in the theme of Blok’s hero finding a new destiny, who seeks to bridge the gap between the people and that part of the intelligentsia to which he belonged. In 1907-1916. a cycle of poems “Motherland” was created, where the paths of development of Russia are comprehended, the image of which appears at times attractively fabulous, full of magical power, then terribly bloody, causing anxiety for the future.

We can say that the gallery of female symbolic images in Blok’s lyrics ultimately finds its organic continuation and logical conclusion: Beautiful Lady - Stranger - Snow Mask - Faina - Carmen - Russia. Nevertheless, the poet himself insisted later that each subsequent image is not just a transformation of the previous one, but, first of all, the embodiment of a new type of worldview of the author at the next stage of his creative development.

The poetry of A. Blok is a kind of mirror that reflects the hopes, disappointments and drama of the era of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Symbolic richness, romantic elation and realistic specificity helped the writer discover a complex and multifaceted image of the world.

When a poet is truly talented, his poetry is all-encompassing and it is very difficult to isolate the main themes of his work. So it is with the poetry of A. Blok. As a symbolist in his early work, he considers three themes: Life, Death, God. In one form or another, these themes are interpreted in different periods of creativity and appear either in the vague symbolic images of the cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” or in the ironic lines of later poems. Typical symbolic images of the early Blok were a star, spring, fog, wind, darkness, shadows and dreams. All this, used in a metaphorical sense, became symbols with the help of which the poet learns the eternal secret of life. But after the blue mists of early creativity come romantic admiration for the purely earthly features of life. This is how the Stranger appears - the embodiment of Femininity, accessible not only to the Soul of the World, but also to a real woman.

It is interesting that A. Blok portrays Motherland as a woman. So in the poems “Rus”, “Russia”, “On the Kulikovo Field” we meet the image of Russia-Woman, Russia-Wife. His homeland is hope and joy for him. He believes in her resilience, just as he believes in the resilience and courage of a Russian woman, capable of loving recklessly, forgiving generously and enduring life’s trials with dignity. Thus, the theme of the Motherland is intertwined with the eternal themes of Life, Death, and God.

Blok also says a lot about love as the basis of being. The poet objects to the rude interference of any calculations in the poetry of love; love is an element, it is a storm. It is no coincidence that Blok conveyed it with these very images-symbols. The search for harmony in the poet’s life is associated with images of love. Problems of morality in society are solved through the search for unity with the world. Duality and the search for balance sometimes lead to sad conclusions: “That happiness was not needed, that this pipe dream was not enough for half a life.” However, a connection with the world has been found. And in the later poems of A. Blok the question of the meaning of existence, of Life, Death and God is again resolved. These themes are eternal, no matter in what images they appear in the work of A. Blok.

“After all, my theme, I now know it firmly, without any doubt, is a living, real theme; she is not only greater than me, she is greater than all of us and she is our universal theme... I consciously and irrevocably devote my life to this theme.”

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok completely, completely, immensely loved Russia, gave his soul to her as to the woman he loved. His life was forever intertwined with his Motherland, he sacrificed a piece of himself to her, and she healed his soul with her “healing space.”

Blok saw Russia as Gogol saw it - above the clouds and beautiful. She is Gogol's child, his creation. “She revealed herself to him in beauty and music, in the whistle of the wind and in the flight of the extravagant troika,” wrote A.A. Blok in the article “Gogol’s Child”. The poet sits in this same troika, in it he flies across the boundless fields, blurred and dirty paths of Russia. And on the way, Blok sees what squeezes his heart - the wretchedness and humiliation of the Fatherland.

And in the scraps of her rags

I hide my nakedness from my soul.

The poet's soul is naked, just like the country is naked. “This is the harmonious dance of Russia, which no longer has anything to lose; She gave her whole body to the world and now, freely throwing her hands to the wind, she went dancing throughout her aimless expanse,” Blok wrote in the article “Timelessness.” And it is precisely with aimless expanse that Russia heals man. You have to love her, “you have to travel around Russia,” Gogol wrote before his death.

I will cry over the sadness of your fields,

I will love your space forever...

Shelter you in the vast distances!

We both live and cry without you.

A.A. Blok created his own commandment of love: “If a Russian only loves Russia, he will love everything that is in Russia. Without the illnesses and suffering that have accumulated in her in such quantities and for which we ourselves are to blame, none of us would have felt compassion for her. And compassion is already the beginning of love...” Blok lived with love for Russia, and this gave him strength.

Blok's poetry contains a prophetic prediction and a sense of the fate of the Fatherland in the past. The poems “Scythians” and “On the Kulikovo Field” are of great importance. The poem “Rus” is imbued with magical and fairy-tale motifs. Before us appears the kind of Rus' that Gogol created, full of rituals and secrets. Russia for Blok is special country, doomed to endure horror and humiliation, but semi-victor. Key to victory A.A. Blok saw in the revolution, in it, as he believed, high ideals. He viewed the revolution as an element capable of changing the world. But this did not happen, and the poet’s dream dissipated like an obsession, leaving in his soul only a bitter sediment of hopes that did not come true.

“The Fatherland is life or death, happiness or death.” Living according to this principle for Blok is not fanaticism, but abolished complete devotion to Russia. The poet believed that the time would come when a ray of sun would fall on the country and it would sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow. Today, at the turn of the third millennium, only we can choose between life and death and thereby determine our destiny.

Plan Creative history of A. Blok, motives of lyrics Creative history of A. Blok, motives of lyrics Cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” Cycle “Poems about a Beautiful Lady” Poetry of the years Poetry of the years Cycles of poems of the years Cycles of poems of the years The artistic world of the poem “The Twelve” The artistic world of the poem “Twelve” History of creation History of creation Meaning of the name Meaning of the name Features of the composition and system of images Features of the composition and system of images Symbolism of the poem Symbolism of the poem

The face of Alexander Blok stands out with its clear and cold calm, like a marble Greek mask. Academically drawn, impeccable in proportions, with a finely outlined forehead, with impeccable arches of eyebrows, with short curly hair, with a wet curve of the mouth, it resembles the stern head of Praxitelean Hermes, into which are set pale eyes of transparent dull stone. A marble coldness emanates from this face....Looking at the faces of other poets, one may be mistaken in determining their specialty...but regarding Blok there can be no doubt that he is a poet, since he is closest to the traditional romantic M .Voloshin

A. A. Blok was born on November 16, 1880 in St. Petersburg, spent his childhood in the family of his grandfather, a famous botanist, rector of St. Petersburg University A. N. Beketov, in “an old noble atmosphere with literary tastes,” scientific interests and humanistic ideals. A. A. Blok was born on November 16, 1880 in St. Petersburg, spent his childhood in the family of his grandfather, a famous botanist, rector of St. Petersburg University A. N. Beketov, in “an old noble atmosphere with literary tastes,” scientific interests and humanistic ideals.

He composed his first poems at the age of five, published handwritten children's magazines, and in his youth took part in amateur performances at the Shakhmatovo estate near Moscow. In the summer of 1898, Blok met L. D. Mendeleeva, his future wife,

In 1898, A. Blok began to seriously study poetry, although he entered the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. In 1898, A. Blok began to seriously study poetry, although he entered the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University. In 1901, he transferred to the Slavic-Russian department of historical Faculty of Philology, which he successfully graduates in 1906. In 1901, he moves to the Slavic-Russian department of the Faculty of History and Philology, which he successfully graduates in 1906

Blok’s poems became known to Andrei Bely and the circle of “Argonauts”, who joyfully welcomed in them the spiritual aspirations and aspirations consonant with them. Blok’s poems became known to Andrei Bely and the circle of “Argonauts”, who joyfully welcomed in them the spiritual aspirations and aspirations consonant with them. In 1902, Blok met Z. N. Gippius and D. S. Merezhkovsky, from that time on he was a regular visitor to their salon and to the editorial office of the magazine “New Way”. In 1902, Blok met Z. N. Gippius and D. S. Merezhkovsky, from that time on he was a regular visitor to their salon and to the editorial office of the magazine “New Way”.

Creative destiny Blok was largely determined by a strong feeling for Blok’s creative destiny was largely determined by a strong feeling for Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, who became his wife in 1903, and a deep passion for the philosophical ideas of Vladimir Solovyov. Lyubov Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, who became his wife in 1903, and a deep passion for the philosophical ideas of Vladimir Solovyov.

At the end of 1904, Blok’s first poetic book, “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” was published. At the end of 1904, Blok’s first poetic book, “Poems about a Beautiful Lady,” was published. The heroine, on the one hand, appears as a very real, “earthly” woman, on the other hand, it is a heavenly, mystical image of the “Virgin”, “Dawn”, “Majestic Eternal Wife”, “Saint”, “Clear”, “Incomprehensible”. The heroine, on the one hand, appears as a very real, “earthly” woman, on the other hand, she is a heavenly, mystical image of the “Virgin”, “Dawn”, “Majestic Eternal Wife”, “Saint”, “Clear”, “Incomprehensible”.

I enter dark temples and perform a poor ritual. There I am waiting for the Beautiful Lady in the flickering red lamps. In the shadow of a high column I tremble from the creaking of doors. And looking into my face, illuminated, is only an image, only a dream about Her. Oh, I'm used to these robes of the Majestic Eternal Wife! Smiles, fairy tales and dreams run high along the cornices. Oh, Holy One, how tender the candles are, How beautiful are Your features! I can’t hear neither sighs nor speeches, But I believe: Darling – You!

The windows of the neighboring house are yellow, In the evenings, in the evenings, thoughtful bolts creak, People approach the gate. In the neighboring house the windows are yellow, In the evenings - in the evenings Thoughtful bolts creak, People approach the gate. And the gates are dully locked, And on the wall - and on the wall Someone motionless, someone black, Counting people in silence. I hear everything from my top: He calls with a copper voice to bend the exhausted backs of the people gathered below. They will come in and wander off, they will pile the coolies on their backs, and they will laugh at the yellow windows that these beggars have been cheated.

You are extraordinary even in your dreams. I will not touch your clothes, I doze - and behind the doze there is a secret, And in the secret - you rest, Rus'. Rus' is girded by rivers and surrounded by wilds, with swamps and cranes, and with the dull gaze of a sorcerer, where diverse peoples from edge to edge, from valley to valley conduct night dances under the glow of burning villages.

I forgot about valor, about exploits, about glory on the sorrowful earth, When your face in its simple frame shone on the table in front of me. But the hour came, and you left home. I threw the treasured ring into the night. You gave your destiny to someone else, And I forgot your beautiful face. The days flew by, spinning like a cursed swarm... Wine and passion tormented my life... And I remembered you in front of the lectern, And I called to you, like my youth...

Die, Florence, Judas, disappear into the darkness of centuries! ………………………………….. Your cars wheeze, Your houses are ugly, All-European yellow dust You betrayed yourself! Only the copper of solemn Latin Sings on the slabs like a trumpet ………………………………………………………… Dante’s shadow with an eagle profile sings to me about a New Life

Again, as in the golden years, Three worn-out harnesses fray, And painted knitting needles get stuck in loose ruts... Russia, poor Russia, Your gray huts are to me, Your wind songs are to me - Like the first tears of love! I don’t know how to feel sorry for you, And I carefully carry my cross... Whichever sorcerer you want, Give the robber beauty! Let him lure and deceive, - You will not be lost, you will not perish, And only care will cloud Your beautiful features... Well, then? One more care - One tear makes the river noisier, And you are still the same - the forest, and the field, And the patterned scarf up to the eyebrows... And the impossible is possible, The long road is easy, When the road flashes in the distance An instant glance from under the scarf, When it rings guarded melancholy The dull song of the coachman!..

During January 1918, he wrote his most famous works - the article "Intellectuals and Revolution", the poem "The Twelve" and the poem "Scythians". During January 1918, he wrote his most famous works - the article "Intellectuals and Revolution", the poem "The Twelve" and the poem "Scythians". The article “Intellectuals and the Revolution” ends with a symbolic appeal: “With all your body, with all your heart, with all your consciousness - listen to the Revolution.” The article “Intellectuals and the Revolution” ends with a symbolic appeal: “With all your body, with all your heart, with all your consciousness - listen to the Revolution.”

"Twelve" - ​​whatever they were - is the best thing I wrote. Because then I lived in modernity." "The Twelve" - ​​whatever they are - is the best thing I've written. Because then I lived in modern times." A. Blok. A. Blok. "Twelve" Black evening. White snow. Wind, wind! A man cannot stand on his feet. Wind, wind - In all God's world! man. Wind, wind - All over God's world!

“Twelve” 12 o’clock – noon, midnight 12 o’clock – noon, midnight 12 months – calendar year 12 months – calendar year symbol of transition, milestone 12 people – composition of the Red Guard patrol in revolutionary Petrograd 12 disciples of Christ symbol of faith, ideas

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A.A. Block
Main themes of the lyrics
A. A. Blok interpreted his work in its unity, calling everything written a novel in verse, and the three-volume work, which included poems, dramas, poems, “the trilogy of incarnation.”
1. Poems about the “Beautiful Lady”2. Poems about Russia3. Poem "Twelve"1. Poems about "Beautiful Lady"
A beautiful lady is the embodiment of eternal femininity, the eternal ideal of beauty.
The lyrical hero is a servant of the Beautiful Lady, awaiting the transformation of life.
The poet is ready to renounce everything real and earthly, to isolate himself on his experiences: I have a presentiment of You. Years pass by - I still foresee You in one form. The whole horizon is on fire - and unbearably clear, And I wait silently, yearning and loving. The poems of this cycle contain a motif of anxiety, a feeling of imminent catastrophe, loneliness, and melancholy.

Features of poetic speech:
The fantastic and mysterious nature of what is depicted.
Vaguely personal proposals.
Special epithets: “invisible hands”, “impossible dreams”, “non-existent steps”.

2. Poems about Russia
In Blok's lyrics one can hear a constant appeal to Russia. Not only in the airless space of fantasy, but also in a certain Russian air, in the vastness of Russian fields, he places his lyrics. Blok does not think of the content and spirit of his lyricism outside of the deepest connection with Russia. He derives a special imprint of his soul from recent history.

Poems Features of content and style
“Russia” (1908) The theme of the homeland in this poem is rooted in the deep past. This is a filial confession about the era, the times of “dark and deaf years,” but already foreshadowing the elemental winds of revolution - with a bandit whistle, the destruction of estates. But this theme is “freedom without of the cross" passes only as a hint, an unconscious premonition:
And the impossible is possible, the long road is easy...
“On the Kulikovo Field” cycle (1908) The spiritual result of all previous years is a new philosophy of life, a new understanding of its essence, as if a synthesis of the previous concepts of “temple” and “elements”: And eternal battle! We only dream of peace Through blood and dust... The steppe mare flies, flies And crushes the feather grass...
In "Field Kulikovo" there is female image- special, consistent with everything else. There is nothing from earthly women in this image; it is like a return to Blok’s poetry of the Eternal Femininity itself - but transformed, with a different face:
Oh, my Rus'! My wife! The long way is painfully clear to us!..
...Sizzling years!
There is muteness - then the sound of the alarm
Is there madness in you, is there hope in you?
He forced me to stop my mouth.

From the days of war, from the days of freedom -
In hearts that were once delighted,
There is a bloody glow in the faces.
There is a fatal emptiness.
Blok seeks to fill this void with Russia; he speaks of Russia with some kind of painful groan of love and longing. He calls her his wife, his poor wife, his life; he takes his poor country and the circle of its low, poor villages deeply into his heart and madly wants to solve its riddle and its sobs.

3. Poem "Twelve"
The poem “The Twelve” was written in three days, in January 1918. Putting a period at the end of the poem, Blok wrote in his diary: “Today I am a genius.”
The poem contains the music of the unfolding elements; the entire poem is filled with it. Music can be heard in the whistle of the wind, in the marching step of the “twelve”, and in the “gentle tread” of Christ. Music is on the side of the revolution, on the side of the new, pure, white. Old world(black) is deprived of music.

Basic artistic technique- antithesis, contrast, what is contrasted in the poem?

Old world New world
bourgeois Red Army soldiers
writer-vitia wind
comrade pop snow

Element of color “Black evening. White snow" Black is old, passing away, white is new, looking towards the future. Cruel division - this is the time, no halftones. And the color red appears in the poem - the color of the banner, blood, revolution.
Element of Music Chapter 2 - march rhythm; Chapter 3 is a ditty, chapter 9 is an urban romance.
Element of nature Unrestrained, cheerful, cruel. “The wind is all over God’s world!” Cosmic scale, the wind knocks down, drives representatives of the old world into snowdrifts. “The wind is cheerful and angry and glad. Twists hems, mows down passers-by, tears. He crumples and carries a large poster: “All power to the Constituent Assembly.”
The wind accompanies “The Twelve” (“The wind is blowing, the snow is fluttering, twelve people are walking”). The wind plays with a red flag. The snow swirls, flutters, turns into a blizzard, “the snow curled like a funnel, the snow rose in a column.” A snowstorm in Petrukha's soul. A snowstorm begins.
The element of human souls Unrestrained, cruel, incomprehensible in the “twelve”: “There’s a cigarette in your teeth, you’ve got a cap, you need an ace of diamonds on your back” (the ace of diamonds is the sign of a convict) Freedom, freedom, Eh, eh, without a cross!”, i.e. that is, everything is permitted. Hatred for the old world results in the call “Let’s fire a bullet into Holy Rus' - into the kondovaya, into the hut, into the fat-assed one.”
Chapter 8 Most scary chapter. Boring! Everything without measure: grief, joy, melancholy. Boring is gray, gray is faceless.
Chapter 11 They walk without the name of a saint
All twelve - into the distance.
Ready for anything
I don't regret anything.
The element of permissiveness All this is cruel, incomprehensible, uncontrollable, scary! But still ahead of the “twelve” is Christ. It’s as if he takes them out of the snowy streets of Petrograd into other worlds.
The Appearance of Jesus Christ With the appearance of Christ, the rhythm changes: the lines are long, musical, as if there is universal silence:
With a gentle tread above the storm,
Snow scattering of pearls,
In a white corolla of roses -
Ahead is Jesus Christ.

In the article “Intellectuals and Revolution,” written almost simultaneously with the poem, Blok exclaimed: “What is planned? Redo everything. Arrange so that everything becomes new, so that our deceitful, dirty, boring, ugly life becomes fair, clean, cheerful and beautiful.”

Blok's creativity is unique. It coincided with important historical events turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The fate of the country and the personal fate of the author merged into one whole. The rhythm of the story is clearly reflected in the lyrics. An evolution of poetry is taking place: in place of light symbolism, realism comes with a heavy tread.

Blok can also be called a modernist, since one of the poet’s missions was to translate the culture of the past into a modern way. Despite the beauty and spirituality of the poems, the author emphasized the echoes of melancholy, despair, loss and a sense of impending tragedy. Perhaps this gave Akhmatova a reason to call him “the tragic tenor of the era.” But despite all this, the poet always remained a romantic.

The main themes of Blok’s work:

  1. the fate of the homeland and the fate of man in critical historical eras;
  2. revolution and the role of the intelligentsia in it;
  3. true love and friendship;
  4. fate and fate, fear and impending hopelessness;
  5. the role of the poet and poetry in the life of society;
  6. inextricable connection between man and nature;
  7. religion and the universe.

The ability to convey the subtle nuances of the soul is embodied in a variety of genres: poems and poems, dedications and songs, spells, romances, sketches and sketches, thoughts.

True human values are revealed only in indissoluble kinship with the “unity of the world.” The wonderful future of humanity is achievable as a result of harsh and everyday work, readiness for heroism in the name of the prosperity of the Fatherland. This is the poet’s worldview, which he expressed in his work.

Image of the Motherland

Russia is Blok’s main lyrical theme, in which he found inspiration and strength for life. The homeland appears in the form of mother, lover, bride and wife.

The image of the Motherland has undergone a peculiar evolution. At first he is mysterious, shrouded as if in a veil. The country is perceived through the prism of a beautiful dream: “extraordinary”, “mysterious”, “dense” and “witchcraft”. In the poem “Russia” the motherland appears as “poor”, with gray huts. The author loves her with tender and heartfelt love, which has nothing to do with pity.

The poet accepted tormented Russia with all its ulcers and tried to love. He knew that this was still the same dear Motherland, only dressed in different clothes: dark and repulsive. Blok sincerely believed that Russia would sooner or later appear in the bright clothes of morality and dignity.

In the poem “To sin shamelessly, unremittingly...” the line between love and hatred is very clearly outlined. The image of a soulless shopkeeper, accustomed to the sleep of reason, is repulsive, and repentance in the church is hypocritical. At the end, the author’s clear “cry” is heard that even such a Russia he will never stop loving, it will always be dear to his heart.

The poet sees Russia in motion. In the cycle “On the Kulikovo Field” she appears in the majestic image of a “steppe mare” rushing “at a gallop”. The country's path to the future is difficult and painful.

A note of foresight sounds in the poem “On railway", where Blok draws a parallel between the difficult fate of his homeland and the difficult and tragic fate of women.

“How long should the mother push? // How long will the kite circle?” — anger and pain sound in these lines. The kite and the mother symbolize the people's fate, over which hangs the predatory wings of a bird.

The revolutionary flame illuminated Blok's face and gradually scorched his deepest dreams. However, the passions in the poet’s heart did not stop boiling. They splashed out from his pen and, like slaps in the face, fell on the enemies of the fatherland.

Blok's symbolism

Each poem of the poet contains a hidden symbol that helps to feel its taste. This is what connects the poet with the symbolists - a modernist movement related to silver age Russian poetry. At the very beginning of his creative career, Blok perceived the phenomena of the surrounding world as something otherworldly, unreal. Therefore, in his work there are many symbols that reveal new facets of the lyrical image. They were chosen rather intuitively. The lyrics are filled with nebula, mysticism, dreams and even magic.

Symbolism is personal. Multicolored ranges of feelings “danced in a round dance” in it. My heart trembled like a tense string with admiration and worries for the lyrical hero. Being a symbolist, Blok felt certain “underground tremors.” It was a sign of fate. A mystical and intuitive view of the world followed the poet everywhere. Alexander Alexandrovich felt that the country was on the eve of something terrible, global, something that would turn over and cripple millions of lives. The revolution was coming.

Blok creates symbolism of colors in his poetry. Red is an attractive and alluring color, the color of passion, love and life. White and light is something pure, harmonious and perfect. Blue color symbolizes the starry sky, distant space, something high and unattainable. Black and purple are the colors of tragedy and death. Yellow color speaks of withering and decay.

Each symbol corresponds to a certain concept or phenomenon: the sea is life, people, historical movements and upheavals. Red worm - fire. In the poem “Factory” a “black someone” appears. For a poet, this is a disastrous force. The factory and He are an ominous image of the destroyer-oppressor.

Blok sought to express his feelings and emotions, and not just describe the world. He passed each poem through himself, through his soul, so the stanzas are imbued with his worldview, joys and anxieties, triumph and pain.

Love theme

Love, like a light breeze, penetrates Blok’s creations.

In the poem “About exploits, about valor, about glory...” the master addresses his wife. She was Alexander Alexandrovich's muse. In her the poet saw the embodiment of his ideals. Blok uses techniques to emphasize the sharp contrast between the illusions of the lyrical hero and the true appearance of his beloved: this is achieved by contrasting gray and blue colors and replacing the address “You” with “you”. The poet was forced to abandon this contrast and in the final version of the text change the intonation of his address to his heroine to a more restrained one. Such a desire to rise above the purely everyday perception of personal drama to its philosophical understanding characteristic of Blok’s talent.

Another woman occupied an important place in Blok’s life—his mother. The poet trusted her with everything secret. In the poem “Friend, look how in the plain of heaven...” Alexander Alexandrovich describes the feeling of sadness and loss. He is upset that Lyubov Mendeleeva rejected his advances. But the poet does not need empathy. Blok is determined to survive the mental anguish. He forces himself to stop “striving for the cold moon” and taste real life. After all, she is wonderful!

Image of a Beautiful Lady

Blok believed that humanity, mired in vulgarity and sins, could still be saved by “Eternal Femininity.” The poet found her embodiment in the image of a Beautiful Lady. It is imbued with sublimity, personifies goodness and beauty. It exudes light that illuminates the dark souls of people. You can achieve the highest harmony with the world around you through love for an earthly woman. A sincere feeling changes us for the better: new horizons open up, the world becomes beautiful. We begin to feel the beauty of every moment, to hear the pulse of life.

Many poets have depicted the image of the Beautiful Lady, but Blok has his own: the fusion of the Blessed Virgin and an earthly woman. The image resembles the shining reflection of a lit candle and the image of an icon in a golden robe.

Each time the Beautiful Lady appears in a new guise - the Queen of Heaven, the Soul of the World and a sensual girl - which delights the lyrical hero, who agrees to be her slave in the service.

In the poem “I Anticipate You,” the lyrical hero is tormented by doubts about the fact that the Beautiful Lady can turn into a vicious creature and not a trace will remain of her spirituality. But he wants to see her so much! Only she has the power to save humanity from impending grief and show the way to a new sinless life.

The poem “I enter dark temples” merges into a single sound with the previous one. The quiet and solemn atmosphere of the church conveys the state of love and bliss, the expectation of the Beautiful Lady. An unearthly image gives rise to a feeling of beauty that is characteristic of an ordinary person.

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