Features of working with first-graders. Methodological basis for organizing the adaptation process Preparation for the new school day


“Forms and methods used by the teacher to adapt first-graders”



Create a small miracle for a child, and he will respond with a big fairy tale.

If a child is praised, he learns to be grateful.
If a child grows up in honesty, he learns to be fair.
If a child lives in safety, he learns to trust in people.
If a child is supported, he learns to value himself.
If a child lives in understanding and friendliness, he learns to find love in this world.

Janusz Korczak

Forms and methods used by the teacher to adapt first-graders .

Most children entering first grade are sufficiently prepared for school. The desire for novelty, awareness of the importance of changing one’s status: “I’m already a student!”, readiness to complete the tasks facing him help the child accept the teacher’s demands regarding his behavior, relationships with peers, submit to a new daily routine, class schedule, hierarchy of affairs, etc. p. Despite the fact that the implementation of many rules is quite difficult, they are perceived by the student as socially significant and inevitable.

As a rule, an experienced teacher and parents know and understand how important it is that the requirement to comply with rules and norms of behavior is not episodic, depending on mood. The teacher must explain to the children from the very beginning what is required of them. It is important to immediately show the student the difference between his new position, rights, and responsibilities from what it was before, before school.
From the attitude of the teacher to the students on this initial stage Adaptation to school largely depends on how the teacher-student relationship will develop, a relationship that largely determines the child’s psychological adaptation at school.

The problem of first-graders' adaptation to school worries many practicing teachers. Everyone finds their own solution to this problem, based on the characteristics of the children in their class.

Approach to such a difficult and responsible period in life junior school student must be comprehensive, combining the efforts of all participants in the educational space.

Today, many schools have developed their own system of psychological and pedagogical support for the adaptation of first-graders - first of all, this is the “Preparation for School” program. The main goal is to help six-year-old children build a meaningful image of a real schoolchild, to promote their better adaptation to school in a systematic learning environment. Conducts classes future teacher, within the school walls, so that children feel more comfortable when entering 1st grade. The content of the classes is developmental in nature and is aimed at developing in children a more accurate understanding of school and the student’s role in it. This program allows preschoolers not only to learn academic knowledge, skills and abilities, but also prepares them for the upcoming school life. Classes take place in game form, solve didactic, correctional and therapeutic problems, develop imagination, thinking, speech. In turn, the teacher monitors the individual development of children, and through communication with their parents accumulates a wealth of information about each child and his family. All this helps to preparehim to the beginning school year.

A child’s adaptation to school will be more successful the more actively his family is involved in learning. Therefore, work is envisaged with parents of future first-graders in order to increase psychological and pedagogical competence in those issues that are most relevant from the point of view of the developmental period the children are experiencing. These are conversations and consultations on the topics: “We are preparing for school in the game,” “Is my child ready to go to school?”, “Portrait of a future first-grader.”

Among the psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at facilitating children’s adaptation to school, an important place belongs to reducing the teaching load at the first stage of education - lessons are 35 minutes long, the first 3 lessons are mandatory, parents can pick up the child after the third lesson, game elements are necessarily included in the lessons , physical exercises, and the fourth lesson takes place in the form of a game, and if possible, in the fresh air

For example, organizing mathematics lessons.

The initial period of adaptation coincides with the preparatory work for the perception of the concepts of number, ratio, magnitude, actions with numbers, etc. (the so-called pre-numerical period).

Along with expanding the mathematical horizons and experience of children, developing their communication skills and educating personal qualities, special attention is paid to the development of children’s mathematical speech and their general logical development.

Depending on the nature of the tasks, children can get up from their desks during the lesson, move freely, approach the teacher’s table, shelves, toys, books, etc. A large place in mathematics classes is given to didactic games, during which children are allowed to move, providing a change in activities in the lesson. To develop spatial concepts in first-graders, a variety of didactic materials(construction sets, construction sets, chips, counting sticks, counting fan, ball, etc.)

The guys really like working with computer programs"mathematical simulators".

More attention is paid to health-saving principles of organizing lessons. Adaptation period coincides in time with the season of the year, when there are favorable opportunities for conducting excursions and targeted walks during lessons of the surrounding world, during which children become directly acquainted with the surrounding world, ensuring the accumulation of sensory experience, real vivid impressions, which are very important for successful knowledge of the environment . But replacing all lessons of the surrounding world with walks and excursions is impractical, since their effectiveness may significantly decrease. The observations made are comprehended, generalized, and integrated into the emerging system of ideas about the world, and this is possible precisely in the classroom. Excursions and targeted walks are determined by the educational program in which schoolchildren are trained.

During the period of adaptation to new school conditions for a child, art and technology lessons play a special role.

A child’s artistic activity presupposes a special teacher’s focus on creative collaboration and trusting relationships. Therefore, the very atmosphere and goals art classes involve free playful forms of communication.

Artistic activities during the adaptation period take various forms: walks and excursions to a park or forest in order to develop perception skills, aesthetic admiration and observation, as well as collecting natural materials for artistic activities; excursions to museums; games.

In order for a child to understand and create an artistic image, he needs to embody it, depict it through the movements of his body. This creates a variety of forms of activity and completeness of impressions in the lessons. visual arts, helping to relieve tension.

The main areas of work in the first technology lessons include expanding children’s sensory experience, developing hand motor skills, forming cognitive processes(perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination), coordination of movements, formation of initial techniques for working with hand tools, etc.

Just like other lessons, some technology lessons are conducted in the form of excursions or games: preparatory work for creating an artistic image takes place on such excursions as: “Beauty surrounding nature", "Images of the native land", "Fairy-tale animals", "Bird market". Here the ability to see images in surrounding objects is trained, which children will subsequently embody in their works; collection of natural materials is carried out on the excursion “Nature – an artist and sculptor” (“What does nature give us?”), which includes competition games: “Collect leaves of the same shape”, “Who can come up with the most images that can be made from a pine cone” , “What natural materials can chanterelle figures be made from?”, “Who does this twig resemble?”, “Find leaves that resemble a bird’s feather in shape,” etc.; lessons-competitions using manufactured crafts (theatrical competition “Voice the character you portrayed”, lesson-game “Paper Aviation”, etc.

The teacher draws attention to the peculiarities of organizing a lesson in the 1st grade.

Taking into account the characteristics of first-graders, the lesson is structured differently than in the following grades of elementary school. This lesson presents three structural elements: organizational moment, the main part of the lesson and reflection.

We use the organizational moment to teach children the ability to organize a workplace (get a textbook, lay out a box of letters, place a notebook on the desk correctly and conveniently, etc.). This requires patient, long-term work, which is based on step-by-step instruction teacher, explaining in detail what and how to do (the technique of pronouncing a sequence of actions is used).

The main part of the lesson is “fractional”, i.e. it consists of several interrelated, but various types activities. Particular attention is paid to the use of games as a structural part of the lesson. It is necessary to use as didactic games not only games with rules that contribute to the formation of a new leading activity - educational, but also role-playing games, promoting development creativity, the basis of which is imagination.

Teachers pay special attention to organizing educational cooperation in the classroom, as the most important part social adaptation. Thus, working in a “micro team” (pair, group), children master technology group work in the classroom, realize the importance of cohesion when completing tasks. Working in pairs teaches children to listen and hear the other, give and receive advice, work together and at the same pace. This is facilitated by joint writing on the board with one piece of chalk, paired reading, and juggling balls.

Monitoring and assessment of learning outcomes in the 1st grade is carried out in accordance with the Letter of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “On the organization of education in the first grade of a four-year primary school” dated 01/01/2001 No. 000/11-13: the scoring system is excluded . The assessment activities of teachers are aimed at stimulating the educational and cognitive activities of first-graders. Each teacher has a “piggy bank” of control and assessment techniques and tools, among which are common such as the Rubinstein-Dembo ruler, sheets of individual achievements, etc.

Great importance is given to reflection at various stages of the lesson and at the end of the lesson.

During the learning process, it is important to consider individual characteristics child. Some first-graders have undeveloped school-significant functions: many get tired quickly and have difficulty organizing their activities without external control. The kids come in with different levels of intellectual, speech, moral and volitional development.

You can use forms of individual differentiated work in first grade:

Tasks to varying degrees difficulties;

Specially selected general development exercises
thinking, speech, imagination, attention, memory, etc., occupying not
most of the lesson time. At the same time, whenever possible, children are united in pairs or groups in order to collectively solve one or another logical or creative problem;

Additional material offered to children during the lesson creates a favorable intellectual and emotional background for learning.

Each child is not required to memorize additional content, since it serves more to maintain children's interest than to increase their awareness.

Extracurricular activities of first-graders in the GPD mode play a great importance for pedagogical support of a child’s adaptation to school. It is organized in accordance with the interests and desires of children and their parents.

The process of adaptation of a child largely depends on the situation in the classroom, on how interesting, comfortable, and safe the child feels during lessons, in the situation of interaction with the teacher and classmates. Special game exercises help children quickly enter the unusual world of school life and master the student’s new social position. The teacher must create an atmosphere of friendly and constructive interaction in the classroom, allowing children to ease internal tension, get to know each other, and make friends.

Designing a system of pedagogical support for first-graders during the period of adaptation to school life

You are back on my blog, and I am glad to see you! Hello! I’m not afraid to seem boring, and again I’ll ask the obsessive question to parents of first-graders: are you ready to start school life? Yes, yes, exactly you, parents! The child has been ready for a long time: he sleeps and sees himself at the morning assembly, schooled to perfection, with a bouquet of flowers.

When you encounter some, albeit small and completely solvable problems, gaining invaluable experience, you then try to make life easier for yourself and those around you by sharing this very experience. Today I would like to provide a little help to parents of new students and figure out how to set up a workplace for a first-grader.

Lesson plan:

To be a workplace or not to be?

Preparing for lessons at the kitchen table or according to the principle “wherever is free” today is a past stage of Soviet times, when the well-known “Khrushchev” houses accommodated at least two, or even three families. “Whoever gets up first gets the slippers” - that’s how children used to do it homework. I really hope that such camping conditions for schoolchildren are far behind us.

Is it possible to provide a corner in a small apartment for your future first-grader so that he can comfortably acquire new knowledge? How about changing the already familiar furnishings in a large apartment, violating the “sweat and blood” interior that was built with your own hands a couple of years ago?

Designers who make “candy” out of everything convince us that everything can be combined at home, it depends on our desire. The main thing is to do it with soul and correctly.

So there will definitely be a workplace for the future schoolchild! But how to organize it effectively? Follow me!

In cramped conditions, but not offended, or where to accommodate a schoolchild

The choice of a place for a schoolchild should be approached with particular scrupulousness.

  • First of all, because it should be both ergonomic and harmless for a growing organism, because a first-grader will have to spend an awful lot of time at the school desk!
  • Secondly, the school corner should remain a personal place for studying, and not turn in a couple of months into a residential area for all household members and into a warehouse for toys, household items and clothing. From the list of places for their own needs, parents will have to cross out the allocated corner once and for all.

So, if you are ready, let’s pick up a big broom and start cleaning the space without sparing or skimping.

Student tables and chairs: what you need to know

We have already studied the orthopedic requirements for school furniture in detail. Remember? In addition to selecting furniture for the child’s height, we try to choose tabletops with adjustable inclination for various types of activities: from reading to creativity, and we also exclude swivel chairs from the list so as not to give a reason to turn the lesson into a circus attraction.

From the story about you and I, we learned that the ideal option for a first-grader would be a transformable desk.

What else is important for furniture? Psychologists say that you should not forget about color. So, too bright colors are perceived as “wow” only in the first few hours and gradually begin to irritate the eyes. Make a choice in favor of the “golden mean”. It can be beige, light coffee, marsh, yellow tones, even red, but warm shades - all of them will not tire.

Let there be light!

Even if the chair and table are not suitable for height, we know a way out: we’ll pick up a stand for your feet and put a pillow under the backrest. This is not a problem and not even its half! But if a child doesn’t see what he’s writing and can’t make out what he’s reading, that’s a tragedy! Good lighting is the key to healthy eyes and successful studies. Being a ray of light in the school working kingdom also has its own rules.

  • When placing a table opposite a window, remember that the sun's rays can be reflected from the tabletop if it is glossy, and this is a direct strain on your eyesight. There are two options: the table is in another place or a matte tabletop.
  • Ideal for a study table - side near the window. For right-handers, the sun's rays should fall from the left, for left-handers - exactly the opposite. Similar rules apply to lamps.
  • The darkness of the entire room with only one illuminated workplace greatly affects fatigue. You can achieve comfort with the help of LED strips that are molded onto the shelves, spotlights located around the perimeter, as well as switches that can regulate the light intensity.
  • Ophthalmologists advise using light bulb power of no more than 60 watts for table lamps.

Little things pleasing to the eye

No workplace would be complete without pleasant and useful little things. Where will those tired from leafing through books sleep at night? Where will pens and pencils go to rest after intense manual labor? Where will he hide? Of course, thinking about accessories, cabinets and shelves is very important!

What can live on your desktop?

What else needs to be taken into account when organizing a workplace?

This is interesting! The crystal globe is considered the most powerful talisman that helps schoolchildren and students in their studies. Even if you don’t believe in esoteric signs, such a gift for September 1 will be able to please your first-grader and will successfully settle on his desk.

Well, now there are many, many, many unusual ideas for arranging a schoolchild’s room. Let's watch the video!

I am sure that each of those who have been prepared for school has their “five cents.” Feel free to replenish your collection of useful tips! That's all for today.

Good luck with your preparation for school!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich

We have a first grader in our house. This fact forced us to develop fly techniques for beginning schoolchildren. Having experience in school and knowing the weak points in organizational issues, I try to optimize processes and form the habit of acting rationally and effectively.

I identified three stages of the process that need to be optimized:

  • returning from school;
  • preparing for the new school day;
  • morning preparations.

Oddly enough, I will start with the “return from school” process, because it is a failure in this process that leads to hassle at all other stages. So,

Returning from school

On the way from school we talk about what happened in class. You need to get answers to the following questions:

  1. What lessons did you have today? What was on each of them (briefly - what was discussed in the lesson)
  2. Which lesson did you like best? Why? What was the most interesting thing you learned today? Was there anything unusual or funny?
  3. What did you find difficult? incomprehensible? unpleasant?
  4. What is the homework assignment? How many lessons will there be tomorrow and what? What time will it end?

This is not an interrogation, this is a conversation from which you can understand in general how accustomed the child is to listening and remembering important things, to which events he reacts most sharply and what he loses sight of. At the same time, assess the scale of homework.

All further actions We try to do it not instead of the child, but together with him. Let him do the manipulations himself - take it out, wipe it, fold it. If it didn’t work out too neatly, it’s better to guide, suggest, help, but not do all the work for him.

At home we change into home clothes. School uniform (or something that serves as a replacement school uniform) We inspect together for the degree of contamination and the presence of torn buttons. burst seams and other damage. If damage is found, we evaluate whether it can be eliminated today (and reserve for this time) or whether it will be necessary to select another clothing option for tomorrow. We put the clothes away either in the wash or on a hanger.

Next we get to work on the backpack. We put EVERYTHING out of it. We look into the empty backpack, not forgetting about the pockets. If there are crumbs or garbage there, shake it out. If dirt appears, wipe it. (By the way, you can do the same with your bag at the same time). We sort out what we put out of the backpack.

We check the pencil case for broken or lost items. We make up for what was lost. We look at the lesson schedule, put aside the notebooks and textbooks that will be needed tomorrow. We check the schedule to ensure that everything needed for the lessons is collected in a pile. We put a pencil case, notebooks and textbooks in a backpack.
After this, with a clear conscience, you can relax, get distracted, and do household chores.

Preparing for a new school day.

If homework needs to be done, notebooks and textbooks are taken out of the backpack and done Homework, then all things are put back into the backpack.

Here I want to clarify: it seems more logical not to put textbooks and notebooks in your backpack until your homework is done. But from experience, if immediately upon arriving home you read the schedule for tomorrow, select and put away the necessary notebooks and textbooks, there is much less chance that at night you will remember that tomorrow is English, fine arts or physical education. And you won’t have to solve the problems that have arisen in the night.

If you simply put the necessary textbooks and notebooks in a pile on the table, there is a high probability that during your “free time” some of them will get mixed up with others, fall down behind the table, move to the shelf, and so on.

Checking the readiness of the clothes. If you need clean linen or a replacement for the clothes your child came home from school in, we prepare them in the evening.

Before going to bed, we check the schedule again to see if we have prepared and learned everything.

If on the way from school the child talked about difficulties, problems, troubles, we talk about them again so that the negativity does not consolidate and accumulate.


In the morning, it would be good to provide a reserve of 10 minutes, so that there is no need to jump out of bed abruptly, but you can stretch, say hello, and do 2-3 simple exercises.
Clothes and backpack are already ready. Wash, comb your hair, get dressed. If necessary, have breakfast (everyone has their own way of optimizing breakfast - this can be discussed separately). Well, be sure to head out to the new school day in a good mood.

Entering school is not only a great joy for children, but also a huge burden, because a first-grader is mastering a completely new world for him. Success will largely depend on how effectively the adaptation process goes, emotional condition the child, his further attitude towards school. With successful adaptation, studying is perceived as an exciting process of communication with peers and teachers. In case of maladjustment, school turns into a joyless task for the child.

Children especially urgently need psychological and pedagogical support during crisis moments in life. The first year of school requires the child to mobilize all resources and activates the problem of accompanying him through the “thorns” educational process.

In the literature on the problem of accompanying a child during the adaptation period, it is customary to consider the student’s success in educational activities as its main criterion.

However, we believe that the work of organizing the adaptation of a first-grader is not limited to assistance in mastering academic skills. After all, a child, having entered the first grade, is forced to get used to unusual loads, primarily static ones, to a new social environment, rules and traditions that are accepted in this school, and finally, to a system for evaluating his work.

In the first days of school, the education of first-graders is based on preschool material available to almost all children: games, drawing, design, and basic experimentation.

Among psychological and pedagogical measures aimed at facilitating children’s adaptation to school, an important place belongs to reducing the academic load at the first stage of education. There are no homework assignments in first grade.

Taking into account the characteristics of first-graders, the lesson is structured differently than in the following grades of elementary school. The lesson presents two structural elements: the organizational moment and the main part.

The organizational moment is used to teach children the ability to organize a workplace (get a textbook, lay out a box of letters, place a notebook on the desk correctly and conveniently, etc.). This requires patient, long-term work, which is based on step-by-step instructions from the teacher, explaining in detail what and how to do (the technique of pronouncing a sequence of actions is used).

The main part of the lesson is “fractional”, i.e. consists of several interrelated but distinct activities. Particular attention is paid to the use of games as a structural part of the lesson. Must be used as didactic games not only games with rules that contribute to the formation of a new leading activity - educational, but also role-playing games that promote the development of creative abilities, the basis of which is imagination.

During the learning process, it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the child. It is known how different children are when they enter first grade. Some first-graders have undeveloped school-significant functions: many get tired quickly and have difficulty organizing their activities without external control. The kids come in with different levels of intellectual, speech, moral and volitional development. Individual forms differentiated work in first grade:

  • * tasks of varying degrees of difficulty;
  • * specially selected general developmental exercises for the development of a large part of the lesson. At the same time, whenever possible, children are united in pairs or groups in order to collectively solve one or another logical or creative problem;
  • * additional material offered to children during the lesson, which creates a favorable intellectual and emotional background for learning.

Each child is not required to memorize additional content, because it serves more to maintain children's interest than to increase their awareness.

So, in last years priorities have changed significantly primary education- the goals of developing the student’s personality, developing the ability to learn in younger schoolchildren and achieving a high level of knowledge, skills and abilities came to the fore. The realization of these goals is impossible without the teacher’s accurate knowledge of the intellectual and personal abilities of each student. This is especially important in the first year of education, when children with very different levels readiness for school.

The most significant for pedagogical activity is to determine the formation of prerequisites for mastering literacy and mathematics, i.e. those components that form the basis for mastering these subjects. Moreover, such diagnostics should be carried out by the teacher in order to use the data obtained in the process of conducting it to implement an individually differentiated approach to children when teaching in the 1st grade.

Diagnostic tasks should take into account as much as possible the characteristics and capabilities of 7-year-old children, ensure children adequately understand their content, and should not depend on the level of reading, writing and other subject knowledge that are included in the first grade curriculum.

A prerequisite for successful implementation pedagogical diagnostics is the teacher’s transition from the position of a teacher to the position of a person conducting diagnostics. If in the process of everyday pedagogical work The main goal is to teach, to get the correct answer, then in the diagnostic process the main thing is to obtain reliable data about the child’s state of readiness for school. Therefore, even when providing assistance to a child, the main goal of the teacher should not be to teach a specific action, but to identify and record the steps of assistance provided to the child in the process of performing the work, since this is what will make it possible to determine those pedagogical means that should be used to raise this child to higher levels. high level.

To study the pedagogical readiness of first-graders for school, you can use the methodology of L.E. Zhurova. This diagnostic includes five tasks given to children on worksheets, during which the ability to convey the shape of a figure, navigate on a plane (sheet of paper), the ability to correctly understand statements, compare sets by the number of elements, and the ability to copy a given pattern is revealed.

To identify a child’s psychological and emotional readiness for school, you can use A.E.’s methodology. Khasanov "Am I ready to become a schoolchild." The child answers 12 questions that determine his attitude to the school situation.

To study the level educational motivation first-graders - questionnaire N.G. Luskanova “Assessing the level of school motivation of first-graders.” It includes 10 questions reflecting attitudes towards school and learning. Based on the answers, a particular student can be assigned to one of the levels of school motivation.

Questionnaire for parents of first-graders “Child’s adaptation to school” M.R. Bityanova is aimed at determining the level of formation of the prerequisites for educational activities and adaptation of first-graders to schooling. Parents are offered questions and options for their answers. Parents choose the answer that is most appropriate for their child.

In addition, the psychologist can use special methods diagnostics to determine a child’s readiness for school.

A child’s readiness for schooling is determined by a systematic examination of the state of the intellectual, speech, emotional-volitional and motivational spheres. Each of these areas is studied using a number of adequate techniques aimed at identifying:

  • 1) level of mental development;
  • 2) availability of necessary skills and abilities;
  • 3) the state of motivational attitude towards schooling.

Features of intellectual development

Features of the development of thinking

leakage thought process, activity, consistency, evidence, criticality of judgments

establishing cause-and-effect relationships and functional connections

difficulties in drawing conclusions, generalizations, conclusions

Features of knowledge management: differentiation, substitution of features, highlighting the essential

state of visual-effective, visual-figurative, conceptual thinking

individual qualities of thinking

Features of memory development

flow of memorization and reproduction

the importance of volitional attitude in remembering

development of visual and auditory memory

relationship between figurative and verbal memory

state of operational auditory memory

Features of the development of phonemic hearing

understanding children's spoken speech. Speech communication

state of analytical-synthetic phonemic activity

speech disorder. General underdevelopment speeches

Development of mathematical concepts

the ability to correlate an object with a symbol (conventional sign, number)

performing basic operations with objects

possession of ideas of equality, “more”, “less”

Features of the development of the emotional-volitional sphere

Features of emotions

emotional attitude to activity, emotional expression in behavior, action. Compliance, instability of emotional attitude

individual emotional status

Features of volitional regulation

volitional regulation and self-regulation in a given activity. Persistence, tendency to complete activities. Fluctuations in the volitional attitude. Efficiency, initiative

Features of the development of the motivational sphere of the child’s personality

Features of motivational attitude towards schooling

interest in school. Having your own desire. Personal expectations. Interpretation of one's own attitude towards school learning. Awareness of school learning motives.

Before starting a psychological diagnosis, the psychologist must carefully familiarize himself with the characteristics of the child from preschool, drawings, child’s crafts. The study begins with familiarization with the child’s activities in natural conditions(during games, classes, when performing work assignments, etc.).

Before starting the examination, in order to establish emotional contact with the child and the correct attitude towards the psychologist, it is necessary to have a conversation. Its content should be aimed at identifying the characteristics of the child’s ideas about the world around him, revealing the child’s interests through his favorite games and activities. If you avoid questions or refuse to communicate, you can offer interesting book, a toy, gradually coming into contact with the child.

During the examination, a calm, friendly atmosphere, a friendly emotional tone, and a respectful attitude towards the child’s personality are necessary.

When teaching first-graders in their first days at school, it is necessary to adhere to the following methodological techniques and suggestions:

  • - create methodical piggy bank games that would help during recess to relieve the static tension experienced by children during the lesson. It is important to choose games that will be injury-free, allowing you to use different muscle groups and relieve fatigue;
  • - regularly conduct physical education lessons during the lesson, selecting such material so that it evokes excitement and a smile;
  • - allow children, when signs of fatigue appear, to get up from their desks or sit in a way that is comfortable for them;
  • - in the first three months, reduce the duration of the lesson to 30 minutes, then gradually increase it;
  • - equip an office for first-graders with a play space, toys, a carpet on the floor where you can lie down and relax;
  • - before the start of the school year, conduct a conversation with parents on the topic “The academic load of a first-grader, the daily routine” and “The development of a child before entering school”, familiarize them with recommendations for organizing the day, the workplace, and the nutrition system of a first-grader;
  • - create favorable ergonomic conditions in the classroom. Beautiful plants, cleanliness and order in the classroom will help reduce tension.

When organizing socio-psychological adaptation of first-graders, the following techniques and forms of work can be used:

  • 1. Interpersonal contacts. They involve getting to know each other. However, children cannot even immediately remember the names of their classmates, so all teachers and school employees are required to wear badges. Considering that most children go to school already reading, first-graders during September must also wear badges with their last name, first name, and class number written in large letters.
  • 2. Tell us about yourself. Adaptation training will help “reveal” each child, show his classmates his strengths, and raise the child in his own eyes.
  • 3. Joining a team. Children who experience difficulties in interpersonal communication (shy, uncommunicative, aggressive, unrestrained, selfish, etc.) need to be adapted to the system interpersonal relationships, conducting training with them on developing communicative competence skills.
  • 4. Correspondence acquaintance. Children are often embarrassed to come up and make acquaintances and play games with a classmate they like. This is much easier to do by first communicating by phone or email. On the first days of school, children are encouraged to exchange phone numbers and email addresses. It is important to bring every child to the idea that not only he, but also his classmates can feel lonely and anxious. A phone call can help you deal with these unpleasant feelings.
  • 5. Common cause. Nothing brings a team together like common causes. It is necessary to think over their list, focus, feasibility and regularly carry out collective activities to create a great community.

The sociometry procedure makes it possible to establish the child’s status in the group, his likes and dislikes when choosing a communication partner. I use the results of sociometry as a basis for working with children who are not successful in communication.

Future first-graders will have an excellent opportunity to take a closer look at each other and establish contacts if Sunday school is organized for them.

Trust in the teacher, lack of constraint, fear of the teacher will come when organizing informal communication with him. Not only the child, but the whole family goes through adaptation. Therefore, we can offer parents a new school tradition - the family can invite the teacher to visit. In such a situation, not only the teacher has the opportunity to get to know the child and his parents, but also the family can get to know the teacher better. Going to visit involves communicating on the child’s territory, which means in more comfortable conditions for him. This will allow the child to open up more fully, and subsequently to more easily accept the peculiarities of school communication.

The complex of organizational adaptation of first-graders includes the following activities:

  • 1. Creation of booklets containing information about the school, its traditions, history, internal regulations, and contact numbers of persons responsible for key positions in school life. The booklets are supposed to be given to parents of first-graders when they submit an application for admission of their child to school.
  • 2. Creation of the website “My Home School”, where materials about important school traditions and school problems will be published.
  • 3. Today it is important to explain to both parents and children the reasons for making certain administrative decisions. It is important that the child and family not only comply with the school's requirements, but also understand them.
  • 4. Assessment is a new phenomenon in the life of a first-grader. It is important that the child responds to it correctly. Parents can help their child adapt to assessment, but they need to be directed towards such work and advised on effective methods for perceiving assessment. This work is carried out in the first days of September.

Modern Primary School not only for the child, but also for his parents. Easily and successfully master the program without resorting to their participation in educational process, hardly possible. For parents interested in the success of their child, individual consultations are needed.


Perfect option, naturally, if the child has a separate room. In this case, the space should be divided into zones: play area, work area and sleep area. For a work area, a place near a window is best. To prevent the child from being distracted by events happening on the street while working, the table should be placed on the right. The walls around the workplace should be decorated in calm, neutral colors; bright, colorful accents will constantly distract the student’s attention. The interior of the work area should not contain anything superfluous, only everything necessary for study. In addition to the table and chair, you need a bookcase, a wall cabinet or a shelf. You should not place hanging furniture directly above the table - this will create a feeling of discomfort. On this wall it is better to arrange a student organizer in the form of a cork board and several pockets made of soft-colored fabric for all sorts of school little things. And such distractions as favorite toys, computer and TV should be located far outside the work area. If there is no other place in the room for a computer, then you should buy a corner table and place the monitor to the side, and not on the work surface.

What to do when the apartment is small and there is no nursery? In this case, in the common room you need to allocate a place for a working corner where the child can retire. Create a comfortable closed space You can use various kinds of retractable partitions, shelving, and even a closet. In this situation, the main thing is to ensure peace and quiet for the child while working.

The required set consists of a student desk, a comfortable chair and some place for textbooks and notebooks (drawers, racks, shelves, cabinets). The future student must take part in choosing furniture for his work area. You can safely buy a table and chair for a child if: your back rests comfortably on the back of the chair; legs bent at an angle do not hang, but stand on the floor; the size of the working surface of the table is within 60-80 cm (depth), and 120-160 cm (width); location of the working surface of the table at the level of the child’s chest. The table surface, located at an angle, will be an additional convenience for the student’s posture.

It is very important to properly consider the lighting of the work area for work in the evening. Naturally, there should be a table lamp on the left working surface, but only as an additional, but by no means the only source of light! You should consider combined lighting of the room, without sudden changes that contribute to vision impairment. The light from the table lamp should be evenly scattered across the working surface of the table, and in no case should it hit the child directly in the eyes. Proper organization of the workspace for the future schoolchild will be the key to his successful learning and will allow you to avoid serious problems arising in the educational process.